The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...

The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...

         2014- 2015
      Club of the Year

 Port Noarlunga Soldier’s
Memorial Bowling Green Inc.
    Monthly Bulletin

        May 2021
    “Home of the Gulls”
The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...
The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...
Patron - Dennis Lynch

          Board of Management 2021/2022
        John Ainsworth: President
                           Mobile: 0402 7162 296
        Barbara Nesbitt: Secretary
                           Mobile: 0438 934 068
          Rita Longshaw: Treasurer
                           Mobile: 0415 372 086
                 Jim Gall: Vice President (Ops)
                           Mobile: 0490 237 169
       Christine Murray: Membership Director
                           Home: 8381 2510
                           Mobile: 0435 132 395
         Joan Wilkinson: Club Functions Director
                           Mobile: 0413 400 910
              Ian Carter: Clubhouse & Grounds
                          Mobile: 0422 882 787
            Harvey Jolly: Bowls Director
                          Mobile: 0439 364 699
         Steve Edwards: Sponsorship & Communication Director
                          Mobile: 0419 223 017
         Jenny Roberts: Promotions & Fund Raising
                          Mobile: 0410 190 347
            Peter Wallis: Member Protection & Information Officer
                          Mobile: 0457 678 158

Barbara Nesbitt:   Chairperson of Selectors     Home: 8387 6434

The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...
Presidents Monthly Report May 2021
                    Firstly I would like to            The MBA has 50 clubs under its wing and
                    thank Peter Schwennesen          each week 437 sides competing.
                    for his three years as             Just a few updates and reminders:
                    President of PNBC and             The new 3 year contract with D&D
                    also thank the other Board           Curators has been signed.
                    members who are standing          The AV upgrade is close to completion,
                    down Ashley Foweraker                availability of parts has delayed things a
                    and Jenny Creamer.                   bit. Thanks to Harry Haffert for his
                    On May 3rd three new                 contribution towards this.
members joined the Board. Jim Gall as Vice            Volunteers for the bar are still needed.
President, Christine Murray as Membership                Please see Kym Johnson or Paul Stratford
Director and Jenny Roberts as Fundraising                if you are interested in being trained.
Director. Please take time to look on the
notice board at the management structure and          The nomination sheets for Pennants
areas of responsibility of each Board                    2021/22are on the notice board. Please
member.                                                  tick the relevant boxes if you intend to
  Peter Wallis has also agreed to continue in            play.
his role as Member Protection and                     John Murray will be doing the Toucher
Information Officer.                                     after May. Thanks to Dave Williams for
  I see this year as a year of consolidation             doing such a good job for 7 years.
especially financially. The club has spent a          Ross Hall has stood down from the
lot of funds in recent years on club                     Tournament Director role. Thanks Ross
improvements including the new synthetic                 for doing it for the past year. I am pleased
green and the kitchen to mention just two.               to announce that Ron Howard is the new
  At some stage in the future the new                    Tournament Director. Thank you Ron.
strategic planning process will start to see          We still need persons to put their names
where we visualize the years ahead. We will              down for Selectors roles.
seek and will need input from members with
this.                                                  On May 21st the MBA will hold their
  The new Board will continue to follow the          Presentation night and we have 4
Mission Statement and enforce our Code of            nominations:
Conduct for members.                                 Club of the Year, Volunteer of the year Joan
  We will be aiming to continue to increase          Wilkinson, Coach of the year Tony Roberts,
our membership numbers at all levels and             Administrator of the year Peter
will do our best to strengthen our Pennant           Schwennesen.
teams.                                               Good luck to our Club and the nominees.
  On May 16th Barbara Nesbitt and I attended
the Metropolitan Bowls Association AGM.                Finally in closing if you have any concerns
Barbara was again elected to a position on           or questions please feel free to talk to me.
this Board. It is good we have a member on           You can be assured I will be open and
this Board.                                          honest.
  Some of the things that came out of this
meeting—registration fees for players will           John Ainsworth
remain unchanged, finals will be played in all
divisions next year, Wednesday Men’s
Pennant start time will not change, all clubs
should look at their numbers of persons
trained in First Aid.

The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...
The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...

  As most of you know by now, I have decided after 6 or 7 years to
cease being the Editor of the “Toucher”, and this May issue will be my
  I would like to thank Bryan Morden for his kind words and his
presentation to me of an Appreciation Certificate at the AGM.
  I have enjoyed publishing it over the time and together with my wife
Sue we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the ”Toucher”
over the years for their jokes, stories, and regular articles from the
President, Bowls Director, Tournament reports etc.
  The “Toucher” is your magazine as well as keeping you up to date with
happenings and events it also acts as a running history of the club.
  The “Toucher” is now in the very capable hands of new Editor John
Murray, please give every assistance and I am sure he will continue to
produce a great club magazine.

  Dave Williams

Our Sponsors are extremely valuable to Port Noarlunga Bowling Club.

It is very important we support them by:

1. Using their services
2. Letting them know you are from PNBC (show your membership card, or say you are
   a member)
3. Let the rest of us know if you have a positive experience and real satisfaction using a

Please use this space in future editions of The Toucher for your comments. Send them to
the Editor for inclusion

The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...
  0% D isc ount to M

The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...
M & S Campbell                 Plumbers & Gas Fitters
        Blocked drains—Mechanical & Hydro jet cleaning
 Hot water heater—repairs & replacement all makes & models,
                              internal & external
                      Gas Appliance repair & replacement
                 Leaking gutters , Roof & downpipe repairs

  Emergency callout      Free Quotes       Family owned & operated
                          Pensioner discount
        Phone: 8327 0505 or Fax 8327 0606

     Please have all items for “The Toucher” in by

                      Saturday. June 18th
 If possible please send items as a Word Document attachment or
place written submissions in the “Toucher” box on the trading table
                with all Items to have name attached.

The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...
The Toucher 2014- 2015 Club of the Year Port Noarlunga Soldier's Memorial Bowling Green Inc. Monthly Bulletin May 2021 "Home of the Gulls" - Port ...

           Mixed Pairs                              Presidents Handicap
    Jenny Creamer & Ian Carter                 Anthony Moffatt v John Swarbrick
                 v                             WINNER & CLUB CHAMPION
 Mannie Moffatt & Anthony Moffatt                      Anthony Moffatt
 Mannie Moffatt & Anthony Moffatt

                      Presentation Night
                             Picture Gallery

    Mens Singles Champion                          Ladies Singles Champion
      Anthony Moffatt                                   Karlee Moffatt
Mens Pairs Champions            Ladies Pairs Champions         Mixed Pairs Champions
   Syd Edwards                      Karlee Moffatt                Anthony Moffatt
  & Ron Howard                     & Jenny Creamer               & Manee Moffatt

      Mens Triples Runners Up                        Mens Triples Winners
      Ron Gower, Derek Owen                         Ian Carter, Ron Stringer
         & Dennis Lynch                              & Paul Beaumont N/P

       Ladies Triples Winners                         Ladies Fours Winners
    Julie Bannister, Barb Nesbitt                 Julie Bannister, Barb Nesbitt,
          & Jenny Creamer                         Jenny Roberts, Brenda Imrie
Open Gender Sets Play           Ladies 100 UP             Presidents Handicap
       Winner                     Runner Up                      Winner
   Anthony Moffatt               Manne Moffatt              Anthony Moffatt

                             Ladies Fours Runners Up
                              Zerena Gower, Ann Hall
                           Sue Hatton, n/p Doreen Taylor

Most Improved. Coaches Award                                 Mens Singles
      Mathew Ainsworth                                        Runner Up
                                                             Joe Cusano
Ladies Singles                          Ladies Pairs
               Runner Up                             Runners Up
             Brenda Imrie                    Manne Moffatt, Anda Panchawat

                          BLUE OPAL SINGLES

Congratulations to Antony Moffatt winning the satellite Blue Opal Singles event and
    $1600 at the Lockleys Bowling Club thus gaining entry to the prestigious
                   Broadbeach event on the Gold Coast in June

An Irish Priest is Transferred to
                                             He rose from his bed one morning. It
                                             was a fine spring day in his new Texas
                                             mission parish. He walked to the
                                             window of his bedroom to get a deep
                                             breath of the beautiful day outside.
                                             He then noticed there was a jackass
                                             lying dead in the middle of his front
                                             lawn. He promptly called the local
                                             police station. The conversation went
                                             like this:
                                             "Good morning. This is Sergeant Jones.
                                             How might I help you?"
                                             "And the best of the day to yourself.
                                             This is Father O'Malley at St. Ann's
                                             Catholic Church.
                                            There's a jackass lying dead in me
                                            front lawn and would ye be so kind as
                                            to send a couple o' yer lads to take
How to start a fight                        care of the matter."
Saturday morning I got up early, quietly    Sergeant Jones, considering himself to
dressed , made my lunch and slipped         be quite a wit and recognizing the
quietly into the garage. I hooked up the    accent, thought he would have a little
boat to the van and proceeded to back       fun with the good father, replied,
out into a torrential downpour. The wind    "Well now Father, it was always my
was blowing 50mph, so I pulled back into    impression that you people took care
the garage, turn on the radio, and dis-     of the last rites."
covered the weather would be bad all        There was dead silence on the line for
day.                                        a long moment.
I went back into the house, quietly
undressed and slid back into bed. I         Then, Father O'Malley replied, "Aye,
cuddled up to my wife’s back now with a     'tis certainly true; but we are also
different anticipation, and whispered,      obliged to notify the next of kin first,
“The weather out there is terrible,”        which is the reason for me call
My loving wife of 5 years replied,
“And can you believe that my stupid             Jake was dying. His wife sat at the
husband is out fishing in it?”                  bedside. He looked up and said weakly:
And that’s how the fight started.                "I have something I must confess."
                                                "There's no need to, "his wife replied.
                                                 "No," he insisted, "I want to die in
Did you know.                                   peace. I slept with your sister, your
That if you multiply 111,111,111 by             best friend, her best friend, and your
111,111,111, the answer is                      mother!"
12345678987654321                               "I know," she replied, "now just rest
                                                and let the poison work."

While stitching a cut on the hand of a         An elderly man walked into a waiting
75 year old farmer, whose hand was             room and approached the desk. The
caught in the squeeze gate while               Receptionist said, “Yes sir, how may I
working cattle, the doctor struck up a         help you?” “There’s something wrong
conversation with the old man.                 with my dick”, he replied.
Eventually the topic got around to             The Receptionist became      irritated
politicians and their role as our leaders.     and said, “You shouldn’t come into a
The old rancher said, "Well, as I see it,      waiting room and say things like that.”
most politicians are 'Post Turtles'.''
Not being familiar with the term, the          “Why not? You asked me what was
doctor asked him what a 'post turtle'          wrong and I told you,” he said.
was.                                          The Receptionist replied; “You should
The old rancher said, "When you're            have said there is something wrong
driving down a country road and you           with your ear or something and dis-
come across a fence post with a turtle        cussed the problem further with the
balanced on top, that's a post turtle."       Doctor in private.”
The old farmer saw the puzzled look on        The man replied, “You shouldn’t ask
the doctor's face so he continued to          people questions in a room full of
explain.                                      strangers, if the answer could embar-
                                              rass anyone.”
"You know he didn't get up there by
himself, he doesn't belong up there, he       The man walked out, waited several
doesn't know what to do while he's up         minutes and then re-entered.
there, he's elevated beyond his ability       The Receptionist smiled smugly and
to function, and you just wonder what         asked, “Yes?”
kind of dumb ass put him up there to
begin with."                                  “There’s something wrong with my
                                              ear”, he stated.
Best explanation of a politician I've
ever heard.                                   The Receptionist nodded approvingly
                                              and smiled, knowing he had taken her
                                              advice. “And what is wrong with your
Little eight-year-old Nancy was in the        ear, Sir?”
garden filling in a hole when her neigh-      “I can’t p*ss out of it,” he replied.
bor peered over the fence. This kid
was always good for a laugh. Interest-        The waiting room howled with laughter.
ed in what the cheeky-faced youngster
was doing, he asked, "What are you
doing there, Nancy?"
 "My goldfish died," Nancy sobbed,
"and I've just buried him."
 The obnoxious neighbor laughed and
said condescendingly, "That's a really
big hole for a little Goldfish, don't you
 Nancy patted down the last heap of
earth with her shovel and replied,
"That's because he's inside your cat."

SOCIAL                         BOWLS

17th April 2021                    Triples                       36 Bowlers
W/W                      P Wallis, B Sachse, J Hatton.
W/L                      J Kent, J Wilkinson, R Hall.
                       Organised By: Joan Wilkinson

24th April 2021                  Triples                         48 Bowlers
W/W                      Anda, R. Dunk, I. Carter
W/L                   C Moody, R Longshaw, M Lane
                      Organised By: Joan Wilkinson

1st May 2021                    Pairs & Triples                  41 Bowlers
W/W                    J Jones, D Bannister, J Wilkinson
W/L                      B Symons, P Wallis, R Treloar.
                  Organised By: Barb Nesbitt & Joan Wilkinson

15th May 2021                  Pairs & Triples                   37 Bowlers
W/W                    B Symons, R Longshaw, A Smith
W/L                         M Ainsworth, D Owen
                  Organised By: Barb Nesbitt & Joan Wilkinson

18th May 2021                  Pairs & Triples                   15 Bowlers
W/W                     JJ Jones, J Hodson, R Stringer
W/L                  Steve Edwards, R Longshaw, V Jacobs
                        Organised By: Barb Nesbitt

22nd May 2021                 Pairs &Triples                     53: Bowlers
W/W                   M Ainsworth, F Ivison, J Ainsworth
W/L                     M Maskell P Heher, A Smith
                   Organised By: Barb Nesbitt & Joan Wilkinson

                                             Russell stakes his claim.
                                               Keep off the grass !!

22nd April 2021                   PAIRS                   60 Bowlers
   W/W                 John Braddick & Ron Stringer
   W/L                        Hodge & Bill
                         Organised By: Ron Howard

                  Bill & Cheryl: Nil Score

29th April 2021                    PAIRS                  80 Bowlers
   W/W 1st               Alan Love & Syd Edwards
   W/W 2nd               Dennis Hilder & Ian Lane
   W/L 1st             Kelly Smith & Jenny Creamer
   W/L 2nd             John Braddick & Ron Stringer
                         Organised By: Ron Howard

6th May 2021                        PAIRS                 68 Bowlers
    W/W 1st                 Glen & Gina Gordon
    W/W 2nd               Pauline Veck & Lyn Butler
    W/L 1st                 L Hodges & N Jackson
    W/L 2nd                  I Carter & J Warner
                          Organised By: Ross Hall

13th May 2021                     PAIRS                   62 Bowlers
    W/W                    Jim Kent & Frank Romeo
    W/L                Petr Schwennesen & John Warner
                        Organised By: Ron Howard

20th May 2021                      PAIRS                  84 Bowlers
    W/W 1st             Pauline Veck & Hillary Phillips
    W/W 2nd              Peter Wallis & Syd Edwards
     W/L 1st            Paul Stratford & Ryan Stratford
     W/L 2nd             Colin moody & Geoff smith
                         Organised By: Ron Howard


It is with sadness that we heard of the
         Passing on 6th May 2021
Port Noarlunga Bowling Club Life Member

                  Ron Westburgh

  Our condolences go out to Ron’s Family
             At this sad time
   Max will be missed and remembered
             By all at the Club

  SOUTH COAST FOLK CLUB - meets every Thursday
night at the Port Noarlunga Bowling Club from 7.30 till late
A few brain Teasers
                        The following images form common
                        Words & phrases. Can you decipher


                                right = right


                                  eye e
                                  see except

Sudoku Easy




                                  Answers on page 30
Supporting our Sponsor’s
Members please support our Sponsors and use their services whenever
 possible, tell them you are from the Port Noarlunga Bowling Club for
                    preferential service and prices.

Remember that it is their support that helps make our Club successful

Shop 1/42 Acre Avenue, Morphett Vale SA 5162
            Phone: 08 8186 0288

Bowls Merchandise For Sale Behind The Bar
 Bull Grip      $7.50                     Hand Warmers (2) pkt $2.00
 Grippo         $7.00                     Lilac Spray Chalk    $10.00
 Wilgrip        $6.00                     Crack-a-Jack-Polish $9.00
 Club Badges    $6.00                     Chill Towels        $20.00

                            Food & Nibbles
                   Cheese & Crackers $2.00
                Cheese, Salami & Crackers $3.00
                  Pies and Sausage Rolls $3.00

                        Answers to Brain Teasers

Decipher them:
1. Equal rights.
2. Eye (i) before E except after c
3. One foot in the door.
4. Vitamin A deficiency.

Jumble Word:
Jumbo, Douse, Pretty, Pencil.
 Booted it up.

Friday Night Dinner Roster - Dishwasher Volunteers

30th April         JJ Jones             Chris Burton

14th May           Dave Williams         Alan Smith

28th May           Ron Howard            John Jones

11th June          Jim Kent             Trevor Pitman

25th June          Martin Sutherland

9th   July         JJ Jones               Jim Kent

23rd July           P Wallis              George Dunn

6th   Aug          Roy Patmore           Ron Howard

20th Aug           Mel Lane              Kath Lane

4th   Sept         Roy Patmore           Ron Howard

PLEASE !!        We need more members to volunteer on these
Friday nights for Dishwashers. It’s not hard graft and you get a
free meal for your efforts. Please add your name to the list.
If we fill the list it would mean doing it just once per year.
………………………                 ………………………              ..……………………

………………………                 ……………………….             …………………….


  A set of Dreamline XG
   Bowls Either Size 2
        or 2 Heavy
   Contact: Lynn Butler.
   Mobile: 0410 135 701

For Sale

       Recycle Your Electrical appliances:
                  Working or not:
       TV’s, Fridges, Vacuum Cleaners, Etc
               Then please contact:
Contact: Ron Howard Phone: 0417 898 528


This Months Recipe
                  Salami and Mushroom Pizza

    SERVES: 4
Prep Time:     25 min

Cook Time:      35 min

Difficulty:    Easy

                                      Preheat oven to 220C. Place tomatoes, oregano
           Ingredients                 and sugar in a saucepan over a medium-low heat
   400g can chopped tomatoes.         Simmer for 15 minutes or until reduced. Transfer
   1 tsp dried oregano.               to a food processor and whiz to a puree. Leave to
   Pinch of sugar.                    cool slightly.
                                      For the dough, place yeast, sugar and 1 cup
   100g mushrooms.
                                       (250ml ) lukewarm water in a bowl, hen stir to
   100g thinly sliced Italian-style   combine. Leave in a warm place for 10 minutes
    salami.                            or until frothy. Sift flour into a large bowl, then
   1/4 red onion, thinly sliced.      stir in the semolina and 11/2 tsp salt. Add yeast
   2 cups (200g) grated mozzarella.   mixture and oil, and stir to combine. Using your
                                       hands, bring mixture together. Turn dough out
     PIZZA DOUGH                       onto a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes or
   7g sachet dried instant yeast.     until smooth and elastic..
   1 1/4 tsp caster sugar.           Grease 2 large baking trays. Divide dough into 4
                                       portions. Dust the work surface with semolina
   450g strong ( bakers ) flour.      and roll out 2 portions of dough to form 30cm
   50g fine semolina, plus extra      circles. Place one pizza base on each tray.
    dust.                             Spread half the sauce over the bases, then top
   11/2 tbs olive oil.                with one-quarter of the mushroom, salami, red
                                       onion and cheese. Bake for 10-12 minutes until
                                       the dough bubbles, the edges are crisp and the
                                       cheese has melted. Repeat with remaining dough
                                       and toppings, then serve immediately.
Draw No         Winning No’s      Winner
                    83                 ?        Gina Gordon
                    84                 8        Carol Barker

             Supporting Our Sponsors
Members please support our Sponsors and use their services
                     whenever possible.
  Tell them you are from the Port Noarlunga Bowling Club
             for preferential service and prices.

For Sale
     Men’s Pennant Pull on Trousers size XL $40.00
     Ladies Size 14 Pennant Shirt 2nd hand   $35.00
     Ladies Size 10 Blue club shirt 2nd hand $20.00

               CLEARANCE SALE
                 Club Uniforms
              Three pairs only size 82

NEW - Pull-On Trousers (Black) ............. $40

                                                    Before Deciding Which
                                                    Membership Category
                                                           To Join
Social Member - $30 per year:
Entitles you to all non-bowling activities organised by PNBC – this includes fashion events,
wine tastings, mock horse racing nights, bingo, Christmas raffles etc. Outings outside of the
club house such as Casino trips, leisurely walks.
The right to entertain up to 5 guests per social member (limit set by our liquor licence) at the
club where you will enjoy very competitive bar prices in our relaxed and friendly club rooms.
Access to music evenings every Thursday which are conducted by our friends: The South
Coast Folk Club.
Access to our bi-weekly Friday Member’s Dinner where a very affordable 2 course meal is
available, it also entitles you to our Member’s Draw at these dinners, but you must be in
attendance to collect the winnings.
Discounts by our Sponsors upon notifying them of your membership at PNBC
Receipt of our Monthly magazine “The Toucher” which will keep you informed of what is
happening in and around the club.
Being a Social member DOES NOT allow you to participate in our weekly social games,
pennant sides or championships.

Associate Member - $100 per year:
You are entitled to all club facilities, playing in social games at PNBC only and if desired
play up to 3 pennant games in any one pennant season (then a fee would be incurred to
update your membership)

Full Member - $110 for 1st year, $200 for 2nd year:
You would be entitled to participate in all social, pennant, championship games, visiting
other clubs to play tournaments or gala days, all Bowls SA and Bowls Australia events.

Night Owl Member - $15 Administration Fee:
Limits you to only play night owls upon payment of the administration fee $15.00, limited
social games and three (3) pennant games in the current season, if called upon. The player
may then continue to participate in pennant and social games and receive all benefits of Full
registration upon payment of the balance of the fee required for the relevant category of
Junior/ Student Member (bowler) - $30 per year:
Social Member (non bowler) - $30 per year:

You can also read