The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast

Page created by Aaron Brewer
The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast
Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast

The Scotsman
V O L U ME     X   I S S UE      I I                                   J U L   2 0 2 1

 PRESIDENT’S                  Did you come to our Pub Night? If you didn’t, you
 PRATTLE                  missed a really fun-filled evening at Ryans Irish Pub – good
                      food, good company, how much better could our social events

       YOU can come along to our Burns Dinner to ensure that our events can and
   will be even better! It will be held at the Regency in Vero Beach, on July 21st,
times and other ticket details are printed elsewhere in this newsletter. Please do
come along in your best Scottish attire, meet with friends old and new, and enjoy a
unique, very special occasion.

As you can see, life is gradually returning to normal so I hope you will join us not
only in remembrance of Rabbie Burns but also to celebrate the end of our year of

Come join us and bring a friend – I look forward to seeing you all again.

One of the wonders in Scotland is black pudding. It is simply delicious but is often
neglected by Americans. Here is a simple recipe to make it more palatable as a
breakfast treat.
                              Black Pudding With Apple
4 large potatoes
3 tbls olive oil
4 oz of sliced mushrooms
8 slices black pudding
2 apples peeled, cored and wedged
1½ tbls sherry vinegar
1 tbl butter
salt & pepper
Grate potatoes and fry in oil to form large potato cake; turn once and remove. Fry
mushroom and black pudding in the pan, remove and keep warm. Add the apples to
the pan, add sherry and heat until juices boil up. Add the butter, salt and pepper to
taste. Cut the potato cake into wedges and arrange black pudding and mushrooms
over cakes. Pour apples and warm juices over each and serve.
The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast
SOCIETY CALENDAR FOR 2021                                  BURNS SUPPER TRADITION
                                                         This year, July 21, 2021 is the 225th Anniversary of
Save these dates:                                        the death of Robert Burns.

July 21, 2021 - Burns Supper at Regency Park             The first Burns Supper was held July 21, 1801 as a
                                                         memorial on the fifth anniversary of Burns death.
September 23, 2021 - Society Annual Dinner and           Nine men, friends of Rabbie, attended. Haggis and
meeting at Vero Yacht Club                               Sheep’s head were served. The next Burns Supper
                                                         was January 29,1802. The organisers, the mayor, and
October 23, 2021 - Annual Scottish Tea at Westmin-       a minister later corrected the date to January 25th,
ster Presbyterian Church                                 now the traditional date for Burns Suppers. It is im-
                                                         portant to preserve the rustic, bawdiness of the Scots
November 20, 2021 - St. Andrew Day Celebration
                                                         peasant celebrated in Burns’ work. The aim was not
Venue to be announced
                                                         only to honor Burns but to preserve Scottishness -
December 29, 2021 - New Year Hogmanay Dinner at          and to have fun. At the beginning, the Suppers were
Vero Yacht Club                                          limited to men. By the 1920’s Ladies’ Burns Clubs
                                                         were formed. The Burns Supper is replete with tradi-
                                                         tion. The menu, the music, the toasts, the attire - all
                                                         honor Robert Burns. At modern Burns Suppers kilts
                                                         and long tartan hostess skirts - Regalia - add a festive
                    CASTLE QUIZ                          note. The menu always includes the Haggis, a deli-
             Can you name this castle?                   cious mixture of meats and oats. Also served are
              Hint - look rather North                   neeps - turnips to us, which were first grown in Scot-
                                                         land by Burns, after a noble neighbor brought seeds
                                                         back from the King of Sweden, and gave them to
                                                         Burns to plant. They are sometimes called “Swedes”.
                                                         The toasts attest to the wit of the Scots, and Burns’
                                                         Toast to the Lassies are now matched with a Re-
                                                         sponse from the Lassies. Bagpipes are essential. Auld
                                                         Lang Syne is ever-present played on bagpipes. We
                                                         will have the haggis, but not the sheep’s head. In the
                                                         United States there is no definitive date when Burns
                                                         Suppers began. In many American communities set-
                                                         tled by Scots the traditions have been preserved and
                                                         Burns Suppers are held each year. Our supper this
       The answer will be in a future edition of         year is being held on July 21 since we were unable to
                  The Scotsman                           hold it in January due to Covid-19.
                                                             NAUGHTY, BAWDY ROBERT BURNS
                                                     Rabbie Burns was a handsome renegade. Burns’
                PUB NIGHT 2021                       bawdy pub songs and poems, hidden for many years
On June 19, 2021 we held our annual Pub Night at along with his views on the politics of the day
Sean Ryans Pub. We tried to reproduce an evening in aroused admiration, anger, and dinner invitations.
a Scottish Pub. The private room at Sean Ryans has a
golf theme which lent itself to everything Scotland. Dr. Lucille Craig, SSTC Secretary, has invited him to
Our menu included haggis, shepherd’s pie, bangers & our dinner and will reveal his more nefarious political
mash, and fish & chips. Everyone seemed to enjoy the activities, his bawdy poems, along with works of her
evening capped off with a trivia style game.         own.

The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast
The Scottish Society of the Treasure
   Join us and our piper for our
         glittering annual

 Burns Supper
Celebrating the life and work of
the Scottish poet Robert Burns
on the 225th anniversary of his

Venue:                       The Beautiful Regency Park Ballroom
                             910 Regency Square, Vero Beach, FL 32967
Date & time:                 Wed., July 21, 2021 5:00pm Social hour; 6:15pm Dinner
Attire:                      Black tie or Best Highland Garb
Price per person:            $60.00 includes gratuity

  The chef at Regency will prepare three excellent choices for dinner. Dinner will
  include two glasses of wine or two domestic beers. A cash bar is not available at
                                    this venue.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
            To reserve for this extraordinary evening please use this coupon

    Please reserve __ place(s) for the Burns Supper at $60 per person___(total $)

                                  Indicate your choice of entrée:

        Thin Sliced Tenderloin of Beef ___ Salmon ____ Chicken Piccata___

      Check payable to Scottish Society. All reservations must be received by
    July 14, 2012. Mail to Scottish Society, PO Box 5263 Vero Beach, FL 32961
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast
Photos from Pub Night - You missed a great evening!!

Dale Ritchie & Barbara Banfield checking raffle tickets         Homemade Scotch eggs during happy hour

   Jean Thompson & Barbara Haven in foreground            4    Dale & Peter Ritchie enjoying a pub moment
The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast
Sarah Morley & the Galbraiths before dinner           Nancy Richards & Sarah Morley enjoying fish & chips

                                                            THE SCOTISH SOCIETY
                                                          WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS
                                                           AND DONATIONS AT ANY

                                                         Like many other nonprofit groups our
                                                         Society has been through the Covid 19
                                                         pandemic with diminishing member-
                                                         ship and the sustaining revenue from
                                                         missed activities. The year 2020 was a
                                                         shambles for so many organizations.
                                                         We are coming back strong in 2021 but
                                                         we need the support of our friends and
                                                         members. So, keep us in mind and let’s
                                                         all try to recruit some new members as
                                                         well. We thank you.

Tom Gregory & Peter Dobson checking raffle tickets   5
The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast

Our Society pays tribute this month to one of our                  Peter Dobson, President
founding members. Our salute and sincere thanks                         825 13th Lane
go to Hilary Dobson. Hilary has been with our                      Vero Beach, FL 32960
society from its inception and along with her hus-
band Peter has been an active member and board          
member. Hilary hails from Scotland and still has a                  Phone: 772-563-2856
wonderful Scottish accent. She and Peter have a
travel agency which specializes in Scotland. Hilary
is active at First Presbyterian Church and is a trus-               Stevens Printing
tee and stalwart member of the Garden Club in
Vero Beach. Hilary volunteers in so many places it        950 Old Dixie Highway, Suite A-11
would be impossible to list them all. We sincerely              Vero Beach, FL 32960
thank Hilary for all her guidance and help in our
society. She insures we are correct in all things
                                                                 Phone: 772-563-0863
Scottish and she provides us with amazing baked
                                                          Owners: Philip & Carol Van Vynckt
goods where she is also skilled. We thank Hilary
for all that she contributes to our society.

                                                                       Fàilte Bhlàth
                                                                  (Warm Welcome in Scots Gaelic)
 This tartan’s name is also the unofficial national           A warm welcome to our newest
                anthem of Scotland.                        members Constance and John Tierinni
     The answer will be in a future edition of the         and to our first renewing members for
                    Scotsman.                             2021-2022 Carole & Leonard Galbraith.

                                  President - Sylvia Gregory
                                  Vice President - Steve Hicks
                                  Secretary - Dr. Lucille Craig
                                  Treasurer - Kaye Hicks
                                         Board of Directors
                                  Shirley Ball         Laird Goulding
                                  Dr. Lucille Craig    Hilary Dobson
                                  Sylvia Gregory       Kaye Hicks
                                  Steve Hicks          Helena Krasa
                                           Roy Thompson
              LIKE US ON FACEBOOK - The Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast
                 Society Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5263, Vero Beach, FL. 32961

The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast The Scotsman Scottish Society of the Treasure Coast
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