THRIVE - Wellesley College

Page created by Brittany Curry
THRIVE - Wellesley College


Office of the Dean of First-Year Students
106 Central Street
Wellesley, MA 02481-8203

                                                                                NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION

1 | New Student
Designed        Guide
         by Ginny     2019
                  Warren. Photography by members of the Wellesley community.                                   New Student Guide 2019 | 2
THRIVE - Wellesley College
1 Welcome to Wellesley
2 New Student Orientation
   Our Orientation Program
   Orientation Overview
   Student Leadership and Mentoring

6 Preparing for Your Arrival
  Entering Student Checklist
		 Housing Assignments
		 Receiving Mail and Packages
  Community Standards
		 The Wellesley Honor Code
		 Alcohol and Other Drugs
		 Sexual Misconduct
  Campus Bookstore
  Local Banking
  Your Wellesley Packing List               DEAR STUDENTS,
11 Campus Life
                                            Have you ever stopped to look at a beehive? Really looked at it closely?
   Residential Living
                                            You will see the honeycomb is made of perfect hexagons and filled with
   Campus Dining                            many kinds of bees working together. Every bee has a different purpose
   Getting Involved                         and their purposes all contribute to the greater strength of the hive.
   Campus Traditions
                                            Wellesley is our hive. Starting on day one, we will challenge you, to find
   Physical Education, Recreation           your people, your place and your purpose here on campus. Don’t worry -
     and Athletics                          this will all come in due time. As a child, you might have made some of
   Student Health and Wellness              your closest friends in dance class, homeroom, or biology lab. Chances
   Our Diverse Community                    are your friends shared similar passions, participated in similar club
                                            activities and were by your side for major milestone moments in life.
18 The Campus and Beyond                    The process of making friends at Wellesley will feel different, because it
                                            is inherently different. Throughout your first year, in your courses, your
19 Academics at Wellesley                   residence hall community, at campus events like Student Orientation, in
   Making the Most of Your First Year       clubs and organizations, and at some of Wellesley’s infamous traditions,
                                            you will have countless opportunities to meet new friends and develop
   Requirements for the Degree
                                            meaningful relationships with faculty and staff alike. The relationships you
   Choosing Courses for the First Year      build might last just one semester, but there is always the possibility that
   Distribution Requirements                these relationships will last a lifetime. The campus community is buzzing
   Academic Support Services                with opportunity for these connections.

26 Expanding Your Experience               This will be my first full year at Wellesley: my first orientation, my first fall
                                   many of the same “firsts” that you’ll be processing through
    Campus Libraries
                                            as well. I would like to offer a challenge to you. I challenge you to jump
    Civic Engagement and                    into orientation and find one or two genuine connections. Find the people
       Internships                          you can sit with on the first day of class, find the people who will study for
    Cross-Registration and                  exams with you and find the people you can truly relax with. Find me. As
       Exchange Programs                    your Class Dean, I will be there with you to celebrate milestone moments
    Career Education                        and help you make decisions about your path at Wellesley.
    Study Abroad                            As you navigate the campus, keep in mind that the community will be by
    The Tanner Conference                   your side. You could decide to navigate Wellesley on your own, but you will
    The Ruhlman Conference                  find much greater success and satisfaction when you have one or two other
                                            bees nearby. One cell in the hive is strong, and a natural beauty to behold;
    WellesleyPlus                           many together are not only beautiful, but a true sign of strength
    Davis Museum                            and community. Together, you will thrive.
28 Campus Technology                        We welcome you, the Class of 2023 to Thrive Together at Wellesley.
30 Understanding Your                      Warm regards,
   Student Account
32 Academic Calendar
   Contact Info

                                            SHANTÉ BROWN
                                            Dean of First-Year Students

   3 | New Student Guide 2019
THRIVE - Wellesley College
New Student
  You are joining a community that thrives with energy and engagement.
  At Wellesley, you will have opportunities to explore your own interests
  and to collaborate in creative ways with your peers. The 2019
  Orientation theme, Thrive Together, and the corresponding design are
  inspired by the collaborative ways in which bees build their hives and
  flourish in community. How do you hope to contribute? What inspires
  you? During New Student Orientation, we encourage you to lift each
  other up and begin to create your home at Wellesley. Embrace the new
  and diverse perspectives you encounter and take time to appreciate the
  beauty of our inclusive community. Faculty members, other students,
  and members of the staff will offer programs designed to help you
  create connections and Thrive Together. Welcome.

                                                                            OUR ORIENTATION PROGRAM                                                    SPECIFIC PROGRAMS ARE DESIGNED TO:
                                                                                                                                                       • Introduce you to the Wellesley College community, our
                                                                                                                                                         history and shared values, and our rich tradition as a
                                                                            Orientation is your first step in transitioning into college and finding
                                                                                                                                                         residential women’s college;
                                                                            a sense of belonging at Wellesley. The New Student Orientation
                                                                            program will have something for all of our new students, including         • Provide opportunities for you to meet members of the
                                                                            first-year, transfer, Davis Scholar, and international students. The         college community, develop friendships,
                                                                            program includes events, conversations, and activities that will             and establish personal connections with faculty and others
                                                                            enrich your Wellesley experience and help you feel at home in our            in the extended Wellesley family;
                                                                            diverse community.
                                                                                                                                                       • Familiarize you with the campus and its resources,
                                                                            From the first day you arrive at Wellesley, you will be involved in a        including academic advising and support services; and
                                                                            busy schedule of Orientation activities designed to address your           • Prepare you to become actively engaged in this
                                                                            needs and concerns. Orientation also will introduce you to life              community of life-long learners, as you embark on your
                                                                            at Wellesley through discussions, lectures, panels, and advising             liberal arts education.
                                                                            sessions. Through these activities, you will begin to see the many
                                                                            ways that you will begin to thrive together at Wellesley.

                                                                                                                                                                                               New Student Guide 2019 | 3
THRIVE - Wellesley College
GET READY FOR WELLESLEY!                                                                 STUDENT LEADERSHIP AND                                                  ACADEMIC SUCCESS COACHES
                                                                                                                       MENTORING DURING ORIENTATION                                            Academic Success Coaches (ASCs) are current sophomores,
                                                                                                                                                                                               juniors and seniors trained to provide individual coaching and
                              Tuesday, August 27 is the start of New Student Orientation for most incoming             AND YOUR FIRST YEAR                                                     academic assistance to students across a wide range of topics
                              students. Please plan to arrive on campus between the hours of 8am and 12pm to                                                                                   including goal setting and goal achievement; registration tips;
                              move in, and give yourself plenty of time to get settled before afternoon programming.   MEET YOUR STUDENT ORIENTATION COORDINATORS                              test-taking and reading strategies and effective note-taking skills.
                              We welcome your parents and family members to join us on campus as well, to eat          The six Orientation Coordinators (OCs) are student leaders who          The ASCs are knowledgeable about the resources available and
                                                                                                                                                                                               can direct you to appropriate resources as needed. You will get to
                              in one of our dining halls for lunch and engage with the many staff members and          make up the Core Team and spend the calendar year planning
                                                                                                                       and implementing the Orientation program for new Wellesley              know the ASCs throughout Orientation, where they will help you
                              campus departments invested in your experience. In the evening, it will be time to                                                                               create a schedule that meets your needs; register for your first
                                                                                                                       College students, inclusive of academic and social programming,
                              say goodbye, as you will join your Orientation Mentor Group for dinner while family      the Orientation Mentor program, and communication and                   semester courses; and help you make the transition from high
                              members end their day with a Parent & Family Farewell Reception.                         marketing efforts. You will meet the OCs this summer through            school to a successful Wellesley experience. This program
                                                                                                                       the Entering Students website, Facebook, Instagram, and other           is offered through the Pforzheimer Learning and Teaching Center.
Sneak Peek:                   International Student Orientation begins a few days earlier on Sunday, August 25         communications. During Orientation, they will be visible leaders
Orientation 2019                                                                                                       of the Orientation Team, and they can’t wait to meet you! Learn         RESIDENT ASSISTANTS AND HOUSE PRESIDENTS
                              and move in will begin at 9am. Programming for parents and family members for                                                                                    As soon as you arrive on campus, you will meet the upperclass
Overview                      international families will take place on August 25. In addition, some fall varsity
                                                                                                                       more about them below.
                                                                                                                                                                                               students who are the Resident Assistants (RAs) and House
                              athletes will be required to arrive on campus prior to the start of Orientation.         ORIENTATION MENTOR TEAM                                                 Presidents (HPs) living in the residence halls. These students will
Friday, August 16
Student Athlete Move-In:      Team coaches will be in direct contact with any athletes whose training schedule         Orientation Mentors (OMs) are enthusiastic student leaders              live with you throughout the year. As the leaders in your residence
                              requires early arrival.                                                                  who will provide you with guidance and support, and create              hall, they will help you develop a sense of community and shared
Field Hockey, Soccer
                                                                                                                       opportunities to build friendships and class spirit as you make the     responsibility among the students in the building.
Sunday, August 18                                                                                                      transition to Wellesley. OMs are rising sophomores, juniors, and
Student Athlete Move-In:                                                                                               seniors who will work to implement Orientation programming and          INTERNATIONAL STUDENT LEADERS
Cross Country, Volleyball                                                                                              help you navigate programs, social events, and other Orientation        International Student Leaders are upperclass international
                                                                                                                       activities. OMs are a great resource to answer any questions you        students who are executive board members of the Slater
Sunday, August 25                                                                                                      may have, from how to get your student ID card to where to find         International Student Organization. These enthusiastic students
International Student                                                                                                                                                                          greet and guide new international students through the
                                                                                                                       the best ice cream in the town of Wellesley.
Orientation begins
(registration required)                                                                                                                                                                        International Orientation Program and beyond by introducing
                                                                                                                       First-year OM groups are comprised of students in your residential      them to the Slater International Center and the many other
International Student                                                                                                  area and meet daily throughout Orientation and regularly until the      support resources on campus.
Move-In                                                                                                                end of the first semester. Transfer students, Davis Scholars, gap-
                                                                                                                       year students, and students in the Wellesley Plus program are           ATHLETE MENTORS
Tuesday, August 27
                                                                                                                       assigned to their own OM groups that meet regularly and provide         Student leaders involved in the Athletic Mentor Program (AMP)
New Student
Orientation begins                                                                                                     similar support and guidance.                                           seek to create a fun and positive environment for new student-
(registration required)                                                                                                                                                                        athletes at Wellesley. Drawn from the community of upperclass
First Year, Transfer, and                                                                                                                                                                      varsity athletes, AMPs provide guidance and assistance to
Davis Scholar Move-In                                                                                                                                                                          new student-athletes as they learn to balance their athletic and
                                                                                                                                                                                               academic commitments at Wellesley.
Wednesday, August 28
Building Community and
Navigating Campus

Thursday, August 29                                                                                                      ORIENTATION COORDINATORS (pictured left to right)
Academic Advising and
                                                                                                                       IRIS LI, 2022                                   CAT LARSON, 2022                                 ISABEL ORTIZ, 2022
Friday, August 30
                                                                                                                       I am a rising sophomore from Shenzhen,          I’m a rising sophomore from Amherst,             I’m a rising sophomore from Garden
First Year Course
Registration                                                                                                           China interested in studying Chemistry and      Massachusetts interested in studying             Grove, California interested in studying
                                                                                                                       Psychology. I’m involved in the Equestrian      Economics and Computer Science. I’m              Political Science and Economics. I’m a
Class Celebration and                                                                                                  Team and 180 Degrees Consulting. My             part of College Government, Chamber              member of the Ballroom Dance Team,
Wellness Day                                                                                                           Orientation experience was very eye-            Music Society, and Dead Serious (improv          Debate Society, House Council, and
                                                                                                                       opening­­—everyone in the Wellesley             group). Wellesley has something for              College Government. I was excited to learn
Saturday, August 31
Connecting with the                                                                                                    community is so supportive that I always        everyone and I’m so excited for you to           about the many clubs and opportunities
Wellesley Community                                                                                                    felt comfortable meeting new people             experience Orientation as a jumping off          Wellesley had to offer during Orientation.
                                                                                                                       and asking questions. I look forward to         point to find your niche. I can’t wait to meet   Some advice: don’t be afraid to try new
Social Programming                                                                                                     welcoming you to the Wellesley family!          you and help you thrive at Wellesley!            things. Welcome to the Wellesley family!
Sunday, September 1
Soulful Sunday Morning                                                                                                 LEANNE SHEN, 2022                               KAYLI HATTLEY, 2022                              MARIE TAN, 2021
Social Programming                                                                                                     I’m a rising sophomore from Lower               I’m a rising sophomore from Houston,             I’m a rising junior from Shrewsbury,
                                                                                                                       Gwynedd, Pennsylvania interested in             Texas interested in studying Biochemistry.       Massachusetts majoring in Biology
Monday, September 2                                                                                                                                                    I’m involved in Wellesley College Television
                                                                                                                       studying Computer Science, English, and                                                          and minoring in Health and Society.
Labor Day Campus                                                                                                                                                       (WCTV), Yanvalou Drum and Dance
Barbeque                                                                                                               Economics. I’m involved with the Wellesley                                                       I’m involved with the Balance Health
                                                                                                                       College Democrats, the Whiptails (Ultimate      Ensemble, and Chamber Music Society.             Educators, Guild of Carillonneurs, and WC
Tuesday, September 3                                                                                                   Frisbee team), and WZLY 91.5 FM!                Moving far from home was a challenge             Emergency Medical Services. I walked into
First Day of Classes                                                                                                   Despite its name, Orientation can feel a        for me, however, Orientation showed me           Orientation excited, yet nervous. By the
                                                                                                                       little.. disorienting at times. We’re here to   Wellesley could be my home away from             end, I had made friends who I could rely
                                                                                                                       make the transition as easy as possible.        home. I can’t wait to meet y’all and for you     on. It’s okay to be nervous, and I’m excited
                                                                                                                       Wellesley is an amazing community, and          to find out what Wellesley has to offer!         for you to experience Wellesley’s support
                                                                                                                       we can’t wait for you to be part of it!                                                          systems and opportunities!

 4 | New Student Guide 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                 New Student Guide 2019 | 5
THRIVE - Wellesley College
Preparing for
                                                                                YOUR ENTERING STUDENT                                     YOUR HOUSING ASSIGNMENT                                    Your Mailing Address
                                                                                CHECKLIST                                                 As a new student, you should have accessed
                                                                                                                                          the Housing Portal through MyWellesley when
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Prior to your arrival on
                                                                                                                                          the checklist opened in early May. Your housing
                                                                                                                                                                                                     campus, you will be
                                                                                You should have already received an email from            assignment will be based on the information you
                                                                                                                                                                                                     assigned a unit (mailbox)
                                                                                the Wellesley Orientation Team containing your            provided and be available through MyWellesley
                                                                                                                                                                                                     number, which will serve
                                                                                MyWellesley login credentials and access to the                                                                      as your mailing address

Your Arrival
                                                                                                                                          during the summer.
                                                                                Entering Student Checklist. Completing the tasks                                                                     during your entire stay
                                                                                on the checklist will help you get started on your path   The residence halls vary in size and house students        at Wellesley. You will
                                                                                to becoming a member of the Wellesley community.          in a combination of single, double, and triple rooms,      receive your unit number
                                                                                                                                          as well as suites. First-year students will be assigned    through MyWellesley
                                                                                In preparation for Orientation and your first semester    one or more roommates. If you are an incoming              during the summer.
                                                                                at Wellesley, you should visit the checklist regularly    transfer student, your assignment will be based on the     Delivery of all your
                                                                                and complete tasks by the stated deadlines. There         availability of housing according to your class year.      campus and U.S. mail
                                                                                are some tasks that must be completed before
                                                                                                                                                                                                     will be made directly to
                                                                                you may move into your residence hall or attend           To learn more about housing policies and processes,        this assigned unit. Your
                                                                                classes, so pay close attention to those due              please visit                    mailing address will be
                                                                                dates. More information about the checklist is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     as follows:
  As an incoming student you will have some tasks to complete before            included in this mailing.                                 RECEIVING MAIL AND PACKAGES
                                                                                                                                          The Department of Mail Services coordinates all            [Your name]
  you arrive at Wellesley. Be sure to stay in contact with the College during                                                                                                                        Unit XXYY
                                                                                                                                          outgoing and incoming U.S. postal and campus
  the summer through MyWellesley, which serves as our information and                                                                     mail service for the College. You may pick up your         21 Wellesley College Rd
  communication hub. Engaging with the MyWellesley portal regularly will                                                                  packages, purchase stamps, mail your letters, or use       Wellesley, MA
                                                                                                                                          the Fed Ex shipping service at the Mail Services retail    02481-02XX
  help you feel prepared for Orientation and your first year on campus.                                                                   window located in the Lulu Chow Wang Campus
                                                                                                                                          Center. When a package arrives for you on campus,          (XX refers to the first two
                                                                                                                                          you will receive an email notification. Your OneCard       digits of your unit number)
                                                                                                                                          and signature will be required upon pick-up.

                                                                                                                                          Shipping your belongings
                                                                                                                                          In the enclosed Mail Services information, you will find
                                                                                                                                          Wellesley College Delivery Labels to help us to deliver
                                                                                                                                          your packages to your residence hall on Monday,
                                                                                                                                          August 26, the proper address format, and a list of
                                                                                                                                          ZIP codes for the student unit mailbox numbers.

                                                                                                                                          Please refer to the information from Mail Services
                                                                                                                                          included in this packet for more information.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     New Student Guide 2019 | 7
THRIVE - Wellesley College

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Wellesley College Bookstore is more than a bookstore—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  it’s a support system with everything you need to succeed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  at Wellesley, conveniently located on the 4th floor of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. Stop in to pick up school
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  supplies, Wellesley spirit gear and, of course, textbooks!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Save big on textbooks each term with the Bookstore’s rental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  program, and also discover new, used and digital books.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Guaranteed to have the right book in the correct edition, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  staff will be happy to help you find exactly what you need for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  class, or you can shop online for your books and pick them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  up FREE in store when you’re on campus.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bookstore Hours:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Saturday-Sunday: 12-4pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shop Online:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Contact Us: 781.283.2136

  COMMUNITY STANDARDS                                                  ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS                                                                                                                                                                            BANKS THAT ARE
                                                                                                                                              LOCAL BANKING                                                                                                               WITHIN WALKING
                                                                       Wellesley College supports its students in making thoughtful and                                                                   • Taxpayer Identification Number:
                                                                       responsible decisions regarding alcohol and other drug use. In                                                                        Required by some but not all banks. The following
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DISTANCE OF THE
  All Wellesley students are expected to be familiar with and comply                                                                          If you do not already have a bank account at a bank
                                                                       addition to in-person programming during Orientation Week, all                                                                        are acceptable to use:                                       COLLEGE
  with policies included in the Wellesley College Handbook. The                                                                               with a branch in the Boston area, you may want to
                                                                       new students must complete eCHECKUP To Go, a quick and
  Handbook is posted online at                                                                                    open a new bank account soon after your arrival on            • Social Security number (SSN)                               Bank of America
                                                                       confidential personalized self-assessment that will provide you
  classdeans/handbook, and includes both legally mandated                                                                                     campus. Many national and regional banks have                                                                               185 Linden Street
                                                                       with information on alcohol and harm reduction strategies, as                                                                          OR                                                          781-235-1888
  guidelines and Wellesley specific policies. You will acknowledge                                                                            branches in the town of Wellesley and they are
                                                                       well as feedback on your own alcohol behaviors and risk factors.                                                                     • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number                  www.bankofamerica.
  your willingness to uphold those policies through MyWellesley                                                                               listed below.
                                                                       It will also provide you with helpful resources available to you at                                                                    (ITIN)—Issued by the IRS                                    com/student-banking/
  this summer.
                                                                       Wellesley College and in the community. The program takes                                                                                                                                          overview.go (full-service
                                                                                                                                              In compliance with federal regulations, all banks               to those not eligible for a Social Security number.
                                                                       about 20 minutes to complete, and you can find it when you                                                                                                                                         ATM in the Campus
  Fundamental to all our policies and our life together is the                                                                                operating in the U.S. are required to verify the identity                                                                   Center)
  Wellesley College Honor Code, which binds everyone on campus         log in to MyWellesley for Entering Students on July 1.                                                                             In addition, International Students will need
                                                                                                                                              of every individual who opens a bank account.                                                                               Citizens Bank
  together with a promise of mutual honesty, integrity, and respect.                                                                                                                                      the following:
                                                                       SEXUAL MISCONDUCT                                                                                                                                                                                  182 Linden Street
                                                                                                                                              What to bring when opening an account:                      • Form I-94 (print out a copy at             781-239-3300
                                                                       Wellesley College is committed to empowering students through                                                                                                                            
                                                                       education on sexual misconduct. In addition to in-person               • Money to deposit (cash or check)                         • Form I-20 or Form DS-2019
                                                                       programming during Orientation. Before coming to campus all            • Two forms of identification. For example:                 • Passport (this is already included with the two              Middlesex Savings
      THE WELLESLEY HONOR CODE                                         new students must complete Not Anymore, an interactive online            – A taxpayer ID number (Social Security or                 forms of identification)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          278 Washington Street
                                                                       education program that will provide you with information about             individual taxpayer ID number)                          • Taxpayer Identification Number:                               781.237.5233
                                                                       sexual misconduct on college campuses and how to be an active            –P
                                                                                                                                                  assport number and country                                                                                   
      As a Wellesley College student, I will act with                                                                                                                                                         1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ocial Security number (SSN) - if you have
                                                                       bystander, as well as opportunities for personal reflection. Not          of issuance
      honesty, integrity, and respect. In making this                                                                                                                                                           applied but not yet received your SSN, bring              People’s United Bank
                                                                       Anymore will also provide you with helpful resources available
      commitment, I am accountable to the community                                                                                             – Alien identification card number                             your receipt notice                                       200 Linden Street
                                                                       to you at Wellesley College and in the community. The program                                                                                                                                      781-416-0904 option 6
      and dedicate myself to a life of honor.                                                                                                   – Any other government-issued document                       2
                                                                                                                                                                                                               . Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
                                                                       takes about 90 minutes to complete, and you can find it when                                                                                                                             
                                                                       you log in to MyWellesley for Entering Students on July 1.                 evidencing nationality or residence and bearing a                (ITIN) - Issued by the IRS to those not eligible
      The power of the Honor Code is in its asking of                                                                                                                                                              for a Social Security number. If you will apply        Santander Bank
                                                                                                                                                  photograph (such as a driver’s license).
      us that we make decisions informed by honesty,                                                                                                                                                               for an ITIN you will need to open your bank            277 Linden Street
                                                                       Entering students are expected to complete these two on-line           • Campus mailing address
      integrity and respect. Each and all of these                     education programs prior to their arrival on campus. The information                                                                        account and then apply for an ITIN.
      decisions contribute to the flourishing of our                                                                                          • Your mother‘s maiden name: The bank will ask                                                                             www.santanderbank.
                                                                       you provide to eCHECKUP and Not Anymore is completely                                                                                                                                              com/us/personal/
      academic and social community. For detailed                                                                                                                                                            3. F
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  orm W-8 BEN (for those not eligible for a
                                                                       anonymous and will only be available to you. Your identifying            for your mother‘s maiden name (your mother‘s                                                                              banking/checking/
      information regarding the Honor Code and Honor                   information is only used to verify completion of the programs.                                                                            Social Security number or ITIN)
                                                                                                                                                family name before she was married) or some other                                                                         student-value-checking
      Code Council, its educational and adjudicatory                                                                                            family name. This name is used as a                       Be sure to apply for a debit or ATM card so that                (cash-only ATM in Billings)
      work, please visit                                                                                         security check when you need to contact the               you can access funds in your account.
      aboutus/honor.                                                                                                                            bank with questions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Please note that opening a local personal checking
                                                                                                                                                                                                          account may take a week or more and local
                                                                                                                                                                                                          businesses may prefer in-state checks.

8 | New Student Guide 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2018 | 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      New Student Guide 2019
THRIVE - Wellesley College
                    What’s a Wellesley student to pack? Well, getting ready for college in New England requires some careful planning.
                    For example, it is likely to be very warm in August when you arrive and very cold during finals week in December.
                    We asked current Wellesley students to offer their suggestions, and here’s what the experts had to say:

GET COZY                        SUMMER DAYS                 CLEANING                   BUCKLING DOWN                    SUSTAINABLE

                                                                                                                                                      Campus Life
q E xtra-long twin sheets      q S unglasses              q R oom freshener        q B ackpack                     LIVING
q Blanket                       q S wimsuit                q T rash bags             q S tapler                      As you pack, please
                                                                                                                        keep in mind that
q Comforter                     qW  ater bottle            q Toolbox                 q Tape                          Wellesley College is
q E xtra-long twin             q F an for your room       q S pace-saving clothes   q C alculator                   committed to reducing
    mattress pad                q S unblock                    hangers                q P ost-It® Notes
    (for extra comfort)                                                                                                 our collective impact on
                                q S porting equipment      q S tackable storage      q R uler                        the environment. We
    Pillows                         (like a frisbee!)           containers
    Pillowcases                                               ulti-surface cleaning
                                                            qM                         q S cissors                     encourage buying less,
                                q Y ellow clothes! (for        wipes                  q H ealthy snacks! (for         using recycled products,
    Photos   of people (and         your class picture                                     those late night             reusing items and
    animals) that you love          and many other          q S wiffer duster or          study sessions)              developing community
q    rug
    Area                            events)                     sweeper
                                     pair of sneakers to                              q    riting utensils
                                                                                           W                            through the sharing of
                                                                                                                                                        Wellesley’s community is a remarkable blend of treasured tradition and
                                q   A                       q L aundry detergent,     q    hree-hole punch
                                                                                           T                            items in residence halls.
                                    go on a run or work         fabric softener and
CAMPUS LIVING                       out in the Fitness          dryer sheets                                                                            contemporary creativity. As our campus community evolves, grows,
                                    Center                                                                              Please be thoughtful            and diversifies, our traditions help to unite us and shape our common
q P ower strips (UL                                        q    aundry bag or
                                                                                       GOING OUT                        about what you really
    approved)                                                                                                           need, and what might            identity, spirit, and Wellesley pride. Living and learning together in our
                                                                                         ne really great outfit
q P ower cables for your       WINTER NIGHTS                                              or dress                     be borrowed or bought           residential community, Wellesley students engage with others to create
    electronic devices                                      GROOMING                                                    used. In addition, during
q     mall (2.5 cubic feet)
                                q S ocks, socks, and                                  q P rofessional attire/nice     Orientation, you will find
                                                                                                                                                        modern ways of honoring tradition and upholding our values.
                                    socks                   q S hower caddy               blouse
     refrigerator                                                                                                       bargains galore at our
q     illow for your chair
                                q R ainboots and           q S hower shoes           q A great cardigan that         Student Move-In Sale,
                                    snowboots                                              you can wear with
q     loor/desk lamp
     F                          q U mbrella                q E xtra toothbrushes         anything                     featuring gently used
     (the College does not
                                qW  inter jacket           q N ail clippers          q    blazer
                                                                                           A                            student necessities at low
     provide lamps)                                         q Towels                                                   prices. Here are some
      ush pins                 q H at, mittens, and                                  q    small bag that you
q    P
                                    earmuffs                q B athrobe                   can take anywhere            other ideas:
q     acking tape
                                   ug for tea or coffee    q F irst aid kit              and won’t lose
                                                                                                                        q T ravel mug for hot
q     tamps and envelopes
                                qM                                                     q    ice flats or heels
                                qW arm blankets            q Toiletries                                                   beverages (discounts
q     olls of quarters (for
     R                                                                                 q    airbrush and styling
                                                                                           H                                when you bring to the
     doing laundry)             q  now pants for snow
                                  S                                                        products                         Emporium & Leaky
                                    day fun                                                                                 Beaker)
q     larm clock
     A                                                                                 q    air dryer
q     ortable lap desk
     P                                                                                 q    omfortable walking
                                                                                           C                            q    anvas shopping bag

q     ommandTM strips for
     C                                                                                     shoes for exploring          q    late/bowl/fork/knife/
                                                                                           campus and Boston                spoon/spork
                                                                                                                        q    and towel

    LINEN AND LAUNDRY                                       WHAT TO LEAVE AT HOME                                     THE COLLEGE
    SERVICES                                                                                                          PROVIDES
                                                            • Alcohol and other drugs.
    Some Wellesley students opt for a                       • Candles, incense, or scent pot burners.                • Extra-long twin bed
    laundry and dry-cleaning contract                                                                                    and mattress
    during the school year. E&R Campus                      • Extension cords (Exception: Power
                                                              strips with built-in surge protectors                   • Bookshelves
    Laundry is a local company that
    provides on-campus services for                           are permitted).                                         • Desk and chair
    Wellesley College Students. To learn                    • Cooking equipment (such as:                            • Bureau
    more about their services, please visit                   microwave oven, toaster, hot plates,                    • Mirror (size varies                                    toaster ovens, grills, rice cookers or                     by residence hall)
                                                              similar high-wattage appliance with
                                                              exposed heating surface.)                               It makes sense for you
                                                                                                                      to confer with your new
                                                            • Non UL approved portable electrical                    roommate(s) before
                                                              devices.                                                you start packing as
                                                            • Halogen lamps or bulbs.                                you may decide to
                                                            • Electric portable heaters or air coolers/              share some items
                                                              conditioners (Exception: air conditioners               rather than having
                                                              approved for use by College).                           duplicates. Many of
                                                                                                                      these items may be
                                                            • Flammable decorations including
                                                                                                                      purchased on or near
                                                              natural or artificial Christmas trees.
                                                                                                                      campus after you arrive
                                                            • Draperies, curtains, and tapestries                    at Wellesley, or at the
                                                               that are not labeled fire retardant.                   Student Move-In Sale.
 10 | New Student Guide 2019                                                                                                                                                                                     New Student Guide 2019 | 11
THRIVE - Wellesley College
RESIDENTIAL LIVING                                                         TOWER COURT RESIDENCE HALLS                                              CAMPUS DINING                                                          GUEST MEALS
                                                                             Claflin, Severance and Tower                                                                                                                    As part of the Wellesley College Student Meal Plan, each student
                                                                             Whether you are a fan of Harry Potter or not, you will fall in love                                                                             is entitled to eight guest meals per semester. When you bring a
  Wellesley is a residential college. This means we house more than                                                                                   WellesleyFresh Culinary Services provides innovative culinary
                                                                             with the Tower Court neighborhood for the castle-like buildings                                                                                 guest to dine with you on campus, please respect Wellesley’s
  95% of the student body on campus, and your living together                                                                                         excellence to the Wellesley College campus community.
                                                                             and the historic images. Each of the halls offers some rooms                                                                                    Honor Code by signing the guest book. Each dining location has
  creates a special community that is the heart of the College.
                                                                             on main corridors, while others are tucked into corners you will                                                                                a designated guest book sign-in area. Guest Meals may be used
                                                                                                                                                      The dining halls embrace the diverse needs of students and are
                                                                             have to search to find. This charm and unique layout—along with                                                                                 at Bae Pao Lu, Bates, Pomeroy, Stone-Davis and Tower—for any
  We want you to feel at home no matter where you live on campus.                                                                                     committed to offering variety, selection and style. This approach
                                                                             some terrific views of Lake Waban—are some of the reasons                                                                                       meal, any day, anytime. Guest Meal passes are non-refundable,
  Our residence halls are configured into three main campus                                                                                           answers the need for convenience and comfort, and reflects the
                                                                             students love living in these spaces. Tower Dining Hall is central                                                                              have no cash value, are non-transferable to other students, and
  neighborhoods: East Side, Quint, and Tower Court. As you                                                                                            ever-changing college lifestyle.
                                                                             to this group of buildings, and features nut-free dining. In all three                                                                          must be used by the end of the Spring Semester. Guest meals may
  prepare to join our community, we’d like you to get to know these
                                                                             buildings you will be able to find extraordinary wood carvings,          WellesleyFresh Culinary Services currently provides five campus        not be used at The Leaky Beaker, Collins Cafe, or the Emporium.
  campus neighborhoods!
                                                                             some of famous characters from literature, and others that are           dining locations, offering a wide variety of culinary options. You
                                                                             purely decorative. Part of the movie “Mona Lisa Smile” was               might enjoy the entirely vegetarian and Kosher eating experience       FLEX DOLLARS AND POINTS
                                                                             actually filmed in Claflin hall, which also hosts carvings of Alice      at Pomeroy, or the Pure Station at Bae Pao Lu, which offers a          Flex Dollars: The meal plan includes $50 worth of flex dollars each
  Bates, Dower, Freeman, McAfee and Stone-Davis
                                                                             in Wonderland characters in the living room.                             raw food concept featuring fresh foods that are never cooked           semester that may be used for purchases in the Emporium, the
  Bates, Freeman and McAfee are all connected by a shared dining
  hall and are near the Science Center and a short distance to the                                                                                    over 115°F. You may choose to eat in Tower, where a nut-free           Leaky Beaker, and Bae Pao Lu. Flex dollars are not accepted at the
                                                                             We hope that you will explore the many different options of                                                                                     Science Center or Collins Cafe. Flex dollars should be used within
  Ville (town of Wellesley). Students love living in these buildings                                                                                  and allergen sensitive menu is available, or in Bates to enjoy the
                                                                             places to live on campus, as there is definitely something for                                                                                  the academic year and do not carry over from one academic year
  because the rooms are large, many have nice big windows, and                                                                                        Global Grill, featuring a large range of grilled specialties. Stone-
                                                                             every style and type of person. Welcome to your new community                                                                                   to the next. For example, flex dollars for the Fall 2019/Spring 2020
  there is a kitchenette and lounge on each floor. McAfee, Bates, and                                                                                 Davis features unique home-style foods in a comfortable setting.
                                                                             and to your new home!                                                                                                                           academic year do not carry over to Fall 2020/Spring 2021.
  Freeman have recently been updated and all rooms are carpet
  free. Dower is our smallest residence hall and students enjoy living                                                                                Additional “grab-and-go” dining options—including coffee and
                                                                                                                                                      tea—can be found throughout the day in the Collins Cafe, the           Points: Points are not included in the student meal plan and can
  here because of the close-knit community that can be formed
                                                                                                                                                      Emporium in the Campus Center, and the Leaky Beaker in the             be purchased and added to a student’s OneCard using cash or a
  when you get to know everyone that lives in your building. Rooms
                                                                                                                                                      Science Center. Elsewhere on campus, student groups run some           credit card. Points may be used at the Emporium, Leaky Beaker,
  in Dower are large triples or three-room suites for four students
                                                                                                                                                      popular, cash-only eateries, including El Table, Cafe Hoop, and        Bae Pao Lu, Collins Cafe, and the Wellesley College Club to
  (two bedrooms and a common space). Stone-Davis actually was                    RECYCLING AT WELLESLEY                                               the campus pub, known as Punch’s Alley.                                purchase items that are not part of the continuous dining program
  designed as two buildings that have become one. This horseshoe-
                                                                                 Wellesley has a broad recycling program, and we                                                                                             in the dining halls. Points may also be used to pay for guest meals
  shaped building has its own dining hall and provides a wide variety
                                                                                 need students to make it work! In your residence                     MEAL PLAN                                                              in the dining hall of Bae Pao Lu if all guest meals have been used.
  of living options for all students. The living room is a fluid space and
                                                                                 hall, you can recycle a variety of materials—                        All resident students at Wellesley are required to be on the full      To use your points, you simply present your OneCard at the point
  the modern interior is a contrast to the building’s stately exterior. In
                                                                                 cardboard, notebooks, bottles, electronics,                          meal plan, which is inclusive of continuous dining for breakfast,      of purchase.
  addition to enjoying the public and private spaces here, one of the
  favorite things students like about Stone-D is the late night option of        etc.—in the labeled paper and co-mingled blue                        lunch, and dinner meal periods. This includes meals served in our
  grabbing something to eat in the dining hall.                                  bins. They’re on every floor! You can also recycle                   five main dining halls (Tower, Bates, Stone-Davis, Pomeroy, and        MENUS/HOURS OF OPERATION
                                                                                 plastic bags and styrofoam at several places                         Bae Pao Lu in the Campus Center). In addition, each student’s          Please visit to get more information
  QUINT RESIDENCE HALLS                                                          on campus. If you’re not sure where to recycle                       OneCard (Wellesley ID) is credited with $50 worth of flex dollars.     on dining hall hours of operation and daily menus. Please note,
  Beebe, Cazenove, Munger, Pomeroy and Shafer                                    something, please check the guides and FAQs                          Additional points may be purchased and added to the OneCard.           campus dining services are not open typically open during
  The grand old buildings in the Quad are more than 100 years                    at                                                                                                        Summer or Wintersession.
  old, and Munger became part of the “Quint” in 1933. All of these                                                                                    ALLERGIES AND SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS
                                                                                 When taking coffee or tea to-go, be sure to
  residence halls are amazing to look at, as well as to live in.                 bring your reusable mug. Retail locations across                     The eight major food allergens are labeled on the menus in all
  Pomeroy (Pom) is home to the Vegetarian/Kosher dining hall,                    campus also offer a discount on your beverage                        campus dining locations and on the Wellesley Fresh website:
  and the dining hall in the campus center is also a quick walk from             when you use a reusable mug. At the end of your                      tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, dairy, eggs, soy, and wheat.
  the Quint. Something unique about the Quad is that Beebe and                   meal be sure to compost. Although producing                          If you have special dietary needs, food allergies or religious
  Cazenove (Caz) are mirror images of Shafer and Pom. Munger                     no waste or reducing your food waste is the best                     dietary requirements, we encourage you to contact our on-
  is a very short walk from the center of the Quad’s courtyard and               thing you can do, composting is the second best                      campus dietitian prior to arrival at Wellesley to arrange a private
  is actually the closest hall on campus to the Academic Quad.                   option and is offered in all dining halls.                           consultation. Our dietitian and chef managers will work with
  Students love living in the Quint because of its high energy level,                                                                                 you to identify appropriate dining options based on your needs.
  the friendly atmosphere, the number of cozy newly renovated                                                                                         Students are also encouraged to consult with Health Services to
  spaces in Pom and Shafer to hang out (inside and outside), and its                                                                                  address these concerns.
  close proximity to the Campus Center, the Keohane Sports Center
  and the academic buildings. A fun fact about the Quint is that the
  Boston Marathon runs directly past these buildings each spring—
  this portion of the race is known as the Wellesley Scream Tunnel.

12 | New Student Guide 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             New Student Guide 2019 | 13
THRIVE - Wellesley College
GETTING INVOLVED                                                          STUDENT INVOLVEMENT                                                      Flower Sunday is the oldest tradition at Wellesley, dating back to           PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION
                                                                            The Office of Student Involvement guides students through                1875. As an entering first-year student, you will be matched with
                                                                                                                                                     a Wellesley big sister and will be welcomed into the community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  AND ATHLETICS
                                                                            the process of exploring their interests and passions in clubs,
  No matter what your interests are, you’ll find plenty of opportunities                                                                             Together you will come to the flower-filled Chapel for a wonderful
                                                                            organizations, activities and events which complement and
  at Wellesley to inspire you. Whether it is music, dance, sports,                                                                                   multifaith program. This year, Flower Sunday will be held on                 An important part of your college experience is staying physically
                                                                            enhance their educational, social, and relational experience at
  theatre, literature, politics, the environment, spirituality, or social                                                                            Sunday, September 15 in Houghton Chapel.                                     active. The Department of Physical Education, Recreation, and
                                                                            Wellesley College. By getting involved on campus, students have
  advocacy, there are many student organizations for you. Get                                                                                                                                                                     Athletics (PERA) is charged with developing students’ knowledge
                                                                            the opportunity to benefit in some important ways:
  involved. Explore what motivates you. Meet new people.                                                                                             Each Fall, Family & Friends Weekend and Homecoming offers                    and skills in physical activities. Through involvement in regular
  Contribute to our community!                                                                                                                       family members and alumnae a glimpse into your life at Wellesley.            physical activity, students also enhance their knowledge about
                                                                            • Participating in activities creates meaningful interpersonal
                                                                              connections through common experiences and provides a                  Visitors are invited to attend classes, share in co-curricular activities,   nutrition, time management, sleep, and stress management. This
  CIVIC ENGAGEMENT                                                            foundation for community development. Attending campus                 meet your friends, attend athletic events, and enjoy the beauty              learning is an essential component of the liberal arts education at
  Wellesley students have a strong tradition of giving back to the            events allows students to develop friendships, expand their            of the campus. This year, Family & Friends Weekend will be held              Wellesley College and is a graduation requirement. To learn more
  community through service, both on- and off-campus. Day to                  learning, and engage in the community in meaningful ways.              October 18–20, 2019.                                                         about athletics, physical education and recreational activities,
  Make a Difference (D2MAD) brings the campus together for an                                                                                                                                                                     please visit the PERA website at
  opportunity to spend a day at the beginning of the fall semester          • Collaborating with an advisor or mentor in your student               Sophomore Tree Planting is, along with Flower Sunday, one
  working with local community organizations in a day of service. It          organization assists in developing leadership potential. Being         of the oldest traditions at Wellesley. During Family & Friends               PHYSICAL EDUCATION
  is also a great way to learn more about how to get off campus and           involved in co-curricular activities provides the balance needed       Weekend in the fall, each sophomore class plants its own tree at a           Wellesley requires all students to earn eight credit points in
  into the surrounding community throughout the academic year.                to excel in the classroom.                                             predetermined location on campus. The ceremonial shovel used at              physical education in support of a physically active lifestyle
  You can also come to Career Education’s Civic Engagement Office           • Collaborating with other students and organizations enhances          this event has been present at every tree-planting ceremony as far           during their college years and beyond. To earn eight physical
  to meet with a Ministrare Fellow, an upperclass student who plans           the relational aspects of involvement on campus while                  back as 1879.                                                                education credits, students may take either two 12-week semester
  student service projects, to talk about great ways to get involved          maximizing funding resources.                                                                                                                       classes (four credits each) or four six-week term classes (two
  that are tailored to your interests! In addition, Career Education                                                                                 Lake Day, held in the fall, is a surprise celebration where students         credits each) or a combination of the two. Students are strongly
  offers a number of programs throughout the year to help you               In conjunction with College Government, the Office of Student            gather on Severance Green for a picnic and fun activities.                   encouraged to complete the physical education requirement by
  consider your future career path, such as alumnae career panels,          Involvement helps connect students with their interests through                                                                                       the end of their sophomore year.
  graduate school and career fairs, and the College’s annual Tanner         support of more than 150 student organizations. The focus of             Marathon Monday occurs annually on the third Monday of April.
  Conference. Visit Career Education in Green Hall or online at www.        student organizations at Wellesley ranges broadly from the arts,         Crowds of Wellesley women gather at mile 13 and form the famous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RECREATION                                            culture, spirituality and literature to pre-professional, volunteer,     “scream tunnel” to cheer Boston Marathon runners as they pass
                                                                                                                                                     by the main entrance of the College. Many students wave banners,             Recreation offers activities that promote a healthy balanced
                                                                            and athletic endeavors. At the beginning of each academic
                                                                                                                                                     hand out water and shout words of encouragement to thousands of              lifestyle for students and the College community. Through
  COLLEGE GOVERNMENT                                                        year, College Government sponsors a Student Organization
                                                                                                                                                     appreciative runners.                                                        structured and informal activities and events, the recreation
  As the elected representatives of the student body, the members of        Fair where students can learn more about and join campus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  program aims to create an atmosphere that fosters a lifelong
  College Government provide a forum for communicating student              organizations. Committed to students and student learning, the
                                                                                                                                                     Hoop Rolling traditionally occurs early on a Saturday morning on             relationship with physical activity. We are committed to meeting
  views on campus life, articulate students’ opinions on various            Student Involvement staff promotes a shared commitment to the
                                                                                                                                                     one of the last weekends of the Spring semester. The night before,           the diverse and evolving needs of the campus community. We
  issues to the faculty and administration, and act as spokeswomen          community, creativity, and ethical leadership.
                                                                                                                                                     seniors’ little sisters will camp out to save them a place in the            encourage students to be involved in club sports, group fitness,
  for any proposed changes in academic legislation to the academic                                                                                                                                                                kayaking, rock climbing, swimming, cardio, weight training,
                                                                                                                                                     front of the line. The following morning, seniors race down Tupelo
  council. College Government is responsible for promoting and                                                                                                                                                                    dance, yoga and countless other options.
  enforcing the Honor Code, encouraging multiculturalism and non            CAMPUS TRADITIONS                                                        Lane rolling their hoops. At the end of the race, the President of
                                                                                                                                                     the College announces the winner, who is then thrown into Lake
  partisan dialogue, constituting and funding student organizations,                                                                                                                                                              VARSITY ATHLETICS
                                                                                                                                                     Waban by her peers to celebrate her victory.
  as well as holding weekly Senate meetings to discuss, debate,             Wellesley students embrace a number of community traditions that                                                                                      Wellesley boasts a highly competitive varsity athletics program for
  and vote on various issues pertaining to the student body and the         recognize a particular campus milestone or mark the passage of           Each semester, College Government, the student programming                   student- athletes who want to compete at the college level. The
  College at large. Every Wellesley student is a member of College          time during the semester.                                                board (SBOG), student leaders, and clubs and organizations plan              Blue compete in 13 varsity sports, earning championships and
  Government. As a new student, you are eligible to run for a Senate                                                                                 many other special events that add to the social scene at Wellesley.         recognition at the highest levels of Division III athletics.
  position. Come shape the Wellesley community by joining one               Convocation is the first College-wide ceremony each year and             These events include the annual lip sync contest, an outdoor
  of these groups! Learn more about College Government at www.              marks the first day of classes in the fall semester. For first-year      block party on Tupelo Lane, and a Spring Week celebration that               Wellesley competes primarily in the New England Women’s and                        students, this is an opportunity for you to celebrate the start of the   includes a major concert. Campus cultural groups are also known              Men’s Athletic Conference (NEWMAC), but also holds affiliations
                                                                            semester with the Wellesley community.                                   for presenting spectacular celebrations showcasing cultural dance,           with Seven Sisters, the Liberty League, and the Northeast Fencing
                                                                                                                                                     music, and food.                                                             Conference. As Wellesley’s primary conference, the NEWMAC
                                                                            Step Singing began in 1899 as a way to bring students together.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  includes 11 selective academic institutions who share a common
                                                                            Members of each class gather on the Chapel steps to sing together
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  goal of providing student-athletes with competitive athletic
                                                                            and shout cheers that show class spirit. Step Singing is held after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  opportunities within an educational and respectful environment,
                                                                            Convocation in the fall and on the last day of classes in the spring.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  embodying the values of Division III athletics.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  On the field of play, all 13 Wellesley athletics programs have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  qualified for the NCAA championships and 10 have won the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NEWMAC Championship at least once. The Blue have racked up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  over 100 Seven Sisters Championships and have won numerous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  individual tournaments and titles as well. In the classroom,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  members of varsity athletic teams take part in all that Wellesley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  has to offer, including study abroad programs, presenting at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ruhlman and Tanner conferences, senior theses, and other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  educational opportunities. Overall, student-athletes at Wellesley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  have the unique opportunity to become a part of this successful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  history and the strong community of Blue athletics. Go Blue!

14 | New Student Guide 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  New Student Guide 2019 | 15
THRIVE - Wellesley College
OUR DIVERSE COMMUNITY                                                  SLATER INTERNATIONAL CENTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Slater International Center promotes intercultural awareness,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     mutual respect, and global leadership by providing collaborative
                                                                                                                                              The student body at Wellesley College is among the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     programming and support services for international students
                                                                                                                                              diverse on any campus in the nation. This diversity enriches the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and scholars. The Center is the focal point for international
                                                                                                                                              experience of all our students and provides us with incentives to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     activities and events that bring together members of the College
                                                                                                                                              respond to and support the varied backgrounds and experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     community who share a desire to explore global issues and to
                                                                                                                                              of community members.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     increase intercultural understanding. Students meet here to study,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     learn, cook, entertain, and gather informally.
                                                                                                                                              OFFICE OF INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION
                                                                                                                                              Wellesley’s Office of lntercultural Education works in partnership     The Slater staff works closely with other departments to provide
                                                                                                                                              to examine issues of campus climate, to encourage dialogue             a variety of services to assist international students and scholars,
                                                                                                                                              around issues of diversity with the goal of creating broader           including advising services and referrals related to immigration,
                                                                                                                                              understanding, and to respond to issues and concerns that have         employment, academic, social and cultural issues. The Slater
                                                                                                                                              an impact on the quality of student life. Each member of the team      International Center supports international and multicultural
                                                                                                                                              engages with colleagues and students to create a multiculturally       student organizations and promotes global student leadership.
                                                                                                                                              inclusive environment at Wellesley, and also works to develop a        For more information on the Slater International Center, please
                                                                                                                                              vibrant and inclusive sense of community on campus by affirming        visit
                                                                                                                                              social identities through the support of cultural communities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RELIGIOUS AND SPIRITUAL LIFE
                                                                                                                                              The college has a network of multicultural spaces on campus that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (ORSL) nurtures the
                                                                                                                                              will allow our students to collaborate with and draw strength from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     spiritual lives of all Wellesley students through diverse religious
                                                                                                                                              those with whom they share a common identity while, at the same
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     celebrations, compassionate pastoral care, dynamic multifaith
                                                                                                                                              time, promoting intercultural dialogue and connection among all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     programs, and contemplative mindfulness practices. Inspired by
                                                                                                                                              members of the Wellesley community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Wellesley’s historic belief that education is a spiritual as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     an intellectual journey, ORSL celebrates and affirms the diversity
                                                                                                                                              ACORNS HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of religious and cultural experience of our students, both creating
                                                                                                                                              Acorns House is a space that provides social, emotional, cultural,     space for particular traditions and fostering communities for
                                                                                                                                              and academic support to students of Asian and Latina descent           multifaith and intercultural exchange. Led by a diverse team of
                                                                                                                                              at Wellesley College. Additionally, Acorns House provides              chaplains, students can connect to religious communities for
                                                                                                                                              educational and cultural programming for the Wellesley College         weekly or high holy day services, seek confidential counsel and
                                                                                                                                              community. Acorns houses the offices for the Assistant Deans           guidance from our multifaith chaplains, participate in interfaith
                                                                                                                                              and Advisors to students of Asian descent, Latina students, Mixed      programs, or learn new skills to foster resiliency and spiritual
                                                                                                                                              Race students, and LBGTQIA students.                                   wellness. Students of all faith or no faith can find a home in the
  STUDENT HEALTH AND WELLNESS                                                                                                                                                                                        Office of Religious & Spiritual Life.
                                                                                                                                              HARAMBEE HOUSE
  Wellesley is committed to supporting the overall well-being of        STONE CENTER COUNSELING SERVICE                                       Harambee House is committed to facilitating a healthy and              Houghton Chapel and the Multifaith Center (MFC) are accessible
  each student. A variety of services and programs can help you         The mission of the Stone Center Counseling Service is to foster       supportive campus environment for students of African descent,         to students 24 hours a day through swipe card access. Students
  meet your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We encourage      student’s psychological resiliency and capacity to change. We         with a wide array of services and programs that foster academic,       can walk the labyrinth in the Chapel, hang out in the gathering
  you to utilize any of these services, and when needed, seek out       support students by working collaboratively and relationally, being   personal, and communal growth. Harambee House also offers              area, study in library, practice mindfulness in the meditation room
  the support we provide during your time at Wellesley.                 mindful of their diverse needs and backgrounds, encouraging           enlightening cultural activities that raise a sense of consciousness   or pray alone or together in the prayer room.
                                                                        self-reflection and self-acceptance. We offer students a continuum    and awareness to the history and culture of people of the
  HEALTH SERVICE                                                        of counseling services that promote wellness, balance, acceptance     African Disapora.                                                      Here you can wrestle with life’s most pressing questions as you
                                                                        of self, and connection to others. We provide an array of                                                                                    explore your own values, beliefs, and convictions. Here you can
  The College Health Service is a licensed outpatient clinic staffed
                                                                        developmental and mental health services and build partnerships                                                                              gather for fellowship and fun, explore new spiritual practices, or
  by board-certified physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses
                                                                        to raise awareness and educate about emotional well-being.                                                                                   learn to dialogue across difference. Here you can connect to an
  who provide primary medical care, gynecological care, nutrition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     enriching and beloved community to accompany you on your
  counseling, and physical therapy care to all students. The staff is
                                                                        The service provides time-limited personal counseling and a variety                                                                          Wellesley journey. Here you can become you.
  committed to educating students and promoting healthy choices
                                                                        of groups and outreach programs, as well as consultation to the
  and lifestyles. The Health Service also provides general medicine
                                                                        community, after hours support and emergency intervention.                                                                                   LGBTQ PROGRAMS AND SERVICES
  services, immunizations, medical clearances, confidential HIV
                                                                        Counseling is confidential and there is no fee. The Counseling                                                                               Did you know that Wellesley is considered to be one of the
  testing, laboratory testing, traveler’s health advice, health and
                                                                        Service also provides referrals for long-term counseling. The                                                                                most LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities in the US?
  alcohol education, and services relating specifically to women’s
                                                                        Counseling staff consists of an experienced team of psychologists,                                                                           LGBTQ identified Wellesley students enjoy the support of many
  health. Consultation with specialists is available both locally and
                                                                        social workers, a clinical nurse specialist, psychiatrists and                                                                               faculty, staff and other students who consider themselves to be
  in Boston. For more information, please visit
                                                                        advanced trainees and interns. For more information about                                                                                    strong allies. Campus resources for LGBTQ and questioning
                                                                        counseling, please visit                                                                                       students include the annual September Welcome to the LGBTQ
  The Health Service supports the educational mission of Wellesley                                                                                                                                                   Community Dinner, the Big and Little Queer Sibling Match, and
  College by engaging our students as they connect optimal                                                                                                                                                           other programs sponsored by LGBTQ Programs and Services
  wellbeing to personal and academic growth. We strive to make                                                                                                                                                       throughout the year. The Assistant Dean of LGBTQ Programs and
  good health and integrity our students’ passion by providing                                                                                                                                                       Services is also available for individual and small group advising.
  non-judgmental, high quality medical care and health promotion
  opportunities that are respectful of culture and background. Our                                                                                                                                                   Some students become involved in Queer student groups,
  goal is for our students to be empowered by and knowledgeable                                                                                                                                                      including blackOUT, Familia, Siblings, Tea Talks, SAGA,
  in making healthy life choices, preventing disease and injury,                                                                                                                                                     Wildcards, and the QTPOC Collective. Other resources include
  managing chronic illness or disability, and developing effective                                                                                                                                                   out and proud Orientation Mentors and Resident Assistants, a
  self-advocacy as they invest in a lifelong pursuit of wellness.                                                                                                                                                    trans-friendly health insurance policy, and support groups offered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     by various departments such as the Stone Center, and Religious
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Spiritual Life.

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The Campus                                                                                                                                Academics
  and Beyond                                                                                                                                at Wellesley
                                                                                                                                                Throughout its history, Wellesley has dedicated itself to providing
                                                                                                                                                women with an excellent liberal arts education. Our curriculum is
                                                                                                                                                designed to support students as you explore and learn, and later to
                                                                                                                                                encourage you to work in depth in your specific field of interest.

  GETTING AROUND                                PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION                        ESCORT PROGRAM
                                                The MWRTA Route 8 Shuttle provides           The Wellesley College Campus Escort
                                                service eastbound and westbound from         Program provides all members of the
  CAMPUS BUSES AND SHUTTLES                     the campus stop at Alumnae Hall. Riders      Wellesley College community and visitors
  The Department of Faculty Housing             can access the MBTA Green Line at the        a safe, reliable way to travel about the
  and Transportation at Wellesley College       Woodland stop as well as the Natick Mall     campus. Campus Police assistants
  is responsible for supporting student         at the Macy’s stop. Student fare is $1.00    manage the program, including a shuttle
  transportation from Wellesley to other        with a valid student ID card. For more       van that makes regular stops along a
  area locations. In addition to public         information go to             predesignated route, and walking escorts.
  transit, campus-based buses provide                                                        For schedules, please visit www.wellesley.
  transportation to Boston and Cambridge,       There are also many public transportation    edu/police/escort.
  including the Exchange Bus, the Senate        options available in the town of Wellesley
  Bus, and the Wellesley/Olin/Babson            and around the greater Boston area. The      ZIPCARS
  (BOW) Shuttle.                                MBTA commuter rail makes three stops in      For students who are 18 or older,
                                                Wellesley—at Wellesley Farms, Wellesley      Wellesley College maintains a relationship
  The Exchange Bus provides transportation      Hills, and Wellesley Square—and provides     with Zipcar, which has automobiles
  between Wellesley and MIT on weekdays         transportation into Boston (stopping at      available for short-term rental. There are
  for Wellesley and MIT students. A             Back Bay and South Station). You may         six Zipcars parked on campus; two are
  Wellesley College or MIT ID card is           also ride the Green Line subway into         located at Campus Police, at the Davis
  required to ride the bus. This bus picks up   Boston from the nearby Woodland T stop,      Parking Facility, and four are parked in the
  and drops off on the Wellesley campus at      or take the Red Line from Harvard Square     Gray Lot. For further Information, please
  Houghton Chapel and Alumnae Hall, at          or MIT, which can be reached by taking       visit
  several locations on the MIT campus, and      the Exchange or Senate Bus.
  in Boston’s Back Bay.
                                                                                             PARKING ON CAMPUS
                                                The Wellesley College website contains
  The Senate Bus runs between Wellesley         additional information about other forms     First-year resident students are not
  and Cambridge from Friday evening             of public transportation to and from         authorized to bring cars to campus. All
  through Sunday evening. Tickets or tokens     campus, including Amtrak, Greyhound,         other students must register their vehicles
  are required for students riding the Senate   Peter Pan, and airport transportation        with the campus police department and
  Bus and are sold on campus at Wellesley,      via Logan Express.                           will receive parking permits for designated
  as well as at several locations in Harvard                                                 parking areas. Visitors to campus and
  Square and at MIT.                                                                         guests of students must park in the Davis
                                                BIKESHARE PROGRAM
                                                                                             parking facility.
                                                With funding from the Wellesley Class
  On Saturdays, the College also operates a
                                                of 1957, the Office of Sustainability        Commuter students who reside off-campus
  Mall Shuttle Bus to the nearby Natick Mall
                                                runs a bike share program on campus.         must park their vehicles in the appropriate
  and the Framingham movie theatre. Tickets
                                                Faculty, staff, and students can take part   commuter student parking areas during
  or tokens are also required for this bus.
                                                by signing the waiver and filling out the    normal business hours. Commuting
  The Wellesley/Olin/Babson Shuttle runs        form at      students may park in the Founders lot and
  between Wellesley College, Olin College       The program is entirely FREE of charge!      the library area spaces after business hours
  of Engineering, and Babson College.           Registered participants may check out        and on weekends provided they park within
  Wellesley, Olin, and Babson students          bike keys with their username and pin        lined parking spaces and do not park in
  may ride the shuttle free of charge with a    at either the campus police station or at    reserved spaces.
  College ID Card.                              Freeman Residence Hall and have 24
                                                hours to return them.

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