The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming

The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming


    You can
 help out family
and friends in My
Friend Peppa Pig!

January 2022                                            Issue #174
The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
CONTENTS                                         January
                                                  2022                                          174
      Home Page

      Section				 		Page(s)
      Editor’s Desk					 4
      Female Side					 5
      Comics						 7
      Sound Off			        			 8 - 10
      Look Back						12
      Quiz							13
      Devotional						14
      In The News					        16 - 23
      We Would Play That!				 24
      Reviews						25 - 37
      Sports						38 - 41
      Developing Games				    42 - 67
      Now Playing					68 - 85
      Last Minute Tidbits				 86 - 110

                                                            “Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly
                                                            Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of
                                                            trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are property of
                                                            their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul
                                                            and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law.
                                                            Contact the editor at the business address of:

                                                            Family Friendly Gaming
                                                            7910 Autumn Creek Drive
                                                            Cordova, TN 38018

                                                            Trademark Notice
                                                            Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines,
                                                            and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by
                                                            Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter and
                                                            Noah are inspiration to their parents.

Family Friendly Gaming                   Page 2   Page 3                                            Family Friendly Gaming
The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
Editor’s Desk                                                                                      FEMALE SIDE
          New Year                                                  companies. We can do some kind of
                                                                    rolling scale back where one area miss-
                                                                                                                           Making Eternity Better                                     choice. Our hope and prayers is they will
                                                                                                                                                                                      repent and turn from those evil ways.
           As we enter 2022 there is plenty of uncertainty.         es out one week and another area the                   For many years now Family Friendly Gaming has              They will not silence us on planet Earth.
           The last couple years have been rough in some           next week. I do know for certain I will                 exposed focus and perspective. Have you ever              We will continue to do the work God has
          regards and great in other regards. I know people        not have as much time to upload videos                  heard anyone say they want to make the world              laid out before us. We do this work be-
          who did not like 2020 because of the Chinese virus       to Rumble, Bitchute, Daily Motion, and                  a better place? In fact that is the focus of a great      cause we care about you. We want you in
          COVID-19. They did not like work from home,              Odysee. Yolanda is already maxed out                    many people. Let us make the world a better               eternity with us. We want to see you in
          and they actually missed going into the office           uploading to YT. I want to grow those                  place they say over and over again. Some even             the next life. We want to hear about your
          place. For me that was one of the better parts of       video channels for us. It comes down to                 try to guilt trip others into joining them making         life’s journey and to meet the people you
         2020 - getting to work from home with the day            time and finances. I only have so much                 the world a better place. It is debatable if many of       brought with you into eternity.
         job. Saving an hour a day not having to commute.         time available. We only have so much                   the things they do actually make the world a bet-
         Being able to have lunch at home, and take Prin-         money to spend. I cannot add to the                    ter place or not. At times I see the damage from           When people ask us if we are religious
         cess for a walk. Going back into the office has been    time. If the money coming in grows to a                those that have tried to make the world a better           we tell them no. We have a relationship
         horrible in my opinion especially being forced to       point then this can become full time and               place. I believe the focus is all wrong. I believe         with Jesus Christ. That relationship ex-
        wear a mask. Working out in a mask is abysmal.           that then gives me more time. We want                  the perspective is all wrong. I believe where they         tends to wanting to build and grow re-
        Sure we had bad stuff happen in 2020 like being         to grow and improve. The reality is the                 are spending their time and finances is on the            lationships in eternity. Will we see you
        told Biden was elected president and all of the         only way that will happen is with a mas-                wrong things.                                             heaven? Are you focusing on what truly
        targeted election fraud news. For me 2021 was an        sive increase in the finances.                                                                                    matters in the long run? Do you focus
       even worse year. Inflation, presidential crisis af-                                                             So what should they be focusing on? What                   on God’s Kingdom? Where does your
       ter crisis, supply chain issues, vaccine mandates,       God bless,                                             should they be striving toward? I believe we               perspective lie? Which choice will you
       and more have made 2021 an even worse year. We           Paul Bury                                              should have an eternity focus. We should have              make?
      went down to one vehicle with four people need-                                                                 things of God on our minds. We should work on
      ing to go places because of how messed up Hyun-                                                                 making thing better in eternity. We have a finite           God bless,
      dai is. We have gone months awaiting a part to                                                                  amount of time on planet Earth. We will be in               Yolanda Bury
     repair the problem. As I write this the part has still                                                           eternity forever. Our focus should be on what
     not come. We are being told it may not be until                                                                 we can do to make eternity even better. How do
     sometime in 2022 that we get the part.                                                                          we make eternity better? We can barely grasp
                                                                                                                     what it will be like. There are so many questions
     I like to have hope in the future. I will admit it                                                              and so many unknowns about eternity. First and
     is really hard to have hope in 2022 based on the                                                               foremost we should want more people with us
     trajectory of the last two years. I doubt President                                                            in eternity. If you care about someone on planet
    Biden will turn from his evil ways and repent. I                                                                Earth don’t you want them to choose God and
    doubt President Biden will acknowledge the disas-                                                               bliss over Satan and pain?
    ter he has been as a president. I doubt President
    Biden will reverse course with all of the damage                                                                  How many of us keep quiet because we have
    his policies have done. So we have to ride out this                                                              been told we would be punished on planet Earth
   corrupt and destructive leader. We keep praying                                                                   for witnessing to others. That is Satan fear mon-
   that he will repent and turn to God in all that he                                                                gering. What is some discomfort here on planet
   does. It would be amazing to see that happen. My                                                                  Earth compared to eternal suffering? Again it
   concern is he is too obtuse and stuck in his ways to                                                             always goes back to perspective. It goes back to
   humble himself to God in all that he does.                                                                       focus. We all choose on a daily basis. If you are
                                                                                                                    not shining your light of Christ for those of the
    As I will be required to be on site with the day job                                                           world then you must not care much about them.
    more I am going to have issues getting work done                                                               If they go to hell and suffer for all eternity what
    for Family Friendly Gaming. I have contacted over                                                              does it matter to you? Not everyone will accept
   250 different companies to advertise with Family                                                               the message of grace. Not everyone will accept
   Friendly Gaming in 2021. Thus far not one has                                                                  the message of forgiveness. Some will be obtuse.
   shown an interest in reaching Family Friendly                                                                 Some will be stubborn. Ultimately it comes down
   Gaming Universe. This is an equation I have not                                                               to one important question. Do you care about
   been able to solve. I pray about it, talk about it, and                                                       them?
  keep knocking on doors. Yet they are closed over
  and over again. I may need to scale back the live                                                              When you have an eternity focus then many of
  streams. Which stinks because it is one of the few                                                            the things that make the world better will be
 areas where we are making money and things are                                                                 done anyways. We help out others with Family
 working really well. Maybe we publish less news                                                                Friendly Gaming on a daily basis. We do it be-
 stories. Maybe we scale back what we have done                                                                 cause of our eternity focus. We have worldly hat-
with the magazine. Something has to give some-                                                                 ers that serve Satan that attack us for this focus.
where. Expect to see something scale back for us                                                               They don’t want to hear about it. They don’t want
in 2022. I don’t want to do it but there really is no                                                          to know about it. They want to happily serve
choice. This will probably hurt the smaller indie                                                              Satan and suffering all eternity. They made their
Family Friendly Gaming                                                                                Page 4   Page 5                                                                                 Family Friendly Gaming
The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
Mission                                       SOCIAL MEDIA
                  Lesson-based education & Fun
                                                                                                                                                              Statement                                           TIDBITS
                                                                                                                                                              Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was
                                                                                                                                                              created in March of the year of our
                                                                                                                                                              Lord 2005 as the first ever Christian
                                                                                                                                                              video game magazine. The goal of
                                                                                                                                                              Family Friendly Gaming is to report
                                                                                                                                                              on video games from the family view
                                                                                                                                                              point. Family Friendly Gaming takes
                                                                                                                                                              a fair and balanced approach to all
                                                                                                                                                              news, previews, reviews, interviews,
                    Colossians: 9781935915010 | 1 Peter: 9780976054870 | 2 Peter: 9780976054887 | Phillipians: 9781935915010 | James: 9780976054863           features, and other articles found
                 1 Timothy: 9780976054825 | 2 Timothy: 9780976054894 | Interactive Parables: 9780976054801 | Interactive Parables Spanish: 9780976054818      within. The secular video game media
                                                                                                                                                              reports mainly on the most morally
                                                                                                                                                              bankrupt games and call those games
                            Interactive Bible Series for Windows by GraceWorks Interactive                                                                    good. The major secular media reports
                                                                                                                                                              on the bad side of video games main-
                                                                                                                                                              ly. Most other Christian media outlets
                                                                                                                                                              claim video games turn the player into
                                                                                                                                                              a zombie, or they completely worship
                                                                                                                                                              video games. Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                                         a talog features 150                                 reports the good, and bad side effects
                                                                                                  Th i
                                                                                                      s c                    0+                               to video games. It is the belief of the
                                                                                                          va ilable Homeschoo
                                                                                                  00  0 a                     l tit                           owners that readers are smart enough
DVD-ROMs contain PowerPoint Bible stories, 3 - 5 on
each disk. The PowerPoints contain stunning lifelike                                        o f 9                                  les
                                                                                                                                      .                       to come to their conclusions without
still graphics. Not cartoons, but computer generated                                                                                                          those in the media handing opinions
photorealistic imagery. Their purpose is to provide a
great backdrop while the teacher articulates the story,
                                                                                                                                                              to them. Those of us at Family Friend-
there is no audio, but a lesson outline is provided for the                                                                                                   ly Gaming believe by giving you the
teacher along with Bible references. Each story also has
a printable PDF activity sheet and a coloring page.                                                                                                           facts, you can decide for yourself.
14 DVD ROM titles                                                                                                                                             There are plenty of really good video
$10.99 each
Easter 1                 EAN 5060209840680
                                                                                                                                                              games on the market that teach won-
Easter 2
                         EAN 5060209840697
                         EAN 5060209840673    The comics are a further resource. Children                                                                     derful lessons. Both inside the Chris-
Failure and Redemption
Fifty Days
                         EAN 5060209840741
                         EAN 5060209840703
                                              love to read them and learn Bible stories.                                                                      tian video game market, and from
Jesus Saves              EAN 5060209840666    6 COMIC titles
John Baptist             EAN 5060209840734
                                              $1.50 (issues 1-4) $2.99 (issues 5,7)
                                                                                                                                                              non-Christian video game developers.
Miracles of Jesus 1
Miracles of Jesus 2
                         EAN 5060209840635
                         EAN 5060209840710    Issue 1 Jonah            ISBN 9781904064947                  For a complete listing,                            Family Friendly Gaming seeks out
Obedience                EAN 5060209840642    Issue 2 Samaritan        ISBN 9781907731006
Parables of Jesus 1      EAN 5060209840758    Issue 3 Adam & Eve
                                              Issue 4 Christmas
                                                                       ISBN 9781907731013
                                                                       ISBN 9781907731068
                                                                                                     visit our reference only website                         these video games to bring them to
Parables of Jesus 2      EAN 5060209840765
Power and Glory
Women of God
                         EAN 5060209840727
                         EAN 5060209840659
                                              Issue 5 Easter
                                              Issue 7 Titanic
                                                                       ISBN 9781907731075
                                                                       ISBN 9780957152304                                                                     your attention. Since it is unknown be-
                                                                                                                                                              fore playing a game how family friend-
                                                                                                                                                              ly it is; it is possible that this magazine
                                                                                                   Products can be ordered from your                          will preview a game, and then the
                                                                                                      local Homeschool Retailer.                              review will expose problems previous-
                                                                                                                                                              ly unknown. Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                                                                                              promises to always ask the question:
                                                                                                                                                              “how God feels about certain video
                                                                                                                                                              games.” God’s opinion on the matter is

                                                                                                                                                              more important than any mere mortal.
                                                                                                                                                              Which is why the rest of the industry
                                                                                                                                                              does not influence FFG.

   Family Friendly Gaming                                                                                                                            Page 6   Page 7                                               Family Friendly Gaming
The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
     The Sound Off section              lyrics - we are still trying to   Ubisoft to do all of this hard              to deal with these issues over
     is where you the reader/           figure that out. We have re-      work. Remember all of our                   and over again. At some point
     emailer is heard. What you         corded those songs and more.      equipment costs money. We                   in time you get sick of it. All
     have to say is put in this         We are not sure when/if/how       get dangerously close to losing             these greedy music companies
     section for all the readers        we will release those videos.     monetization on the chan-                   are making money off of our
     to see. Of course certain          One idea is we will make the      nel from YouTube because of                 hard work, threatening us, and
     content is edited for appro-       offensive songs for members       the audio copyrights. We lose               no one pays for our hard work.
     priateness issues. This is a       only. We get plenty of com-       monetization that means our                 Makes me feel like a slave.
     family friendly magazine,          ments on previous Just Dance      channel gets shut down and
     and certain content is just
                                        songs that contain offensive      all of our Just Dance videos go             As I write this I am getting
     not proper. We hope you
     enjoy this section as much         lyrics. The same goes for moves   away. I don’t think you want                close to finishing recording
     as we do. Keep an eye out          that many people find offensive   that do you? So how can we fi-              every song I have been able to
     for your comments appear-          (Make It Jingle I am looking at   nancially survive in these con-             play and unlock in Just Dance
     ing in these very pages.           you). Since we do not get paid    ditions? This is why so many                2022. There is only one dance
     You have our attention, so         for those videos dealing with     other channels have stopped                 in this game I actually enjoyed.
     SOUND OFF!                         the comments is a financial       doing Just Dance videos. Ev-                I am dealing with physical
                                        drain. I supposed we could just   ery so often we get contacted               injuries from Just Dance 2022.
                                        quit doing Just Dance videos      by some lawyer threatening to               It happens every single year.
                                        because all we ever do is lose    sue us because of audio copy-               Those games injure me phys-
      Just Dance                        money on them.                    rights. We have fought those                ically every single year. Just
                                                                          each and every single time.                 Dance 2022 contains a lot of
      I love your Just Dance videos.    I saw some videos on other Just   Honestly I am getting tired of              offensive songs within it. I feel
      When will you do more Just        Dance creators that quit. They    having to constantly fight this.            like Ubisoft is rushing into
      Dance videos? Will you dance      were actually being provided      For many years we have asked                rebellion against God, and
      to songs like Judas and Build A   massive payments from Ubisoft     Ubisoft to get copyright free               attacking the billions of us who
      B*****? There are so few chan-    to do those videos. We have       songs in Just Dance. They have              are obedient to God. We need a
      nels doing Just Dance anymore.    not been paid one cent from       not done it. We have had to pay             real and genuine Christian Just
                                                                                                                      Dance video game.
      - Moraine

      {Paul}: Moraine,                                                                                                Video Game Lies
                                                                                                                      Video Game Lies is such a
      Thank you so much for your
                                                                                                                      great book. Thank you for writ-
      questions. We did a video some
                                                                                                                      ing it. I went to the Amazon
      time back addressing most of
                                                                                                                      page                                and purchased a copy. You are      cal library. Video Game Lies
      the Just Dance questions. Here
      it is:                                                                                                                                              the most intelligent gamer I       should be everywhere for ev-
                                                                                                                         have ever seen, heard, or read.    eryone to access.
                                                                                                                      Video-Game-Lies-Version-            I hope and pray that you book
                                                                                                                      Paul/dp/1977575110/ref=s-           Video Game Lies sells millions     God Bless,
                                                                                                                      r_1_5?keywords=Video+Gam            of copies. Your book is good       - Trevor
                                                                                                                      e+Lies&qid=1567971769&s=-           enough to do so. I have told all
      On the topic of songs with
                                                                                                                      books&sr=1-5                        of my friends about this book.     {Paul}: Trevor,
      offensive and highly divisive
                                                                                                                                                          I even told my school and lo-

Family Friendly Gaming                                                                           Page 8      Page 9                                                                               Family Friendly Gaming
The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
       Thank you so much for your         FFG Originals challenge us to      look bad. I just shined the light
       amazing words of encourage-        think for ourselves. I love the    of truth on them. I believe in
       ment. It touched my heart,         behind the scenes things you       transparency.” They were not
       and warmed by soul. Which is       share again and again. Your        happy with me. Not one bit.
       great since I am writing this in   Embargo Dates are Dumb             They never did pay the fines
       the colder time of the year. It    column really opened my eyes.      they incurred. I never did hear
       would be great for all of those    I did not know that there are      back from them either. I guess
       places to pick up a copy of        people in the video game in-       since I will not let them jerk
       Video Game Lies Version 3.         dustry that jerk gaming media      me around they decided I am
       We even have some copies of        around like that. Two hours        not worth their time.
       Version 1 and Version 2 that       from the embargo lifting they
       we could sign and send over to     decided to try and change it? I
       anyone interested. Those can       agree with you. Don’t change
       be found on our Store page:        your plans and work. There
                                          is an old phrase: “You failure
       http://www.familyfriendlyga-       to plan does not constitute an          emergency on my part.” You
                                          are so right that those people
       God laid that book upon my         in the video game industry
       heart to write. I faithfully       have zero respect for you, your
       obeyed. I figure He will open      time, and the cost of the work
       the doors to success in His        they are asking for. My image
       holy timing. Until then I con-     of the video game industry
       tinue to faithfully obey. I am     has dropped drastically after
       extremely thankful you have        learning so many of the behind
       told so many people about that     the scenes things that happen.
       book. It has made an impact        Did they pay for the fines they
       on a number of people’s lives. I   incurred? Or are they so selfish
                                                                             Would you like to be heard
       pray that it continues to do so    that they did not pay?
                                                                             in Family Friendly Gam-
       in the years and decades that                                         ing? Want to Sound Off on
       follow. Too many of our fellow     - Dwayne                           something in video games,
       gamers repeat these lies with-                                        the website, the magazine,
       out thinking for themselves.       {Paul}: Dwayne,                    etc? Log on to the Internet
       Too many gaming media out-                                            and go to our Comments
       lets regurgitate these lies hop-   Thank you so much for your         page:
       ing they will somehow become       awesome words of encourage-        http://www.familyfriend-
       true through repetition.           ment. It is great to meet anoth-
                                          er free thinking gamer. That is    html, or send an email to:
                                          a great phrase that I have used    SoundOff@.familyfriend-
       Embargo Dates                      in the past myself. I had some- Mail us
                                          one in PR and Marketing com-       comments at:
       Family Friendly Gaming is                                             Family Friendly Gaming
       the premiere gaming site for       plain that I was making them
                                          look bad. I told them: “Your
                                                                             7910 Autumn Creek Drive
       gamers who are capable of                                             Cordova, TN 38018
       thinking for themselves. Your      behavior choices make you

Family Friendly Gaming                                                                               Page        Page   Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                                     10          11
The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
Look BACK                                                                                                                                             QUIZ
         There has been a lot of history made here at Family Friendly Gaming. Let us take a look at some of the historic        Family Friendly Gaming decided to do some fun little historic quizzes. Anyone who is
        front covers to a few of the issues in our long and storied history.
                                                                                                                               not a business partner, advertiser, PR contact, or works for Family Friendly Gaming can
                                                                                                                             answer these questions. Email answers to After three
                                                                                                                             months the person with the most right answers will be logged in a future issue.

                                                                                                                             Question: Can companies sponsor Family Friendly Gaming?

                                                                                                                             Question: Do you enjoy watching R-rated movies? Why or why not?

                                                                                                                             Question: Do you enjoy playing M-rated games? Why or why not?

                                                                                                                             Question: Where can the Video Game Lies book be purchased?

                                                                                                                             Question: Is there a page on how you can help Family Friendly Gaming?

                                                                                                                             Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Twitch channel?

                                                                                                                             Question: Does Family Friendly Gaming have a Daily Motion channel?

                                                                                                                             Question: Have you been to the advertise page on the Family Friendly Gaming website?

                                                                                                                             Question: Where can you buy shirts that show off your FFG Universe pride?

                                                                                                                             Question: When can you catch FFG Twitch streams?

                                                                                                                             Question: What was the first video game system everyone at FFG played?

                                                                                                                             Question: How long have you read/watched Family Friendly Gaming?

                                                                                                                             Question: Are you one of the 8.88 million readers of FFG?
Family Friendly Gaming                                                                                               Page   Page                                                                      Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                                                     12     13
The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
Flesh and Spirit                  even when it is to their per-     will die; but if by the Spirit
                                      sonal detriment? Romans           you put to death the mis-
    Our flesh and our spirit are      8:9-11 You, however, are not      deeds of the body, you will
    constantly battling. Do we        in the realm of the flesh but     live. 14 For those who are
    obey Satan by following the       are in the realm of the Spirit,   led by the Spirit of God are
    flesh or do we obey God           if indeed the Spirit of God       the children of God. Don’t
    by following the spirit? We       lives in you. And if anyone       you want to be a child of
    make the choice multiple          does not have the Spirit of       God? Don’t you want to
    times throughout the day.         Christ, they do not belong to     get closer to God? Feeding
    Romans 8:5-8 Those who            Christ. 10 But if Christ is in    the spirit gets you there.
    live according to the flesh       you, then even though your        We all lose some battles to
    have their minds set on what      body is subject to death be-      the flesh here and there.
    the flesh desires; but those      cause of sin, the Spirit gives    We need to work on help-
    who live in accordance with       life because of righteous-        ing the spirit win as often
    the Spirit have their minds       ness. 11 And if the Spirit of     as possible. The more your
    set on what the Spirit de-        him who raised Jesus from         spirit wins the closer you
    sires. 6 The mind governed        the dead is living in you,        are to God and the easier
    by the flesh is death, but the    he who raised Christ from         it is for the spirit to win in
    mind governed by the Spir-        the dead will also give life      the future.
    it is life and peace. 7 The       to your mortal bodies be-
    mind governed by the flesh        cause of his Spirit who lives     God Bless,
    is hostile to God; it does not    in you. The difference be-        Paul Bury
    submit to God’s law, nor can      tween feeding the flesh and
    it do so. 8 Those who are in      feeding the spirit is life and
    the realm of the flesh cannot
    please God. If we choose
                                      death. We choose life here
                                      at Family Friendly Gaming.        PRAYER
    the flesh then we keep            We understand that obsess-
    feeding the flesh. The flesh      ing over the flesh leads to       Jesus,
    gets stronger and more re-        death. We point people to               I know that I am a sinner
    bellious. Ever wonder why         God, along with obedience.        and need Your forgiveness.
    some people have no mor-                                            Nothing I can do of my own
    als, ethics, or scruples? It is   It can be difficult if you        power will give me true joy. I
    because they have fed their       have been feeding the             believe that You died for my
    flesh over and over again.        flesh over and over again.
                                      The spirit can help you           sins. I want to turn from my
    They have denied their
    spirit.                           win if you are willing. It        enslavement to sins, and re-
                                      all comes down to you and         pent of them. I now invite You
    On the other end of the           the choices you make. Ro-         to come into my heart and
    spectrum have you noticed         mans 8:12-14 Therefore,           life. I want to trust and follow
    people that do the right          brothers and sisters, we have     You as my personal Lord and
    thing all of the time? Have       an obligation—but it is not       Savior. I welcome the trans-
    you seen people that are          to the flesh, to live accord-
                                      ing to it. 13 For if you live     forming power of the Holy
    constantly helping others                                           Spirit. Amen.
                                      according to the flesh, you

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The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
In The                                                                                                           NEWS

Story					 									 Page(s)
Hammerting’s New Farming & Fishing Update							 16 - 17
Square Enix London Mobile Announced									17 - 18
WRC 10 New historical content in a free update						      19
Marvel’s Avengers Update Adds new Klaw Raid 						        19 - 20
Aquatics Species Pack Announced for Stellaris						       20
Handball Manager 2022 DLC Releases								21 - 22                                                                   id foundation, including:
Trading Time A Croak Tale Releases									22 - 23
Myth of Empires Releases											22 - 23                                                                             The Fluids Update, which brought lava and water to the cavernous environments the dwarves call home,
                                                                                                                    together with new tavern and drinks recipes, ingredients, and knowledges;
                                                                                                                       The Overworld Update introduced an overhauled Overworld featuring procedurally generated factions,
                                                                                                                    locations, and roads;
                                                                                                                       The Automation Update streamlined dwarven efficiency alongside the addition of a win state that challeng-
                                                                                                                    es players to prove their dwarven mining prowess;
                                                                                                                       The Epic Crafting Update which introduced new armour and rings, equippable lanterns, valuable epic level
                                                                                                                    items and an overhaul to Mountain Lore;
                                                                                                                       and most recently the Relations Update, which included a food and rest system revamp.

 Hammerting’s New Farming & Fishing Update                                                                          Square Enix London Mobile Announced

 Team17 and Warpzone Studios have announced the latest update for Hammerting will bring agriculture and             SQUARE ENIX LTD. announced its latest venture, Square Enix London Mobile, a studio driven by its mis-
 fishing to the Mountains of Mara. The Farming & Fishing Update for Hammerting brings a harvest of new              sion of putting people first while publishing high-quality, free-to-play mobile games. The studio currently
 content to the game, allowing the dwarves to plant and harvest a variety of plants, construct a fishing pier to    has two titles in development based on world-renowned entertainment properties, Tomb Raider and Nickel-
 fish from, and upgrade their dwellings for a cosy underground feel, bear rugs included. The update launches        odeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender, and is actively recruiting marketing and production talent to bring these
 a week after Warpzone Studios confirmed Hammerting’s support for ultra-wide monitors, enabling more of             titles and future to-be-announced mobile games to players across the globe.
 the sprawling mining complex to be seen at the same time.
                                                                                                                    “At Square Enix London Mobile, our goal is to move the world through play and in order to do this, we need
 Tackle fishing and farming deep in the Mountains of Mara:                                                          to grow our team with even more unique voices, varieties of perspectives and creative energy,” said Ed Per-
                                                                                                                    kins, Studio Head at Square Enix London Mobile “We have great games in development, access to Square
 Throughout its time in Steam Early Access, Hammerting received a hoard of updates that’s built upon its sol-       Enix-owned IP and relationships with the world’s top entertainment companies, but our people will be the

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The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING - January 2022 - Family Friendly Gaming
In The News Continued                                                                             In The News Continued

                                                                                COLLEC-            WRC 10 New historical content                     Marvel’s Avengers Update Adds
                                                                                TION               in a free update                                  new Klaw Raid
                                                                                of SaGa
                                                                                                   NACON and KT Racing are pleased to an-            SQUARE ENIX® announced that Marvel’s
                                                                                FINAL              nounce a free update to WRC 10, the official      Avengers patch 2.2 will launch on Novem-
                                                                                FANTASY            FIA World Rally Championship video game,          ber 30th, bringing with it an entirely new
                                                                                                   for PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5, Xbox One,       four-player Raid to take on the villain Klaw
                                                                                LEGEND             Xbox Series X|S and Steam PC. Available to-       as well as a new Hero exclusive to PlaySta-
                                                                                Releases           day on all platforms, this update brings new      tion, Spider-Man.
                                                                                                   content and a new game mode.
                                                                                on Steam                                                             In addition to the Raid and Hero, the update
                                                                                                   After a very successful launch that con-          brings with it several new and improved
                                                                                                   firmed its status as the benchmark for rally      systems, including:
                                                                                 SQUARE            games, WRC 10 continues to improve. A
                                                                                 ENIX® an-         new asphalt challenge with the Ypres Rally.          Shipments - The Shipments feature pro-
                                                                                 nounced the                                                         vides an entirely new path to earn coveted
                                                                                 launch of         This free update adds the highly anticipated      cosmetics, resources, and other items strict-
                                                                                 COLLEC-           Renties Ypres Rally Belgium, won this year        ly through gameplay, a highly requested op-
                                                                                 TION of SaGa      by local driver Thierry Neuville. Added to        tion from the Marvel’s Avengers community.
                                                                                 FINAL FAN-        the calendar in early 2021, players will have     Each Shipment costs 500 Units (the cur-
 competitive advantage that fuels our success                                    TASY LEG-         the opportunity to experience these new           rency earned while playing the game) and
 now and in the future.”                          END™ on PC via STEAM®. In this digital           asphalt country roads. Narrow and wind-           pulls from a collection of nearly 250 possi-
                                                  collection, players can experience the first     ing, they are lined with ditches and posts        ble items, with a small chance of rewarding
 As the group seeks to add new internal tal-      three titles in the revered SaGa series: THE     and punctuated by numerous junctions.             a premium Outfit unavailable via any other
 ent, the as-yet-untitled Avatar: The Last Air-   FINAL FANTASY LEGEND, FINAL FAN-                 The road sides often bring dust and mud to        means of acquisition. But luck isn’t required
 bender mobile game is in development with        TASY LEGEND II, and FINAL FANTASY                the tarmac and make conditions slippery           to get the Outfit; players will automatically
 Vancouver-based studio Navigator Games.          LEGEND III. Previously released on Nin-          with drivers not hesitating to cut corners. In    receive it after claiming 100 Shipments.
                                                  tendo Switch™ and for mobile devices, the        WRC 10, the Ypres rally consists of 7 stages         Power-Level Increase - The maximum
 “It has been an incredible privilege to part-    collection offers a fun and exciting adven-      plus a shakedown.                                 Power Level achievable will increase from
 ner with Square Enix London Mobile on the        ture to newcomers and long-time SaGa fans                                                          150 to 175. Acquiring the best gear requires
 creation of a game with such an iconic IP,”      alike.                                           More and more historical events.                  players to complete the game’s toughest
 said Will Moore, CEO at Navigator Games.                                                                                                            challenge: the new four-player Klaw Raid:
 “The Avatar: The Last Airbender universe         COLLECTION of SaGa FINAL FANTA-                  Three new historic events make their ap-          Discordant Sound.
 has so many layers and complex storylines        SY LEGEND is a great introduction to the         pearance, featuring famous driver and                Gear Upgrading - Players will be able to
 to explore and we look forward to fully un-      quintessential series created by Akitoshi        co-driver duos in their original cars: the        recycle gear of a higher power level to up-
 veiling it and sharing it with all the incred-   Kawazu, and includes the very first title in     1980 Rally Portugal with Walter Röhrl             grade their current gear to match the high-
 ibly passionate and loyal Avatar fans in the     the SaGa series, THE FINAL FANTASY               and Christian Geistdörfer in their Fiat 131       er-power level of the consumed item, with
 future.”                                         LEGEND, which was originally released on         Abarth, the 1981 Rally Finland with Ari           few exceptions.
                                                  Game Boy™ in 1990. RPG and retro gam-            Vatanen and David Richards in their Ford
 Square Enix London Mobile is also at work        ing fans can enjoy a faithful recreation of      Escort MkII 1800 and finally, the 2017 Ral-
 on the previously announced Tomb Raider          all three classic 8-bit titles and experience    ly Portugal with Sébastien Ogier and Julien       The November 30th update adds to a game
 Reloaded, a nostalgic, action-arcade style       a nostalgic, pioneering adventure through        Ingrassia in their Ford Fiesta WRC.               already packed with content, bringing new
 adventure designed specifically for mobile.      fantasy worlds as they fight monsters, ex-                                                         features and continuing the game’s story
 Developed in partnership with Crystal Dy-        plore towns, battle through dungeons and         In addition, 6 historical rallies are already     through the ongoing Avengers Initiative.
 namics, Tomb Raider Reloaded will feature        more. The collection also brings several         present in the base game, including Acropo-       Marvel’s Avengers now offers several cam-
 classic elements from the original Tomb          quality-of-life adjustments and new features     lis, San Remo, Germany and Argentina. All         paigns, nine playable heroes (ten on Play-
 Raider trilogy, as players step into the shoes   to improve the gameplay experience, includ-      this is in addition to the already rich content   Station platforms), and endless multiplayer
 of the franchise’s iconic hero, Lara Croft,      ing high speed boosts and adjustable screen      available since the launch of WRC 10: more        co-op action for up to four players.
 to solve puzzles, escape treacherous traps       magnification. Additional features include:      than 20 mythical cars, legendary drivers
 and collect coveted relics from secret tombs     special 30th anniversary commemorative           such as Carlos Sainz, Sébastien Loeb, Colin       About the New Raid: Discordant Sound
 across the globe. Tomb Raider Reloaded will      music and illustrations, 8 different in-game     McRae and Tommi Mäkinen.                          Raids in Marvel’s Avengers are one of the
 launch on the Apple App Store and Google         wallpapers and the choice to play with ei-                                                         truest tests of end-game teamwork. They
 Play in 2022. New Action Adventure Com-          ther Japanese or English text, as well as 4K     And last, the Co-driver mode is improved          require advanced tactics and the full coop-
 ing in Early 2022.                               support for Steam version.                       with the arrival of a complete lexicon that       eration of a four-player team equipped with
                                                                                                   makes the experience more accessible to           the highest-end gear.
 No word on a physical copy version of these      COLLECTION of SaGa FINAL FANTASY                 players and promotes even more immersion.
 games on this system(s) in the US at this        LEGEND is rated E10+ (Everyone 10+) and          Noted using a QTE system, the co-driver           Following the events of the War for Wakan-
 time. Families are required to pay for Inter-    now available on PC via STEAM, Nintendo          fully participates in the victory by announc-     da Expansion, the sonic monster Klaw
 net usage fees to download this game. For        Switch and mobile devices for $19.99. For        ing the pace notes correctly but also by stay-    has returned to the Vibranium Mound to
 more information click here
                         here..                   more information click on one of their paid      ing in the rhythm! An online experience as        destroy Wakanda. Black Panther and the
                                                  advertisements.                                  fun as exciting!                                  Avengers must stop him before he can suc-
Family Friendly Gaming                                                                  Page      Page                                                                   Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                        18        19
In The News Continued                                                                                           In The News Continued

 ceed!                                                                                                           Handball Manager 2022 DLC Releases
 About Spider-Man and the With Great Power Hero Event
 The legendary web slinger Spider-Man will come exclusively to PlayStation players in the November 30th up-      Independent development studio netmin games GmbH is releasing the DLC for Handball Manager 2022 to-
 date along with the Spider-Man: With Great Power Hero Event. Spider-Man’s high-flying acrobatics bring an       day. A 10% early sale discount will be applied to the original price of $17.99/€14.99/£13.99.
 entirely new way to experience the game either solo or with friends, and his unique movement and combat
 abilities are sure to be a great addition to any Strike Team taking on missions in the Avengers Initiative.     Handball Manager 2021/22 takes us back to the court to put ourselves in the shoes of a handball club manag-
                                                                                                                 er. Sign the best players for your team, train them effort fully and win as many trophies as you can.
 Players will experience Spider-Man’s story through unlockable challenges woven throughout the Avengers
 Initiative. Peter Parker learns of a deadly new threat and must partner with the Avengers to stop AIM from      The new Handball Manager 2022 DLC gives you the latest data for your personal manager career. With the
 acquiring technology that could make their synthoid army unstoppable. Insistent on keeping his identity         purchase of this DLC you get access to the current squad lists of the season 21/22, promotion and relegation,
 hidden, Parker forms a tentative friendship with Ms. Marvel and Black Widow and must struggle with the          new player images, new sponsors and many other optimizations.
 new dynamics of working with a team. Will he join up full time with the Avengers, or stay independent in his
 fight against AIM?                                                                                              Handball Manager 2022 DLC contains the official licenses of LIQUI MOLY Handball-Bundesliga –the Ger-
                                                                                                                 man league– as well as it’s second division, Liga Sacyr ASOBAL –the Spanish league– and the Extraliga –the
 About Marvel’s Avengers                                                                                         Czech league.
 Marvel’s Avengers offers players a truly rich experience and combines the single player focused Reassemble
 story campaign with the ongoing Avengers Initiative’s missions, which take the Avengers around the world        The Handball Manager 2022 Edition will include Handball Manager 2021 and the DLC Handball Manager
 and beyond. Each mission in the Reassemble campaign is designed to showcase one or more hero’s unique           2022. Players can purchase the latest version of Handball Manager 2022 Edition at a 20% discount.
 abilities, while the Avengers Initiative missions can be played solo with your own custom AI team or with a
 group of up to four players* as any Hero in the player’s roster.                                                New Content
 Marvel’s Avengers continues to expand over time with the addition of new features, mission types, regions,        New player pictures
 items, and more delivered to players at no additional cost for players who own the core game.                     New squad lists
                                                                                                                   New datasets
 Marvel’s Avengers is currently available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Game Pass, Xbox One, Xbox          New team photos
 Series X|S, Windows PC, Steam, and Stadia and is rated T (Teen) by the ESRB.                                      New manager pictures
 *Internet connection required. Your platform’s online multiplayer requirements will apply.                        New ingame graphics

 Aquatics Species Pack Announced for Stellaris                                                                                                                                                                   New spon-

 Paradox Interactive, a publisher and developer that really knows how to make a splash, has announced the                                                                                                      Additional
 Aquatics Species Pack for Stellaris, the hit sci-fi game from Paradox Development Studio. The next species                                                                                                    improvements
 pack, which will launch alongside the free 3.2 “Herbert” update, is right over the horizon for PC gamers.                                                                                                     to Handball
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Manager 2022
 Sail the intergalactic
 seas and uncover an                                                                                                                                                                                             Optimized
 all new expansion                                                                                                                                                                                             match sched-
 packed to the gills                                                                                                                                                                                           ules
 with new options for                                                                                                                                                                                            Improved
 new and longtime                                                                                                                                                                                              images of
 players alike. The                                                                                                                                                                                            youth players
 Aquatics Species                                                                                                                                                                                              and non-li-
 Pack will rinse Stel-                                                                                                                                                                                         censed players
 laris with a rising                                                                                                                                                                                             Three differ-
 tide of new content,                                                                                                                                                                                          ent difficulty
 including brand                                                                                                                                                                                               levels
 new origins, species
 traits, civics and a                                                                                                                                                                                          Features
 treasure trove of
 new cosmetics. Sea-                                                                                               Start your career in your favorite club. Practice and manage your handball team from the amateur league
 farers and landlub-                                                                                             to the top.
 bers alike will agree
 that this is Stellaris’                                                                                          Featuring the official licenses of LIQUI MOLY Handball-Bundesliga, 2nd Handball-Bundesliga, Liga Sacyr
 most immersive spe-                                                                                             ASOBAL and Extraliga.
 cies pack to date.

Family Friendly Gaming                                                                                  Page    Page                                                                                  Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                                        20      21
In The News Continued                                                                                 In The News Continued

   You can use real players and real clubs or       Trading Time A Croak Tale Re-                       ruins. Clutching his precious potted plant,
 create your own team with the editor.                                                                  the sea dog goes about trying to fix his boat       Ask around for the items you need, but
                                                    leases                                              and find his way home. However, the pecu-        bear in mind that you might need to do a
    Use the endless range of functions with                                                             liar frog-like locals don’t speak his language   frog a favor to get what you want.
 training, tactics, transfers, stadium, fan sup-                                                        and they aren’t about to give up the items          Solve interesting puzzles to get your hands
 port, youth work, merchandising, private           UK publisher Merge Games and Copen-                 he needs without something in exchange! A        on required items.
 life, stock market and real careers to become      hagen, Denmark-based development stu-               spaghetti network of trades will take him all       Try not to get too sidetracked by island
 an immortal legend in the handball world.          dio Half Past Yellow are excited to reveal a        over this strange island as he seeks out mate-   life!
                                                    weekend of exciting new content for their           rials to fix his boat.
   Easy to use thanks to the intuitive e-mail       sandbox puzzle adventure game, Trading                                                               Experiment with everything!
 system and many assistants.                        Time: A Croak Tale for Nintendo Switch,             Meet a cast of friendly characters, solve
                                                    PlayStation 4&5, Xbox One & Series X|S              head-scratching puzzles, find hidden trea-          Run faster, jump higher, fall slower, any-
    Take over the tasks of national coach and       consoles, and PC.                                   sures, and much more as you explore this         thing is possible if you’re holding the right
 lead your team to world championships and                                                              toadally awesome island sandbox adventure.       item.
 Olympic victories.                                 Merge Games have also announced that the                                                                Discover different ways to complete those
                                                    prologue for Trading Time: A Croak Tale             Features:                                        crucial trades.
   Activate the Corona mode and experience          is now available to download for free from                                                              Each object you pick up could end up be-
 the hard times from the point of view of the       Steam. The prologue is set on an exclusive,         Explore at your own pace                         ing the key to something bigger.
 manager of a handball club.                        desolate island and challenges players to
                                                    come to the aid of the inhabitants and break          Make your own path in this island sand-
    Experience the games live in an ac-             the curse that has ravaged the land leaving         box, you never know what will be around
 tion-packed presentation and take full con-        it barren and dying. A variety of puzzles           the next corner!
 trol of your own team - in real time.              and trials lie in wait and players will revel in      Get to know the froggy locals and help
                                                    Trading Time: A Croak Tale’s unique hu-             out where you can.
   Manager in men’s and women’s handball            mour.                                                 Discover new items by fishing and farm-
                                                                                                        ing, and concoct simple brews that will
   Exchange your self-created editor and            About Trading Time: A Croak Tale                    change how you traverse the island.
 community content with other players via                                                                 Learn from the frogs and put your new
 the Steam Workshop. So you can share the           In Trading Time: A Croak Tale, a sailor is          skills to the test around the island.
 handball universe you have created with the        shipwrecked on a strange island after a ter-
 whole world.                                       rible storm and he awakes to find his boat in       Trade to fix your boat

 Myth of Empires Releases                           combined with a deep character progres-             or unite counties, allowing them to unify        tactical combat. Control the direction of
                                                    sion.                                               ancient Asia. All this is possible thanks to     your strikes to maximize their impact and
                                                                                                        the seamless connection between PvE and          damage.
 Developer Angela Game is thrilled to an-           The setting also heavily influences combat,         PvP servers, providing different types of           Craft dozens of different kinds of weapons
 nounce that the stunning multiplayer war           which is essential to reach the players’ ul-        gameplay for all types of players.               and armor of different tiers to help you in
 sandbox Myth of Empires has released into          timate goal: to submit all counties under                                                            battle. Make swords, spears, halberds, axes,
 Early Access. Players will dive into a realistic   one rule. In Myth of Empires, players, their        Key features available in the Early Access:      throwing weapons, crossbows, bows, shields,
 and beautiful, yet merciless world set in an-      guilds and alliances, will be able to conquer                                                        and more!
 cient Asia, where they will aim to unite the                                                                                           Brave an            New animals: Elephants, rhinos, croco-
 world through alliances, or conquer it all by                                                                                       unforgiving         diles, butterflies, fish, and more.
 force. Players will be able to switch between                                                                                       world filled with      Construct your very own customized
 PvE and PvP servers - so-called “counties” -                                                                                        bandits, wild       structures piece by piece, and build siege
 which are linked to one main server to wage                                                                                         animals, and        weapons including ballistas, catapults, tre-
 global war or unite players from all over the                                                                                       hostile players.    buchets and siege ladders to wreak havoc
 world. Thanks to state-of-the-art graphics                                                                                          Stave off hunger    upon enemy fortresses.
 including Raytracing, DLSS and more, an                                                                                             with meat col-         Recruit NPCs through peaceful means
 online world has never looked more beauti-                                                                                          lected through      or by force and have them collect resourc-
 ful.                                                                                                                                hunting, and        es, craft items, hunt, or fight alongside you.
                                                                                                                                     collect resources   Tame horses that you can ride into battle, or
 Myth of Empires is set on the ancient East-                                                                                         from the world      breed them to make horses with attributes
 ern continent, featuring a historical-inspired                                                                                      to build your       more suited to your needs.
 setting. The world has been handcrafted to                                                                                          fort.                  PVE and PVP servers will be available in
 provide an authentic experience, with real-                                                                                            New environ-     Asia, North America, and Europe.
 istic geography, landforms, flora and fauna                                                                                         ments: Snowy           A robust guild system allows players to
 as well as a rich cultural backdrop, bringing                                                                                       mountains, des-     form factions with their friends. Work to-
 players a refreshing and novel adventure.                                                                                           erts, swamps,       gether to fend off enemy attacks, conquer
 As the game is focusing heavily on real-                                                                                            caves, and an       your server, and reign supreme!
 ism, players will not have access to fantasy                                                                                        all-new weather        New gameplay and content: County, prov-
 elements like magic - instead, the game                                                                                             system.             ince and fortress siege battles, as well as im-
 provides an immersive sandbox featuring                                                                                                Engage ene-      proved voice-chat, a new trade system, and
 detailed construction and crafting systems                                                                                          mies in intense,    character voices.
Family Friendly Gaming                                                                       Page      Page                                                                   Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                             22        23
We Would
        Play That!                                                                                            REVIEWS
 There are all kinds of cool    be a story based video game       with their family. It would be     Welcome to our reviews section. We have a couple of rules when it comes to our reviews. The reviewer must
 family friendly video game     with sports elements in it. We    great to be able to play sports    give an honest accounting as to why he/she liked or disliked something. No fanboy reviews allowed here, or at
 ideas out there. This col-     have to play in certain parts     video games that reinforced        the very least they are discouraged (after all everyone has their own personal biases, likes, and dislikes). Ev-
 umn features ideas of video    of certain games. It would be     our morals, ethics and values.     eryone also has different tolerances, and weaknesses - we strive to keep that in mind in our reviews. We have
                                cool if there was a sports el-    Imagine a sports game where        been burned ourselves by reviews saying a certain game is great, only to be greatly offended by that game. Re-
 games we would play. We        ement to the video game as        kneeling, and praying was the      viewers must be kind in their reviews. A game may be horrible, but there is no need to degrade the developer,
 hope games like these are      well. The whole playing in the    default celebration after scor-    publisher, artists, etc. There is also no need for name calling.
 created in the near future.    arena league could be part of     ing. There are so many Chris-            We review video games on five separate criteria: graphics, sound, replay/extras, gameplay, and family
 Can you make it happen?        the video game as well. Amer-     tian athletes that are not being   friendly factor. Review scale can be found here. The editor in chief coordinates reviews to have as much cohe-
                                ican Underdog showed us a         properly and accurately rep-       sion as possible. We are very open about the way we review video games. Each section starts with a 75 score,
                                lot about Kurt Warner and his     resented in video games. We        and can earn or lose points based on the content of the game, using our grading scale (found on the website).
 After Yolanda and I went to    wife. We learned a lot about      need some games to correct               Parents, please do not take any of our reviews as gospel. Different people are offended by different things.
 the early screener of American how they dealt with the sports    that misalignment.                 We work hard here at Family Friendly Gaming to discern the good from the bad in the teachings of each dif-
 Underdog I checked with the    world and what was really im-                                        ferent video game. What may seem harmless to our reviewer(s), could be a big deal to you. We encourage you
 Christian video game devel-    portant in life.                  We would love to play a sports     to spend time with your children and investigate each video game yourself. Each review is written with you
 opers. Why did I check with                                      video game that from top           in mind, and we try to mention each problem we find. We are not perfect, and miss things from time to time
 the Christian video game de-   Too few video games give          to bottom focused on what          - just as the ESRB does. The ESRB rating is merely a start, and since they ignore many of the moral and spiri-
 velopers? I wanted to see if   players that perspective. The     is really important in life. It    tual factors important to parents all across America, we do our small part to fill that huge void. We are a small
 any of them were working on    stories in sports video games     would be great to play a sports    ministry and your prayers are so very important to us.
 a game based off of the movie. are more about you becom-         video game that gave glory to            Questions, suggestions, comments, or got a game you would like for us to review? Then please email us
 Can you guess the answer I     ing a star and getting all kind   God. If we have the financial      at:
 received? It was no.           of money and endorsements.        resources this is the kind of a
                                It is about you becoming the
 There was some at the CGDC greatest of all time. What if
                                                                  video game project we would
                                                                  get right on. There are so         CONTENTS
 Facebook page that found       we could play a story in a        many major gaps in the video       Blu-ray							Score Page                                   Xbox One							Score Page
 my idea interesting. Here is   sports video game where the       game industry. Family Friend-      The Expanse Season One					55 35                           Forza Horizon 5						87   26
 the kind of a video game we    sport was not the focus of        ly Gaming would love to see                                                                   Train Sim World 2						70 27
 would love to play. A video    the athletes life. The athlete    those gaps get filled very soon.   Books								Score Page
                                                                                                     Video Games You Will Never Play			 72 33                   Xbox Series X						Score Page
 game that is based off of the  played the sport and did well.    Would you play a sports video                                                                 Forza Horizon 5						87  26
 Christian movie and contains Instead of going to a party         game that reflected traditional    DVD								Score Page
 sports sections. So it could   they drove many hours to get      values?                            Fringe Season 5						59 34

                                                                                                     Evercade							Score Page
                                                                                                     Interplay Collection 2					73 36
                                 Psalms 95:1-4                                                       Game Gear							Score Page
                                                                                                     NBA Action							83   37

                   1 Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;                                          Manga							Score Page
                                                                                                     Cube Arts Vol 3						65 32
               let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.                                      Nintendo Switch						Score                    Page
               2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving                                            Monomals							85
                                                                                                     Pokemon Brilliant Diamond 				 72
                      and extol him with music and song.                                             Pokemon Shining Pearl					72                  29

                       3 For the Lord is the great God,                                              PC								Score Page
                                                                                                     Forza Horizon 5						87   26
                         the great King above all gods.                                              Train Sim World 2						70 27

                 4 In his hand are the depths of the earth,                                          PS4								Score Page
                                                                                                     Train Sim World 2						70 27
                    and the mountain peaks belong to him.
Family Friendly Gaming                                                                      Page          Page                                                                            Family Friendly Gaming
                                                                                            24            25
Forza Horizon 5                                                                                            Train Sim World 2

                                      SCORE: 87                                                                                                   SCORE: 70

 There                                                                (i.e. speed traps, danger signs,      I am very thankful Family           that
 are some                                                             etc.) we unlock points in these       Friendly Gaming was able to         again.
 franchis-                                                            festivals. We can play them in        play Train Sim World 2 on           When we
 es that                                                              any order we choose. There are        Xbox Gamepass. Train Sim            get to the
 are mon-                                                             all kinds of cool and different       World 2 can be found on the         different
 ster huge                                                            races in the festivals in Forza       PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Train        trains
 with us                                                              Horizon 5 as well.                    Sim World 2 is also playable        that is a
 here at                                                                                                    on the PS5, and Xbox Series         different
 Family                                                               Families have a plethora of           X. There are three main areas       matter.
 Friendly                                                             different difficulties they can       in Train Sim World 2. Those
 Gaming.                                                              choose in Forza Horizon 5.            three main areas are Sand           I got
 Forza                                                                The rewind button is still an         Patch Grade, London Under-          stuck in
 Horizon                                                              amazing feature that helps            ground Backerloo Line, and          Train Sim
 is one                                                               make this game more accessi-          Schnellfahrstrecke Koln.            World 2
 of those                           ers race all over the map in      ble to a wide array of gamers.                                            early on.
 franchises. Both Noah and I        Forza Horizon 5.                  Online races are available, as        When a family members starts        The game
 love playing the Forza Hori-                                         well as play races that other         any of the three areas Train        wanted me to adjust some            to them. Train Sim World 2
 zon video games. I have played     The open world concept con-       players created. All kinds of         Sim World 2 will take them          lever. I did and nothing hap-       looks nice, and it sounds very
 every single one of them from      tinues within Forza Horizon       customization on the inside           through a tutorial. After that      pened. I kept adjusting it until    real. There are plenty of the
 start to finish. Hopefully you     5. We race in the same world      and outside of the cars is also       they get their hand held for        I got it stuck in the reverse       same looking people on the
 were able to participate in        we go around and find signs,      accessible to the players.            the next part of the game. It       and it would not let me move        trains and walking around the
 the live streams I did of Forza    barns, and more in Forza Hori-                                          is pretty lame to force players     it out of that spot. Yet Train      stations. Train Sim World 2
 Horizon 5. This racing video       zon 5. The graphics in Forza      There are a diverse array of en-      into the same tutorial when         Sim World 2 kept telling me to      has players do more than drive
 game impressed me from start       Horizon 5 are stunning. The       vironments in Forza Horizon           they go from area to area. I        adjust that lever. Maybe it had     the trains. We can also stock
 to finish.                         voice acting adds some flair to   5. We race in the mountains,          know how to move my charac-         something to do with trying         newspapers, place posters, and
                                    the game. There are different     beaches, jungle, cities, and          ter in the first person perspec-    to go backwards into a wall         more. If you are into that kind
 There is a streamer mode so        festivals all over the map in     more in Forza Horizon 5. Play-        tive. I do not need to be shown     and unable to figure out how        of a thing and don’t care that
 we do not need to worry about      Forza Horizon 5. As we com-       ers can roam around the map                                                                         to stop   you will miss the schedule.
 any copyright issues. The mu-      plete races and other tasks       and collect the signs, enjoy the                                                                    the
 sic in Forza Horizon 5 fits the                                                             scenery,                                                                     en-       If you are into train simulation
 country it comes from. I am                                                                 drive all                                                                    gine. I   video games then Train Sim
 not sure if there were offen-                                                               the roads                                                                    don’t     World 2 should be up your
 sive lyrics in those songs since                                                            and find                                                                     know.     alley. If you are a casual gam-
 many were in Spanish. There                                                                 all the ar-                                                                            er then you may not get into
 can be some offensive music                                                                 eas. I had                                                                  The        Train Sim World 2 because of
 in some of the radio stations.                                                              a blast                                                                     trains     how complex it can get. There
 That can easily be turned off                                                               playing                                                                     and        are all kinds of levers, switch-
 right from the start. We do                                                                 Forza                                                                       the        es and knobs that need to be
 get into a variety of accidents                                                             Horizon                                                                     areas      changed in a specific order.
 in Forza Horizon 5. Some off                                                                5 on the                                                                    have       Train Sim World 2 is most
 roading areas require play-                                                                 Xbox Se-                                                                    some       likely similar to the real job. A
 ers to go through small trees,                                                              ries X.                                                                     nice       job I never want to do in the
 fences and other objects. Play-                                                             - Paul                                                                      details    real world.
                                                                                                                                                                                    - WMG

 System: PC/Xbox One/Xbox                                             Graphics: 90%                         System: PC/PS4/Xbox One(test-                                           Graphics: 80%
 Series X                                                             Sound: 79%                            ed)                                                                     Sound: 80%
 Publisher: Xbox Game Studios                                         Replay/Extras: 95%                    Publisher: Dovetail Games                                               Replay/Extras: 65%
 Developer: Playground Games                                          Gameplay: 95%                         Developer: Dovetail Games                                               Gameplay: 50%
 Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and                                                                             Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and
 OLDER ONLY                                                           Family Friendly Factor: 78%           OLDER ONLY                                                              Family Friendly Factor: 75

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                                                                                                26         27
                                                                                    Pokemon Brilliant Dia-
                                                                                    mond Pokemon Shining

                                                                                         SCORE: 72

                                                 Pokemon Brilliant Diamond             leave it on.
                                                 and Pokemon Shining Pearl
                                                 take players back to the Sinnoh       The cham-
                                                 region. These games are re-           pion in
                                                 makes from the Nintendo DS            Pokemon
                                                 games of Pokemon Diamond              Brilliant Di-
                                                 and Pokemon Pearl. The Chi-           amond and
                                                 bi graphical style in Pokemon         Pokemon
                                                 Brilliant Diamond and                 Shining
                                                 Pokemon Shining Pearl will            Pearl was
                                                 appease Pokemon fans that             given AI
                                                 enjoy the squat looking char-         training
                                                 acters. The TMs are one use,          from com-
                                                 and the HMs do not need to            petitive                               newer Pokemon in Pokemon
                                                 be taught. We can fly, surf, and      league players. We can bedaz-          Brilliant Diamond and
                                                 cut from a menu screen when           zle our Pokeballs for differing        Pokemon Shining Pearl. These
                                                 you need it. Pokemon will             effects on the Pokemon. If             games contain Gen 4 and pre-
                                                 follow you in Pokemon Bril-           you have played other recent           vious. Pokemon Brilliant Di-
                                                 liant Diamond and Pokemon             Pokemon games you can                  amond and Pokemon Shining
                                                 Shining Pearl on the screen.          earn some legendaries like             Pearl is definitely more chal-
                                                 Pokemon Brilliant Diamond             Mew. After the game is beaten          lenging than Pokemon Sword
                                                 and Pokemon Shining Pearl             you can summon legendary               and Pokemon Shield.
                                                 will autosave after each battle,      Pokemon from games prior to
                                                 catching a Pokemon, going             the Nintendo DS game releas-           I like the music in Pokemon
                                                 in and out of buildings, and          es.                                    Brilliant Diamond and
                                                 more. The autosave feature can                                               Pokemon Shining Pearl. There
                                                 be turned off. There are some         It is easy to tell that Pokemon        is even the old soundtrack
                                                 bugs in Pokemon Brilliant             Brilliant Diamond and                  available if you want to hear
                                                 Diamond and Pokemon Shin-             Pokemon Shining Pearl is a             how it sounded on the Nin-
                                                 ing Pearl so you might want to        remake. Even some of the pre-          tendo DS. If you played the
                                                                                                           vious bugs are     Nintendo DS versions of these
                                                                                                           still present in   games then you should be
                                                                                                           these games.       able to remember what to do
                                                                                                           There is vio-      and where to do it. Hopefully
                                                                                                           lent content       you caught some of the live
                                                                                                           and evolution      streams I did of Pokemon Bril-
                                                                                                           is still being     liant Diamond and Pokemon
                                                                                                           preached in        Shining Pearl. I enjoyed my
                                                                                                           Pokemon Bril-      time with these games. I am
                                                                                                           liant Diamond      thankful Family Friendly
                                                                                                           and Pokemon        Gaming assisted me with pur-
                                                                                                           Shining Pearl.     chasing one of them.
                                                                                                           There are no       - Peter

                                                 System: Nintendo Switch                                                      Graphics: 72%
                                                 Publisher: Nintendo                                                          Sound: 77%
                                                 Developer: ILCA                                                              Replay/Extras: 85%
                                                 Rating: ‘E’ - Everyone SIX and                                               Gameplay: 66%
                                                 OLDER ONLY {Mild Cartoon
                                                 Violence}                                                                    Family Friendly Factor: 60%

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                                         28     29

                                         SCORE: 85

 I hope you                                                              like spikes in Monomals. The
 were able                                                               players lure can only take so
 to catch the                                                            many hits before they need to
 sponsored live                                                          lose some coins and go back to
 stream I did                                                            the last continuation point.
 of Monomals.
 This Nintendo                                                           Monomals starts easy and
 Switch down-                                                            gets progressively more diffi-
 loadable video                                                          cult as players work their way
 game im-                                                                through the game. There are
 pressed me so                                                           plenty of hidden areas and
 much I decid-                                                           items for players to collect.
 ed to get a re-                                                         The line we are attached to
 view going. The developer and         section of this video game.       goes away after so long. That
 publisher are not aware. At           That is pretty cool.              way we do not get tangled up
 least until this issue is released.                                     and stuck anywhere. I actual-
 Monomals is bright and col-           The musical aspect is where       ly prefer that over games like
 orful. The goal in Monomals           Monomals really shines. There     Unravel. Monomals gives us
 is to go and collect all of these     are some jamming tunes in         much more freedom which is
 different musical creatures.          this fun little video game with   something I personally appre-
 We go through a level, and            all kinds of character. Monom-    ciate.
 then we have some objectives          als includes a funny DJ with
 to complete in a boss room.           some great fishermen charac-      If you participated in the live
 It can be things like collect all     ters. Monomals is one of those    stream or watched it as a VOD
 of some coins, or hit a buzzer,       hidden gems families can real-    later then you know I was
 or take out all of the enemies,       ly embrace. The violent content   really getting into Monomals.
 etc. Then we must catch the           is really light in Monomals.      This is a fun game with a great
 Monomal.                              We have certain creatures that    theme, and some really cool
                                       will attack us. We must spin at   features. Families can have a
 The action adventure plat-            them to make them vanish. We      blast playing Monomals on
 former levels with our lure is        can also take hits from things                      the Ninten-
 not all there is to Monomals                                                              do Switch. I
 either. We take the Monomals                                                              hope there
 and make songs with them.                                                                 are more
 Monomals contains a decent                                                                games in this
 musical composition section                                                               franchise in
 as well. Families can make                                                                the future.
 their own music in Monomals                                                               I also hope
 thanks to the different sounds                                                            Monomals
 the musical creatures make.                                                               gets a physical
 The whole reason to fish for                                                              copy release
 these Monomals is to use them                                                             soon.
 in the musical composition                                                                - Paul

 System: Nintendo Switch                                                 Graphics: 80%
 Publisher: Rogue Games                                                  Sound: 90%
 Developer: Picomy
 Rating: ‘E’ - EVERYONE SIX and                                          Replay/Extras: 85%
 OLDER ONLY {Mild Fantasy Vio-                                           Gameplay: 80%
 lence}                                                                  Family Friendly Factor: 90%

                                                                                                                    BUY IT NOW RIGHT HERE
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                                                                                                   30        31
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