THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart

Page created by Freddie Sanders
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
June 2017

      Learning at I.S.S. Sindelfingen
      Head of Campus: Sarah Kupke

      Director of Academics for Learning: Rebecca Jones-Bürk

      International School Stuttgart Sindelfingen Campus

      Hallenser Straße 2

      71065 Sindelfingen, Germany

      +49 (0) 7031 6859780
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
EARLY LEARNING CLASS                                        CLASS TEACHER: AMANDA HAWORTH
                                                             LEARNING ASSISTANT: JUDIT GEIßLER

 Since May the Early Years Class has been working on a drama project
 with Kids@Kita, a program in Sindelfingen that brings professional
 artists into Kindergarten classroom to work in-depth with
 Kindergarten-aged students. Two drama experts have joined our
 community of learners to lead this project. They have worked with
 our current Unit of Research about water to create a program where
 the students are different water animals and have had to act out their
 character and develop the story. The students have also made their
 own costumes and created backgrounds. We have practiced for six
 weeks and will have our final performance June 9th.

 Seit Anfang Mai arbeiten zwei Drama Expertinnen mit den Kindern
 aus unserer Klasse. Sie kommen von Kids@Kita, einem Verein dessen
 professionelle Künstler mit Kindergartenkindern verschiedene Themen
 bearbeiten und verarbeiten.
 Sie haben uns geholfen unsere Forschungseinheit zu erkunden, indem
 sie mit den Kindern ein Theaterstück über Wassertiere geschrieben
 haben. Die Kinder haben selber ihre Kostüme und den Hintergrund
 zum Theaterstück gebastelt. Wir haben sechs Wochen lang geübt, und
 werden das Ergebnis am 9. Juni den Eltern zeigen.
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
Class Teacher: Amanda Clem

1&2 C
                           German Team Teacher: Andrea Haake
                                           Learning Assistants:
                             Aaron Chivington and Kirsten Donie

        In May, class 1/2C presented at the
        whole school assembly on how to be
        open-minded. Here are some ways the
        children in 1/2C are open-minded.
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
Our final project for our unit about Public Places was a group project. Students worked together to
create their own town. Together, each group needed to figure out a way to incorporate given challenges
about people living in their town.
Joelle: Ich wusste nicht wie ein Wort auf Englisch heißt.
Andreas: It was challenging to talk with my group members.
Amelia: It was hard to fold the houses.
June: Some people were only sitting and joking so it was challenging for me and two people to sit and
do the map.
Warren: It was challenging to figure out where to put the houses.
Rahui: It was challenging for me because somebody wanted the house to be on the left side and
somebody wanted it on the right side and we had to listen to them because we are not the boss.

 During our Public Places unit, we walked
 to our local Feuerwehr to learn about its
 duties and responsibilities within the town.
 We also learned about the systems within
 the Feuerwehr.
 Saira: Three trucks go first when there's a
 Eito: There's a special room for washing
 fire jackets and suits.
 Marlon: Es gibt etwas, das aussieht wie
 eine Zange, das braucht man, wenn man
 jemanden aus einem Auto holen muss.
 Charlotte: Firemen don't really work there.
 They work somewhere else. When there's
 a fire a tiny buzzer goes off and they go to
 the fire station.
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
1&2 K
                                                   Class Teacher: Matthew Knights
                                               German Team Teacher: Bianca Ginas
                                                     Learning Assistant:Karin Kern

 Bei unseren Klassenausflügen zur Feuerwehrwache Sindelfingen und der
 Mercedes Benz Arena in
 Stuttgart haben die Kinder gelernt
 wie öffentliche Orte unserer
 Gesellschaft dienen und welche
 verschiedenen Zwecke diese
 öffentlichen Orte erfüllen.
 Bei der Feuerwehr durften wir in
 und auf die Feuerwehrautos
 steigen, durch den Übungsparcours
 klettern, und in der Zentrale
 Hauptwachtmeister sein.
 In der Mercedes Benz Arena sind
 wir den Spuren der Fußballstars
 gefolgt, von der Einfahrt des
 Mannschaftsbusses bis hin zum Einlauf auf das Spielfeld.
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
Hurra, hurra, der Frühling ist da! Lange haben die Kinder auf wärmere Temperaturen
 gewartet, doch endlich kam der Frühling! Passend hierzu haben wir Frühblüher erforscht und
     in unserer Umgebung nach Zeichen des Frühlings gesucht. Wir haben Spaziergänge
      unternommen, Blumenzwiebeln untersucht, Blumen beim wachsen beobachtet und
 beschrieben, experimentiert und wie in den Bilder zu sehen ist, die einzelnen Bestandteile der
                                      Tulpe kennengelernt.

                                           During the long
                                           afternoons, it is good
                                           for children’s brains
                                           to have an
                                           opportunity to
                                           refresh, to be
                                           autonomous and not
                                           directed by a teacher
                                           for a short while. We
                                           call such times ‘Brain
                                           Break’ in 1/2K, and
                                           the children can do
whatever they like. What they often like to do, of course, is to pursue a learning-based activity --- see
the photos of children engaging with the SNAP Circuits electronics boards.

We enjoy real-world-based experiential learning as much as possible in 1/2K, and are often out and
about learning about the world, in the world. Sometimes, however, the world comes to us, one such
time being a visit to class by a parent who is also a GP (Hausarzt). The children learnt about the
specialist equipment a doctor uses in examining whether a
                                   body is functioning correctly,
                                   and when diagnosing
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
3&4 D
Class Teacher: Liam Devaney
German Team Teacher: Bianca Ginas
Learning Assistant: Erica King

                                 Identity & Change – Healthy Living
Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle: Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies
This unit provided many opportunities in class for discussion as the children developed their understanding of what
a healthy lifestyle and a healthy mind means.

This unit involved Frau Kubacsek in sport as she focused on the “Healthy Bodies” aspect of healthy living.

In class the main focus was on “Healthy Minds” and exploring
important themes, such as:
    • friendships/building positive peer relationships
    • feelings and emotions
    • bullying
    • anger-management
    • making appropriate choices
    • positive playtime
    • finding a balance
Inquiry into

   •      What constitutes a healthy lifestyle?
   •      How are we affected by the choices we make?
   •      Ways in which we can keep ourselves "top fit"

Guiding Questions

   •    What does it mean to be fit and healthy?
   •    What can we do to keep fit and healthy?
   •    What does having a healthy mind mean?
   •    How does
        food, exercise
        and sleep
        affect health?
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
Die Römer

Im Rahmen unserer Forschungseinheit “die Römer” finden die Schüler heraus wie
das Leben im römischen Reich funktionierte. Um einen besseren Einblick in den
Alltag der Römer zu bekommen haben wir einen Klassenausflug zum römischen
Freilichtmuseum in Hechingen Stein unternommen. Die Kinder bestaunten den
römischen Gutshof, lernten wie die Römer kochen, bauen, essen, und sich
waschen in riesigen Waschhäusern. Es war sehr
überraschend für alle Schüler, dass die Römer sogar
schon Fußbodenheizungen entwickelt hatten. Zum
Abschluss nahmen die Kinder an einer Werkstatt teil
in der sie ein traditionelles römischen Spiel bastelten.
Das Lernen an der frischen Luft war sehr interessant
und aufregend, aber auch erschöpfend und die meisten
nutzten die 1 stündige Rückreise um die Augen zu
schließen und auszuruhen.
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
3&4 K
Class Teacher: Jennifer King
German Team Teacher: Sylvia Karaca
Learning Assistant: Erica King

                                                         (Answer to riddle: Washing powder!)

           3/4K Interlingual Learning In and Outside the Classroom

           Spring Acrostic Poetry

           Recently the children created poetry on the theme of spring. Helping each other, they
           wrote acrostics in English and in German. Some children even wrote poetry in their
           home language, as you can see in the examples, in Japanese and Turkish.
THE SIFI TIMES June 2017 - International School Stuttgart
A Picnic in our Grünes Klassenzimmer
  The year investigating our meadow as part of the Grünes Klassenzimmer project is
  coming to a close. During our last visit we had a picnic on the meadow, where we
picked some of the flowers and other plants that grow there to make a delicious salad.
This was washed down with some of the wonderful apple juice that we made last year
                                             in the

The Romans were here! Invaders and Conquerors
To launch the last research unit of the year, the children went on a field trip to an open air
Roman museum. Our tour guides, talking in German, explained what life was like during the
Ancient Roman Empire, from some unusual “bathroom habits” to how to play games Roman-
GRADE 5                                                           Class Teacher: Owen Murphy
                                                            German Team Teacher: Elke Clarus

  Overnight Field Trip

  Between 24th and 26th May, Grade 5 travelled to the centre of Germany for our
  overnight field trip. We stayed, worked and played together in Mühlhausen in
  Thüringen as part of our Research Unit ‘Changing Body, Changing Mind’. Our
  focus was on healthy living, so we filled much of our time with sport and
  exercise. During the trip, we visited a Sporthotel where we could play a variety
  of games, including squash, tennis and badminton. There was also the chance
  to go swimming, where the wave pool was particularly popular! Alongside the
  planned activities, the free time around the youth hostel was also great for our
  team building, especially jumping over the stream! The whole class came
  together to encourage those who wanted to try… and to support those who got
  their feet wet in the process! These are really valuable moments for any class
  and we return to school tired, but healthier and more together than ever

  Student Comments:

  ౯ࡅཻ჋်࿰҅ࢩԅਙஉํ᪁,ᮎ᯾ํஉग़ᭌೠ - Angel

  En el viaje que tuvimos me gusto mas poder ser independiente, caminar por la
  calle principal de el pueblo sola con mis amigas y tambien me gusto convivir
  con mis amigas. - Alondra

  Mijn favoriete ding van de overnacht trip was, de lange water glijbaan en het
  zwembad met golven. - Eefke

  晍᪃ͽ̵䮭ͭ͡͹͵ͩ;΅ϤЄϸͽ̶ͯ- Sae

  I liked swimming, because I love swimming and haven't been able to swim in
  Germany yet. - Nathan

  Mein lieblingsteil von diesem Ausflug war Schwimmen und die freizeit im Stadt.
  - Jake
GRADE 6                                                    CLASS TEACHER: PAMELA GRIMES

                                Field Trip to Monbachtal

                                           Grade 6’s field trip to Monbachtal was very
                                           exciting and interesting. The bike
                                           ride there was very wet and muddy but fun.
                                           When we got there we decided
                                           which rooms we would be in by drawing names
                                           out of a hat.Then we unpacked
                                            and ate pizza for dinner. On our second day
                                           we woke from our beauty sleep
                                           and went on a treasure hunt. On the treasure
                                           hunt we looked for pieces of
                                           paper that were located around our youth

 we did a ropes course and finished it off with
 some Flammkuchen.The third day was a
 blast when we
 started off with a hike to a waterfall. Then
 we drove to an alpaca farm and
 walked with alpacas. While we were up there
 we went on a hike on the
 Beinberg, the hike was about the history of
 the Monbachtal and the Beinberg
 early settlers. We also made go-carts in small
 groups and later in the afternoon
                                     we had a
                                     race. Even
                                     there were
                                     crashes, no one was hurt here was just damage to
                                     our go-carts. On our last day we watched a movie
                                     and ate chips - it was the best evening closure to a
                                     week of fun filled events. Oh - the bike ride back to
                                     school was much dryer than on the way to
                                     Monbachtal. We all were champions - we left and
                                     arrived together - we are a Great Grade 6 Team!
Grade 7                                                               Class Teacher: Della Lawson
                                                                   Language Teachers: Anja Knabe
                                                                                   Pamela Grimes

 The Importance of Scientists in Our World
 Science Fair: Grades 6 and 7

 Scientists play an extremely important role in the growing knowledge of
 a community by systematically testing ideas and then sharing their
 results. As a guiding focus for this unit students are experiencing what
 it is like through our annual Science Fair to create a microcosm of
 budding scientists working together to further community knowledge.
 Each will fully design an investigation, collect and analyze his/her own
 data and then share what was learned with the larger school

 Students are investigations show a large variety in their curiosity from
 what happens when you "zap" slime with the charge built up by a Van
 de Graaff generator to testing different mini-hyperloop designs based off
 of Elon Musk's visionary idea.

 When grade 7 students were asked about why scientists and the sharing of their results are
 important in our world students commented:

                                                        Yannis: ...Es ist wichtig, weil andere
                                                        Schüler etwas von uns lernen können, und
                                                        damit wir anderen Schülern zeigen können
                                                        was wir erreicht haben. Die Kinder haben
                                                        dann eine Idee wie sie ihr Projekt gestalten

                                                        Claire: ...using science, scientists can
                                                        predict the future and try to uncover what
                                                        happened in the past. They can also
                                                        invent things that fix problems, make the
                                                        impossible possible and make life easier for

 Easton: ...They help us to know what is healthy for us and what is not....

 Hunter: Science is useful to help find antibiotics and counters to disease. We also need science
 to discover new inventions to help solve problems like cleaner see what reacts with
 something else and how we could use it for energy. It is important to share your information with
 others so that others can help build off of your knowledge...

 Miko: ...If they discover something, that certain thing will later on be researched more deeply and

Max: I think that is important for scientists to share their knowledge with the general community
because once the community knows, they can make the world a better place.
Grade 8
Class Teacher: Michael Bowe
LangLit Teacher: Anja Knabe
I & S Teacher: Raymond Schneider

           Our Field Trip to Vienna
           By Lana Raiger
           Picture provided by teachers and Thomas England

           Our trip to Vienna was very interesting. On Monday, we went on a 9 hour long bus ride,
           but it was okay because we had snacks and movies to pass our time. When we arrived at
           the youth hostel we were all exhausted. I think the best part of that day was when we
           went to get ice cream! The ice cream shop was pretty hard to find. We ended up walking
           past it. The ice cream shop had many interesting flavors such as goat cheese, poppy
           seed, and pumpkin seed oil. By the way, the ice cream shop was called Eis Greissler. You
           should go there when you get the chance! The ice cream’s really good!
              On the second day, we went to an art museum called Belvedere Museum and a music
           museum called das Haus der Musik. In the Belvedere Museum, we learned how Gustav
           Klimt added gold into his paintings. It turns out he used gold leaf, which is an extremely
           thin sheet of gold that it will stick onto your skin due to the oils and will break if it is not
           handled carefully. At the Haus der Musik, we played around with sound, music, learned
           about the famous composers from Vienna. After the exhibition, Arun, Thomas
           Kastanaras, and Taehyun played the piano at the entrance, earning a few cheers and
           applauses from other people at the museum. Mr. Bowe taught us how to stealthily cap
           people and take pictures of the people we capped. That was really cool. I do that with
           my friends to this day!
              On the third day, we went to the Schönbrunn Palace, and a ropes course, where some
           people, such as me, learned to partially overcome our fear of heights for a small period
           of time. In the evening, we went to the Prater amusement park. Some people had a lot
           of fun, while others didn’t enjoy the rides that much. At least one person got a sugar
           rush from eating too much cotton candy, and a few ended up with bruises from the
           bumper cars. We could only go on a few rides because of the price, but I guess you
           could say it was worth it! I say it was fun!
              On the fourth day, we went to the United Nations building in Vienna, a Spanish Horse
           Riding School, and shopped for souvenirs. The United Nations building was really
           interesting. I think it got some people into doing Model United Nations next year. I know
           that I want to do it. At the Spanish Horse Riding School, there was a really cute fat cat.
           We actually thought it was pregnant, but our tour guide said that he was a male. It’s
           funny how many of us came to pet that cat and take pictures of it, when we actually
           came to see the horses. The horse riding school was interesting too. I recommend this
           place to people who really love horses. I ended up spending over 70 euros that day. I
           went all out on the souvenirs. Luckily I had enough money to buy a scoop of ice cream
           from a really cool vegan ice cream shop just a few blocks from our hostel. It’s called
           Veganista. I really recommend that place too!
              On Friday, we took the bus back to school. The trip was really fun! If you are ever
           going to have this field trip, make sure you have at least 50 euros for souvenirs and 20
           euros for ice cream if you are an ice cream addict like me!
Grade 9                                                      Class Teacher: Chris Kraft
                                                          LangLitTeacher: Anja Knabe

  Grade 8/9 Field Trip to Vienna
  From the 8th of May until the 12th, the grades 8 and 9 of the International
  School of Stuttgart went on a Field Trip to Vienna. The main point of this
  Field Trip was to combine elements of the subject Humanities as well as
  elements from Art and Music to give the students an overview of the
  viennese culture as well as its history.
They visited the Schloss Belvedere where
                                             they took an art workshop in which they had
                                             to decorate a frame using the key elements
                                             that Gustav Klimt used in his paintings:
                                             different shapes and covering some of the
                                             elements with gold foil.

The students also visited a music museum
called “Haus der Musik” in which they
learned about different viennese musicians
such as Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert.
The museum had an interesting special
exhibition which mimicked the sounds a
fetus hears in the womb. Interactive games
explained the visitors how an orchestra
works and which instruments make what
kind of sound.

                                                     Lastly the grades 8 and 9 visited
                                                     the famous “Spanische
                                                     Hofreitschule” were expensive and
                                                     famous so called “Lippizaner”
                                                     horses are trained and where one
                                                     can watch stunning shows
                                                     featuring these horses.

                                                     - Ann-Kathrin Schramm, Grade 9
MUSIC                                Music teacher: Gudrun Egle

                               The annual Spring Concert
                               this year, held on March 29th
                               2017 at the music school
                               Sindelfingen, displayed a
                               variety of musical learning
                               experiences from grades 3 to
                               In the pictures there are:
                               a)      Grade 3-4 students,
                               performing 3 songs on their
                               recorders. They have learned
                               the notes b,a,g, f and e,
                               breath control, tone colour
                               and sight reading skills.

 b) Grade 5 students,
    demonstrating guitar
    playing. In a 3 month
    during unit they have
    learned to play several
    chords on the guitar,
    single melody-lines and
    applying team skills for
    this ensemble.

                                   c) Grade 9-10,
                                   performing their own
                                   compositions, created for
                                   the IDU unit “Vienna,
                                   European Cultural
Class Teacher: Rebecca Jones-Buerck
I & S Teacher: Raymond Schneider
Language Teachers: Anja Knabe
                                                            Grade 10
                   Michael Bowe

                                              Grade 10 - Science

                                              As the grade 10 students came to the end
                                              of their Chemistry unit, they did an
                                              experiment batteries. The elements we
                                              used for this experiment were Nickel (Ni) ,
                                              Zinc (Zn) , Iron (Fe) , Aluminium (Al) , and
                                              Copper (Cu). We used these metals to see
                                              which one of them gives a high voltage.

Grade 10 - Spanish

In the grade 10 Spanish there are
three different phases: Phase 1 and
Phase 2 / 3 . Phase 2 and Phase 3 are
together because they do similar kind
of work. There is different learning
happening in each of the phases
because of the levels and
understanding. The students in phase
1 are learning about clothes and the
students in phase 2 / 3 are learning
about the Spanish Culture.

                                        Grade 10 - Language and Literature

                                        In the grade 10 Language and Literature in both
                                        German and English classes the students have
                                        been reading the book The Running Man By
                                        Michael Gerard Bauer. The book consists of three
                                        parts, and each part has a reading question and a
                                        creative writing task. Each student must complete
                                        all reading tasks, and they many choose what
                                        creative tasks they want to do for each section
                                        from a list. At the end of everything, the students
                                        choose one creative task out of the three to
                                        improve on and then present it to the class.
ERASMUS+ in Catalonia                                             HOC Sarah Kupke

The ISS Sindelfingen Campus is leading a European
Council-funded, Erasmus+ project, involving
partner schools from Narva in Estonia, Amsterdam
in the Netherlands and Coma-Ruga in Catalonia. In
the last week of April, 8 of our 5th graders visited
the school in Spain. Our project focuses on
exploring local cultural traditions through dual-
                                             we took
                                             part in
                                             the St. Jordi celebrations where people made
                                             human towers,
                                             we learned
                                             local dances,
                                             and pressed
                                             grapes with our
                                             feet. The
                                  was warm enough to swim
                                  in too. More importantly,
                                  we established new
                                  friendships and look
                                  forward to the next trip to
                                  Amsterdam in the Autumn
                                  and to hosting our
                                  partners in May 2018.

                                 Der ISS Sindelfingen Campus leitet ein vom Europäischen Rat
                                 gefördertes Erasmus + Projekt mit Partnerschulen in Narva
                                 (Estland), Amsterdam (Niederlanden) und Coma-Ruga
                                 (Katalonien). In der letzten Aprilwoche besuchten 8 unserer 5.
                                 Klässler die Schule in
                                Spanien. Unser Projekt
konzentriert sich auf die Erforschung lokaler kultureller
Traditionen durch zweisprachigen Team-Unterricht. In
Katalonien nahmen wir an den St. Jordi-Feiern teil, wo
Menschen menschliche Türme bauen, lernten lokale
Tänze kennen und pressten Trauben mit unseren
Füßen. Das Mittelmeer war warm genug, um auch zu
schwimmen. Noch wichtiger ist, dass wir neue
Freundschaften geschlossen haben und freuen uns auf
die nächste Reise nach Amsterdam im Herbst und
unsere Gäste im Mai 2018.
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