The Social Intrapreneur A Field Guide for Corporate Changemakers - Shoe-lover

Page created by Alberto Griffith
The Social Intrapreneur
    A Field Guide for Corporate


       Surveyor                                      Nuclear
nthropologist                       Lawyer

                  Community activist
p builder
                           Yuppie            Daughter
       Corporate soldier                             Scientis

Forewords                            1
       Field Notes                          4
     1 Introduction                         8
     2 Origins of a Species                12
     3 The Market Ecosystem                16
     4 The Field Guide                     26
     5 Strategy of the Beaver              42
     6 Wisdom of the Social Intrapreneur   52
     7 Future Expeditions                  60
       Acknowledgements                    65
       Notes                               66

r engineer


The Social Intrapreneur                                                                        1


SustainAbility’s second Skoll Program            This is the line of inquiry that we further
report investigates the role of the new breed    pursue in this second round of our
of social intrapreneurs working within           Skoll Program.
business — and assesses the potential for
collaboration with social entrepreneurs.         Who, we ask, are the corporate equivalents
                                                 of social entrepreneurs, the people with
Don’t ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.   whom entrepreneurs might want to engage
That is the motto of many social entre-          to build the high-potential partnerships
preneurs we have come across — and in some       with mainstream business that featured so
cases worked with. But I think I owe our         high in their wish-list during our Growing
readers a personal word or two of explanation    Opportunity survey.4 And how do they see
both on the subject matter of this latest        the parallel fields of social entrepreneurship
survey report and on its unusual style.          and intrapreneurship? Our research and
When the Skoll Foundation awarded                findings are presented in what follows.
SustainAbility a three-year grant in 2006,
the focus was on field-building in relation      The Field Guide style is both a signal that
to social entrepreneurship. So why are we        we do not claim to have discovered Universal
now haring off into the corporate world of       Truths on the basis of our work to date —
social intrapreneurs?                            and an effort to make a sometimes complex
                                                 field more accessible to a wider audience,
Our reasoning runs as follows. Social            particularly senior policy-makers and
entrepreneurs are some of the most               decision-takers.
extraordinary changemakers (to use Ashoka’s
term) in the world today.1 And, with several     In closing, my personal thanks go to Jeff
winning Nobel Peace Prizes and many others       Skoll and Sally Osberg and their colleagues
spotlighted by awards from organizations like    at the Skoll Foundation, to Maggie Brenneke
Acumen, Ashoka, Echoing Green, Endeavor          and Alexa Clay at SustainAbility, who blazed
and the Schwab and Skoll foundations, the        our trail through the jungle, and to Rupert
assumption might be that — if the rest of us     Bassett for helping us turn the Field Guide
would get out of the way — these people          idea into what you hold in your hands.
would save the world. Hardly.                    We enjoyed this project enormously — and
                                                 hope that you find value in this report.
As The Economist put it in reviewing             Any comments would be much appreciated.
The Power of Unreasonable People,2 the
book summarizing our work in this field,         John Elkington
“The greatest agents for sustainable change      Founder
are unlikely to be [social entrepreneurs],       SustainAbility
interesting though they are . . . They are
much more likely to be the entirely
reasonable people, often working for large
companies, who see ways to create better
products or reach new markets, and have
the resources to do so.” 3
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                     2


What does an innovator look like?                 Intrapreneurs are thus a special breed with
                                                  rare, often hard-won, skills. Their value
People often think of innovators as crazy-        to businesses is incalculable. Indeed, our
haired loners, pipe-chomping professors or        business would not exist without them.
charismatic entrepreneurs. As if the very         Now they’re poised to become even more
nature of thinking differently requires           significant.
innovators to be maverick characters —
outsiders even — who owe their disruptive         Within the enlightened boardrooms of the
creativity to a life lived on the fringe.         world, a new kind of intrapreneurial activity
                                                  is emerging: sustainability and innovation
This is largely a misconception. True             have become the subject of overlapping
innovators — the sort who are behind the          discussions with a measurable impact on
vast majority of innovations that improve         the bottom line. What was once corporate
our lives every year — breeze through the         social responsibility (CSR) and marketing
doors of the giant corporations of the world      has become R&D, and vice versa.
and choose to make their mark from within.
They are integrators, problem solvers and         With this change, a new breed of individual
facilitators. They are likely to have honed       is being asked to step up: a social intra-
less celebrated, but perhaps more reliable,       preneur — someone who is capable of making
characteristics of innovation such as political   a positive impact to their business and for
savvy, tact, teamwork and patience. Further-      the world. Identifying the challenges faced
more, rather than getting their way via force     by these change agents and finding ways to
of personality or charismatic zeal, these         support, scale-up and accelerate their work
innovators learn how to bring projects to         are now priorities for us at IDEO.
life through the deft manipulation of the
latent intellectual and financial capital         These are exciting times to be in the
inside their organizations.                       innovation business. Increasingly impassioned
                                                  individuals are wrapping business pragmatism
Innovation companies like IDEO are interested     around visionary agendas. Understanding the
in this kind of innovator. We call them           social intrapreneur is thus a vital ingredient
clients, or marketing execs, or president of      in maintaining any future edge. The age of
such and such, but rarely do we celebrate         the social intrapreneur has begun.
how unique these individuals are and the
characteristics that make them successful.        The IDEO team
Where entrepreneurs choose autonomy or
celebrity, they choose scale and impact.
Where entrepreneurs prefer control, these
individuals have the enviable ability to get
things done from inside massively complex
systems. They are, of course, players every
bit as important as entrepreneurs — but
behind the scenes.
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                    3


Social entrepreneurship is changing the          Social intrapreneurs are a rare species.
world. Finding solutions for the world’s         They may sit anywhere within corporate
most pressing problems is no longer              structures and are often hard to find. Their
considered the exclusive business of             ideas are likely to be highly unusual and
governments, international organizations         often appear in conflict with existing business
or large non-profits. Every day outstanding      priorities. Yet, this is a species that must be
social entrepreneurs prove that almost no        patiently nurtured. The promise for society
problem is too big to be tackled through         and opportunity for business make the task
innovation and business acumen.                  of identifying and supporting social
Extraordinary examples abound revealing          intrapreneurs within large corporations a
that through ingenuity, optimism and hard        highly rewarding challenge.
work men and women are developing
effective, scalable solutions for a wide         Our strong belief in the potential of social
range of societal challenges such as climate     entrepreneurship led Allianz to support
change, poverty alleviation and social           SustainAbility’s Growing Opportunity report.
inclusion.                                       We are very pleased to take this cooperation
                                                 one step forward by supporting The Social
Within this new scenario, the question           Intrapreneur: A Field Guide for Corporate
emerges: what should be the role of              Changemakers.
corporations? Is social entrepreneurship
the exclusive terrain of inspired individuals    Helping over 80 million customers world-
outside of the mainstream? Is true social or     wide plan for a more secure future, social
environmental innovation compatible with         innovation is core to our business. Whether
large corporate structures? Is it only about     through environmentally friendly insurance
‘doing the right things’ (leadership) or also    and investment products, retirement services
about ‘doing things right’ (management)?         or microinsurance projects, we strongly
Is it feasible to generate shareholder value     believe that identifying solutions that help
while proactively addressing societal issues?    address global challenges is key for our
                                                 long-term competitiveness. For Allianz,
The following pages point to this opportunity.   supporting our social intrapreneurs in this
The social intrapreneurs depicted in this        endeavor is not only the right thing to do,
report are early markers of the incredible       but it is the smart thing to do.
potential for the alignment of societal need
and business value. No doubt, success in this    Paul Achleitner
space is not easily achieved. Yet, the tales     Member of the Board of Management
contained herein are not only tales of great     Allianz
courage, but also of opportunity — the
opportunity to both do well and do good.
The Social Intrapreneur                         4

Field Notes
A brief word from the field
about a newly discovered species —
the social intrapreneur

Social intrapreneur, n. 1 Someone who works
inside major corporations or organizations
to develop and promote practical solutions to
social or environmental challenges where
progress is currently stalled by market failures.
2 Someone who applies the principles of social
entrepreneurship inside a major organization.
3 One characterized by an ‘insider-outsider’
mindset and approach.

1    2    3     4    5    6   7
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                     5
Field Notes

Habitat and habits                                Pioneering approaches

The social intrapreneur is carving out a          Social intrapreneurs are creating and
new niche within the multinational corporate      delivering new business models. They compel
habitat of our ecosystem. Their primary           their host corporations to look outside their
motivation is to incubate and deliver business    comfort zones — to see both the strategic
solutions that add value to both society          risks and profound opportunities that exist
and the bottom line. They are hybrid              beyond the purview of traditional business
individuals, who draw on values of social         units. They are not satisfied with suboptimal
entrepreneurship to persistently champion         equilibriums, where markets work well for
a vision of change in the face of frequent        some, but not at all for others. Their adept
cynicism and resistance. They cannot turn         opposable minds exist to juggle dilemmas and
their backs on the savage global inequities       catalyze new visions, products, services and
and environmental degradation in the world,       solutions — some of which may fall beneath
or on the profound social and economic value      the radar today, but will eventually enable a
to be gained by delivering market solutions.      scale of change that delivers value to society
See Chapter 2                                     and business well into the future.
                                                  See Chapter 5

Evolutionary drivers
                                                  Related species
Social intrapreneurs are found in established
multinational corporations. They understand       Although many social entrepreneurs shun
business process and priorities as well as        the corporate habitat of social intrapreneurs,
sustainability imperatives. They flourish         they have common traits, particularly when
when multinational business provides them         it comes to the motivation to deliver social
with an effective base from which to create       change. Intrapreneurs can potentially provide
and leverage innovative societal solutions.       social entrepreneurs with a new point of
The emergence of social intrapreneurs is the      access to multinational business and all it
result of a series of ‘evolutionary drivers,’     has to offer in terms of investment capital,
including global market failures, shifts in       global reach, resource and scale.
personal motivations and increased societal       See Chapter 6
expectations of business.
See Chapter 3
                                                  Care and protection

Identifying characteristics                       Intrapreneurs are adept at fighting and
                                                  surviving cynicism, caution and the status
Social intrapreneurs are more ambitious           quo in large corporations. However, healthy
for social change than for personal wealth        corporate curiosity and support (including
and advancement. They are willing and able        capital), along with an enabling appetite
to take risks, including moving across and        for exploration and experimentation, will
between organizations and sectors to reach        definitely encourage this species to thrive.
the locale where they can realize their vision.   See Chapter 7
They combine tactical and strategic skill-sets
with qualities of perseverance and strength,
independence and teamwork, far-sightedness
and practicality — all of which enables them
to get the basics right, earn trust and deliver
real results.
See Chapter 4
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                      6
Field Notes

The Intrapreneurs and their ventures              CEMEX
                                                  Luis Sota worked with executives at
The following Field Guide draws upon in-          CEMEX to develop low-income housing
depth interviews with twenty social intra-        solutions for their Mexican consumers.
preneurs from a diverse sample of multi-          See p. 39
national corporations. Their work covers
a wide array of environmental and social          Citi
challenges and is in varying stages of            Bob Annibale launched Citi’s global
development — ranging from incubation to          microfinance initiative, which focuses on
market expansion. The characteristic common       building commercial relationships with
to all of these individuals is a passion for      microfinance institutions and clients,
driving societal change through business          enabling access among the underserved to
in a way that generates long-term value           credit, savings, insurance and remittance
for both their companies and communities.         products.
                                                  See pp. 45 and 56–57

Accenture Development Partnerships (ADP)          Coca-Cola
Gib Bulloch and his team work with                Dan Vermeer at Coca-Cola works on water
corporate, government and NGO                     sustainability and other environmental
organizations to develop innovative,              challenges. His recent focus is to extend
cross-sectoral solutions to global challenges.    Coke’s sustainability efforts across the
A recent project with CISCO brought               value chain.
e-learning to the Egypt Education Initiative.     See pp. 37–38 and 68
See pp. 15 and 48
Amanco                                            Bo Miller and Scott Noesen champion Dow’s
At leading pipe manufacturer in Latin             2015 sustainability goals, which emphasize
America, Andreas Eggenberg led the                green chemistry as well as the development of
development of an irrigation system targeted      products to solve societal challenges. They are
at low-income farmers and partnered with          currently focused on water quality and access,
citizen sector organizations on distribution,     and recently took an equity stake in Water
training and financing.                           Health International — a social enterprise.
See p. 20                                         See pp. 54 and 55

Banco Real                                        Ford
Maria Luiza Pinto has worked to mainstream        David Berdish has launched a Megacity
sustainability training and development into      Mobility project designed to address
the organization’s management. This has           transportation needs among swelling
resulted in numerous sustainability initiatives   urban populations in South Africa, India
from financing biodiesel manufacturing to         and Brazil.
offering microfinance services in the favelas     See pp. 11, 32–33 and 47
of Rio de Janeiro.
See pp. 51 and 58                                 Hindustan Unilever
                                                  Vijay Sharma heads up project Shakti,
BP                                                which cultivates women entrepreneurs in
Kerryn Schrank heads up BP’s targetneutral        rural villages. In addition to growing markets
campaign, encouraging drivers to ‘reduce’         for Unilever’s products, these women serve
petrol use. In addition to climate benefits,      as agents of change, acting as positive role
reducing energy use also benefits energy          models in their communities.
security.                                         See p. 40
See pp. 61 and 64
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                   7
Field Notes

Microsoft                                         Unilever
Orlando Ayala heads up Unlimited Potential        Santiago Gowland is driving sustainability
to deliver relevant, accessible and affordable    thinking across Unilever’s diverse brands.
technology solutions to the ‘next 5 billion’      He has pioneered an innovative ‘Brand
people around the world.                          Imprint’ assessment to identify and measure
See pp. 41 and 61                                 social, economic and environmental impacts.
                                                  See pp. 29 and 49
Morgan Stanley
Henry Gonzalez drove Morgan Stanley’s             Vodafone
microfinance offer, which seeks to originate      Nick Hughes and Susie Lonie have developed
microfinance-related transactions for the         a mobile payment offering for Kenyan and
capital markets and to manage Morgan              Afghani customers.
Stanley's direct and indirect equity              See pp. 35 and 47
involvement in microfinance.
See p. 25

Sam McCracken launched the company’s
Native American Business, which leverages
the power of the Nike brand to drive athletic
participation among Native American
See pp. 36, 54 and 57

Win Sakdinan developed the company’s
Future Friendly initiative, which educates
consumers to save energy, water and
packaging with its brands.
See pp. 55 and 59

Sachin Kapila is developing models
for biodiversity markets similar to those
established for carbon markets. One initiative,
Project Rainforest, promotes biofuels
sustainability by looking at how their impact
could be offset through a market-based
mechanism directed at the protection of
existing forests.
See p. 46

Sue Mecklenburg is Vice-President of
Sustainable Procurement Practices at
Starbucks. She's pioneering a new approach
to the supply chain, trailblazing opportunities
for livelihood enhancement among key
suppliers in addition to formalizing ‘best
practices' for accountable procurement.
See pp. 45 and 57
The Social Intrapreneur            8

Chapter 1
Inside Out

Figure 1.1
Shifting mindsets — or paradigms

1    2    3     4    5    6    7
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                       9

 The world — and agendas —                         We make no claims to be latter-day
 of the social intrapreneur                        Darwins, but increasingly we find that when
                                                   imaginative leaders in the private, public
 When we published our first survey of             and citizen sectors are briefed on what social
 social entrepreneurs, people working              and environmental intrapreneurs are doing,
 entrepreneurially within corporations             a similar switch begins to flip in their brains.
 and other organizations said, in effect,          Here, they acknowledge, may be critical clues
 “Great, but what about the entrepreneurs          to how markets, business models and
 inside corporations — and inside                  technologies will evolve in the future.
 government?” Given their potential role
 as an interface between business and the          In keeping with our field guide metaphor,
 wider world of social enterprise — and            we use biological, zoological and ecological
 their experience of driving social and            metaphors, concepts and symbols to
 environmental change from the inside —            illuminate key trends and challenges. The
 we decided to focus this second survey on         idea was sparked by the social intrapreneurs
 social intrapreneurs, at least those inside       themselves. During our interview with Win
 major corporations. What follows is an early      Sakdinan of Procter & Gamble, for example,
 attempt at a field guide to their world —         he suggested that large corporations can be
 its challenges and opportunities.                 like “elephants, as they take time to change
                                                   directions, but when they do, they bring
                                                   lots of weight or positive leverage.” And he
 The nature of a field guide                       didn’t stop there. Many of those who advise
                                                   business leaders, he argued, are like high-
 Because this project is a dip-stick test of       flying birds, “dreamers,” seeing the landscape
 an emerging hypothesis — that social              of risk and opportunity in useful ways, but
 intrapreneurs are gaining traction inside their   often disconnected from the day-to-day
 organizations and, in the process, potentially    responsibilities of business. By contrast, he
 offering crucial access points for social and     concluded, he tries to be more like a giraffe,
 environmental entrepreneurs wanting to            with “my head in the clouds to inspire
 engage business — we have developed this          sustainable innovation, but with my feet
 report in the style of a field guide or           firmly planted on the ground, alongside
 explorer’s sketchbook. Suggestive, hopefully.     the elephants.”
 Full of things observed as we went about
 our work. But by no means the definitive          Of course, companies can be like gazelles as
 work on the subject.                              well as elephants, like dolphins as well as
                                                   manatees, but the thought-train inspired the
 There are precedents for this approach.           metaphor. And in reviewing much of the
 When, for example, Charles Darwin saw the         literature on intrapreneurship, innovation
 wildly diverse finches of the Galapagos, he       and competitiveness, extinction and survival
 scribbled down his thoughts in his notebooks.     are dominant themes.
 Over time, a light began to go on in his brain
 — and he came to see how life had evolved
 and differentiated over countless generations.

“ Social intrapreneurs are unsung heroes.”
  Susie Lonie
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                    10

 Our exploration                                  Our research findings and analysis are
                                                  presented in the following chapters:
 If history teaches any lessons, it’s that the
 long-term survival of today’s corporations       Chapter 2 looks at the origin of this species
 is by no means guaranteed.5 But, given the       of corporate changemaker: the social
 scope of innovation required to begin to         intrapreneur.
 tackle global market failures and sustain-
 ability opportunities, social intrapreneurship   Chapter 3 explores some of the deep trends
 could be one key to shifting away from           powerfully shaping the overall ‘ecosystem,’
 business as usual to something more              or operating environment, in which business
 sustainable. For over 20 years, SustainAbility   conducts its activities.
 has tracked a series of evolutions of the
 sustainable development movement. Today          Chapter 4 provides a basic field guide to
 we see a growing recognition by corporations     social intrapreneurship offering up specimens,
 of the opportunity for greater alignment         case examples, of their work.
 of business value and societal need — with
 social intrapreneurs as agents of change.        Chapter 5 explores how intrapreneurs are
                                                  going about transforming their corporate
 In the spirit of Ashoka’s ambition of            habitats.
 ‘Everyone a Changemaker,’ 6 we define
 corporate changemakers as people — at            Chapter 6 offers tips for future explorers and
 any level in a company — who are trying to       considers some of the ways in which external
 drive change through the development and         parties, NGOs and social entrepreneurs, can
 deployment of entrepreneurial solutions to       play a role.
 key social and environmental challenges.
                                                  Chapter 7 pulls out our key conclusions and
 In this work, we explore four primary            thoughts for the future of this field.

 — What are the forces driving business
   to more proactively address societal
   challenges, such as climate change,
   health care and human rights?

 — What specific business ventures are

 — Who are the people behind these
   initiatives and how do they work?

 — What early lessons can be gleaned
   for aspiring intrapreneurs and those
   looking to support them?

“ You have to work in a corporate minefield!”
  Off-the-record comment
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                11

Specimen                    Eureka moment                   Opportunity
David Berdish               I had experienced life and      Reputational advantage,
                            death when my first wife        carbon savings, new
Species                     died of cancer. Normally        revenue stream, competitive
Social intrapreneur         people think of business        advantage in new markets.
                            as life and death. It isn’t.
Niche                       It’s ok to take risks.          Ambition
Megacity Mobility Project                                   First, to get this pilot in
                            Personal                        South Africa off the ground
Habitat                     Has worked for Ford for 25      and then to develop more
Ford, Detroit               years; studied organizational   sustainable approaches to
                            learning at MIT; majored in     mobility in other emerging
                            poetry and statistics.          markets.

                            Challenge                       Motto
                            Finding mobility solutions      It’s impossible to design a
                            that address emerging           solution in the usual linear
                            urbanization/stratification     analytic way.
                            dynamics, and more
                            specifically, developing
                            sustainable mobility
                            solutions in South Africa.

                                     Loving husband
                            Cool rockin’ daddy
                                     Social intrapreneur

                         Business development manager
                Third generation employee


The Social Intrapreneur                        12

Chapter 2
Origins of a Species
Is the social intrapreneur a new species —
or a rediscovered one?

Figure 2.1
Aligning societal impact with business value

1    2    3     4    5     6    7
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                     13
 Origins of a Species

 Even we find ourselves saying entrepreneur        They don’t worry overly about that. Indeed,
 when we mean intrapreneur, and vice versa.        most of the intrapreneurs we interviewed
 So let’s define our terms:                        appear to have cast off traditional notions
                                                   of advancement in an organization in pursuit
 A social entrepreneur is an entrepreneur          of what their colleagues are likely to see
 with a social or environmental mission at the     as a wild ambition or idea — backed by a
 core of their venture. Typically, the societal    fundamental belief that business must, and
 challenge they are tackling is their mission in   can, change. None of the intrapreneurs we
 life — with their organization and any profit     met are motivated primarily by monetary
 generated seen as a means to that end. Social     gain; instead, they are inspired by a desire
 entrepreneurs are dogged in their pursuit of      to drive real transformation. Take Santiago
 new models for change, harnessing the power       Gowland at Unilever. He gave up a lucrative
 of market forces to serve the unmet needs of      investment banking job to start two social
 society. They come in a number of varieties       projects in Argentina. He then returned to the
 and work in diverse habitats.                     business world because, he believed, there
                                                   was a greater possibility of achieving societal
 Many social entrepreneurs operate outside         change on a large scale.
 mainstream markets, working directly with
 communities to drive change. Consider             So social intrapreneurs, arguably, do resemble
 Bunker Roy of Barefoot College, who               social entrepreneurs in a number of important
 empowers India’s poorest citizens — many          ways. At their best, social intrapreneurs thrive
 of whom are illiterate — by training them to      on risk and uncertainty. They readily adapt
 become ‘barefoot’ solar and water engineers,      to new circumstances — and regularly scan
 teachers, doctors and architects. Others, like    the horizon for new ways to solve societal
 Reed Paget, Founder of Belu Water, drive          challenges. Above all, they are innovators,
 change through established markets. Belu          coming up with key concepts, business
 is a non-profit bottled water company that        models, products and services that will
 invests the profits from its business in clean    open out new opportunity spaces.
 water projects around the world.
                                                   Yet there are differences between social
 Yet, in parallel, there is a new breed of         intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs as well.
 entrepreneur emerging. These people have          Though both are inclined towards action,
 many of the characteristics of the social         intrapreneurs also understand the need to
 entrepreneur, yet operate in a very different     tie into the processes and business case
 habitat — within multinational corporations.      elements of the venture. Most intrapreneurs
 We call this new breed social intrapreneurs.      are comfortable acting as lone wolves for at
 Skeptics may argue that as salaried corporate     least some of the time, yet uniformly value
 employees, these people really should not         teamwork as well — understanding the critical
 be classified as entrepreneurs. True, most        need to engage others to develop buy-in and,
 intrapreneurs haven’t re-mortgaged their          ultimately, push ownership of new concepts
 homes or maxed out their credit cards to fund     through their organization. (Chapter 4 takes
 their ventures. But, while the financial risks    a closer look at the characteristics of a
 faced by traditional entrepreneurs are very       social intrapreneur.)
 real, social intrapreneurs also take on risks
 in their own way. Most obviously, they risk
 losing out in the race for promotion and for
 salary rises. But for some there is also a
 serious risk of losing their jobs.

“ As an entrepreneur, I have the freedom to pursue an
  individual and/or environmental mission — unconstrained
  by the needs of an existing organization.”
  Reed Paget
  Co-Founder, Belu Water
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                     14
 Origins of a Species

 In addition to the social intrapreneur,            Examples here include Niel Golightly,
 however, we must also spotlight another set        VP Communications and Sustainable
 of critical actors in the evolving ecosystem.      Development for Shell Downstream, Maria
 These people are catalysts, who come in            Luiza (Malu) de Oliveira Pinto, Head of
 at least two varieties. There are the senior       Corporate Responsibility for Banco Real,
 gatekeepers, CEOs, CFOs, board members             and Mike Barry, Head of Corporate Social
 and so on, who can give permission for new         Responsibility at UK retailer Marks & Spencer.
 types of initiatives. And then there are the
 champions, who may be heads of businesses          Sometimes individuals play both roles —
 or vice-presidents in relevant areas, who help     intrapreneur and catalyst — as in the case of
 resource social intrapreneurs — and, critically,   Pinto who both incubates new projects and
 support their efforts to embed their evolving      works to drive change through the entire
 initiatives into the mainstream business.          organization. What’s important here is to
 As one social intrapreneur commented, at           understand that two primary types of actors
 the very least, “. . . a senior champion of an     are playing an increasingly critical role in
 initiative provides protection for the social      transforming corporations.
 intrapreneur from internal nay-sayers.”
                                                    The hope must be that these catalysts and
 Most catalysts hold a certain level of formal      social intrapreneurs are preparing
 authority, either at an executive level or         corporations for the future. Not all companies
 through direct reporting lines to corporate        that employ such people will make good use
 leadership. Examples of recent top-level           of them, clearly, and market conditions mean
 catalysts include CEOs such as Jeffrey Immelt      that not all those companies that do make
 of GE, Lee Scott of Wal-Mart and Franck            good use of such talented people will survive,
 Riboud of Groupe Danone. Such people               let alone thrive. But our working hypothesis
 catalyze change by explaining how                  is that the existence of such people inside
 sustainability can drive business value,           major companies will increasingly be seen as
 communicating their vision and ensuring that       a leading indicator of corporate innovation,
 changemakers within the organization have          resilience and, ultimately, longer term
 the resources (staff and funding) they need,       sustainability (see Figure 2.1).
 as well as formal accountability for results.
                                                    From the point of view of the social
 Other types of catalysts include vice-             entrepreneur, the existence of social
 presidents responsible for sustainable             intrapreneurs could be seen as some form
 development, sustainability or corporate           of competitive threat — but is much more
 responsibility. While many of these                likely to prove to be a crucial gateway into
 individuals are not responsible for specific       major businesses interested in addressing the
 profit and loss performance and generally          challenges the entrepreneurs are tackling.
 do not incubate new products, services             And for the individual in search of ways
 or business models, they are important             to contribute to the seemingly intractable
 champions for change. They work through            problems facing society — these individuals
 existing systems catalyzing others in the          offer a clear message: ‘Make change from
 business to take action.                           where you are.’

“ Intrapreneurs must put the company,
  not themselves, first.”
  Guy Kawasaki
  Venture Capitalist and
  Serial Entrepreneur
The Social Intrapreneur                                                            15

Specimen                  Eureka moment                  Opportunity
Gib Bulloch               Travelling on the London       Skills development,
                          Underground and coming         recruitment, retention.
Species                   across an article on VSO
Social intrapreneur       in the FT looking for          Ambition
                          individuals with business      Combining Accenture’s
Niche                     skills to volunteer in         convening power in the
Accenture Development     developing countries.          corporate sector with ADP’s
Partnerships (ADP)        I’d thought development        in the development sector
                          was only for doctors, nurses   to help broker and integrate
Habitat                   and teachers. Not business     cross-sectoral coalitions
Accenture, London         people like me.                to help tackle major social,
                                                         economic and environmental
                          Personal                       challenges.
                          Spent a year on a VSO
                          enterprise development         Motto
                          project in the Balkans.        Affecting even small change
                                                         in large organizations can
                          Challenge                      lead to significant positive
                          Offering quality business      social impact.
                          and technology consultancy
                          to NGOs and donor
                          organizations on a
                          sustainable basis at rates
                          aligned to development
                          sector norms.

                                           Social intrapreneur

                          Relationship builder
The Social Intrapreneur             16

Chapter 3
The Market Ecosystem
How ‘demand-side pull’ is driving
social intrapreneurship

Figure 3.1
Three types of driver

1    2     3    4       5   6   7
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                        17
 The Market Ecosystem

 Before zeroing in on the intrapreneurs, let’s         Just as safety, health and environmental
 pull back the focus for a moment to look at           units were squeezed in previous downcycles,
 the wider ‘ecosystem’ in which they operate.          the likelihood — this time round — is that
 A key question must be: why does interest in          corporate citizenship and corporate social
 social intrapreneurship appear to be building?        responsibility departments and budgets
 In talking to intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs         will come under pressure. At the same time,
 alike, their answers took three distinct forms.       however, the global economic environment
 Pretty much everyone we spoke to referred to          is likely to favour a new set of actors,
 drivers operating at the level of challenges          particularly those focused on scalable
 and opportunities being faced by society,             entrepreneurial solutions.
 business and the individual. But they also
 stressed that this isn’t a question of ‘either/or,’   This trend was implicit in the 2008 agenda
 but ‘all three and . . . ’                            of the World Economic Forum annual
                                                       meeting in Davos, which closed with a call
 The interest in social entrepreneurs and              by business, government and civil society
 intrapreneurs, we believe, is growing precisely       leaders for a new brand of collaborative and
 because they are addressing these key                 innovative leaders to address the challenges
 challenges — and doing so in ways that,               of globalization, particularly the pressing
 potentially at least, offer greater leverage and      problems of conflict (especially in the Middle
 scalability than much of what has gone                East), terrorism, climate change and water
 before.                                               conservation.7

 That said, the economic climate has been              In the following pages, we explore how social
 darkening for a while, with implications for          entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs are working
 the work of anyone dependent on corporate             together to achieve the sort of change that the
 budgets. Since mid-2007, we have argued that          world so pressingly needs.
 parts of the global economy are headed into
 a deeper and more protracted recessionary
 period than we have experienced for some
 time. If true, the impact on the current
 generation of corporate responses to sustain-
 ability challenges could be profound.

“ The key challenge is to align the corporation
  of the future with societal trends.”
  Orlando Ayala
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                  18
The Market Ecosystem

Driver 1                                       While most societal challenges are not new,
Society                                        globalization has served to exacerbate many
                                               problems — such as wealth disparity and
‘Society’ can be a difficult concept to        climate change. (See Figure 3.4 for a list of
pin down, but it is clear that people —        ten global divides.) And digitization is driving
as consumers, family members, workers          increased awareness about the scope of
and voters — are changing their priorities,    societal needs and the lack of progress to
globally, regionally and locally.              date by governments and traditional NGOs.
                                               Together, these trends are shifting societal
Recent years have seen a growing range         expectations of the role that business has
of economic, social, environmental and         to play. SustainAbility has mapped four
governance issues push into the mainstream     societal pressure waves (Figure 3.2) that have
of politics and business. The priorities for   impacted and shaped the business response
action emerging from a range of summit         to sustainability challenges since the 1960s.
meetings — such as the G8, the World           Each wave has made different demands of the
Economic Forum and the Clinton Global          corporation and tended to involve a different
Initiative — tend to share one common          set of specialists and expertise, as follows.
characteristic: that they all, pretty much
by definition, relate to current market        The first wave (1960s–1973) was focused
failures or dysfunctions.                      mainly on greater regulation and enforce-
                                               ment, and the corporate response tended to
                                               be defensive, involving legal and public
                                               affairs professionals, as well as specific
                                               process engineers and project developers.

Figure 3.2
Catching the next wave

10                                                                                 Rising Tide


8                                                                                  Distraction




4                                                                                  Breakdown



The Social Intrapreneur                                                                   19
The Market Ecosystem

The second wave (1970s–1990s) was more          The fourth wave is currently building and
consumer driven, with NGOs putting certain      brings a greater focus on the severity of
brands in the spotlight for complicity in       global market failures and the related, urgent
social and environmental abuses. This saw       opportunities for scalable innovation, social
corporate involvement expand to include         intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship.
brand and marketing people and new product      In addition to those involved in responding
developers, as well as those responsible for    to previous waves, new corporate participants
delivering against a proliferation of new       will likely emerge from areas such as
voluntary standards, such as ISO 14001,         investor relations, new ventures and other
the Global Reporting Initiative, SA 8000        strategic business units. So what underlies the
and AA 1000.                                    dynamic of this latest wave? Entrepreneurship
                                                literature suggests that the types of challenges
The third wave (1999–2001) — curtailed by       now facing society are precisely the
the 9/11 attacks on the US — was typified       seemingly insolvable problems to which
by the challenges of globalization and an       entrepreneurs are attracted.
array of issues to do with global and
corporate governance — and their failure.       In a recent Stanford Social Innovation
Much of the corporate focus was on strategic    Review paper, co-authors Sally Osberg and
risk management, and the locus of discussion    Roger Martin 8 (board members of the Skoll
tended to be at board level, with increasing    Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship)
involvement of supervisory boards and non-      explain how entrepreneurs seek opportunity
executive directors.                            in situations of ‘suboptimal equilibrium,’
                                                i.e. where society is settling for a poor
                                                solution to a problem because no one has
                                                yet come up with an alternative.

Figure 3.3
Irreconcilable schism —
or bridging opportunity?

What is it about social entrepreneurs and       So we might simultaneously recognize that
intrapreneurs that makes their thinking         capitalism and markets leave many people
different from the mainstream? Perhaps it’s     unserved or under-served, yet at the same
their ability to use our mental equivalent of   time conclude that new forms of capitalism
the thumb. Roger Martin, one of the authors     and different market mechanisms can help
of the Stanford Social Innovation Review        bridge the gap — the crucial next step being
article mentioned above, also wrote a book      to come up with technologies, business
called The Opposable Mind.9 Just as the         models and market frameworks that can drive
opposable thumb helped our species reach        the relevant processes of change.
unprecedented levels of technology and
civilization, so — Martin argues — the          The past decade saw many leading businesses
opposable mind promises to jump us beyond       seeking to involve a range of stakeholders in
the tyranny of either-or decisions.             dialogue as a means of understanding and
                                                possibly reconciling opposing ideas and world
The idea here is that we can hold two           views. The rise of the social intrapreneur can
conflicting ideas in constructive tension —     be seen as a similar response to this need to
and thereby move to new models and              understand and hold conflicting ideas in
integrated solutions.                           creative tension. Both social intrapreneurs
                                                and entrepreneurs seek — in some way — to
                                                identify integrated solutions that deliver new
                                                forms of value for people and communities
                                                that were previously excluded from the
                                                benefits of the current system (or unduly
                                                exposed to its disbenefits).
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                 20

 Specimen                      Eureka moment                  Challenge
 Andreas Eggenberg             Arriving in Guatemala,         To see social and
                               I was stunned that almost      demographic challenges
 Species                       the whole economy con-         as business opportunities.
 Social intrapreneur           centrated on the 20–30%        More specifically, providing
                               middle and higher classes,     small drip irrigation systems
 Niche                         but nobody realized that       to small-scale farmers.
 Amanco                        the remaining 70–80% are
                               not just the ‘have nots,’      Opportunity
 Habitat                       but can represent a very       Competitiveness in a
 GrupoNueva, Santiago, Chile   interesting market.            new market.

                               Personal                       Ambition
                               I have a background in         Designing products and
                               political science, which       services that make the
                               generates a certain            formal economy more
                               understanding of social        inclusive.
                               complexities, and creates a
                               determination to contribute    Motto
                               to its relief or mitigation.   Create a good mood around
                                                              a common objective.

                 Political scientist

        Social intrapreneur

“ Even though relevant impacts are created
  by civil society — the private sector can work
  more efficiently, once it switches on.”
  Andreas Eggenberg
  formerly with Grupo Nueva
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                      21
The Market Ecosystem

Their case-studies include eBay and FedEx,         Driver 2
where society previously settled, in the           Business
first instance, for physical limitations on
its ability to resell goods, and in the second,    During the first decade of the new century,
on uncertain and slow mail delivery services.      we have seen an accelerating tempo in the
For any entrepreneur, this sort of disequilibria   launch by business leaders of new initiatives
provides a perfect hunting ground for              designed to bridge an array of global divides
innovation.                                        facing society (Figure 3.4). At the national
                                                   level, for example, we have had the UK
The same is true, Osberg and Martin argue,         Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change
for social entrepreneurs — and, we might           and the US Climate Action Partnership, while
add, social intrapreneurs — who are                internationally leading corporations have
confronted by a suboptimal state in society        also been involved (sometimes alongside
that: “causes the exclusion, marginalization,      governments) in such ventures as the
or suffering of a segment of humanity that         Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
lacks the financial means or political clout       (EITI)10 and the Partnering Against Corruption
to achieve any transformative benefit on its       Initiative (PACI).11
own.” Social entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs
recognize such disequilibrium as “the              But there are concerns that even such
opportunity to transform the situation by          initiatives are failing to go sufficiently far
developing a social value proposition and          and fast. “The world is getting better, but it’s
bringing to bear inspiration, creativity,          not getting better fast enough, and it’s not
direct action, courage, and fortitude . . .        getting better for everyone,” argued Bill
[to challenge the status quo and] forge a          Gates, giving his last Davos speech as a full-
new, stable equilibrium that releases trapped      time employee of Microsoft in 2008. “There
potential [and] . . . alleviates suffering.”       are roughly a billion people who don’t get
                                                   enough food, who don’t have clean drinking
Their argument comes to life when they             water, who don’t have electricity — the things
focus on Muhammad Yunus, founder of the            we take for granted. Diseases like malaria that
Grameen Bank. “The stable but unfortunate          kill over a million people a year get far less
equilibrium he identified consisted of poor        attention than drugs that help with baldness.”
Bangladeshis’ limited options for securing         Adopting a tone similar to that used by many
even the tiniest amounts of credit. Unable         social entrepreneurs, he stressed: “I am an
to qualify for loans through the formal            optimist but I’m an impatient optimist” —
banking system, they could borrow only             and called for “creative capitalism.”
by accepting exorbitant interest rates from
local moneylenders. More commonly, they            So what did he mean by that? “As I see it,”
simply succumbed to begging on the streets.        he explained, “there are two great forces of
Here was a stable equilibrium of the most          human nature: self-interest and caring for
unfortunate sort.”                                 others. Capitalism harnesses self-interest in
                                                   a helpful and sustainable way, but only on
What is particularly powerful about the            behalf of those who can pay. Government
Grameen example is the way the growing             aid and philanthropy channel our caring for
success of Professor Yunus and his colleagues      those who can’t pay. But to provide rapid
has inspired not only other social entre-          improvement for the poor we need a system
preneurs, among them people like Roshaneh          that draws in innovators and businesses in
Zafar of the Khasf Foundation in Pakistan,         far better ways than we do today.” Such a
but also social intrapreneurs working within       system, he said, “would have a twin mission:
major financial institutions — including Bob       making profits and also improving the lives
Annibale of Citi Microfinance, one of our          of those who don’t fully benefit from today’s
interviewees.                                      market forces. For sustainability, we need to
                                                   use profit incentives wherever we can.”
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                      22
The Market Ecosystem

Figure 3.4
Ten divides and opportunities

Divides 12                Realities                          Opportunities

1 Demographic             The world is heading to a          To meet the needs of billions
                          population of 9 billion by 2050,   of people affected by market
                          with 95% of growth expected        failures in both developing
                          in developing countries.           and developed countries.

2 Financial               40% of the world’s wealth is       Help the have-nots become
                          owned by 1% of the population      bankable, insurable and
                          while the poorest 50% can          entrepreneurial.
                          claim just 1% of the wealth.

3 Nutritional             The world now produces             Address the needs of those
                          enough food for everyone, but      with too little food — and
                          over 850 million people still      too much.
                          face chronic hunger every day.

4 Resources               60% of ecosystem services,         Enable development that
                          such as fresh water and climate    uses the earth’s resources
                          regulation, are being degraded     in a sustainable way.
                          or used unsustainably.

5 Environmental           The loss of biodiversity,          Create markets that protect
                          droughts, and the destruction      and enhance the environment.
                          of coral reefs are just some of
                          the challenges facing the globe.

6 Health                  Some 39.5 million people live      Create markets that encourage
                          with HIV/AIDS in the world,        healthy lifestyles and enable
                          now the fourth largest killer      equal access to healthcare.

7 Gender                  Two-thirds of the world’s          Enable and empower women
                          1 billion illiterate people        to participate equally and fairly
                          are women.                         in society and the economy.

8 Educational             About 100 million children         Provide the mechanisms to
                          within emerging economies          transfer and share knowledge
                          are not enrolled in primary        and learning that empowers
                          education.                         all levels of societies.

9 Digital                 Internet users worldwide           Develop inclusive technology
                          topped 1.1 billion in 2007, but    that enables all levels of
                          only 4% of Africans and 11%        society to tackle each of these
                          of Asians have internet access.    divides more effectively.

10 Security               Between 1994 and 2003, the         Work to promote security
                          majority of the 13 million         and reduce conflict based
                          deaths caused by intra-state       on inequity and exclusion.
                          conflict took place in sub-
                          Saharan Africa and western
                          and southern Asia — regions
                          that are home to 75% of the
                          world’s 37 million refugees
                          and displaced people.
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                       23
 The Market Ecosystem

 Gates called on corporations to “dedicate a         Michael Porter and Mark Kramer sum
 percentage of their top innovators’ time to         up these new opportunities in their landmark
 issues that could help people left out of the       Harvard Business Review article on the links
 global economy. This kind of contribution           between competitive advantage and corporate
 is even more powerful than giving cash or           social responsibility (CSR). They conclude that
 offering employees time off to volunteer.”          CSR offers “many of the greatest opportunities
 This area, in short, is where the best social       for companies to benefit society.” 14 Further,
 intrapreneurs are focusing their efforts. But       “if . . . corporations were to analyze their
 Gates could have been more forceful in also         prospects for social responsibility using
 showing the potential benefits to business of       the same frameworks that guide their core
 addressing such challenges. The business case       choices, they would discover that CSR can
 for involvement is clear. Social intrapreneurs      be much more than a cost, a constraint,
 can expose their colleagues — and senior            or a charitable deed — it can be a source
 leadership — to a series of lessons on new          of opportunity, innovation, and competitive
 market risks and opportunities, as well as          advantage.”
 providing insight to the likely business models
 and leadership styles of the future.                In addition to business leaders switching on
                                                     to the opportunity spaces that exist, corporate
 As Sir Nicholas Stern’s review of the               structures and management approaches are
 economic consequences of climate change             shifting and, in the process, opening up more
 put it, we now see the broad outlines of            space for creativity and entrepreneurship.
 the biggest market failure in our collective        While there is certainly much progress to be
 history.13 But, as he and others have identified,   made, many companies are moving away
 our great social and environmental challenges       from hierarchical, siloed management to more
 also represent huge potential market                matrixed, networked approaches of working.
 opportunities, if tackled in the right way.         There is growing interest in how to provide
 Social intrapreneurs exist and thrive in this       employees with the space and time to
 zone, seeking to understand profound risk           experiment and innovate.
 in order to transform it into substantial new
 market opportunity. Their particular creative       “The outlines of the 21st century manage-
 approach to problem-solving is symptomatic          ment model are already clear,” argues
 and indicative of a wider process of                Gary Hamel.15 “Decision making will be more
 ‘reperceiving’ the challenges that face society.    peer-based; the tools of creativity will be
                                                     widely distributed in organizations. Ideas
                                                     will compete on an equal footing. Strategies
                                                     will be built from the bottom up. Power will
                                                     be a function of competence rather than
                                                     of position.” The work of leading social
                                                     intrapreneurs plays nicely in this space.

“ Why not welcome this productive tension?
  Thinking with societal challenges in mind
  is a great catalyst for innovation.”
  Dan Vermeer
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                       24
 The Market Ecosystem

 Driver 3                                           Strikingly, 86% of YGLs see multinational
 The individual                                     corporations and individuals gaining power
                                                    and influence as the nation-state wanes.
 Finally, our respondents stressed the growing      In terms of responsibility and power to act,
 importance of the values and ambitions of          69% of YGLs believe the role of nation-states
 individuals in all of this, themselves included.   will decline, although they will still remain
 Most intrapreneurs, when asked about               the most influential actors addressing such
 what motivates them, talk about necessity.         challenges. (China is expected to be the
 Once they realized the power they had              leading nation-state (88%), followed by the
 to make change through business, they              US, India and Russia, while Germany, France
 saw no other way, but their current path.          and the United Kingdom are expected to lose
 These intrapreneurs signal two broader trends.     power.) Asked to name the most pressing
 First, that greater numbers of people — young      issues in 2030, 59% of YGL respondents
 leaders in particular — view companies and         see global warming as the key challenge,
 individuals as ever more integral to solving       followed by depletion of resources (37%)
 societal challenges. And, second, that             and asymmetric warfare (27%).
 individuals are increasingly looking to align
 their personal values with their careers.          At the core of all this, there appears to
                                                    be a shift in personal motivations. While
 As much of the world economy moves into a          intrinsic values aren’t likely to have changed
 recessionary environment, there is a growing       dramatically over the generations, the
 risk that current business responses to these      willingness to trade-off values for career
 great societal challenges will be squeezed —       seems to be on a path to extinction. Perhaps
 and in some cases stalled. But the longer          this is because the scale of global challenges
 term trajectories and dynamics are likely          are more transparent than ever before,
 to reflect the extent to which future leaders      along with the apparent failure of existing
 understand the issues and how they decide          institutions to provide solutions in spite of a
 to respond. An interesting litmus test of          multitude of promises and commitments.
 the thinking and concerns of young global
 leaders is provided by a recent survey of          Richard Florida has made popular the notion
 665 Young Global Leaders (YGLs)16 published        of the ‘Creative Class,’ a segment of the
 by the World Economic Forum at its 2008            workforce whose main job is to think and
 annual meeting, entitled Future Mapping for        create innovative solutions to problems.
 the Global Agenda.                                 He notes that creativity is becoming more
                                                    valued in today’s global society and that
 The survey forecasts key dimensions of             ability to channel self-expression is also
 the world in 2030 by mapping significant           a key element of job satisfaction and
 trends, early signals and interrelationships       retention.17 Similarly, Don Tapscott and
 and assessing the likely influences on global,     Anthony Williams in Wikinomics talk about
 regional and industry agendas. The findings        the ‘Net Generation’ — those born between
 broadly indicate a set of challenges that will     1977 and 1996 — who “have a very strong
 demand long-term and globally coordinated          sense of the common good and of collective
 responses of a type that the world’s current       social and civic responsibility.” 18 Related to
 political and economic frameworks do               this is an increase in the number of formal
 not support.                                       training programs, such as MBAs, now
                                                    focused on social entrepreneurship and

“ I wanted to keep one foot in the company —
  and one foot in society.”
  Santiago Gowland
The Social Intrapreneur                                                                  25

Specimen                   Eureka moment                    Challenge
Henry Gonzalez             Sharing my interest in           Developing a systematic
                           writing my MBA dissertation      approach to social change
Species                    on microfinance and capital      and, more specifically,
Social intrapreneur        markets with Morgan              bringing microfinance
                           Stanley’s vice-chairman          offerings into the heart of a
Niche                      while doing a summer             major financial institution.
Microfinance               internship in London.
Institutions Group         She immediately connected        Opportunity
                           me with the right managing       New revenue stream, double
Habitat                    director who supported           bottom line, strengthening
Morgan Stanley, New York   my initial research interest     of client relationships, talent
                           and took it forward to           retention.
                           build Morgan Stanley’s
                           Microfinance Institutions        Ambition
                           Group. “Never keep an idea       To continue to expand the
                           to yourself, share it and        breadth of microfinance,
                           you will see how quickly it      using capital markets as a
                           catalyzes to become bigger       means to social change.
                           and better.”
                           Personal                         Change from within
                           Costa Rican, Skoll Fellow at     happens!
                           Oxford, legislative advisor
                           and chief of staff to Minister
                           of Agriculture; worked at the
                           World Bank, UNDP and the
                           Global Exchange on Social

                           Legislative advisor
                                     Social intrapreneur


Skoll Fellow
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