THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - February / March 2022 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - February / March 2022 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames

                                       February / March 2022
Dear friends,
Has it ever struck you how odd it is      He also made plain (e.g. in John 3:14-
that the gospels focus so much on the     15) that if he were not to die, His
death of Jesus and the events of the      mission would not be accomplished. It
few days leading up to His crucifixion?   is evident that Jesus, of His own
Most biographers focus on people’s        choice, freely accepted His Father's
achievements in life – and by all         will:
accounts there were enough miracles       No one takes it (i.e. life) from me, but
and great teaching in Jesus’s life to     I lay it down of my own accord. I have
easily fill whole books. But for some     authority to lay it down and authority
reason, accounts describing the final     to take it up again. This command I
week occupy nearly a third of Matthew     received from my Father. (John
and Mark, a quarter of Luke and           10:18)
nearly half of John.
The reason is that Jesus himself said     Therefore, any presentation of
that he was born to die:                  Christianity without stressing the
“For even the Son of Man did not          cross is inadequate and misleading.
come to be served, but to serve, and      Until a person has understood the
to give his life as a ransom for          cross he has not got to the heart of
many.” Mark 10:45.                        Christianity. You could say there is
He spoke of the cross as "the hour"       "No Christianity without the cross".
for which He'd come into the world        But why did Jesus lay down His life?
(John 12:23,24,27). The only new          The Bible gives at least 4 reasons,
ceremony he instituted                    with the emphasis on the fourth.
commemorates his death (Matthew           His death is:
26:26-28), and it is the reason why we
regularly remember Him for His death      a) A revelation of God. The cross
each time we share Holy Communion.        was the climax of God's self
                                          revelation, revealing His
Jesus saw the cross as intentional,       inextinguishable love. Romans 5:8;
not accidental. It was crucial to His     8:32. It is a glimpse into God's heart.
mission. Remember Jesus in the
garden of Gethsemane, when Peter          b) An example to believers.
tried to intervene and stop his arrest:   - of self-sacrifice and love. (Ephesians
   “Put your sword back in its place,”    5:2,25)
Jesus said to him, “for all who draw      - of how to bear suffering. (1 Peter
the sword will die by the sword. 53 Do    2:18-23)
you think I cannot call on my Father,     c) A conquest of the Devil. 1 John
and he will at once put at my disposal    3:8, Colossians 2:15
more than twelve legions of angels?       The New Testament affirms the fact
   But how then would the Scriptures      of His victory over the Devil. He
be fulfilled that say it must happen in   overcomes evil with good; and
this way?” (Matthew 26:51-54)             conquers hate with love.

d) A sacrifice for Sin. 1 Peter 2:24;       rebellion against our Creator, the
3:18.                                       moral Lord of the universe. And we
It's this which is most emphasised          cannot ignore this.
throughout the whole New Testament.         b) The objection also fails to see the
He "bore our sins" – suffered the           character of God. God is love – but
penalty for them, as prophesied in          Holy love. His is a love that cannot in
e.g. Isaiah 53:6,11,12.                     all justice sweep sin under the carpet.
He bore the penalty we deserve – that       He loves the sinner, but hates the sin
He might bring us to God – to be            and cannot condone it.
accepted and forgiven and made
members of His family.                      When we begin to see God's holy
The hymn, "There is a green hill",          character the question is not: "Why
accurately and beautifully captures         should God find it so difficult to forgive
this aspect of the cross.                   sin?", but "How should He find it
                                            possible to forgive sin at all?".
An Objection: "Why can't God just
forgive us without all this business of     How should we as Christians respond
a cross? After all, we forgive one          to the cross?
another."                                   a) Believe in Christ crucified – relying
                                            on Him alone for my acceptance
Answer:                                     before God (John 3:14-16).
a) This objection fails to see the          b) Glory in Christ crucified – thanking
seriousness of sin. The situation           Him for dying for me (Galatians 6:14).
between us and God, and us and one          c) Proclaim Christ crucified - sharing
another is not the same. Our                this good news with my own friends
misdemeanours against one another           and circle (1 Corinthians 2:2).
are personal injuries. Our sins against
God are not personal injuries, but                                      Best wishes,

                                                      The Reverend Duncan Carter

Amy Herrington married Benji Phillips in Glasgow, Montana, USA, on December
21st, 2021. Amy is the daughter of Paul and Jane Herrington of Trinity parish and
Benji the son of Tim and Yvette Phillips of Montana. The couple met at NDSU,
Fargo, North Dakota, where they are both current competing student athletes,
Amy in hammer throw and Benji in javelin. They plan a Trinity church blessing on
Deember 21st, 2022.
Trinity at Four update
Dear friends,
For our Trinity at Four update this        environment where I learned a lot of
month we'd love to introduce you to        new skills!
the latest member of the team!
Kryssie Steiger will be serving at         What aspects of the role are you
Trinity at Four as a Ministry Trainee.     looking forward to in particular?
It's a role aimed to train and equip her      • Serving in the different children’s
in ministry. Among other things, she'll         groups - the little bit I have done
be heavily involved in our children's           so far has been very Joyful, such
ministry on Sundays and midweek. I              an encouragement for the next
asked her a few                                                few months.
questions!                                                  • Setting time aside
                                                               to read my bible,
How did you                                                    helping me grow
become a                                                       as a follower of
Christian?                                                     Jesus. Learning to
I have always                                                  love Christ more!
believed in God and                                         • Sharing the
that he loves me.                                              Gospel and other
From a young age, I                                            Scripture through
went to Church and                                             1 to 1s with
Christian Holiday                                              younger Christians
Camps where I learned about Jesus. I            – an exciting opportunity as this
had lots of great teaching, but never           was invaluable for my faith.
made a commitment! It was while I
was at University that something           How has God been growing in your
changed. Reading the bible with            own faith recently?
mature Christians grew a conviction        Understanding the importance and
within me, that Christ died for my         power of prayer in my new role.
Salvation & He is Lord! Mark 10:15         Especially being so different to my
helped me realise that I needed to         previous one. I must depend on God
respond personally. To turn from my        and talk to him to help me grow
sinful nature and choose to serve          relationships & friendships!
Christ daily - This is when I knew I
was a Christian!                           How can the Holy Trinity church
                                           community support you in prayer?
What have you been doing prior to          Please could you pray that I would be
taking up this role at church?             open to new opportunities and be
Before starting as a Ministry Trainee      willing to engage with all of the Henley
For Trinity at Four I was a Chef. Most     Community. Thank you!
recently in a Restaurant in Somerset.                                    Much love,
We had a farm & gardens - the
produce from which would shape the                                         Sam
12-course tasting menu – an exciting                     The Reverend Sam Brewster


                                 Press Release

                 “I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU”

2022 is a special year for World Day of Prayer in England, Wales and Northern
Ireland. This year, we have prepared the World Day of Prayer service. It has
been both challenging and rewarding to write about three countries that make
up the area: our landscape, people and culture all shaped by our history. We
celebrate our diversity and the contribution made to our countries by the many
groups of individuals who have made their home here. We use out Bible text “I
know the plans I have for you” from Jeremiah to reflect on some of the issues
facing us today: poverty, domestic abuse and disability, finding hope in difficult
situations and encouragement in the help we can give to each other.

World Day of Prayer is an international ecumenical organisation which enables
women all over the world to share ideas and concerns of the writing country.
Preparation for the day has taken several years. Our International Committee
based in New York coordinates the work of National Committees and facilitates
the creation of our annual World Day of Prayer service on the first Friday in
March. The service outline, created by the writing country, is distributed to the
rest of the world, along with a Bible reflection, country background and children’s
and – for the first time – young people’s activities.

All this work will come to fruition on Friday 4 March 2022 when services will take
place beginning in Samoa and moving on through New Zealand and Australia
across Asia, Africa and Europe and finally the United Sates and South America
before finishing in American Samoa. Across England, Wales and Northern
Ireland services will take place in large urban centres, such as Central Hall
Westminster, and in remote village churches. We will use modern technology to
reach those unable to access a service but hope to be able to extend a welcome
and hospitability once released from lockdown.

This years service will be held on Friday the 4th of March at 1:30 p.m. in Saint
Mary’s Church.
                                                                    Barbara Williams

Children’s Pages
February is the month of romance. Millions of Valentine cards will be sent in the
next week or two, as we celebrate our romantic love for that special person in our
lives. But there are other kinds of love to celebrate, and on Candlemas we
remember Mary and Joseph taking their baby son to the temple to present Him to
God. Jesus’ whole life was a loving present to us from God. Through His death for
us on the cross, and His resurrection, His love can now transform anyone’s life.
Romance can die, but God’s love for us is always there. But it won’t do us much
good – unless we accept it!
Valentine            restaurant            boyfriend            baby
rose                 hearts                fiancé               temple
romance              kiss                  worship              Mary
love                 hug                   repentance           Candlemas
present              girlfriend            angels               presentation

                                                                      Parish Pump
Children’s Pages

The Vicar, the Reverend Duncan               WEDNESDAY 2nd MARCH
Carter, will lead the morning services,
                                                       Ash Wednesday
with the assistance of the Licensed
Lay Minister, Michael Forsdike.           6:00 P.M.        HOLY COMMUNION
The Reverend Sam Brewster, will
lead the Trinity at Four services.              SUNDAY 6th MARCH
    SUNDAY 6th FEBRUARY                           First Sunday in Lent
    Fourth Sunday before Lent
                                          10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP
10:00 A.M.   HOLY COMMUNION               4:00 P.M.           TRINITY AT FOUR
4:00 P.M.        TRINITY AT FOUR                SUNDAY 13th MARCH
                                                Second Sunday in Lent
                                          10:00 A.M.       HOLY COMMUNION
                                          4:00 P.M.           TRINITY AT FOUR

                                                SUNDAY 20th MARCH
                                                  Third Sunday in Lent
     Third Sunday before Lent             10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP

10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP                4:00 P.M.           TRINITY AT FOUR

4:00 P.M.        TRINITY AT FOUR                SUNDAY 27th MARCH
                                                 Fourth Sunday in Lent
    SUNDAY 20 FEBRUARY                             Mothering Sunday
    Second Sunday before Lent
                                          10:00 A.M.        HOLY COMMUNION
                                                              for Mothering Sunday
                                          4:00 P.M.           TRINITY AT FOUR
4:00 P.M.        TRINITY AT FOUR
     Sunday Next before Lent                          SUNDAY 3rd APRIL
                                                      Fifth Sunday in Lent
                    & BAPTISM             10:00 A.M.          MORNING WORSHIP

4:00 P.M.        TRINITY AT FOUR          4:00 P.M.              TRINITY AT FOUR

Bible Reading Fellowship Celebrates its
             First 90 Years
It all began in the parish of Saint         and prayer. In 1926 it became the
Matthew's in Brixton in January 1922.       Bible Reading Fellowship; interest in
The Vicar, Revd Leslie Mannering,           the BRF notes continued to spread
wanted to help his congregation "get        throughout the UK and beyond. Other
a move on, spiritually". His idea was       series of notes were also started.
to offer a monthly leaflet of daily Bible
readings with brief comments, along         BRF subscribers are now found all
with a midweek opportunity to meet          over the English-speaking world. BRF
for discussion and prayer. Within a         Notes now include three series: New
month of starting this initiative, 100      Daylight, Guidelines and Day by Day
people joined 'The Fellowship of Saint      with God. In addition, they have a
Matthew', as it was called, a number        ministry for children called Barnabas,
that had nearly doubled by the end of       a discipleship ministry called
the year, and increased to over 300 in      Foundations 21, and Messy Church.
1923.                                       I could go on about the resources that
Word began to spread, and before            The Bible Reading Fellowship offers,
long other churches were requesting         but can I simply encourage you to
copies of the leaflets and encouraging      look at their website
the same pattern of daily readings                                       Mike Hails

                                                 Reverend Duncan Carter
                                                   Holy Trinity Vicarage
                                                       Church Street
                                                   Oxfordshire, RG9 1SE
                                                    Tel: (01491) 574822
                                                The Vicar is always glad to see
                                               anyone needing help or advice.
                                            Talking through problems and praying
                                             with people are his top priorities. Do
              BAPTISM                         not feel worried about sharing your
16th Jan     Barnaby William Edgell         problems, whatever the concern, large
                              Harrison       or small. For your reference, his day
                                                        off is Saturday.
 6th Jan     Michael John Weyman
28th Jan     Leonard Percy Brian

Churches Together in Henley
The Churches Together Forum met on         through to Easter 2022.
1st December last in the Christ Church
Centre Chapel, the first meeting since     (c)Christ Church. The returning
January 2020, when we had a talk from      congregation is at about 60% of pre-
Sarah Nesbitt, Curate in the Shiplake      Covid numbers, and there are new
Benefice, about her experiences with       members coming in. A series of
local groups of Street Pastors. As well    Sunday evening Bible studies has just
as a time to catch up with news of our     started, looking at Isaiah. There is to
local churches the main topic in this      be a Baptism shortly. Church finances
recent meeting was the Henley Gospel       have held up well, and there was
Project (see below).                       recently a very generous response to
                                           a Gift Day. It has been a pleasure to
News from the Churches.                    host Trinity at Four. The Memory Café
                                           has started again and FROGS
(a) Saint Mary’s and Saint Nicholas.       (Friends of God) are doing well.
Reverend Romey Poston was
welcomed as the new curate for this        (d)Shiplake, Harpsden and
benefice, having joined in July as we      Dunsden. Michael Farrer and
were emerging from Covid restrictions.     Michael Seymour-Jones have retired
Some people are still missing from the     and a service was held to mark their
congregations, but there are new           ministry in the Benefice. With live-
people coming in. Saint Mary’s now has     streaming the centre of gravity of the
an emphasis on youth work and              benefice has tended to move to
developing a youth club.                   Shiplake as reception and
                                           transmission were not great in
(b) Sacred Heart. Live streaming was       Harpsden and Dunsden. However,
started with the advent of lockdown,       there is a service now in each church
and although this led to a reduction in    every Sunday. As with all of us,
those attending Mass there was a new       routine has been disrupted, and some
world-wide congregation participating.     people have stepped back from what
There are also new people coming in        they have been doing, while new
now that live masses have started          people have come in. Harpsden are
again. Canon Paul has been appointed       looking for a new PCC Treasurer. It is
as Canon of the Metropolitan Chapter       hoped that some lay people can be
of Saint Chad’s Cathedral,                 encouraged to lead services.
Birmingham, and as Episcopal Vicar
responsible for local counties that were   (e)Baptists. There were three
covered by a Bishop who has recently       baptisms last week. The church is
retired. This means he is away from        looking forward to the Gospel Project
the Parish for part of each week,          and it is good to see the churches
visiting parishes in this area. Pope       working together, and new people
Francis has launched a Synod in which      joining the church.
he is asking members of the churches
to ask what the Holy Spirit is saying to   (f)Trinity at Four. Trinty at four have
us. This started in October and runs       moved to Christ Church because of
                                           the better facilities, but are still very

much part of Holy Trinity. Gradually       story of faith and/or submit a photo of
getting back to normal, children’s         Henley. It is hoped that the booklet
groups started up after Easter and all     will be available by Easter 2022. Sam
was back to normal from September          explained that he had got the idea
with 40-50 children and 60-70 adults       from seeing a bespoke booklet in
attending each week. Some people           Lechlade parish church. The planning
have not yet come back after               team consists of Paul Fitzpatrick,
lockdown, but there are new people         Sam Brewster, Jane Flack and
joining. The baby café ran during          Romey Poston. The local primary
lockdown and was a real lifeline for       schools have got involved through a
the 30 mums and their babies who           painting competition. The Gospel is
were part of that. A new after-school      the NIV translation. In answer to a
club has just been started.                question about how it is going to be
                                           distributed, Sam explained that they
(g)Holy Trinity. About a quarter of        had decided that each church be
the pre-Covid congregation have not        empowered to decide how to do this,
come back, though live-streaming is        and they had stepped back from door
continuing with the help of Peter          to door delivery, and feel that it should
Greenman, and new people have              be through personal contacts and
joined. Through sharing of telephone       various avenues such as Regatta and
numbers and e-mails a system for           the various festivals in the town as
pastoral care was started during           well as at baptisms, funerals and
lockdown to keep people in touch with      weddings. It is also hoped that it will
each other.                                be possible to take the project into
Henley Gospel Project.                     schools, so that students could take
                                           the booklet home for their families.
Sam Brewster introduced details of
this collaborative project of the Henley   There was then a time of prayer and
churches in partnership with Biblica to    the meeting closed at about 8:45 p.m.
produce a bespoke Henley edition of
                                           It is hoped that the next meeting of
Luke’s Gospel as a resource to help
                                           the Forum will be some time in the
local believers share the good news
                                           Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
and to offer our town the best gift we
                                           (January 18th – 25th, 2022), but this
have - Jesus. He asked for people to
                                           very much depends on the
become involved through prayer,
                                           coronavirus situation.
giving towards the cost, to share a
                                                                          Mike Hails

A couple of weeks before Christmas                         At that moment, two children dressed
we were invited to “Follow the Star”.                      as sheep joined
                                                           us as they were
As we entered the Churchyard we                            also on the trail
were greeted by a lady, Sally, in                          with us.
glorious robes, she was in a barn,
preparing cumin, nutmeg, cinnamon                          We were all in
and cloves.                                                search of the
                                                           star, we wanted
                                                           to Follow the
                                                           Star. Ooh… this
                                                           was a very special Christmas
                                                           moment. Well done those shepherds!
                                                           We then moved into the beautifully
                                                           decorated Church where we were
We watched and asked a few                                 asked if we could see the star … we
questions which were all beautifully                       all looked… we searched, one of the
answered.                                                  children pointed at a star... there it
What joy! We were being taught and                         was! We could see the star!! This was
had started learning all about the                         our chance to hear more… more of
Christmas story.                                           the story of Joseph and Mary and
                                                           their baby. We then followed the star
Another actor, Sam, also in full                           as we walked outside the church to a
costume joined us and asked us                             stable, where we found Mary, nursing
whether we would like to learn more?                       her baby, it was baby Jesus.
We immediately said “yes please” and
were guided up the hill to the next
stage of the Follow the Star trail
where we met with Herod who spoke

                                                           The children were allowed to ask Mary
                                                           questions. This was a very moving
                                                           moment. Thank you to the Church and
                                                           to all the people organising and
                                                           performing on the night. A wonderful
Herod asked a few questions and                            portrayal of the Christmas story. we all
gave an interesting, short speech,                         learned to Follow the Star.
which helped us to learn more. Then
we were quickly moved to the next                          Thank you. Christmas 2021. Thank
stage where we were able to meet a                         you. Prayers of thanks. This was
shepherd, dressed in white and silver.                     wonderful.
                                                                                            Susan Butler
12           Pictures courtesy of the Henley Herald and Sue Butler. Used with permission.
On Parish Accounts, Teapots and Labrador Retrievers
                                                                      The Rectory
                                                       Saint James the Least of All
My dear Nephew Darren
Your annual accounts – all 146 pages,        the limit of Colonel Denster’s carbon
bound in their plastic covers and laid       paper. It seems to be an unalterable
out in faultless detail – really are most    tradition that they never balance, until
impressive. I was rather envious to          we find the following year that the
note you have a clergy ‘discretionary        missing £20 was found months later
fund’; if I were to be given such a thing,   under the teapot on the mantelpiece.
my cellar of claret would improve            One footnote to this was the occasion
immeasurably – although that is              when the Colonel suspected an
perhaps the reason why I am not given        unaccountable £5 had been eaten by
one.                                         his Labrador. Our greatest expenses by
                                             far are categorised as ‘miscellaneous’,
The size of your office expenses             which is a catch-all for everything that
makes me wonder if you have a staff          our treasurer is unable to recall where it
rivalling that of the European               really went.
Community. I suppose that at least you
are doing your bit for job creation. Our     The thousands paid on church
dear Miss Marigold, who spends two           maintenance and diocesan fees are
hours a week randomly filing pieces of       nodded through without comment – but
paper, mistyping rotas and failing to re-    if the money spent on Easter lilies or
order stationery, is only rewarded by        packets of tea for the Summer Fete
being the first to find out who are          increases by anything more than 50
booking marriages and having their           pence, there will be much agonised
babies baptised – and if they do not         debate and speculation about whether
happen in that order, that will be           this is an indication of money
another piece of information                 laundering.
remembered for future use. All this is
information beyond the price of jewels       I see that your accounts were
in village communities.                      professionally audited. Fortunately, it
                                             does not matter too much about the
Our accounts have, more by way of            accuracy of our own, as I have an
charm than they do of accuracy,              arrangement with our auditor who lives
generally consist of one sheet of            in the village: if he refuses to sign them
handwritten paper. There are only ever       off, then I refuse to baptise his
three copies for circulation, as that is     grandchildren.
                                                                      Your loving uncle,

                                                                           Parish Pump

A peaceful Christmas?                      required, just a desire to worship
                                           through music.

                                           Flower arranging in church too is an
Our church was a busy place in Advent      act of worship but since our much-
and over Christmas. On the evenings        admired flower arranging team retired
of 8th, 9th and 10th December and again    we have struggled to follow their
on the morning of Saturday 11th a          example. Happily our neighbour Anne
succession of families walked through      Sanders has kindly come to our aid
a transformed churchyard and church,       and produced a wonderful bouquet of
meeting wise men, King Herod,              flowers for the podium over Christmas.
shepherds, angels and an innkeeper         We are most grateful to her.
before arriving at the stable (with live
donkeys on Saturday). On the way           Frantic Fridays
they heard the Christmas story. “Follow    If it’s some years since you came to
the Star” was, for the second year, an     the church on a Friday you will
enormous success, reaching out to          probably have a surprise if you do so
many people who don’t normally come        now. On a Friday morning you will find
to church. Then, in the run up to          all the chairs swept aside and a range
Christmas Day we had two Christingle       of children’s play equipment around an
Services and two Candlelit Carol           open space in the middle of the nave;
Services as well as normal worship;        and the church packed with mums
and on Christmas Day, Midnight             (and some dads), toddlers and babies.
Communion, an All Age Service              This is Junior Jivers run by Lucie
followed by Christmas Communion.           Brewster, Peter Greenman and Kryssie
We have had complaints from the            Steiger and is very popular with both
church mice, whose peace and quiet         church members and non churchgoers
enjoyment of their home was ruined by      and is a key element in our outreach to
all the noise and activity.                local families. If you come instead in
                                           the afternoon you’ll probably run into
Return of live music                       Families on Fridays, an after-school
January saw a welcome return of live       club for parents and school aged
music to our 10:00 a.m. services. For      children run by Peter and Kryssie; a
some years now we have made do             more recent but growing outreach
with recorded accompaniment to our         activity. And just to round off the day,
hymn singing but Sam Brewster is now       every other week, Trinity at Four hold
bringing his guitar when he can and        Friday Night Youth, a youth club for
leads one or two songs this way. If        teenagers run by Sam and Erin
there are any instrumentalists in our      Kennedy with help from Kryssie. This
congregation who would like to make        one is not in the church building, to the
up an occasional music group, please       great relief of the church mice who
let us know, we’d love to hear from        have had a terrible day and deserve
you. Concert level standard not            some peace.
Signs of spring on sunny side of Holy Trinity church (2017)

   The current parish magazine of Holy Trinity church, Henley-on-Thames.
     Published monthly throughout the year. This issue is Number 324.
   Holy Trinity church parish magazines have been produced since 1890.

   The Reverend Duncan Carter         Holy Trinity Vicarage       01491 574822
Minister for Trinity at Four
   The Reverend Sam Brewster          29 Gainsborough Hill        07899 843461
Licensed Lay Minister
    Michael Forsdike                  1 Brookside, Watlington     01491 612161
   Peter Jones                        64 Ancastle Green           01491 572716
   Michael Forsdike                   1 Brookside, Watlington     01491 612161

PCC Treasurer                      Stefan Kotas                   07539 822201
Magazine Editor                    Richard Young                  01491 578422
Safeguarding Officer               Sarah Cook                     07739 359584
Diocesan Safeguarding Team                                        01865 208290
               The Parish Safeguarding Policy is on our website.

          Holy Trinity website :

Readers are invited to contribute articles, features, notices, etc., for publication
            in the Trinity Times. Submissions should be delivered to
Richard Young, 11 Saint Mary’s Close, (Telephone 578422), or E-mailed to the
       Trinity Times mailbox at ‘’.
 For inclusion in the next magazine, which will be combined for February and
      March, submissions must be received by Sunday the 13th of March.
You can also read