WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...

Page created by Joe Matthews
WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
WAGGA WAGGA                                                              TrackChat
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC                                              March 2021 Volume 3
      "Living the Adventure!"                                                        ISSN 0726-9234

             Established in
             January 1978

 Contact trackchateditor.wagga4wdc@gmail.com if you would like to subscribe to our free monthly TrackChat newsletter
WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...

Saturday 22 May 2021
     Quarry Training Area

     Commencing 6:00pm
  See Activity Sheet for additional information
WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

Position                   Name                Phone              Email

President                  Alan Pottie         0414   492   055   president.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
Vice President             Greg Ogden          0419   494   451
Secretary                  Ian Davidson        0427   262   091   secretary.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
Treasurer                  Scott Sainsbury     0402   943   331   treasurer.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
Public Officer             Paul Kingdom
Training Coordinator       John Kent           0419 691 218       training.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
Activity Coordinator       Jason Hussey        0421 634 676       activities.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
Media Coordinator          Jason Hussey        0421 634 676       media.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
Equipment Officers         John Moore          02 6926 6224
                           Brenda Moore        02 6926 6224
Association Delegates      Alan Pottie         0414 492 055       president.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
                           John Kent           0419 691 218
Publicity Officer          Graham McKenzie     0413 837 684       publicity.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
QTA Chair                  Jim Simpson         0427 213 047
QTA Coordinator            Scott Sainsbury     0402 943 331       qta.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
TrackChat Editor           Kelli Edwards       0428 223 283       trackchateditor.wagga4wdc@gmail.com
Archivist                  Greg Ogden          0419 494 451       archives.wagga4wdc@gmail.com


      The WW4WDC meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at

                           Wagga RSL Club                                 Upcoming meetings:
                    Corner Kincaid & Dobbs Streets
                      Wagga Wagga NSW 2650                                Tuesday 16 March 2021
                                                                          Tuesday 20 April 2021
                         Commencing 7:30pm                                Tuesday 18 May 2021

           Members can also join online via Zoom (by request)

CONTACT US                                                                LIFE MEMBERS
                                                                          Gil & Margaret MATHEW
                                                                          George (dec) & Marilyn COCHRANE


             PO Box 5842, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650

                           NEW MEMBERS WELCOME
                         Email us for more information

WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


THIS MONTH IN TRACK CHAT                                                                                  PAGE

Presidents Update                                                                                               5
Editors Note                                                                                                    6
Announcements                                                                                                   8
Trip Reports                                                                                                   10
 - Boating, Camping, Fishing, 4WDing Weekend (BCFFing)                                                         10
 - Tumbarumba Day Trip                                                                                         13
Tidbits                                                                                                        16
4WD Break Down                                                                                                 17
Activity Information Sheets                                                                                    20
 - Vic High Country Huts Trip                                                                                  20
 - NPWS Fire Trail Clearing Trip (Tumut Area)                                                                  21
 - Narrandera Day Trip                                                                                         22
 - Burraga and Abercombie National Park Trip                                                                   23
 - 4WD Association Meeting - Nerriga                                                                           24
 - Club Cookout                                                                                                25
 - Basic 4WD Driver Training Course                                                                            26
 - Brindabella National Park Trip                                                                              27
 - Camp Oven Cookoff Challenge (Coolah NSW)                                                                    28
 - Monga and Deua National Parks Trip                                                                          29
Membership Form                                                                                                30
Event Calendar                                                                                                 31
Camp Ovens                                                                                                     32

The Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive Club (WW4WDC)
was established in January 1978 and is one of the                         CLUB SUPPORTERS
longest running 4WD clubcs in Australia.
                                                                  Thanks to the following organisations for their
Our club is affiliated with Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT               support of our club during the past year
(the Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs) and promotes
Tread Lightly and the Code of Ethics of Four Wheel Drive
Australia.                                                                   Anaconda
Our clubs Code of Conduct ensures we promote safe and
responsible four wheel driving and a positive approach to
conservation at all times.                                                    Autobarn
Our members have the opportunity to appreciate and
enjoy the outdoors through our many coordinated 4WD
touring adventures, both locally and throughout                           BBQ's Galore
Australia, and our regular social activities.

                                                                   South West Trailers

Cover Photo: Club Members airing down during the Woomargama                  Tyreworld
National Park drive on 27 February 2021. Photo courtesy of Paul

WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


Hi Everyone,

Welcome everyone to the March Edition of Trackchat. I look forward each month
to this newsletter as it really is reflecting the amount of energy and enthusiasm
that makes this Club a really enjoyable experience to be part of.

Welcome particularly to several new members over the past few months, please
feel free to reach out and ask members any questions that you are looking for
answers to. Whether these be trip experiences, equipment, training availability,
social contacts, etc.

I am writing this fresh from the BCFFing (Boating, Camping, Fishing and Four
wheel driving) weekend at the Great Aussie Holiday Park at Bowna, near Holbrook. 27 members took part and
enjoyed the activities on offer. We were blessed with great weather, particularly for the boating, fishing and
water sports section on Saturday afternoon and Sunday. The general response was a big vote for the event to
be on the annual calendar…so, put it in your calendar for late February 2022! Read on for more detail in the
Trip report…big thanks to John Kent (Fishing boat and fish finder), Paul Kingdom (4WD trip leader), Peter Van
Wel (Boat for fishing and touring guide). Thanks also to Macca for driving my boat to give me a ski…was great
and am a little stiff and sore!

Thanks again to all Trip Leaders for putting up their hands. I encourage all members to check out all the
upcoming activities and take advantage of any or all that are on offer.

An activity just out is a trip to Nerriga to attend the next quarterly meeting of our NSW/ACT State 4WD
association. John Kent, Paul Kingdom and myself have been covering these quarterly meetings, generally by
ZOOM over the past 12 months, however, the State executive is holding the next one on the Saturday morning
in Nerriga, between Braidwood and Nowra…Google or Hema search it up. There are some reputably good 4WD
tracks there that we are keen to explore. The pub also has a good reputation for some great grub and

Don’t forget our Annual Camp Oven Cookout on May 22nd…promises to be a great weekend. For those who
have Camp Oven cookouts on their Menu, tune in to the Activity sheet this issue for a Statewide Cookout
Challenge on the June long weekend. Thanks Paul Kingdom for posting these up.

If you would like to join the monthly meetings via Zoom, please contact Treasurer Scott Sainsbury a few days
prior to the meeting, which is this Tuesday night 7.30 pm. Club meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the

Have a great month Folks!

Yours in 4WDing
Alan Pottie

                        FUN FACT: The first WW4WDC trip was held on 5 February 1978 to
                              Tumbarumba and comprised a convoy of 8 vehicles.

WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


Welcome to our March edition of TrackChat.

This year is certainly powering along with Membership Renewals due by 31 March
2021. We've introduced a new online renewal form which we hope you find easy
to use. Printable forms are still available for use for Members who wish to use

We have also introduced a media consent option for members who do not wish to
have their photo published in club promotional material (such as TrackChat).
Members are also asked to remind Trip Leaders if they do/do not wish to have
their photo taken during club activities.

The Dunny construction is coming along well with the frame all but completed. Thanks to everyone who has
volunteered their time to get help get the project rolling.

The club was pretty excited to receive an email from the team at RPM Innovations late last year offering us a
Road Chef 12 volt oven to raffle. They saw their product on the Better Homes and Garden episode that
featured our club and wanted to say thanks. A very generous an unexpected offer.

The weather is starting to get cooler so it's a good time to start stocking up on your club wardrobe ahead of
our upcoming winter trips. Club marchandise can be purchased from Hunters Clothing.

Thanks to Paul Kingdom, John Kent and Alan Pottie for the Trip Report on the BCFFing Weekend at the Great
Aussie Resort. Sounds like it was a great weekend. Thanks also to Scott Sainsbury for the Tumbarumba Day
Trip report which also sounds like it was a great day.

Our 4WD Breakdown this month showcases Rob Hoogland's Land Rover Defender and another good reminder
about the importance of tyre pressures. Thanks for sharing The Landy with us Rob.

We have several trips planned for the coming months with most recent being Vic High Country Huts trip in
March, and the NPWS Track Clearing weekend and Narranderra Day Trip planned for April. Please contact the
Trip Leaders if you are interested in attending.

Until next month, say safe... and keep the articles coming!

Kelli Edwards

WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


Membership Renewals due 31 March 2021

A reminder to all members that membership renewals are due by 31 March 2021. There are three options
available for you to renew:

 1. Complete our new online Membership Form (preferred); or
 2. Complete the PDF Form that was emailed to members; or
 3. Complete the Membership Form included in this newsletter.

Physical membership renewal forms can be submitted via one of the following:


                 PO Box 5842, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650
                 In person at the general meeting

Dunny Construction

Our Dunny Project Team have been working overtime on the
new eco-friendly toilet for our training area.

Jim Simpson and Scott Sainsbury are leading the project
with help from Grant Gablonski, Paul Kingdom, John Kent
and John Moore.

The majority of materials have been purchased and the steel
frame is complete. Next step is to is to organise the external
cladding and electrical work.

The internal cladding will be finalised as the last step and
the Dunny will then be ready to be transported to the
training area.

WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


Media Consent for Promotional Material

We enjoy promoting our club and regularly share photos and videos of our trips and
other activities. Our Trip Reports and member happy snaps are one of the highlights of
TrackChat each month.

However, we also respect that some members prefer not to appear in promotional
material and we have included an option for you to notify us of this in the Membership
Renewal form. When on club trips we also ask that you remind the Trip Leader of your
                                                                                               No Thankyou
preference to not appear in club promotional material.

Thanks for the Donation

Thumbs up to Luke Perrier and the team from RPM Innovations for donating our
club a Road Chef 12 volt oven.

RPM Innovations manufacture the Road Chef and were so chuffed to see their
product featured in the back of Scott Sainsbury's rig during the November 2020
Better Homes and Gardens episode they kindly donated us one to raffle.

Club Merchandise

Club merchandise is available at Hunters Clothing:

  Short and long sleeve polo shirts
  Short and long sleeve Hi Viz polo shirts
  Long sleeve pilbara shirts
  Fleece hoodies and jackets
  Bumper stickers

Orders can be placed online or in person at Hunters Clothing:

68 Fitzmaurice Street
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
T: 02 6921 2121
F: 02 6921 6527
E: clothing@hunters1866.com.au

The full range of available merchandise can be viewed online at Hunters


WAGGA WAGGA FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB INC - Wagga Wagga Four Wheel Drive ...
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


Boating Camping Fishing & 4WD Weekend
(Great Aussie Resort)
26 - 28 February 2021
By Paul Kingdom, John Kent and Alan Pottie

With much anticipation, a large crew of members made their various ways to the Great Aussie Holiday Park at
Bowna, on Lake Hume between Holbrook and Albury.

Our trip comprised (in no particular order), Jim Simpson and partner Marcia, Peter and Fran Van Wel, John
Kent, Paul and Jenny Kingdom, Jim and Catherine McCracken and their daughter Claire, James and Alicia
Ashley, Ian Davidson, Aaron Armstrong, Ben Thompson, Andrew and Tricia Thompson and son Daniel, Jason
Hussey and fiancée Danni McConnell, Doug and Catherine Bell, Graham and Jan McKenzie and daughter
Karina, Kaye and Rob Hoogland, Tony and Caroline Driscoll and Alan Pottie.

4WDing Report
Woomargama National Park

After having a very pleasant Friday evening in camp I thought I would rally the troops early on Saturday and
had every one ready to leave by 8.30am!!. It must have worked because I had 9 line up for the drive and we
were meeting Jason & Danni on Tunnel Road to make 10 vehicles.

Our plan was to explore the southern side of Woomargama National Park. We hit the dirt on Hanels Rd and
pulled up and aired down. Our drive along Hanels Rd lead us to Wagra Trail which we stayed on for some
time following an interesting fence line which had a triangle set up at the bottom of it to obviously try stop
animals getting through. After some time we had made our way to Wagra Mountain top where we pulled up
for smoko.

After smoko we headed down Pearces No2 trail with some steep descents and branches to remove. As we
headed down we came across a couple of interesting boulders which left you wondering how one didn’t roll off
the other. As we descended we got glimpses of the Murry River which was nice.

Once through a few gates we had one tree down which needed the chainsaws to clear the track. Track cleared
our travels took us along to Fabics Trail where we could have had pork for dinner as about six odd pigs ran
across in front of us. Once we got to the gate on Fabics Trail we turned onto Green Valley Fire Trail and made
our way to a relatively flat and straight area where we pulled up for lunch as it was now 1.00pm.

After lunch we started to climb our way back up and onto Wagra Trail. Once we hit Wagra Link Trail which we
descended back down to Hanels Road where we stopped and aired back up. Aired up we hit the black top and
made our way back to camp, it was now around 3.00pm. Our trip was great as it gave us a variety of driving
and scenery and some tracks we haven’t travelled before. Thanks to everyone who came along.

                                                                                                           - Paul

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

Fishing Report

For the fishing leg of the BCFFing weekend, it was a case of those hoping to catch a fish spending as much or
as little time as they wanted casually “washing some string” as Pete Van Wel calls fishing. Nothing formal had
been organised.

I travelled down to the resort early on Friday for a “pre-fish” before the big comp to try to find where the fish
were. There had been consistent reports of huge catches of dozens of redfin (English Perch for our Pommie club
members). The dam was looking great even though levels had dropped significantly to 53% due to irrigation
and environmental releases of water. I spent a lovely hour or two on the water but only managed 1 small
reddie for my trouble.

Saturday saw a bit more action on the water. While the 4WD convoy was gallivanting around Woomargama,
the Thompson family tried out their kayaks, Pete Van Wel took a boat load for a fish, and Jim Simpson and
Daniel Thompson joined me in my boat. Again it was very nice on the water. We tried drowning some worms
without success and then decided to troll some lures around. Jim was the “gun” fisho landing 4 reddies big
enough for a few fillets for a taste. Redfin are very nice eating even though they are a pest species. In the
afternoon Paul and Kaye joined me for a fish while Al and Pete ran cruises and watersports for the afternoon.

Sunday morning, while Paul was packing up, Aaron and I had a fish not far from the boat ramp with Aaron
working out the right lure colour to catch a number of fish, then Paul joined us for another hour or two. We
were far more successful this time with a dozen good sized reddies boated and duly filleted.

All in all it was a very enjoyable way to spend a bit of time with mates and catch a few fish as well. I think we
should make it an annual event.

                                                                                                       - John Kent

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

Water Sports/Touring

Peter Van Wel and Alan Pottie provided their trusty runabouts to provide some tours of Lake Hume (thanks
Pete!). Pete took a tour group down to the Bethanga Bridge on Sunday morning for what would have been a
very enjoyable outing.

Alan’s boat was well occupied over both days with several members taking part on the ski biscuits, knee
board, wakeboard and skis. Special mention to Danni for her first adventure on a runabout, as well as her first
go at a ski biscuit. Dannii acquitted herself with flying colours.

Jason Hussey and James Ashley weren’t to be outdone and had enjoyable rides also. Graham McKenzie also
took the biscuit plunge, while young Daniel Thompson gave the biscuit and kneeboard a good workout on both
days. Daniel’s parents Trish and Andrew were not left behind here and got into the groove…methinks a boat
might be on the Christmas list for the Thompsons!

                                                                                                   - Alan Pottie

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


Tumbarumba Day Trip
6 March 2021
By Scott Sainsbury

Myself, Sharna Kulhavy, David Ohlsen and John Kent met at Apex Park at 8:00am on a fine and sunny, albeit a
little chilly, morning all ready for a fun day trip in the Tumbarumba hills.

We headed the back way to Tumbarumba with our first stop, as always, the Tumba Bakery.

Bellies full we hit the road heading along the Elliot Way and airing down just at the start of Browns Fire Trail.
Once through the private property we turned off onto a track not travelled too often. It was a bit over-grown
for the first part and had quite a few fallen trees that had to dodged. Some of the side tracks were a bit hard
to find and required some foot slogging to find the side track. The first occasion to pull out the chainsaw was
to make one of the side tracks a bit wider to get through, and the next was a fallen tree that there was no
way around. After about half an hour we were on the move again.

It was nice to pop out to Kent’s Camp ground (that’s what we called it) with a couple of creeks meeting up in
the middle. We played around in the creek crossing which had a firm base and a step little entry and exit, but
the mice in Dave’s Suzuki were a little bit short in the leg department and didn’t quite make it out the exit.
After a little digging out of his tow bar he was able to back out and head back the way he came.

Leaving Kent's Camp we headed to the site of old Bog Hut which was burnt down in the fire last year. From
there we continued to Granite Mountain where we had lunch, then back onto Jimmy’s Trail and off to Paddys
River Dam.

When we got Paddy's River Dam we were surprised by how many people were camped there... it was packed!
There was even one site right by the dam that had fenced off the area preventing access to the dam, which
was a bit disappointing.

From there we headed along Hydes Old Road to Pilot Hill Arboretum for afternoon tea and a bit of exploring.

We made our way back towards Paddys River Dam and turned into Hydes Trig road looking for Storm
Lookout... which turned out to be a hill with no lookout. We then continued back towards the highway via
Staves Road, North Shedleys Trail and Back Creek Road.

Once back at the highway we aired up, made a quick stop for Dave to top up on fuel, and made our way back
to Wagga. Thanks to Sharna, Dave and John for a fun and relaxing trip up the hills.

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


          February Just for Fun Answer

The Question:
Scottie was driving his Amarok under a bridge when
suddenly he came to a screeching halt. Scottie wasn't
paying enough attention and inadvertently drove under
a bridge that was just barely as high as his Amarok. The
Amarok was wedged so tightly that he could not go
forward or backward.

A fellow 4WDriver came by and told him how he could
easily get the Amarok out from under the bridge.

What did he suggest?

The Best Answer:
Why would you bother? It's only an Amarok and not
worth the effort, so just leave it there.
                                           - John Kent

The Correct Answer:
The fellow 4WDriver told him to let some air out of the

                       Did you know?

    Did you know that the worlds longest damper
    bread is 153.002m?

    The record was set on Saturday 13 July 2019
    by Steve Hockam, Leannda Dierke, Adnun Khan,
    Albab Khan, Greg Purvis and Ranger Nick in
    Charleville, Queensland.

    Source: www.guinnessworldrecords.com

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3


The Landy

Owner           Rob Hoogland                                   What is the best thing about your 4WD?

Make            Land Rover                                      Its a Defender. When you own a Defender/Series Land
                                                                Rover, you become part of a world wide enthusiast
Model           Defender                                        club that's been going for on 70 years. We wave to
                                                                each other on the road, we stop and chat on the
Year            2013
                                                                tracks, we discuss our mods when seen in car parks,
Colour          White                                           and walk across camp grounds just to say hi. We all
                                                                love Land Rovers, warts and all.
   6 speed manual, full time 4WD
   with centre diff lock                                       Worst break down
Modifications                                                  Tanking bad fuel on my way back from Brisbane
      ARB Bull Bar                                             resulting in replacement of: Fuel pump, Fuel filter,
      Runva synthetic rope winch                               Fuel rail and sensor, High pressure pump, Fuel
      Safari Snorkel                                           injectors including seals and washers, Fuel lines from
      Side Steps                                               high pressure pump to rail and rail to injectors. Luckily
      Home made roof mounted centre console                    the insurance company came to the party.
      GME UHF
      Home made shelving, drawers, fridge slide in
      the back                                                 Hairiest moment in your 4WD
      Steering guard bash plate with recovery                  On one of Ian Davidson’s trips (the one that didn’t get
      points                                                   postponed) I was travelling up a slippery slope, the
      Rear spare wheel holder                                  wheels were turning forward, the vehicle was sliding
      Aux fuel tank behind/in back back wheel well             backwards down hill. Fortunately I was able to stop,
      35ltr water tank behind/in other back wheel              let a little more air out of the tyres and drove up
      well                                                     without a problem.
      Secondary fuel filter
      LED headlights
      Red Arch Pro electric brake controller
      Secondary battery with solar input points                                           If you could change one thing
      Full roof rack and Kings awning                                                     about your 4WD what would it
                                                                                          Get rid of all the sensors
                                                                                          everywhere whose only purpose,
                                                                                          as best I can determine, is to
                                                                                          limit your speed from time to
                                                                                          time by putting you in limp

                                                                                          Most memorable trip in your
                                                                                          Litchfield and Kakadu national
                                                                                          parks. Koolpin gorge was a real
                                                                                          highlight, fantastic views, limited
                                                                                          access to about 40 people at a
                                                                                          time and a great swimming hole.

                                                                                          Most important thing you've
                                                                                          learned about 4WDriving?
                                                                                          Tyre pressures.

                       Tell us about your 4WD! Using the above information as a guide please email your
                          4WD information and photo/video to trackchateditor.wagga4wdc@gmail.com

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

Please email your completed form to treasurer.wagga4wdc@gmail.com or deliver at our monthly general meeting
TrackChat, March 2021, Volume 3

        Club Meetings                                        Coordinated Club Activity                                         General Interest

                                                                                                                                       March 2021
    Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday              Thursday              Friday              Saturday                  Sunday
                    1                      2                      3                     4                5                       6                        7

                     8                      9                     10                    11              12                    13                         14
                           TrackChat              CSU Meat                                       Bushrangers & Beyond VIC High Country Trip
                         Submissions Due        Sensory Testing                                (Pending Border Closures/Covid-19 Restrictions)

                    15                     16                     17                    18             19                       20                       21
                                                                                                                    Remote Area First Aid Course
                            Meeting                                                                                                 QTA Morning (TBC)
                    22                     23                     24                    25              26                      27                       28
                                                                                                                      VIC High Country Huts Trip

                    29                     30                     31
 VIC High Country
     Huts Trip

                                                                                                                                         April 2021
    Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday              Thursday              Friday              Saturday                  Sunday
                                                                                        1                2                       3                        4

                     5                      6                      7                     8               9                      10                       11

                    12                     13                     14                    15             16                     17                     18
                           TrackChat                                                                              NPWS Track Clearing (Tumut Area)
                         Submissions Due                                                                                           Narranderra Day Trip

                    19                     20                     21                    22              23                      24                       25
                            Meeting                                                                                                   QTA Morning (TBC)

                    26                     27                     28                    29             30

                                                                                                                                           May 2021
    Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday              Thursday              Friday              Saturday                  Sunday
                                                                                                                                 1                        2

                                                                                                                      Burraga & Abercombe Trip

                     3                      4                      5                     6               7                       8                        9

                    10                     11                     12                    13             14                       15                       16
                                                                                                 4WD Quarterly Association Meeting - Nerriga
                         Submissions Due

                    17                     18                     19                    20              21                      22                       23
                                                                                                                Club Cookout          QTA Morning (TBC)
                                                                                                                  V Theme
                    24                     25                     26                    27             28                       29                       30

                                                                                                                     Basic Driver Training Course


June 2021                                             July 2021                                         August 2021
1       Committee Meeting                             6     Committee Meeting                           3      Committee Meeting
5-6     Brindabellas Trip                             13    TrackChat Submissions Due                   10     TrackChat Submissions Due
8       TrackChat Submissions Due                     20    General Meeting                             17     General Meeting
11-14   Camp Oven Cookoff - Coolah NSW                25    Quarry Morning (TBC)                        22     Quarry Morning (TBC)
15      General Meeting
20      Quarry Morning (TBC)

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