The UK's largest listed battery storage fund 2021 - Gresham House

Page created by Marc Dennis
The UK's largest listed battery storage fund 2021 - Gresham House
30 June

The UK’s largest listed
battery storage fund
Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
Interim Report and Accounts as at 30 June 2021
The UK's largest listed battery storage fund 2021 - Gresham House
Interim Report
02 Highlights
03 Chair's Statement
05 Investment Manager's Report             Energy storage to
                                           address supply-demand
11 Board and Investment Team
13 Director's Report
17 Principal Risks and Uncertainties

                                           imbalances on the
Financial Statements
19 Unaudited Condensed Statement of
    Comprehensive Income
20 Unuaudited Condensed Statement of

                                           National Grid, in real time.
    Financial Position
21 Unaudited Condensed Statement of
    Changes in Equity
22 Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash
23 Notes to the Financial Statements
37 Alternative performance measure table

Additional Information
40 Company Information                     Gresham House Energy Storage Fund
                                           plc (GRID, the Fund or Company) invests
41 Glossary

                                           in a portfolio of utility-scale operational
                                           Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
                                           in Great Britain.

                                             For more information visit
The UK's largest listed battery storage fund 2021 - Gresham House
Interim                  Financial           Additional
                                                                                             Report                   Statements          Information

Company Financial Highlights                                                             Performance Highlights
                                                                                     Æ     Net Asset Value (NAV) of £383m or 109.89p per share (FY
                                                                                           2020: 102.96p / H1 2020: 98.16p). Increase in

           NAV per share (pence)                                                           NAV in H1 2021 driven by revaluations of recently
           (as at 30 June 2021)                                                            commissioned projects, cash retained over and above

                                                                                           distributions to shareholders and improvements in third

 109.89p                                                                                   party forecasts. The weighted average cost of capital
                                                                                           dropped from 10.8% to 10.7% due to a greater proportion
                                                                                           of revenues coming from Capacity Market contracts
                                                                                     Æ     NAV total return of 10.03% for the six-month period,

                                                         Jun 21
                                                                    Jun 20
                                                                                           driven by a 6.9p increase in NAV per share and 3.5p in
                                                                                           dividends paid in the six-month period
                                                                                     Æ     Ordinary Share price at 30 June 2021 was 120.75p
           Company profit & total comprehensive
                                                                                           implying a total return of 36.25% since inception, and
           income (£m)
                                                                                           10.66% for the six-month period ended June 2021

           (for the six months ended 30 June 2021)
                                                                                     Æ     The Board reaffirms expectations of 7.0p dividends for

 £36.3m                                                                                    2021 and expects full dividend cover from underlying

                                                                    (£0.5m) Jun 20
                                                                                           earnings in the portfolio in 2021
                                                                                     Æ     £100m equity raised following the half-year period end.
                                                                                           The Manager is now targeting an additional 515MW
                                                         Jun 21                            in BESS projects by Q1 2022 from deployment of
                                                                                           £220m in cash raised from share issuance under the
           Total gross equity funds raised (£m)¹                                           Prospectus published in November 2020. Deployment of
           (as at 30 June 2021)                                                            this equity is progressing well

                                                                                     Æ     Debt process successfully completed unlocking a £180m

 £357.9m                                                                                   total debt facility made up of £150m capex facility and

                                                                                           £30m working capital facility, significantly improving the
                                                                                           incremental cost of capital for the Company

                                                                                         Operational Highlights
                                                         Jun 21
                                                                    Jun 20

                                                                                     Æ    Daily operations continue to be dominated by frequency
                                                                                          response services, Dynamic Containment and Enhanced

Alternative Performance Measures²                                                         Frequency Response in particular, contributing 86% of
                                                                                          revenues, while power trading opportunities are taken
                                                                                          advantage of as they arise

           Dividend per Ordinary Share (pence)³                                      Æ    The Company had 425MW of operational projects at the
           (for the six months ended 30 June 2021)                                        end of June and has also signed conditional SPAs for the
                                                                                          acquisition of a further 425MW in the period. In addition,
   3.5p                                                                                   a further 187MW is in advanced stages of due diligence.
                                                                                          Average project size has increased to
                                                                                          c.60MW significantly accelerating operational scale-up
                                                         Jun 21
                                                                    Jun 20

                                                                                     Æ    2021 started with occasional periods of extreme
                                                                                          volatility with short run power prices reaching £4,000/
                                                                                          MWh on 8 January 2021
           Ordinary Share price total return since IPO                               Æ    Daily peak electricity prices are at historically high levels
                                                                                          due to higher demand, higher natural gas prices and

           (for the period to 30 June 2021)
                                                                                          elevated carbon prices demonstrated by record monthly

                                                                                          average price per MWh in August 20214
                                                                                     Æ    Supportive industry developments with (i) National Grid

                                                                                          demerging the Electricity System Operator, (ii)
                                                                                          significant changes in frequency response and reserve
                                                                                          services procured by National Grid and (iii) a significant
                                                         Jun 21
                                                                    Jun 20

                                                                                          pick up in deployment of storage projects
           NAV per Ordinary Share total return                                       Æ    National Grid has significantly increased the prominence
           (unlevered)                                                                    of Energy Storage, forecasting up
           (for the period to 30 June 2021)                                               to 43GW of capacity being required in 2050 and

                                                                                          confirming 15GW by 2025 under its recently published

 10.03%                                                                                   Future Energy Scenarios compared with c.1.3GW
                                                                                          operational today

                                                                                     1. Including £100m at IPO - Unaudited
                                                                                     2. Alternative performance measures are defined and calculated in the Glossary
                                                                                     3. Including proposed dividend
                                                         Jun 21
                                                                    Jun 20

                                                                                     4. source:
                                                                                              Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)                    2
The UK's largest listed battery storage fund 2021 - Gresham House
It is a positive confirmation of our investment
                                                                                                            John Leggate
thesis to see that grid-scale batteries are now                                                             Non-Executive Chair,
                                                                                                            Gresham House Energy Storage
becoming an essential feature of the UK’s critical                                                          Fund plc Board

national infrastructure.
Summary                                              SPAs for the acquisition of a further 425MW           These are the last of the already-operational
On behalf of the Board, I am delighted to present    which are scheduled to become operational             projects that the Company expects to acquire in
the Interim Report and Accounts of Gresham           during 2022. A further 187MW are in the               the foreseeable future as it focuses on its new-
House Energy Storage Fund plc for the six-           advanced stages of due diligence.                     build project pipeline, although we are still open
month period ending 30 June 2021.                                                                          to opportunistic acquisitions.
                                                     Having secured a debt facility, the Company’s
The Company and its Portfolio have performed         aim now is to commit to the remainder of the          Referring to battery duration, the Manager is
well over the period, with dividend cover from       pipeline disclosed during the fundraising in July     actively considering the optimal duration for its
underlying operational earnings of 1.62x (1.38x      2021, which would take operational MWs to             latest projects. While all new projects which are
excluding locked box income) for H1 2021 (FY         c.1.3GW during H1 2023.                               already funded, namely Coupar Angus (40MW),
2020 0.78x / H1 2020: 0.48x). Total Share Price                                                            Arbroath (35MW), Enderby (50MW), West
Return since IPO is 36.25% to H1 2021 (H1 2020:      The Company’s overall pace of deployment is           Didsbury (50MW), Melksham (100MW), Stairfoot
15.60% / FY 2020: 23.10%).                           likely to result in it maintaining market share of    (40MW), Penwortham (50MW), Grendon (up to
                                                     at least 25-30% as it has done since its IPO in       100MW) and Project Y (50MW) are being built
Complementing this strong performance,               2018.                                                 out to one hour durations, pipeline projects are
our future growth plans are on track, with a                                                               being evaluated on their ability to have longer
significant number of acquisitions, further          The Manager continues to work hard on                 duration batteries and we have a preference
equity fundraising and the commitment of             delivering our pipeline, and incrementally            to invest in projects that can be built with at
equity funds raised into projects both during        focusing on projects that will commission in          least a 90 minute duration: the longer duration
and following the half-year end.                     2023 and later. The Manager also continues to         increases the potential revenue per MW.
                                                     review opportunities in Ireland, although the
The completion of the debt fundraising process       team has been able to execute more effectively        Results and outlook
is also a significant milestone for the Company,     in Great Britain where the revenue outlook            The Company has performed strongly during
demonstrating how much the industry has              has improved significantly since shareholders         the period. The portfolio generated net earnings
matured since IPO, and how the Company is            agreed to a change in Investment Policy in            for dividend cover of £19.7m, from operating
demonstrating sector leadership through scale        2020, to include investment in Ireland. The           revenues of £24.9m. Revenues came mostly
and strong execution in its operational              Manager has visibility on a large exclusive           from frequency response services, with
activities.                                          pipeline in Ireland, which we intend to announce      £16.2m from Dynamic Containment, £5.2m
                                                     once these projects are closer to being shovel        from EFR services provided by our 120MW of
                                                     ready.                                                EFR contracted projects and £0.6m from FFR
Portfolio description, transactions and
pipeline                                                                                                   services. The remaining 12% of the Company’s
                                                     Examining upcoming deployment more closely,           revenue is made up of trading (Spread Capture)
The Company’s 17 projects make up 425MW of
                                                     it is worth noting that average project size has      and Capacity Market contracts.
wholly owned operational BESS projects
                                                     increased significantly to approximately 60MW.
located across England and Scotland, averaging
                                                     Assuming this continues, it will only take 13         The high proportion coming from frequency
over one hour in duration.
                                                     projects to triple the Company’s operational          response services reflects the continued
                                                     capacity.                                             shortfall, during the period, in available battery
The Manager has remained very active in terms
                                                                                                           capacity to deliver the service that National
of fundraising and the building of a strong
                                                     Of the projects acquired in the first half of 2021,   Grid has demand for and has resulted in the
pipeline. In terms of fundraising, the Company
                                                     70MW (Port of Tyne, Tynemouth and Nevendon)           high level of revenues this year. This is expected
completed a successful equity fundraising
                                                     are contracted in EFR until the first half of 2022.   to change in phases over the next year as the
shortly after the half-year end and also
                                                     These projects were well-priced given the fully       number of operational batteries increases and
completed a debt fundraising totalling £180m in
                                                     contracted nature of their revenues from EFR          as contracting moves from twenty-four-hour
September 2021.
                                                     and high value 15-year Capacity Market                periods to four-hourly periods (known as EFA
                                                     contracts but also taking into account the            blocks), resulting in National Grid being able to
On deployment, since the start of 2021, the
                                                     projects’ limited battery duration and the need       procure less capacity when less is required.
Company has completed the acquisition of
                                                     for the Manager to carry out an upgrade
110MW of operational projects and has signed
                                                     programme once the EFR contracts expire.

3             Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
The UK's largest listed battery storage fund 2021 - Gresham House
Interim               Financial           Additional
                                                                                                   Report                Statements          Information

As such, revenues earned per MW from                 revaluation of a significant number of recently         Our cash generating operational portfolio
frequency response are expected to decline           commissioned projects (five projects totalling          allows us to demonstrate a more sustainable
over the next 12 months, uncovering the              150MW). Another positive driver is a 3.6p               dividend paying ability versus comparable
underlying attractiveness of trading, a market       improvement from higher cashflow forecasts,             funds in the same market and we are pleased to
which is much more sustainable, due to its           driven by higher trading revenue expectations.          say that we expect full coverage of dividends in
large and growing size as renewables continue                                                                2021.
to be deployed at pace. It is this market            This more than offsets a negative impact of
opportunity, which is driving the interest in the    c.1.5p from changes to the corporation tax              This is despite the additional dividend burden
potential                                            regime (whereby taxes on UK companies will              for H2 2021 created from the recent equity
of longer duration batteries, mentioned in           increase from 19% to 25% from FY 2023) prior            fundraising. We were careful to demonstrate
the section above, as these longer duration          to modelling of additional tax efficiencies.            some restraint for this reason and kept our
batteries can capture more revenues from the                                                                 target at £100m despite seeing much larger
intraday volatility in power prices. The financial   The underlying discount rates used to calculate         demand for shares.
model projections, which drive the Company’s         the weighted average discount rate of 5%
NAV, already reflect less revenue from               for Capacity Market revenues and 11.1% for all          As mentioned above, the deployment of the
frequency response and a migration to income         other revenues, remain unchanged with the               remainder of the recent equity capital raised,
from trading activities from later this year         weighted average dropping slightly to 10.73%.           as well as of the recently secured debt funding,
and as such, revenues, on a per MW basis, are        This reflects the greater proportion of revenues        will take place during 2022 and early 2023. This
expected at levels closer to those anticipated       coming from Capacity Market contracts.                  should drive down the revenue per MW level at
at the time of the IPO from 2022 onwards.                                                                    which we can meet our target dividend of 7p
                                                     The Board, in conjunction with our independent          per share to significantly lower levels compared
Offsetting the potential for lower per MW            valuer, will review the discount rates used to          with prior periods. The Board accordingly
revenues is the possibility of another period of     calculate the NAV, particularly in light of the         remains confident that the current level of
higher volatility this winter, as forecast           comparatively low cost of debt secured. This            dividend is well supported.
in National Grid’s recently published Winter         highlights a significant spread between the
Outlook 2021 - Early View document, which            cost of debt and equity available to the                With the issue of the Intergovernmental
combined with the commissioning of a large           Company, as well as the falling hurdle rate of          Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) Report in
number of new BESS projects within the               revenues at which the company covers its                August 2021 and the early responses from
Company, many of them in Q1 2022, offers the         dividend, which suggests lower risk from its            the UK Government, it is clear that there is the
Company a potentially healthy dividend cover         merchant operations. This review will be                appetite to accelerate the deployment of
going into 2022.                                     undertaken during 2021.                                 renewables in the UK – especially offshore wind
                                                                                                             which is continuing to increase substantially.
Perhaps the most exciting development in the         COVID-19                                                The growing role for batteries in providing
Company is the closing of the recently               We commented on COVID-19 in the Interim                 grid balancing for this additional intermittent
announced debt facility. This facility enables       Report and Accounts in 2020. It is pleasing             generation supports our investment thesis
the Company to achieve a significantly lower         to be able to paint a very different picture 12         of rising future demand for power storage
weighted average cost of capital. While this         months later.                                           infrastructure.
supports the growth in NAV, it also supports
the Manager’s core efforts to reduce the hurdle      First, demand for power has recovered and may
level of revenues which it needs to earn from        even be showing signs of growth as we migrate           John Leggate CBE FREng
merchant sources to cover the dividend to            to electric vehicles and use more computing             Chair
levels that reflect rarely seen low levels of        power as a nation. This, combined with higher           Date: 17 September 2021
intraday power price volatility, de-risking as       commodity prices (natural gas and carbon in
much as possible the downside risks for              particular) and a rising percentage of
investors. We look forward to providing more         renewables, is starting to unlock the much-
information on the implications of the debt          anticipated healthy backdrop for energy
raise in coming quarters.                            storage. This, combined with higher commodity
                                                     prices (natural gas and carbon in particular) and
Fundraising                                          a rising percentage of renewables, is starting to
During the period, the Company did not raise         unlock the much-anticipated positive strategic
any equity funds.                                    backdrop for energy storage.

However, just after the end of the period the        The ending of lockdowns has also meant that
Company repaid £7m of the Power Bond to              site and construction operations are back to
an institutional investor and raised £100m in        normal.
equity through the issue of 89.3m new shares
at a price of 112p, a premium of 5% to the           There have been negative impacts, however,
prevailing NAV at the time. The equity issue was     that we are monitoring. The most significant
significantly oversubscribed and a scaling back      are rising costs in areas like shipping, supply
exercise was undertaken to ensure the                chain impacts and insurance. We do not expect
Company maintains capital discipline and             these to persist indefinitely however, and there
minimises cash drag.                                 has been no material impact to date.

Net Asset Value (NAV)                                Dividend
In the first half of 2021, the NAV increased 6.93p   Dividend cover in H1 2021 was 1.62x with 0.24x
from 102.96p to 109.89p. This is the result of a     of this being derived from locked box income
combination of factors, most significantly the       from acquisitions completed in Q1 2021.

                                                                                                       Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)           4
The UK's largest listed battery storage fund 2021 - Gresham House
Manager's Report
Gresham House Asset Management Limited (GHAM) is wholly owned
by Gresham House plc (GH), an AIM-quoted specialist alternative
asset manager. GH provides funds, direct investments and tailored                                        Ben Guest
                                                                                                         Managing Director,
investment solutions, including co-investment across a range                                             New Energy
of highly differentiated alternative strategies. GHAM’s expertise
includes strategic public equity, private equity, forestry, new energy,
housing and other infrastructure.

During H1 2021, five operational projects            It remains the ambition of the Manager to          As previously reported, planning laws have
were added, contributing a further 110MW in          connect all the projects in the tables above       changed in Great Britain, allowing projects of
operational assets. These projects are listed as     during 2022, or in Q1 2023 using a combination     greater than 50MW and the Manager is pleased
13 to 17 in the investment portfolio table.          of the £220m in equity raised since last           to report that it is taking advantage of this
                                                     November 2020 and the £180m debt facility          change, with, currently, three projects which
Tynemouth, Nevendon and Port of Tyne added           just secured.                                      are greater than 50MW in size.
70MW to what was previously a 50MW portfolio
of EFR contracted projects, added through the        It is anticipated that the total cost of           The Manager is now considering its pipeline
acquisitions of Glassenbury and Cleator in 2019.     acquisition and commissioning projects will fall   for 2023 and beyond as the current suite
                                                     meaningfully, as previously disclosed,             of projects head into construction with
The two remaining additions included the 10MW        compared with projects acquired prior to the       completion expected in 2022. The Investment
extension to the Glassenbury project in Kent,        granting of the change in Investment Policy in     Manager remains confident of its ability to grow
known as Glassenbury B, and Byers Brae, a            November 2020 which allows the Company to          its pipeline and to maintain the growth of the
30MW project, and our first in Scotland, located     take construction risk with capital equivalent     Company. This is despite some evidence in the
near Livingston.                                     to 10% of the Company’s Gross Asset Value          market of increasing developer premiums as
                                                     (GAV).                                             new participants enter the market.

5             Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
The UK's largest listed battery storage fund 2021 - Gresham House
Interim                 Financial              Additional
                                                                                                                          Report                  Statements             Information

Investment portfolio
 Existing assets            Location                    Capacity       Battery      Site type*                                Commissioning                 Ownership status
                                                         (MW)           size                                                  status
 1. Staunch                 Staffordshire                   20            2.9       Battery and generators,                   Operational                   100% owned
                                                                                    0.5MW import
 2. Rufford                 Nottinghamshire                  7            9.5       Battery and generators,                   Operational                   100% owned
 3. Lockleaze               Bristol                         15           22.1       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 4. Littlebrook             Kent                             8            6.3       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 5. Roundponds              Wiltshire                       20           25.8       Battery and generators,                   Operational                   100% owned
                                                                                    16MW import
 6. Wolverhampton           West Midlands                    5            7.8       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 7. Glassenbury             Kent                            40           28.2       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 8. Cleator                 Cumbria                         10            7.1       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 9. Red Scar                Lancashire                      49           74.3       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 10. Bloxwich               West Midlands                   41           46.6       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 11. Thurcroft              South Yorkshire                 50           75.0       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 12. Wickham                Suffolk                         50           74.0       Battery, 40MW import                      Operational                   100% owned
 13. Tynemouth              Tyne and Wear                   25           12.5       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 14. Glassenbury            Kent                            10            10.1      Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 15. Nevendon               Basildon                        10            5.7       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 16. Port of Tyne           Tyne and Wear                   35           22.6       Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 17. Byers Brae             West Lothian                    30            30        Battery, symmetrical                      Operational                   100% owned
 18. Enderby                Leicestershire                  50            50        Battery, symmetrical                      Target COD: Q1 2022           100% owned
 19. West Didsbury          Manchester                      50            50        Battery, symmetrical                      Target COD: Q1 2022           100% owned
 20. Melksham               Wiltshire                      100            100       Battery, symmetrical                      Target COD: H1                100% acquired subject to
                                                                                                                              2022**                        satisfaction of conditions
 21. Coupar Angus           Scotland                        40            40        Battery, symmetrical                      Target COD: Q1 2022           100% acquired subject to
                                                                                                                                                            satisfaction of conditions
 22. Arbroath               Scotland                        35            35        Battery, symmetrical                      Target COD: Q1 2022           100% acquired subject to
                                                                                                                                                            satisfaction of conditions
 23. Penwortham             Preston                         50            50        Battery, symmetrical                      Target COD: H2 2022           100% acquired subject to
                                                                                                                                                            satisfaction of conditions
 24. Grendon                Northamptonshire               100            100       Battery, symmetrical                      Target COD: H2 2022           100% acquired subject to
                                                                                                                                                            satisfaction of conditions
 Total                                                     850          885.5
*Note: a symmetrical battery system has equal import and export capability to the grid; this increases the level of services the site is able to operate.
**While the Melksham project is expected to have been completed in Q1 2022, it is becoming likely that National Grid will not be in a position to connect this project until Q2 2022, hence the
change from Q1 to H1 compared with previous reports. All other projects scheduled to complete in Q1 2022 remain on track.

 Pipeline summary (as at 30 June 2021)
 Pipeline projects                                           Location                       Capacity        Battery size       Site type                         Commissioning status
                                                                                             (MW)             (MWh)
 25. Monet's Garden                                          North Yorkshire                    c.50             c.50          Battery, symmetrical              Target COD: H2 2022
 26. Lister Drive                                            Merseyside                         c.50             c.50          Battery, symmetrical              Target COD: H2 2022
 27. Project E2                                              West Yorkshire                     150               150          Battery, symmetrical              Target COD: H2 2022
 28. Stairfoot                                               North Yorkshire                     40               40           Battery, symmetrical              Target COD: Q1 2022
 29. Project B                                               West Yorkshire                      87               87           Battery, symmetrical              Target COD: H2 2022
 30. Project Y                                               York                                50               50           Battery, symmetrical              Target COD: H2 2022
 Total                                                                                         c.427            c.427

                                                                                                                            Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)                      6

                                                        21    22
                                                                                                      Acquired Pipeline


                                                                              13                                 Pipeline

                                                             23                29
                                                                          19                 11

                                                                              6              18

                                                                      3                                           4
                                                                                                                      7 & 14

7   Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
Interim              Financial          Additional
                                                                                              Report               Statements         Information

Fund and portfolio performance
                                                      H1 2021 portfolio asset revenue                           Revenue (£m)            Share of total
The Portfolio has performed well in the first half
                                                                                                                                    operating revenue
of 2021, generating net earnings for dividend
cover of £19.7m resulting in dividend cover
in the Company of 1.38x, excluding lockbox            Firm Frequency Response FFR                                         0.62                      2.5%
income. Dividend cover at this level is gratifying,
given that much of capital raised in November
                                                      Enhanced Frequency Response EFR                                     5.25                      21.0%
2020 is still being deployed (see further below).

The Company therefore remains on track to            Dynamic Containment DC                                               16.18                     65.0%
distribute 7.0p per Ordinary Share in 2021 and
                                                     Frequency Response Total                                            22.04                      88.5%
anticipates that dividends will be fully covered in
2021. The latter is in spite of the further £100m    Trading                                                              1.36                      5.5%
in equity raised in July, committed to projects
                                                     Capacity Market                                                      1.53                      6.0%
already that are scheduled to commission
during 2022. The Company paid, on 30 July            Operating revenues from assets owned                               24.93
(declared ex-dividend before the close of the
last fundraising) 1.75p per share for the period
from 1 April to 30 June 2021, resulting in total    Meanwhile, in terms of construction                 As mentioned earlier in this section, while the
dividends for the half year of 3.5p per share.      programmes, work is set to start in earnest at      Melksham project’s construction is scheduled to
                                                    all sites in September 2021. For completeness,      complete in Q1 2022, National Grid has indicated
The Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) for the Fund       this applies to the 275MW announced which           that it will not be possible to secure a winter
for the year to 31 December 2020 was 1.26%,         committed the £120m raised in November 2020         (defined as the period between winter clock
which we believe is lower than comparable           (Enderby, West Didsbury, Melksham, Coupar           changes) outage and so this project may not be
listed funds in the market. For the six-month       Angus and Arbroath) and 40MW (Stairfoot)            commissioned until Q2 2022.
period ended 30 June 2021 the Ongoing               of the further 240MW announced during the
Charges Figure was 1.27%. Over time the OCF         recent fundraising in July 2021 in order to         All other sites not included above, including
is expected to decline, driven by the rising Net    commission the sites in Q1 2022.                    those already acquired but not operational or in
Asset Value of the Company which then drives                                                            the pipeline, are in the design and construction
a drop in incremental management fees to the                                                            evaluation phase, with the aim of finalising
Manager to 0.9% (from 1.0%) above £250m and                                                             pre-construction arrangements during the
then to 0.8% above £500m.                                                                               remainder of this year.

Frequency response continued to dominate the
revenue mix, as expected given the shortage                                        H1 2021 Portfolio Revenue Split
of BESS capacity to meet the National Grid’s
demand for this service.

Trading income generated 5.5% of revenues
in the period, and this was driven mostly
by opportunities early in the year when, as
reported in the Annual Report and Accounts for
2020, volatility reached extreme levels.

The operational uptime of our asset portfolio
at 99.4% has been strong with most sites
achieving close to their potential.

Degradation of the batteries remains modest
as a result of their application in Dynamic
Containment. However, the financial
projections have not been altered in terms of
when upgrades need to take place in order
to provide some margin of safety, which the
Manager deems appropriate as the use of
batteries is still so nascent and other factors
may yet influence degradation less favourably.

In terms of construction operations, the sites
that have been committed to for Q1 2022 (or
H1 2022 in the case of Melksham) have been
de-risked as much as possible in terms of long
lead items.

                                                                                               Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)            8
Investment Manager's Report continued

Market update                                           In Q3 2020, in particular, trading conditions                                                          This gradual decommissioning reduces the
Compared with the situation in mid 2020, the            were challenging with demand up to 20% below                                                           amount of gas-fired generation able to behave
backdrop is much improved as the importance             normal levels and gas prices at multi-decade                                                           flexibly, revealing the true underlying volatility in
of BESS’ role in providing flexibility has become       lows, depressing intraday peak power prices                                                            supply and demand imbalances as renewables
increasingly clear. This is reflected in the            as demand was being met by zero marginal                                                               roll out further. This is starting to be reflected
analysis below.                                         cost renewables or very low-cost gas fired                                                             in higher power prices and is further supported
                                                        generation (due to the low gas prices).                                                                by rising electricity demand for the first time in
There are three key trends that we follow in the                                                                                                               over a decade.
market today:                                           The biggest challenge however was the
                                                        consistent use by National Grid of gas-fired                                                           iii)                      Total installed capacity of BESS
i.     Developments in the frequency response           generation to balance supply and demand,
       market, in terms of demand and innovation        rather than batteries, which are a cheaper                                                             Total installed capacity of BESS has increased,
                                                        and more carbon-efficient solution. The                                                                but it is proving a slow process as it takes
ii.    The trading backdrop through evaluation
                                                        environment in 2020 highlighted the need                                                               time to develop these sites. As such, installed
       of demand and the generation mix
                                                        for energy storage as this use of gas fired                                                            capacity has increased from c.1.1GW at the
iii.   Total installed capacity of BESS systems         generation in the Balancing Mechanism (to                                                              start of 2021 to c.1.3GW today and is expected
       in the UK                                        balance supply and demand in each half hourly                                                          to increase to c.1.5GW by the end of 2021. While
                                                        trading period) proved very expensive to the end                                                       this is a significant percentage increase, it is
Taking each of these in turn:                           consumer and wasteful of renewable energy,                                                             from a low base and lags the deployment of
                                                        which was curtailed in record quantities.                                                              renewables. As a result, BESS installations are
i)          Frequency response market                                                                                                                          not keeping up with the needs of the system.
                                                        This environment also catalysed the                                                                    An indicator of this is the continued rise in the
This market has evolved very significantly,             decommissioning of gas-fired generation                                                                underlying trend in the system balancing costs
with overall demand almost 1GW higher than              with the Calon Energy Ltd fleet going into                                                             as batteries are still mostly used for frequency
it was this time last year, thanks to the launch        administration. Sutton Bridge, one of the                                                              response and more expensive options remain
of Dynamic Containment in October 2020.                 three sites in the Calon Energy fleet portfolio                                                        the norm for National Grid in terms of what sort
The industry also has Dynamic Modulation and            of three with 850MW of capacity, is being                                                              of generation they rely on to provide reserve
Dynamic Regulation services to look forward             decommissioned despite entering operations                                                             capacity and flexible generation.
to which are expected to launch in H2 2021.             as recently as 1999.
It is also important to note that Enhanced
Frequency Response contracts will expire
and will not be replaced (200MW) and Firm                                                                 National Demand (MW, monthly averages)
Frequency response or FFR will be gradually                45,000
phased out as new services bed in. Overall                 40,000
demand is expected to increase although                    35,000
demand is also seasonal with greater demand in             30,000
the summer months.
Another important development in this
marketplace is that four-hourly contracting
will begin in September this year. As such,
demand will not just be seasonal but also vary
intraday, with evening demand being lower. This                 0
















is likely to lead to saturation of the night-time
frequency response market first. As we see
this happen, we will be on alert to favour trading
activities for the first time.
                                                                                                                                        BSUoS (GBP/MWh)
Despite the gradual saturation of the frequency
response market over the next 12 to 18 months,
we are excited about the market migrating                 6.0
to its long-term positioning by providing half            5.0
hourly energy supply and demand balancing                 4.0
through batteries being traded in the Balancing           3.0
Mechanism or the wholesale market.
ii)         Trading outlook                               0.0





















It is worth reflecting on the importance of
events in 2020 that has led to the improved
trading backdrop today.

9               Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
Interim                                       Financial                                                Additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Report                                        Statements                                               Information

Valuation                                                                                                                              Most of the increase in the NAV per share                                                                               The key changes in the valuation bridge below,
NAV per share has risen from 102.96p per                                                                                               is driven by the revaluation of recently                                                                                over and above the changes seen in the NAV
Ordinary Share at 31 December 2020 to 109.89p                                                                                          commissioned projects, while a net                                                                                      per share bridge, are from the acquisitions that
per Ordinary Share at 30 June 2021.This                                                                                                improvement in forecasts, driven by a recovery                                                                          have taken place this year. Modelling of further
equates to a NAV Total Return (i.e. including                                                                                          in revenue assumptions following a drop in 2020                                                                         tax efficiencies available to the portfolio offset
dividends) of 10.03% in the six-month period.                                                                                          also contributed positively, despite the impact                                                                         the decrease in value from higher tax rates.
                                                                                                                                       of higher tax rate assumptions following the                                                                            Inflation assumptions were reduced slightly
                                                                                                                                       Government’s last Budget.                                                                                               from 2030 with the largest impact being on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               revenue expectations in outer years.

                                                                                                NAV (p/Share) bridge from 31 December 2020 to 30 June 2021

               110                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (0.56)

               108                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              4.97

               106                                                                                                        (3.50)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1.61                                                                                                            109.89
                                                                                                                                                          (0.21)                                 (0.13)


                                          NAV @ 31Dec20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           rollforward, third party
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Debt costs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NAV @ 30Jun21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Change in NPV due to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Change in NPV due to

                                                                                                                                                            Transaction fees
                                                                            Net Fund and SPV

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           revenue forecasts and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Change in NPV due to
                                                                             working capital

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             other assumptions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               inflation rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                new project

                                                                                               NAV/Share                                               Increase                                Decrease

                                                                                     Change in investment
                                                                                       Change             value from
                                                                                                 in investment  value31from
                                                                                                                        December 2020 to
                                                                                                                            December     30 June
                                                                                                                                       2020      2021 2021
                                                                                                                                             to June

    £320m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (£1.0m)
    £310m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             £1.3m
                                                                                                                                                             £12.1m                                                       (£2.0m)
    £300m                                                                                                                        (£3.5m)
    £290m                                                                                      £17.3m

    £280m                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             £322.5m


                                                           Additional investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cost assumptions

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Change in tax
                                                                                                                                        Roll forward

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Change in inflation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Change in SPV working
                                                                                                                                                                           Revenue forecasts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Change in GHESH
                       Valuation at 31/12/2020

                                                                                                 New transactions to FV

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Valuation at 31/12/2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   working capital
                                                                  at cost


                                                                                                                                        Valuation                                    Increase                         Decrease

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)                                                                                                10
Board and
 Investment Team

 Investment Team

 Ben Guest                       Bozkurt Aydinoglu             Gareth Owen                 Rupert Robinson            Stephen Beck
 Managing Director,              Investment Director,          Investment Director,        Managing Director,         Finance Director,
 New Energy                      New Energy                    New Energy                  Gresham House Asset        Real Assets
                                                                                           Management Limited
 Ben has 26 years of             Bozkurt dedicated the         Gareth was a Partner                                   Stephen has 25 years
 investment experience,          early part of his career      at Hazel Capital (now       Rupert is the              of industry experience
 Ben’s expertise                 to funding and advising       Gresham House New           Managing Director          and is a law graduate
 spans the investment            companies in the              Energy) and has over        of Gresham House           and Barrister and was
 spectrum, across                telecommunications            18 years’ experience        Asset Management           called to the Bar in 1996.
 infrastructure, public          and technology                executing structured        Limited and has 30         He is also a Fellow of the
 equities and venture            industries, whilst in roles   transactions across a       years’ experience in       Institute of Chartered
 capital.                        at Nomura, Salomon            variety of sectors.         asset management and       Accountants of England
                                 Brothers, Bowman                                          wealth management,         and Wales and qualified
 Ben is responsible for          Capital and Deloitte &        Before Hazel Capital,       focused on product         with Pricewaterhouse-
 the origination and             Touche.                       Gareth worked at            innovation, investment     Coopers.
 execution of investment                                       Barclays Natural            management, business
 opportunities at                In 2002, Bozkurt              Resource Investments,       development, banking       Within Gresham
 Gresham House,                  cofounded and built           a captive private equity    and wealth structuring.    House, he leads an
 alongside ongoing               New Energy Finance            fund investing in the                                  in-house finance team
 portfolio management.           (NEF), which became the       natural resource and        Rupert was previously      managing the New
                                 leading provider of data,     renewable energy            CEO and CIO of             Energy, Renewables,
 Ben currently serves            research and analysis to      sectors.                    Schroders (UK) Private     Commercial Forestry
 as a Director of over 40        investors in the global                                   Bank and head of private   and Housing strategies.
 companies and until             cleantech industry.           Prior to this, Gareth       clients at Rothschild      Prior to this, Stephen
 recently was the Non-           NEF was acquired by           worked in the Structured    Asset Management           worked at E.ON,
 Executive Chairman              Bloomberg in December         Capital Markets divisions   Limited.                   where he held a
 of Oxis Energy, a UK            2009.                         of Barclays Capital                                    variety of financial
 advanced battery power                                        and Deutsche Bank,                                     and commercial roles,
 company.                                                      handling the acquisition                               ranging from leading
                                                               and disposal of various                                large finance teams,
                                                               asset-based companies.                                 developing power
                                                                                                                      station projects,
                                                                                                                      M&A transactions
                                                                                                                      and working with HM
                                                                                                                      Government delivering
                                                                                                                      low carbon solutions.

11           Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
Interim             Financial           Additional
                                                                                               Report              Statements          Information

The Company has a Board of four Independent         The Board’s requirements for vacancies on            The Board has been in situ since the Company’s
Non-Executive Directors.                            the Board are set with reference to objective        IPO in November 2018. While it is too early to
                                                    criteria and promote diversity of gender, social     be considering formal succession planning
The Board has 25% female representation. The        and ethnic backgrounds, cognitive and personal       for existing Directors, the Board will focus on
Board has also adopted a formal diversity policy    strengths.                                           this matter further as part of its annual Board
and considers diversity on the Company’s Board                                                           Evaluation process from 2021 onwards.
as an important supplement to the Board’s           Further, the Board reviews, at least annually,
existing skills, experience and knowledge.          its effectiveness and its combination of
                                                    skills, experience and knowledge. The Board
All appointments to the Board are, and will         conducts an externally facilitated effectiveness
continue to be, subject to a formal, rigorous and   evaluation every three years, with its first such
transparent procedure as required by the AIC        evaluation taking place during 2021.


John Leggate, CBE FREng                Catherine Pitt                          David Stevenson                           Duncan Neale
Chair and Independent Non-             Chair of the Nominations                Chair of the Remuneration                 Audit Committee Chair and
Executive Director                     Committee and Independent               Committee and Independent                 Independent Non-Executive
                                       Non-Executive Director                  Non-Executive Director                    Director
John is highly experienced as an
energy sector executive and is         Cathy is a legal adviser who has        David is a financial journalist           Duncan is a CFO and Finance
a venture investor in the ''clean      specialised in the investment           and commentator for a                     Director with over 20 years
tech'' and digital technologies.       company sector for over 20              number of leading publications            of commercial experience
John has significant board             years. Cathy is currently a             including The Financial Times             working for both publicly
experience and is currently on         consultant partner at CMS, a            (the Adventurous Investor),               listed and privately-owned
the board of cyber security firm       top 10 global law firm. Cathy           Citywire, and MoneyWeek. He               companies. Duncan is a Fellow
Global Integrity in Washington         was appointed to the Board on           is also Executive Director of             of the Institute of Chartered
DC and is a senior advisor in the      1 March 2019.                           the world's leading alternative           Accountants and qualified with
energy sector to a “blue chip”                                                 finance news and events                   Price Waterhouse in London.
international consultant. John         Significant interests: Cathy is a       service, which              Duncan was appointed to the
was appointed to the Board on          Consultant and former Partner           focuses on covering major                 Board on 24 August 2018.
24 August 2018                         at CMS Cameron McKenna                  trends in marketplace lending,
                                       Nabarro Olswang LLP and a               crowdfunding and working                  Significant interests: Duncan
Significant interests: John            Director of Baillie Gifford UK          capital provision for small to            is a Trustee of the Cambodian
is a Director of Flamant               Growth Trust PLC.                       medium sized enterprises as               Children’s Fund UK and a
Technologies and Global                                                        well as                Director of DJN Consultancy
Integrity, Inc.                                                                David was appointed to the                Limited.
                                                                               Board on 24 August 2018.

                                                                               Significant interests: David is a
                                                                               Director of Aurora Investment
                                                                               Trust plc; 321 Publishing and
                                                                               TV Limited; Altfi Limited;
                                                                               Altfi Data Limited; Bramshaw
                                                                               Holdings Limited; ETF Stream
                                                                               Limited; Planet Sports Rights
                                                                               Limited; Rocket Media LP;
                                                                               The Secured Income Fund plc;
                                                                               Stockmarkets Digest Limited;
                                                                               and Windhorse Aerospace

                                                                                                 Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)        12
Directors' Report
The Directors present the Interim Report and Accounts of the
Company for the period ended 30 June 2021.

The Directors during the period, including their appointment dates,                                                            John Leggate, CBE FREng
are set out in the Board of Directors summary on page 12.                                                                      Non-Executive Chair

Company Performance                                  available and the ability of the underlying        All Ordinary Shares entitled to receive dividends
The Directors have reviewed the performance          investments to generate income to the              and interim dividends have been paid by the
of the Company throughout the period. Details        Company to ensure the targeted dividend            Company, as shown in the table below. No final
of the performance of each investment owned          payments can be paid to investors. The Board       dividend has been or will be declared, but the
by the Company are included the Investment           constantly monitors these financial risks.         Company’s dividend policy of paying four interim
Manager’s Report on page 5.                                                                             dividends will be tabled for approval at each
                                                     At the present time, the Company and its           annual general meeting.
The Directors and Investment Manager have            underlying investments are subject only
developed several tools to review ongoing            to £8m bonds as financial leverage. Following      Dividends are not recognised in the financial
performance. These include ongoing monthly           the successful debt raised these bonds will be     statements of the Company until paid.
and quarterly dashboards detailing the               redeemed. The Company has the ability to
performance of each investment in relation           assume up to 50% of gearing. The current           The results of the Company are disclosed in the
to the individual income streams expected            facility is anticipated to result in 25-30%        Investment Manager’s Report on page 5 of this
of each investment and performance against           gearing once fully drawn.                          Interim Report and Accounts.
costs. As the Company deploys capital raised
the Directors have a focus on the underlying         Share capital
investment model for each new investment to          At the period end, the Company had in issue
ensure it meets the Investment Objectives of         348,556,364 Ordinary Shares. There are no
the Company.                                         other share classes in issue. All shares have
                                                     voting rights; each Ordinary Share has one vote.
The Directors are satisfied that underlying
performance is being developed in line with           Period in      Announcement           Ex-dividend     Payment          Amount       Total amount
expectations: the rollout programme of new            relation to    date                   date            Date             per
investments and upgrades and extensions of            which dividend                                                         Ordinary
investments acquired at IPO is continuing to          was paid                                                               Share
progress well and has ensured an increasing           1 October to      19 February 2021    4 March 2021    26 March 2021    1.75p        £6,099,736.37
level of operational performance throughout           31 December
2021 so far, which is summarised within the           2020
Chair’s Statement on page 3.
                                                      1 January to 31   28 April 2021       13 May 2021     4 June 2021      1.75p        £6,099,736.37
Financial Risk Management                             March 2021
The Board believes that the main financial
risks of the Company relate to the requirement        1 April to 30     1 July 2021         8 July 2021     30 July 2021     1.75p        £6,099,736.37
to ensure the capital commitments of the              June 2021
Company are commensurate with the capital

13            Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
Interim              Financial          Additional
                                                                                                    Report               Statements         Information

Substantial interests                                  In accordance with FCA Listing Rules 9.8.6(R)(1),      In preparing these financial statements, the
As at the date of this Interim Report and              Directors’ interest in the shares of the Company       Directors are required to:
Accounts, the Company had been notified of             (in respect of which transactions are notifiable       §     select suitable accounting policies and
the following beneficial interests exceeding 3%        to the Company under FCA Disclosure and                      then apply them consistently;
of the issued share capital, being 437,842,078         Transparency Rule 3.1.2(R)) as at the date of this     §    make judgements and accounting
Ordinary Shares.                                       Interim Report and Accounts are shown below:                estimates that are reasonable and
                                        Percentage                                                                 prudent;
                                                                             Number        Percentage
                                          of issued                                                           §    state whether they have been prepared
                                                                                   of          of total
                         Number of            share                                                                in accordance with international
                          Ordinary        capital to
                                                                             Ordinary     issued share
                                                        Director              Shares           capital             accounting standards in conformity with
 Shareholder               Shares              date
                                                                                                                   the requirements of the Companies Act
 Sarasin & Partners     34,852,576           7.96%      Catherine Pitt         23,093         0.0053%              2006 subject to any material departures
 LLP                                                    David Stevenson         18,330        0.0042%              disclosed and explained in the financial
                                                                                                                   statements; and
 Gresham House plc      25,857,647           5.91%      Duncan Neale            13,425         0.0031%
                                                                                                              §    prepare the financial statements on
 CCLA Investment          21,814,131         4.98%                                                                 the going concern basis unless it is
                                                        John Leggate            46,875         0.0107%
 Management                                                                                                        inappropriate to presume that the
 Limited                                                Total Shares           101,723
                                                                                                                   Company will continue in business.
 Newton Investment       21,757,672          4.97%     Directors’ responsibilities
 Management                                            The Directors are responsible for preparing the        The Directors are responsible for keeping
 Limited                                               Interim Report and Accounts in accordance              adequate accounting records that are
 Gravis Capital          21,062,210          4.81%     with applicable law and regulations.                   sufficient to show and explain the Company’s
 Management                                                                                                   transactions and disclose with reasonable
                                                       Company law requires the Directors to prepare          accuracy at any time the financial position
 Close Asset            20,440,570           4.67%     financial statements for each financial year.          of the Company and enable them to ensure
 Management                                            Under that law the Directors are required to           that the financial statements comply with the
 Limited                                               prepare the financial statements and have              Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible
 Schroders plc          20,200,797           4.61%     elected to prepare the company financial               for safeguarding the assets of the Company
                                                       statements in accordance with international            and hence for taking reasonable steps for the
 East Riding Pension     13,936,616          3.18%     accounting standards in conformity with the            prevention and detection of fraud and other
 Fund                                                  requirements of the Companies Act 2006.                irregularities. The Directors are responsible for
 Benjamin Guest (and                                   Under company law the Directors must not
                         14,383,826          3.29%                                                            ensuring that the Interim Report and Accounts,
                                                       approve the financial statements unless they           taken as a whole, are fair, balanced, and
Annual General Meeting                                 are satisfied that they give a true and fair view      understandable and provide the information
The Company’s second Annual General Meeting            of the state of affairs of the Company and of the      necessary for shareholders to assess the
(AGM) was held on 21 June 2021. All resolutions        profit or loss for the Company for that period.        Company’s performance, business model and
proposed to the Company’s shareholders at this                                                                strategy.
AGM were duly passed on a poll vote.
                                                                                                              Website publication
Directors Remuneration and Interests                                                                          The Directors are responsible for ensuring
Details of the gross fees paid to Directors in the                                                            the Interim Report and Accounts are made
period are set out below.                                                                                     available on the Company’s website. Financial
                                                                                                              statements are published on the Company’s
                              Fixed salary           Short term         Total fixed       Total variable      website in accordance with legislation in the
                              and fees for          variable pay     remuneration        remuneration         United Kingdom governing the preparation
                             period from 1         period from 1      period from 1       period from 1       and dissemination of financial statements,
                            Jan 2021 to 30        Jan 2021 to 30     Jan 2021 to 30      Jan 2021 to 30       which may vary from legislation in other
                                June 2021             June 2021          June 2021           June 2021        jurisdictions. The maintenance and integrity of
                                         £                     £                  £                    £      the Company's website is the responsibility of
 Catherine Pitt                        22,500                  -             22,500                    -      the Directors. The Directors' responsibility also
                                                                                                              extends to the ongoing integrity of the financial
 David Stevenson                       22,500                  -             22,500                    -      statements contained therein.

 Duncan Neale                          31,250                  -             31,250                    -
 John Leggate                          40,000                  -             40,000                    -
 Total fixed                           116,250                 -            116,250                    -

                                                                                                     Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)          14
Directors' Report continued

Directors’ responsibilities                            support for the Chair and their availability to
The Directors confirm to the best of their             engage with shareholders on key issues.
knowledge:                                             The Board will review this requirement
§    the Interim Report and Accounts have              during the 2021 board effectiveness
     been prepared in accordance with                  assessment.
     International Accounting Standard 34
     “Interim Financial Reporting” and give a          The AIC Code is available on the AIC website
     true and fair view of the assets, liabilities,    (
     financial position and profit or loss of the      corporate-governance). It includes an
     Company;                                          explanation of how the AIC Code adapts the
                                                       Principles and Provisions set out in the UK
§    the Chair’s Statement and Interim
                                                       Code to make them relevant for investment
     Investment Manager’s Report include a fair
     review of the development, performance
     and position of the Company and a
                                                       Going Concern
     description of the principal risks and
                                                       The Directors have adopted the going
     uncertainties, that it faces for the next six
                                                       concern basis in preparing this Interim
     months as required by DTR 4.2.7.R of the
                                                       Report and Accounts. The Going Concern
     Disclosure Guidance and Transparency
                                                       Statement is detailed on page 23 of this
     Rules; and
                                                       Interim Report and Accounts.
§    the Investment Manager’s Interim Report
     and Note 21 to the Condensed Financial
                                                       Future Developments
     Statements include a fair review of related
                                                       Future developments in the Company are
     party transactions and changes therein, as
                                                       detailed in the Chair’s Statement on page 3
     required by DTR 4.2.8.R of the Disclosure
                                                       and the Investment Manager’s Report on
     Guidance and Transparency Rules.
                                                       page 5.

Insurance cover                                        Post Balance Sheet Events
Directors’ and Officers’ liability insurance
                                                       Post Balance Sheets are disclosed in Note
cover is held by the Company in respect of the
                                                       23 of the Accounts on page 36.
                                                       This Directors’ Report is approved on behalf
Corporate governance
                                                       of the Board by
The Board of Gresham House Energy Storage
Fund plc (the Company) has considered the
Principles and Provisions of the 2019 AIC
Code of Corporate Governance (the “AIC
                                                       John Leggate CBE, FREng
Code”). The AIC Code addresses the Principles
and Provisions set out in the UK Corporate
                                                       17 September 2021
Governance Code (the UK Code), as well as
setting out additional Provisions on issues that
are of specific relevance to the Company.

The Board considers that reporting against
the Principles of the AIC Code, which has
been endorsed by the Financial Reporting
Council, provides more relevant information to

The Company has complied with the Principles
and Provisions of the AIC Code save in respect
of the appointment of a Senior Independent
Director. The Company has not appointed a
Senior Independent Director as the Board
considered this to be unnecessary as the
function of a Senior Independent Director
is performed by all of the Directors in their

15             Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
Interim            Financial           Additional
Report             Statements          Information

 Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)        16
Principal Risks and
The Company recognises that effective risk management is critical to enable it to meet its strategic
objectives. The Company has a clear framework for identifying and managing risk, both at an operational
and strategic level. Its risk identification and mitigation processes have been designed to respond
to the changing environment in which it operates. The impact of emerging risks on the Company’s
business model are also considered and used to make informed decisions, including as to the delivery
and evolution of the Company’s strategy. The table below captures those risks that would have the most
significant adverse impact on the Company (and the underlying investments), based on their impact and/
or likelihood.

Risk area               Gross impact                        Mitigation                                                Net impact
1. Environmental,       BESS are manufactured,              The supply for battery manufacture relies on high         Some aspects of this are still
Social and              installed and operated with         quality global partners who ensure their supply chain     evolving over time, especially the
Governance              the intention of driving the        does not involve the use of illegally or unethically      end use / recycling of BESS.
                        transformation to a low             sourced “rare earth” materials or poor labour
                        carbon energy supply in the         standards.                                                However, the ability of the BESS
                        UK. However, the lifecycle                                                                    market to drive a low carbon
                        ESG impact of the batteries         The recycling of the BESS systems is subject to           electricity system needs to be
                        needs to be considered and          constant development and research: the importer of        considered versus the other,
                        minimised.                          these batteries (not the Company) is responsible for      mainly fossil fuelled, options
                                                            their disposal, but the Company will facilitate this to   when considering the overall ESG
                                                            ensure low environmental impact.                          impact of BESS.
2. Emerging business Adverse changes by                     The Company’s investments enjoy several different         Battery energy storage is a
model and impact on National Grid in relation               income streams ranging from Balancing Mechanism,          versatile asset, and it can perform
revenue streams      to services contracted                 Capacity Payments, Firm Frequency Response,               a variety of roles to manage risk.
                     by them may reduce the                 TRIADs and Dynamic Containment (soft launched in
                     size / scope of income                 October 2020) as contracted services to National Grid:    There is also the potential to
                     earning opportunities to the           the Company’s investments are able to change which        “revenue stack” and gain multiple
                     Company’s investments.                 income streams are contracted and ascertain the           revenue streams from different
                                                            most advantageous on any given time period.               services.

                                                            Due to the decommissioning of other carbon intensive
                                                            options available to National Grid for managing these
                                                            services, BESS is expected to form an integral part of
                                                            transforming the electricity sector in the UK.

17           Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)
Interim            Financial           Additional
                                                                                          Report             Statements          Information

Risk area            Gross impact                   Mitigation                                                Net impact
3. Operational and   The BESS do not perform        The Company underwent a programme of upgrades             The Company has substantial
performance risk     in the manner expected         to the Seed Assets to optimise these assets and has       experience managing BESS
                     (i.e. degradation in           ensured that new assets are designed in a flexible        assets and works with leading
                     performance) or are not        manner. The battery duration is also considered to        asset optimisers to ensure assets
                     optimised in the best          ensure fullest flexibility for future operation.          are designed and operated as
                     commercial manner to                                                                     expected.
                     capture revenue streams.       Design and commissioning testing ensure all relevant
                                                    planning and HSE conditions are met. Fire risk,           Health and Safety performance is
                     Performance may not            in particular, is carefully assessed and sites are        rigorously tested and reviewed.
                     meet planning or safety        designed and operated to ensure this risk is as low as
                     requirements and result in     practicable.
                     curtailment of operations.
                                                  The portfolio has a number of different suppliers to
                     The Portfolio will rely on   manage risk.
                     contracts with suppliers
                     to maintain certain key
                     equipment: these suppliers
                     may fail to provide adequate
4. Investment        The Company invests in         The Company does not invest in speculative project        Limited exposure to the
in development       projects via loans before      development. Any investments in projects are              Company due to careful vetting
and construction     the projects are owned by      carefully assessed and vetted by the Investment           and management of project
projects             the Company. There is a risk   Manager: they will have secured certain minimum           development activities and
                     that the project does not      requirements and are expected to be ready to proceed      commercial arrangements
                     complete, and the Company      to construction in a relatively short timescale.          with the Manager to manage
                     incurs financial loss.                                                                   construction risk.
                                                    The Company is usually investing in the advance
                     The Company invests in         purchase of equipment which has inherent value and
                     construction projects.         can be used on other projects if needed.
                     There is a risk of financial
                     loss or delay.
5. Emerging          The Company invests in         The Company utilises proven technologies with             Falling cost of batteries may
technology           battery storage projects:      associated Tier 1 supplier warranties and performance     reduce future income streams if
                     a new or disruptive            guarantees.                                               new entrants have significantly
                     technology might adversely                                                               lower marginal costs. However,
                     impact on the Company’s        Whilst the cost of these batteries is expected            the Company will also benefit
                     investments.                   to continue to fall and incremental performance           from lower costs and the valuation
                                                    improvements accrue in future, it is unlikely that a      model assumes continuing cost
                                                    completely new and reliable technology will appear        reductions for replacement
                                                    during the lifetime of these batteries.                   assets over time.

                                                    The Company continues to review available
6. COVID-19          The pandemic can impact        Energy was, and remains, a key industry in the UK and     Limited overall impact expected in
pandemic             adversely both on delivery     the construction of these assets continues. Remote        the future.
                     of new battery capacity        commissioning with overseas technical experts
                     projects in construction       was utilised to ensure project commissioning could
                     through labour travel          continue.
                     restrictions or inability
                     to source key materials /      Shipping costs and capacity to deliver equipment for
                     parts from overseas due        new projects remains a concern, many components
                     to shipping problems or        are sourced overseas and the Investment Manager
                     production shortages.          works closely with key providers to ensure key
                                                    components are ordered in advance.

                                                                                           Gresham House Energy Storage Fund plc (GRID)        18
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