APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing

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APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing
Page 2 • gam|mag • April 2019
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing
  What Generation Z brings to the marketplace......................................................................................................................                                     4
  Weather may actually predict illnesses.......................................................................................................................................                         4
  Customer Service: What to do when your customer lies.................................................................................................                                                 5
  Flavor of the Year is a flowery treat...............................................................................................................................................                  5
  Loudoun’s Awards go to you.............................................................................................................................................................               6
  When a company loses an employee the costs add up......................................................................................................                                               7
  What's wrong with trucking? Fatalities climb as experts debate cause....................................................................                                                              7

Your Finances
  Caution lights for the 2018 tax filer.............................................................................................................................................. 8
  How to fund your very own small business start-up.......................................................................................................... 9
  USDA loans are not just for buying farms................................................................................................................................ 9

Staying Well
  From the night shift to a good day's sleep............................................................................................................................... 10
  Have a happier marriage.................................................................................................................................................................... 10
  The Adam's apple: What it is and what it does..................................................................................................................... 11
  Don't see a chiropractor if you have these conditions...................................................................................................... 11
  The best foods for memory, problem solving, brain health.......................................................................................... 11
  Stopping migraines before they start.......................................................................................................................................... 12
  Items that put on the pounds.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
  Scientists recognize the healing power of touch.................................................................................................................. 13
  Family-friendly board games to go big into AR................................................................................................................... 13
  Health in the News................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

Of Interest
  An Easter favorite goes back to Biblical era............................................................................................................................. 14
  Is anti-virus software still relevant?.............................................................................................................................................. 14
  Easter baskets can always have less candy, more fun.......................................................................................................... 15
  A mental error that can keep you in debt................................................................................................................................. 15
  Why would you want a salt lamp?................................................................................................................................................. 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Phone: 703.450.4121
  Your gamer kid could make skills pay off................................................................................................................................. 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fax: 703.450.5311
  Insurance to buy in your 30s............................................................................................................................................................ 16                 www.gamweregood.com
  Men's fashion: Throwback watches, vests and berets......................................................................................................... 17                                              gammag@gamweregood.com
  Hydrogen cars here, but bumps in road remain................................................................................................................... 17
  Bring on those Easter egg battles................................................................................................................................................... 17                     gam|mag is our
  Earth Day: Energy technology marches on............................................................................................................................. 18                                     monthly newsletter,
  World's vast collection of salt........................................................................................................................................................... 18               combining functionality
  Travel greener this year with a few simple changes............................................................................................................. 19                                          with fresh design.
  Secret ingredient in Indian cooking............................................................................................................................................. 19
  Whoop it up on Arbor Day, April 26.......................................................................................................................................... 19                             Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ronnie Price
Senior Living                                                                                                                                                                                                 Designer
  Write your memoirs for people living 100 years from today....................................................................................... 20
  Cutting the cord...................................................................................................................................................................................... 20   Drew Paulas
  Putting your life story into print is much easier now....................................................................................................... 21                                             Copy Editor
  Many types of books tell family history.................................................................................................................................... 21                              Virginia Grant
Meet Our Gamily
  Conrad Coe, Wide Format Specialist.......................................................................................................................................... 22

Photo puzzle: Find the 10 . . . plus a few more........................................................ 23                                                                                                    Follow us @gamweregood

                                                                                                                                                           April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 3
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing

                           What Generation Z brings to the marketplace

“Success is not final
and failure is not
fatal. It is the courage
to continue that
                           B  orn between the early '90s and 2010, the
                              first waves of Generation Z are either
                              working or seeking a job now. According
                           to the consulting firm BridgeWorks, Gen Z
                           accounts for more than 60 million persons in
                                                                                  More than any other generation, it's
                                                                               indisputable that to Gen Z'ers, technology
                                                                               is a way of life. They've lived in a world of
                                                                               smartphones and free Wi-Fi for as long as
                                                                               they can remember, and nine of every 10 have
Winston Churchill,         the U.S. – already more than Gen X and two-         some digital footprint.
former British             thirds the volume of baby boomers.                     No wonder that switching among devices
Prime Minister                What do the Gen Z'ers bring to today's           comes naturally to Gen Z'ers. They may begin
                           workforce? Lots of people are speculating on        a task in the morning, work on it later on
                           that very question. According to Forbes, Gen        their smartphone, then complete it on their
                           Z'ers want to make money. They're pragmatic,        laptop after dinner while watching some TV.
                           competitive and continually refining new              Gen Zer's are profoundly entrepreneurial.
                           skills to stay relevant. Instead of working with    More than 70 percent of today's high school
                           a team, they would rather manage their own          students say they want to start a business.
                           projects to showcase their skills and abilities.
                             More Gen Z'ers are passing on college              Weather may actually
                           now and moving directly into the workplace.          predict illnesses
                           According to a Pew Research study, more
                                                                                That old saw that a change in the weather
                           than 75 percent of them didn't consider
                                                                                means a change in your health, could
                           college the only path to a strong education
                                                                                actually be true, according to a recent
                           and chose to go to work without delay.
                                                                                study by Swedish researchers. The study
                             Acknowledging their caution, focus on              found that flu outbreaks occur about a
                           security, privacy and sensible careers, Gen          week after the first cold spell of winter.
                           Z'ers begin to reflect less the brash millennials    They speculate that airborne particles
                           and more their grandparents, writes                  containing the flu virus can spread more
                           economist Neal Howe, co-author of more               easily in cold, dry weather.
                           than a dozen books about generations.
                           Page 4 • gam|mag • April 2019
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing

Customer Service: What to do when                                                           'Flavor of theYear'
your customer lies                                                                          is a flowery treat
T he customer says the pizza tastes
  bad, but the customer ate half of
  it. The shopper asks a refund for a
shirt that has clearly been worn and
worn out. The caller says the gadget he
                                                                                              Perhaps you have hibiscus in your
                                                                                            garden this year . . . but have you eaten
                                                                                            any lately? Not the flower, per se, but
                                                                                            anything hibiscus-flavored.
                                                                                               If not, you are lagging
bought was broken on arrival. It has
                                                                                            behind on a 2019 food
been six months!
                                                                                            trend. According to
                                                                                            Firmenich, the world's
    “That means treating even the                                                           largest privately owned
    unlikely complaint with respect                                                         fragrance and flavor
         and professionalism.”                                                              company, hibiscus is
                                                                                            the flavor of the year
  In small business, when you're                                                            for 2019, "based on
running close to the margin, customers                                                      the growing appeal
who want your product for free are not only annoying but also expensive.                    of florals in food and
How should you treat this situation?                                                        drink, and the trend
  Give them the benefit of the doubt, says CXService360. Small business has                 towards curiosity in
a huge investment of time and money in each customer. You generally want                    consumption." It is
to keep the customer, if there is any chance the customer is telling the truth.             natural, floral, and
Customers return to a company where they're treated with respect. Not only                  slightly tangy, according
do these customers come back but they also tell their friends, comment on                   to a press release issued
social media and discuss positive experiences with family and friends.                      by Firmenich. The company also noted
                                                                                            some "mirroring" between hibiscus and
  That means treating even the unlikely complaint with respect and
                                                                                            Pantone's Color of the Year, Living
professionalism. Agents can thank the customer for calling or showing
                                                                                            Coral. And, according to the company's
up and then point out the shirt looks well worn and make an offer that is
                                                                                            research, the worldwide use of hibiscus
somewhat less than a refund. To make this work, the agent or sales person
                                                                                            in food and beverage new product
has to be trained.
                                                                                            launches has increased nearly 300 percent
   Some customer service situations occur because the customer is angry,                    compared to 2012. Top categories: yogurt,
not about their current complaint, but about something else. Customer                       beer, tea and chocolates. It is also popular
service representatives can make polite chat about how often they shop or                   for infusing water.
use the service and whether they have had other complaints. It could be a                      Hibiscus has been used in health
learning situation.                                                                         remedies for centuries, and Firmenich said
  If the business does make an exchange or refund on an item in which the                   "recent studies show promise for both the
credibility of the customer is suspect, a record should be made. You don't have             tea and the hibiscus plant extract to lower
to keep a dishonest customer. All you have to do is keep your temper because                blood pressure and cholesterol levels."
losing it usually goes badly.                                                                  Aside from its yumminess in cold
   While some companies are terrified of bad talk on social media, remember                 drinks and in hot teas, hibiscus has savory
that while happy customers talk you up, and unhappy customers can talk you                  applications as well. Firmenich noted
down, dishonest customers pass the word around. If you are too easy, there is a             that hibiscus has been used in Mexican
slice of humanity out there who will exploit it. Some larger retailers make 100             cuisine, like traditional ceviche recipes
percent lifetime quality guarantees and they have accepted routinely dishonest              and in trends including enchiladas and
customers as a cost of business. But talk to the customer service reps and                  dried hibiscus garlic chips.
they'll tell you: the word gets around. If you aren't a giant retailer, that's a word          Hungry yet?
you may not want out there.

                                                                              April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 5
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing

                      Loudoun’s Awards go to you

“How people treat     By Amy Mugford                                    • Attract talent: We were named one of the

                      Communications Program Manager                       Best Places to Work in Loudoun by the
you is their karma;
how you react is       n the last four years, Loudoun Economic             Loudoun Business Journal. Being seen as a
yours.”                Development has brought home nearly 20              great place to work helps our department
                       awards. You may be thinking, “good job              attract prospective employees. Many
Wayne Dyer, author                                                         Loudoun companies have earned similar
and personal          patting yourself on the back, but big whoop.”
                      While these awards are a feel-good for us, they      accolades, and Loudoun is known for having
advisor                                                                    a highly skilled, highly educated, high-
                      are important for you, our business community.
                                                                           achieving workforce.
                          We apply for these awards so we can
                                                                        • Draw new business: We have been
                      showcase Loudoun as a premier place to do
                                                                          recognized as the top-performing economic
                      business. These awards allow us to:
                                                                          development organization in the world by
                      • Increase awareness: We submit to design
                                                                          the International Economic Development
                        competitions that publish in national
                                                                          Council. Businesses hear this and keep us in
                        magazines. This introduces Loudoun County
                                                                          mind for future projects, knowing we can get
                        to people with whom we wouldn’t normally
                                                                          the job done.
                        have contact. When the county’s economic
                        development department is using cutting-          The department is excited to showcase
                        edge methods, outsiders can imagine that        some of our recent projects in the coming
                        the businesses we promote may be doing          award season. I challenge you go get out there
                        even more.                                      and show the world the best of Loudoun.
                      • Get an edge up: We have won a number of          It won’t just help your business – it will help
                         awards from the Association of Marketing       Loudoun as well.
                         and Communication Professionals. This is       At Loudoun Economic Development, your business is
                         one organization where we get third-party      our business. We want to make sure Loudoun companies
                         validation that we are moving our marketing    are successful, and if your company isn’t in Loudoun
                                                                        already, we’d like to discuss how moving here can
                         and messaging in the right direction. We       contribute to your success. Call 1-800-LOUDOUN to
                         often have groups reach out to see how they    learn more about how growing your business in Loudoun
                         can apply our techniques.                      is #LoudounPossible.

                      Page 6 • gam|mag • April 2019
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing

When a company loses an employee                                                         What's wrong with trucking?
the costs add up                                                                         Fatalities climb as
E ver think about what it costs a
  company to lose an employee
  to turnover? According to Inc.
magazine, the figure in December
2018 was 33 percent of the employee’s
                                                                                         experts debate cause
                                                                                            Truck driver deaths are up and that's
                                                                                         a trend that appears on the rise. Since
                                                                                         2011, truck driver deaths have increased
salary. Far worse, a study by the                                                        25 percent. In 2017, there was a nearly
Society for Human Resource                                                               seven percent increase in deaths over the
Management reports the cost could                                                        previous year, according to the Bureau of
range to five times the annual salary                                                    Labor Statistics.
of the vacant position.                                                                     The question is
                                                                                         why now, with more
    “employees who approved of                                                           safety standards in
     their work-life balance are                                                         place than ever before?
    10 percent more likely to stay                                                       According to trucks.
                                                                                         com, truck drivers
         at their company”                                                               may be increasing
   What drives an employee to take                                                       speed because federal
another job and leave a company with                                                     rules on driving hours
such a monetary vacuum? TinyPulse,                                                       make it difficult to
a respected source in employee-engagement pulse surveys, analyzed data from              make deliveries on
more than 25,000 employees globally from January to October 2018.                        time, especially with
                                                                                         new required breaks.
Their message:                                                                           Federal regulation
  Those who disapprove of their supervisor’s or manager’s performance                    limits driving to 11
are four times as likely seek employment elsewhere. The study also revealed              hours during a 14-
that 40 percent who do not rate their supervisor’s performance highly have               hour period with a
interviewed for a new job in the last three months.                                      30-minute break at
  This response, in contrast to just 10 percent of those who rate their                  eight hours.
supervisor highly. Also, nearly 22 percent of workers who don’t feel                        Another possible
acknowledged for good work have interviewed elsewhere in the last three                  explanation is driver
months – compared to just 12.4 percent who do feel appreciated.                          distraction, a problem
  According to the report, employees who approved of their work-life balance             common in both professional and
are 10 percent more likely to stay at their company. On the other hand, if they          commuter driving. About two-thirds of
feel work is keeping them away from their family and personal priorities,                car-truck collisions are caused by drivers
they’re more likely to be looking around for a better situation.                         of passenger cars. Smart phones and
   Employees who rate their company culture poorly are 24 percent more                   texting while driving are usually cited as a
likely to leave. In fact, the research found that a company’s culture has an even        problem, according to trucks.com.
more significant impact – 24 percent – on an employee’s decision to stay or                 There is a debate whether new
leave than their benefits agreement. A slightly higher number – 26 percent –             technologies like automatic emergency
reported that a low level of respect among co-workers would make them more               braking for trucks help or hurt drivers.
likely to leave their jobs.                                                              New driver assistance technologies could
                                                                                         actually cause drivers, especially new
   Employees who feel they’re progressing in their careers with a company are
                                                                                         drivers, to pay less attention and become
20 percent more likely to stay for another year. Meanwhile, those who don’t
                                                                                         more complacent, say Federal Motor
feel support in their pursuit of professional opportunities are 300 percent more
                                                                                         Carrier Safety Administration officials.
likely to be seeking a position elsewhere.

                                                                           April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 7
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing

                        Caution lights for the 2018 tax filer

“At the end of the
day it’s not about
what you have
or what you’ve
accomplished. It’s
                        The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA)
                         may not mean reduced taxes for every
                         taxpayer, but it figures prominently for the
                        American population as a whole.
                           According to TaxAct.com and other
                                                                          offset the loss of the personal exemption. Also,
                                                                          under the new reforms, no longer can the
                                                                          taxpayer claim the $4,050 personal exemption
                                                                          for each dependent.
                                                                            Gone too are miscellaneous itemized
about who you’ve        sources, the tax rates of past years are gone.    deductions that exceed 2% of adjusted gross
lifted up, who you’ve   Almost every tax rate and bracket for each        income (AGI). Among these deductions
made better. It’s       filing status have been changed. Except for       are unreimbursed employee expenses, safe
about what you’ve       the 10% and 35% tax rates, tax changes            deposit fees, investment management fees and
given back.”            modified most bracket rates from one to four      union dues.
Denzel Washington,      percentage points.                                  Also, when previously there was no cap
American movie star        The standard deduction has been increased      on state and local income taxes, now those
                        for every filing status. Now it's $12,000 for a   expenses are limited to $10,000.
                        single person, $24,000 for married couples           Meanwhile, the Child Tax Credit increases
                        filing jointly and the surviving spouse,          from $1,000 to $2,000, plus a new $500 credit
                        $12,000 for married couples filing separately,    applies for non-child dependents.
                        and $18,000 for the head of a household.            With the repeal of the Affordable Care
                           However, the higher standard deductions        Act's mandate, no longer does a person
                        mean that fewer people can itemize                choosing to forego health care coverage in
                        deductions. This change has its pros and cons,    2019 pay tax penalties.
                        as new limits on certain itemized deductions         As for the mortgage interest deduction,
                        indicate some taxpayers will lose substantial     filers who purchased a home in 2018 can
                        amounts they could have deducted in the past.     deduct interest up to $750,000 in mortgage
                          Depending on how many people live in            debt instead of the previous $1 million.
                        the household, the increase of the standard         Also, no longer is the interest on a home-
                        deduction may or may not be sufficient to         equity loan deductible.
                        Page 8 • gam|mag • April 2019
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing

How to fund your very own small                                                          USDA loans are not
business start-up                                                                        just for buying farms
T  o start a small business, most
   entrepreneurs tap into their funds
   first, even when they also plan to
procure debt financing in the form
of a small business loan, equity
                                                                                            No, you don't have to buy a farm or
                                                                                         milk cows to qualify for a USDA loan. In
                                                                                         fact, this government-backed mortgage
                                                                                         is more available than you might think.
                                                                                            A USDA loan is typically issued
financing from angel investors, or a                                                     through a private lender and guaranteed
venture capitalist.                                                                      by the United States Department of
                                                                                         Agriculture. The idea is to provide
 “Statistics indicate that about                                                         homeownership opportunities to low
half of the investors in businesses                                                      and moderate-income households as
      are family members”                                                                well as to stimulate economic growth in
                                                                                         rural and suburban communities.
   Otherwise, virtually every lender                                                        The loans offer $0 down payments
expects the person seeking a                                                             and competitive interest rates to first-
business loan or equity investment                                                       time homebuyers. There are a number of
to make a personal financial                                                             guidelines related to credit score, income
contribution. If you don't have                                                          limits and debt ratio, as well as location
ready cash, look to your personal                                                        of the property.
assets as potential sources of startup money. These sources include real estate,            The USDA website includes a map
vehicles, retirement accounts, stocks and bonds, or any other asset that can be          where you can search areas of the country
mortgaged, sold for cash, or used for collateral.                                        and learn whether or not they are in
   According to the small business website, home equity loans are among                  eligible. Perhaps surprisingly, eligible
the most cost-effective methods for borrowing. Compared to other types                   areas can be found in every state and are
of financing, their interest rates are meager, and financial institutions are            pretty widely available; the more stringent
prepared to lend up to 80 percent of the value of a home.                                eligibility requirements are on the buyer.
   At the same time, credit cards are a familiar source of startup money for                "Eligible applicants may build,
asset-poor entrepreneurs despite the soaring rates of interest.                          rehabilitate, improve or relocate a
   The next most prevalent source of small business startup funds is family,             dwelling in an eligible rural area,"
friends, or a combination of both. This sort of small business financing often           according to the USDA website. "The
takes the form of a personal loan.                                                       program provides a 90% loan note
   Statistics indicate that about half of the investors in businesses are family         guarantee to approved lenders in order to
members, 30% are friends and neighbors, and the remaining 20% are                        reduce the risk of extending 100% loans
colleagues or strangers.                                                                 to eligible rural homebuyers."
                                                                                            The USDA provides guaranteed loans
   Of course, one of the main advantages of family and/or friend financing
                                                                                         and direct loans. With guaranteed loans,
is flexibility. Family and friends are much more likely to seek a lower rate of
                                                                                         an approved lender issues the loan,
return on their investment and wait longer to get their money back. They
                                                                                         which is backed by the USDA, while a
are less likely to require collateral and scrutinize a business plan as would a
                                                                                         direct loan is what it sounds like – it's
financial institution.
                                                                                         issued directly from the USDA and
   Even so, borrowing money from family and friends is not without its                   is aimed at low to very-low income
potential pitfalls. Loans from one or more family members to another can                 households who don't have access to
produce jealousy or resentment. Family or friends who've invested in the                 safe and sanitary housing; any subsidy
business venture may feel they have a right to make or participate in the                received is paid back when sold – or the
owner's business decisions. Even worse, if the business fails and the owner              borrower no longer lives there.
is unable to repay the money owed, his or her relationship with the family
members and/or friends may be forever impaired.

                                                                           April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 9
APRIL 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 - Graphics and Marketing

                       From the night shift to a good day's sleep

 “Think twice before
you speak, because
your words and
influence will plant
the seed of either
                       S  tarting out on the night shift can leave a
                          person with sleepless days and sluggish
                          nights but, it can get better. At the root of
                       this dilemma is the disruption of the body's
                       circadian rhythm, the natural light-dark cycle
                                                                          to sleep as long and soundly as possible.
                                                                          Eventually, strict adherence to this schedule
                                                                          creates a new circadian rhythm that enables
                                                                          the body to be alert through the night and
                                                                          sleep during the day.
success or failure     that's controlled by an internal body clock.          When it's challenging to sleep long enough
in the mind of           The most significant threat of night             to feel rested, get up and stay up. Do not go
another.”              shift work is that a continued lack of sleep       back to bed in an hour or so in an attempt to
Napoleon Hill,         diminishes reaction time, the ability to make      fall asleep again. Instead, proceed with the
American author        decisions, process and remember information,       normal daily routine. The next morning, when
                       and maintain awareness. These can cause            home from work, be sure to go to bed on time.
                       preventable errors, accidents, and injuries--        Eventually, patience will prevail. After a
                       especially in high-risk situations.                while, the body accumulates enough sleep
                         The good news is that with a few changes         debt that it will welcome a good day's sleep.
                       in the light-dark cycle and sleep schedule,
                       a person's circadian rhythm can be tailored
                       to working a night shift. When that's
                                                                            Have a happier marriage
                       accomplished, the body is naturally prepared         Here’s how to start it: Marry your best
                       to sleep during the day.                             friend. Many studies show that married
                                                                            people are happier and more satisfied with
                          The most critical phase in leaving a night
                                                                            their lives, particularly during stressful
                       shift is to minimize exposure to morning light.
                                                                            times, if they consider their spouses to be
                       Wear dark sunglasses before walking outside,
                                                                            their best friends. According to a Gallup
                       then continue to lessen as much exposure to
                                                                            World Poll, partners who consider their
                       light as possible before first going to sleep.
                                                                            spouses to be their best friends get about
                         The next step is to follow a consistent            twice as much life satisfaction from
                       program of sleep. Rather than dosing                 marriage than other people do.
                       throughout the day, schedule the best time

                       Page 10 • gam|mag • April 2019

The Adam's Apple: What it is                                                               The best foods for
and what it does                                                                           memory, problem

T  he Adam's apple is the lump of
   cartilage that protrudes from the
   throat. "Adam's apple," as described
by Merriam-Webster, is a derivative of a
Latin term that translates into English as
                                                                                           solving, brain health
                                                                                             Scientists at Johns Hopkins
                                                                                           Medicine say these key foods have
                                                                                           various brain-boosting benefits:
a pomegranate – an apple-sized fruit with                                                  1. Olive oil, green tea
red, dense flesh.                                                                              and leafy greens:
                                                                                              These antioxidant
   The Adam's apple serves no function
                                                                                              superfoods help
other than to protect the larynx from
                                                                                              fight inflammation,
injury, says MedicalNewsToday.com. Also
                                                                                              which can damage
known as the "laryngeal prominence," it
                                                                                              the brain. Before
is composed of cartilage, the muscular
connective tissue that sustains the neck
                                                                                              starts, eating them
and other parts of the body.
                                                                                              can protect brain
   More commonly known as the voice box, the larynx is located at the front                   function.
of the neck, where its vocal cords vibrate to produce the sounds of voice.                 2. Beets, tomatoes
Along with the mouth and nasal passages, it also protects the airways during                   and avocados:
swallowing. Although every person's larynx grows during puberty, the girl's                   Studies show these
doesn't increase as much as a boy's. As the larynx increases in size, it forces the           foods help ensure
Adam's apple outward. As a result, men have more prominent Adam's apples                      that your brain
than women.                                                                                   receives the blood it
   Some conditions, however, may cause swelling in a person's Adam's apple,                   needs to stay sharp.
larynx, or other areas of the neck that may indicate a more serious condition.                That promotes
Among these are laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx pharyngitis in the back                neuron growth in
of the throat), laryngeal, and thyroid cancer.                                                the area of the brain
   Treatment for an enlarged Adam's apple varies according to the cause.                      associated with
These may require such medications as antibiotics or corticosteroids. If the                  learning and memory.
diagnosis is cancerous, treatment can include surgery, radiation therapy, or               3. Nuts (especially walnuts): They work
chemotherapy.                                                                                 deep in the brain to fight amyloid
   Surgery can either reduce or enlarge an Adam's apple. Increasing the size                  plaques. When amyloid accumulates
of an Adam's apple is performed by transplanting cartilage from other areas                   beyond normal levels, its plaques kill
of the body. Reducing excess cartilage from the area around the thyroid will                  neurons while creating inflammation,
make it smaller.                                                                              which kills even more neurons.
                                                                                           4. Fish, blueberries, grapes, coffee and
  Don't see a chiropractor if you have these conditions                                        dark chocolate. These powerhouses
  About 27 million Americans see a chiropractor each year, according to                       increase the level of brain-delivered
  a National Institutes of Health report. Most people are seen for back                       neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a
  pain. You should not see a chiropractor for spinal manipulation if you                      protein that supports the growth of
  are taking blood-thinning drugs such as Warfarin. Other reasons to                          new neurons.
  avoid the chiropractor, according to the newsletter Health After 50: severe                 The scientists quoted in the AARP
  osteoporosis, cancer in bones or spine, bone infection (osteomyelitis),                  Bulletin say BDNF is like Miracle-Gro
  numbness or tingling in an arm or leg, Paget's disease, rheumatoid                       for the brain. These foods stimulate the
  arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, increased risk of stroke         release of BDNF to prompt the brain to
  and unstable spine.                                                                      make more neurons.

                                                                            April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 11

                         Stopping migraines before they start

“When I get a
headache I take
two aspirin and
keep away from
children, just like it
                         T  he violent pain of migraines, described
                            more than 2,000 years ago by the Greek
                            physician Hippocrates, can be prevented in
                         40 percent of patients. Still, only 13 percent of
                         patients use preventative drugs, according to
                                                                               otulinum toxin type A (Botox) –
                                                                              Two studies show the worth of Botox as
                                                                              effective in reducing migraine frequency.
                                                                              By injection.

says on the bottle.”     research by the Mayo Clinic. The success of
                         preventative drugs can be a matter of trial and
                                                                             Items that put on the pounds
An anonymous                                                                 A basic double hamburger can cost you
mother                   error, taking up to four weeks to decrease the
                         frequency and severity of migraines.                about 600 to 1,200 calories, depending on
                                                                             size and condiments. But that is chump
                         Here are the current therapies:                     change compared to dishes such as fried
                             ntiseizure drugs – Reduce the                  chicken and waffles from The Cheesecake
                            frequency of migraines, but are shown            Factory. This sumptuous Sunday brunch
                            to have side effects of weakened bones,          offering has crispy fried chicken strips on
                            tingling in arms and legs, mood problems,        top of Belgian waffles. These are topped
                            among others.                                    with poached eggs and a Hollandaise sauce.
                             ntidepressants – Elavil is usually             Plus, it is served with maple butter syrup.
                            prescribed for people under 65 since it          It's a diet killer at 2,580 calories. Coming
                            puts the user at risk for irregular heart        up just a tad under is Buffalo Wild Wings
                            rhythm. It has been shown to be effective        dessert nachos. A crispy flour tortilla
                            at migraine prevention plus insomnia             "sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar,
                            and depression.                                  loaded with ice cream and gooey breaded
                             lood pressure medications – Beta               cheesecake bites" topped with chocolate and
                            blockers have the best track record for          caramel sauce. It's a sugar high that packs
                            preventing migraines. ACE inhibitors are         on the pounds at 2,100 calories.
                            also used.

                         Page 12 • gam|mag • April 2019

Scientists recognize the healing
                                                                                         Health in the News
power of touch

                                                                                         Berries aid thinking
   uman touch can be a deeper form                                                          Two separate clinical studies show
   of communication than words.                                                          that berries appear to give a boost to
   Researchers say it comes from the                                                     brain power. In one study, healthy
gut. According to the Mayo Clinic Health                                                 men and women ages 60 to 75 were
Letter, healthcare providers sense that a                                                given two cups of
compassionate touch can help alleviate                                                   strawberries for 90
pain and discomfort in their patients. A                                                 days. They showed
hand on the arm may provide motivation                                                   improved scores for
toward recovery.                                                                         word recognition
                                                                                         and spatial memory.
  More formal approaches to using
                                                                                         In another study,
touch into medicine are complimentary
                                                                                         researchers showed
therapies. Some focus on manipulating
                                                                                         that older adults who
soft tissue. Most help you relax. Massage
                                                                                         ate the equivalent of
therapy manipulates the muscles, skin and
                                                                                         one cup of blueberries
tendons. Almost everyone feels better after
                                                                                         for 90 days didn't
a massage. Studies show that massage can
                                                                                         repeat themselves as
reduce anxiety, pain and fatigue.
                                                                                         often. Quoted in Tufts
  Reike is an energy therapy where the practitioner’s hands are placed on the            Health & Nutrition
recipient’s body. Different hand positions are held about two to five minutes.           Letter, Barbara Shukitt-
Recipients describe a feeling of warmth and relaxation after a session. It’s also        Hale said researchers
used to treat stress and nausea from chemotherapy.                                       speculate that the
   Everyone can use touch to comfort a person who faces an illness or who has            anthocyanins in
lost a loved one. Some people avoid touching to guard their own emotions, but            berries have certain
a simple touch on the arm or shoulder can bring benefits to both you and the             anti-inflammatory
person in grief. So go ahead, touch that grieving person’s arm. Studies show             properties that have direct effects on
that feeling isolated from others has negative health effects, like depression,          the brain. Supplements, she said, don't
cognitive decline and an increased risk of heart disease.                                appear to work. It is the combination of
                                                                                         nutrients in berries that seem to have a
  Family-friendly board games                                                            benefit.

  to go big into AR                                                                      Opioid pain relief
  Fun for the family or parties, the favorite drawing game Pictionary is
                                                                                         found to be minimal
                                                                                            In a new study, just 13 percent of
  going high tech this year. In June, Mattel is expected to introduce an
                                                                                         people who took an opioid experienced
  Augmented Reality version of the favorite game. Once, earthlings used
                                                                                         relief of low back pain. The study
  paper to draw pictures as clues for people to guess a secret word. With the
                                                                                         was reported at the American
  AR version, as you might expect, the paper is gone. Instead, players use
                                                                                         Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting.
  a wand to draw in the air and the image appears on their phone, tablet
                                                                                         The study involved 2,030 people with
  or smart TV screen. And, no, the player drawing in the air can't see what
                                                                                         low back pain. Half took opioid drugs
  they are drawing, which judging by most Pictionary games, won't make
                                                                                         but only 13 percent actually had pain
  hints any worse than they are on paper. Many AR games are already on
                                                                                         relief. Meanwhile 75 percent of the
  the market for mobile phone but this is one of the few aimed at the family/
                                                                                         opioid takers experienced all the
  party group market where being in the same room with other gamers is
                                                                                         side effects: Constipation, sleepiness,
  important. According to Cnet.com, we will soon be seeing AR versions of
                                                                                         cognitive issues, and dependence.
  Clue, The Game of Life, and others.

                                                                           April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 13

                     An Easter favorite goes back to Biblical era

“Don’t look back;
you’re not going
that way.”
Author unknown,
a favorite for
                     It's fairly easy to connect the dots on any
                      number of Easter traditions – except for how
                      a giant bunny became involved, perhaps
                     – but what about jelly beans? How did that
                     maddeningly addictive sugar capsule become
                                                                        some fame as a favorite treat of the character
                                                                        Edmund in The Lion, The Witch, and The
                                                                          And National Geographic surmises that jelly
                                                                        beans are a cross between Turkish Delight
bumper stickers      such a key player in a Christian holiday?          and Jordan almonds – putting a hard outer
and framed sayings      After Halloween, more candy is sold during      coating onto a jelly-ish candy.
                     Easter than any other holiday, according to
                     history.com, which reports that more than 16
                     billion jelly beans are made in the U.S. each
                                                                          Is anti-virus software
                     year for Easter.                                     still relevant?
                       The website posits a theory about their            Trick question. Computer viruses are not
                     place in the Easter tradition, saying that eggs      extinct. They are a vast and ever present
                     have long been associated with Easter as a           danger. The issue at hand is whether or
                     symbol of new life and Jesus' resurrection.          not stand-alone virus software is still
                     And the egg-shaped jelly bean became                 necessary. According to MakeTechEasier.
                     associated with Easter in the 1930s.                 com, the early days of computing were like
                                                                          the wild west for viruses, which often had
                        Reader's Digest says jelly beans used to be a
                                                                          no trouble spreading through email and
                     Christmas sweet until the realization that they
                                                                          downloads. Fast-forward to today, we see
                     resembled an egg shifted the focus. Christmas
                                                                          services such as Google and Microsoft's
                     is second to Easter as the most popular time
                                                                          Windows have top quality anti-virus
                     to eat them, according to the article.
                                                                          capabilities built right in. In fact, keeping
                       Jelly beans' actual origins appear to date         up-to-date frequently used services,
                     back to a Biblical-era concoction called a           especially the operating system, is often the
                     Turkish Delight. Turkish Delight is a jellylike      best way to help prevent a virus outbreak.
                     candy coated in powdered sugar and it gained

                     Page 14 • gam|mag • April 2019

Easter baskets can always have                                                               Why would you
less candy, more fun                                                                          want a salt lamp?

W    e do love our sugar, and barely
     a month goes by without some
     holiday giving us a reason to indulge
(Halloween in October, Valentine's Day
in February, Shamrock Shakes in March,
                                                                                                It sounds a little odd at first: a lamp
                                                                                              that looks like a pink or salmon-colored
                                                                                              geode and is made out of a hunk of salt.
                                                                                                 Would it make you thirsty? Would
                                                                                              your sinuses get overly dried out? Is it a
chocolate anytime).                                                                           little too new-agey?
  Easter, celebrated on April 21 this year, is                                                  Himalayan salt lamps
renowned for its potential sugar rush: from                                                   are hugely popular right
marshmallow Peeps to chocolate bunnies                                                        now, thanks in no small
and jellybeans, it can be difficult to think of                                               part to celebrity mentions
something other than candy to include in                                                      and the popularity of
those Easter baskets.
  If you are looking to eliminate or at least                                                   “Himalayan salt . . .
reduce the amount of sweets in your basket,                                                    gets its rosy hue from
here are some ideas:                                                                           trace minerals in the
Toys. There's no dearth of fun Easter-themed toys this time of year, including                 salt, like magnesium,
  plastic eggs with popular characters inside to Legos kits, nesting dolls, and               potassium and calcium”
  Crayola crayons in the shape of Easter eggs.
                                                                                              sea salt in general. The
Books. Ok, so a book isn't a chocolate bunny, but it can be super fun anyway.
                                                                                              theory with the lamps
  Choose from any number of coloring books, activity books, or even a
                                                                                              is that the salt absorbs
  rousing game of Mad Libs (surely there's an Easter edition).
                                                                                              allergens and dust in the
Gardening kit. ‘Tis the season to plant stuff! You can find cute gardening kits               home via negative ions,
  themed for Easter, or simply design your own to get started on those spring                 thereby purifying the air
  and summer flowers, herbs, or veggies.                                                      (the nasty stuff has all
Jewelry. Add some shine with sparkly earrings or bracelets, or a dazzling pair                positive ions, the thinking goes, and the
  of shades.                                                                                  lamps neutralize the charge).
Bubbles! Come on, who doesn't love blowing bubbles? Opt for traditional or                      While the detoxifying benefits of
  go for a more modern twist with scents and colors.                                          salt have a long history – or even the
Gift cards. Are the little ones not so little anymore? Or maybe you're the fun                bonuses provided by a saline flush –
  aunt or uncle who's expected to produce a little something long past the                    studies on the effectiveness of the lamps
  time it seems you should. Gift cards always work, and they don't have to cost               are hard to come by. The good news is
  you a fortune.                                                                              that you can find them everywhere and
Kites. As it happens, Easter falls in a great season for kite flying. It's an exciting        give one a try for as little as $20 or so.
  family activity.                                                                            And fans point to the calming glow of
                                                                                              the lamp as much as any other attribute.

  A mental error that can keep you in debt                                                       As for the pink and the Himalayan?
                                                                                              An article on Time.com said pink
  Maybe a little debt doesn't feel too bad, but sooner or later people ask                    Himalayan salt "is made from rock
  themselves is it too much? That's when they start comparing themselves                      crystals of salt that have been mined
  to peers. Friend A goes on a cruise twice a year. Debt doesn't seem to be                   from areas close to the Himalayas,
  an issue. Friend B doesn't make a lot of money, but is still a credit card                  often in Pakistan. It gets its rosy hue
  clothes horse. According to financial blogger Michelle Schroeder-Gardner,                   from trace minerals in the salt, like
  comparing yourself to others is false security. It makes you think debt is                  magnesium, potassium and calcium."
  normal. It also makes you think you can afford to have it.

                                                                              April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 15

                       Your gamer kid could make skills pay off

“Not having a goal
is more to be feared
than not reaching
Fortune cookie
                       W    e usually work to limit our kids' screen
                            time, but what if that time spent on video
                            games could actually earn your teen a
                       college scholarship? It's true: geeks (or are
                       they nerds?) can get sports scholarships, too.
                                                                         of fans. The Washington Post article says
                                                                         pro games are broadcast on video channels,
                                                                         including YouTube Gaming and Twitch . . .
                                                                         and even televised on ESPN and DisneyXD.
                                                                           Professional gamers can compete for multi-
wisdom                 Or in this case, esports.                         million dollar prizes, and the Washington Post
                                                                         said conservative estimates project the global
                             “Professional gamers can compete            esports market to be a $1.5 billion industry by
                               for multi-million dollar prizes”          the year 2020.

                         Esports is live video game competitions.
                       According to ESPN, varsity collegiate
                                                                          Insurance to buy in your 30s
                       esports began in 2014 when Robert Morris           Term life insurance is dirt cheap when
                       University announced a scholarship-                you're young, but it becomes dramatically
                       sponsored League of Legends team.                  more expensive the longer you wait. It's
                                                                          tempting to wait to buy life insurance until
                         Today, there is a national governing body
                                                                          you have children or a mortgage. Typically,
                       called the National Association of Collegiate
                                                                          people wait until age 30 to 35 to buy life
                       Esports (NACE) and 98 varsity programs
                                                                          insurance. People aged 25 or younger
                       across the U.S. and Canada, reports a
                                                                          usually are busy just trying to pay the bills.
                       November article in the New York Times, which
                                                                          But, there is a steep penalty for waiting. A
                       added that NACE's executive director said
                       the organization had helped to facilitate $16      30-year term policy with a $100,000 face
                       million in scholarships the previous two years.    amount is about $13-$15 per month for a
                                                                          healthy 30-year-old male. For a 40-year-
                         And according to aother story in the
                                                                          old male the premium is about $20 per
                       Washington Post's "On Parenting" section,
                                                                          month. If you wait until your 50s, when
                       there's even talk of adding esports as a
                                                                          you might have some medical issues, you
                       "demonstration sport" in the 2024 Olympics.
                                                                          might pay $70-$80 per month or more for
                         There's also a pro circuit, where players        a shorter term policy.
                       compete in front of hundreds or thousands

                       Page 16 • gam|mag • April 2019

Men's fashion: Throwback watches,                                                       Bring on those
vests and berets                                                                        Easter egg battles
H  arnesses, fanny packs, puffer coats, and
   berets . . . welcome to Men's Fashion
   2019, as envisioned by some of the top
trend-setters and observers in the business.
    First, the harnesses. They've popped
                                                                                           Sure, it sounds a little messy, and
                                                                                        it can be, but egg knocking is also a
                                                                                        completely family-friendly game played
                                                                                        at Easter in Louisiana.
                                                                                           Also known as egg tapping, egg
up on some notable celebrities, though                                                  boxing, or paquing after the French
it's unclear how best to describe these                                                 word for Easter, Paques, egg knocking
statement pieces. As a recent article in                                                is a competition in which two players
the Wall Street Journal pointed out, even                                               line up and strike two hard-boiled (and
fashion guru Luis Vuitton described one                                                 dyed) eggs together, point to point.
as an "embroidered bib" and another as                                                  Whichever egg cracks first is out,
a "cut-away vest." The Wall Street Journal                                              and the winner moves on to the next
article, noting the look, questioned whether                                            opponent.
they are supposed to represent bedazzled
                                                                                           These egg battles have a long tradition
gun holsters, sparkly black lederhosen or
                                                                                        among Louisiana families, though a
perhaps toddler reins for adults.
                                                                                        story in Deep South magazine says the
  Thankfully, other trends are a bit more normal, albeit still unique. Fanny            game has its origins in Europe, where
packs re-emerged from the 1990s last year and are still going strong, while             the Greeks have a tradition of dueling
a Vogue article on men's street style pointed to a beret comeback, as well as           eggs. That same article recounts a
animal prints for men, smaller puffer jackets – is that an oxymoron? – and              humorous story about two families in
more flare on pants (bye-bye, skinny jeans?). A GQ UK article pointed to                the small town of Ville Platte, Louisiana,
short-shorts, hiking sandals and suits worn with no shirts. And don't forget            who would compete each year, with one
the handbag. Yes gentlemen, a handbag. Every fashion article worth its salt             family arriving in flatbed trucks with
mentioned handbags as well as cross-body bags and shoulder bags.                        a live band and the other arriving via
  Meanwhile, Pinterest tracks trends that appear to apply to actual people              school bus while chanting, "We will, we
rather than models on runways. And according to Pinterest, 2019 trends                  will Paques you" all the way.
include light-wash denim, throwback wristwatches, corduroy (searches were                  Competitors have their time-tested
up 509 percent), scarves and quarter socks. So whatever your style, 2019                methods to produce a winner, with one
promises to be varied, unique and fun as always.                                        popular technique calling for eggs to
                                                                                        be boiled points-down to ensure no air
  Hydrogen cars here, but bumps in road remain                                          pockets. Others claim that boiling eggs
  With 5,000 hydrogen-powered cars on the road today, providers are                     in coffee grounds makes them stronger,
  still trying to fill in some technical potholes. But the hope of clean,               according to Deep South magazine. And
  direct energy for personal transportation still thrives. Sandia National              some folks got a little crazy and would
  Laboratories has teamed up with First Element, the largest American                   even smash eggs side to side – which
  hydrogen retailer, to work on software models that will help refueling                appears to break with tradition entirely.
  stations switch to liquid hydrogen. Hydrogen would be a good way to fuel                 Some towns even hold competitions.
  cars since its only emission is water vapor. It's also abundant. But in the           In Marksville, Louisiana, there is egg
  gaseous state, hydrogen isn't very dense and not much can be kept on site.            knocking on the courthouse square,
  Liquid nitrogen could be pumped just like gasoline and even transported               while Cottonport, Louisiana, has an
  in a similar way. It would fit current gasoline models and could make more            "Egg Pocking on the Bayou Easter
  pumping stations feasible. Software models will address storage concerns              Festival" on Easter Sunday that features
  for liquid hydrogen, which must be kept at -423 degrees F. This makes                 a 5k road race, festival with vendors and
  leaks an issue since liquid hydrogen freezes the air when it escapes.                 canoe races.

                                                                         April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 17

                     Earth Day: Energy technology marches on

“Stay hungry and
Darren Huston,
president and CEO
of Priceline Group
                     E arth has just so much space and you gotta
                       figure that at some point we'll run out of
                       things, like petroleum.
                        BP says proven reserves will last 53.3
                     years. But that doesn't mean the grandkids be
                                                                          that it is possible to reach temperatures
                                                                          required for nuclear fusion, says New Atlas.
                                                                         • Spherical wind turbines. A turbine shaped
                                                                          like a crooked ball. It's designed to dangle
                                                                          off skyscrapers and use wind blowing in any
                     sheltering against rocks. Proven reserves are        direction, using rotating energy to generate
                     the stuff that's easy to get and already known.      electricity. People living in high rises could
                     But there are all kinds of oil fields, from shale    generate their own electricity.
                     fields to those that are hard to get at but not     • Bio-electric. They probably won't fly
                     impossible to do so.                                 an airplane, but could little patches of
                       Plus estimates are historically wrong. Oil         mushrooms power your house? A New
                     was supposed to run out in 1970, 1995, 2013          Jersey technical group took an ordinary
                     and 2015. Predictions for 2015 had it that           mushroom, attached graphene nanoribbons
                     there would be a 10 million barrel per day           of ink to it and produced electricity. The idea
                     shortfall in 2015. Instead in 2018 there was a       is that arrangements of bacteria could one
                     two-three million barrel per day surplus.            day do bioluminescent lighting.
                        New reserves are being found and new
                     technologies have emerged to make oil                 World's vast collection of salt
                     production clean and economical, according            The oceans contain vast amounts of salt.
                     to JTC Energy Research Associates, LLC.               According to sciencescore.com, the
                     Some say for 1,000 years. Maybe that's true or        saltiest ocean is the Atlantic. Oceans at
                     maybe that's false. In the meantime, there are        the poles are the least salty. But there is so
                     lots of new energy initiatives.                       much salt that if we managed to dry up all
                     • Fusion. Clean, limitless energy from nuclear       the water in the oceans, the seabeds would
                      fusion is possible, thanks to China, whose           be covered by a pile of salt as tall as a 12
                      Experimental Advanced Superconducting                story building! In fact, if you could gather
                      Tokamak in 2018 reached a core plasma                all the salt you could build a wall around
                      temperature of 100 million degrees celsius,          the equator a mile wide and 180 miles tall.
                      hotter than the sun. The landmark proves

                     Page 18 • gam|mag • April 2019

Travel greener this year with a                                                          Whoop it up on
few simple changes                                                                       Arbor Day, April 26
J ust as our most well-intentioned dieting
  plans can be derailed when traveling so,
  too, can our Going Green intentions. In
the scramble to prepare for vacation, we
can sometimes forget about the little things
                                                                                             Perhaps you thought Arbor Day was an
                                                                                         austere kind of a day devoted to all things
                                                                                         serious about trees. And to a large extent,
                                                                                         it is. But did you know Arbor Day is also
                                                                                         a great time to party with trees? Here are
that add up. But with a little planning, we                                              two projects for family and friends:
can bring our eco-friendly selves along for
the trip. And what better month to think                                                 Make a tree famous
about it than April, with Earth Day and                                                     Find a majestic tree in
Arbor Day to cheer us on?                                                                your town and make it
                                                                                         famous – or at least try.
Here are some tips to make your                                                          The best way is to make
vacation a little greener:                                                               an official submission to
  Pack a water bottle. Most airports have                                                AmericanForests.org,
water bottle filling stations located near                                               which keeps a database
restrooms, so you needn't worry about                                                    of fantastically large
what to do after you're forced to dump out                                               trees by state. The rules
the bottle prior to heading through the security line. Along those same lines,           require you to measure
bring cloth napkins and reusable straws. They're easy to slip into your suitcase         the height and width of
or purse and not only provide an alternative to plastic straws and paper                 a tree, its crown spread
napkins, but add a touch of class to any meal. You can also consider packing             and find the 'points.'
utensils. And, remember your reusable bags. They take up hardly any room in              This can be done with a
your luggage, and you'll feel good about bringing back souvenirs and the like            100-foot tape measure
in your handy-dandy reusable bag rather than a handful of plastic bags.                  and yard stick, believe it
  You can forego having the hotel sheets and towels changed daily, though you            or not. This measuring
can still have your bed made up. And treat your hotel room like you would                technique, described on the site, would
your house, remembering to turn lights off when you leave and adjusting the              be a good trigonometry lesson for high
thermostat at night and during the day when you head out.                                schoolers. Short cut: You can also use
   Eat local. Half the fun of visiting a new place is checking out what's popular        a smartphone these days to make the
with the locals – so why not extend that to restaurants that source food locally         calculations with apps like Theodolite.
or shops that do the same? It'll make exploring even more fun. Mix and match             Your tree publicity efforts will also
clothes. This works great with clothing and fits into a greener lifestyle because        require you to take photos, get a GPS
you become better at limiting items. And when traveling, you can do the same             location, and find the scientific and
– choose tops and bottoms that are interchangeable and that you love. You                common name of the species. Your state's
don't need to stuff your luggage to bring enough clothes you love!                       natural resources department usually has
                                                                                         a database of big area trees. You could
    Secret ingredient in Indian cooking                                                  also try submitting your tree there.

    Savory cakes and snacks in traditional Indian dishes often contain an                Plan a Seedling Party
    unusual ingredient: Eno. According to the Wall Street Journal, Eno is                   Head out to a wooded area or any place
    actually made for the treatment of heartburn and is marketed in India as             that needs trees, and plant some 6- to
    a antacid that conforms to traditional medicine. Eno is mainly sodium                12-inch seedlings. To make it fun, give
    bicarbonate (baking soda) and citric acid. Instead of baking soda, Indian            away some Arbor Day swag (available
    cooks frequently use Eno. Baking soda alone, they claim, sometimes turns             at arborday.org): Bracelets (green,
    dishes an unsavory red color, especially in the batter for dhokla, a spicy           naturally), "Plant Trees" buttons, stickers,
    and spongy snack.                                                                    water bottles, mugs, hats and other items.

                                                                          April 2019 • gam|mag • Page 19
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