The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop

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The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 9

                                                                         ISSUE 01
The young Bruneians                         How to survive a
bringing aid to Syria                     startup: We talk to
                                            the CEO of DARe

The search for
Bruneian screen

                        THE FIRST ISSUE
The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop

Achieving Masterpieces
 Level 3 Plaza Athirah, Batu Satu
 BA1912 Negara Brunei Darussalam
The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
                                                   EDITOR’S                                     The business of media — not just locally,
                                                                                                but globally — has been disrupted by
                                                                                                Google and Facebook, who monopolise

                                                   NOTE                                         advertising revenue, leaving news outlets
                                                                                                struggling to adapt to new economic
    Scoop Media                                    Almost 18 months ago in September            Legacy news organisations have
                                                   2017, we launched The Scoop as Brunei’s      downsized operations and cut
                                                   first digital-only news platform.            circulation. Smaller metro and rural

                                                                                                                                             Down to
                                                                                                newspapers around the world have had
    Ain Bandial                                    We pegged ourselves as the country’s         to close, leaving “news deserts” where
    Hadthiah Hazair                                first media brand for millennials,           there is virtually no localised reporting.
    Rasidah Hj Abu Bakar                           aimed at a generation of readers who
    Rafidah Hamit                                  were consuming content through               It is important that we underscore what
    Wardi Wasil                                    smartphones and social media.                this transition means, and what it does
    PHOTOGRAPHY                                    In those 18 months, our growth has
    Rudolf Portillo
                                                   exceeded our expectations – readership       Media is an industry in transition,
                                                   has grown from just 10,000 website           but the need for journalism is still as

    Hazimul Wai’e
                                                   visitors in our first month to an average    powerful as ever.
                                                   of 80,000 unique visitors per month.
    LEAD DESIGNER                                  Our weekly reach on Facebook and             Our aim with the first print magazine
    Liyana Hanif                                   Instagram exceeds 120,000 users.             is to expand our reader and advertiser
                                                                                                base, and firmly establish our presence
    DESIGN SUPPORT                                 Not bad for a group four ex-newspaper        as part of Brunei’s media landscape.
    Noriati Puli                                   reporters who launched a website from
    Rebecca Sekhon                                 a living room in Jerudong, with no           We want our readers to explore a world
                                                   backing, no investors and with less          where they shape the possibilities and
                                                   than $2,000. But don’t all great startup     the future — to identify, understand
                                                   stories begin that way?                      and analyse the conflicts, energies

    A. Jaafar
                                                                                                and opportunities of a country at a
                                                   We started our company, Scoop Media,         crossroads.
    WEB DEVELOPMENT                                with few resources but clear vision — to
    Hazirah Marzuke, Longan Digital                inform the community in which we live.       We get asked a lot these days whether
                                                   To empower citizens to be engaged. To        we’re optimistic about the future.
                                                   shape our country — our home — for the
                                                   better.                                      When we’re feeling overwhelmed by
    CONTACT                                                                                     negative headlines, we remind ourselves
                                                   Brunei media lacks independence and          that none of us has the right to sit back                            a diversity of voices. However small our     and expect that the world is going to                               efforts may be, our goal is to remedy        get better. We have a responsibility to                               that.                                        do everything we can to push it in that       For years, Brunei has been trying to shake
        @thescoop_co                                                                            direction.
                                                   To borrow from Margaret Atwood: “A                                                         off its reliance on oil and gas with major
    Get in touch:                                  word after word after word is power”.        We’ve found that optimism can be a                                                                           powerful call to action, which is why we      investments being put in place to help pave
                                                   Our journey has not been easy – the          thought it apt to release our magazine
    For advertising:
                                                   economic downturn, small size of
                                                   the local market, and lack of business
                                                                                                on Brunei’s 35th National Day.                the way. From tourism to agriculture and                        support for startups has all played a role
                                                   in the challenging circumstances many
                                                                                                Every day is a new chance to make a
                                                                                                choice: give up, or build the solutions
                                                                                                                                              foreign direct investments, take a peek inside
                                                   small businesses find themselves in.         you want to see in the world.
                                                                                                                                              to track how these key areas are contributing
                                                                                                                                              towards a more diversified economy.

    Unit 1-5, Block A&B, Spg 137-65, Kg Kiarong,    Rasidah Hj Abu Bakar        Ain Bandial        Hadthiah Hazair       Rachel Thien
    Jln Pasar Baharu, Bandar Seri Begawan BE1318
The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
Coming off a prolonged economic
    downturn — and volatile oil prices
    — Brunei’s efforts to diversify
    its economy have taken on a
    new sense of urgency. So what’s
    to be done about it? We take a
    look at some the country’s key
    diversification efforts and their
    potential impact

    By Hadthiah Hazair

    The recovery in global oil prices from
    2016 to 2018 helped nudge Brunei’s
    economy forward after a four-year slump,
    with GDP coming in at $16.5 billion for
    2017 — growth of 1.3 percent.

    But after oil prices dropped suddenly
    in October last year, economists revised
    the sultanate’s growth forecast to 0.5
    percent for 2018, and to 2.1 percent for
    2019, with growth fueled by downstream
    investments and other diversification

    Despite diversification efforts in recent
    years, Brunei’s economy is still heavily
    reliant on oil and gas, accounting for 65
    percent of the GDP and over 90 percent
    of exports.
The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
                                                                                                                                                                                         From 2007-2017 (US$)
                                                                                                                                                                                        19                                       18.5

    When the national budget for 2018/2019
    fiscal year was announced during the
    Legislative Council meeting in March
    last year, the government stressed                                                                                                                                                  15
    that despite the recovery in oil prices,                                                                                                                                                              14.4
    the value of crude would remain                                                                                                                                                     14
    unpredictable, continuing to have a                                                                                                                                                                                        13.7
    significant impact on the country’s                                                                                                                                                 13
    economy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            12.93
    Indeed, after hitting a four-year high of                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11.4
    US$80 a barrel in October, the market                                                                                                                                               11                                                                                      12.1
    flipped from mid-year concerns about
    an oil shortage to fears of a renewed                                                                                                                                                                              10.73
    crude glut after the United States, Russia                                                                                                                                                    2007 2008 2009 2010            2011    2012    2013   2014    2015   2016     2017
    and Saudi Arabia all boosted output, and
    oil lost more than a third of its value in                                                                                                                                                                                          YEAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Source: IMF
    the fourth quarter of 2018.
                                                                                                                                       The refinery and petrochemical plant —       The second phase will focus on
    To compound matters, in the third
                                                                                                                                       a joint venture between China’s Hengyi       manufacturing more downstream
    quarter of 2018, Brunei’s oil and gas
                                                                                                                                                                                    products such as aromatics and


                                                                                                                                       Industries and the Brunei government
    sector showed a downturn which caused
                                                                                                                                                                                    industrial chemicals that are used to
                                                                                          Moving into
                                                                                                                                       — is the largest foreign direct investment
    the economy to contract by 1.2 percent       Globally and within the ASEAN
                                                                                                                                       into the sultanate to date, valued at        make clothing and plastics — and could
    year-on-year.                                region, the oil and gas industry has
                                                                                                                                       US$15 billion.                               generate revenue of about US$10 billion

                                                 seen tumultuous conditions in 2018,                                                                                                per annum, according to Hengyi.
    The decline was chiefly due to a 7.4         with geopolitical factors — from
                                                                                                                                       The operation will have the capacity
    percent decrease in the manufacturing        Iran sanctions to political crisis in
                                                                                          activity                                     to refine 175,000 barrels of crude oil    Across the country in Belait,
    of liquefied natural gas and methanol        Venezuela — weighing heavily on oil
                                                                                                                                       a day for export to China and other       construction of one of Southeast Asia’s
    due to unscheduled maintenance of            prices for 2019.
                                                                                                                                       regional markets, eventually increasing   biggest fertiliser plants is underway at
                                                                                                                                       to 22 million tonnes per year when        the Sungai Liang Industrial Park
                                                 The average Brent crude oil prices in    The push to enhance competitiveness                                                    Valued at $1.8 billion, the Brunei
                                                                                                                                       construction of phase two is complete
    However, compared to the same period         2017 stood at US$54 per barrel, which    of the oil and gas sector globally has       in 2022.                                  Fertilizer Industries’ plant — a
    in 2017, the gross value added of the oil    improved to US$71 in 2018. Industry      seen many downstream activities                                                        government joint venture with
    and gas sector indicated an increase by      experts are predicting this average to   mushrooming, including in Brunei.            Hengyi claims that after completion of    Germany’s Thyssenkrupp AG’s Industrial
    $500 million in Q3 2018 totaling to $2.6     hover between US$60 and US$70 in
                                                                                                                                       its first phase, the oil refinery will be Solutions (tkIS) — will use natural gas
    billion.                                     2019.                                    The start of operations for the crude        able to contribute as much as 40 percent from Lumut as feedstock to produce
                                                                                          oil refinery on Pulau Muara Besar is         to Brunei’s GDP.                          fertiliser.
                                                                                          slated for July 2019, and is hoped to
                                                                                          be a much-needed boost to Brunei’s
                                                                                          economy.                                                                                                                                                              *Terms & Conditions Apply

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The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
Planting the
     seeds of the
     The government’s hard push into
     agriculture kicked into high gear in
     2018, and has been identified as one
     of the country’s main investment
     clusters, along with the halal industry,
     technology and tourism.

     Agriculture’s contribution to GDP in
     2011 was 0.33 percent ($240.6 million),
     and has since grown to 0.54 percent
     ($379.6 million) in 2017.

     Despite the sector’s less than one
     percent contribution to the GDP in
     2017, there has been more movement
     in policy circles to address some of
     the issues hindering agricultural
     development, such as soil acidity and

                                                                                             Ocean gold
     lack of irrigation infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo courtesy of Golden Corporation

                                                For the 2018/2019 financial year, $40        The fisheries, aquaculture and fish          By 2020, the Ministry of Primary           In December last year, China’s Pure
                                                million was earmarked under the              processing industries have seen more         Resources and Tourism is targeting         Fresh signed an agreement with state-

                                                National Development Plan for rice and       favourable success in recent years,          $400 million annual revenue from the       owned Ghanim International to invest
                                                vegetable cultivation, and His Majesty       growing multiple-folds in the last two       aquaculture industry alone, compared to    $400 million into the setting up of
                                                the Sultan recently announced that a         decades.                                     just $10 million in 2015.                  a complete supply chain facility for
                                                500-hectare commercial farming site                                                                                                  aquaculture.
                                                has been allotted in Kandol, Belait to       The fisheries industry grew from $43         There have been several joint ventures
                                                boost rice output.                           million in 1998 to $112 million in 2017      in the field recently, and with plans to   Singaporean company Barramundi Asia
                                                                                             — an average rate of 5 percent per year —    provide more support to fish farmers,      also inked a deal last May with Brunei’s
                                                Another initiative taken to increase         while aquaculture grew from $2 million       the ministry is bullish in its outlook.    Department of Fisheries to develop a
                                                paddy yield and bring up self-sufficiency    in 1998 to $17 million in 2017, an average                                              major offshore aquaculture site that will
                                                in rice was the introduction of hybrid       of 17 percent per year.                   Blue shrimp and tuna in particular have       produce up to $300 million of sea bass
                                                varieties such as Titih, BDR5 and                                                      been luring international businesses          for export each year.
                                                Sembada188.                                  Fish processing too has seen a boost — it to the sultanate’s shores, with firms
                                                                                             went from just $2 million in 1998 to $22 like Taiwan’s Golden Corporation and
                                                These new paddy strains have the             million in 2017, an average growth rate   Japan’s Yamako Pacific already exporting
                                                potential to more than double the            of 14 percent.                            from their base in Brunei.
                                                average output of the local Laila variety.

                                                Brunei imports its rice from other
                                                ASEAN countries such as Thailand,
                                                Vietnam and Cambodia, but is trying
                                                to cut reliance on food imports by
                                                encouraging more local farmers into
                                                rice cultivation.

                                                National rice self-sufficiency stood
                                                at 4.74 percent in 2017, and the
                                                government’s goal is to reach 11 percent
                                                by the year 2020.
The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
HOW TO SURVIVE A STARTUP                                                                    Helping startups find
                                                                                                                                               One of the fallacies of a great business

                       Learn to crawl
                                                                                                 their footing                                 person is that they are combined knowledge
                                                                                                                                               [and expertise] in one. It is about how to
                                                                                                 As part of its initiatives, DARe has
                                                                                                 rolled out the Accelerate Programme —         bring a winning team together.

                      before you walk
                                                                                                 formerly known as Startup Bootcamp
                                                                                                 — which brings industry experts and
                                                                                                 established entrepreneurs to mentor
                                                                                                 local startups in order to help them                                                      “Amazon is always coming up with new
                                                                                                 maneuver around new territory.                                                            things… It went from a bookstore to
                                                                                                                                                                                           a video store, from kindle to Amazon
                                                                                                 To date, 4,638 participants have been                                                     Echo. [Through it all, it remains true to
                                                                                                 trained under DARe’s capacity-building        What’s your unique                          its core business] which is being a major
                                                                                                 programmes, including Accelerate.
                                                                                                 Meanwhile, 312 jobs have been created         selling point?
                                                                                                 from businesses that have joined the                                                      In the context of Brunei, businesses
                                                                                                 bootcamp programmes.                                                                      need to be unique and avoid being
                                                  With unemployment at 9.3 percent and job                                                     But how long do businesses remain           copycats. This is something that the
                                                                                                                                               a startup and what does it take to          owners of Junjung — a storefront selling
                                                  opportunities hard to come by, many are        Javed says the bootcamp sessions give
                                                                                                 entrepreneurs and business owners the         progress? Javed says companies should       traditional layered cakes — has banked
                                                  turning to entrepreneurship as a means to an   confidence to sell their ideas.               not remain in the startup stage longer
                                                                                                                                               than three to four years.
                                                                                                                                                                                           on successfully.

                                                  end. But the CEO of Darussalam Enterprise      “Through [the bootcamp] they learn
                                                                                                                                               “The honeymoon period is over within
                                                                                                                                                                                           “Having our kiosk at the airport means
                                                                                                 to connect with people within the                                                         that we are not limiting our market to
                                                  (DARe) says the opportunity is much bigger     ecosystem, with other businesses.”            a year, and you better have something       just Bruneians,” shares Ummi Maryam
                                                                                                                                               unique that you can actually build on.”     Hj Yussof, Junjung’s assistant manager.
     By Hadthiah Hazair                           than that                                      This is crucial to help budding
                                                                                                 entrepreneurs identify their weaknesses,      Gone are the days when doing business       “We want to offer tourists something
     “[At the moment] we are basically                                                                                                         was about “this is my idea and my idea


                                                                                                 and give them opportunity to find                                                         that represents Brunei in an exclusive
     crawling. We will need to learn to walk                                                                                                   is correct”, Javed says. To survive the     way. We are unique in the sense that we
                                                                                                 partners to complement their strengths,
     and then walk faster,” Javed Ahmad says                                                                                                   hardships of running a business, it         sell individually wrapped kek lapis.”
                                                                                                 he says.
     on the entrepreneurship environment in                                                                                                    requires the ability to be agile and the
     Brunei, stressing the need for businesses                                                                                                 tenacity to continue experimenting.         Junjung has its eye on exporting to
                                                                                                 “One of the fallacies of a great business
     to be adaptable in the face of challenges.                                                                                                                                            overseas market, and is currently taking
                                                                                                 person is that they are combined
                                                                                                 knowledge [and expertise] in one. It          However, remaining focused is key, he       part in DARe’s Standards Consultancy
     “SMEs’ contribution to GDP in Brunei is                                                                                                   adds, citing an example of one of the       to achieve certification for international
                                                                                                 is about how to bring a winning team
     one of the lowest in ASEAN, so growth                                                                                                     world’s biggest retail giant — Amazon.      standards.
     opportunity is huge.”

     In 2015, micro, small and medium
     enterprises (MSMEs) contributed to
     38 percent of the sultanate’s GDP,                                                          Solving real world
     equivalent $8.3 billion, compared to 60
     percent in Indonesia and close to 50                                                        problems                                      “Don’t get me wrong, I think knowledge
                                                                                                                                               in finance plays a role, particularly
     percent in Singapore.                                                                                                                     coming from an accountant,” Javed says.     When Hj Loqman Al-Hakim Hj Hamdan
                                                                                                 Coming from a business background                                                         started the business back in 2016, he
     Established in 2016, DARe is a national                                                     does not guarantee success in the world       “But there are other important areas,       had less than 50 registered teachers
     SME body aimed at supporting local                                                          of entrepreneurship.                          such as knowledge in understanding          onboard. In less than three years, that
     businesses by providing training and                                                                                                      your customers, what their pain points      number has grown three-fold, with
     promoting entrepreneurial culture by                                                        What matters more is being able to            are, the problems that they need            growing demand for Al-Huffaz services,
     facilitating a conducive ecosystem.                                                         identify a problem within society and         solutions to and technical know-how.        such as tahlil recitations, an imam to
                                                                                                 offer solutions — the keystone of any                                                     lead prayers at private functions and Al-
     “Since the very start, we are constantly                                                    successful startup.                           “This is far, far more important.”          Quran tutors.
     looking to develop and improve our
     programmes and initiatives… I hope our                                                      “I have seen great innovation coming          Founder of Al-Huffaz Management,            “One of the reasons we started this is
     DARe website becomes a useful tool for                                                      from people [who have graduated in            an online platform providing Islamic        definitely to help out Islamic graduates.
     aspiring entrepreneurs and businesses                                                       fields outside of business],” Javed shares.   religious services, was quick to identify   Also, according to a survey we conducted
     to find out how they can increase their                                                                                                   two problems which he had the               there is a shortage of institutions
     competency and growth,” he tells The                                                        The misconception is that many are            solutions for: unemployed Islamic           providing reliable services, says Siti
     Scoop.                                                                                      held back because they do not have            studies graduates and the lack of           Missalina Abd Rahman, the company’s
                                                  Photo by Rudolf Portillo                       knowledge in finance.                                                                     executive administrator.
                                                                                                                                               qualified Al-Quran tutors.
The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
Access to capital
     Al-Huffaz was recipient of an interest-      “This is what we want… To give Brunei         “When I joined the Accelerate
     free loan from the LiveWIRE Brunei           businesses opportunities in other             programme, I had just made the decision
     Business Awards Start-Up Funding             countries to connect with other               to quit my full-time job and concentrate
     Scheme last year, receiving $20,000 to       businesses.”                                  on growing the business,” he shares,
     help scale its business.                                                                   adding that outside investment helped
                                                  When asked whether there are any              him grow his business in new ways.
     “I think it is extremely important if the    startups from the Accelerate programme
     public sees that home-grown businesses       that have received investor offers, he says This “give it your all” mindset, Javed
     or businesses started at incubation          there are a few but declined to go into     stresses, is important to a successful
     centres [can attract investors or receive    detail.                                     entrepreneurship journey.
     grants]. It will be a confidence boost and
     assure them that ideas do matter and         “I know for a fact, but I am not at liberty   “I don’t think business can be successful
     drive does pay,” the DARe CEO says.          to say… But, there are few businesses that    if you do it as a hobby, this is what [a lot
                                                  have received firm offers.”                   of entrepreneurs] need to address.
     Over the last two and a half years, DARe
     has seen hundreds of people go through       For Mordeny Hj Modihi, founder of
     the Accelerate Bootcamp training, with       ice-cream parlor Rumah Gelato, signing
     businesses raising more than $1 million      up for the second Accelerate Bootcamp
     in investment.                               helped him better understand how to
                                                  nab an investor.
     In January 2019, during the fourth cycle
     of the bootcamp, three top startups were     He managed to hook a local investor
     given the chance to pitch in Singapore,      through a networking opportunity
     and according to Javed, most of the          presented during his bootcamp session.
     investors were pleasantly surprised.

The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
                                                                                                                                         From 2014 - 2018



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2020 TARGET

                                                                                                                                            2014              2015              2016              2017               2018

                                                                                                                                         Taking a slice of the                                                                     Source: Brunei Tourism & Immigration Department

                                                                                                                                         China tourism market
                                                                                                                                         China has toppled Malaysia as Brunei’s      Additionally, Royal Brunei Airlines         “Our new network with a very strong
                                                                                                                                         number one source of tourist arrivals. In   in the past year alone has expanded         footprint in key tourism markets will
                                                                                                                                         the first quarter of 2018, the number of    its Chinese network, adding five            help us in delivering the 500,000

                                                                                                                                         Chinese tourists was recorded at 18,530.    destinations in 2018, with more planned     visitors to our shores by 2021, and with
     With visitor numbers seeing an average of 8%                                                                                        According to a government report,
                                                                                                                                                                                     for this year.                              it very significant economic benefit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to Brunei and the tourism industry
     annual growth, can the Chinese tourist boom                                                                                         the main reason for this “was due to
                                                                                                                                         Chinese tourists visiting for the Chinese
                                                                                                                                                                                     Its current network now services
                                                                                                                                                                                     Shanghai, Nanning, Changsa, Hangzhou,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 stakeholders,” Chand said.

                                                                                                                                         New Year celebration in February,           Hong Kong and Taipei. In an interview       However, with markedly less than
     fuel the growth of Brunei’s tourism sector?                                                                                         international sports events held in         with media last year, CEO Karam Chand       100,000 Chinese visitors annually —
                                                                                                                                         Brunei in March such as The Richard         also announced Beijing as part of its       52,000 in 2017 — Brunei is tapping into
     By Hadthiah Hazair                                                                                                                  Mille Brunei Championship and Korea         2019 list of new destinations.              just a fraction of China’s tourism market
                                                                                                                                         Ladies Professional Golf Association’s                                                  in ASEAN, which stood at 28 million
                                                                                                                                         tournament, which gained exposure in        Working closely with the Tourism            visitors in 2017.
     It was only a few years ago that tourist   Can Brunei sustain tourism as a              To make tourism a sustainable revenue
                                                                                                                                         the Far-East market”.                       Development Department, Chand said
     arrivals into Brunei surpassed the         significant contributor to its GDP and       stream, short to medium term solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                     the focus in east and north Asia is         Nevertheless, this means that there is
     200,000 mark, basically half of the        job creation?                                have already been set in place, with the
                                                                                                                                                                                     because of the forecasted commercial        room for expansion.
     population of the tiny sultanate.                                                       Far-East region being the sultanate’s
                                                                                                                                                                                     passenger traffic there where it is
                                                To put into perspective, in 2017, the        main focus for tourism marketing.
                                                                                                                                                                                     predicted to increase by 1.8 billion.
     In 2014, the total tourist arrivals into   agriculture, forestry and fishery sector
     Brunei reached nearly 201,000. This        totaled an annual revenue of $181            The increase in arrivals has been
     number jumped almost 30 percent to         million. Meanwhile, at its target of         attributed to several factors such as the
     258,955 in 2017, and as Brunei opens its   278,000 tourist arrivals, the government     introduction of a visa-on-arrival for
     gates to higher tourism numbers, the       estimates that this will rake in $140        visitors from China, the national flag
     count for 2018 and 2019 looks to surpass   million in tourism dollars.                  carrier adding more destinations in
     the national target of 278,000 arrivals.                                                the Far-East (China, Japan and Korea)
                                                With unsteady oil prices becoming the        and the enhancement of local tourism
     Globally, tourism makes up 10 percent      main push for economic diversification,      products such as the Brunei December
     of the world’s GDP, making it one of       tourism has become one of the main           Festival.
     the fastest growing sectors. However,      industries Brunei is prioritising. During
     a recent report by the World Travel &      the Legislative Council meeting last year,
     Tourism Council, indicated that to         the Ministry of Primary Resources and
     keep the growth momentum going, it         Tourism (MPRT) earmarked $3 million
     will require constant innovation and       for tourism — less than one percent of
     reinvention.                               its total $54 million budget.
The young Bruneians bringing aid to Syria - How to survive a startup: We talk to the CEO of DARe - The Scoop
     Reaching out to                                                                                                                                  Advent of downstream                              Local businesses keen to cash in on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        new wave of tourism activities are urged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     As early as the mid 1990s, Brunei has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     already identified culture, heritage and
     Korea and Japan                             TOURIST ARRIVALS                                                                                     tourism businesses                                to be adaptable.                             nature as the main attractions to be
                                                 Q1 2018 Top 5 Markets                                                                                                                                                                               promoted abroad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        According to the recent World Travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                        & Tourism Council report, to benefit         Hinging on these main attractions,
     But China isn’t the only Far-East market
                                                                                                                                                                                                        from tourism activities, companies have      recently there has been more initiatives
     Brunei is casting its sights on. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to respond quickly to new customer           to cater to visitors’ needs in order to
     November 2017, spurred by the increase
                                                                                                                                                                                                        demands and expectation by utilising         make their stay more memorable.

     in tourist arrivals from South Korea, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        data to their advantage.
     national carrier introduced twice-weekly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     As part of an ASEAN-wide project,
     flights to Incheon.                                                                                                                                                                                “For travel and tourism organisations,       Brunei was the first country to undergo a

                                                                                                                                                                                                        merely establishing presence in new          three-day course in April 2018, aimed at
     Prior to the announcement, RB had                                                                                                                                                                  markets will not suffice as it will          tailoring to the growing Chinese market
     frequently chartered flights to South                                                                                                                                                              be critical to understand the future         for travel in Southeast Asia.
     Korea, which it said received very                                                                                                                                                                 consumer,” the report concludes.
     encouraging response.

     “RB is committed to developing new
     markets… As the national carrier,                                                                                                                TOURIST ARRIVALS
     we are behind the development of
                                                                                                                                                      BY REGION
     tourism in Brunei to assist economic             5%                    7%                     11%              22%               26%                                                                                                          Far East
     diversification,” its CEO said during                                                                                                            Growth from
     the launch of its South Korea route,                                                                                                                                                               Long Haul
                                                 Singapore             Philippines            Indonesia           Malaysia            China           Q1 2017 to Q1 2018                                                                         40.5%              Australia &
     adding that these initiatives are hoped                                                                                                                                                                                                                        New Zealand
     to generate jobs by ramping up tourism      Source: Brunei Tourism & Immigration Department
                                                                                                                                                                                                        -13.3%                ASEAN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -5.1%                                    -8.4%
                                                                                                    The new destination has facilitated
                                                                                                    South Korea to become Brunei’s
                                                                                                    fastest growing tourism market, with
                                                                                                    an increase of 145 percent from 2016.
                                                                                                    From January to October 2018, official


                                                                                                    statistics show that 7,442 Korean tourists
                                                                                                    landed in Brunei.

                                                                                                    The twice-weekly Incheon flights also
                                                                                                    come as an opportune occasion to
                                                                                                    increase trade. Last year, the MPRT took
                                                                                                    the opportunity for business matching
                                                                                                    by welcoming Korean business delegates
                                                                                                    to explore investment opportunities
                                                                                                    in Brunei, especially in the areas of
                                                                                                    tourism, ICT, manufacturing and

                                                                                                    The Korea-Brunei Friendship
                                                                                                    Association has also taken no time in
                                                                                                    realising business potential, submitting
                                                                                                                                                      Source: Brunei Tourism & Immigration Department
                                                                                                    proposals for several development for the
                                                                                                    Brunei government to review.

                                                                                                    Their plans include a proposal to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Need a Ride?
                                                                                                    develop a marina at the Jerudong beach,
                                                                                                    a market and cultural centre in Kg
                                                                                                    Ayer as well as the revitalisation of the
                                                                                                    Jerudong fish market.

                                                                                                    Soon, similar opportunities may also
                                                                                                    arise with Japan as RB is slated to fly                                                                                          Download the Dart app
                                                                                                    to Narita in March, 2019. Japan has
                                                                                                    predominantly been Brunei’s biggest
                                                                                                    export market mainly for oil and gas,
                                                                                                    but there is perhaps room for increased
                                                                                                    trade diversity once the route takes off.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Taxi Car 6-seater    .
One of the areas looked into was the          Quick to catch on to this trend and the
                                                 need for Chinese-speaking tour guides.        overall industry demand, the Institute of

                                                 Kong Roatlomang, the ACC’s director           Brunei Technical Education (IBTE) has
                                                 of Education, Culture and Tourism, said       seen an uptick in the number of students
                                                 the robust development of ASEAN-China         registering for hospitality courses,
                                                 tourism means there is greater demand         reflecting the job market.
                                                 for this.
                                                                                               According to the IBTE School of
                                                 As of April 2018, Brunei has 127              Hospitality and Tourism, it receives
                                                 licensed tour guides, and this can be an      more than 500 applications a year for
                                                 opportunity for job creation, especially if   its course, despite only being able to
                                                 tourism numbers continue to grow.             accommodate 180 students per intake.

                                                 Hoteliers are also welcoming the spike        This popularity is in large part due to
     employment rate of                          in arrivals, with statistics indicating an    IBTE’s employability rate for hospitality
     hospitality graduates                       increase in occupancy rate for 2017, at       graduates, which is 81.4 percent as of
                                                 41.2 percent compared to 39.3 percent         2017 — an appealing prospect, especially
     2017                                        the previous year.                            when youth unemployment is at 28.4
                                                                                               percent nationally.

     Long-term investment needed to

                                                                                                                                             be the
     help Brunei’s tourism sector thrive
     The need for better tourism                 To help address the sporadic bus              Other tourist hotspots like Pelompong
     infrastructure has been raised time and     timings in Brunei, the government             Island — popular with divers — lack
     again — from better amenities to public     announced it will implement a new             basic amenities such as washrooms.
     transportation solutions.                   “intelligent” transport system in 2019,       Freme Travel Services’ Inbound & MICE
                                                 which will leverage on GPS technology         Division Manager, Sugurman Nair,
     After the launch of the first month-        to help make services more reliable.          said most visitors to Pelompong Island

     long Brunei December Festival in                                                          are locals and Freme is the only travel
     2017, stakeholders took note of several     But transportation is not the only            agency that brings foreign tourists there.
     shortcomings including transport issues     problem area, some of Brunei’s
     to go from event to event.                  local attractions are also in need of         “The problem [with the lack of
                                                 improvement and repair.                       amenities on Pelompong] is that it is
     “Transportation was a big issue among                                                     an open island and no one wants to be
     visitors [to the Brunei December Festival   For years the bridge in Tasek Merimbun,       responsible to construct permanent
     2017]… We are working to include            which connects Pulau Jelundong                structures.”
     this into our packages so tourists          to smaller islands, has been left in
     who stay in hotels can go easily to         disrepair. Residents there believe
     the Brunei December Festival events,”       that this is the main reason visitors
     a representative from the Brunei            have overlooked Brunei’s only ASEAN
     Association of Hotels said.                 Heritage Site.

                                                                                                                                            These ambitious youths are taking it onto
                                                                                                                                            themselves to become the change they want
                                                                                                                                            to see. Read inside to learn about their cause,
                                                                                                                                            what drives them and get inspired.
This young group of Bruneian volunteers
                                 has ventured boldly into refugee
                                 camps and disaster zones to provide
                                 humanitarian aid to those in need


                                 By Ain Bandial

                                 Among the rubble of bombed-out                They were also among the few foreigners
                                 refugee camps of northwestern Syria,          given permission to cross the border
                                 young children walk around with no            into northern Syria, accompanied by
                                 shoes in the bracing cold of a spring         the Turkish army and aid groups, to
                                 morning.                                      distribute humanitarian relief to Syrians
                                                                               displaced by the eight-year civil war.
                                 A bitter winter was coming to end
                                 for the people of Azaz, a town just 32        Azaz has been a battleground for several
                                 kilometres outside of Aleppo, most of         different actors — from ISIS and the Free
                                 them surviving without heating, clean         Syrian Army to Kurdish militants — the
                                 water or enough warm clothing.                town is highly valued as a supply route
                                                                               close to the Turkish–Syrian border,
                                 “This area is still a conflict zone, nearby   which is now controlled by the Turkish
                                 towns — even refugee camps — were             army.
                                 bombed just two weeks before we
                                 arrived,” says Rusdi Adani, a Bruneian        “When we crossed the border on the way
                                 volunteer who recently returned from          to Azaz, we were going through territory
                                 a humanitarian mission to Turkey and          that was once controlled by Daesh. There
                                 Syria.                                        were bullet holes in the buildings, some
                                                                               were bombed out — those were ‘normal’
                                 As former president of local NGO,             conditions in the villages,” says Rusdi.
                                 WeCare, Rusdi and a group of three
                                 other Bruneians and one Malaysian             “We were only allowed to stay there for a
                                 volunteer, travelled to southern Turkey       few hours, just enough time to supervise
                                 in mid-March 2018 to facilitate the           the distribution of the food packs and
                                 delivery of Bruneian-sponsored aid to         school supplies to the Syrians in the
                                 Syrian refugees.                              refugee camps.
     Photos courtesy of WeCare
When we crossed the border on
                                                                                       the way to Azaz, we were going
                                                                                       through territory that was once
                                                                                       controlled by Daesh. There were
                                                                                       bullet holes in the buildings, some
                                                                                      were bombed out — those were
     “I wish we had more time to talk to and
     interact with the people, but the security
                                                                                      ‘normal’ conditions in the villages.
     situation was not stable enough to allow
     us to stay longer.”

     At the time, there were 18 camps in
     Azaz for the tens of thousands of people                                         A sustainable
     displaced by the conflict in nearby Afrin,
     where a battle was raging between Syrian                                         humanitarian solution
     Kurds and the Turkish military for
     control of the city.                                                             Six months after their first trip to
                                                                                      Syria, WeCare carried out a second
     WeCare had partnered with a Syrian-                                              humanitarian mission to Turkey,
     led NGO based in Turkey, called Shafaq                                           supplying food baskets and winter

     Sham, to distribute more than $70,000                                            clothing for refugees in the border town    Vice-president of WeCare, Siti

     in food baskets and education packs to                                           of Kilis.                                   Nurazimah Hj Hashim, says social media
     people fleeing the conflict.                                                                                                 has been crucial in their efforts to raise
                                                                                      The Turkish ambassador to Brunei, Suat      awareness and educate Bruneians about
     More than 430 Bruneians had donated                                              Akgün, reached out to WeCare after he       humanitarian crises around the world.
     to the mission, dubbed “Untukmu Syria”                                           read about their mission on Instagram,
     (For You, Syria), which highlighted the                                          hoping to help coordinate their efforts     “We document our missions and
     huge humanitarian burden shouldered                                              with Turkish government authorities.        the distribution of aid on social
     by the countries hosting Syrian refugees,                                                                                    media, so people can see where their
     with Turkey hosting the largest number                                           “Turkey has spent US$30 billion in aid      money is going and there is a level of
     at 3.4 million.                                                                  and support for Syrian refugees since       transparency.”
                                                                                      the war started,” he tells The Scoop.
     “You think distributing the aid would be                                         “It’s not just Turkey’s domestic issue,     “There aren’t many NGOs that can be a
     a good feeling,” says Mohammad Azlin                                             it’s a humanitarian issue that goes         channel for Bruneians to give outside
     Azlani, another member of the mission.                                           beyond the Muslim world, and we need        Brunei, and we aim to be the country’s
     “But I had mixed feelings, there were too                                        international support.”                     leading humanitarian organisation.”
     many competing emotions.”

     “There was one moment when I saw
     kids playing near a truck, smiling, and
     their mother was sitting nearby looking
     at our bus full of boxes. I think she was
     hoping to get one. But unfortunately we                                   Our heartiest congratulations to the government of
     were headed back, we couldn’t stay any                             His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam
     longer because there was a war going on                                           on the country’s 35th National Day
     in Afrin.                                                                                 23rd February 2019
     “It’s hard for me to think about,” Azlin     BRUNEI DARUSSALAM’S
     says. “She had a baby there as well, about                                               The Management & Staff
     three months. I have a son who is nine
     months and I just can’t imagine how
     this baby could survive all this.”
                                                     NATIONAL DAY
WeCare was established a little over two
     years ago, in October 2016, as a collective
     of individuals who were passionate
     about carrying out humanitarian work
     for those in dire need, both in Brunei
     and abroad.

     Their first international mission in 2017
     was providing food packs to Rohingya
     refugees in Bangladesh, and in the past
     year they’ve run fundraising campaigns
     for projects in Gaza and Indonesia,
     where there was a string of natural
     disasters in 2018.

     Siti says that in 2019 WeCare wants
     to build long-term projects that will
     have a lasting impact on those they
     help, whether its rebuilding homes in
     Indonesia or setting up sustainable food
     supply chains for Syrians.

     An upcoming project aims to spotlight
     a crisis that may seem far removed
     for most Bruneians — the plight of
     over 13 million people in war-ravaged
     Yemen on the brink of starvation. The
     United Nations calls it the world’s worst
     humanitarian disaster.

     “Sometimes we get a lot of question
     about why we don’t focus on helping
     needy people in Brunei,” Siti says. “It’s

     not that we don’t — we do have local
     projects — but there are many actors in
     that space already.

     “When we work towards finding
     sustainable solutions for the people
     in these crisis situations, it helps
     promote peace in the world, and that is
     something everybody benefits from.”

                               Local fashion brand UPSYKL is out to
                               save the planet, one shirt at a time

                               By Rafidah Hamit
                               Green is the new black, going green         The fashion industry, is in fact, one of
                               that is, and at the forefront of the eco-   the biggest polluters, with recent reports
                               fashion movement in Brunei is UPSYKL        suggesting that polyester materials are
                               founder Nabilah Jeffery.                    exacerbating plastic pollution. Industry
                                                                           giants like Nike and Adidas have
                               Launched in April 2017, UPSYKL is           introduced eco-friendly options, such
                               a startup that redesigns, repurposes        as reproducing their garments from
                               and refashions old garments into new        recycled plastic bottles.
                               pieces. Implementing this strategy would
                               not only reduce fabric waste but also     According to the 25-year-old full-time
                               decrease the industry’s contribution to   social entrepreneur, when clothes
                               land and air pollution.                   are trapped within layers of garbage
                                                                         and start to decompose, it will begin
                               “The problem with the fashion industry    to produce a number of by-products
                               is that it produces a lot of fabric waste including methane, a greenhouse gas.
                               in the production system, which is just   Methane is far more potent than carbon
                               one of the many ways that fast fashion    monoxide and absorbs 20 times more
                               negatively impacts the environment,”      heat in the atmosphere which can
                               she laments.                              contribute to global warming. Nabilah
                                                                         considers this problem a design flaw.

                                                                           “I believe that if a garment or production
                                                                           contributes to a lot of waste whether to
     Photos by Hazimul Wa’ie                                               the environment or to the consumer’s
                                                                           perspective, it is a design flaw.”
The problem with the fashion

     industry is that it produces a lot                             “Back when I was in university, I would
                                                                    always go thrifting, not just for clothes
     of fabric waste… one of the many                               but also books as well as furniture at
                                                                    stores that would use the funds for noble
                                                                    causes such as Cancer Research UK or
     ways that fast fashion negatively                              the British Heart Foundation.”

     impacts the environment.                                       Influenced by the idea of giving back to
                                                                    the community at the same time, being
                                                                    eco-friendly, she started UPSYKL in
                                                                    hopes of doing the same.

                                                                    When she first kick-started UPSYKL,
                                                                    Nabilah would tell people to recycle for
     Drawing from      An active member of Projek Bina
                       Ukhwah — an NGO which aims to
                                                                    cash and was surprised to receive an
                                                                    overwhelming response.                                                  Cutting against
     inspiration       empower underprivileged families —
                       Nabilah had noticed that the most            With more than enough material, she                                     the grain
                       donated item from the public is              started looking for a designer to start
                       clothing.                                    production and seven months later, she
                                                                    engaged local designer Humaira Zakaria                                  Because upcycling is a very new
                       This realisation coupled with her love       and started work on her first collection                                concept in Brunei, Nabilah says she
                       for thrift shopping was what sparked her     — Pop-Recovered — which was launched                                    faces challenges in trying to change
                       interest to upcycle clothes and advocate     in March this 2018.                                                     perceptions.
                       for sustainable fashion.
                                                                    This was followed by the June launch                                    “It’s quite tough to shift mindsets,
                       Upcycling is the process of transforming     of the second line, the ECOEID’18                                       let alone the stigma toward pre-loved
                       by-products or unwanted products into        collection, outsourcing the work to two                                 clothes which can actually be disinfected
                       new materials or products of better          designers – Humaira Zakaria and Aisyah                                  and cleaned”, she says.
                                                                                                                Photos courtesy of UPSYKL
                       quality or for better environmental value.   Azlan.
She adds that this is particularly true
     among the older generation who tend to
     perceive them as dirty and unhygienic.

     “There are a lot of factors to consider
     when it comes to sustainable fashion.
     For us at UPSYKL, we want to encourage
     customers to buy less, choose well and
     make an impact.”

     Another challenge is the availability of
     designers with sufficient training and
     expertise in designing pre-loved clothes.

     Upcycling involves a deeper level of
     creativity to further expand the lifespan
     of pre-loved clothes, says Nabilah,
     adding that, 90 percent of the time
     it is used in re-sewing and in the
     deconstruction of clothes.

     Hence, the creative process needs a
     certain mental endurance and sewing
     skill to be able to produce upcycled
     pieces, she said.

     “There are many other challenges,
     however none is greater than the aim of
     starting UPSYKL — which is to save the
     planet one shirt at a time.”

     “I am very fortunate to be surrounded
     with talented designers and sewists who


     have helped me in raising awareness
     of green consumption in fashion,” she

     When asked about future plans, Nabilah
     said in five years’ time, she aims to
     expand her business to Singapore,
     Malaysia, Indonesia and perhaps Korea
     and Japan as an upcycling platform for
     the public.

                                                                                               Photo courtesy of UPSYKL

                                                                                                                          Stitching together a sustainable future
                                                                                                                          It doesn’t just stop at upcycling, Nabilah      The design process should include          The fashion brand is also looking to
                                                                                                                          is keen to start practicing a zero-waste        sustainability, longevity and              ramp up production by introducing a
                                                                                                                          cutting strategy in order reduce fabric         biodegradability of the products, the      basics collection which will be regularly
                                                                                                                          waste and protect the environment.              environment-conscious fashion designer     updated every month.
                                                                                                                          Inspired by her recent trip to Malaysia,                                                   “People may see it as mass producing
                                                                                                                          she explains that the zero-waste cutting        In terms of giving back, UPSYKL is         like other retail companies, but in fact,
                                        OUR HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GOVERNMENT OF                                strategy is when sewists design garments        currently in discussions with a local      we are performing mass cleaning.”
                                        HIS MAJESTY THE SULTAN AND YANG DI-PERTUAN OF BRUNEI                              with pattern pieces which generate no           NGO to empower underprivileged
                                           DARUSSALAM ON THE COUNTRY'S 35TH NATIONAL DAY
                                                                                                                          waste.                                          women in the country. “Through this        Locally, she says that she has observed a
                                                         23rd February 2019
                                                                                                                                                                          [upcoming] project, we hope to teach       growing trend and awareness to be eco-
                                                                                                                          “It is actually difficult to practice a zero-   and sharpen their skills to produce        friendly and hopes everyone can do their
                                                                                                                          waste cutting strategy, which is why not        garments. A portion of the sales will be   part to make the world a better place for
                                                   FROM THE MANAGEMENT & STAFF                                            many designers want to embrace it. It           donated towards this cause.”               the future generation.
                                                                                                                          requires creativity and a lot of thought
                                                                                                                          process goes into it,” Nabilah says.
The stage is set for the
     country’s first film school
     By Ain Bandial & Rasidah Hj Abu Bakar
                                                                                                                   “In Brunei we don’t have enough feature
     When you step into the sleek hallways of     Siti, whose first feature film, Yasmine,                         films and its a great way to share stories
     Brunei’s first filmmaking college – with     met international acclaim, released Hari                         with the rest of the world,” Siti says.
     its slick film studio, sound and editing     Minggu Yang Ke-Empat (The Fourth
     suites — it’s like being transported on to   Sunday) last year, a movie filmed on                              “I personally grew up with Malaysian
     the set of a Hollywood movie.                location in a perpindahan, with an                                black and white films, P. Ramlee movies.
                                                  entirely Bruneian cast.                                           And when I think about it, it makes me
     Mahakarya Institute of the Arts Asia                                                                           sad that we don’t have that history of
     is the brainchild of local director Siti     “I really loved the process of making of                         `filmmaking.”
     Kamaluddin and her producing partner         Hari Minggu Yang Ke-Empat because
     Munji Athirah, who both felt the             of the crew we trained. We tried as much                         “We should start and it has to start with
     country had a strong talent for content      as we could to use locals and I was                              very local stories — we need to make
     creation but lacked one key ingredient --    really impressed by their passion and                            content locals can relate to.”
     proper training in the art of filmmaking.    dedication to filmmaking,” she says.
                                                                                                                   The Mahakarya Institute wants to
                                                  For sure, Brunei has an under-developed                          nurture local talent in order to showcase
                                                  film industry, with only a few local                             Bruneian identity on the big screen, as
                                                  movies made in the past five years,                              well as create a sustainable ecosystem for
                                                  including Siti’s films and the Apa Ada                           filmmaking and creative content in the
                                                  Dengan Rina franchise.                                           sultanate.

                                                  Even fewer have been screened                                    The film school is offering a two year
                                                  internationally.                                                 Diploma of Screen and Media, which
                                                                                                                   focuses on teaching skills needed

                                                                                                                   behind-the-camera such as content
                                                                                                                   creation and production.

                                                                                                                   They partnered with TAFE Queensland
                                                                                                                   to help design the diploma programme,

               ‘We want
                                                                                                                   and to give students a chance to gain
                                                                                                                   industry experience in Australia.

              to build a
           of Bruneian                                                                       ORIGINAL

                                                                                                        brown sugar
           filmmakers’                                                                                  FRESH MILK. chewy PEARLS.

                                                                                                   +673 829 8616       TIMES SQUARE BRUNEI             LIHO BRUNEI
Finding a Bruneian screen
                                                                                             identity is much more than
                                                                                             using kedayan language or
                                                                                             shooting on location in Brunei...
                                                                                             When you watch a film it has to
                                                                                             be instantly recognisable.

                                                                                                                                               “The pool of potential in this country is
                                                                                                                                               amazing and it’s just a matter of giving
                                                                                                                                               people the opportunity, which is why we
                                                                                                                                               want to help Brunei to develop not only
                                                                                                                                               its filmmakers, but the audience as well,
                                                                                                                                               because these will always influence each

                                                                    Photo by Hazimul Wa’ie                                                     While Siti acknowledges that there are
                                                                                                                                               filmmakers who are trying to showcase
                                                                                                                                               Bruneian identity on screen, she believes

                                                                                                                                               that it is still not representative of the
                                                                                                                                               whole Bruneian experience.
     “When they graduate in two years, there    Through the film blitz we discover a
     are a number of pathways they can take.    lot of talent, says Siti, such as local                                                        “Finding a Bruneian screen identity
     One of them is to go straight ahead        comedian Babu Sinur, whose short skits                                                         is much more than using kedayan
     into the industry... or they can also      satirising Bruneian culture became                                                             language or shooting on location in
     choose to continue their education in      hugely popular on Instagram and gained                                                         Brunei... When you watch a film it has to
     Australia, where they can enter a degree   him a devoted following.                                                                       be instantly recognisable.”
     programme at partner universities,”
     says Dr Alexander J. Fischer, dean of      “When I saw him starring in one of the                     Photo courtesy of Origin Artistic   “The country has not produced enough
     Mahakarya.                                 competition entries I thought — ‘ Why                                                          content yet to establish itself uniquely,
                                                hasn’t anyone made a film for this boy?’                                                       because most Bruneians are growing
     The students in the first intake of the    He is hungry and dedicated, and has                                                            up nowadays with foreign content,
     diploma programme -- which kicks off       created this very edgy character that is                                                       Hollywood films and TV shows from
     in February -- will get the chance to work uniquely Bruneian.”                                                                            neighboring countries… There is just
     on Siti’s third feature film, a comedy                                                                                                    not enough Bruneian content for us to
     which is scheduled to begin shooting in Khai Anwar, the comedian behind the                                                               consume.”
     March.                                     turban-wearing Babu Sinur, later went
                                                on to star in Hari Minggu Yang Ke-                                                             Bu telling local stories is important to
     With the desire to drive better training   Empat.                                                                                         give voice to our shared experiences, she
     and standards in the local film industry                                                                                                  says emphatically.
     -- beyond slapstick comedy and self-       While Babu Sinur is the exception to
     indulgent action flicks -- the Mahakarya the rule, Fischer adds that most local                                                           “We want our school to become great
     team says it wants to bring forth a new    filmmakers fail to be daring enough to                                                         community for filmmakers, where it’s all
     age, where there will be more content      create content that is unique to their                                                         about education and being creative. We
     that is “undeniably Bruneian”.             experience, instead replicating what they                                                      believe in people’s ideas and stories, and
                                                see in global media.                                                                           their voices should be heard.”
     One way they hope to do that is by
     staging an annual Bruneian short film
     festival, dubbed the Brunei Film Blitz,
     which is now in its second year.
                                                                                             Photo courtesy of Mahakarya School of the Arts
                                                                                                                                          For Fanboys,
                                                                                                                                          By Fanboys

                                                                                                                                          As the shop saw its last days, there
                                                                                                                                          was an outpouring of support by loyal
                                                                                                                                          customers hoping that the decision
                                                                                                                                          would be reversed, but in the end many
                                                                                                                                          reluctantly bid farewell to the beloved
                                                                                                                                          comic book den.
                                                                                                                                          The venture was always intended to
                                                                                             END?                                         be a linchpin of the geek community;
                                                                                                                                          nurturing and sustaining comic book
                                                                                                                                          culture and giving fans access to the
                                                                                             Fanboys’ Menglait branch ceased              extraordinary worlds and characters they


                                                                                             operations at the end of May 2018 due        had come to love.
                                                                                             to issues with finances and the location
                                                                                             of the store. It was an end that was         “Eighty percent of why we do this
                                                                                             undesired but not unforeseen.                is because of the customers, the
                                                                                                                                          community,” says Khairul.
                                                                                             The shop’s co-founder, Khairul Anwar,
                                                                                             was unsure whether Fanboys would             When the owners of Fanboys were
                                                                                             reopen elsewhere, especially when he         packing up, resigned to taking some
                                                                                             was hit with the news that his business      time out from the industry, a longtime
                                                                                             partner had fallen ill.                      friend and collaborator came along with
                                                                                                                                          a proposition.

                                                                                             “It was as if everything was hinting at us
                                                                                             that we needed to close, take a breather.    “When we were winding down, Times
                                                                                             I told my partner to take the time that      Cineplex, who has always been one of
                                                                                             he needed to heal, while I closed up the     our greatest supporters, told us that they

                                                                                             shop,” says the 28-year-old. While the       could help provide a space for us, and we
                                                 On April 2 this year, the local comic       idea of a return seemed unlikely at the      thought it was perfect, especially for our
                                                 book community was devastated when          time, it was never far from his thoughts.    market,” Khairul recalls.
                                                 Brunei’s sole comic book shop, Fanboys

                                                 Infinite, announced it was shuttering its   “Everything had to go, we needed to get      But after clearing most of its stock —
                                                 Menglait store.                             rid of everything but keep the essentials:   and with one partner ill — reopening
                                                                                             the comics. If there was a day that we       in time for Hari Raya seemed beyond
                                                 It was a place that had become              were going to return, the comics are the     reach. So Khairul did what he often
                                                 synonymous with geek culture since          most important thing at Fanboys, they’re     did in a bind — he reached out to the
                                                 opening in September of 2012. Many          the lifeblood,” Khairul says.                community. His supplier shared his own
     Many thought they had closed for good.      thought that they had closed their doors
                                                 for good, so Fanboys’ recent resurrection   “After our announcement [of Fanboys’
                                                                                                                                          stock with Fanboys; customers-turned-
                                                                                                                                          friends helped out with renovations and
     But fan loyalty has brought Brunei’s only   at a small unit in the Times Cineplex
                                                 took the community by surprise, and
                                                                                             closure] we organised four Sunday sales
                                                                                             and stocks were flying off the shelves. By
                                                                                                                                          decoration of the new store — it was
                                                                                                                                          a labour of love, by individuals with a
                                                 sparked hope that there was still a place
     comic book store back from the brink.       for geek culture in the sultanate.
                                                                                             the fourth and last Sunday, all the non-
                                                                                             essentials were gone.”
                                                                                                                                          shared interest in keeping comic book
                                                                                                                                          culture alive.
     By Wardi Wasil
“We spent hours and hours almost
     everyday to fix the shop, and we had to
     do it discreetly so that it’d be a surprise.
     On opening day to see the faces of             I grew up super poor, I used to
                                                    be ashamed of admitting that
     our supporters — old and new — was
     heartwarming, it was priceless,” says

     “Our journey has always been filled            but now I’m not, because it is
                                                    a part of who I am.
     with the community’s help, whether
     they’re customers who became friends
     or friends who have been long time
     customers, Fanboys has always been a
     joint effort.”


     For Fanboys to become what it is now           “With the family struggling, it didn’t feel
     requires a certain kind of passion and         right for me to waste money on comics.
     drive, one that Khairul has nurtured           I wanted them, but I never needed them,
     since he was just a boy.                       so I would hide them in my shirt when I
                                                    got back home and put them under my
     While his love for comic book                  bed.”

     superheroes has been a constant
     throughout his life, it was not always         The ultimate sacrifice would come six
     accessible when money was in short             years later in 2011, when Khairul was
     supply. “I grew up super poor, I used to       on his way to getting a business degree
     be ashamed of admitting that but now           in Malaysia. He decided to drop out of
     I’m not, because it is a part of who I am,”    university, and that’s when the gears of
     he says.                                       Fanboys Infinite started to turn.

     “In my early teens, I would get a dollar        Just before he made his decision,
     a day for lunch money, and for the first       Khairul was recruited to work on
     three days of the week I would starve          Business Icons, a book that profiled
     myself just so that I could buy comics.        Brunei’s most successful businessmen
                                                    including the late Pehin Lau of the Hua
     “There was an old comic book shop              Ho franchise.
     across from The Mall called Bluestone,
     and at the back end of the store, they         The stories of these entrepreneurial
     would sell these really old comics for $2,     giants ignited a spark within Khairul to
     so I would buy them with the money I           open his own comic book shop.
     saved, and the third dollar I would use        “I learned that the one thing that they
     for the bus.”                                  all had in common was hard work and
                                                    ambition. None of them had a degree,
     Even though Khairul could only buy old         I just thought that I didn’t need one
     issues of comic books, it was enough to        [either]. I also got a bit frustrated
     keep him happy. But he had to keep his         academically so I thought, ‘I’m going to
     growing collection a secret.                   quit’.”

                                                    Dropping out of university was kept a
                                                    secret from his family, and when the
                                                    eventual truth came out, the family was,
                                                    understandably, not happy.

                                                                                                  Photos by Hazimul Wa’ie
“They were pissed off, so I told them I
     was going to open a comic book shop
     and they thought it was a joke, they told
     me it wasn’t going to work. But because
     of that, I thought, then I really have to
                                                                                             Our customers used to be from a
     make this work,” he says.
                                                                                             certain demographic. Usually they
     The following year — using the cash
     he earned from Business Icons as seed
     money, and with some help from the
                                                                                             would be working twenties and
     comic book community — Fanboys
     Infinite opened its doors for the first                                                 thirties, but that has changed.
     time in September 2012.

     It was the same year the first Avengers
                                                                                             I’ve seen customers of all ages
     movie came out.
                                                                                             by now, from five to 15 year olds.
     “My mum and I made a bet, she bet
     that I couldn’t sell a certain amount on
     opening day. I told her that If I beat that
                                                                                             Even 40 to 60 year olds.
     amount then they [his parents] will have
     to give me complete independence and
     trust me to make my own decisions.”

      “On opening day, I sold ten times that
                                                                                             While the geek community in the              For Fanboys, this shift has changed the
                                                                                             sultanate is still relatively small, comic   game, helping small-town stores like
                                                                                             book culture is growing and becoming         theirs survive and remain relevant, and
                                                                                             more prevalent, Khairul says.                giving hope that it can expand outside
                                                                                                                                          what was once considered a niche


                                                                                             “Our customers used to be from a             business.
                                                                                             certain demographic, usually they would
                                                                                             be working twenties and thirties, but in     “The movies really do help in moving
                                                                                             recent years, that has changed. I’ve seen    comic books off the shelves. Of course,
                                                                                             customers of all ages by now, from five to   loyal fans will still keep buying comic
                                                                                             15 year olds. Even 40 to 60 year olds.”      books regardless of any [movie] release,
                                                                                                                                          but the new readers — they’re the ones
                                                                                             From movies to television, a shift has       who will become the lifeblood of this
     THE                                           Movie franchises have played an           occurred in the entertainment industry
                                                                                             where characters and stories that were
                                                                                                                                          business, they will keep the fandom
                                                   important role in Fanboys’ evolution.
     NEXT                                          By the time the Brunei-based store
                                                   made its debut, comic books and
                                                                                             once confined to the pages of a graphic
                                                                                             novel have been given fresh life on the

     CHAPTER                                       geek culture was no longer ‘niche
                                                   entertainment’ but had become part of
                                                                                             silver screen.

                                                   mainstream pop culture.

                                                   Fanboys synchronise their stock with
                                                   the release of superhero films, always
     “It’s funny, there is a sort of symmetry      trying to capitalise on the hype that
     between the Fanboys’ journey [and             revolves around movie franchises.
     the Marvel and DC movie franchise],”          “This year, I have sold more copies of
     Khairul says.                                 The Infinity Gauntlet — the comic book
                                                   that featured Thanos’ main arc — than
     “When we first opened, the first Avengers     the previous four years I carried the
     movie came out and at the end of that         issue. It has become our best selling
     movie, they teased the appearance of          title this year.
     Thanos... By the time we closed, Thanos
     became one of the major characters for        “So while Fanboys is grateful to have a
     the third Avengers movie, so honestly,        loyal customer base, there is something
     you can trace our journey through the         to be said about the effect of these
     superheroes and science fiction movies        movies have on making people want to
     that were released over the years.”           pick up a comic book.”
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