The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010

Page created by Maria Reese
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010
The Unity Labour Party
a record of achievement. a path of progress

   Images of a decade of progress in
  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
                        2001 - 2010
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010
The Unity Labour Party
a record of achievement. a path of progress

    Images of a decade of progress in
   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

    Contents     ULP – Building a better SVG          2

                 The Education Revolution             5

                 The National Library Project        11

                 The Rabacca Bridge                  12

                 Affordable housing for all          15

                 Tourism development                 16

                 The Argyle International Airport    20

                 Safety, security & rehabilitation   23

                 Quality roads & infrastructure      25

                 Health & wellness                   26

                 Water & waste management            29

                 Youth, sports & culture             31

                 Agriculture & fisheries             34

                 Then & now: 2001-2010               38
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010

        ULP – building a better SVG
     he Unity Labour Party was elected        course, the ongoing construction of

T    to office in 2001 after a landslide
     12-3 victory at the polls. In 2005,
the people of Saint Vincent and the
                                              the Argyle International Airport.
                                                 Under the ULP government, 10,000
                                              jobs have been created; the national
Grenadines expressed continuing con-          wealth has almost doubled; poverty has
fidence in the leadership and vision of       been reduced significantly; indigence has
the ULP, renewing the party’s mandate         practically been wiped out; average per-
with a similar majority.                      sonal incomes have risen, taking SVG
   As our great nation approaches             from the bottom of the independent
another election contest, no right-           OECS countries to #3; and our finances
thinking Vincentian can deny the              are the best managed in the OECS.
tremendous progress that we have                 This small booklet contains just a
enjoyed under the ULP administration.         tiny sample of the over 230 major
In a mere 10 years, the signs of              projects completed and in-progress by
progress and development are every-           the ULP administration. This sample is
where: Fisheries projects in Owia; a          sufficient, we believe, to demonstrate
Jetport in Canouan; the Education             the ULP’s record, vision and commit-
Revolution sweeping the nation; A             ment to the people of SVG.
new prison in Belle Isle; Low Income             This election, we nah turn back!
Housing developments nationwide;              Look at what we have done in 10 short
the historic Rabacca Bridge; and, of          years! Vote ULP again!

Straker Resource Centre in Layou: Built by the ULP Government
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010
The New National Insurance Scheme (NIS) Building in Kingstown: Built by the ULP Government

   “Fellow Vincentians, our country is a blessed one.
   We are a small nation but a great people. The
   burdensome challenges before us cannot be
   wished away; our large possibilities cannot be
   realised by mere wishful thinking. Hard, smart
   work is required.There must be no let up on our
   individual and collective endeavours to progress”

                                                  Dr. Ralph Gonsalves
           Prime Minister of St.Vincent and the Grenadines and Political Leader of the ULP
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010
South Rivers Primary School (Above) & Troumaca Early Childhood Education Centre (Below)
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010

        the education revolution
        hen the ULP came to office in       lars to the University of the West Indies.

W       2001, education was in a dis-
        mal state. Even the previous
administration admitted that “educa-
                                               The ULP administration moved
                                            swiftly into action, making education a
                                            priority, and setting forth a sound
tion was in crisis” under its leadership!   vision and plan for progress. Today, we
   And what a crisis it was. In 2001,       have universal access to secondary
only 39% of eligible students were          education. Over 400 primary school
being admitted to secondary school.         teachers are university graduates.
Lack of opportunities for advance-          Learning Resource Centers have been
ment meant that only 4 primary school       built in almost every constituency.
teachers had university degrees. Early      New schools have been built.
childhood education was inadequate.         Hundreds of students receive scholar-
The national library had been sold, and     ships, grants and government-backed
its books moved to a cramped ware-          loans for tertiary education. And a
house. Very few students received           National Library has been built that is
scholarships for tertiary education, and    the envy of the Caribbean.
the government owed millions of dol-           What a Government!!

                                             Students at Bishops College Kingstown
                                             gaining technical skills outside of the
                                             traditional classroom environment
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010
A new primary school at Fair Hall (Top); A new secondary school at Peter’s Hope (below, left);
and a new secondary school at Edinboro (below, right). Just three of the new facilities built by
the ULP administration.
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010
“Education and health are thus not social luxuries or
appendages as in a colonial economy, which demanded
abundant unskilled labour, but vital production requisites
for the modern, competitive economy.”
                               Dr. Ralph Gonsalves
The Unity Labour Party - a record of achievement. a path of progress Images of a decade of progress in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2001 2010
The state of the art Automotive Repair Training Centre at Arnos Vale: Built by the ULP Government

                                                                   (Left) The New Secondary
                                                                   School in Union Island,
                                                                   including living quarters for
                                                                   teachers: Built by the ULP
did you know?
The ULP administration has built 13 Learning Resource Centres nation-
wide, three others are under construction, and four more are planned:

  Built: Sandy Bay, Chester Cottage, Colonarie, South Rivers,
   Evesham, Sans Souci (North Union), Biabou,Villa, Upper Cane Hall,
   Questelles, Layou, Fitz Hughes, and Union Island
  Under Construction: Lowmans (Leeward), Barrouallie, and
   Canouan (a Marine Learning Resource Centre)
  Planned: Troumaca, Central Kingstown (Lodge Village), Bequia and
   Langley Park
The National Library; YWCA Building; Technical Training Centre: All built by the ULP Government

     did you know?
     The ULP administration has established in 2009 nine State-owned
     Early Childhood Education Centres, and plans to establish nine more:

        Established: Owia Government School, Langley Park Government
         School, Argyle Government School, Marriaqua Government
         School, Cane End Government School, Troumaca Government
         School, Kingstown, Bequia Anglican School, and Fair Hall
         Government School
        To be established: Sandy Bay Government School, Spring Village
         Methodist School, Lowmans Windward Anglican School, Calliaqua
         Anglican School, Colonarie Government School, Park Hill
         Government School, Dickson Methodist School, Rose Hall
         Government School, and Belair Government School
        the national library project
     he National Library Project is one     for the National Library. At the time,

T    of the signature successes of the
     ULP administration and the
Education Revolution.
                                            the site was home to a dilapidated tech-
                                            nical education facility and a crumbling
                                            YWCA building.
   In 2001, Saint Vincent and the              The ULP administration relocated
Grenadines did not have a national          and rebuilt both the Technical School
library. The previous administration        and the YWCA, which now also
had sold the building which housed the      includes a modern Early Childhood
library, and relocated the books to a       Education Centre.
mouldy warehouse. It was an embar-             With the help of Taiwan, we then
rassing state of affairs!                   went to work constructing a magnifi-
   The ULP administration recognised        cent National Library. The opposition
the importance of a national library to     mocked our efforts, and questioned if
the educational, cultural and psycho-       it would ever be built. Today, it is the
logical makeup of a civilised Vincent-      grandest national library in the OECS,
ian people. We quickly went to work in      which anchors an “Education Row”
erecting a monument to the Education        that includes the Curriculum Develop-
Revolution that the entire country          ment Unit, the National Archives, UWI
could be proud of!                          Extra-Mural Centre, and three schools.
   Richmond Hill was chosen as the site     What a Government!!

(Top, Left) The Curriculum Development Unit; (Top, Center) The National Archives and
Documentation Centre; (Top, Right) The New Intermediate High School; (Above) The
Information Technology Centre of Excellence at Diamond: All built by the ULP Government

        the rabacca bridge
     hey said it was impossible: To build     explained that it would never work.

T    a bridge across the deadly and
     destructive Rabacca Dry River. To
make travel across the gorge safe and
                                                But the ULP dared to dream for the
                                              people of North Windward, and today,
                                              the Bridge stands as testament to the
routine. To reconnect the people north        ULP administration’s care for the peo-
of the Dry River to the mainland.             ple of rural SVG.
   The ULP made it happen!                      Ten short years ago, people were
   With a vision, leadership and a cre-       swept to their death by the unexpected
ative, can-do spirit, the ULP adminis-        surges of water when the river “come
tration devised a plan to build an            down.” Today, such incidents are,
affordable bridge to span the Rabacca         thankfully, a thing of the past.
Dry River.                                      How many lives have been saved by
   The opposition mocked the idea.            the construction of this Bridge?
They openly hoped for it to fail. They          What a Government!!

                                            The Yurumein Taiwan Bridge over the Rabacca River:
Built by the ULP Government
Low Income Homes in Peter’s Hope, Fitz Hughes and Byrea: All built by the ULP Government

    did you know?
    The ULP administration has built almost 650 Low-Income and
    “No-Income” homes in the following communities:

       Brighton                                   Green Hill
       Byrea                                      Langley Park
       Clare Valley                               Ottley Hall
       Colonarie                                  Peter’s Hope
       Diamond                                    Petit Bordel
       Fitz Hughes                                Sans Souci

        affordable housing for all
         any administrations have made       income and “no-income” homes for

M        promises of affordable housing
         to Vincentians. Before the ULP
government, none delivered on those
                                             Vincentians, with housing develop-
                                             ments in Fitz Hughes, Petit Bordel,
                                             Peter’s Hope, Clare Valley, Green Hill,
promises as we have done.                    Ottley Hall, Brighton, Diamond, Sans
  Under the previous administration,         Souci, Colonarie, Byera, and Langley
the only attempt at developing a hous-       Park.
ing policy for Vincentians was the             In addition to these ongoing housing
failed “Colonial Homes” debacle, in          developments, the ULP administration
which foreign investors ripped-off the       has also pioneered specially-designed
government without completing a sin-         “100% mortgages” at the State-owned
gle housing project.                         National Commercial Bank. These
  The ULP administration has suc-            100% mortgages bring home-owner-
ceeded where the previous government         ship within reach of civil servants who
failed. In 10 short years, we have con-      are first-time home buyers.
structed over 650 high quality low-            What a Government!!

  Low Income Homes in Sans Souci (Left) and Diamond (Right): Built by the ULP Government

        tourism development
      aint Vincent and the Grenadines         invest wisely or sufficiently in develop-

S     is the most beautiful and diverse
      country in the Caribbean. We are
blessed with beautiful black and white
                                              ing our tourism product. Our air and
                                              sea ports were inadequate. There were
                                              few major hotels on mainland Saint
sand beaches. We have lush mountains          Vincent. And there was little invest-
and an awe-inspiring volcano. We have         ment in infrastructure or legislation to
crystal-clear fishing, sailing and diving     boost tourism nationwide.
waters. We have waterfalls and rivers.           The previous administration also had
We have a rich cultural heritage. We          no credible plan to build an interna-
have unique animal and plant life. And,       tional airport in SVG, which is critical
most of all, we have a warm and friend-       to our future tourism development.
ly people.                                       Today, all of that has changed. The
   We are, in short, uniquely positioned      ULP administration has invested heav-
to harness our tourism potential as an        ily in tourism infrastructure, legislation
engine for national development.              and promotions. Our plan for tourism
   The previous administration did not        will benefit the entire nation!

  New Tourism Sites at Rawacou (left) and Belmont (right): Built by the ULP Government
did you know?
The ULP administration has built and/or upgraded 14 tourism sites
across Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.These sites are:
     Rawacou Recreation Park, Rawacou
     Layou Petroglyph Park, Layou
     Wallilabou Heritage Park, Wallilabou
     Dark View Falls, Chateaubelair
     Cumberland Beach Recreation Park, Cumberland
     Vermont Nature Trail,Vermont
     Black Point Heritage and Recreation Park, Black Point
     Owia Salt Pond Recreation Park, Owia
     Cumberland Trail, Cumberland
     Belmont Lookout, Belmont
     Youroumei Cultural Village, Orange Hill
     Falls of Baleine, Windsor Forest
     Botanic Gardens, Montrose
     Soufriere Cross Country Trail, Soufriere Mountains
The first LIAT lands at the the new Canouan jetport and the Luxury Resort at Canouan

LIAT + jetport = Canouan development
      he photos above show three results       tion wanted LIAT to fail. If it did, we

T     of ULP policy: Continued LIAT
      service; a jetport at Canouan; and
the survival of Canouan’s luxury resort.
                                               would have no airline serving SVG
                                                  The ULP administration built a jet-
   It was the ULP administration’s deci-       port in Canouan to accommodate
sion to invest money in LIAT that              LIAT and flights from Miami. Because
allowed it to survive its competition          of expanded air access, the Canouan
against Allan Stanford’s predatory             resorts managed to stay open during the
Caribbean Star Airlines. The opposi-           financial crisis. What a Government!!
                Bay Resort
                     he Buccament Bay

                T    Resort is the second-
                     largest employer of
                Vincentians on the main-
                land of SVG, with over
                1,000 persons working on
                building the high-rise hotel
                rooms and luxury villas.
                  However, according to
                the opposition, it does not
                exist! They have called
                Buccament Bay Resorts a
                “phantom project!”
                  Do the photographs to
                your left look like a phan-
                tom project? Or do they
                look like evidence of the
                ULP’s visionary develop-
                ment of tourism in SVG?
                  What a Government!!

The ULP administration has slashed
taxes on hoteliers by half, reducing the
top rate from 40% to 20%. Another
element of the government’s policy to
boost tourism development in SVG
f you had to choose one issue that     credible position on the Argyle

I  perfectly highlights the differences
   between the ULP administration
and the opposition, this would be it:
                                          International Airport. Do they support
                                          it? It depends on who you ask. Will
                                          they continue it if they came to office?
The decision by the ULP to construct      They do not know.
an international airport at Argyle.          Just like the Rabacca Bridge, the
  It demonstrates the ULP’s vision for    opposition seems to be wishing the
development. Our ability to put plans     project to fail. And just like the
into action. Our active foreign policy,   Buccament Resort, the opposition
which gained us the necessary support     would like to pretend that the airport is
to build the airport. Our confidence in   not being built. In their latest party con-
the abilities of the Vincentian people.   vention, the Leader of the Opposition
  The Argyle International Airport will   called the Argyle International Airport
be the single most important infra-       a “phantom” project.
structural investment in the history of      Are these photographs of a phan-
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.         tom? Seeing is believing. Believe in the
  The opposition has yet to enunciate a   plans and policies of the ULP!
Prisons, Police Stations and Technology:
Bell Isle Correctional Facility (top).The
Canouan Police Station; Biabou Police
Station; Questelles Police Station; and
Georgetown Police Station (under con-
struction). Equipment in the state-of-the-
art Forensic Laboratory: All built by the
ULP government

         safety, security & rehabilitation
    n 10 short years, the ULP adminis-         under the previous administration.

I   tration has made tremendous strides
    in enhancing the safety and security
of the people of SVG.
                                               Almost half of all police personnel
                                               have taken advantage of training and
                                               educational opportunities made avail-
   We have constructed a new correc-           able through the government.
tional facility in Belle Isle. We have built      But the ULP is more than prisons
new police stations in Canouan, Biabou,        and police stations. We have pioneered
and Questelles. The new station in             legislation to expunge minor infractions
Georgetown is almost complete.                 from criminal records after a period of
   We have rebuilt stations at Owia,           “good behaviour.” We have social ini-
Sandy Bay, Mesopotamia, and Rose               tiatives like the successful “Pan Against
Hall. Every other station in the coun-         Crime” programme. And our poverty
try has been repaired and refurbished.         alleviation, education and social devel-
   Today, someone entering the police          opment policies steer more and more
service will earn twice as much as             Vincentians away from a life of crime.
someone who entered the service                   What a Government!!

                                                The ULP administration has recently
                                                completed purchase agreements to
                                                buy two P59 coast guard vessels (Top
                                                left) and one P46 fast interceptor
                                                (Top right) to bolster the Coast
                                                Guard fleet and augment other
                                                recent purchases (left)
Roads in Argyle & the main road – part of the Windward Highway: Built by the ULP Government

        quality roads & infrastructure
      he ULP administration has built     (which includes the Rabacca Bridge

T     and re-built more miles of roads
      annually than any government in
the history of Saint Vincent and the
                                          and the Argyle Bypass Road) – The
                                          best stretch of roadway in the entire
                                          Eastern Caribbean.
Grenadines.                                  Our Road Rebuilding/Rehabilita-
   We have spent more money on roads      tion Programme of main roads, sec-
annually than any other Government in     ondary roads, village roads, and feeder
history.                                  roads (including bridges and drains) is a
   Quality roads play an increasingly     success, and we have created BRAGSA
important role in the development of      (the Building Roads and General
SVG. In 2001, there were only 7,000       Services Authority) to consolidate
motor vehicles on the road. Ten years     those successes.
later, greater income has led to 25,000      We have also commenced the his-
active vehicles in our country.           toric cross-country road, which will
   More cars means more wear and tear     connect the Windward and Leeward
on our road infrastructure. It also       sides of Saint Vincent.
means that governments have to               To protect our shores, we have built
devote more resources to making sure      the beautiful Layou Sea Defence and
that our roads are safe and well-         Boardwalk, as well as sea and river
designed.                                 defences at Arnos Vale, Black Point,
   Today, Saint Vincent and the           Colonaire, Langley Park, and
Grenadines can boast its most compre-     Mesopotamia.
hensive road network in history. We          Roads, bridges, and defences – the
now have the Windward Highway             ULP administration has it covered!

                         Layou Sea Defence and Boardwalk: Built by the ULP Government

       health & wellness
     he health of a nation is the wealth   health services. We have established a

T    of a nation. The ULP administra-
     tion firmly believes that maxim.
In the 10 years that it has been in
                                           National Health Policy, an HIV/AIDS
                                           strategy and work plan, a “Lives to
                                           Live” Project for the physically and
office, the ULP has invested heavily in    mentally challenged, and the School
modernising and expanding the              Feeding and Nutritional Programme –
decrepit and neglected health care sys-    all part of our multifaceted Wellness
tem that it inherited from the previous    Revolution.
government.                                   With the help of Cuba, our “Vision
   The ULP administration has restored     Now!” programme has treated thou-
and upgraded the old administrative        sands of Vincentians in need of eye
wing of the Milton Cato Memorial           care, and a modern diagnostic Centre
Hospital, which we plan to relocate. We    at Georgetown is scheduled to open
have built modern and well-equipped        this year.
clinics nationwide, to decentralise           What a Government!!

A crucial part of the Wellness Revolution is improving the quality of care to
elderly Vincentians. The ULP administration has built Golden Age Activity
Centres at Black Point (left) and Cane Grove (right).
We have also established the Home-Help for the Elderly Programme, which
provides quality care and companionship to elderly Vincentians in their
(Top) The Modern Medical Diagnostic Centre being built at Georgetown by the ULP government.
(Below left) Some of the many Vincentians employed on the project; (Centre) Artist’s concept of the
entrance of the Medical Diagnostic Centre; (Right) The entrance to the Centre under construction

     did you know?
     The ULP administration is constructing a Modern Medical Diagnostic
     Centre in Georgetown. Scheduled to open at the end of this year, the
     Modern Medical Diagnostic Centre will revolutionise health care in
     Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, with services such as:

        Full-featured kidney dialysis programme with 10 “artificial
         kidneys” for dialysis
        Full-featured Emergency Room
        Fully-equipped Operating Theater
        X-ray and Ultrasound equipment
        Clinical Laboratory
        Clinical Ophthalmology equipment
        Analytical Ultra Micro System
        Intensive Therapy
        Full diagnostic services and primary medical care
Stubbs Poly-Clinic, Greiggs Clinic and Biabou Clinic: All Built by the ULP Government

 did you know?
 The ULP administration has built, repaired and/or renovated 25 clinics
 nationwide, to ensure the delivery of quality health care to all
 Vincentians. We have:

    Built a modern, well-equipped Polyclinic at Stubbs with an
     enlarged range of services available twenty four hours per day
    Built three modern, well-equipped clinics at:
     Greggs, Biabou, and Retreat
    Repaired and renovated 21 clinics nationwide, including pharma-
     cies, at: Canouan, Biabou, Greggs, Retreat, Richland Park, Lowmans
     Windward, Evesham (currently being constructed), Barrouallie,
     Layou, Georgetown, Mesopotamia, Belair, Union Island, Stubbs
     (currently being upgraded), Sandy Bay, Owia, Byera, Calliaqua,
     Colonarie, Park Hill and Diamond
Windward Water Project, Diamond Liquid Waste & Belle Isle Solid Waste: Built by the ULP Gov’t

        water & waste management
     he ULP administrations has made           Programme are also successes of the

T    tremendous strides in expanding
     and protecting our water supply.
Over 95% of Vincentians now have
                                               ULP administration.
                                                  We have also revolutionised waste
                                               management in SVG! We have built a
pipe-borne water. Our massive $23 mil-         land fill at Bell Isle for solid waste dis-
lion Windward Water Project at                 posal, extended weekly garbage collec-
Jennings Valley helped to save                 tion across mainland St. Vincent, and
Vincentians from the worst impacts of          radically improved garbage collection at
the terrible drought that recently affect-     Union Island, Canouan and Bequia.
ed the region.                                    The Grenadines Solid Waste Project
   The Dallaway Water Project and the          and Bequia desalination programmes
Community        Water       Connection        are ongoing. What a Government!!
“The future for all children and young persons is
brighter than ever as the Education Revolution
ensures that they soar as eagles, with wings
unclipped, to the best of their abilities.”

                                           Dr. Ralph Gonsalves
    Prime Minister of St.Vincent and the Grenadines and Political Leader of the ULP

        youth, sports & culture
     he ULP administration has invest-         The provision of special micro-

T    ed more heavily in the areas of
     youth, sports and culture than any
government in the history of Saint
                                            enterprise loans through the National
                                            Commercial Bank has helped young
                                            entrepreneurs start and expand their
Vincent and the Grenadines!                 small businesses.
  The welfare of the youth of SVG,             Sports have been revolutionised by
and the opportunities available to our      the ULP administration. Sports facili-
young people, has been central to the       ties have been built, expanded and
vision and policy of the ULP govern-        rehabilitated nationwide, and our
ment from its first day in office. We are   National Policy on Sports places sports
proud of our record of achievements         and athletics in the forefront of our
for the youth of SVG!                       development plans.
  The Education Revolution, which              The ULP administration also quickly
brings the opportunity for educational      elaborated a National Cultural Devel-
advancement to every young person of        opment Policy, and inagurated new cul-
secondary school age, is a youth policy.    tural festivals, remembrances and events.
  We have sourced university scholar-          The restoration and refurbishment
ships from Austria, Cuba, the Domini-       of the Peace Memorial Hall as one of
can Republic, Malaysia, Mexico,             SVG’s premiere cultural arts spaces
Taiwan, Turkey, Venezuela, and many         was achieved with the ULP.
other countries. We have also increased        Our Carnival and Nine Mornings cel-
the number of National Scholarships         ebrations are bigger, better and safer
and Bursaries, and vastly increased the     than ever before, thanks to shrewd gov-
loans and grants available to needy stu-    ernment leadership and investments,
dents to ensure that young people have      active engagement of the private sector,
affordable access to tertiary education.    and the blossoming talents and energy
  The creation of the successful Youth      of our youth and creative community.
Empowerment Service (YES) Progra-              We have recognised the importance
mme, is a youth development policy.         of historical preservation and reclama-
  The creation of at least 10,000 new       tion, with investments in the Layou
jobs since 2001 has primarily benefitted    Petroglyph Park, the excavation of
young Vincentians.                          ancient artifacts from the construction
  The Children Against Poverty              site of the Argyle International
Programme and the National Policy on        Airport, and the compilation of local
Youth Development have guided gov-          recipies, songs and folklore .
ernment policy for the Youth.                  What a Government!!
Arnos Vale Sports Complex, Biabou Hard Court, & flood lights at Victoria Park: Built by the ULP

     did you know?
     The ULP administration’s commitment to sports and culture is visible
     all over SVG.Take a look at some of our accomplishments and future

        Renovated Victoria Park and installed floodlights for night games
        Rebuilt, extended and modernised the Arnos Vale Cricket Facility
         at a cost of $54 million
        Rebuilt and renovated playing fields at Arnos Vale, Sion Hill and
         Stubbs for World Cup Cricket 2007
        Built two additional tennis courts at the Villa Tennis Centre
        Renovated and rebuilt the Chili Playing Field
        Rebuilt, renovated or resurfaced sporting facilities nationwide
         related to cricket, football, netball, basketball and tennis
        Planned or in-progress projects:The National Stadium;The
         Performing Centre/Lecture Theatre (design stage);The Mas Tent
         Facility in East Kingstown; the completion of playing fields at Park
         Hill, South Rivers, Mt. Grennan, Cumberland and Penniston
Renovated Peace Memorial Hall, carvings at Layou Petroglyph Park, & a bigger, better Carnival

   “The vision of a further ennoblement of our Caribbean
   civilization and its national components in a way which
   provides for an appropriate historical reclamation,
   cultural authenticity, a commitment to tried and tested
   ennobling values rooted in our Caribbean experience, a
   mature dignity, a sense of self-mastery which asserts,
   not in theory but in practice, that we are no better than
   anyone else, but no one is better than we are.”

                                                  Dr. Ralph Gonsalves
           Prime Minister of St.Vincent and the Grenadines and Political Leader of the ULP

        agriculture & fisheries
      nce upon a time, the agricultural       Food Security Plan. We have also

O     policy of Saint Vincent and the
      Grenadines could be summed up
with one word: Bananas. Today, with
                                              implemented the Livestock Develop-
                                              ment and Banana Rehabilitation
                                              Projects. A National Fisheries Strategy
the erosion of preferential access to the     has also been produced, as well as land
British market, we have been forced to        management policies.
diversify around bananas.                       Our multi-million dollar investments
  The ULP administration recognises           in fisheries, arrowroot, cassava, and
the important role that agriculture plays     coconuts are visible nationwide. So too
in the lives and culture of Vincentians,      is our development of hatcheries, a
and we value its critical contributions to    stud centre for livestock, and the
our economy, development and food             implementation of legislation to tackle
security.                                     praedial larceny.
  The ULP administration has                    We have also subsidised farmers’
approached agriculture seriously and          inputs and assured market access
systematically. We have developed an          through Food City ad rural communi-
Agricultural Production Plan, including       ty markets. What a Government!!

Animals & equipment at the Poultry Hatchery Centre & Rabbitry & Stud Centre in Dumbarton
Owia Fisheries, Lauders Packaging, & Orange Hill Arrowroot facilities: Built by the ULP Gov’t

  did you know?
  The ULP administration has invested heavily in diversifying agriculture
  and enhancing fisheries with a number of major projects, including:

        Built a modern, multi-million dollar Fisheries Complex at Owia
        Renovated and modernised the Arrowroot Factory at Owia
        Built a Cassava Factory at Rabacca
        Built a Coconut Water Bottling Plant at Congo Valley
        Built and operationalised a Vacuum Packaging Plant for Root
         Crops at Lauders
        Built a Chicken Hatchery at Dumbarton
        Built the Agricultural Training Institute at Rabacca
        Rebuilt, extended and modernised the Kingstown Fish Market
        Renovated, extended, and modernised the Bequia Fisheries Centre
        Building Rural Community Markets nationwide
        Subsidised agricultural inputs, including fertilizer, for farmers
        Passed legislation on Praedial Larceny, and hired rural constables
Mayreau power plant, Union Island LRC, Bequia Primary School and Canouan Police Station

did you know?
The ULP administration is committed to the development of the Grenadines,
with a number of infrastructure and policy accomplishments, including:

   The Grenadines Solid Waste Project
   Established the Grenadines Directorate
   The planned Bequia Learning Resource Centre
   Established an ultra-modern Primary School at Bequia
   Established an Early Childhood Education Centre at Bequia Anglican School
   Renovated, extended, and modernised the Bequia Fisheries Centre
   Renovated and upgraded the JF Mitchell Airport at Bequia
   Upgraded the Union Island Airport and resurfaced the runway
   Improved the Union Island water catchment facilities
   The Union Island beautification project
   Built the state-of-the-art Union Island Secondary School
   Repaired and renovated the Union Island Clinic
   Built the Union Island Learning Resource Centre
   Building the Canouan Learning Resource Centre (a Marine LRC)
   Repaired and renovated the Canouan Clinic
   Built a modern police station on Canouan
   Built the $54million Canouan Jetport
   Built the Canouan administration building
   Built the new Mayreau Jetty
   Built a VINLEC power plant on Mayreau
   Vastly improved garbage collection and disposal in the Grenadines
   Built and refurbished roads and sporting facilities across the Grenadines
   Improved functioning of the Tobago Cays Marine Park Authority
   Passed Isle de Quatre legislation
   Vastly improved Coast Guard service in the Grenadines
More pictures of progress: (Top Row)
Agency for Public Information HQ;
Reigate Office Complex. (2nd Row) New
crane at the Camden Park Container
Port; National Emergency Management
Organisation (NEMO) HQ. (3rd Row)
Kingstown Ferry Terminal; School for
Children with Special Needs at
Georgetown. (Left) the PetroCaribe LPG
(cooking gas) bottling plant: All Built by
the ULP Government

        then & now: 10 years of progress
     he past decade has seen such rapid     Hopefully, these pages can remind you

T    development for SVG that it may
     be easy to forget how far we have
traveled in such a short time.
                                          of the progress achieved with the ULP,
                                          as well as the dismal record of the previ-
                                          ous government. We nah turn back!

                                          THEN (2001)              NOW (2010)

% of students in secondary school                  39%                        100%

Number of low income homes built                   0                            650

% of people classified as indigent poor            26%                           3%

Number of primary school teaches with
university degree                                  4                            400

Number of new schools built                        4 (in 17 yrs)      11 (in 10 yrs)

Number of police stations built/rebuilt            1(in 17 yrs)         8 (in 10 yrs)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)                       $1.1 billion          $2 billion

Per Capita GDP                                     $10,000                 $19,000

Average monthly amount paid in
public assistance (“poor relief ”)                 $50                        $175

Number of motor vehicles on the road               7,000                    25,000

Number of active cell phones                       4,000                   115,000

Number of learning resource centres                0                             13

Rabacca Bridge?                                    No                          YES!

Canouan Jetport?                                   No                          YES!

National Library?                                  No                          YES!
Bell Isle Correctional Facility?                   No                          YES!

Owia Fisheries Centre?                             No                          YES!

Buccament Bay Resort under construction?           No                          YES!

Argyle International Airport under construction? No                            YES!
the bad old days...
  When the ULP administration was elected in 2001, it had to confront
  the massive mismanagement, poor governance and directionless leader-
  ship of the previous government.This is a sampling of the mess we met:
         An unemployment rate of 40%

         A poverty rate of 37%, and the worst poverty in the
          Caribbean outside of Haiti

         Only 39% of children who left primary school had a chance to
          attend secondary school

         An Illiteracy rate of 20%

         $2 million owed by the heath care system to the suppliers of
          medicines and pharmaceuticals

         $8 million in arrears to the University of the West Indies

Remember the Istranka?
Do you remember the Istranka?
The opposition would hope that
you forget.This rusting, decrepit,
unseaworthy vessel took the
previous government for a $200
million boat ride!
  An Italian man named Aldo
Rolla tricked the previous gov-
ernment into valuing the Istranka     Ottley Hall Marina!
for a whopping US $18 million,           When the dust cleared, the previous gov-
even though the insurers, Lloyds      ernment owed nearly $180 million to build
of London, had refused to insure      a marina that was only worth $16 million!
that vessel any more because it          It took the ULP administration to negoti-
was not seaworthy!                    ate massive debt relief with the Italian cred-
  This piece of junk then             itors, saving SVG $165 million and rescuing
became the basis to borrow            us from the disastrous mistakes of the pre-
US$50 million to build the            vious administration.What a Government!!
Then...                                    NOW!!
        (2001)                                     (2010)

2001:The Park Hill Tunnel – barely       2010:The Park Hill Tunnel – wider,
passable, low, narrow and unsafe         taller, resurfaced and safer

2001:The Byera Tunnel – narrow,          2010:The Byera Tunnel – widened,
unsafe and structurally unsound          resurfaced and reinforced

2001:The Layou waterfront – low-         2010:The Layou Waterfront and
lying, prone to coastal flooding, lit-   Board walk – modern coastal protec-
tered, dangerous                         tion, with a clean, safe promenade
Then...                                   NOW!!
       (2001)                                    (2010)

2001: Street vendors in Pauls Avenue   2010:The George McIntosh
– unsightly, haphazard, dangerous to   Community Market – clean, safe,
motorists, pedestrians and students    attractive, organised and welcoming

2001:The Biabou “Public Library” – a   2010:The South Windward Learning
cramped, uncomfortable, with no books, Resource Centre at Biabou – modern,
no equipment, & little public access   well-equipped, open to the public

Vote ULP for progress, prosperity
and development.

ULP: Building a Better SVG
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