Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester

Page created by Kathryn Franklin
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Delivered FREE to every home in West Cheshire                                                                         Autumn 2016

In this issue
                                 Firefighters tune up for
                                 charity p3
                                                            Cheshire CARES for victims
                                                            of crime p6
                                                                                                    Bright future for Chester
                                                                                                    Market p7

   Barons Quay to
   open doors this
   winter p4

                                                                                         Produced by Cheshire West and Chester Council
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Page 2 | Talking Together | Autumn 2016

                                                                                                           What you have been saying online – messages sent to
                                                      Tweet @Go_CheshireWest                               @Go_CheshireWest, @CWACLibraries and @CWACmuseums

                                                      Heritage Lottery @heritagelottery         Leigh-anne P @luvlee_2104                 Noniepops @noniepops2007
                                                      Big congrats from us to                   Erik loved the                            @cwaclibraries thanks Liam at Blacon
                                                      @cwacmuseums for winning                  #SummerReadingChallenge. So               library for coding club. My son used
                                                      #NLAwards heritage category. Proud        excited about his certificate & medal     what he learnt to teach others at
                                                      evening!                                  @cwaclibraries @Hartfordmanor1            school. #lovemylibrary
                                                      Emma Stringfellow                         Cheshire Dance @cheshiredance             Grace Ashworth DMYP
                                                      @EmmaStringfell1                          @cwaclibraries thank you for inviting     @grace_ashworth_
                                                      Very much enjoyed Roman finds at          us to deliver dance in Chester and        Very exciting things are happening
                                                      Grosvenor @cwacmuseums makes              Wharton libraries this week               with the youth service in
                                                      such a difference to hold objects and     #summerhols2016                           @Go_CheshireWest young people
                                                      have a chat @heritageopenday              FamiliesChesterEP                         are being central to decisions affecting
                                                      Mumsnet Cheshire                          @FamiliesChester                          us!!
                                                      @MumsnetCheshire                          My boys are whizzing through books        letsrecycle @letsrecycle
                                                      Tony was a brilliant tour guide, he       thanks to the #BigFriendlyRead this       Eunomia names @Go_CheshireWest
                                                      knows everything! Lion Salt Works         summer                                    top recycling carbon-saving council
Leader’s welcome                                      worth a trip, fascinating stuff           Alfred Dewsbury @alfdewsbury              Chester Pride @ChesterPride
                                                      @cwacmuseums                              @Go_CheshireWest Well done to the         Big thank you to @Go_cheshirewest
At this time of year our thoughts turn to             Geoff Pearson @HikingHistorian            Street Scene crew. Reported fly tipping   who are supporting us again this year
family and togetherness as we prepare to              Stretton Watermill @cwacmuseums           by phone today and got instant action.    and helping us keep Chester Pride a
celebrate Christmas. But what if you were a           was worth a visit. Well informed          Excellent!#FamilyFunUK                    free event! #pride
child or young person without a safe and              guided tour around working mill           Neil MacInnes @macinnes_neil              HWCheshireWest
stable home? In this issue we cover the               which has been on site since Middle       Fabulous site visit to an exciting new    @HealthwatchCW
stories of two men who were fostered in               Ages                                      cultural and community venue with         Looking forward to hearing about the
completely different circumstances – 70
                                                      Sarah Griffiths @sarahgriff117            libraries right at the heart of it        @Brenproject at this morning's
years apart. The similarity between them is
                                                      Great to see the new Roman                @StoryhouseLive @cwaclibraries            Learning Disability Partnership Board
the positive impact of foster carers on the
                                                      Medicine exhibition tonight                                                         meeting @Go_CheshireWest
course of their lives. We hope that this heart-                                                  See the back page for links to
                                                      @cwacmuseums @Big_Heritage
warming story, which you can find on page                                                        our website and social media
                                                      #chester #history
five, will inspire our readers to consider if                                                    channels.
they can make that kind of difference and
give a child or young person the best possible
start in life.
As colder weather sets in we are also                                                                                                Meeting dates
offering advice on winter driving and an
insight into the work of the Council’s 16-                                                                                           are online
strong fleet of gritting trucks. I hope you find
this article, on page 15, useful and stay safe                                                                                       A list of dates and times of full Council
on the roads this winter.                                                                                                            meetings and committee meetings can
Our cover story is about the excitement                                                                                              be found at:
mounting in Northwich as the first                                                                                         
attractions in the Council’s £80m Barons                                                                                             in the Your Council section. If you would
Quay shopping and leisure quarter prepare to                                                                                         like this publication in an alternative
open. There is also an update on plans for
                                                      Go direct                                                                      format or in another language please
Chester Market and the Chester Northgate                                                  email:
scheme on page seven. Wherever you live in                                                                                           equalities@cheshirewestandchester.
                                                      It’s quick and easy to access Council news, information
the borough, I hope that you take the time to                                                                               or tel: 0300 123 8 123.
                                                      and services. You can find it, report it and pay it – all
visit our town centres during your Christmas          online.                                                                        Give us your feedback on this issue of
shopping expeditions and make the most of                                                                                            Talking Together by emailing:
west Cheshire’s many and varied local
                                                      Go local                                                                       talkingtogether@cheshirewestand
                                                                                        or writing to
Finally, I would like to draw your attention to                                                                                      Marketing and Communication team,
                                                      Visit and click on where you live for local news, links
the What’s On guide in the centre pages of                                                                                           Cheshire West and Chester Council,
                                                      to services, events and public notices - plus the latest
this paper. I am certainly looking forward to                                                                                        4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE.
                                                      job opportunities from the Council, Cheshire Police,
visiting some of the parades, festivals and
                                                      Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service and the Police & Crime                        Talking Together is published in
celebrations throughout the festive season.
                                                      Commissioner for Cheshire.                                                     partnership by Cheshire West and
                                                      Visitors to the site can sign up to receive news updates.                      Chester Council, Cheshire Fire and
Cllr Samantha Dixon
                                                                                                                                     Rescue Service, Police & Crime
Leader, Cheshire West and Chester Council
                                                                                                                                     Commissioner for Cheshire and NHS
                                                      General Council enquiries                                                      West Cheshire Clinical Commissioning
                                                      0300 123 8 123                                                                 Group.
Front cover: Codilia Gapare and her sons Takunda,
nine, and Panashe, 16, are excited about the Barons   See page 15 for direct phone numbers for specific
Quay development, in Northwich, particularly the      services.
new riverside cinema
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Autumn 2016 | Talking Together | Page 3

Children’s centres offer help at
the heart of communities
 Each week Elizabeth Oliver
 and her son Finley look
 forward to Friday morning Stay
 and Play sessions at Frodsham
 children’s centre.

 Elizabeth said: “The room is fab. It’s a safe
 environment for Finley to explore and play
 with children his own age. I work in the evenings
 and at weekends and so it’s nice to have things
 to do with Finley during the day. He always
 wants to be out so being able to walk to the
 children’s centre is perfect. It’s also good to know
 if I had any problems, with Finley’s speech or
 walking for example, that the centre can offer
 advice and support.”

 Elizabeth first came to the centre 20 months
 ago when her friend encouraged her to join the
 pre-natal breastfeeding support group. Once
 Finley was born Elizabeth brought him along to
 Baby Weigh and Baby Matters.
                                                            Aisling Culshaw, Early Years Worker at Frodsham,            Children’s centres in west Cheshire are part of the Council’s
 Elizabeth finds the centre invaluable: “In the             said: “The groups are great for bringing young              drive to give children the best start in life by offering a wide
 early days the groups gave my week structure               children’s carers together. Mums, dads,                     range of services. They bring education, childcare, health
 and helped me not feel so isolated. On the days I          grandparents and foster carers all visit with their         and family support services, training, employment and
 had a group to attend I used to get up and                 children. They share their experiences and                  advice for parents all together in the heart of the community.
 dressed rather than stay in my pyjamas. It could           support each other. They develop good social                Find out about services on offer near you by searching
 be your baby won’t latch, you’ve both had no               networks and make lasting friendships. Elizabeth            children’s centres at:
 sleep or you’re just generally feeling like you’ve         still comes to the breastfeeding support group to 
 just had a baby! Knowing there is someone                  help new mums but now views it as more of a
 waiting at the children’s centre is a huge help.”          social event.”                                              Photo: Elizabeth Oliver and her son Finlay at Frodsham children’s centre

Firefighters release song for                                           Photo: Firefighters record their charity song

To mark the 15th anniversary of the 9/11
attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, Cheshire
Fire Choir has released Bruce Springsteen’s song,
The Rising.
The Rising by Cheshire Fire Choir is available to download
from iTunes, Amazon Music and Google Play.
Performing the song is the Fire Choir’s way of never forgetting
colleagues and a means of raising money for The Fire Fighters
The song holds a special meaning for every single member of the
choir, comprising firefighters, control and support staff from
Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, as it was written in reaction to
the attack in which 343 firefighters, 60 police officers and 10
paramedics lost their lives. It is also a tribute to UK emergency
services personnel in the UK who have given their lives in the
line of duty.
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Page 4 | Talking Together | Autumn 2016

 Families look forward to a bright future                                                       Two of the key anchor tenants at
                                                                                                riverside redevelopment Barons Quay
                                                                                                                                                 “It’s a town of the future now.”
                                                                                                                                                 Codilia, who set up the business C-lash
 in Northwich                                                                                   are set to open this winter, officially
                                                                                                launching the town’s new retail and
                                                                                                                                                 to offer natural-looking false eyelashes
                                                                                                                                                 for people who have lost their own
                                                                                                leisure quarter.                                 through cancer treatment, lives near
 Anticipation is building for the opening of a multi-million pound                              An Asda supermarket will welcome                 the town centre with husband Mike
 regeneration scheme that will transform Northwich into a town of                               Christmas shoppers from Monday, 28               Haworth and sons Panashe, 16, and
 the future.                                                                                    November, with a state-of-the-art five-          Takunda, nine.
                                                                                                screen Odeon cinema opening in                   She said: “It will make Northwich into a
                                                                                                December.                                        really family-oriented town and will be
                                                                                                Mum-of-two Codilia Gapare says she               great for us because we live in walking
                                                                                                and her family cannot wait for the first         distance.
                                                                                                phase of the new development.                    “The boys are most excited about the
                                                                                                “We’re just really excited to see what’s         cinema – they like action movies and it
                                                                                                going to happen,” she said.                      will be nice for them to watch them on
                                                                                                “My kids have seen the old Northwich             the big screen.”
                                                                                                and are gradually seeing the new                 The 744-seat Odeon will boast a
                                                                                                Northwich coming through and they’re             cutting-edge ISENSE screen (ultra high
                                                                                                really excited.                                  definition), a full range of refreshments
                                                                                                                                                 and its own on-site café.

                                                                                                The first phase of Barons Quay will include new restaurants, bars, cafés and
                                                                                                shops, 900 parking spaces, three new public spaces for shoppers to meet and
                                                                                                relax and links back to the historic high street of Witton Street.
                                                                                                Cheshire West and Chester Council’s investment in the £80m scheme helps to put
                                                                                                Northwich on the map and ensure that west Cheshire is a great place to live and
                                                                                                visit. For more information about Barons Quay visit:
                                                                                                Photo: Codilia Gapare and her sons Takunda, nine, and Panashe, 16, look forward to the
                                                                                                opening of Barons Quay

Thanks to Prince’s Trust team for family centre garden makeover
A team of young people on a Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service
Prince's Trust programme have unveiled a community project in
Winsford to benefit families.

As part of the 12-week programme          Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service has been
the team had to complete a                running Prince’s Trust programmes for more than
community project and chose Small         20 years. They give young people between the
Oaks Family Centre, in Cheviot            ages of 16 and 25 the opportunity to learn new
Square, for a garden makeover.            skills, complete qualifications and gain greater
                                          self-confidence, with the primary focus being
The team of young people got stuck in
                                          team work within the community. Over the 12-
with the outside space at the centre.
                                          week course the young people look to push
They built a fence, tidied a garden
                                          themselves physically and mentally and the
and built a bug house at the facility
                                          community project is part of the programme.
which families can use and have easy
access to.                                Jason McTigue is a Prince's Trust Team Leader for
                                          Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, and co-
This is the second project to be
                                          ordinated the project. He said: “The Prince’s Trust
unveiled by the Prince’s Trust at Small
                                          team programme aims to move young people
Oaks. The previous team refurbished
                                          into full time employment. By doing this
the inside of the building as part of
                                          community project it helped them to gain not
their project, so the outside now looks
                                          only practical experience but also skills in how to
as good as the inside for any families
                                          project manage and budget."
who visit.
                                                                                                     For more information about the Prince’s Trust team programmes visit:
                                                                                            or telephone: 01606 868700.
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Autumn 2016 | Talking Together | Page 5

Foster and be the difference to a child’s life                                                                                         Local residents tell the
                                                                                                                                       truth about poverty in
                                                                                                                                       west Cheshire

                                                                                                                                       People who have experienced poverty
                                                                                                                                       first-hand can play a vital role in making
                                                                                                                                       decisions on how to tackle it.

                                                                                                                                       The newly established West Cheshire Poverty
                                                                                                                                       Truth Commission is working with a group of
                                                                                                                                       local residents called community inspirers,
                                                                                                                                       who may have lived with poverty, to share
                                                                                                                                       their stories and help identify and tackle the
                                                                                                                                       barriers people face.

                                                                                                                                       The Commission will bring together
                                                                                                                                       community inspirers with influential
                                                                                                                                       businesses, civic leaders and professionals
                                                                                                                                       to build relationships, encourage change
                                                                                                                                       and ensure that their experiences and
                                                                                                                                       views are placed at the heart of all work to
                                                                                                                                       tackle poverty.

Donald Pilley (pictured) was two                            A childless, elderly couple        one that provided routines
                                                                                                                                       The Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire, David Briggs,
                                                                                                                                       Chairman of West Cheshire Poverty Truth
when his mother and siblings were                           provided Donald with a loving      and boundaries helping him to           Commission, said: “When people think of the
                                                            and safe home and, after eight     overcome his struggles.
evacuated to Exeter from London                             years, adopted him. Donald
                                                                                                                                       word poverty they often consider how much
                                                                                               Moving from a privately owned           money a person has but the reality for many
to escape the war.                                          recalls growing up knowing he      house to a local council estate,        is that it is much deeper than just financial
                                                            was different, particularly as     he was surprised how he                 hardship. Increasingly we are seeing wider
                                                            he had a different name to         benefited from the tightknit            concerns around health and wellbeing, lack
His mother, with four children under three and              them, but this was never           community, making new                   of aspiration, debt, housing, food and fuel
another baby on the way, was taken into hospital            discussed. From an early age       friends along the way. Josh             poverty and employment struggles.
and the Women’s Voluntary Service placed Donald             he was estranged from his birth
and his older sister with two separate foster families.                                        maintained contact with his
                                                            family, meeting them again         birth family and rebuilt his            “West Cheshire Poverty Truth Commission
Josh* was fostered 70 years later, after being in the       almost thirty years later.         relationships with them.                recognises that people experiencing poverty
care of the Council. He was placed in foster care           Now aged 80 and living in                                                  are the experts. We want to put them at the
with a family friend when his own family struggled                                             When asked what makes a                 heart of the decision-making process to
                                                            Neston, with a successful          good foster carer he said:
to cope with his drug use.                                  career as an opera singer behind                                           ensure that, when our leaders decide how
                                                                                               “Having the freedom to make             best to deliver services, their impact will be as
Decades apart, what their stories show is that,             him, Donald believes that          mistakes but also being given
although the circumstances surrounding every                compassion for the child and                                               far-reaching and effective as possible.”
                                                                                               support and guidance to learn
child and young person can vary enormously, the             the birth parents is important     from them. Trust in my social
difference a safe and stable home can make is               and to let the child know that                                             The group of community inspirers will take
                                                                                               worker was important. I found           centre stage at a special launch event of the
unchanged.                                                  you’ve chosen them and why         our sessions really helpful.”
                                                            they are in care.                                                          Commission at Chester Racecourse in
                                                                                             Josh was encouraged to do his             February next year.
                                                            Josh stayed with a single-parent best and recently achieved a
                                                            mum and describes his            2:1 university degree.                    If you are interested in getting involved please
                                                            experience as “enlightening” –                                             contact Clare Roberts on: 07775 547752
                                                                                                                                       or email: clare.roberts@cheshirewestand
                                                          Cheshire West and Chester Council currently looks after 493 children
                                                          and young people and has 171 approved fostering households.
                                                          One of 23 local authorities backing the You Can Foster campaign, the
                                                          Council aims to recruit more foster carers. There are a lot of
                                                          preconceived ideas about why you might be ruled out as a foster
                                                          carer, but the only thing that matters is the support you can offer a
                                                          child for them to have the best possible start in life.
                                                          Find out more about fostering at:
                                                          *name of the individual has been changed to protect their identity
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Page 6 | Talking Together | Autumn 2016

                                                   Cheshire CARES
                                                                                                                    As a result of this approach, nearly twice as many victims
                                                                                                                    now receive support than under the previous model and
                                                                                                                    often more quickly. The team has also uncovered other
                                                                                                                    more serious crimes, such as domestic abuse, which might
                                                                                                                    hide behind reports of criminal damage, for instance.
                                                                                                                    To contact CARES,
                                                                                                                    call: 01606 366336 or email: cheshire.cares@cheshire.
Looking forward to a
warmer winter                                                                                                       Meanwhile, Police and Crime Commissioner David Keane
                                                                                                                    has welcomed Remedi to Cheshire as it takes up its role
Costly fuel bills will be a thing of the past                                                                       as provider of Cheshire’s restorative justice and mediation
for park home residents in Elton, who have                                                                          service.
often struggled to heat their homes.                                                                                Restorative justice gives victims chance to tell offenders
Older, uninsulated park homes properties at                                                                         the real impact of their crime, get answers to their
Orchard Park don’t have access to a mains gas                                                                       questions and get an apology. Remedi will be working
supply and residents rely on costly bottled gas.                                                                    across Cheshire with a clear focus on positive outcomes
Alan Davies and Alan Brown (pictured), who                                                                          for victims, as well as working with communities, families
have lived in their home for 16 years, are                                                                          and individuals to support mediation where there is risk of
among residents offered external wall,                                                                              crime or victimisation.
underfloor and loft insulation, part-funded by                                                                      Mr Keane said: "Having Remedi UK on board is a great
national charity National Energy Action.                                                                            result for the people of Cheshire. Not only do they have a
Due to the technical challenges of insulating                                                                       solid track record in delivering services for victims but they
park homes this is the first significant                                                                            will also provide renewed focus on partnership working,
energy efficiency scheme in the borough for        Cheshire CARES (Cope and Recovery                                multi-agency training and crucially, engaging the
park homes.                                        Enhanced Services) is a dedicated service                        community through volunteering.
Cheshire West and Chester Council, working         providing tailored support to all victims of                     Hub manager Lisa Gill commented: “Building capacity,
with Cornerstone Ltd, a national installer of
energy efficiency measures, has introduced an      crime in Cheshire, whether reported to the                       expertise and resilience across Cheshire will be a core
                                                                                                                    emphasis for the service that Remedi will be providing.
innovative scheme to install energy efficiency     police or not.                                                   We’ve all been really excited to get going and look
measures at Orchard Park, helping to lift
                                                                                                                    forward to delivering a top class service for the coming
residents out of fuel poverty.
                                                   Since November 2015, the teams have been supporting              months and years.”
Alan Davies said: “We’ve noticed a real
                                                   victims and raising the profile of the service at a number
difference over the summer months as our                                                                            For more information or to discuss potential
                                                   of community events.
home has been more comfortable to live in.                                                                          referrals, you can call the team on: 0800 6406466,
Now the cooler evenings are here we still          Manager Julie Blaylock said: “Our aim is to make sure            email: or
don’t have to put the heating on. We are           everyone knows we are there for them, whenever they              email:
hoping our winter fuel bills will be less from     decide they need support. We contact all victims of
now on.”                                           crime who report to the police and importantly we will           Photo: Nicola Bancroft, Remedi UK’s Assistant Director, David Keane,
Ann Raywood, the park’s Site Manager, added:       support all victims of crime regardless of whether they          Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, and Lisa Gill, Remedi
                                                   report the incident.”                                            hub manager
“The insulation has made such a difference.
Many of our residents are elderly and on fixed
incomes and heating an older park home can
be costly. I hope more residents are able to
benefit from schemes like this in the future.”
                                                   Lion Salt Works wins National Lottery Heritage Award
The Council was awarded funding from               Northwich’s multi award-winning Lion Salt Works
National Energy Action’s Technical Innovation
Fund to add to the already committed budget
                                                   has received a National Lottery Heritage award
enabling the insulation of 52 homes. In            fromTV chef Ainsley Harriott (pictured) at a star-
addition, 15 homes were offered heat               studded televised event.
recovery units.
National Energy Action is monitoring the           Millions of television viewers saw the museum, not just the
thermal performance of the park homes to           UK’s last open-pan salt making site but one of the last in
inform best practice on a national basis.          the world, recognised for its inspirational work following a
Addressing energy efficiency and affordable        four-year restoration project and a 30-year campaign to save
warmth is one of the Council’s key priorities      the works.
and it will now be looking to apply for further    The Lion Salt Works beat off six other challengers in a public
funding to insulate more park homes.               vote to win the Best Heritage Project. It has received a
For more information search for home               £3,000 cash prize to spend on the project as well as a coveted
energy at:                                         National Lottery Awards trophy. For information about                 Cheshire museums visit:
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Autumn 2016 | Talking Together | Page 7

 Designing a market for the future
 A historic west Cheshire market is setting out its stall for a long
 and prosperous future.
 Chester Market, managed by Cheshire West and Chester Council, is
 preparing to move to a new purpose-built venue at the heart of the
 £300m Chester Northgate development. Plans for the development
 have been approved, giving the go-ahead for an exciting scheme that
 includes a hotel, department store, restaurants, cinema and market.
 Fishmonger Steve Cartridge (pictured) is looking forward to the move,
 which is scheduled for 2019.
 He said: “Markets welcome people of all ages. We are passionate
 about the products we sell and I’m looking forward to seeing my
 existing customers and welcoming the many new visitors when the
 market is complete.
 “The products in the market are diverse, with many you will be
 pushed to find on the high street. If you can’t find an item you want,
 we will direct you to a trader that does have it or we’ll try and source
 it for you, there really is something for everyone.”

                                                                                Market traders are working with the       There has been a regular market in Chester since at least
                                                                                developer to design the new               the year 1139. The original site was the current Town
                                                                                building around their needs and the       Hall Square but the new development is set to bring back
                                                                                needs of a market for the future.         a Market Square that will also include a new cinema
                                                                                                                          operated by Picturehouse.
                                                                                Naq Vu (pictured), originally from
                                                                                Vietnam, has run the nail bar in the      Plans for the market are part of the Council’s work to
                                                                                market for three years but has been       invest in leisure and culture and bring vibrancy to
                                                                                in the nail business for 16 years.        communities.

                                                                                “I originally had a shop in Wigan         Chester’s Indoor Market is open from Monday to
                                                                                but after visiting Chester decided        Saturday between 8am and 5pm (except Bank Holidays).
                                                                                this was where I wanted to be,”           It offers a wide range of goods and services, including
                                                                                she said.                                 award-winning butchers, Cheshire cheese, fancy dress
                                                                                                                          and freshly prepared food. The market also has a loyalty
                                                                                “There are so many businesses             card offering discounts at participating stalls. For details
                                                                                under one roof and so many friendly       about markets in west Cheshire visit:

Green light for Northgate scheme
The cultural landscape of Chester is set to be transformed in an
ambitious £300m development.

Cheshire West and Chester Council has       The first phase will include restaurants in the
approved plans for the city’s Northgate     existing Chester Library building on Northgate
project, which will provide a new           Street, providing pre-theatre dining for the city’s
department store, shops, restaurants and    new cultural centre.
leisure facilities in two phases of         The wait is nearly over for Storyhouse, which
construction starting in autumn 2017.       opens next year bringing two state-of-the-art
Picturehouse will run a new six-screen      theatre spaces to Chester plus a library, boutique
cinema with more than 700 seats. The        cinema, café and bars.
cinema will include a ground-level
                                              The existing hotel, together with the Forum
foyer and café bar opening on to a new
                                              shopping centre and several other buildings, will
Market Square.
                                              be demolished in 2019, allowing work to start on
Chester Market will move into a new           the second phase of construction that includes
purpose built market hall and a 167-          shops and department store.
bedroom, four-star hotel and conference       The scheme is part of the Council’s investment in
centre will replace the existing Crowne       the leisure and culture that makes the borough a        To follow the project, which is expected to be complete in 2021,
Plaza hotel.                                  great place to live and visit.                          visit:
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Page 8 | Talking Together | Autumn 2016

  What’s on in west Cheshire                                                            Visit: or

                                                        Cold Places: Pictures from the Poles by Sue Flood      Winsford Christmas Street Festival
                                                        Grosvenor Museum, Chester                              Old High Street
                                                        19 November - 22 February                              25 November, 4pm - 7pm
                                                        The international award-winning photographer Sue       Enjoy a lantern parade, local primary schools’
                                                        Flood has travelled all over the world, but is drawn   nativity play, the Christmas lights switch-on and
                                                        back time and time again to the epic beauty of the     fabulous fireworks.
                                                        Polar Regions. The exhibition showcases      
                                                        photographs from her visits to the Arctic and
                                                        Antarctic Circles.                                     Northwich Christmas Extravaganza
                                                                        Northwich town centre
                                                                                                               26 November, 10am - 6.30pm
                                                                                                               Fun for all the family, including street performance,
                                                                                                               activities for children, lantern parade, Christmas lights
 Chester Christmas Light Switch-On Parade                                                                      switch-on and firework finale.
 Chester city centre                                                                                 
 17 November, 7pm
 Find Santa as you watch the fantastic 12 Days of                                                              Christmas Tree Festival
 Christmas parade travel through the streets starting                                                          Chester Cathedral
 from Chester Town Hall square.                                                                                26 November - 8 January                                                                                    Chester Cathedral cloisters will be filled with more
                                                                                                               than 40 majestic Christmas trees. Escape from the
                                                                                                               hustle and bustle of the festive period and lose
                                                                                                               yourself in the tree-lined winter walkways.
                                                        Police Cops
                                                        Lion Salt Works Museum, Northwich
                                                        24 November, 7.30pm, suitable for ages 12+
                                                        The Pretend Men's critically acclaimed, award-
                                                        winning comedy blockbuster returns for an action-
                                                        packed hour of adrenaline-fuelled physical theatre,
                                                        cinematic style and uncompromising facial hair.
                                                        Tickets available via the website.
 Chester Christmas Market
 Town Hall Square, Chester                              Christmas Tree Festival
 18 November - 18 December                              Christ Church, Neston Road, Willaston
 Shoppers are in for a magical time with over 70        25 - 27 November
 traditional wooden chalets situated in the heart of    Approximately 13 trees decorated by local
 Chester, all wrapped around a sparkling Christmas      community groups and businesses will be on
 tree.                                                  display. Some trees will be available for auction                                                                                    Frodsham Christmas Festival
                                                        during the event.
                                                                                                               High Street and Church Street
                                                                                                               26 November, 12pm - 8pm
                                                                                                               Enjoy the parade, Santa’s grotto, festive market and
                                                        The Lanterns at Chester Zoo                            fun for all the family.
                                                        25 November - 23 December on selected dates  
                                                        Stroll around the zoo after dark to enjoy all of the
                                                        night time sounds, the beautiful lantern-lit gardens   Ellesmere Port Christmas Light Switch-On and
                                                        and the larger than life animal lanterns.              Lantern Parade
                                                                                   Civic Square
                                                                                                               30 November, 5pm
                                                                                                               Ellesmere Port’s Christmas Village opening and
                                                                                                               lantern parade through the town including the
                                                                                                               impressive Queen of Lights and countdown the tree
                                                                                                               lights being switched on.
 Cheshire Pop-up Artisan Fair                                                                        
 Carriage Shed, City Place, Chester
 19 November and 17 December, 10am - 4pm                                                                       Willaston Village Christmas Lights Switch-On
 Cheshire Pop-up brings a diverse selection of                                                                 Village Green
 independent market traders with a selection of                                                                1 December, 6pm
 handmade giftware, gourmet delicacies, art,                                                                   Plenty of Christmas cheer with Hadlow Rd Carol
 jewellery and homewares.                                                                                      Singers, mulled wine and mince pies.                                                                              
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Autumn 2016 | Talking Together | Page 9

 What’s on in west Cheshire                                                               Visit: or

                                                                                                                    Dickensian Christmas
                                                                                                                    Lion Salt Works, Northwich
                                                                                                                    10 - 11 December 10.30am - 4pm
                                                                                                                    Father Christmas swaps his reindeer for a steam
                                                                                                                    engine. Celebrate Christmas in Salt Works style with
                                                                                                                    music, side shows, crafts and historical characters.
                                                                                                                    Suggested donation £2.
Lantern Parade
From Chester Town Hall Square
1 December, 7pm
Chester city centre will be lit up by hundreds of
children carrying handmade lanterns for the annual         Santa Dash
festive event.                                             Chester city centre
                                                           4 December, 10am
The Snowman and Cinderella                                 Fun run around the city with participants dressed up
Chester Cathedral                                          as Santa in aid of the Countess of Chester Babygrow
3 December, 12pm, 2.15pm and 7pm                           Appeal and the Hospice of the Good Shepherd.
Carrot Productions returns to Chester Cathedral to
share a retelling of the classic fairy tale, Cinderella,
with an orchestra and narrator.                            Winter Watch Parade                                   Chester city centre
                                                           8 December, 7pm
Christmas Floral Extravaganza                              Starting in Town Hall Square, don’t miss the Winter
Arley Hall and Gardens, Northwich                          Watch as it parades through the city centre led by the   Pantomime - Beauty and the Beast
3 - 8 December, 11am - 5pm                                 Lord of Misrule.                                         The Grange Theatre, Bradburns Lane, Hartford
Floristry colleges and florists decorate the hall in                                     10 December - 1 January
stunning style, plus delicious traditional Christmas                                                                Enjoy Beauty and the Beast, featuring an all-star cast,
fayre from roast dinners to mince pies and mulled                                                                   beautiful scenery and costumes and plenty of audience
wine available in The Gardener's Kitchen. Admission                                                                 participation. See website for times and prices.
                                                                                                                    Winter Watch and Saturnalia Parade
                                                                                                                    Chester city centre
                                                                                                                    15 December, 7pm
                                                                                                                    The Winter Watch parade and Chester’s Roman Legion
                                                                                                                    present a colourful event around the city centre.

                                                                                                                    All The World’s A Stage
                                                                                                                    Chester History and Heritage, Bridge Street, Chester
                                                                                                                    9 January - 30 June
                                                                                                                    Look back at the performances of the past – from
                                                           Jack and the Beanstalk at the Forum
Blakemere's Christmas Woodland                                                                                      amateur dramatics to the much-loved Royalty Theatre,
                                                           The Forum Studio Theatre, Chester
Blakemere Village, Sandiway, Northwich                                                                              from the Tatler newsreels to the evenings when we
                                                           9 December - 6 January
3 - 18 December                                                                                                     were all bewitched by the silver screens of the local
                                                           Follow the story of a poor Chester lad who sets out
Fascinating characters in this theatrical outdoor                                                                   cinemas including the Odeon (now the home of
                                                           to defeat the wicked Fleshcreep right at the top of
performance lead you on a Christmas journey for all                                                                 Storyhouse), the Classic, the Gaumont and the Regal.
                                                           the beanstalk. Boo and hiss the baddies, cheer the
the family including a children's craft workshop,                                                         
                                                           heroes, laugh along with the corny jokes. For times
Snowy the owl, a ride on Santa's Express plus a            and prices see website.                                  Little Red and the Big Wolf
traditional carousel ride. Discover Father Christmas                              Action Transport Theatre, Whitby Hall,
in his woodland hide away. Admission charge.                                                                        Stanney Lane, Ellesmere Port.                                                                                         12 - 17 January, ages 5+
                                                                                                                    Funny and inventive show filled with music, dance
Neston Victorian Christmas                                                                                          and song. Times and prices on website.
Neston Market Square and Town Hall                                                                        
3 December, 2pm - 8pm
Explore seasonal stalls in the Market Square and
Town Hall, visit the free Santa grotto, and enjoy                                                                   Talking Together distribution begins on Monday,
Victorian re-enactors and fairground stalls. Lights                                                                 14 November and takes up to three weeks. We
will be switched on by the Town Mayor of Neston                                                                     have listed events after this date. Information
at 6pm.                                                                                                             correct at time of going to print.
Barons Quay to open doors this winter p4 - Cheshire West and Chester
Page 10 | Talking Together | Autumn 2016

                                                      Spot the                               1
                                                      Spot the differences
Sharing your                                          in the fun illustrations
                                                      and you could win family
health and social care                                tickets to see a fantastic
                                                      festive pantomime.
Local health and social care services are              For the chance to win, simply
working together to improve how your
                                                       ring the six differences between
information is shared to help professionals            the two cartoons – cut out the
make the best decisions about your care.               cartoon and send it to: Spot the
The Cheshire Care Record is a collaboration            Difference competition,
between all GP, hospital, community care, mental       Communication team, Cheshire
health and social care services provided across        West and Chester Council,
Cheshire.                                              4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port
                                                       CH65 0BE, or you can scan it in
Whether you are visiting your GP, attending            and email it to: talkingtogether
hospital or being seen in your own home or health      @cheshirewestandchester.
centre, all of these partners want you to get the
best care. This can only happen if all the health
and social care professionals involved in your care    We have two family tickets         The closing date for entries is Friday, 9 December. The editor’s decision is
have access to the information they need to make       for each show (details below) so   final and prizes will not be exchanged for a cash equivalent.
informed decisions with you.                           please state your preference
                                                       when you enter. Don’t forget to    When you send your entry please give us your views on this Talking Together
Your shared health and social care information will                                       newspaper. Please note: your views, either positive or negative, will not affect
include information like test results, medications,    include your name, address and
                                                       daytime telephone number.          your chance of winning the competition.
allergies and social or mental health information.
The care professionals treating you will be able to
access records from other organisations in this
partnership allowing them to make the best
decisions about your diagnosis, treatment and
care plan.
                                                       Oh yes it is…a panto spectacular
This means:
                                                       There are three thrilling              Northwich Memorial Court
• you don’t have to keep repeating your health                                                Jack and the Beanstalk
  or social care history
                                                       pantomimes to choose from this
                                                       year as Brio Leisure puts on           10 December 2016 – 2 January 2017
• care professionals have access to the right                                                 Starring TOWIE’s James Argent and X Factor
                                                       magnificent musical mayhem for
  information when they need it                                                               finalist and Celebrity Big Brother contestant
                                                       all the family. Find out more and      Katie Waissel, this is the giant show you’ve
• we can reduce duplicate appointments and             book your tickets at:                  ‘bean’ waiting for… Enjoy laugh-out-loud
  tests                                                lines, sensational song, dance and slapstick as
• you will receive the right treatment and care.                                              Jack battles to save the kidnapped Princess Jill.
                                                                                              Anton Benson Productions Ltd.
Your information will be held securely and only
accessed by the professionals that are directly                                               Ellesmere Port Civic Hall
involved in your care.                                                                        Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
You have a choice to give consent for all relevant                                            17 – 24 December 2017
professionals to view the record or to just provide                                           Follow the tale of Snow White who lives in the kingdom of The Little
access for that service for that day. If you have                                             Apple with the Wicked Queen, Morganna, played by Edele Lynch from
already told your GP that you don’t want your                                                 pop sensation B*Witched. This year’s production also features pre-
health data to be shared, you may wish to                                                     recorded footage of Russell Grant as Man in the Mirror, lavish costumes
reconsider and ask your GP to share your data                                                 and dazzling special effects. Anton Benson Productions Ltd.
locally so that a Cheshire Care Record can be                                                 Neston Civic Hall
created for you.                                                                              Dick Whittington
The Cheshire Care Record is just one of the ways                                              17 December 2016
that the Council works with partners to find new                                              Take a trip to the magical setting of old London town and cheer your
ways to deliver the best services for local people.                                           hero Dick Whittington as he comes face-to-face with the evil Captain
For more information please visit:                                                            Blood. Packed with comedy, excitement and adventure this family                                                      favourite is brought to life by a cast of top entertainers.
record or call: 01244 362741.
Autumn 2016 | Talking Together | Page 11

“It’s time for something different for families like ours”                                                                                                              Picture posed by model

 Julie Peters gives a mother’s view on
                                                            “Due to these developing psychotic
 Integrated Personal Commissioning                          symptoms he was referred to the Salford
 (IPC) and why it can change the life of                    Early Intervention Team and was also
 her son.                                                   diagnosed with Autism. The Crisis
                                                            Resolution Home Treatment Team then
                                                            became involved and he was admitted and
 “It’s really exciting that my local health services        subsequently detained under the Mental
 are one of only nine areas in the country selected         Health Act.
 to take part in the programme and committed to
 offering something different,” she said.                   “Months passed while we waited for a care
                                                            agency to be contracted and then for them
 “Like most people who don’t work in the NHS, I’m
                                                            to adequately train staff. All young people
 not familiar with the detail of what this all means
                                                            are different and even if they have the
 but the aim is to give people with long term
                                                            same condition, or clinical needs, a ‘one
 conditions and disabilities more power to direct
                                                            carer fits all’ scenario is no good.
 how the funding for their care is spent - and if
 that can help my son then it’s music to
 my ears.
                                                             “Tom is now nearing discharge and is at a
 “Tom is 19 years old; he’s a creative young man             critical stage in his life and while I don’t
 with a great sense of humor and a kind and loving           know what lies ahead, I’m determined for
 nature. With a huge passion for music, Tom                  us to have a ‘normal’ family life. IPC will
 studied music practice at college before beginning          give us greater control to recruit a team of
 a sound and video degree at University. Sadly,              committed carers who would be a good
 after just four months, Tom’s mental health began           fit for our family.”
 to deteriorate and he was unable to continue his
 studies. He struggled to attend classes, maintain           For more information visit:
 his self-care, became isolated and began to drink 
 heavily in an attempt to limit his symptoms.                ipc or email:

Libraries look for the IT crowd
Modern libraries are a far cry from the traditional
image of a hushed building loaded with literature.

Nowadays there is a
growing emphasis on                    Code clubs are up-and-running in
technology and teaching                Northwich, Blacon, Upton and
residents of all ages how to           Frodsham libraries and the aim is
make the most of it.                   to roll them out to other libraries.
Cheshire West and Chester              Volunteers play an important role
Council’s libraries have embraced      in supporting staff to deliver digital
the digital age and are showing        activities. Ade Fagbire, an IT
visitors how technology can            volunteer at Ellesmere Port Library,
make life easier, healthier, cheaper   is helping visitors learn about new
and more fun.                          technology, including 87-year-old
Whether you need help setting          Sheila Levy, who needed support
up an email account, downloading       with a new computer.
an eBook or researching your           Ade said: “A few months ago
family tree, libraries have            Sheila was given a laptop by her
something for everyone and are         son and couldn’t turn it on. She is
part of the Council’s investment in    now able to send and receive
skills to inspire success.             emails and pictures to her
Code clubs teach children aged         grandchildren in Australia and
between nine and 11 the basics         Hong Kong. Just seeing her face
                                                                                  Photo: Ade Fagbire helps visitors at Ellesmere Port Library.
of computer programming as they        light up when she sees that they
learn to code their own games,         are happy is very rewarding.”
animations and websites using                                                     The library service is looking for IT volunteers, so if you have skills in this area and would like to get
fun projects.                                                                     involved visit: and search for libraries.
Page 12 | Talking Together | Autumn 2016

Influence historic roles                                        Make a change. Be the difference.                                               
for the future
Chester residents are being given chance to                     We can all do more to look after
shape the duties of the city’s civic figureheads.               our health and wellbeing and that
                                                                of our friends, family and neighbours.
Residents are being urged to share their views
about what activities they would like to see the                It’s time for more of us to Own Life.
Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor and Sheriff of
Chester carry out in future.                                    Own Life gives each and every one of
The office of the Mayor of Chester is thought to                us the support, information and
date back to 1237, with the status of Lord Mayor                encouragement we need. Together,
being granted by the Queen in 1992.                             more of us can take the right steps to
                                                                improve our health and wellbeing                                                  I’M JULIE AND I’M IN CONTROL
The first reference to a sheriff is in the 1120s and it         and make a positive difference in our                                             Julie has been diagnosed with depressive and
is thought that Chester was the first English town              community.                                                                        anxiety disorder. But her determination to
to have the role.
                                                                Own Life is not about telling people                                              return to the workplace inspired her to take
Following local government reorganisation in                                                                  What’s more, if more of us do       more control.
                                                                what to do. Quite the opposite in
2009, the roles of Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor                                                              what we can to help ourselves,
                                                                fact. We want to encourage the
and Sheriff were transferred to the City of Chester                                                           we’ll be helping others too -
                                                                people of West Cheshire to get
Charter Trustees, which was set up to preserve and                                                            including our friends and family.
protect the city’s historic rights and privileges
                                                                involved and help drive the campaign
                                                                forward.                                      We can all do our bit to help
which would otherwise have been lost.
                                                                                                              build stronger, healthier
Now Cheshire West and Chester Council, on behalf                  To this end, we are aiming to build         communities – whether we
of the City of Chester’s Charter Trustees, want your              a community of local Own Life               are managing a long-term
views on the future activities of each role.                      champions to help spread the                condition or not.
From April 2017 it is proposed that residents of                  word. Get involved now by going             Launched in September 2016,
Chester district, stretching from Elton to Malpas                 online at:                                  Own Life is a joint initiative
and from Farndon to Tattenhall, will meet the costs                       involving both NHS West
of the three roles, rather than the costs being                                                               Cheshire Clinical Commissioning
covered by residents across west Cheshire. Based                                                              Group and Cheshire West             I’M ANDY AND I’M IN CONTROL
on current expenditure, it is expected that this will           By highlighting the numerous benefits
                                                                                                              and Chester Council’s Public        Andy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
cost residents of a Band D property £5.50 a year.               of self-care and by linking in with
                                                                                                              Health team.                        when he was two years old – but he doesn’t
                                                                local support groups and key public
For more information and to share your views                                                                                                      let anything get in his way.
                                                                health campaigns such as Stay Well            The campaign was showcased
about the future activities of the three roles visit:
                                                                This Winter, Own Life can help more           recently at Cheshire West
                                                                people take control and lead happier,         and Chester Council’s Mental        Find out more about Julie and Andy’s stories
                                                                healthier lives.                              Health Summit.                      online at:

  Have your say on parking
  Parking is something that can have a major              These will be for Chester, Ellesmere Port (including Little       Frodsham
  impact on us all. The supply, location, cost            Sutton), Northwich, Winsford, Frodsham, Helsby, and               Frodsham Library, Princeway, Frodsham, WA6 6RX
  and enforcement of parking can affect                   Neston (including Parkgate) and rural settlement areas            Thursday 8 December 2016, 3pm-7pm
  traffic flow, congestion, the local economy,            (Cuddington, Sandiway, Weaverham, Tarvin, Malpas,                 Neston, Parkgate, Willaston
  growth, the environment and health and                  Tarporley, Farndon, Willaston and Kelsall).                       Neston Library, Parkgate Road, CH64 6QE
  wellbeing linked to air quality.                                                                                          Tuesday 13 December 2016, 3pm-7pm
                                                   The public consultation opens this month (November)
                                                   and closes mid-February. It will include the following                   Weaverham, Cuddington and Sandiway
  The Council is developing a parking strategy     drop-in sessions at locations across the borough. The drop-in            Weaverham Community Centre, Russet Road, Weaverham, CW8 3HY
  for the borough and is keen to hear your views sessions will start on Tuesday 29 November and continue                    Tuesday 10 January 2017, 3pm-7pm
  on the initial recommendations. It will cover a to Tuesday 24 January 2017. You do not need to register,
  wide range of parking issues, including supply just come along.                                                           Helsby
  and demand, parking locations, on and off-                                                                                Tesco, Chester Road, Helsby WA6 0DJ
  street parking, charging and car park quality.   Chester and Farndon                                                      Thursday 12 January 2017, 3pm-7pm
                                                   Chester Town Hall, 33 Northgate Street, Chester, CH1 2HQ                 Malpas
  Work carried out to date has included data                                                                                Co-Op, The Cross, Malpas, SY14 8NQ
                                                   Tuesday 29 November 2016, 3pm-7pm
  collection, site visits, occupancy surveys, and                                                                           Tuesday 17 January 2017, 3pm-7pm
  workshops involving a cross-section of           Northwich
  stakeholders, including residents, businesses,   Northwich Memorial Court, Chester Way, Northwich,                        Winsford
  and elected representatives.                     CW9 5QJ                                                                  Winsford Lifestyle Centre, The Drumber, Winsford, CW7 1AD
                                                   Wednesday 30 November 2016, 3pm-7pm                                      Thursday 19 January 2017, 3pm-7pm
  Given the diversity of locations in the borough,                                                                          Tarporley, Tarvin and Kelsall
                                                   Ellesmere Port
  there will be eight location-based strategies                                                                             Tarporley Community Centre, High Street, Tarporley, CW6 0AY
                                                   Ellesmere Port Library, Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BG
  forming part of the borough-wide strategy.                                                                                Tuesday 24 January 2017, 3pm-7pm
                                                   Monday 5 December 2016, 3pm-7pm

                               If you cannot attend the drop-in sessions you can leave your views at:
Autumn 2016 | Talking Together | Page 13

Share your views on how your community is governed

Having a say in what happens in
your own neighbourhood and
how services are delivered is really

That is why Cheshire West and Chester
Council is carrying out a Community
Governance Review in Chester and
Ellesmere Port, with the aim of finding out
what arrangements exist to enable
residents to do just that.

Some communities in west Cheshire are
represented locally by town or parish councils
                                                                                                                                      Calling all social
while others, known as unparished areas, are
represented by different forms of community
                                                     The Council is now embarking on
                                                     reviews of the unparished areas of
                                                                                             If you live in or have a connection
                                                                                             to any of these areas, the Council
governance arrangements like community               Chester and Ellesmere Port.             would like you to take part in its       Experienced social workers looking
meetings, neighbourhood management,                                                          consultation.                            for a new challenge are being urged to
                                                     In Chester this includes the wards
tenant management organisations, resident                                                                                             discover more about giving west
                                                     Blacon, Boughton, Chester City,         Online questionnaires are at:
and tenant associations and community                                                                                                 Cheshire’s children and young people
                                                     Garden Quarter, Handbridge Park,
associations.                                                                                                                         the best start in life.
                                                     Hoole, Lache and Newton.                uk/CommunityGovernanceChester
Since April 2011, the Council has reviewed           In Ellesmere Port it includes           or: www.cheshirewestandchester.          Cheshire West and Chester Council is
areas that were already represented by town          Rossmore, Ellesmere Port Town,               holding a recruitment event to showcase
and parish councils and, as a result, some           Whitby, Strawberry, Sutton,             EllesmerePort.                           the benefits of working for one of the
changes to parish boundaries and parish              Grange, Netherpool, St Paul’s and       For a hard copy of the questionnaire     country’s most successful children’s
council arrangements have been made.                 Ledsham and Manor.                      email: democraticserviceswest            services.
                                                                                             On Monday 28 November, a drop-in event
                                                                                                                                      will be held at The Holiday Inn Ellesmere
                                                                                                                                      Port to give potential applicants an
Volunteer to improve the lives of disabled people                                                                                     opportunity to hear first-hand about a
                                                                                                                                      number of vacancies across Chester,
                                                                                                                                      Ellesmere Port and Winsford.
When George Dakin first visited DIAL West
                                                     More than 100 volunteers                                                         During the evening session, which takes
Cheshire seven years ago he had little
                                                     already help deliver many                                                        place between 6pm and 8pm,
idea of how much it could change his life.
                                                     services, such as hiring out                                                     refreshments will be provided and a team
George, from Chester, said: “I couldn’t drive        mobility scooters and                                                            of social workers, team managers and
and didn’t know how to use a mobility                wheelchairs to help access city                                                  senior managers, will be on hand to assist
scooter.”                                            centre shops. The DIAL House                                                     and advise - speaking about their own
Since joining the charity as a service user and      Disability Rights Centre offers                                                  roles and experiences and answering
volunteer George is finding it easier to get on      advice on enquiries including                                                    questions about what it's like to work in
with day-to-day activities.                          welfare benefits, discrimination                                                 the borough.
                                                     issues and housing and                                                           You can find out more about the Council’s
He added: “I had support from the Ability            employment concerns.
Angels assisted shopping service, where                                                                                               highly competitive package, which
volunteer shopping helpers accompany people          George is one of the volunteers                                                  includes flexible working, multiple
to do their own shopping and now I hire a            that help out at the DIAL House                                                  employee benefits, professional support
                                                                                          DIAL West Cheshire also offers a
mobility scooter every fortnight. I just go to the   Community Café in Chester, a                                                     and a wealth of training opportunities.
                                                                                          reporting centre for victims and
Shopmobility centre, scan my card, pay a small       friendly setting where people        witnesses of Hate Crime incidents and       The Council wants to recruit people that
fee and away I go.”                                  can meet and clients feel            works with the West Cheshire                are motivated and passionate about
                                                     welcome.                             Foodbank to issue food vouchers and         making a difference to the lives of west
DIAL West Cheshire is commissioned by
Cheshire West and Chester Council to provide         He said: “I fold napkins around      help to people in crisis.                   Cheshire’s children and young people,
shopmobility services and a community legal          the cutlery ready for when           For more information about                  helping it build on one of the most
advice and information service as part of its        customers come in. I’ve made         volunteering or receiving support           successful Ofsted inspections in the
ambition to protect vulnerable people and            so many friends over the years       at DIAL West Cheshire,                      country.
promote independence. As the charity                 and never get bored of it. It’s      call: 01244 345655,                         To register your place contact:
celebrates its 30th birthday it is looking for       such an important part of my         email: contactus@dialwestcheshire.          anna.johnson@cheshirewestand
more people across the borough that are              life, I love it.”           or visit:                   or visit:
willing to make a difference in the lives of local                                    
Page 14 | Talking Together | Autumn 2016

 Help is at hand for people suffering domestic abuse
 People fleeing domestic abuse within the
 borough are being given a second chance in          Picture posed by model
 life thanks to extra funding
 Support is now greater than ever after
 additional funding was secured by Cheshire
 West and Chester Council for Women’s
 Housing Action Group (WHAG).
 WHAG supports victims of domestic abuse on
 behalf of the Council and the additional
 funding has seen services now reaching
 standard and medium-risk cases, as well as the
 more high risk cases that require immediate
 support in crisis. The service supports adults
 and young people aged 16 and 17 and offers
 recovery programmes, advice and guidance.

 The successful bid has also seen £70,000
 made available for the provision of five new
 properties across the borough and a new
 community resource centre – providing fit-
 for-purpose and targeted support in a safe
 environment for those fleeing violence.

                                                     “It left me in a completely controlled situation
  Sarah, aged 63, who is in her final weeks in       that I could not get out of. The feeling of being    “I know that I will have to cross hurdles in the future but I know that
  a refuge before moving in to a property of         trapped had overwhelmed me, causing                  with the courage, memories and lessons I have learned and gained in
  her own, said: “I blamed myself for what           depression, suicidal thoughts and desperate          this refuge, I can and will do it. I could never have been me again
  had happened over the last six years and           loneliness.                                          without the support I have been given, the refuge has given me a
  where I was in my life. I had lost my                                                                   second chance in life.”
                                                     “Finding the will and strength to move forward
  individuality by doing things to please,                                                                If you or anyone you know is suffering from domestic abuse then
                                                     took a lot of courage. I am discovering bits of
  allowing the decision-making to be solely
                                                     me that I had lost, I am talking of the simple       support is available. Please contact the Domestic Abuse Family Safety
  my partner’s, relying on my partner for the
                                                     things like enjoying music again, laughing,          Unit on: 01606 351375 or, out-of-hours, call the 24-hour DA helpline
  most simplest of tasks - frightened of                                                                  on: 0808 2000 247. Alternatively share your concerns with a
                                                     going shopping, eating out, feeling self-worth
  voicing my own thoughts and feelings.
                                                     again and most of all finding me again.              professional that you trust or contact WHAG at:

 12 cribs to keep firefighters away                                         The Christmas cribs advice:                          9. Make sure cigarettes are completely out
                                                                                                                                     before going to bed.
 this Christmas                                                             1. Check Christmas tree lights conform to the
                                                                               British Standard.                                 10. Check smoke alarm batteries every week
                                                                                                                                     and use Christmas as a reminder to clean it
                                                                            2. Never place candles near Christmas trees or
 Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service wants to avoid firefighters arriving         furnishings.
                                                                                                                                     and remove dust.
 at people’s homes uninvited over the festive period and has                                                                     11. Keep candles, lighters and matches out of
                                                                            3. Make a fire escape plan and make sure family
 produced 12 Christmas cribs to keep families and loved ones safe.             and visitors know what to do in an
                                                                                                                                     reach of children and never leave burning
                                                                                                                                     candles unattended.
 Christmas is a time for                                                                                                         12. Take time to check on elderly relatives and
                                                                            4. Don’t attach decorations to lights or heaters,
 celebration and decoration                                                                                                          neighbours to make sure they are fire safe.
                                                                               they can burn easily.
 but all increase the danger of
                                                                            5. Never overload electrical sockets and always
 fire in the home.                                                                                                                  Nick added: “Cheshire Fire and Rescue
                                                                               switch off and unplug Christmas lights before
 Nick Evans, Head of                                                                                                                Service would like to wish everyone a happy
                                                                               going to bed or going out.
 Prevention, explained: "It's so                                                                                                    and safe Christmas and New Year and we
                                                                            6. Take care when cooking after drinking                urge everyone to follow our Christmas cribs.
 easy to forget amidst all the                                                 alcohol as the risk of accidents, especially in
 festivities that tree lights and                                                                                                   There’s only one red vehicle we want landing
                                                                               the kitchen, is greater after alcohol is             at people’s houses this Christmas, and that’s
 decorations present fire risks.                                               consumed.
 We're asking people to take                                                                                                        Santa's sleigh, not a fire engine with a fire
                                                                            7. Never leave cooking unattended - most fires          crew in it!”
 five minutes to have a look at
                                                                               start in the kitchen.                                The Service will also be using social media to
 our safety tips to help ensure
                                                                            8. Take care with fireworks, store them in a            get the messages out to the community, using
 that this holiday season is one
                                                                               metal box, read the instructions, never go           #12Days.
 to remember for all the right
                                                                               back to a lit firework and keep a bucket of          Photo: Father Christmas wants to be the only surprise visitor to west
                                                                               water nearby.                                        Cheshire homes this Christmas
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