Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation

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Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018
            F O U N D AT I O N ’ S
            BI-ANNUAL REVIEW

            S p ri n g 2 0 1 8 Vo l . 1 8
            Editor: Eva Christensen



Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                                                                           Mannkal's Mission
      Ron’s Report                                        3
                                                                            We are a private, not-for-profit
      Andrew’s Angle                                      5
                                                                   organisation. We promote free enterprise,
      Mannkal’s Special Opportunities		                   6
                                                                        limited government and individual
                                                                    intiative for the benefit of all Australians.
      Alumni: Where Are They Now?		                    7-8
                                                                       Our flagship activity is our Leadership
      Advisory Council, Ambassadors & Donors              9
                                                                    Development Program, which provides
      Scholars’ Articles                               11-17          scholarships for Western Australian
                                                                   university students to attend conferences
      Your Application: The Inside Scoop                 18
                                                                       and volunteer at think tanks, both
      Host Think Tanks                                   19             domestically and internationally.

      Events: The Year in Review                     20-25

      Essay Competition Review                          26                Who is Ron Manners?
      Events: The Year Ahead                             27      Ron Manners is the Managing Director of the
                                                                 Mannwest Group, the Emeritus Chairman of
      Mannkal Scholarship Timeline                      28
                                                                 the Australian Mining Hall of Fame Ltd, and is
                                                                 a member of the Advisory Council for the Atlas
                                                                 Network, Washington, DC.

                                                                 Ron was born in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
                                                                 As a fourth-generation prospector, he studied
                                                                 electrical engineering at the Kalgoorlie School
                                                                 of Mines before he assumed management
                                                                 of the family mining/engineering business,
                                                                 W.G. Manners & Co. (originally established in
                                                                 1895) in 1955. He expanded and diversified the
                                                                 company which has evolved to become the
                                                                 Mannwest Group.

                                                                 Between 1972 and 1995 Ron floated several
                                                                 Australian listed mining companies before
                                                                 joining the board of a Canadian company
                                                                 with operations in Mexico, Brazil and Turkey.
                                                                 In addition to his mining interests, Ron has
                                                                 pursued an interest in economic education,
                                                                 establishing the Mannkal Economic Education
                                                                 Foundation in 1997. Ron is also the author and
                                                                 editor of numerous books and articles.

                                     Mannkal Volunteers and Staff
      Trustee Board Members                         Executive Director                     Media & Communications
                                                    Andrew Pickford                        Coordinator
      Ron Manners
                                                                                           Eva Christensen
      Lyndon Rowe                                   Executive Assistant
                                                    Judy Carroll                           Web and IT Consultant
      Jenny Manners
                                                                                           Matthew Lock
      Bill Stacey                                   Scholarships Manager
                                                    Kate Wagstaff                          Research Assistant
      Andrew Pickford
                                                                                           Bayley Novakovic
      David Stevens                                 Scholarships Coordinator
                                                    Sharni Cutajar
      Neil Fearis

Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

John Hyde retires from the
Mannkal board...

               hen John Hyde speaks, we should

     I have learned that lesson over my many
years of friendship with John.
     On two occasions, when I was living in
Kalgoorlie, John phoned with brief suggestions
that I visit Perth to meet a significant person.
     He simply said, “Manners, you should be
in Perth next week, as there is someone here
who I would like you to meet.”
     He never mentioned who, but I responded
positively on both occasions and it gave me
the opportunity to have lunch with two very
significant individuals.
     On one occasion this was the noted British
historian and author, Paul Johnson.
     On the other occasion it was Lord Peter
Bauer with whom, a year later, I spent several
weeks in Moscow and St. Petersburg. We
were joint participants in Russia’s Transition to             John set a standard by which politicians should
Freedom Seminar, organised in 1990 by the Cato            be measured.
Institute.                                                    In the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, John, with a
     During John’s nine years in Federal politics he      small band (approx. 10 in number) called the
was an intellectual giant amongst pygmies and             ‘Dries’, became alarmed at the way government
one of the few who recognised                                                 policies almost always resulted
Australia’s dangerous drift toward                                            in impoverishing further the
diminishing freedoms.
     I recall the late Justice George     “When John                          Australian public. They set about
                                                                              to devise ways of reversing that
Sutherland once saying…                                                       trend.
     “For the saddest epitaph which
can be carved in memory of a
                                          Hyde speaks,                            They orchestrated a range
                                                                              of policies to revitalise Australia
vanished freedom is that it was lost
because its possessors failed to
                                           we should                          but were astonished at how their
                                                                              own party, the Liberal Party,
stretch forth a saving hand, while
there was still time.”                       listen.”                         treated these ideas. The ideas
                                                                              were treated the same way that
     What an appropriate theme to                                             the human body treats strange
connect with John Hyde. Those who know John               proteins; it rejected them.
appreciate how he has devoted many years of                   This agenda was ready-made and awaiting the
his life to doing just that, “stretching forth a saving   Australian Labor Party (ALP) when they were swept
hand while there was still time.”                         to power in 1983. The ALP claimed these policies
     If you want to discover the real character of a      as a momentary alternative to their full-frontal
man, just ignore what he says about himself and           socialism.
look instead at his dealings with other people.               The details are well documented in John’s book
     The same is true of governments; ignore              “DRY: In Defence of Economic Freedom.”
what their extensive and expensive propaganda                 American author Lew Rockwell wrote a similar
departments say about themselves, and judge               book from the U.S. point of view – “Speaking of
them instead on how they deal with their own              Liberty” – and in describing his book, he also
people. Do they steal from some and give it to            accurately describes John’s book:
others? Do they indulge in such acts that would be                 “What possible difference can another
illegal for individuals?                                      book make? Why should anyone care about
Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

           the message of one book as compared with                In short, because of John Hyde, I enjoyed a
           its many millions of competitors? It comes          ‘golden age’ in Australia’s economic prosperity.
           down to this.                                           I would like to see future generations of
               Though there is an astounding proliferation     Australians enjoy these same opportunities.
           of words in our time, there is a drastic shortage       That simple goal is one of my main motivators.
           of something that is essential to the survival          Now, as John leaves our Mannkal Board, after
           of civilization: defences of property against       being there from the first day, 21 years ago, he
           its ubiquitous enemies and its main enemy,          leaves us with three important gifts:
           the State. Core principles contain within them          • His friendship;
           the power to slice through billions of other            • His residual wisdom;
           words based on trivia and fallacy. Though we            • His book DRY: In Defence of Economic
           are out-numbered and out-gunned on every            Freedom as an inspiration of how good policy can
           front, we believe in the power of ideas to make     revive a stagnant economy.
           a difference. This is why we libertarians write.”       Our challenge at Mannkal is to take on the task
           John Hyde has made a difference, by bringing        of developing fresh, courageous young minds
      ideas to the threshold of people’s consciousness,        who will take up the challenge of reinvigorating
      with his book, with his 550 newspaper articles, but,     our nation and guiding its path to as yet untapped
      more importantly, with his consistency in putting        potential.
      principle before politics.                                   We wish John and Helen many more years of
           I am personally aware of the very real outcomes     happiness together and assure them that their
      of John’s reformist zeal. The outcomes arrived, in       spirit of reforms will become contagious in future
      the midst of my business career.                         generations of young Western Australians.
           Coming out of decades of economic stagnation,
      suddenly, to use the sailing ship analogy, Australia’s
      sails were filled with wind and we accelerated at
      full speed.
           I was a beneficiary of these great years, so am
      personally grateful to John, and equally sad to see      Ron Manners
      Australia, again, stuck in the doldrums!                 Chairman

          Lyndon is a professional company director with
          governance and executive experience in a range
          of industries including energy, airports, economic
          regulation and de-regulation, superannuation
          funds, education and employer organisations.

          Lyndon’s career has involved either overseeing
          the merger of existing organisations or the
          creation of new organisations. Examples of
          this include as full-time Chairman of the newly
          created Electricity Generation and Retail
          Corporation T/A Synergy; as the inaugural
          Executive Chairman of Western Australia’s new
          Economic Regulation Authority; as an inaugural
          director overseeing the establishment of the
          superannuation fund Westscheme (now merged
          with AustralianSuper) and as the inaugural CEO
          of the, then new, Chamber of Commerce and
          Industry of Western Australia (CCI).

          May 8th, 2018

Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                                                         to the local level. Neither will there be an explanation
                                                         that a spike in prices is not a market failure, but instead
                                                         is a signal to both producers and consumers. Very few
                                                         politicians will talk about the benefit of risk and risk-
                                                         taking, even if there are negative consequences.
                                                                 The implications for a desire for stability in
                                                         markets, government provision of goods and services,
                                                         and cartel-like arrangements in key sectors of the
                                                         economy should be clear. It results in lower economic
                                                         growth, higher prices than in a more competitive
                                                         economy and a larger tax burden for present and
                                                         future generations.
                                                                 Those favouring liberty need to find better
                                                         ways to communicate the trade-offs from spending
                                                         taxpayer money on NBN and NDIS. No one is against
                                                         faster internet or helping people who are disabled.
                                                         However, if you expect the government to do this
                                                         effectively or efficiently, at best you are naive and
                                                         idealist. At worst you favour bureaucrats making
                                                         decisions that should be left to individuals and
                                                         corporations. Venezuela is an example where the

                                                         state dominates decision making and the economy.
                                                                 While those favouring economic freedom
             roponents of liberty in Australia will find made great strides in the 1980s and 1990s, the high-
2019 challenging.                                        water mark has passed. We are now in retreat and
        A resurgent and increasingly leftist Australian there has been a return of big government and utopian
Labour Party will likely run a federal electoral schemes. Marxist language has been replaced by
campaign where large government projects are calls to be green and sustainable. These advocates,
framed as the best possible solutions to apparent referred to as ‘watermelons’ by their opponents,
problems. Debates over the suitability of government now dominate the cultural institutions and are active
involvement will give way to                                                 politically through groups such as
arguments over the level of support
or so-called taxpayer “investment”.
                                           “By   understanding               GetUp! and trade unions.
                                                                                    What is to be done? Emulating
        Problems with the National            how individuals                the tactics and approach is not
Broadband Network (NBN) and
the hidden liability for taxpayers
                                                 and groups                  the answer. Mannkal believes that
                                                                             young, budding Western Australia
should be ample evidence of what              have restrained                leaders will find new methods and
can happen when government is
involved in delivering goods and government in other liberal and libertarian ideas while
                                                                             strategies from drawing on classical
services. Older readers note the countries, they will be interning in free market think-tanks
common thread between mandated
slow NBN speeds and the dismal            able to apply these across                 the world. By understanding
                                                                             how individuals and groups have
Telecom fixed line telephony
                                         insights to Australia.” restrained government in other
                                                                             countries, they will be able to
        Beyond the NBN, even well-meaning schemes apply these insights to Australia. While 2019 may be
such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme challenging for those favouring liberty, there will be
(NDIS) threaten to consume ever larger parts of the a growing voice of young leaders who are fighting
federal budget. Not only does this centralisation of against big government.
services undermine traditional forms of community
and faith-based support groups, but it also causes
inefficiencies and creates a culture of dependency on
government to address personal problems.
        What will our political parties promise to the
electorate to win votes this time? It certainly won’t be Andrew Pickford
a call for resilience and or devolving decision-making Executive Director

Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

         Mannkal’s Special Opportunities
       Australia’s Busiest Person Donates Her Most Precious
                 Asset - Time - To Mannkal Scholars

     Standing, from left: Sharni Cutajar, Ben McDonald, James Walker, Eva Christensen, Gina Rinehart, Ron Manners, Mason Tufilli, Tej Patel, Nick
          Marsh, John McMahon, Connor Lane. Seated, from left: Herman Toh, Llew Cross, Elizabeth Powley, Emma Watson, Olivia Maso.

       These fortunate Mannkal Scholars enjoyed the opportunity of spending a full afternoon
       with Mrs Gina Rinehart as she shared her experiences covering her wide spread of interests.
       Mining, cattle, agriculture, exports, private vs public companies, regulatory impediments to
       the nation’s future and philanthropy were among the topics of the wide-ranging discussions.

       The Mannkal Scholars’ one-on-one discussions with Mrs Rinehart were of immense help
       with their future career choices. It was a remarkable afternoon and an incredible opportunity
       to share the thoughts of one of Australia’s most extraordinary and inspirational business

                                                         Apply Now!
                                 Applications are now open for 2019 Mid-Year opportunities.
               To apply, please submit your resume and cover letter to Scholarships Manager, Kate
           Wagstaff at Our multi-step application process involves getting
                to know you through interviews, essays and reports, seminars and other events.
                                                 Don’t delay - get in touch with us today!
                   For more information and instructions on how to apply, visit

Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

         Our Alumni: Where Are They Now?

   Hannah Pham [2016]                                  progression, Sally retains a keen interest in free
                                                       market economics and that interest is something
                     Hannah was awarded a              she will always foster, along with her involvement
                 Mannkal Scholarship to intern         with Mannkal.
                 with the Institute of Economic
                 Affairs in London at the end of
                 2016. She subsequently went
                 on to complete her Economics
                 Honours at the University of
Western Australia, where she was also an research
assistant, focusing on development economics in
the labour market.
   Since graduating in late 2017, Hannah has
been working as an administrative assistant at The
Wealth Designers, a boutique financial advisory
company in Perth.
                                                               Sally campaining - “I love low taxes”

                                                          Connor Lane [2016]
                                                                              Connor is a graduate
                                                                          of the Curtin University of
                                                                          Technology, where he has
                                                                          completed a Bachelor of
                                                                          Commerece, with a major
                                                                          in Finance and minor in
                                                                              Connor      travelled   to
                                                                          London to intern at CapX on a
                                                       Mannkal Scholarship. CapX is a libertarian online
         Hannah during her IEA internship
                                                       news portal, housed within the Centre for Policy
   Sally Hatter [2016]                                     After completing his internship, Connor was
                     Since      completing      her    fortunate to meet Mrs Gina Rinehart at a special
                  Mannkal scholarship at the Tax       Mannkal gathering. As a result, Connor secured a
                  Payers’ Union in Wellington, New     role in the Commercial Contracts team at Roy Hill,
                  Zealand, Sally was also awarded a    where he has been employed since May 2018.
                  Mannkal scholarship to complete
                  an Economics research project at
                  the University of Notre Dame..
    Whilst completing this project alongside her
law degree she has worked part time for the
Terrace Initative, a management consulting firm.
Sally has found passion for change management
consulting and is excited to commence full time
work when she graduates.
    Sally has had the opportunity to work on many
different projects and has been exposed to large
scale mining and rail projects in Western Australia.
A particularly interesting project that Sally has
worked on is the implementation of driverless
trains at RioTinto. Whilst focussing on her career                  With the Iron Lady at CPS

Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                 Our Alumni: Where Are They Now?

          Tej Patel [2017]                                     James Walker [2017]
                            Tej Patel is a former Mannkal                        Since his internship at the
                        Scholar from Curtin University.                      Centre for Policy Studies in
                        In May 2017, Tej was selected                        London, James has completed
                        to attend the prestigious Mont                       a 10-week internship in Westpac
                        Pelerin Society Conference                           Institutional Bank’s leveraged
                        in Seoul, along with six                             finance team. After this internship
                        other Mannkal Scholars. Tej                          James completed an advanced
      subsequently travelled to Atlanta, Georgia to         certificate in valuation at New York University’s
      intern with FEE. Throughout his internship, Tej       Stern School of Business, a course tutored by
      assisted with FEE’s online content and strategic      legendary finance academic Aswath Damodaran.
          Tej graduated just before embarking on his
      Mannkal journey and he returned to Perth to
      commence his career in investment banking. Tej
      is now an analyst at both BlueMount Capital and
      Ocean Reach Advisory.

                                                                  First day at the Centre for Policy Studies

                                                            James has also begun working part time at
                                                            Australian Venture Consultants, a management
                                                            consulting firm working with ASX 100, government
                                                            and multinational clients. In September of 2018,
                                                            James travelled to the Canary Islands to attend
       Out for lunch with FEE President, Lawrence E. Reed   the Mont Pelerin Society General Meeting, thanks
                                                            to the kind nomination of Ron Manners. He joined
                                                            four other Mannkal Scholars to spend the week
          Elizabeth Powley [2016]                           immersing themselves into the world of free
                            During the 2016/17 intake,      market economics.
                        Liz interned at the Institute for
                        Democracy and Economic
                        Affairs   (IDEAS)    in    Kuala
                        Lumpur. Upon her return, she
                        was fortunate enough to be
                        an Economics Intern at the
                        Chamber of Commerce and
      Industry WA; and says one of the highlights of
      her time at CCIWA was publishing the quarterly
      “Consumer Confidence Survey”.
         At the end of 2017, Liz graduated from the
      University of Western Australia, with a Bachelor
      of Commerce majoring in Economics and Law
      & Society. Since then, Liz has been working as
      a Procurement Administrator at Rio Tinto, with
      tasks ranging from drafting contract variations to
      analysing trends in the labour market.                                At Petronas Towers

Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                                Advisory Council

        Sarah Basden           Riyad Hammad        Luke McGrath              Hannah Berdal
          (London)                 (Dubai)            (USA)                    (London)

      Felicity Karageorge      Jessica Pendal     Naomi Brockwell              Emma Dyce
            (Sydney)               (Perth)            (USA)                      (Perth)

       Steven Schwartz          Mac Nichols       Yuliya Tychkivska          Brad Walmsley
           (Sydney)               (Perth)             (Ukraine)                 (Geneva)

         Sofie O’Mara           Emma Crisp         Benjamin Marks           Ashley Klingenberg
            (USA)                (Sydney)             (Sydney)                  (Canberra)

Mannkal thanks and acknowledges its Ambassadors, who each contribute to our running costs.
We couldn’t do what we do without them.
Mr Rafe Champion Ms Juel Briggs             Mrs Sally Jones        Mr Dick Lester
Mr Bill Stacey           Mr Ross Cable          Mr Geoff McNeil            Mr Russell Lester
Mr Gavin Bunning         Mr Jock Clough         Mr Toby Nichols
                                                                           Mr Bill Hassell
Mr David Reed            Dr Ross Fardon         Mr Maurice Rousset
Mr Bob Berven            Mr Dinny Grimwood      Mr Peter Sansom            Mr Jim Keough
Mr Colin Agnew           Mr Doug Hall           Prof George Kailis         Mr Jack Williamson
 Mannkal thanks its Donors who contribute vital funds to sponsor student opportunities.

  Mrs Gina Rinehart		       Mr Willy Packer		    Mr Peter Iancov		          Mr Ron Manners

Musings Mannkal's - BI-ANNUAL REVIEW - Mannkal Economic Education Foundation
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                                                                         London Scholars Camille Cross and Cian Hussey in
                                                                                     Westminster (July 2018)

     Madrid Scholar, Emma Watson, out for dinner with her                 Talisien Nexus Scholar, Joshua Morgan, with former
colleagues at the Fundacion el para al avanche de la Libertad in      presidential candidate, Gary Johnson and Mannkal alumnus
                      Madrid (July 2018)                                Phil Hancock at FreedomFest in Las Vegas (July 2018)


   Hong Kong Scholar, Michaela Gartz (right), with fellow
    students of the Asia Institute for Polictical Economy

  10 London   Scholar, Cian Hussey, crossing Abbey Road            US Scholar, Gianni Rifici, on his first day at the Foundation for
                          (July 2018)                               Economic Education (FEE), in Atlanta, Georgia (June 2018)
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

     Mannkal Scholars Abroad
Mannkal internships at our partner host think tanks run twice a year: in the mid-year and end-of-
year university breaks. Our Scholars write weekly blogs which you can read on our website and
by the end of their internships they also write a professional report detailing their experiences
- you can read them all on the following pages!

Centre for Policy Studies – London
Cian Hussey        - BArts, Politics and International Relations (Notre Dame)

                                       mostly on policy research, with      a capable member of staff able to
                                       a particular focus on welfare        comprehend complex policies and
                                       programs and the tax burden          discuss their implications. While
                                       on small and medium-sized            this was, at times, a daunting task,
                                       businesses. This proved to be        the research team were there to
                                       extremely rewarding work; I was      guide and support me in my role.
                                       required to undertake thorough            Over the course of my
                                       and unbiased research into past      internship, I further developed
                                       and current government policies      my ability to think critically about
                                       and proposals to determine their     arguments        and    discussions,
                                       intentions and outcomes. My          quickly noticing the contradictions
                                       tasks were not only to research      and inconsistencies to be found
                                       the facts and present them for       in many government policies and
                                     someone else to interpret, I was       their justifications. My experience
    This year, I was lucky enough    also given the opportunity to          at the CPS allowed me to develop
to be given the opportunity to       express the merits and drawbacks       a greater sense of independence
live and work in London for seven    of particular policies and present     as I researched various topics and
weeks as a Mannkal Scholar.          a case for why they may not have       sifted through analyses and cases
Working at the Centre for Policy     worked as intended.                    both for and against different
Studies – a think tank established        This is one of the benefits       interpretations.
by Margaret Thatcher and Sir Keith   of the scholarship I was offered            One highlight of my trip was
Joseph in 1974 – was an incredibly   through Mannkal; I didn’t spend        the fast-paced and inspiring
rewarding experience where I was     my days making coffees and             environment of Westminster. I
able to work alongside a high-       running errands, I was treated as      often walked past the Palace of
calibre research team to explore
policy settings around the
world, with a focus on the
United Kingdom. While my
working days were mainly filled
with research, my evenings
and weekends were used to
explore London and other
places in England, along with
a weekend getaway to France.
    After spending a year and
a half studying politics and the
various ideologies, aims, and
challenges that come with
the political process, Mannkal
offered me the opportunity to
put this learning into action.
My time at the Centre for
Policy Studies was spent                                     First day at the office

Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

      Westminster, where the British            day, there was plenty to keep me
      parliament sits, on my way to             up and out of an evening. I spent          It is not only an insight that I’ve
      and from work, and many a lunch           weeknights going to the theatre,       come home with, however. The
      hour were spent sitting in Victoria       listening to bands in jazz clubs and   think tanks which Mannkal sends
      Tower Gardens in the shadows              hanging out with fellow interns at     Scholars to provide more than this.
      of the Palace. Being so close to          local pubs and markets.                The CPS aims to combine both
      the political epicentre of England             This is what made the             theory and practice to develop
      provided a wonderful environment          internship experience so fulfilling    policies which are influential
      to work in, especially considering        for me. To be given the opportunity    in government, along with
      the number of MPs who contribute          to spend a number of weeks             communicating these policies to
      to CPS reports and the impact that        not only working on meaningful         the body politic in an effective,
      many reports have had on shaping          policy, but also exploring one         engaging way.
      current government debate and             of the most exciting cities in the         Interning at the CPS has
      policy.                                   world. The Mannkal program             allowed me to develop the skills
          Exploring the different parts of      offers a truly unique and rewarding    I need to also be an effective
      London and the wider country are          internship experience, partnering      communicator. If I were to
      some of my favoured memories.             with think tanks the world over to     summarise the skills, they would
      My trips to Liverpool, Lincoln,           give Western Australian students       be thorough research, effective
      Paris, and Fontainebleau were             an insight into policy and its real-   reporting, and engaging outreach.
      wonderful; I was able to catch up         world implications, allowing us        I believe that these skills will
      with family and get out of bustling       to return home to actively work        greatly assist me in my studies
      London for a time. Not that London        towards the promotion of liberty       and career, and it is the work of
      is lacking in things to do! While         with a sound understanding of          the Mannkal team and their fruitful
      the work kept me busy during the          what that entails.                     program I have to thank for this.

       The Institute of Economic Affairs – London
       Nick Todd - Juris Doctor (UWA)
                                                  demonstrably appropriate venue       academics that have researched
                                                  for me to hone in on the ideas of    at the IEA and now have a plaque
                                                  liberty during what is a crucial     on the wall. To know that you will
                                                  time for libertarianism. Walking     be researching within the same
                                                  past the Palace of Westminster       think tank as people like Milton
                                                  on my way to work was a              Friedman and Friedrich Hayek
                                                  formidable reminder of how           is awe inspiring. It is even more
                                                  important Western Civilization       special to be introduced to other
                                                  and individual liberty has been to   notable people in the current free
                                                  the flourishing of society. It was   market thought sphere. One of the
                                                  in these moments that I realised     highlights of my trip in fact was
                                                  the gravity and opportunity of my    meeting Nobel Laureate Vernon
                                                  Mannkal scholarship. The ability     Smith just before he made a
                                                  to be in London and immerse          speech at an IEA Luncheon. The
              “You find no man, at all            myself in the multitude of ideas     significance of researchers, past
          intellectual, who is willing to       that swirled around the city was       and present at the IEA creates
          leave London. No, Sir, when           an opportunity that honestly could     such a rare work environment, one
          a man is tired of London,             not be grasped anywhere else in        that is truly only accessible for a
          he is tired of life; for there is     the world.                             Perth university student through
          in London all that life can                The magic of London certainly     the generosity of Ron Manners.
          afford.”                              did not stop as I walked through the        Having to live up to the
          – Samuel Johnson                      doors of the Institute for Economic    grandeur of the IEA’s significant
          As I boarded my departing             Affairs each morning. The iconic       history is no problem for the
      flight on a beautiful Saturday            golden letterbox bearing the think     current staff that are working
      afternoon in London I could think         tank’s name in bold black letters      and researching there. Despite
      of no truer words to be spoken            caught my eye each day. After          coming from almost literally the
      about the city where I had just           entering the building, you almost      other side of the world I instantly
      spent the last 5 weeks. It is full        immediately notice a myriad of         felt at home and at ease with the
      of spirit, of humanity, history           past outstanding thinkers and          lovely people around the office.
      and culture. It was therefore a
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                                                                                     hope to remain in contact with
                                                                                     over the years to come.
                                                                                          A Mannkal scholarship
                                                                                     provides you with the unique
                                                                                     opportunity to work and think
                                                                                     about economic ideas at think
                                                                                     takes on almost any continent
                                                                                     in the world. Even when you’re
                                                                                     not at work, there are always
                                                                                     new and exiting experiences
                                                                                     to be involved in. I took every
                                                                                     opportunity I could in my
                                                                                     spare time to explore London.
                                                                                     In many of these instances
                                                                                     the friends I had made at
                                                                                     work helped unlocked these
                                                                                     experiences for me. For
                     Visiting the University College of London                       example, I found myself being
                                                                                     given an exclusive tour of the
This really goes from the top right     some from India, others from the             Palace of Westminster as
through the organisation. The           European mainland, from America         well as being able to enjoy a cold
senior researcher who helped            and the UK. This in itself made the     beer on the Palace’s delightful
me with my report was a quick           internship experience even more         terrace overlooking the Thames.
witted and interesting fellow who       valuable as I could constantly          A Mannkal scholarship really is a
was incredibly easy to talk to. The     and quite casually engage in            once-in-a-lifetime      opportunity,
person in charge of managing the        sometimes       heated      debates     it is unique and immeasurably
interns was also great, often finding   over libertarian ideas which has        valuable, the scholarship truly is a
the perfect balance between             expanded my thinking. At the end        well-rounded opportunity for self-
having a laugh and getting things       of the day have expanded my             improvement.
done. The interns themselves            network by making more friends,
were excellent to be around. They       both professional and otherwise,
came from all corners of the earth,     in my time at the IEA. Friends that I

Foundation for Economic Education - Atlanta
Gianni Rifici - BComm, Finance and Economics (UWA)
                                          the pledge of allegiance. There is    of FEE, took the other interns and
                                          also a feeling of free enterprise     I for a trip down to Newnan after
                                          and development in Atlanta            the fourth of July. He showed us
                                          that is not felt as much in Perth.    the town courthouse and told
                                          For example, there are dozens         us about the history of the Civil
                                          of urban ride-share services          War in Newnan. Newnan was a
                                          including electric scooters and       hospital town during the war which
                                          bikes that are not prevalent at       helped confederate and union
                                          home.                                 soldiers alike. This is one of the
                                              The        United      States     reasons why Newnan was spared
                                          demonstration of national pride       destruction, even though Atlanta
                                          was epitomised for me on the          and other surrounding towns were
                                          fourth of July. I celebrated          destroyed after the war.
    The      cultural   differences       Independence Day with the other            The following week I attended
between The United States and           interns on the Chattahoochee            the FreedomFest conference in
Australia were visible quite quickly    river. The river water is fed from      Las Vegas. The conference had
after I arrived in Atlanta. I met       the Blue Ridge mountains. The           influential speakers like Charlie
people with concealed weapons           water is really cold but it was a       Kirk and Larry Elder. Topics of
permits and I saw fireworks for sales   refreshing relief from the Georgian     discussion at the conference
in shops. I found paper pamphlets       Summer heat.                            ranged from identity politics, the
of the constitution and posters of          Lawrence Reed, the president        2020 election, and even diet and

Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

      education.                                Lawrence Reed’s Real Heroes.         Oklahoma, Alabama, and Ohio. I
           In the next week Larry invited            This week I also had the        feel like some of the conversations
      Tyler, Jorge and I for a trip down        opportunity to visit Moss Pawn       about their respective states and
      to Ellijay. It was great timing as I      and Gun store, which is the home     histories taught me as much as my
      had spent the last month in either        of the Iraq Veteran 8888 YouTube     academic experiences in the office
      Atlanta or Las Vegas. Both are big        channel. I went and met some of      did. I learned about how different
      cities with congested traffic and         the cast of the channel and they     states interact, and the particular
      lots of people. Ellijay is a peaceful     let me take a picture with some      state systems of government. I
      country town though. We went              interesting firearms. We discussed   learned about this because some
      and visited the Amicalola falls and       the importance of the second         of the other interns have worked
      climbed all the way to the top,           amendment and the relevant           on political campaigns in their
      where we found an amazing view            contemporary challenges facing       states.
      of the North Georgia mountains.           the United States Constitution.           I believe that the relationships
           The next weekend Tyler and                These     experiences    have   I have formed with some of the
      I worked at a home-schooling              taught me a lot but the most         other libertarians in the office are
      conference representing FEE.              influential    element    of    my   what have been the most valuable
      We gave information to parents            internship has been the people I     part of this experience. Building
      about FEE’s online courses and            have met. I met Jorge Jraissati, a   those networks and incorporating
      our publishing partners. We also          Venezuelan political activist. The   that personal element has made
      gave away prizes to the kids and          other interns were interesting to    me excited to see what they and I
      distributed libertarian literature—       meet too because we could all        will achieve in the future.
      particularly copies of Leonard            talk about home—some came
      Read’s famous essay, I, Pencil, and       from Spain, others interstate from

       Taliesin Nexus - Los Angeles
       Joshua Morgan - Postgrad Diploma in Web Comm. (Murdoch)
                                                  Indie movie screening, attended surreal, fantastic moments that
                                                  a wild political protest, witnessed change our course. And I think we
                                                  a wheelchair theft and pitched take our stories and look at great
                                                  a surreal crime story to the guy movies, art, music and novels
                                                  who wrote Liar Liar, who in turn from that perspective.
                                                  roasted me for my description of           When I look at my journey
                                                  the story as “surreal”.                toward becoming a Mannkal
                                                      Through my experiences, Scholar it both makes sense to
                                                  I have gained perspective on me and it does not. When I was
                                                  the realities of the film business in my bedroom, just a university
                                                  and the clash between art and student editing little libertarian
                                                  product, the toxicity of partisan idea-based videos and getting
                                                  politics,    the
           There has been no greater              necessity
      crossroad in my 22 years than             for      diversity
      becoming a Mannkal Scholar,               in thought of
      flying to America and interning at        opinion across
      a Hollywood production company.           all fields and
           It has been a unique and life-       what it truly
      altering experience to intern at          means to find a
      libertarian production company            great story.
      Taliesin Nexus and be in the                  Ever ything
      thriving iconic city of Los Angeles.      in life can be
           In my time here, I have surfed       looked at as
      Malibu beach, shot at a gun               a great story.
      range, spent a week in Vegas              Our lives will
      at the Libertarian conference             have peaks and
      FreedomFest, co-organised an              valleys, great
                                                changes       and               Checking out the local street art in LA

Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

my friends to voice and co-write        look. I hardly think it should matter    film-viewing, I have come to have
them, to barely any views, I could      what your political persuasion           a better grasp on what it means to
never have known what would             is; what should matter is that we        tell the story of liberty, and how
lead from this interest in ideas of     foster a fully open discourse,           storytelling is crafted and the
liberty. Looking back also, I can       maintain diversity of thought and        immense value it brings. Ideas
see how this hunger for ideas that      to challenge rather than silencing       are so powerful, but sometimes
dissented from the establishment        ideas we disagree with.                  people turn their ears off and refuse
thought that dominates education,            One of the other biggest            to listen, they are blinded by their
media and the court of public           detriments to this politically-          own side and the perceptions of
discourse – did, in fact, lead me       fuelled American culture is the fall     politics as being good versus bad.
to the Mannkal seminars: where          of comedy! You cannot watch a            Great stories are like capturing
engaging ideas and those who            late-night comedy show without           ideas and presenting them in a
care to explore them unite. And         a serious, drab analysis of “what        unique, awe-inspiring way. I do
what a great union this has turned      Trump did today”. It is a sad decline    not know where the line between
out to be.                              from Carson to Colbert after all the     art and product it - maybe it is all
    We hear a lot about U.S politics,   great 1970s talk show hosts where        subjective.
but I feel you have to be there to      the likes of Johnny Carson and                This journey has been an
truly understand the viciousness        Dick Cavett created fascinating          absolute thrill, and I have Mannkal
of partisan left or right politics.     discussions and fun, hour-long           to thank for this experience. I am
People truly view things as good        escapes from the day-to-day              not sure where the road will lead
vs evil, and very few can take a        grind. Our modern talk show hosts        from here, but storytelling abroad
middle ground position – even           merely share the same left-wing          in America was a fantastic way to
my admittance of not being left         politics and the same Trump jokes.       start.
or right but being libertarian got           Anyhow, at the Taliesin Nexus
me the occasional eye-roll or odd       office through script-reading and

Adam Smith Institute - London
Camille Cross - BComm, Human Resource Management (Notre Dame)
                                           but manage to cover many              to ensure their safety and security
                                           areas of politics and lifestyle       in the villa. In traditional political
                                           economics tax reform and much         theory, this applies to countries.
                                           more. I was able to learn and         States increase their security
                                           write about all different areas, my   by increasing military power. In
                                           favourites bring, the economics       this situation, both countries are
                                           of Love Island (a reality TV show),   unsure if the other is increasing
                                           plastic straws and paid organ         their security. To combat this
                                           and blood donations.                  potential threat, they increase their
                                               When researching my first         own. This then heightens tensions
                                           article, the economics of Love        between the nations even though
                                           Island, I was introduced to a         neither     country       particularly
                                           concept I had not heard of, the       wanted it.
     I had the experience of a             Security Dilemma. This is shown            I had not given much thought
lifetime working at the Adam            on Love Island when the boys             into plastic straws, but after the
Smith Institute (ASI), living in        were forced to move to another           plastic bag ban in Australia, it
London and travelling around the        villa, Casa Amor, filled with six new    will surely become next step as
English countryside. I have been        girls. While the original boys were      shown by the UK which banned
able to gain experience writing,        away, another six new boys were          plastic bags in 2012. The majority
editing and organising while also       sent to the original villa to tempt      of the waste found in the ocean
learning the day to day aspects         the remaining females.                   actually comes from 10 rivers
of the running of a think tank in             All islanders face the problem     mainly in Asia but also in Africa
Westminster.                            that their partner might recouple        which have millions of people
     The ASI is a great office to go    and leave them single before they        living among them. Knowing that
to in London for a comprehensive        are reunited. Individuals end up         Australian and British plastic bags
view on Libertarianism and free         recoupling with new partners even        and straws don’t make it into
markets. They are a smaller office      if neither of them actually desired it   the ocean made me realise that

Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

      we are actually hurting the
      environment further through
      the production and emissions
      released through the creation
      of these products. On another
      note, more than half of the
      plastic that is found in the
      ocean isn’t actually household
      waste or single-use plastics
      from individuals. More than half
      of the debris found is actually
      commercial waste including
      fishing nets, ropes, lines.
           Another area that sparked
      my interest while in London
      was the idea of commodifying
      blood and organ donations.
      This all started when I looked                                    Outside the ASI office
      into nudging where England
      wants to follow suit with Wales           interns in London as well as some       architecture and parks.
      and introduce an opt-out system.          friends from back home who                  I decided to spend my last
      When I think of blood donations I         happened to be there. We had            weekend visiting the one and
      think of the advertisement saying         some great times with all three         only Windsor Castle where Prince
      1 in 3 Australians will need blood        of us heading to the THINK!, the        Harry and Megan Markle recently
      at some point in their life but only      conference run by the IEA and a         got married. This was a great
      1 in 30 Australian donate. This           trip to the famous Portobello Road      experience to stand exactly where
      statistic is quite scary when you         markets. As time was running out        they stood and also compare it
      consider that at least one person         at the end, I managed to spend a        to Buckingham Palace and other
      in every family will need blood at        day in Bath which has a fascinating     royal landmarks and buildings.
      one point. Australia and Brazil and       history from the Roman empire to            This opportunity has helped
      some of the counties that have            when it was a Georgian metropolis       me in so many ways and opened
      an outright ban on paid blood,            that rivalled London. Looking           lots of different doors. I cannot
      plasma and organ donations.               back at Bath from the hillside          thank Mannkal and the ASI
           I had great fun on the               you can actually see the periods        enough.
      weekends with my fellow Mannkal           of economic downturn in the

       Fundación para al Avance de la Libertad - Madrid
       Emma Watson - Bachelor of Law and Commerce (Notre Dame)
                                                  economic class; we are the            explore libertarian ideas, form
                                                  spokesman for all classes,            networks, attend a conference,
                                                  for all the public; we strive to      gain experience working in
                                                  see all of these groups united,       another country, immerse myself
                                                  hand in hand, in opposition to        in another culture, expand my
                                                  the plundering and privileged         ideas, and develop myself
                                                  minority that constitutes the rules   professionally and personally.
                                                  of the State.”                        Fundalib staff welcomed me into
                                                      - Murray Rothbard                 their homes and gave me my own
                                                      I was extremely fortunate         Spanish libertarian family!
                                                  to be the first student to intern         No day was the same at
                                                  at Fundación para el Avance           Fundalib, whether it was discussing
                                                  de la Libertad (Fundalib) in          libertarian ideas over lunch or
         “We libertarians are not the             Madrid Spain. My six weeks as         dinner, writing papers or exploring
      spokesman for any ethnicity or            a Mannkal Scholar was perfect           the countryside the libertarian
                                                as the internship allowed me to         way - it was always exhilarating!
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                                                                                 comfort zone. I talked to lots
                                                                                 of professionals who were
                                                                                 mostly non-native English
                                                                                 speakers and experienced
                                                                                 the importance of non-verbal
                                                                                 cues in communication. Since
                                                                                 returning to Western Australia
                                                                                 I sometimes catch myself
                                                                                 gesticulating strongly as I make
                                                                                 some point in a discussion!
                                                                                          My     internship    at
                                                                                 Fundalib allowed me to grow
                                                                                 intellectually and personally.
                                                                                 For the first time I had the
                                                                                 opportunity to work as an
                                                                                 author. I co-wrote the World
                                                                                 Index of Moral Freedom 2018
                                                                                 published by Freedom Press
                         Overlooking the capital of Spain                        and wrote a paper on Western
                                                                                 Australian secession, which is
Fundalib allowed me to see             was able to experience other parts
                                                                             being published later. I certainly
that libertarian ideas can make        of Spain including Toledo, Castile-
                                                                             developed my thought on different
significant change in countries        La-Mancha, El Escorial, Segovia,
                                                                             aspects of libertarianism and built
around the world that are fighting     San Ildefonso, Ayllon, Maderuelo,
                                                                             my confidence in expressing my
for freedom. I experienced real        Riaza, Salamanca, Avila and
                                                                             views in this area.
advocacy, developed my ideas,          Aranjuez. Viewing these places
                                                                                 I would not have been able
engaged in rallies, and discussed      from a libertarian perspective
                                                                             to undertake the internship at
thoughts        with      prominent    enabled me to look beyond the
                                                                             Fundalib without the generosity
libertarians who have lived in         tourist surface and see the role
                                                                             of Ron Manners and the support
different countries and have seen      that people and events from the
                                                                             and patience of the Mannkal
how important these ideas are to       near and distant past are playing
                                                                             team. Being a Mannkal Scholar
human flourishing.                     in today’s Spain.
                                                                             has enabled me to develop my
    Fundalib allowed me to mature           Being a Mannkal Scholar has
                                                                             thinking and my professional style.
as a writer, fostering my ideas and    enabled me to meet so many
                                                                             I have been able to access a range
developing my writing style. My        people that have formed by views
                                                                             of opportunities that have inspired
internship challenged my ideas         as a libertarian and allowed me to
                                                                             me and challenged me and
both intellectually and morally. I     grow as an individual. I had many
                                                                             helped me achieve some of my
was exposed to a different way         immersive experiences where I
                                                                             desires for my future. I am forever
of thinking, a different culture and   met and networked with a range of
                                                                             grateful to Ron and the team for
a different political atmosphere.      libertarians from Spain and across
                                                                             the time and energy they have
This experience allowed me to          Europe and forged connections
                                                                             given me.
become independent from the            that would not have been possible
                                                                                 After my internship experience
constraints of university opinions     without this internship. I vastly
                                                                             with Mannkal I am able to take on
and enabled me to tackle new           improved my communication
thinkings, cultures and lifestyles.    and interpersonal skills and
    As well as exploring Madrid I      was compelled to get out of my

            Visit to read the Scholars’ weekly blogs!


                    Applications are now open for our 2019 Mid-Year Internships.

Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

               - the inside scoop
                   Mannkal’s Scholarship
                   manager, Kate
                   Wagstaff, on how
                   to succesfully apply
                   for conference
                   and internship

          “H        ow can I improve my
      chances of receiving a scholarship?”  may
                                                These skills
           As Scholarships Manager at obvious           and
      Mannkal, I hear this question all the generic. In fact                  of professions in Perth, around
      time. The bad news? There is no they are essential and, surprisingly Australia and all over the world.
      easy answer. The good news is that often, absent during the initial Industries        include          economics,
      the skills and attributes necessary application stages. Happily, these investment banking, government,
      for a scholarship are also exactly basic attributes are easily learned, business, policy, finance, law,
      those most keenly sought after in and will help students succeed consulting and media.
      “the real world” by employers. The in any context; effectively leading      To see our students grow
      even better news is that, through the a group assignment, proceeding and flourish, to see them placed
      Mannkal Leadership Development through a job application process, in amazing jobs with highly
      Program, students can develop all earning the respect of colleagues, competitive companies, to see
      these skills that will set them up                                        a stage full of proud, smiling
      for real life success.                                                    Mannkal faces, to have parents
           When I am asked this
                                              “Understanding         how        hug me and tell me that their
                                                                                children have transformed into
      question, my answer is always,          to think critically and           adults – this is the true reward for
      annoyingly, “What do you think
      you can do?” Clearly this is not         independently, and               the Mannkal team, and we know
                                                                                that we are well on our way to
      what students hope to hear.
      However, understanding how to developing an awareness achieving our goals of developing
      think critically and independently, of one’s own shortcomings Australia’s future leaders.
      and developing an awareness of
      one’s own shortcomings - as well      - as well as assets - are
      as assets - are crucial qualities for
      success in professional and social       crucial qualities for                   Our graduate
           To offset my irritating answer,  success in professional                placements include:
      there are a few key pointers that
      savvy scholarship applicants                         and                                Australia:
                                                                                        The Wealth Designers
      should note:                           social environments.”                      The Terrace Initiative
                                                                                                          City of Vincent
          - Use your best manners, always.                                                      Chamber of Commerce & Industry
          People notice;                           impressing managers, achieving                     ACIL Allen Consulting
          - Desire to expand your mind and         a promotion, establishing a strong             Australia Venture Consultants
                                                                                                  The Liberal Democratic Party
          question conventional wisdom;            professional reputation, launching a                      WA Super
          - Pay attention. Make notes. Follow      business… and of course attaining a                       South32
          instructions. Arrive early;              Mannkal scholarship!                                  Sansom Capital
                                                                                                   Phillip Morris International
          - Before you speak or act, consider          Students who realise that what                         Roy Hill
          the effect. Aim to create a positive     they learn through their Mannkal
          impression during every interaction;     experience translates to a larger,                        Global:
                                                                                             Latham & Watkins LLP, London & Dubai
          - Never, ever, miss a deadline. Be       global context have a substantial             Cato Institute, Washington DC
          respectful of other people’s time;       advantage over their peers. Our        Competitive Enterprise Institute, Washington DC
          - Learn how to accept criticism          successful interns are those who              Adam Smith Institute, London
                                                                                           Various investment companies, Hong Kong
          graciously and turn it into a positive   take these lessons to heart and
          experience;                              work hard to develop themselves.                     And many more!
          - Be your sincere self. People can       Mannkal has helped place high-
          detect if you are being disingenuous.    achieving graduates in a wide range
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

  Where in the World Do You Want to
The Mannkal Economic Education Foundation is looking for students to intern at a
range of internationally recognised research foundations and think tanks. All internships
are financially supported through the Mannkal Leadership Development Program and
open to all enthusiastic university students. Opportunities are now open for the 2019
                                    mid-year break.

                Some of the opportunities on offer…

Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                                                                                    The Mannkal team with Tom Switzer
                                                                                             (March 2018)

         Loic Munso and Christian Bien in Jakarta                                         Mannkal Scholars visiting the
              for the 2018 Asia Liberty Forum                                              Parliament of Queensland


 Prof Werner Soontiens, Andrew Pickford, Ron Manners and Dr Mike
Nahan MLA at our Freedom to Choose Conference at the University of
                     Notre Dame (June 2018)

                                                                     Australian Libertarian Society’s Executive Director, Stuart Hatch, with
Mannkal Scholar, Callum Hudson, with the IPA’s Renee Gorman at the
                                                                               Mannkal Scholarships Manager, Kate Wagstaff at
       2019 ALS Friedman Conference, Sydney (May 2018)
                                                                              the ALS Friedman Conference, Sydney (May 2018)
Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

                             Freedom to Choose 2018
                  Mannkal and the University of Notre Dame analyse resource taxes
           Now in its 8th year, our annual Freedom to Choose Conference is held in partnership
           with the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle. On Friday, 29th June, more than 85 people
           convened at the old ‘Fremantle Hotel’ building to hear about Australia’s resource taxation
           woes and related government failures. We welcomed more than 65 students from all five
           universities in Perth, who got to network with the speakers, academics, politicians and
           business leaders. We look forward to our next Freedom to Choose conference, to be held
           in October 2019.

      Mannkal’s Andrew Pickford opening the day’s procedings              Callum Hufdon, Arka Chanda and Matthew Newbound

                                                          Paul Kelly
                                             “Lessons from the Rudd-Gillard failed
                                                     mining tax project”

                                                            J.J. Pincus
                                           “If they really are rents, why not tax them
                                                             at 100%?”

                                                            Henry Ergas
                                                       “Rents and democracy”
                                                                                                 Hannah Pham and Llew Cross
    Lyndon Rowe and Doug Hall                            David Gilchrist
                                               “Accounting for taxes: public sector
                                                reporting and the accountability

                                                          Peter Hartley
                                             “Virtual resource taxes: regulation and
                                                 subsidy in the energy industry”

                                                                                               John Gray, Kate Wagstaff and Carl
Patrick Leclezio and Werner Soontiens                                                                      Schelling

Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

      Scholarship Snapshots ‘17-’18
      Have a look at some of our most memorable Scholarship opportunities! In the last 12
      months, we have sent over 230 students on conferences and internships around the

        Held in conjunction with the Institute of Public            The Sun Rises in the West II
        Affairs (IPA), our Western Civilisation Conference          24 November 2017, Perth
        was a day full of riveting presentations and
        discussions. The stellar lineup of speakers
        included Silicon Valley entrepreneur, John
        Chisholm, and Australian academic superstars,
        Prof Wolfgang Kasper, Dr Bella D’Abrera, Rev
        Peter Kurti and Dr Jennifer Oriel.

        With over 120 attendants, including university
        and high school students, it was a fantastic
        celebration of our Christian-Judeo origins and
        why Australia has succeeded where many other
        new nations have failed.

        This was the second instalment of our Western
        Civilisation conference series - stay tuned for the
        next event!                                                 Prof Wolfgang Kasper, Dr Bella D’Abrera and Rev Peter Kurti

        Asia Liberty Forum                                          Atlas Network’s 2018 Asia Liberty Forum in
        10 - 11 February 2018, Jakarta                              Jakarta, Indonesia, was co-hosted by the Center
                                                                    for Indonesian Policy Studies (CIPS).

                                                                    More than 200 people from 30 countries
                                                                    gathered at the Mandarin Oriental to attend the
                                                                    conference, which featured several thought-
                                                                    provoking sessions examining the trajectory of
                                                                    liberty, property rights, and technology in the
                                                                    Asia region.

                                                                    Mannkal sponsored four students to attend. The
                                                                    Scholars also had the opportunity to intern at
                                                                    CIPS for the week prior to the event, helping out
                                                                    with the logistics and general organisation of the
        Loic Munso, Harvey Diggens, Christian Bien and Sebastiano   conference.
                Rosati with Atlas Network CEO Brad Lips

        Each year, all North American-based Mannkal                 Ottawa Enrichment Program
        Scholars participate in our specially designed              4 - 11 February 2018, Ottawa
        ‘Ottawa Enrichment Program’ which is led by
        Mannkal’s Executive Director, Andrew Pickford.
        This year’s participants were Jack Williamson
        (Atlas Network), Tej Patel (FEE), Louis Williams
        (Alberta Institute), Chris MacCarthy (Ayn Rand
        Institute) and Nick Marsh (Canadian Taxpayers’
        The week-long program included visits to the
        Institute of Liberal Studies, the Parliament of
        Canada and the Australian Embassy. Discussions
        and seminars were held on topics such as
        the Classical Liberal Tradition in Canada and
        the Program concluded with the Manning
        Conference.                                                  Tej Patel (FEE intern) and Jack Williamson (Atlas Network
                                                                            intern) at the Library of Parliament, Ottawa.

Mannkal Foundation’s Bi-Annual Review Spring 2018

Liberty & Society Student                                Now in its 22nd year, The Liberty and Society
                                                         Student Conference, organised by The Centre for
                                                         Independent Studies (CIS, is an absolute staple
4-6 May 2018, Sydney                                     on the libertarian calendar.

                                                         In 2018, the conference was held in Sydney and
                                                         was a rare opportunity for free thinking students
                                                         to gather for a weekend of discussion, debate
                                                         and engaging conversations about topical
                                                         and societal issues from a classical liberal and
                                                         libertarian viewpoint.

                                                         Mannkal is a proud sponsor of this yearly event.
                                                         This year, five Mannkal Scholars attended; Cian
                                                         Hussey, Carl Schelling, Nicholas May, John Gray
                                                         and Josh Adamson.
              Josh Adamson and John Gray

The Friedman Conference is the biggest and best          6th ALS Friedman Conference
pro-liberty event in the southern hemisphere!            25- 27 May 2018, Sydney
More than 350 activists gathered at the University
of Technology in Ultimo, Sydney, for a 3-day
bonanza of presentations, debates and social

2018 saw Mannkal bring over its biggest over
contingent of university students to learn all
about libertarianism and how it can solve the
world’s problems.

Speakers included Jeffery Tucker, Dr Tom Palmer,
Jo Nova, Sinclair Davidson and many more. We
look forward to the next Friedman Conference
with great anticipation!                                          Mannkal Scholars with Jeffrey Tucker

Asia Institute for Political Economy                     The Asia Institute for Political Economy
7 - 28 July 2018, Hong Kong                              (AIPE) program is a 3-week intensive course
                                                         organised by The Fund for American Studies.
                                                         Every year, more than 60 students from all over
                                                         the world congregate to Hong Kong to learn
                                                         about all aspects of classical liberal thought.
                                                         The curriculum is organised by George Mason
                                                         University (Virginia, US), one of the absolute top
                                                         universities for economics and political economy.

                                                         This year was the first time that Mannkal
                                                         sponsored students to attend the AIPE program.
                                                         Micha Gartz (Curtin), Loic Munso (Murdoch)
                                                         and Delaney Bruce (UWA) were all succesful in
                                                         their applications and spent three weeks in the
                                                         bustling metropolis. Additionally, Micha and Loic
  Micha Gartz, Loic Munso and Delaney Bruce with Roger   also spent the week prior, interning at the Lion
    Ream, President of The Fund for American Studies     Rock Institute.

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