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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 571
                              Proceedings of the 2021 5th International Seminar on Education,
                                      Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2021)

    The Sense of Community in the Era of Online Socials
           A Case Study of Werewolf Killing Among Chinese Youth
                                        Sidi Zhang1,*,†, Bowen Jiang2,*,†
  Providence University, Taiwan China
  University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
  Corresponding author. Email:,
  These authors contributed equally.

This article describes different views and social needs expressed by the Chinese younger generation who are familiar
with online or offline board games. The study targets werewolf killing, which is favoured by Chinese largest game
publishers, as the main board game. It contains multiple dimensions to show the social goals and sense of achievement
from the relatively young players. The main research methods are parallel designed semi-structured interviews. The
main content comes from the interviewees’ actual activities and behavioural habits, which talks about the experience or
the imagined experiences of their games. It is argued that the online board game, like Werewolf Killing, plays an
important role in defining the social identity of the younger Chinese generation.

Keywords: Werewolf killing, Social needs

                                                                   the chaser in the game. Additionally, these two roles
                                                                   could be frequently reversed during play [2]. In werewolf
    Children or younger generations have always favored            killing, the roles would also be changed by re-drawing
the game mode with predator and prey. Perspective-                 the role card after every game round.
shifting is the key characteristic of the human predator-              According to Steen, the chase game contributes to
prey schema [1]. The actions of game participants change           constructing children’s identities in cognitive terms [10].
depending on whether their role is prey or a predator.             But all the players in the werewolf killing game have full
Children who play the chaser will construct a mental               cognition about themselves and participate in the game
representation that they are real monsters and act                 with different needs brought by their cognitions. As a
consistently with their imaginary identity [2]. This               mobile social game whose main audience is young
pretended action of children is related to personal                people aged 18 to 25, the werewolf killing is more like a
memories and experiences. As a result, the chase game’s            ‘mirror’ that reflects different social needs of diverse
content could be enriched with collaborative use of                individuals. It accommodates no matter the executive
mental imagery derived from personal experience or                 identities or their actual identities in social interactions in
frequently from culturally transmitted sources such as             the game. Participants enhance their sense of identity in
mass media [2]. Moreover, this transmission is highly              the game instead of shaping. This study would be more
connected with game participants’ individual and self-             concerned about participants’ identities reflected by their
constructions [3-8].                                               game orientation and how they acquire the sense of
    With the development of science and technology, the            achievement in this game.
traditional game has changed a lot and been enriched.                  In the term of gameplay, the role play in chase game
Games on digital platforms are more popular and are                generates a behavioral and mental simulation of a
considered the same function as mainstream media [9].              predator-prey interaction [10]. It means that chaser and
Werewolf killing, the mobile social game this article              fleer have different goals in the chase game, hunting and
primarily focuses on, could be regarded as the chasing             evading, respectively. But in the werewolf killing,
game enriched by new media. Compared to traditional                although the roles are different, all the participants have
chasing game mode, both two games have the roles of                an additional goal to be eloquent and persuade others to
chaser and fleer, the latter of which could be hunted by

                                Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
    This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -   480
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 571

believe in their opinions. Competing through words                   On the other hand, the offline game has another
conforms to the game style of adult individuals better.          shortcoming. If one game has many participants, the
                                                                 game’s time must be long, and some of the participants
    This study draws attention to players’ game tendency
                                                                 may be out of the game too early, while the game
in a popular mobile social game named Werewolf, killing
                                                                 continues, although those who are out will feel boring,
and exploring individuals’ social identity reflected by the
                                                                 they have to wait for the finishing of the game. This is a
game. The study interviews people’s specific social
                                                                 very serious shortcoming of the offline game. The fresh
needs and self-reflection on their social identities through
                                                                 man couldn’t have a good experience of the game to lose
the interview method. Participants’ social identities are
                                                                 interest in it. It is not good for the promotion of the game.
analyzed in typology based on their preference for the
                                                                 But the online game will solve this problem. In the online
characters in the game. Judgment, the controller of game
                                                                 game, if someone is voted for out of the game, he doesn’t
progress, is also discussed in this study.
                                                                 need to wait to finish the game. He can leave the room
                                                                 and do anything he wants. For example, if a YouTuber
2. METHOD                                                        plays a werewolf game online, he is the villager but be
    The board game Werewolf killing and its online               voted as the criminal, and he died. Generally, in the
version, which has been popular since 2017 in China, is          offline game, he has to wait about 20 minutes for the next
the investigation’s main focus. This article used the            game. During this time, he can’t do anything and just
interview as the method to collect the opinions from the         observe others players. But in the online game, after he
young generation of Chinese. It had collected twenty             died, he can interact with the audience on the Internet and
interviewee’s opinions and summarized as a report about          quit this game to take part in the next game. It is the
the differences between the offline and online game in           advantage of the online game.
the field of werewolf killing. The article had three                 The game environment between offline game and the
interviews to collect data from interviewees, but not            online game also have differences. Nowadays, the live
every interviewee asked all the questions. Some of the           broadcast industry increases very rapidly, and many
interviews are selective to show various social needs and        YouTubers have obtained fame on the Internet. Some of
self-construction by answering different questions.              the live broadcast platforms will invite them to their
    Through these interviews, the interviewees supplied          program to play werewolf games, and their fans will
much valuable information, such as their attitude about          observe the game on the live broadcast platform, and all
online games and offline games, the willingness between          of them will talk about the competition of the game.
human’s God and system’s God, and the part that they                 In China,  is a very famous program
prefer to play. Under this information, the article              during 2016-2018. It’s a program held by “Zhanqi live
concludes the werewolf killing and the young                     broadcast platform”. This program invited many famous
generation’s characters in China.                                E-sports players to play werewolf offline and live
                                                                 broadcast on the Internet. Those players’ fans all
3. THE CHANGES OF WEREWOLF GAME                                  followed their steps to watch the program and talk about
FROM OFFLINE TO ONLINE                                           it on every social media. According to the stats, the first
                                                                 season of  attracted more than one million
    First of all, it is worthy to notice the vigor inputted by   viewers to watch on the “Zhanqi platform”. This program
game participants. Generally speaking, the offline game          total has eight seasons, and every season gets great
has the limited capacity of the participants. For example,       success. This program inspires with a problem which is
if one goes to play board games with friends in a house,         the way of distinguishing the offline game and online
but the house just has 30 square metres, it just can             game. This kind of mode transfers lives offline games to
accommodate 10 people to play, so you can only with              online. Its participants are much more than the offline
these 10 people and all of them are the gamer, rather than       game. But, one must ask that, is it an offline game or an
audiences. But the online games are different. The               online game? If it is an offline game then, why are the
network platform offers infinite space for everyone.             participants more than the usual offline game? If it is an
Everyone can watch every game. China has many video              online game, why the players all sit in a room and face to
life streaming content and many network anchor                   face to play the board game? It is an issue worthy of
broadcast on these platforms. If a platform holds a              discussion. In the following article, we will research the
program about the werewolf game, many people will                nature of the younger generation’s social identity by
participate in this game by live broadcast and express           connecting these vague characteristics of online and
their views about this game on the platform. In this way,        offline game modes.
the number of participants will be increased, and the
number of participants is more than the offline game,                The sense of distance is a difference between the
obviously.                                                       offline game and the online game. In the offline game,
                                                                 the participant’s range is limited, and almost every
                                                                 participant is friends with each other. Generally, only

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 571

acquaintances are willing to play board games face to           So when they find a game with friends, they might be
face. The stranger will play together after deep                more willing to find the hard-core player, even if it will
communication. It spends too much time and still has a          be a stranger. When they start to cooperate, they can
sense of embarrassment. But the online game will solve          always win and get many achievements. Compared with
this problem. Every online game is random, and you              play with friends and get fun, they are more interested in
don’t know everything about other players. Maybe                winning the games. We can’t say which attitude is better,
they’re from a different country and speak different            but we can know that these two attitudes about the game
languages. The online game eliminates the distance of           can stand for something about social relationships in this
each other. Everyone in the world could play a game on          era’s reality.
the Internet. Maybe they can become a good friend
through the online game. The online game will reduce the        4. THE ROLE-PLAYING OF WEREWOLF
sense of embarrassment because the online game                  KILLING ONLINE
participants don’t need to face to face. They can
concentrate on the game instead of the others                        Among all different social needs and participations,
participants. They don’t need to worry about others             Werewolf killing is figured by its multiplayer strategy
participants’ action because when the game is over, they        and driven mode by verbal description, contesting
may never be seen again. So there is no need to worry           eloquence and analytical judgment. The usual version of
about whether or not they leave a bad impression on             the game requires 6-12 people to participate in the
others.                                                         interaction. All the players will be divided into two
                                                                opposite camps: the werewolf camp and the good guy
    The social relationships between online and offline
                                                                camp. There are a large number of good guys, but they
players also have differences. First of all, we will know a
                                                                don’t know the identity of others. The main methods of
basic conception--extend the game friends group, in
                                                                the good guy camp are exile voting and character skills.
Chinese named expand one’s friend list. It’s a new
                                                                It is necessary to eliminate all the werewolf hidden in the
conception that emerged in recent years among the young
                                                                crowd to obtain the final victory. Werewolf is few ,but
generation Chinese. It means the extent of the social
                                                                they can distinguish between werewolf and good people,
friends, not limited to the game. It can be used in every
                                                                relying on hunting good people at night and inducing
situation about social contact. It helps understand the
                                                                good people to vote incorrectly during the day to chase
ways of spread the game between offline and online.
     The ways of spreading the game between offline and
                                                                    Every game of werewolf killing will be presided over
online have considerable differences. The offline spread
                                                                by an outsider called ‘judge’ who doesn’t participate in
of the game is limited. You can only recommend to your
                                                                the game but dominate the whole process. Each werewolf
friends and families, basically no more than 20 people.
                                                                killing game will start at night, and the ‘judge’ lets each
Perhaps they don’t want to try to play this game. So the
                                                                player open their eyes, in turn, to determine the identity
extent is small, and the effect of recommendation is not
                                                                of each player to ensure the progress of the game. Every
very well. But the online spread is more expansive than
                                                                night the werewolf can open their eyes and hunt together
the offline spread. You can post in a forum or on social
                                                                with a player on the field while good guys can’t. After the
media about the game. It can be seen by more people and
                                                                night, it will enter the day, and the day is where all players
can attract many senior players to play with you.
                                                                speak and vote. Each player surviving on the field during
However, on the other hand, the offline spread can be
                                                                the day will speak to deduce the werewolf based on the
used many times. For example, generally, you have a
                                                                loopholes of others’ discourse. After all, players have
strong willingness to invite your friends to play a game
                                                                spoken, the ‘god’ will organize an exile referendum. In
with you, so you will recommend the game to them over
                                                                the exile referendum, each player has the right to vote
and over again until they promise to play. Although it is
                                                                once. Players can vote for the werewolf in their minds.
a little effortless process, friends will get fun because the
                                                                IN the end, the player with the most votes will be
time that people stay with friends is always very happy.
                                                                banished and leave a ‘last word’. The ‘last word’ could
    The attitude of the game of people may influence the        be an analysis of the vote or comments on other people’s
social relationships of the game friends. Generally,            utterances. After the “last words”, the game will enter the
people play a game to get more fun and relax. To increase       next night, and the werewolf can once again open their
the sense of fun, people are always more willing to play        eyes to select a player to hunt, so the “night-day-night”
with friends, even if their friend not good at it. In their     cycle, until a camp reaches the victory condition, the
opinion, victory and defeat are not the most important.         game is over.
The fun with friends is the objective of the game. Some
                                                                    Each camp has different requirements for victory.
people have another opinion. They have a strong sense of
                                                                Good guys camp need vote out all werewolf hidden in the
victory and defeat. They think that they must win, except
                                                                crowd. The werewolf camp has two ways to achieve
the victory; everything is meaningless. But their friends
                                                                victory. The first one is hunting all the gods with special
might not meet their requirement of the level of the game.
                                                                skills. The second is hunting all the civilians.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 571

    The role of the good guy’s camp in the Werewolf             to the lovers just want to live peacefully, so they must get
Killing is divided into two groups, civilian and gods.          rid of all other players.
Civilians don’t have any special skills, they have to keep
                                                                    Sheriff: Sheriff is an additional identity card. There
their eyes closed at night, so they can’t get any
                                                                will be one player voted to be the sheriff by all players on
information. They could just express their opinions by
                                                                the first day. The sheriff could speak in the end during the
analyzing the speeches of others to find out the hidden
                                                                day and have 1.5 votes.
werewolf. Gods in the good guy camp have different
special skills, which sometimes are the key to victory.
There are mainly the following gods in the werewolf             5. INTERVIEWS AND DISCUSSIONS
killing.                                                           There are currently three leading werewolf-killing
    Prophet: Prophet can check whether a player is a good       mobile games on the market which are produced by
person or a werewolf every night and tell the result during     NetEase Game, Tencent Game, and Langren World
the day.                                                        Network.
    Witch: Witch has two bottles of medicine. The                   The Werewolf online Offical produced by NetEase
antidote can save a player who was hunted by a werewolf         Game is the most popular game, Evaluated by about
at night, while the poison can poison a player. The witch       460,000 people on the app store. In contrast, the other two
could just use one bottle of medicine every night, and the      games only have about 30000 evaluations on the app
witch cannot save herself.                                      store. Werewolf at dinner is derived from a variety show
                                                                about werewolf killing. Although it is operated by
    Hunter: If and only if a hunter is killed by a werewolf     Tencent Game, the largest game producer in China, its
or voted into exile, the hunter can show his identity card      popularity gradually decreases with the end of the show.
and designate a player to be shot, and he cannot activate       Werewolf killing Classic is produced by Langren World
the skill if a witch kills him.                                 Network, a much smaller game company than NetEase
    Idiot: If the idiot is voted out, he could indicate his     and Tencent. Hence, it couldn’t have many views [11].
identity to be immune to this exile and speak normally              We collected five interviewees’ opinions about the
afterward, but cannot vote. The werewolf still needs to         differences of “the god” in the offline game and online
hunt him to make him die. Nevertheless, if the idiot dies       game. Through these interviews, three questions about
due to non-voting reasons, the skill cannot be activated,       the differences of “the god” in the offline game and
and the idiot will die immediately.                             online game were asked. The following are the three
   Guard: The can protect one player every night, but he        questions:1. Are you aware that the system plays the
cannot guard the same player for two consecutive nights.        “God” in online games? 2.The difference between the
Players protected by the guard will not be killed by            “God” played by offline people and the “God” of the
werewolves that night.                                          online system. 3. Does it affect you when you play the
    The content above is the roles of good guy camp that
often appear in werewolf killings. There are likewise               The first interviewee said that he aware of the first
diverse roles in werewolf camp.                                 problem. He confirmed that people who can play God are
                                                                somewhat familiar with the rules of the game. There is no
   Werewolf: Werewolf is the basic character in the             difference between the system god and people god. The
werewolf camp who could hunt a good person every                only difference is that offline games must have one player
night.                                                          to stand up and be God, and one more person is needed.
   Wolf beauty: A wolf beauty can charm a person at             For example, a normal nine-player game, but because
night. After daybreak, if the wolf beauty is exiled or shot     there is one person to be God, ten people are needed to
by a hunter, the charmed player will follow the wolf            start the game.
beauty and be out of the game with no skills.                       Theoretically, the fifth interviewee thinks that the
    Wolf king: After being exiled, the wolf king could use      system should be God because the system wouldn’t make
skills to kill a player.                                        mistakes, and if people play God’s part, there will be
                                                                more or less make mistakes and some process problems.
    Besides, the special camp is also an important part of      He doesn’t like to be God himself. He said if he plays
the game.                                                       good, he doesn’t have any game experience. Still, every
    Cupid: On the first night, Cupid could choose two           time he plays an offline game, someone will come out to
players as a couple. Besides, Cupid can choose to be one        be God, which doesn’t need him to worry. It’s not his turn
of the lovers. If one of the lovers is unfortunately hunted,    anyway, so he didn’t think much about this problem as if
the other will die for him. If two of the lovers belong to      there is no difference between a man playing God and
different camps, their victory conditions will be changed       system playing God, they are all playing the same game

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 571

     The first interviewee said that he still prefers the       the game is going on. At this time, the host can’t laugh or
system to play God because some players who are not             have other expressions and can’t let others know from his
familiar with the process will make mistakes more or            expressions that he knows who is the murderer and who
less, especially some complicated things. After adding          is the prophet. But the machine won’t give people any
others new roles, they will make mistakes in the                hints, and the players didn’t have to face each other
announcement, but this problem will not occur if it is a        online, and they didn’t know anything when they played
computer. However, when people gather offline, they are         with a mobile phone. So let her choose. She will feel that
still willing to choose someone to be God face-to-face          the system should be the host.
instead of taking out their mobile phones and opening a
                                                                    The third interviewee likes to be God very much.
room online that everyone can come in and let the system
                                                                According to the original words she interviewed,
help them be God.
                                                                ‘Because I don’t like playing games that require intrigue
    Similarly, another interviewee has the same idea. This      very much, I would like to be God very much if I were
interviewee said that he played more online killing and         you, I am not very fond of playing games myself.
was aware of this problem. In his view, God is not a            However, if you don’t play in group games, everyone will
player, and offline games must have a host. Offline hosts       think that you are very unsociable and feel destroying the
are “stupid” and often make mistakes, and the system will       atmosphere. Therefore, if I have to play, I am not very
not make mistakes. From a rigorous point of view and            good at disguising myself. God is a very good role, for I
pure gameplay, the system plays God better because, in          can have a sense of participation without feeling out of
an offline game, people often can’t figure out who is out       place.’.
of the game, but if it’s just for friends to have fun
                                                                    Apart from the awareness of different speculative
together. It’s more interesting that let one person play
                                                                modes, players’ identities also matter. So another
God. To conclude, God played by man, and God played
                                                                interview deal with the role imaginations. The five
by the system do not influence him; only one person is
                                                                interviewees’ opinions can be roughly summarized into
missing. This interviewee said that although being God
                                                                the following three points, which represent three diverse
will not be boring, he can be God, but he will not be
                                                                kinds of players.
willing to be God. God can open his eyes and look at the
whole situation and see how people act, which is                    The content of the first interviewer’s opinion is as
equivalent to watching the game. Play God is equal to not       follows: ‘I like play Prophet in the werewolf killing
participating in this game, and he watches others play all      because I’m not very good at this game, and playing
the time. So once in a while, he can play one or two            werewolf and lying to others is difficult for me. Prophet
games to be the God. When he plays more games, he will          has a powerful special skill to check whether a player is
feel that he has no game experience, and God can do             a good person or a werewolf. I can directly show my
nothing but announce and watch.                                 identity and speak out the inspection result to contribute
                                                                to the good guys’ camp. I don’t need to hide and think
    These two interviews show that some people prefer
                                                                about how to find flaws from others. Playing prophet
the system to play the part of God and prefer online
                                                                would give me a stronger sense of participation.’
games. Because they prefer to play the game more
seriously, and they wouldn’t accept mistakes by human               The first interviewer’s view is with typical ‘novice’
factor. It can easily show that this kind of people has a       characteristics, which shows that actually, they enjoy
strong sense of win and defeat. They are more concerned         participating in this game and are eager to help their team.
about the process of the game. On the other hand, there         But they are constrained by insufficient gaming
are some different opinions about the differences of the        experience, so the prophet is the best choice to participate
player of the God between humans and the system.                in this game. From the perspective of game playing itself,
                                                                individuals who like to play prophet have many reasons.
    The last interviewee had never played online
                                                                Compared to playing a werewolf, the prophet as a
werewolf killing, and she didn’t realize the first question.
                                                                member of the good guys’ camp will make people more
She thinks that the system is fair. When people play God1
                                                                confident, have a stronger sense of participation, and
and play the game process, they will have micro-
                                                                make people get a better game experience. Compared
expressions. Therefore, some players will especially
                                                                with acting as a civilian, a prophet can check the identity
observe the expression of the host, and then they can get
                                                                in the dark and obtain more direct information, which is
some hints from the tone and expression of the host.
                                                                more helpful for the victory. Compared with witches and
Therefore, this uncertainty will be great and will interfere
                                                                hunters, Prophet doesn’t have to make judgments to
with the fairness of the game. But the system is a ruthless
                                                                poison and shoot someone, making the player less likely
robot, so everyone only needs to speak to the microphone
                                                                to blame the wrong judgment.
on the mobile phone, and there will be no external factors
affecting the fairness of the game.                                Above all, players who like to play prophet are mostly
                                                                newbies in the game, but they are eager to get rid of a
   In offline games, because the host is the audience’s
                                                                novice’s identity and contribute to the team by using the
focus, all players will definitely focus on the host when

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 571

prophet’s powerful inspection skills. Corresponding to          person in daily life, and this can also explain why he can
the daily social circumstances, this kind of people are         play the role of werewolf very well. The most important
unwilling to be “transparent people” in social situations       thing to be a good werewolf is to have confidence in what
and magnify their advantages —— prophet’s inspection            you say and make others trust you. For instance, when the
skill in the werewolf killing, to make themselves               werewolf debate with the real prophet for the identity of
‘brightly’.                                                     the prophet, it is a very important feature that the speech
                                                                is more convincing. What’s more, some werewolf players
    The second interviewee represents players who like
                                                                will regard the game process as the extension of people’s
to play civilians. His interview’s content is as follows: ‘I
                                                                daily communication, such as hunting their good friends
am favoured of playing civilian because it makes me
                                                                as a joke on the first night in the game. This kind of thing
loose in the process of the game. Other players call this
                                                                will be discussed after the game is over, and it will
kind of civilian like me a mob. I have no special skills
                                                                eventually become a funny thing that is reminded every
and could question everyone in the game. I will even grab
                                                                time they play the game.
the position of the sheriff with other gods with special
skills. I could also pretend to be a prophet to make time           In conclusion, werewolves are preferred by
for the real prophet to test people or avoid the condition      individuals who are good at logical thinking, hiding,
that all the gods are dead, and I have a sense of               expressing, and are confident about themselves. The
accomplishment whenever I make this successfully.’              werewolf is one of the characters that can best
Players who like to play civilians generally have               demonstrate the player’s game skills, so it is favoured by
experienced players with strong game ability. The               many confident players and want to show themselves in
interviewee mentions in the interview that sometimes he         the game. Such kinds of people are usually very popular
would behave like a mob who could do almost everything          in daily social life because a person with the
he wants, and it also shows that this kind of senior player     characteristics of a good werewolf player can usually
wants to be free and casual in the game-playing. But he         accomplish a task with ease in social situations.
also mentions many high-level gameplays related to the
citizens, which sometimes is the key to victory. It shows       6. CONCLUSION
that such players also tend to show themselves and help
their team at critical moments, making them have a great            The interaction of different factors causes the
sense of accomplishment. Most importantly, civilians’           prevalence of werewolf killing. It is a product of
role will not burden the player, and players do not have        advanced technology in the new media era and meets the
to take the main responsibility for the loss, which is more     social needs of the younger generation in China.
conducive to the player’s performance.                          According to the interview, the awareness of offline and
                                                                online modes and different participation modes are put
    In summary, individuals who prefer to play civilians        into the investigation. The young Chinese generation has
are mostly senior players with the idea of both showing         developed a way of making peace with contrast social
and getting carried by teammates. They pay more                 needs and requirements by playing their comfortable
attention to their personal feelings in this kind of social     roles in the game of werewolf killing online. They show
interaction. Like in the Werewolf killing, they like to play    some positive in defining self-identity by cooperating to
at will without limitations, get a stronger sense of            win the game on the one hand, on the other, they
satisfaction, and are unwilling to take responsibility for      compromise to join some less comfortable social
failure. In daily social interactions, such people prefer to    environment. The online role-playing game is a predator-
be free. They do not take the initiative to pursue their        prey game for the younger generation and a self-
sense of presence on ordinary occasions, but they are still     construction process with the frame of modern media-
willing to show themselves on certain key occasions.            motivated social communication.
    The third interviewee prefers to play werewolf in the
game. The interview content is as follows: ‘I prefer to         REFERENCES
play the werewolf camp because I enjoy the process of
                                                                [1] Barrett, H.C. Human cognitive adaptations to
‘killing’, it will give me a sense of control. What’s more,
                                                                    predators and prey. Doctoral dissertation,
I think I am good at cheating others, and it is amusing to
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analyse calmly to dispel other people’s suspicion of me.
Most interestingly, I like killing my good friend on the            California at Santa Barbara, 1999
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