To - Inspiring independent girls since 1953 - Rocky River Ranch


Inspiring independent girls since 1953
               We are thrilled that your camper will be
             part of 68 years of camping tradition at RRR.
   This packet is designed      For those attending Rocky       For our returning campers...
to help you better prepare      River for the first time...        Please take the time to
your camper for her time            Information about all       review this guide. We are
at Rocky River. During our      aspects of Rocky River life     always making updates that
many years of camping,          can be found in this guide.     affect both campers and
we have found that certain      However, if you still have      parents. While the transition
procedures are essential        questions, please contact us:   to summer camp is typically
for a smooth transition to        easier for those returning
camp life. The following        Office 1-512-847-2513           to Rocky River, it is still
information has been            Fax 1-512-847-9067              important to prepare your
collected from campers,             We want to make this        camper for the changes she
parents and staff that have     first camp experience as easy   can expect while here.
shared their insights with us   as possible for your camper
over the years.                 and family!

   We want the best camping experience possible for your camper ─
if you have any questions or suggestions, please share them with us.
             Here’s to another great summer at Rocky River!

                           Mary Anderson, Co-Owner
                Rue Hatfield, Executive Director, Co-Owner
                  Shanna Watson, Summer Camp Director
                      Hannah Brock, Day Camp Director
                       Summer Milam, Camp Registrar
Daily Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Check-In Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Rocky River Policies
     Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
     Packing Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
     What Not to Pack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
     Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
     Horseback, Musical Instruments & Jewelry . . . . 4
     Laundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
     Camp Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
     Lost & Found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
     Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
     Visiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
     Homesickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
     Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
     Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
     Care Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
     Canteen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
     Refund Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
     Website Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Health Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Adventure Challenge Activities & High Ropes . . . . . . .9
Check-Out Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
FAQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Rocky River Packing List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7:15 am    Wake-Up Call

7:45 am    Flag Ceremony

7:55 am    Breakfast & Announcements

8:30 am    Cabin Capers

9:00 am    First Class

10:00 am   Second Class

11:00 am   Third Class

12:15 pm   Mail Call

12:30 pm   Lunch
		         Announcements/Inspection Report/Care Packages/Singing

1:30 pm    Rest Period

2:45 pm    Afternoon Canteen (by cabin)

3:45 pm    Free Swim at River or Pool

5:00 pm    Afternoon Class

6:15 pm    Supper

		Sing-Song Practice

7:30 pm    Evening Program

8:20 pm    Cabin Time
		         Showers, Meetings, Get Ready for Bed

9:15 pm    Lights-Out Begins
		         Bedtimes vary by camper age

                       ★   1   ★
    We understand how         STICK TO                       L ET T ERS & CA R E
important the first day of    T HE S CH ED U L E. . .        P ACK AG ES
camp is for our campers            When arriving at                You may leave
and their families. Sixty-    Rocky River, please take       letters and packages for
eight years of experience     your camper directly to her    your camper in the Forty
have helped us develop        assigned cabin. Due to our     Niner. Many parents like
a streamlined check-in        narrow entry and road,         this option, especially
process. We want to help      and limited parking space,     in the shorter sessions,
relieve the anxiety of the    we have assigned campers’      as it ensures delivery on
first day, and also shorten   arrival times to prevent       designated days. Note: Mail
(or eliminate) standing in    unnecessary congestion.        & Packages will not be
lines.                        Please do not bring your       delivered on Sundays or on
    That’s one reason we      camper prior to her            the last day of any session.
require all balances and      scheduled time.                You may order or mail as
paperwork be turned in to                                    many packages as you like,
our office no later than      KE E P I N M I N D . . .       but because we have limited
May 1st. The required               There is no need to      storage, packages left on
paperwork (Medical            arrive early to save beds, as check-in day are limited to
Recommendation, Camper        they are preassigned and       two per week and must be in
Health History, General       bunkmate requests made         a sealed envelope (see care
Permission and Camper         during registration are taken package info).
Profile) can be easily        into consideration.
accessed in the online            If you’re checking in      We cannot accept more than
Document Center.              siblings, please wait to bring two packages per camper
                              your second camper to her      per week. This limit is for
A RRIVA L TIM E S             cabin at her actual check-     packages only; letters are
Note: the front gate will be  in time. Feel free to stop by not limited as they are much
closed until 1:00pm. Initials the Canteen Store, tour the easier to store.
indicate first letter of last camp facilities, or shop at        After you’ve checked
name.                         the Wimberley Square if you in at your camper’s cabin,
                              have a significant wait.       helped her settle in, kissed
1:00 All SIT 2’s,                                            her goodbye and dropped off
      Western Empress (A-L) W HA T T O EX P ECT . . .        any medications/mail, you
1:30 Western Empress (M-Z)          Upon arrival at your     have completed the check-in
2:00: All Circle B Porch,     cabin, counselors will         process and are free to leave.
      All Circle B Down,      facilitate check-in and help Your camper will move on
      Lazy D (A-L)            you fill out the required      to having a swim check, lice
2:30: All Circle B Up,        health screening. They will check, and getting to know
      All Circle B Deck,      also have a checklist to       her cabin group.
      All Wagons              ensure that your paperwork
      Lazy D (M-Z),           has arrived and been filed.
3:00: Bar K (A-L),            If you have medications
      Bar Nada (A-L)          (original containers
3:30: Bar K (M-Z),            required) or other special
      Bar Nada (M-Z)          medical instructions, you can
                              visit the nurse in the Forty
                                         ★   2   ★
                  ROCKY RIVER POLICIES
                              Campers place their luggage     from camp without refund,
     Admission as a Rocky     under or at the foot of their   so please pack with your
River camper carries          bunk. Due to the unique         camper.
many privileges and           design of our Wagons,
responsibilities. We expect   they cannot accommodate         *Cell phones are NOT
campers to participate        trunks. If your camper is       ALLOWED. This includes
in the total life of camp     in the Wagons, please pack      everyone, even older girls in the
─ to work, play, and live     her belongings in a duffel,     Leadership Program! If you
together. Almost all girls    suitcase, or plastic drawers    have any questions regarding
are able to do this with      that can slide underneath       this policy, please contact the
little to no issues. However, her bunk (13-inch clearance).   camp director prior to arrival
if after intervention and         We recommend including      or on check in day.
in partnership with the       your camper in selecting her
parents, if a camper is       clothes and packing. Please     ELECTRONICS
unable to assimilate to camp  don’t go buy new items for          Camp is all about
life, or if a camper becomes acamp - we suggest sending       unplugging from the digital
risk to herself or others, we old or inexpensive items.       world and plugging into real
reserve the right to dismiss  We also highly recommend        conversations, experiences
her without a refund.         labeling each item she brings   and skill development.
                              with her name. Labels or        Because we cannot properly
TRANSPORTATION                permanent markers work          supervise the sharing
     We are happy to          great for this!                 of content or monitor
transport campers to and          We have clocks, ceiling     communications, and to help
from the Austin airport.      fans, and air conditioners in   campers focus on the camp
We just need notification in each cabin. Battery-operated     experience, we do not allow
writing by email at least two personal fans are allowed.      electronic devices, e.g. cell
weeks in advance. Please                                      phones, smart watches, iPod
confirm with us by phone to WHAT NOT TO PACK                  Touches, Kindles, laptops,
discuss more details. There ● Cell phones*                    tablets, electronic games,
is a $30 fee per person for   ● Electronic devices (see:      CD players, DVD players,
each trip to the airport.       Electronics)                  iPods or MP3 players.
Please check with your        ● Clothing with questionable    Digital cameras are allowed,
airline about rules regarding graphics or words               but not permitted for use
unaccompanied minors          ● Tobacco products (any/all)    inside cabins. Each cabin
traveling.                    ● Alcohol or drugs              is equipped with approved
                              ● Knives (pocket, camping)      music for campers to enjoy.
                              ● Cash                          If you have questions or
PACKING NOTES                 ● Weapons of any kind           concerns about this policy,
    A suggested packing list If found, these items will       please contact the camp
for camp is included on the   be confiscated and kept         director.
last page of this packet.     in the office until the end
Please supervise what your    of session, but we cannot
child packs. We suggest       take responsibility for
packing in a trunk, small     their safety. Furthermore,
stacking plastic drawers,     bringing any of these items
a suitcase, or duffel bag.    could result in dismissal
                                        ★ 3   ★
HORSEBACK, MUSICAL                CAMP PHOTOS                 CLASSES
INSTRUMENTS AND                       During the session, a       At RRR we offer a wide
JEWELRY                           photographer will take each variety of classes so that
    If your child is in or        camper’s photo and a group  each camper can find a new
might switch into a horseback     photo of the entire cabin and
                                                              passion while building upon
class, jeans or long pants are    counselors. A 5x7 printed   natural abilities and have
required. Helmets and cowboy      group photo will be given   lots of fun. We want every
boots with a smooth, hard         to you at check-out for no  girl to love her classes. It is
sole and at least 1-inch heel     charge. Purchase of your    important that they spend
are also required. We have        camper’s individual photo   time learning and doing
helmets and cowboy boots to       is optional and can be done what they enjoy. We also
loan; please do not feel the      through your account at     really want the girls to feel
need to purchase them for We willempowered to choose for
your camper. Due to safety        upload snapshots of activities
                                                              themselves. To this end, we
issues, lace-up boots and/or      during each session ─ these manage the waiting lists very
thick rubber-sole hiking boots    may be purchased and        closely and let girls change
are not suitable.                 downloaded as well. Packing their classes even after the
       If a camper wishes to      an inexpensive disposable   camp session begins. We
bring a musical instrument        camera or inexpensive digital
                                                              strongly encourage parents
(which we love), it can be kept   camera will allow your      to let their camper choose her
in the office for safe-keeping    camper to record her own    own classes! The classes are
and not shared.                   special memories of camp too.
                                                              a tool used to get to deeper
    We hope you understand                                    lessons learned at camp.
that we cannot assume          LOST & FOUND                   Our mission is to develop
liability for any camper’s         Camp life strives to teach great qualities in young
personal property. For this    your child to be responsible   people; qualities such as
reason, please leave articles  for and take care of her       confidence, critical thinking,
of value (monetary or          belongings. It helps for her   teamwork and collaboration,
sentimental) at home.          to be involved in labeling     respect, responsibility and
                               and packing her own clothes, communication. These
LAUNDRY                        towels, and bedding so she     skills are going to be
    Please send a laundry      will be aware that they belong learned at camp regardless
bag with your camper’s name to her if they show up in the of which classes they are in.
printed in large letters on    Lost & Found.                  Counselors are trained on
the outside of the bag. Please     Please label all items     how to develop these skills
label all items with your      with your child’s name. We     in the art room and on the
camper’s name.                 will make every attempt to     tennis court, at the barn and
● One-week campers             reunite lost items with the    at the river. For more detailed
  should bring the amount      rightful owner before the      description of the classes and
  of clothes needed for their session ends. If items are      times each class is offered,
  entire session.              left at camp, please contact   please refer to the Class
● Ten-day campers can          us and describe (in detail)    Information 2020 document
  choose to pack for the       the missing item, and we       on our website.
  entire session or have       will contact you in regards to
  laundry done once for an     shipping cost.
  additional fee (advance          Items not claimed by
  sign up required)            September 1st will be donated
● Two-week campers will        to a local women’s shelter.
  have laundry done once
  over the weekend while at
  camp, included in tuition.

                                            ★   4   ★
VISITING                           Including your child in          call home or a friend too.
    For the safety of all         decisions about camp and               One of the reasons they
our campers, we do not            classes is vital to her success   are in camp is to experience
allow any visitors during         and sense of autonomy.            living independently for a
sessions. We do not have a        Help younger campers              short while. Tell your child
parents’ day during sessions      understand the length of a        that you are proud that she is
─ campgrounds are open            camp session by comparing a       becoming more independent
to parents on opening and         week to something to which        and able to take care of
closing days only.                she can relate. Assure your       herself. If you are concerned
    Experience has proven         child that you know when to       about something specific or
that campers adjust more          pick her up, and that you will    your child writes you about
easily to the camp routine        be there.                         something you feel we should
without the emotional                 Provide your camper with      know, please call our office.
interruption of visits. We        away-from-home experience                Do not tell your camper
do not want to disrupt the        ─ we don’t recommend that         that she can call home if she
flow of camp, lose the sense      camp be her first sleepover       gets homesick. She will never
of independence, or increase      experience. Talk through          forget it, and it will hinder
feelings of homesickness          some strategies for dealing       her adaptation to camp life.
and anxiety that can be           with her feelings while she       Camp policy states that
experienced when visitors         is here. What works for some      no child is allowed to use
come during session. We           (pictures, letters, etc.) does    a phone. Discuss this with
will not allow any camper to      not work for all.                 your camper and help her
leave the campgrounds with                If you are anxious        understand that she will not
anyone except her parents,        about camp, talk to the camp      be able to call home. Please
or camp personnel without         directors; it’s important to      keep in mind that we will
written permission from a         avoid exposing your camper        always contact you if there is
parent or guardian. Please        to your own anxiety. If you       a problem.
update your authorized            are feeling anxious, we                  Finally, please don’t
pick-ups in your online RRR       recommend the following           make any deals with your
account.                          books written for parents:        camper about early pickup,
                                  Homesick and Happy: How           e.g. “If you don’t like it, I will
HOMESICKNESS                      Time Away from Parents            come and get you.” It sets
     Sometimes a camper has       Can Help a Child Grow by          her up for disappointment
a touch of homesickness the       Michael Thompson, and The         and keeps her from focusing
first night or two. Almost all    Summer Camp Handbook by           on solutions at camp.
children have some feelings       Christopher Thurber and Jen       After discussing the many
of homesickness when they         C. Malinowski. These can be       possibilities, if you decide
are away. You might receive       great resources to read before    to take your camper home
a “come and get me” letter,       your camper comes to camp.        because of homesickness,
but usually this feeling              Please do not allow your      the camp fee will not be
has passed by the time you        child to bring a cell phone, as   refunded. It’s important
receive it. Please resist         she will not be permitted to      to note that most campers
that tug at your heart, as        use it, or even keep it in her    adjust and enjoy their
well as the parental urge         cabin. Furthermore, bringing      summer camp experience.
to rush to Wimberley. If          a cell phone may result in        If your camper is struggling
you have concerns, you            dismissal from camp with          with homesickness, we will
are encouraged to contact         no refund. A phone call or        make every effort to help
the office. Campers soon          text might reassure you of        her cope and move forward
understand that they have         her well-being, but it could      so that she enjoys a positive
the sympathy, respect, and        easily bring on a twinge          RRR experience.
friendship of the entire staff.   of homesickness for your
If we are unable to foster a      camper, as well as others.
child’s adjustment to camp               Given the opportunity,
life, be assured ─ we will not    most campers will want to
hesitate to contact you.          use the available phone to
                                             ★ 5    ★
MAIL                               or something happening to a      cannot send you emails
       Mail Call is one of the     friend, please call the camp     while she attends camp.
campers’ favorite times of         directors so they can help
each day. It is wonderful to       the camper deal with it.      CARE PACKAGES
see smiles on campers’ faces       Alternately, consider saving       Care Packages are fun
when they receive a letter or      such news for when you        and most girls enjoy getting
email. Stamps and stationery       are with your child. Please   a special treat. We suggest
are sold in the Canteen, but       think about how your words    not going overboard with the
we suggest self-addressed,         will affect your child. If youpackages though! Campers
stamped envelopes be sent          are unsure about how to       have little down time each
with your child, especially for    communicate news, please      day and often don’t use all
younger campers. (Place in a       call the camp director and    the items sent. If you do
ziploc bag to prevent moisture     make a plan together of how   send packages, we want to
from getting to them.) If you      (and when) would be best.     make it easy for you and at
send self-addressed envelopes          The first Monday is an    the same time not make it
and teach your child how to        excellent day for mail. It    a focus of the camp session.
write your address, you are        gives special attention to    Send one or two special
more likely to receive her         your child and makes her      treats a week using these
precious letters!                  feel good because you wrote   options...
     That said, often a lack       on the first day. Letters and      (1) Order through our
of letters to home indicates       packages may be left in the   Canteen Store online at
your child is having a grand       Forty Niner on check-in There
time and is too busy to write.     day and will be delivered     are several care packages to
Or you might receive a letter      on the requested day of the   choose from and each one is
saying your child is homesick.     week. Due to storage issues,  filled with exclusive goodies.
Most of these types of letters     packages left in The Forty    You can easily purchase
are written shortly after          Niner are limited to two per  them ahead of time, on check
arrival, before your camper        week and must be in a sealed  in day, or during a session.
has made friends and become        envelope (see Care Package    If ordering during a session,
busy. Call the camp directors      Info, page 8). You may leave  your order must be placed
if you have concerns, but          unlimited letters (6x8 inch   by 9:00 pm to be delivered
write back positively about        envelopes or smaller). Our    the next day. Remember, no
your confidence in your child      address for letters is:       letters or packages will be
and excitement about her                          delivered on check out day!
session.                                                          (2) Buy items in the
    We urge campers to write           P.O. Box 109              Canteen on check in day
often, and suggest that you            Wimberley, TX 78676       and assemble your own care
and other relatives write                                        package. Our camp store will
often to your camper. Please        E-MAIL                       be open from 1:00-4:00 pm.
leave out the “we miss you             We will print and deliver (3) Create your own care
unbearably” variety, and           emails to your camper         package at home and drop
                                   during Mail Call. Emails      it off in the Forty Niner
avoid telling the child what       are sent via your account     on check in day after your
they’re missing while they         on       camper is settled in her
are away at camp. Sometimes        Once you have logged in,      cabin. You may leave up to
parents write that they            click the “Email a Camper” two packages per week in the
cannot get along without           button under the “Additional Forty Niner. Packages must
their camper. We understand        Options” menu. Emails are be in a sealed envelope
this feeling, but it is not what   purchased in $5 blocks,       (either 8.5x11 or 10.5x15).
your child needs to hear           $1 per email. Emails are      You can purchase these at
while at camp.                     printed at 10:30am daily.     Target, Walmart, etc. or
        If you have any            Note: there is no Mail        purchase one in the Forty
negative news that must            Call on check out days, so    Niner for a minimal fee.
be shared with your child,         emails cannot be delivered.        (4) Assemble a care
such as the death of a pet,        Remember: Your camper         package at home and ship.
                                             ★   6   ★
FOR SUCCESSFUL                   last couple of days at camp.    leftover, you will have the
SHIPPING. . .                    For a child experiencing a      option to spend it on check
    Anything sent via US         little homesickness, a letter   out day or donate it to the
Postal Service must be sent      suggesting a surprise at        Campership Fund.
to our P.O. box or it will not   the end of the session gives
be delivered.                    her something fun to look
                                 forward to.
                                                REFUND POLICY
                                                     Cancellations received
P.O. Box 109                   CANTEEN                       in writing by our office
Wimberley, TX 78676                Campers enjoy canteen     prior to May 1st will receive
                               time each day after rest      a full refund (minus the
    If you use another         period where they can choose nonrefundable deposit).
delivery service, i.e. UPS,    an ice cream, candy or snack Cancellations after May 1st
FedEx, etc., you must use      item. In addition, cabins are are not eligible for refunds.
our physical address or it     able to shop for T-shirts and
will not be delivered. Rocky souvenirs once a week. Your
River cannot be responsible    camper’s canteen account
for missing packages.          is included in camp tuition
                               and set up as a debit system.
                  We will be able to give her
                   an accurate accounting of
100 Flite Acres Road           funds available and will
Wimberley, TX 78676            help her manage her funds.
                               Campers are not allowed to
    If you want to send        keep cash in their cabins. We
care packages, we suggest      will encourage your camper
sending a small package the to spend her Canteen money
first day or two, and saving a during her session. However,
special one for the            if she has any money

                           WEBSITE RESOURCES
               Things you can do through your account at
     ❐   Edit/change classes (up to one week prior to your camper’s session)
     ❐   Pay your session balance before May 1st
     ❐   Fill out all forms: Health History, Permission, Camper Profile before May 1st
     ❐   Print out Medical Recommendation Form for your doctor to complete; upload
         it and Vaccination Records at least 2 weeks before your camper’s session
     ❐   Edit medications
     ❐   Email your camper
     ❐   List persons authorized to pick up camper
     ❐   View and purchase photos of your camper
     ❐   Make a Campership Fund donation to help send less-fortunate kids to camp
         (Under Additional Options menu, select Donations)

                                           ★ 7     ★
There are two medical forms     any changes occur after this      or (3) head lice was found on
required:                       time.                             a camper at the check-in day
(1) Health History Form             Your camper’s health is       lice check (4) a camper sleeps
This form can be completed      very important to us, and we      overnight in the Wellness
online via your RRR account.    will follow the instructions      Center.
Just log-in, click on Document  of your doctor and your               Please do not send your
Center (under Additional        suggestions while she is          child to camp if she is running
Options menu) and complete      at camp. Please note that         a fever or is in poor health. The
the information for each        all medications (including        chances of making a speedy
camper. This form must be       vitamins) must be in the          recovery while in the new and
completed by May 1st.           original bottle or container      physically demanding camp
                                from the pharmacy. We do not      environment are very slim. We
(2) Medical Recommendation      accept expired prescriptions.     try to provide the safest and
Form                                By state law, the nurse       healthiest environment for all
This form must be downloaded, will not distribute medications     campers. In an effort to keep
printed, completed by your      that are not in the original      everyone in good health, we
doctor’s office and returned to containers. Prescriptions must    ask that you consult a doctor
RRR. In the Document Center have the camper’s name and            before bringing your child
of your online account (under   dosing instructions on the        to camp if she has recently
Additional Options menu),       label. Please check that the      suffered from or been exposed
you will find the Medical       instructions you leave match      to an illness. We also ask that
Recommendation Form located the doctor’s dosage. They must        you check your child for lice
on the right-hand side. This    be turned into the camp nurse     several times in the weeks
form can be mailed, faxed,      upon your camper’s arrival.       leading up to camp.
uploaded or emailed back to     The information will be entered
the RRR office and must be      in the nurse’s ledger to ensure   BED WETTING
received 2 weeks prior to your that the medications are given        If your child has experienced
camper’s check in day.          to your camper as required.       bed-wetting accidents recently,
                                If necessary, these forms also    please send a waterproof pad
LET US KNOW...                  serve as permission to treat      and an extra set of sheets.
What medications your           your camper in the event of an    In case of an accident, a staff
camper will take while she is   emergency.                        member will change the bed
at camp. You can do this via                                      and wash the soiled sheets. We
your online account. Just click MEDICAL TREATMENT                 will do everything we can to be
on your camper’s name from          Our camp nurse or director    as discreet as possible.
the account detail page. On     will notify parents if (1) a          You may also want to
the lower left you will see a   camper exhibits symptoms          consider products available for
“Manage Medications” button. that are deemed worthy of            kids to wear to bed without
Please enter the name and       off-camp medical treatment,       calling attention to themselves.
dosage for each medication.     (2) a camper has any illness      Please make sure to mention
This info can be edited on your that prohibits participation      the bed-wetting to the nurse or
account until 1 week prior to   in the majority of camp and       a director, and discuss with the
your session. Please email if   cabin activities for 24 hours,    cabin counselors at check in.
                                              ★ 8     ★
  Climbing Wall | Zipline | Screamer | Rappelling | Crate Stacking
Our adventure classes all            risks of this program may include    natures. The level of participation
include harnesses, helmets and       falls, heat strokes, hypothermia,    in our programs is entirely
opportunity for challenge by         anxiety and other fear responses,    voluntary and under individual
choice. Due to time and program      elevated heart rates, collisions     choice at all times. As with any
constraints, participation is        with objects or other people,        program of this nature, there is
limited to those campers who are     unsafe acts by other participants,   a risk which must be assumed by
in 5th grade or older. Campers       acts of nature related to being in   each participant in the event that
also must weight 75 pounds           outdoor venues, and other risks      she may experience any emotional
or more to participate in these      that may or may not be noted by      or physical injury or death.
activities safely. Please read       participants and staff.                  “If I do voluntarily choose to
the following legal information          Safety is an important           allow my camper to participate
concerning the adventure classes     priority in the facilitation and     in Rocky River Ranch, Inc.’s
and sign the appropriate portion     management of all levels of          challenge course, I recognize that
of the online general permission     programming; however, even           there is a significant element
form, if your camper may take one    with the adherence to recognized     of risk in any adventure, sport,
of these classes.                    risk management practices            or activity associated with the
    Rocky River Ranch’s 40-foot      in adventure programming,            outdoors. Knowing of the inherent
climbing tower, zipline, 25-foot     accidents do occur. Participation    and other risks, dangers, and
natural rappelling cliff, crate      in this activity and element         rigors involved in the activities,
stacking and giant swing (aka        may result in injury, fatigue,       I represent that my camper is
The Screamer) allow campers to       psychological distress, or even      fully capable of participating
experience both the challenge and    death, not totally unlike other      in the activities.” Please sign
success of high ropes elements.      physically and emotionally           this statement on the online
    The inherent risks and other     demanding activities of various      Challengers/Zipline Release Form

  All Trainees (Rising 9th Graders) and SIT 1s participate in a Low-
      and High-Ropes Course at the Texas State Goal Program
For campers in the leadership        is $35. Please read the following    other participants. I recognize
program entering 9th and 10th        legal information concerning this    the inherent risks of injury in
grades...                            course and sign the appropriate      such activities. I understand and
    During each session, our         portion on the online Team           acknowledge that Rocky River
Trainees (campers entering 9th       Building Release Form.               Ranch and Texas State University
grade in fall) and our SIT 1s            “I understand that Rocky         do not offer any medical insurance
(those entering 10th grade in        River Ranch uses Texas State         to protect against such risks,
fall) participate as a group in      University’s GOAL course as          make no claim to do so, and have
a ropes course. Through Texas        part of its leadership program.      no responsibility for any medical
State University’s GOAL program,     I understand that parts of the       expenses that might incur. I
each camper learns more about        program may be physically            choose to assume such risks and
individual challenges, as well       demanding. I affirm that             such financial responsibility.”
as working as part of a team.        my child does not have any           Please sign this statement on the
Just a few miles from RRR, this      medical limitations, disclosed       online Team Building Release
course is a great component of our   or undisclosed, that might           Form.
leadership program. The course fee   endanger her health or that of
                                                 ★ 9     ★
               PHOTO ID
    All authorized persons must be listed on your online RRR account (
    All sessions end with      You will be able to pack
a Parent/Camper picnic         your camper’s things in the allow time for the girls who
followed by Water and          car after she has finished    are in both shows to change
Drama Shows. All sessions      participating in the shows.   into their costumes.
except Session 3 end on the    Parking will be tight; please
last Friday afternoon of the   be considerate of others as
session.                       you park.                         After the closing
                                                             ceremony at the pool, check-
   Session 3 (the 10-day           The check-out station     out activities will move to
session) ends on Tuesday,      will be on the way to the     the Forty Niner and Canteen
June 30th.                     pool. Once you have gone      Store area. The Drama Show
                               through check-out, your
    On check out day our       camper will be waiting for    will take place in the Forty
front gate will open at 1:30   you at the meet-and-greet     Niner.
pm. There is no reason to      picnic above the pool, before
arrive before this time. For   the closing ceremony begins.      You will receive an
safety, we will not open the This is a great opportunity     email ahead of time with a
gate before we have all of the for parents to interact with program for the closing day
campers located in one area. the RRR staff and enjoy         activities. If your camper
                               performances by their
   Details will be given to                                  is participating in one of
you when you arrive for                                      the shows, you will find her
check-out. Once inside the                                   name listed in the program.
                                   The Closing Ceremony
gate, please park near your
camper’s cabin and head        will begin at 2 pm at the
straight to check-out.         pool. There will be a short
                               break before the Drama
                               Show begins to

                                         ★   10   ★
What are the cabins like?        camp is in session.               staff are often out on the
All cabins are air-conditioned   Our summer plans changed.         campsite until just before your
bunkhouses. Cabin placements     Can I get a refund for camp?      scheduled arrival time.
are determined by age and        Rocky River will refund the
grade. Rocky River honors        tuition minus the deposit until   My camper wants to change
bunkmate requests as much        May 1st. Please submit your       her class schedule ─ is this
as possible for girls who are    cancellation in writing so that   possible?
up to one year apart in age.     we can process your refund as     Absolutely. Campers can
Housekeeping duties in each      quickly as possible.              change their schedule
cabin are shared by campers                                        online via your account on
and staff. Cabin photos are       This will be my camper’s first any time
on the Facilities page of our     camp experience. What can I      until the week before arrival.
website under “About.”            do to prepare her for camp life? Class info online is in real-time
                                      The best thing to do is talk and waiting lists are managed
When are my balance and           to your camper about what        if classes are full. Your camper
camp forms due?                   camp life will be like. Explain will have the option to change
All balances and forms are        to her that she will not be able her classes after she arrives.
due by May 1st. You can make to see or talk to you while at
payments online through your camp and that you know she            What happens if my camper
account and find the required     will do great while here.        gets sick at camp?
forms in the Document Center.         Call to set up a time before Rocky River takes health care
                                  the summer to visit the camp     very seriously. Our wellness
What does the camp fee cover? and speak with a director            center is well equipped,
Room, board, cabin group          ─ we’ll be able to show you      staffed and maintained for our
photo, canteen credit, laundry cabins, where classes are held, campers who need special care,
during Sessions 2 & 5, and        where campers eat, etc. Pack     and our camp doctor is on-call
camp activities are covered.      for camp with your camper ─      throughout the season. All of
Ropes Course (Trainees and        allow her to write her name on our counselors are trained in
SIT 1’s only), Horseback and      her clothing, choose a special   CPR and First Aid. Should any
laundry during Session 3 are      stuffed animal to bring, and     concerning health issue arise,
an additional fee.                which books she’d like to read a staff member will contact the
                                  during down time. Allowing her parents.
Can I call my camper while        to see the camp and know what
she’s at camp?                    she’ll be doing and what she     Is Rocky River Ranch a
Rocky River campers do not        is bringing will help alleviate  religious camp?
have access to phones while       any natural anxiety she may      No, Rocky River is not a
here. If you have a question,     be experiencing, enabling her    religiously affiliated camp.
or would just like to check in,   to have the best time possible We welcome campers from all
feel free to call the camp office while here.                      religious backgrounds. We love
anytime.                                                           having a diverse community!
                                  I have two campers attending. Our long time traditions do
Can I visit my camper while       Can I drop them off at the       include singing grace before
she’s at camp?                    same time?                       meals and ending the day with
For your camper’s safety,         Only if they are in the same     a Friendship Circle, which
Rocky River does not allow        cabin. Please follow our check- includes saying The Lord’s
visitors on the campsite while in schedule as our summer           Prayer.
                                              ★ 11     ★
     is a suggested checklist for a one-week
camper. Adjustments should be made for
a ten-day and two-week camper. Laundry
will be done for every camper over the              OTHER
weekend during Sessions 2 and 5, and                □ Swim towels (3)
optional during Session 3. We suggest               □ Tote bag (for clothing changes between
labeling all items!                                    classes, and carrying sunscreen, towel,
REQUIRED:                                           □ Flashlight (with extra batteries)
                                                    □ Laundry bag (with camper’s name on
BEDDING                                                outside)
□ Pillow with pillowcase                            □ Water bottle - We suggest it be double
□ Set of twin sheets                                   insulated and minimum 18 oz
□ Blanket or comforter                              □ River shoes (not flipflops or crocs) that
                                                       stay securely on feet with a back strap
CLOTHES                                                or back panel, e.g. old athletic shoes,
□ Shorts (5 pairs)                                     “water shoes” with back strap, etc.
□ T-shirts (6)                                      □ Sunscreen
□ Hat/cap
□ Swimsuits (3-4, old ones are fine)
□ Athletic shoes (1 pair)
□ Socks (5 pairs)
□ Denim jeans (2-3 pairs, for horseback)            OPTIONAL/HIGHLY
□ Pajamas (2 pairs)                                 SUGGESTED:
□ Undergarments                                     □ Pre-addressed, stamped envelopes
                                                       Stationary, pens and pencils
TOILETRIES                                          □ Bug spray
□ Shower towels (3)                                 □ Costume, musical instrument or props for
□ Washcloths (2-3)                                     the Talent Show
□ Toothbrush & toothpaste                           □ Theme Day outfits
□ Body wash/soap                                    □ Favorite stuffed animal/blanket
□ Shampoo & conditioner                             □ Light sweatshirt/jacket
□ Detangler spray                                   □ Eye mask or ear plugs
□ Hairbrush or comb                                 □ Swim goggles
□ Hair ties (long hair must be pulled               □ Disposable or inexpensive digital camera
   back for Challengers, Horseback, and
   swimming in the pool)
□ Shower caddy
□ Feminine hygiene products &
   deodorant(if needed)
                                        ★      12      ★
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