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JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023                                        AN MMG PUBLISHING TITLE

                     O M  E T  O
              W E L C      R  E !
                 E  F U T U
              T H        A R E, S OF T WARE,
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                                             A NA L
                                             T ES T

                       W                A
                  HARD      L , DESIGN         G
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+     ALSO FEATURED ON PAGE 30 - Unleashing the
      full potential of today’s processors with in-package optical I/O
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                                                                              PRINTED ELECTRONICS                                                       EDITORS WORD
                                                                              The future of electronics
                                                                              is flexible                                                                Welcome to the future!
                                                                                                                                                         I graduated from high school in England
                                                                                                                                                         in the summer of 1975. That was the year
                                                                                                                                                         we had two weeks of glorious sunshine

                                                                                                                                                         without a cloud in the sky (people in
                                                                               MICROCONTROLLERS                                                          the UK talk about it to this day).
                                                                               MCX delivers the next
                                                                               generation of MCU capability                                              My friends and I had a few short weeks before
                                                                                                                                                         heading off to university. A group of us hung out in
                                                                                                                                                         a local park, lying on a grassy bank basking in the
                                                                                                                                                         sun talking about what the future might hold.

                                                                                                                                                         One of the things we discussed was the year 2000, which
                                                                                                                                                         was still a quarter of a century in our future. Now, it’s but a
                                                                               MACHINE VISION                                                            distant blur in the rearview mirror of my life. In fact, it just
                                                                               Designing a vision                                                        struck me that we are almost a quarter of the way through the
                                                                               sensor for a world in motion                                              21st century already! I’m too young for all this excitement.

                                                                                                                                                         Recently, a student asked me how engineers would be
                                                                                                                                                         designing electronic products in the future. When I started
                                                                                                                                                         my first job in 1980, we captured our designs as hand-drawn

                                                                                                                                                         schematics using pencil and paper. So, as far as I’m concerned,
                                                                               CIRCUIT BOARDS                                                            we are already in the future with respect to the amazing tools
                                                                               From design to finished PCB                                               and technologies designers now have at their fingertips.

                                                                                                                                                         On the other hand, things continue to evolve. We are
                                                                                                                                                         currently seeing the early deployment of artificial intelligence
                                                                                                                                                         (AI) capabilities in design and verification tools for both
                                                                                                                                                         software and hardware. Also, augmented reality (AR) is
                                                                                                                                                         beginning to make its presence felt. Are you thrilled or
              Contact                                                                                                                                    terrified by these technologies? Either way, as always,
                                                                                                                                                         you can rely on everyone here at DENA to keep you
             EDITORIAL                                                         CIRCULATION                                                               informed as to the latest and greatest developments.

                                                                                                                                                         Max Maxfield
             Managing Editor: Clive ‘Max’ Maxfield                             Circulation Account Manager: Liz Poole

             ADVERTISING                                                       PUBLISHER
             Sales Executive: Will Leary                                       Mark Leary
                                                          CLIVE ‘MAX’ MAXFIELD
                                                                               Director of Operations: Denise Pattenden                                  Editor, DENA
             Production & Design Manager: Josh Hilton
             Junior Creative Artworker: Tom Claydon-Smith
                                                                                                                                Issue 5, Vol.2 No.01 / Published 6 times per year
                                                                                                                                                                                     by MMG Publishing Limited / MMG PUBLISHING
                                                                                                                                                                                     US Ltd, Normandale Lake Center, 8400 Normandale
          Articles appearing in this magazine do not necessarily express the views of the Editor or the publishers. Every effort is made                                             Lake Boulevard, Suite 920, Bloomington MN 55437
          to ensure the accuracy of information published. No legal responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from                                          / Tel: 866.364.0951 / Fax: 952.378.2770 Printed
          articles / information contained and published. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a   by: Cummings / DENA is printed on sustainably sourced paper stock ISSN 2834-7358 © 2022
          retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the publishers.                                          MMG Publishing Ltd

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         January/February 2023 03

3:22 PM

                                                                   TOP STORY
            Bosch launches
            cost-effective motion sensor

                     iny MEMS motion sensors are all around us. They
                     make consumer products easier to use and improve
                     how our smartphones and other gadgets interact
                     with us. These sensors are precise, compact and
            power-efficient, however, until now, they have been overly
            complex for basic applications. To address this issue, Bosch
            Sensortec has launched the BMI323, an affordable Inertial
            Measurement Unit (IMU) with excellent performance and
            integrated features enabling a shorter development time.

            The BMI323 is a general-purpose, low-power IMU that combines                  The BMI323’s combination of simplicity, low price, and high
            precise acceleration and angular rate (gyroscopic) measurement                performance will open up new applications for IMUs, including
            with intelligent integrated features that are triggered by motion. The        consumer products, such as toys, gaming controllers, remote controls,
            6-axis BMI323 has a self-calibrating 16-bit triaxial gyroscope, a             wearables, fitness trackers, smartwatches, tablets, and laptops.
            16-bit triaxial accelerometer, and a 16-bit digital temperature sensor
            housed in a miniature 2.5 x 3.0 x 0.83mm3 (14-pin) LGA package.     

                                                                                                                   can be calibrated to report air flow
                                                                 MINI-DATA-BOX can be specified in two             rate with near-zero pressure drop.
                                                                 shapes: Square and Edge (rectangular),
                                                                 either with or without flanges for                Now, Flusso has launched the FLS122
                                                                 screws and cable ties, enabling fast              flow sensor evaluation kit to help
                                                                 mounting to walls, ceilings, rails and            engineers quickly evaluate its new air
                                                                 masts. Each enclosure offers plenty               velocity sensor’s performance and
                                                                 of flat surfaces for interfaces. The lids         capabilities within their own applications.
                                                                 have distinctive beveled corners—a                The new evaluation kit, which combines
                                                                 ‘diamond cut’ design which reduces                an FLS122 velocity sensing module
                                                                 weight and further enhances the                   with plug and play hardware and a PC
                                                                 housings’ stylish, modern aesthetics.             GUI, allows users to easily connect
                                                                                                                   everything together with their laptop
                                                                                    to assess the sensor’s performance.

            OKW introduces smart                                                                         

            MINI-DATA-BOX                                        Flusso launches
            OKW has extended its wide range                      FLS122 sensor                                     Kandou delivers next-
            of sensor enclosures with the launch                 evaluation kit                                    generation USB4 retimer
            of tough, elegant new MINI-DATA-                     Flusso’s FLS122 was
            BOX intended for miniaturized go-                    launched in May 2022
            anywhere electronic devices. Its                     as the world’s smallest
            different versions, sizes, colors and                air velocity sensor and
            optional flanges offer 32 possible                   supports bidirectional
            permutations—all available as standard.              flow sensing for real-
                                                                 time air speed and
            The innovative and compact MINI-DATA-                temperature measurement.
            BOX is ideal for applications including              It has a footprint of just 3.5 mm
            IoT/IIoT, automation, security and                   x 3.5 mm, an air speed range of
            surveillance technology, environmental               0 to 20 metres per second with
            monitoring, measurement and control,                 measurement accuracy better than                  Kandou has begun volume
            smart logistics, peripherals, interfaces             5 per cent, and a temperature range               production of the next generation
            and ICT. Its small size also makes it                from -40 °C to +85 °C. The FLS122                 in the Matterhorn family of USB-C
            suitable for wearable electronics.                   measures air velocity directly and                multiprotocol retimers solutions for

       04 January/February 2023 •


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    USB4, adding support for DisplayPort               MLX90822 provides an analog output           mobility and industrial applications
    2.0 functionality to target mobile,                voltage. These factory calibrated devices    such as autonomous navigation of
    tablet and desktop PC applications.                measure pressure spans from 1 to 4 bar.      robots in logistics environments.

    Matterhorn KB8010 extends the                      The MEMS, sensing element of the             The M30 Reference Design Platform
    feature set of earlier Matterhorn                  MLX90824 and MLX90822, consists              comprises Lumotive’s LM10 LCM beam
    retimers and reinforces Kandou’s                   of a micro-machined diaphragm that is        steering chip and Gpixel’s GTOF0503
    USB4 innovative leadership in high-                bonded around a cavity that has been         sensor. Unlike traditional flash illumination
    speed, energy-efficient chip-to-chip               etched into a silicon substrate. This        solutions, lidar sensors based on LCM
    link solutions to improve the way the              cavity contains a reference vacuum. The      electronic beam steering have numerous
    world connects and communicates.                   diaphragm reacts to any change in the        advantages, including superior outdoor
                                                       ambient absolute pressure. An accuracy       range performance compared with flash
    By adding support for DisplayPort                  of +/-0.5 %FS (full scale) is maintained     illumination, software-defined scan
    2.0 functionality to KB8010, Kandou                over the course of the sensor’s working      modes for increased and application-
    is meeting the industry’s demand for               lifespan. This accuracy is not impacted      specific performance (range, field of
    increased bandwidth and higher data                by the sensor integration thanks to the      view, frame rate, resolution) only where
    rates. The DisplayPort 2.0 standard                PCB-less packaging. Very accurate and        it matter, reduced multipath effects
    pushes 77.4 gigabits per second of                 stable pressure measurements allow           resulting in better point cloud quality,
    data, which means DP2.0 handles                    optimal engine management to guarantee       optimization of illumination across the
    16K resolution with HDR at 60Hz or                 fuel savings and emission reductions.        field of view in high ambient light levels
    a 10K resolution with HDR at 80Hz.                                                              and for varying levels of reflectivity,
    In addition to support for DP2.0,                  The MLX90824 and MLX90822 have               and significantly improved interference
    KB8010 supports the optional USB4                  been developed as a Safety Element           mitigation from other sensors.
    low-power (CLx) states, USB3.2                     out of Context (SEooC) in accordance
    Gen 2x2 (20Gbps), supports 1.8V IO                 with ISO 26262. It supports ASIL B           The first version of the M30 Reference
    logic and doubles the number of I2C                system integration for the MLX90824          Design Platform is currently being
    device addresses, enabling system                  and ASIL A for the MLX90822.                 evaluated by a number of leading
    designers to reduce components on the                                                           lidar systems developers, ToF camera
    motherboard and decrease system cost.                                  makers, and industrial OEMs. The
                                                                                                    next generation of the platform with                                     Lumotive and Gpixel                          enhanced performance and optimized
                                                                                                    for volume manufacturing is expected
                                                       announce lidar
    Melexis unveils                                    sensor platform
                                                                                                    to be available by mid-2023.

    the most accurate                                  Lumotive, the developer of Light Control
    automotive pressure                                Metasurface (LCM) beam steering chips
    sensor ever made                                   enabling the next generation of lidar
                                                       sensors, and Gpixel, a leading provider of
                                                       high-end CMOS image sensor solutions,
                                                       has announced the availability of the
                                                       M30 Reference Design Platform to speed
                                                       the adoption of next generation 3D
                                                       lidar sensors for

    Melexis has launched a new series of
    PCB-less pressure sensor ICs intended
    for use in automotive engine management
    that deliver the highest degree of
    accuracy over lifetime. The MLX90824
    determines the absolute pressure, then
    delivers a digital output signal using
    the SENT protocol. By comparison, the

06 January/February 2023 •

DENA_K-Blog_CCAF_EV_1-23p.indd 1   12/2/22 12:48 PM

    visibility into
    assets with the IoT                                                                                         Marc Pégulu, VP of IoT
                                                                                                                and GM, Semtech

    The need for accurate,                low power technology, that        to medical equipment to know        high, the need for accurate,
    cost-effective, and                   leverages geolocation-based       where and when different            cost-effective, and long-
    long-lasting tracking                 IoT solutions for smooth          devices are in use or to            lasting tracking solutions is
    solutions is strong                   and accurate monitoring, no       wheelchairs, so no patient ever     strong, and long range and
                                          matter where the asset is         needs to wait for help because      low power IoT technology is
    In today’s constantly evolving        located. How does this work?      personnel don’t have line of        emerging as a front runner.
    supply chain landscape,               Rather than relying only          sight into where they are.
    there are many complexities,          on GNSS, these solutions                                    
    one of the most pressing              combine Wi-Fi and GNSS,           With expanded connectivity
    of which is asset tracking.           scanning to obtain the latitude   via satellite, the monitoring
    Research shows that nearly            and longitude of devices          of assets in remote or               “According to Juniper
    70% of companies don’t                for accurate location data.       dangerous environments                Research, there will be
    have complete visibility into         Added to that is a connection     such as deep in the forest or
    their supply chains. And it’s         directly to the cloud, ensuring   on top of mountain becomes            a 27% increase in the
    not just the supply chain             that continuous coverage is       much easier and safer too.            number of businesses
    where tracking valuable               obtained at nearly all times.     This could be the case when
    assets is critical. From                                                tracking animals for their own
                                                                                                                  using asset
    monitoring cattle on a ranch          Another layer for even more       protection, for example.              tracking between
    to equipment at a construction        advanced and accurate
    site, asset tracking enables          location tracking is multi-       Finally, with the holiday
                                                                                                                  now and 2025”
    a plethora of use cases.              band connectivity on a            season quickly approaching,
                                          single device. By extending       buyers will soon be flooding
    Building the right asset              coverage to new bands, be it      malls and stores to get the
    tracking solution                     satellite communications or       perfect gift for their family and
    Many asset tracking solutions         sub-GHz, IoT deployments          friends. Location-based asset
    rely solely on device Global          are better able to reach          tracking aids in inventory
    Navigation Satellite System           remote areas where it would       management, to ensure
    (GNSS) hardware to calculate          normally be impractical and       products leave the warehouse
    locations. While these                too expensive to send workers     and wind up on store shelves.
    solutions are capable of              to collect sensor data.           Upon arrival, with sensors
    providing accurate real-time                                            placed on priority or higher-
    outdoor location information,         Enabling new use cases            priced items, store managers
    it’s not the optimal choice for       More precise asset tracking       can breathe a little easier
    most applications. With so            solutions opens the door to       knowing they are protected
    many assets also residing             new and emerging use cases        should someone try to remove
    indoors or traveling between          that could lead to significant    those items from the store.
    indoor to outdoor locations           cost and efficiency savings
    along their journey, many of          for businesses and industries.    The path forward
    these solutions don’t work            According to Proximity            According to Juniper
    because they aren’t capable of        Directory, the combination        Research, there will be a
    providing location information        of people and asset tracking      27% increase in the number
    in these environments.                could save hospitals hundreds     of businesses using asset
                                          of thousands of dollars a year    tracking between now and
    The emerging alternative              with an immediate ROI of          2025, reaching 114 million
    is built on long range and            275%. Tracking could extend       by 2025. With the stakes so

8 January/February 2023 •
Since 1980      0

                         @ibselectronics   sci

    Boosting efficiency
    in automotive
    heat pumps                            transport it where needed.         still several years from mass
    Is free source energy                 Internal combustion engine         adoption. One innovation
    the secret to tripling                (ICE) vehicles do not need         from Mahle is a high-voltage
    electric vehicle (EV)                 heat pumps due to the              PTC heater, offering improved
    passenger heating                     waste heat available from          safety, lower cost, smaller
    system efficiency?                    the ~70% of fuel energy            packaging envelope, and
                                          lost in converting chemical-       higher efficiency through
    EVs have historically                 to-thermal-to-mechanical           intelligent electronics that
    implemented positive                  energy to drive the car.           constantly monitor and adjust
    temperature coefficient (PTC)                                            the PTC element resistance to
    heaters to raise the cabin            There are two critical             optimize temperature delivery.                     Gabe Osorio, Director in
    temperature in heating mode.          advantages the heat pump           The improved efficiency of                             TBU Marketing, TTI
    These devices generate heat           offers over a traditional system   the Mahle unit can increase
    by printing conductive ink onto       with a PTC heater. First, it is    driving range by 20% when          and range at all operating
    polymer-based substrates.             bi-directional, able to manage     combined with a heat pump          conditions. As a result, once
    Its material properties allow         both heating and cooling cabin     and operates down to -40oC.        they roll out systems with
    the PTC heater to regulate            climate efficiently. Second,                                          parallel heat pumps and
    the temperature without               scavenging ambient heat            Sanhua produces an EXV for         battery/electronics cooling
    passively needing external            enables up to three units of       fluorinated R-134a HFC and         loops, OEMs will likely begin
    controls. As a result of              output energy for one unit         R-1234yf HFO refrigerant           work to fully-integrated the
    thermal self-regulation, PTC          of input energy, diverting         systems that embeds the            two circuits. This approach
    heaters deliver an efficiency         more of the battery’s power        control board and integrates       will require innovation in
    of around 100%, comparable            toward vehicle propulsion          the onboard diagnostics while      (at least) sensors, control
    to that of an electric heater.        vs. cabin climate, thereby         operating between -40oC            valves, heat exchangers, and
                                          extending the driving range.       and 120oC. This combination        sealing technology to manage
    While this current state is a                                            delivers precision flow control,   the complexity. However,
    marked improvement over               Heat pump trends                   boosting COP by more than          with the energy around
    traditional fixed-resistance          and innovations                    10% while maximizing the           EVs and the opportunity
    heaters that use coils and            In addition to the components      heat exchangers’ effectiveness     for market leadership
    wires for heat generation,            required for basic vapor-          with precision superheat           at stake, it’s certainly a
    diverting electric energy to          compression refrigeration          control. In addition, this         problem worth solving.
    heat the cabin is parasitic           (compressor, condenser,            improved accuracy can reduce
    to the cold-weather driving           expansion valve, evaporator),      excessive heat exchanger 
    range, a critical hurdle for          automotive heat pump               sizing to account for flow
    manufacturers. As a result, the       systems have additional            variability, reducing system
    industry searched for solutions       electronics that enable the        cost while decreasing mass
    to improve this limitation and        technology. These are the          to extend the driving range.
    landed on a solution initially        PTC heater and electric
    developed for stationary              expansion valve (EXV).             Takeaways and future
    heating: the heat pump.                                                  development
                                          PTC heaters are still needed       EVs are compelling the
    Heat pumps and EVs                    to kickstart heating at            industry to look at thermal
    Heat pumps take heat from             extremely cold temperatures        management holistically, using
    ambient air (outside the              in heat pump systems. They         all available heat sources
    vehicle or waste heat from            are also the current standard,     and demands to optimize
    the battery or drivetrain) and        as heat pump vehicles are          the system for performance

10 January/February 2023 •
Emile Berliner receives the patent for the gramophone.
James Blyth builds the first electricity generating wind turbine.
Herman Hollerith receives a U.S. patent for his punch-card calculator.
Sager opens its first location in Boston, Massachusetts.

All great things begin with a single step – or in Sager’s case a single storefront.
Recognized as the first distributor in the industry, Sager opened for business one hundred thirty-five years ago in
downtown Boston, Massachusetts, servicing the growing interest in radio technology.
Under the vision and leadership of Joe Sager, the company established a thriving business that put the needs of its
customers first. Since then Sager has grown into a North American distributor of interconnect, power, thermal and
                                           electromechanical products and a provider of custom design and
                                           manufacturing solutions.
                                             And after 135 years, Sager still operates just as Joe envisioned – based on a
                                             commitment to exceeding expectations and keeping the customer at the
                                             center of its business philosophy.

                                              Sager Electronics, a TTI Inc., Berkshire Hathaway Company
                                     | 1.800.724.8370
MACHINE VISION                                                                                                                                        C

    Hand-tuning your                                                                                                                                  R

    ISP may degrade

    your CV performance                   the accuracy of the vision

    Algolux Atlas                         models is actually being
    maximizes image                       negatively impacted by the
    quality and computer                  hand-tuning of the ISP.
    vision results
                                          ISPs are designed based
    We are surrounded by                  on our understanding of the
    cameras and displays, from            human eye and limitations of
    those in our pockets to               display devices, essentially
    security cameras to our cars,         removing information from the
    and we’ve enjoyed the benefit         rich RAW sensor data. But
    of amazing improvements               CV models are not limited like
    in image quality with each            the human eye, with dynamic                               Algolux Atlas enables automated workflows that
    new generation of these               range being one good                                         optimize ISP parameters in days to maximize
    systems. Those benefits come          example. Based on the CV                                        image quality and computer vision results
    from ongoing innovations              model’s architecture, training,
    in camera sensors, display            and function (e.g., object         to automatically optimize          Atlas first pushes the
    technologies, and the image           detection, segmentation, depth     sophisticated ISPs to              optimization dataset through
    signal processing (ISP)               sensing, etc.), each model         maximize vision results in their   the ISP vendor’s bit-accurate
    pipelines that take the RAW           expects certain image quality      vision systems in a matter of      model integrated with Atlas.
    sensor data and convert it to         characteristics that result in     days. It can also be used by       Atlas directs the processed
    something pleasing to view.           optimal vision results. The only   those teams to significantly       images to your target pre-
                                          way to achieve this is through     reduce the time and effort         trained computer vision
    ISP parameters are                    objective optimization of the      of tuning camera systems           model(s), and results are
    traditionally hand-tuned by           ISP parameters to maximize         for visual image quality, so       evaluated against the CV’s
    expert imaging teams over             the vision model accuracy          the teams can focus on the         KPIs. Atlas then determines
    many months to produce                metrics (KPIs) rather than         final subjective fine-tuning.      a new parameter set
    visually good images,                 manually tuning for the “best”                                        and repeats the process,
    something done for every              subjective image quality.          The process starts with            intelligently searching the
    new lens and sensor                                                      your team capturing and            rugged ISP parameter
    configuration. Of course, these       This multi-object ISP hyper-       annotating a small dataset         space to find an optimal set
    subjectively good results are         parameter optimization             of RAW images from                 that maximizes the KPIs.
    determined by the imaging             problem has been very difficult    the lens/sensor module
    team, the product owner,              to solve. The ISP parameter        being used for the vision          This process can be
    and—ultimately—everyone               space is massive and highly        system representing the            applied to any vision
    who looks at the images or            non-convex (e.g., having a         application (e.g., object          system and has been
    video being displayed.                great many local minima)           classes, illumination, etc.).      proven in many customer
                                          with which stochastic and          This can typically be done         engagements, resulting in
    But what about computer               other solvers struggle. Algolux
                                                                             using a couple of hundred          significant improvement
    vision (CV), such as in the           has cracked this problem           images for the optimization        in computer vision
    systems that can prevent a            with a cloud-based tool and        dataset and a few thousand         performance vs. hand-
    car crash, identify people,           workflow called the Atlas          for the validation dataset. If     tuned ISPs. Learn more
    or enable your phone to put           Camera Optimization Suite.         visual image quality is being      from this case study and by
    a mustache filter on your                                                optimized (or both CV and          connecting with Algolux.
    face? These CV models use             Atlas enables camera imaging       image quality), then RAW lab
    the same ISP output, but              and perception design teams        chart captures are required.

12 January/February 2023 •                                                                                                  C
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    An update on stacked
    ceramic capacitors for
    defense applications                  They are manufactured using         equivalent PME device,              Moving from a lead-less
    MIL-PRF-32535 for                     precious metal electrode            which has huge implications         to a lead-frame assembly
    discrete MLCCs has                    (PME) MLCCs, which                  for defense applications.           conveniently packages an
    led to the discussion                 employ a combination of                                                 array of MLCCs into a smaller
    of stacked ceramic                    palladium, silver, and/or           The development and                 footprint to conserve PCB
    capacitors based on                   platinum as the bulk of the         acceptance of MIL-PRF-32535         surface area, but there are
    BME technology                        electrode system. This has          was made possible largely           other benefits that may not be
                                          been used for decades and           by the help of a few key            readily apparent. For example,
                                          has established a strong            suppliers in this field, and it’s   MLCCs can potentially
    Stacked ceramic capacitors            reputation for PME devices.         interesting to note that new        be prone to cracking from
    are multiple discrete multi-layer                                         slash sheets are coming out         mechanical strain caused
    ceramic capacitors (MLCCs)            More recently, however, MIL-        for low inductance versions         by PCB flexure, high shock
    terminated onto a common              PRF-32535 was released,             of these discrete MLCCs that        and vibration environments,
    lead-frame for through-hole or        and this features base metal        can keep up with the high-          and thermal coefficient of
    SMT operations. They capture          electrode (BME) technology,         speed decoupling demands of         expansion (TCE) mismatch
    many of the inherent benefits         predominantly nickel. It’s          powerful FPGAs, for example.        from assembly, rework,
    of MLCC technology, like a            intuitive to focus on the                                               temperature cycling tests, or
    low-loss material set, low ESR        cost efficiency of BME over         The MIL-PRF-32535 for               even operating conditions,
    (equivalent series resistance),       PME devices, but there are          discrete MLCCs has led to           to name but a few. Although
    and higher reliability.               other ramifications in the          the discussion of stacked           there are numerous sources
                                          manufacturing process that          ceramic capacitors based            of strain, their lead-frames
    Typical applications like switch      are not immediately apparent,       on BME technology. These            provides relief to stacked
    mode power supplies need              but are helpful for designers,      would be similar to devices         ceramic capacitors.
    larger capacitance values             component engineers, and            created under the existing
    and current capabilities.             program managers in the             M49470 standard, but                In summary, stacked ceramic
    Stacked MLCCs compete with            defense sector to consider.         with higher capacitance             capacitors based on BME
    discrete electrolytic capacitor                                           densities, following closely        technology are a great fit
    technology in terms of                MLCCs must be sintered to           with the progression of high        for applications with tough
    capacitance range but have an         create the monolithic block         performance SiC and GaN             mechanical, thermal, and
    advantage in terms of voltage         of dielectric and electrode         HEMTs for commercial,               electrical design constraints.
    and temperature capability,           layers. The temperature             automotive, and high-
    which naturally increases their       profile for firing BME devices      reliability applications. 
    reliability, thereby making           is significantly different to
    this a preferred technology           PME devices. PME processes
    for defense applications              are more concerned about
                                                                                       Discrete MLCC (left) compared to
    despite its higher price point        evaporating the PME materials
                                                                                       stacked ceramic capacitor (right)
    compared to electrolytics.            than are BME processes.
                                          Because of this, there is more
    The Military Performance              flexibility for ceramic engineers
    (MIL-PRF) standard for                creating BME devices to
    stacked ceramic capacitors            develop a dielectric material
    is MIL-PRF-49470. Suppliers           that can be sintered at higher
    can build to this specification       temperatures that will realize
    and provide their devices             a much larger capacitance
    for predominantly defense             value in the finished MLCC
    and aerospace applications.           that is smaller than an

14 January/February 2023 •

Multi-Layer Ceramic Capacitors
for Defense Applications

KYOCERA AVX has been approved by the Defense
Logistics Agency (DLA) for their MIL PRF 32535 BME
X7R MLCC technology. Using cutting-edge technology,
KYOCERA AVX offers MIL PRF 32535 approved
capacitors from 0402 to 2220 case sizes with
capacitance ranging from 2.2nF to 22μF and voltage
ranging from 16–100 volts. In addition, KYOCERA AVX's
MIL PRF 32535 meets the designer's needs by boosting
the CV range compared to the standard surface mount
military ranges along with reducing the gap between
commercial and military spec product ranges while
meeting the military reliability levels.


    The future of
    is flexible                           traditional semiconductor           Until recently, innovating in
    With NOVA you can                     components, bridging the gap        flexible hybrid electronics has
    print electronics                     between what we can do with         been a very elusive pursuit,
    on everything                         traditional electronics and what    encumbered by barriers like
                                          we wish we could do. Imagine        time-consuming processes,
                                          the possibilities if stretchable,   an incohesive value chain,
    The electronics industry is           flexible, biocompatible             extremely expensive
    going through a paradigm              electronics could be printed        equipment, inadequate
    shift. For the past 60+ years,        onto almost anything.               technological solutions, and
    electronic design has been                                                a general lack of knowledge
    centered around subtractive           Advancements in both                around materials compatibility.
    technology, with limited              materials and technology            Basically, it’s been the Wild
    materials options—primarily           are making it possible              West of electronics design.
    FR4 or Kapton substrates—             to print conductive ink
    with copper for connecting            directly onto substrates like       In October 2022, Voltera
    together the powerful silicon         thermoplastic polyurethane,         launched NOVA, the world’s
    components that have been the         Kapton, glass, paper,               first benchtop printer for soft,
    driving force behind electronics      carbon fiber, biodegradable         stretchable, flexible, and
    advancement. Electronics              materials, curved surfaces—         conformable electronics.
    products are smaller, faster,         almost anything you can             NOVA extrudes conductive
    lighter, and exponentially            conceive. Researchers               paste materials (also
    more powerful nowadays, but           are already experimenting           called screen-printable                            Matt Ewertowski, Product
    they are still limited by their       with smart garments                 inks) using Voltera’s Smart                              Manager at Voltera
    form factors—innovation has           that can go through the             Dispenser to print circuits
    been limited by materials.            washing machine, medical            on almost any surface,             This enables high-resolution
                                          sensors that interface              including surfaces with up         printing, but the traces are
    The emerging field of flexible        organically with human              to a 30-degree curvature.          thin and delicate, resulting
    hybrid electronics (FHE) is           skin, and electronics                                                  in lower conductivity and
    changing the way we think             printed directly onto the           The only option for mass-          lower durability. While inkjet
    about electronics design. It has      curvature of a rocket.              producing flexible hybrid          technology is perfectly suited
    the potential to transform the                                            electronics utilizes screen        to some uses, like diabetes
    way we interact and interface         Working with flexible               printing technology, so            test strips, it’s not ideal for
    with devices in our daily lives.      and stretchable inks and            prototyping on NOVA, which         more robust applications.
    The promise of FHE is the             materials opens the door            uses screen-printable inks, is     You can’t use thick materials
    ability to create traditional         to functionality that was           the easiest method for scaling     with inkjet printers, it just
    electronics but in new form           not previously possible             to the production stage.           clogs up the whole system.
    factors. From devices that            with traditional electronics.
    move, stretch, and bend               Stretchable ink can function        Compared to inkjet inks,           When developing NOVA,
    with the user, to electronics         as a strain sensor, for example,    screen-printable inks are          Voltera conducted extensive
    that can be embedded into             a functional property that          more viscous and yield             market research and beta
    injection molded parts.               can be applied to medical           higher conductivity. They          testing. User feedback was
                                          prosthetics, remote-controlled      are more durable, too.             thoughtfully integrated into
    FHE is a combination                  devices, robotic skin, aircraft,    Inkjet technology uses             the design of the printer and
    of printed elements with              automotive design, and more.        low-viscosity, water-like inks.             Continue on page 18 >

16 January/February 2023 •
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    modules, acknowledging                allows the team to make            study analyzes various              and when you want to scale
    many of the challenges faced          leaps in progress, achieving       properties of the electrodes        up production, because screen
    by innovators in the field.           extreme performance                printed with a customized           printing isn’t compatible
                                          thresholds like sub-10-            inkjet printer, compared            with watery inkjet inks.
    When you’re working on                micron printing precision.         to electrodes printed with
    novel ideas, there’s a lot of                                            NOVA’s Smart Dispenser.             Andrew Bambach, Production
    trial and error involved. Being       “Working with NOVA has been        These kinds of electrode            Manager at ACI Materials, is a
    able to prototype and iterate         fascinating,” said Alex Kashkin,   sensors can be applied to a         key player in the effort to make
    at your desk allows you to            Graduate Researcher,               patient’s skin as a temporary       flexible hybrid electronics into
    experiment at your own pace           Velásquez Group at MIT.            tattoo, interfacing organically     a more accessible industry.
    and avoid outsourcing-related         “We’ve been able to construct      with the human body.                As Andrew notes, “I’ve printed
    delays. Rapid iteration can           devices that we would not                                              frequently with NOVA and use
    lead to strides in engineering        be able to do conventionally       “I think where this sort of         it to develop characterization
    innovation and speed up               without expending enormous         technology will shine is in         techniques for further product
    your time to market. Keeping          time and resources. It’s just      applications that were not          development for us. NOVA is
    your work in-house has the            a remarkable improvement           possible before. You shouldn’t      very different from any other
    added advantage of protecting         in our work, both in terms of      fight or try to compete             product. The user interface
    your intellectual property.           surface mapping and optical        with silicon chips or PCBs.         is very friendly. It’s the type
                                          alignment. And it’s greatly        You should try to make              of machine that I would feel
    The benefits of rapid iteration       enabled us to construct new        something that’s impossible         comfortable handing off to
    are being optimized by the            devices, and be able to do so      with those technologies,”           technicians, knowing that
    Massachusetts Institute of            much quicker than we have          said Professor Grau.                they’re going to be able to run
    Technology (MIT). There,              before in order to reach the                                           the right recipes and figure out
    the Velásquez Group is                iteration cycles we need.”         Sometimes the equipment and         how to use it relatively easily.”
    using NOVA to print carbon                                               materials that are accessible
    nanotube field emitters,              At York University’s Electronics   to researchers and product          The future of electronics
    sensors, and other space              Additive Manufacturing             developers during ideation          is flexible, and with
    componentry for satellites.           Lab, under the supervision         and iteration are incompatible      the right tools at your
    Because the group has a               of Professor Gerd Grau,            with the technologies and           fingertips, the possibilities
    NOVA in their lab, they have          Yoland El-Hajj et al. recently     materials necessary for mass        are almost limitless.
    been able to cycle through            conducted a study on printed       production. If you’ve hacked
    thousands of prototypes               biomedical electrodes using        a solution to iterate with an
    within the span of a few              silver flexible conductive         inkjet printer, you’ll have to go
    months. Rapid iteration               inks and tattoo paper. The         back to the drawing board if

18 January/February 2023 •

                     Artificial Intelligence
                   Frequency Management
                  EMS / Security / Quantum
                  Computing / IOT / Power /
                Robotics / Embedded Software
                 Communications / Sensors
                     Medical Electronics

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                                                                                                                        potential of toda        30 - Unleashing
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                January/February 2023 19

    USB-C meets monitors                  specification. The Display     right next to the SoC within
    Monitors that support                 SoC (system-on-chip)           the monitor. This is fine in
    USB-C have found an                   supports this method of        some form factors, but it
    important niche in the                dividing the flows between     is a significant limitation in
    display ecosystem                     the monitors. This daisy       others. Numerous monitors
                                          chain mode of operation        have put their interfaces
                                          is a capability that other     in creative places for
    The USB-C connector has               video interfaces such as       their user’s convenience.
    made inroads for its use              HDMI do not support, and       In this situation, a USB4
    as a good interface for               it is a powerful reason to     retimer device can be put
    monitors. This trend started          consider buying and using      close to the connector.
    with the introductions of             a monitor that contains a      The retimer will clean up
    the USB-C connector,                  USB-C connector, given         the signal from the SoC.
    USB Power Delivery, the               that a single connector can
    USB 3.2 interface speed,              power a laptop and drive       The future looks bright
    and the DisplayPort Alt               two or more large monitors.    for monitors that support
    Mode. This combination                                               USB-C. They have found
    allowed USB-C to act as               DisplayPort 2.1 introduced     an important niche in the
    a universal connector with            the ability to have all four   display ecosystem that
    enough power delivery                 pairs within each USB-C        is likely to expand over
    to drive a laptop and                 connector operate in a         time. And USB4 retimer
    sufficient speed to drive a           single direction, which is     technology from Kandou
    display. The lure of having           what displays need. This       is available to support
    just one connection to                allows up to 4 x 20 Gb/s       these USB-C monitor
    support a laptop with a               or 80 Gb/s of bandwidth        deployments if required.
                                                                                                          Brian Holden, Vice President
    monitor proved irresistible           to be utilized over a single
                                                                                                                 of Standards, Kandou
    to some consumers.                    connector. This allows
                                          even higher resolution
    Multiple monitor suppliers            setups to be supported.
    including Acer, Apple,
    ASUS, BenQ, Corsair,                  USB4 rate signals can only
    Dell, HP, Gigabyte, LG,               be driven about two to three
    MSI, Razer, and Sony                  inches from the SoC across
    have delivered monitors               a conventional loss printed
    that support USB-C. A                 circuit board (PCB) to the
    chunk of the more recent              connector without violating
    monitors support USB-C                the USB4 specification
    power delivery, many with             for the outgoing signal.
    enough power to supply a              This limits the placement
    laptop. Until recently, these         of that USB4 interface to
    monitors have supported
    USB 3.2 and nearly
    all support the USB-C
    DisplayPort Alt Mode.

    A few recent 5K monitors
    have come out that support
    5K daisy chain operation.
    To sustain this, these
    monitors have two USB4-
    enabled USB-C ports that
    support the DisplayPort
    Multi-Stream Transport

20 January/February 2023 •

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                                       Silicon Carbide Pushes
                                   Power Electronics to Center Stage
                                                  Wide bandgap semiconductor materials like GaN and silicon carbide have emerged as the top solution
                                                       to many of the power management challenges facing segments of the electronics industry

                                    Power electronics engineers           “The transmission and               photovoltaic and growing                           sources climbing, pushing aside
                                    are amongst the hottest stars         distribution of power across        need for more efficient power                      fossil fuels, the electronics
                                    of today’s OEM design world.          great distances are two             management and new safety                          industry has responded with
                                                                          common uses [of power               features in the automotive                         innovative solutions based
                                    Thanks, in large part, to wide        semiconductors],” said analysts     industry have increased                            on newer and more resilient
                                    bandgap semiconductor                 at Straits Research, in a report.   the adoption of power                              semiconductor materials,
                                    materials that are finally offering   “These high-performance             semiconductors in the IT &                         according to industry analysts.
                                    innovative solutions to some          components can handle               consumer electronics industry,
                                    of the knottiest power design         several gigawatts of electrical     automotive, power distribution,                    “Power electronics play a key
                                    and management challenges             current, voltage, and frequency.    and rail transportation                            role in shifting electrical energy
                                    engineers have struggled to           Silicon Carbide is used for         sectors,” said Allied Market                       patterns to renewable energy
                                    overcome over the last decades.       high-power applications             Research analysts, in a                            with higher energy efficiency,”
                                                                          because of the wide bandgap         recent report. “Increasing                         said Markets and Markets, in
                                    Of course, conventional silicon       offered. The increase in R&D        demand for compact products                        a report.“At present, several
                                    still rules the semiconductor         activities that target enhanced     has enabled companies to                           countries are shifting from
                                    world, accounting for                 material capabilities is            adopt collaboration strategy                       electricity generation using
                                    the largest share of the              expected to provide a strong        to offer industry-specific                         fossil fuels like coal and gas
                                    industry’s 2021 revenue               impetus for market growth.”         products. Market players have                      to renewable energy sources
                                    of $555.9 billion. Silicon                                                focused on innovation in new                       and a simultaneous decline
                                    remains King of the chip              As semiconductor adoption has       technologies such as silicon                       for non-renewable ones.”
                                    market and this is unlikely           spread across most segments         carbide-based devices to
                                    to change anytime soon.               of the economy, the amount          expand their market presence.”                     The result is the emergence
                                                                          of energy required to power                                                            of a new power electronic

                                    But not in any market where           electronic devices has exploded.    Factors that have pushed                           design environment. Energy
                                    a more efficient and resilient        The new economic opportunities      wide bandgap semiconductor                         systems used in electronic
                                    power management system               need massive amounts of             materials to the fore of power                     devices nowadays must help
                                    is required. For automotive,          energy, however, while society      designs have proliferated                          OEMs achieve their desire
                                    aviation, medical, military,          is trying to move away from         as designers try to reduce                         for faster, smaller, and more
                                    and industrial applications,          fossil fuels and exploiting non-    system footprint or meet                           efficient devices. The larger
                                    electronic companies are              traditional power sources such      stringent demands for                              society, in turn, wants to reduce
                                    turning to alternate materials        as solar, according to observers.   cleaner energy systems. With                       the harmful effects of global
                                    from the wide bandgap group,                                              demand for cleaner and more                        warming and has identified
                                    especially gallium nitride, (GaN)     Design for environment              environmentally friendly energy                    fossil fuels as energy sources
                                    and silicon carbide, (SiC).           In this environment,
                                                                          manufacturers, governments,
                                    Forecasters estimate the              and communities are seeking
                                    global power semiconductor            cleaner, more efficient, and               North America      Europe         Asia Pacific

                                                                                                                     South America      Middle East and Africa
                                    market will increase by               resilient power management
                                    2030 to $50 billion, up from          systems. Semiconductors are
                                    $40 billion, at the beginning         key to the achievement of the
                                    of the decade. Driving the            long-term objectives of all the
                                    growth will be demand for             parties involved and SiC is
                                    wide bandgap semiconductor            increasingly the first option for
                                    materials, which are seeing           many designers, analysts said.
                                    surging use in electricity
                                                                                                                     2022       2023     2024         2025            2026   2027   2028   2029
                                    generation and management             “Increasing use of non-
                                    as well as in storage and             conventional energy sources                                  Silicon Carbide market
 C                                                                                                                                                                                                     C
                                    various market segments.              such as tidal, solar and
 M                                                                                                                                                                                                     M

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        that must be eliminated             race to overcome production,        companies, although billions of      year, WolfSpeed, for example,
        to attain this objective.           yield and supply challenges.        dollars are now being poured         opened what it termed the
                                            Manufacturers who want to           into the segment to beef up          world’s largest 200mm SiC fab
        Engineers are offering wide         reduce power consumption            production, secure raw materials     in Marcy, New York. Company
        bandgap semiconductor               in SoCs, CPUs and GPUs,             and ensure adequate supply           executives said the new fabs
        materials as the perfect agents     increasingly favor SiC              to meet surging demand.              will increase the supply of SiC
        for achieving objectives shared     and GaN nowadays.                                                        to customers by improving
        by electronic OEMs and                                                  Manufacturers have responded         wafer quality and yield.
        society, according to industry      “Companies use wide bandgap         to the recent automotive IC
        executives and analysts.            semiconductor materials to          shortages with plans to expand       Later in the year, WolfSpeed
                                            accommodate the increased           current production facilities in     said BorgWarner had agreed
        “Nowadays, wide bandgap-            power and frequencies involved      Europe and North America.            to invest $500 million in the
        based solutions are rapidly         in new power designs for electric                                        chipmaker to secure supplies.
        gaining importance,” said           vehicles, optoelectronics, and      Semiconductor materials              The investment would
        Infineon Technologies in a report   other applications that present     supplier Coherent, formerly          guarantee BorgWarner up
        discussing the company’s plans      severe operating conditions,”       II-VI, plans to invest about $1      to $650 million in annual SiC
        for the power market.“Silicon       said Market and Market              billion in SiC over the next 10      capacity, the companies said.
        carbide and gallium nitride         analysts.“The players operating     years in response to rising
        complement and expand the           in the power electronics industry   customer demand, according           “Silicon carbide-based
        possibilities of silicon and can    are focusing on integrating         to company executives.               power electronics play an
        offer cost benefit advantages       multiple functionalities in a                                            increasingly important role
        for various use cases. Several      single chip, which results          “Our customers are accelerating      for our customers as our
        applications have reached or        in a complex design.”               their plans to intersect the         electric business continues
        surpassed their tipping points,                                         anticipated tidal wave of            to accelerate,” said Frédéric
        and market researchers are          While SiC has emerged as            demand for SiC power                 Lissalde, president and
        predicting very dynamic growth.     a favored material for power        electronics in electric vehicles     CEO of BorgWarner, in a
        We have a clear strategy for        devices nowadays, it is not a       that we expect will come right       statement announcing the
        capturing this growth and the       new discovery. In fact, it has      behind the current adoption          agreement. “We believe this
        value associated with it.”          been in use for more than one       cycle in industrial, renewable       agreement helps ensure that
                                            hundred years although its          energy, datacenters, and more,”      BorgWarner will have a reliable
        Silicon vs. Silicon-Carbide         history in the semiconductor        said Sohail Khan, head of new        supply of high-quality silicon

                                                                                                                                                       SEMICONDUCTOR MARKET WATCH
        The design engineering              area is more recent. The initial    Ventures & wide-bandgap              carbide devices, which are
        community is today actively         use, because of its resilience,     electronics technologies at          significant to the company’s
        playing up the numerous             was as an abrasive.                 Coherent, in a statement             inverter growth plans.”
        advantages wide bandgap                                                 announcing plans by the
        semiconductor materials             The use of SiC in the electronics   company to expand its factory        Adds Gregg Lowe, president,
        like silicon carbide has            market was complicated by           in Easton, Pennsylvania.             and CEO of WolfSpeed:
        over regular silicon.               production and integration                                               “BorgWarner has been
                                            challenges. Companies like          In September, Infineon opened        a strong partner with
        SiC is especially useful for        STMicroelectronics, Infineon and    its latest power electronics fab     WolfSpeed for many years,
        complex devices where factors       WolfSpeed have been working         in Villach, Austria. Construction    and we are pleased to secure
        such as size, weight, stability,    on SiC for many years, trying       on the fab started in 2019 and       the investment from them
        extreme temperature, high           to overcome issues related to       is expected to boost sales by        which will be used to support
        voltage, shock, and resistance      production yield and adaptability   $2 billion when operational.         our capacity expansion
        are considered critical. Due        for various applications.           The fab will produce parts for       efforts and ensure we have
        to its resilience – hard and                                            OEMs serving the EV, data            a steady supply of products
        strong – SiC is favored for         Many of those challenges            center, solar and wind energy        for their customers. This
        systems used in automotive,         remain today.                       markets, the company said.           agreement, combined with our
        aerospace and defense,                                                                                       most recent announcement
        industrial and renewable energy.    SiC is tough to produce but the     Infineon followed up in November     of a multi-billion-dollar
                                            supply chain supporting it is       with plans to construct another      materials expansion in
        It is in power consumption,         also not as well developed as       300mm power semiconductor            North Carolina, confirms
        though, that SiC has gained         for regular silicon. Investments    manufacturing facility in Dresden.   the industry transition from
        prominence over the last            in the market has also              Other manufacturers are              silicon to silicon carbide
        several years as manufacturers      been limited to a handful of        making similar moves. Last           is well underway.”



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    MCX delivers the
    next generation
    of MCU capability                     product designs so that, in        only with local intelligence.    amassed over many years of
    Low power, low cost,                  addition to reporting report       That means not having            using these devices. These
    high performance,                     their status and receive           to rely on large quantities      considerations drove the
    wireless connectivity?                commands remotely, they            of data being relayed to         specification of not just the
    MCX has a family                      form part of a larger system       the cloud, especially if the     MCX series of MCUs, but also
    for that!                             of systems in which multiple       embedded devices have            the software and supply-chain
                                          devices on the internet of         access only to unreliable or     infrastructure around them.
    The adoption of 32-bit                things (IoT) collaborate           low-bandwidth connections.
    microcontrollers (MCUs) in a          to enable sophisticated            Privacy concerns have also       In designing the MCX
    market previously dominated           applications. That not only        emerged in recent years,         hardware, NXP set out to
    by 8- and 16-bit devices has          drives demand for integrated       providing another reason         build a series of devices that
    surged over the past two              wireless communications            for performing ML functions      can handle the huge range
    decades. The market size of           capability, but also for a         locally to avoid potentially     of demands that now feature
    32-bit MCUs surpassed that of         security framework that            sensitive data being             in the 32-bit MCU space. As
    either 8- or 16-bit products a        ensures devices cannot be          transmitted over the internet.   its starting point, NXP took
    decade ago, and sales of 32-          compromised by remote              An on-chip secure subsystem      the powerful but efficient
    bit devices continue to grow          attacks or by malicious users.     provides the necessary           Cortex-M33 core. Around
    strongly compared to those                                               protection for a secure boot,    this core are peripherals that
    lower-performance devices.             Built-in performance is           preventing malicious code        are tuned for each target
    The reasons are clear: there          also crucial. The arrival of       from hijacking the system.       application and market
    are many applications that call       commercially successful                                             space. The products range
    for the increases in memory           artificial intelligence (AI) and   Although they need more          from low-power devices
    capacity and processing               machine learning (ML) in the       features and performance,        in the MCX L series and
    speed that 32bit architectures        server space is now driving        when migrating to a new          low-cost MCUs in the MCX
    such as the Arm® Cortex®              the evolution of the same          platform, longstanding           A series, up to the advanced
    -M family continue to deliver.        technologies at the edge.          users of MCUs such as            features of the MCX N series
                                          Consumers and industrial           those from NXP’s large LPC       with as much as 4MB of
    Connectivity has become               users alike want the rapid         and Kinetis families do not      onboard flash and 1MB of
    a key element of many                 response that is possible          want to lose the experience      SRAM. Another example of
                                                                                                              this internal differentiation
                                                                                                              lies in the security features
                                                                                                              that each family offers.

                                                                                                              Designed for high-
                                                                                                              performance embedded
                                                                                                              systems, the MCX N Series
                                                                                                              features the EdgeLock(R)
                                                                                                              Secure Subsystem that
                                                                                                              provides a root-of-trust
                                                                                                              implementation in silicon.
                                                                                                              The hardware includes
                                                                                                              cryptographic acceleration
                                                                                                              engines protected against
                                                                                                              side-channel attacks
                                                                                                              that are increasingly
                                                                                                              being used against MCU

24 January/February 2023 •
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