A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont

Page created by Clifton Molina
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
december 2013
                                                 volume 78 | number 4

a publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
                        Put my
                        30 years of
                        experience to
                        work for you!
                           Mary Jane

                                         Opening all the   Each office independently owned and operated.

                                          right doors...
                                        Mary Jane Mouton
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont

                    A                           s the holiday season approaches, certain movies
                                                come to mind: It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas
                                                Carol, Elf, and A Christmas Story. Each of these
                                                movies has the main character finding himself in
message from the

                                                a difficult circumstance and he is sure the world
                                                would have been a better place had he never
                                                been there. The characters soon come to learn
                                                how many lives they have impacted in many
                    ways, both big and small.
                       So as I dash from work to another Junior League meeting, thinking
                    about my growing to-do list and hoping I can get everything done, I must
                    admit I quickly lose sight of the importance of being a JLB member. More
                    importantly I do not realize that my problems, in hindsight, are nothing
                    compared to what others face in our community.
                       As a member, through Junior League of Beaumont's "Done in a Day"
                    project, I have had the opportunity to pack sack lunches at Some Other
                    Place for those less fortunate, so they can have some food over the week-
                    end. I see the benefit of educating children about making healthy eating
                    choices with our "Kids in the Kitchen" project as well. I reflect on that smile
                    from teenagers trying on prom dresses at "Simply Cinderella" and teens
                    from "Transitioning Youth with CASA” riding in a Corvette to prom. I then
                    think about the young children building with Legos through our "Beau-
                    mont Children's Museum” program. Though my to-do list seems endless, I
                    feel so blessed for not having felt what it was like to not have anything to
                    eat over the weekend or wear to a special event or learn something new.
                    I can only imagine how difficult it must be for that child. It’s just one of the
                    many reasons why I feel so driven to help our community.
                       When I think about those movies, it's not hard to see the correlation. I
                    see how each one of us, by giving of ourselves impact others, as well as
                    the Junior League. The Junior League of Beaumont’s community projects
                    give them something they would not accomplish without assistance. It
                    gives them a magical memory and better decision-making skills. Even if
                    it's just a gift of food or time, I'm honored and humbled to be able to do
                    that for them.
                       Training women leaders and providing volunteer time at other organi-
                    zations through “Done in a Day” are just a small percentage of the proj-
                    ects the Junior League of Beaumont provides to this community. One of
                    the greatest qualities of the Junior League is that it provides the vehicle
                    to have that effect throughout the year. Without the hard work and dedi-
                    cation of every member of the JLB and the Main Street Market commit-
                    tee, the League wouldn't have the money to provide these community
                    assistance funds. So in the craziness of responding to that last impor-
                    tant email, that phone call message, or that letter, it's easy to forget the
                    tremendous impact each one of us makes. Not just for our community
                    today, but also for the future of our community. Think of the impact each
                    and every one of those dollars can make.
                       All around this nation volunteerism is declining. However, it's my hope
                    that the JLB continues to grow, devote more hours, and recognize the
                    benefit of helping others.
                       I often hear people complain about their problems. It reminds me of
                    when my husband grabs a shopping cart in the back of the parking lot at
                    any store and begins to push it to the entrance. I ask, "What are you do-
                    ing with that cart"? He states while grinning, "Do you want to be part of
                    the problem or part of the solution"? We often pull into a store and com-
                    plain about the cluttered parking lot, but how many try to fix it? Could
                    you do more to help out in this community? Simply ask, "What's my first
                    step"? No matter how small, we can all “Make a Difference One at a
                    Time”. What would this community look like without a Junior League of
                    Beaumont? I personally hope we NEVER find out.
                       So this holiday season, help us do more for our community by sup-
                    porting our Main Street Market, Dec. 5-7, 2013 at Beaumont Civic
                    Center. Talk about the things we are doing for those around us, and be
                    proud of all that we've accomplished.
                                 “God bless us, every one!”
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
2013-2014 spinnings staff
table of contents
                                                President’s Message         4
                                                Education & Training       12
                                                Member Spotlights       16,17
                                                JLB Business Owner
                                                of the Month               18
                                                Recipes of the Month 20,21
                                                Volunteer Opportunities    24
                                                Announcements              27               Beth Rogers                            Katy Ware
                                                                                            Chair                                  Heather Shoemaker
                                                Snaps                      27               Stephanie Gertz                        Myia Barton
                                                Advertising Index          29               Co-Chair                               Staff Writers

 20,21                                          Save the Date
                                                                                            2013-2014 board of directors


                                                                                                                                                                         Photos Courtesy of Mark Low Imagery Photography
                                                Main Street Market          6, 7
                        10,11                   Holiday Happenings

                                                Holiday Stress            10,11
                                                Christmas Crafts for Kids    15
                                                MSM Sponsors                 22
                                                Neighborhood Meetings        26

                                                                                            Cindy Partin                           Laura Peterson
                                                                                            President                              Communication Council Director
                                                                                            Jennifer Byrd                          Kristin Godwin
                                                                                            President-Elect                        Community Council Director
                                                                                            Christine Gill                         Molly Bennett
                                                                                            Treasurer/Finance Council Director     Membership Council/Nominating Chair
                                                                                            Julia Matheny                          Diana Miles
                                                                                            Treasurer-Elect/Ways and Means Chair   Planning Council Director
                                                                                            Angie Herrin                           Stephanie Vanskike
                                                                                            Recording Secretary                    Past President
                                                                                            Chrystal Peplinski                     Michele Smith
                                                                                            Corresponding Secretary                Sustaining Advisor

                                                                                                In Recognition of Beaumont’s Historical Spindletop Oil Field
                          Spinnings is going           green this year!                        An internal publication of the Junior League of Beaumont, Inc.,
                                                                                                            distributed monthly September-May.
                         All provisional and active members will now be receiving
                        Spinnings via email. Don’t worry- we will also continue to
                         produce our magazine in print.
                         If you, or someone you know, is still interested in receiving a
                                                                                                        mission statement
                      hard copy of our publication, please email the 2013-14 Spinnings       The Junior League of Beaumont is an organization of
Chair, Beth Rogers at Bethany_rogers2@att.net to be added to the mailing list. You
will also be seeing Spinnings all over town, so feel free to pick one up at your favorite   women committed to promote volunteerism, develop the
boutique, hair salon or at headquarters!                                                    potential of women and improve communities through
            Do you have a fabulous idea for a story?                                        the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
              Would you like to be a guest writer?                                            Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
         Send ideas or articles for consideration to the 2013-14
        Spinnings Chair, Beth Rogers at jlbspinnings@gmail.com.
                         We welcome your input!

www.juniorLeaguebeaumont.org/spinnings                                                      2388 McFaddin | Beaumont, Texas 77702 | 409.832.0873
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
6   december 2013

                    A very merry
    Main Street Market
         'Twas a few weeks before Christmas and all through the Center,
                Great gifts, food and fun await all those that enter,
         So, mark your calendars, don't miss out on this holiday opportunity,
              And to spread the joy even further, all proceeds benefit
             Junior League of Beaumont's projects in the community!

                                                Thursday, December 5, 2013
                                                Market Hours 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
                                                Ladies Night Out
                                                Holiday shopping, style show, live entertainment
                                                and shop for a chance to win a diamond necklace
                                                in our dots for diamonds giveaway
                                                Graciously donated by Mathews Jewelers
                                                General Admission Tickets $5
                                                Good for the entire Market; Children 12 and under free

                                                Friday, December 6, 2013
                                                Market Hours 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
                                                holiday brunch
                                                Honoring Cathy Spidle
                                                10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Tickets $40
                                                Brunch tickets include admission to Market
                                                and style show during the brunch

                                                Saturday, December 7, 2013
                                                Market Hours 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
                                                children's workshop
                                                & pictures with santa
                                                10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
                                                The Workshop features Gingerbread house decorating,
                                                a letter to Santa and a photo with Santa
                                                Children’s Workshop Tickets $25
                                                Pictures with Santa Only (No Workshop) $10
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
december 2013                           7

 Vendors                                                                         Jingle Bell Drawing
                            Discovery Toys
                            Cypress, TX
                            Diva Dynasty
                            Fort Worth, TX

A                           E                                                                            golf cart Drawing
                            Essencia                                                                 Purchase 1 of 500 tickets for just
Accessories, Etc.           Fort Worth, TX
Bastrop, LA                                                                                              $25 for a chance to win one
                            EZ Hang Chairs                                                                    cherry red, street legal,
AIM Enterprise              Friendswood, TX                                                              electrical golf cart with back
Cypress, TX
All of Us Old Plantation    F                                                                                seat and sound system.
                                                                                                      Drawing made possible by Golf
Soups & Dips                Fancy Fonts
                                                                                                                    Cars of Beaumont
Tallulah, LA                Beaumont, TX
Alter’s Gem Jewelry, Ltd.   Fatima’s Design
Beaumont, TX                San Antonio, TX                                                 breitling watch drawing
Always in Stitches          Fibi & Clo                                            Purchase 1 of 500 tickets for just $25 for a
Katy,TX                     Beaumont, TX                                       chance to win one Women’s Breitling Galactic
Anatolia Designs                                                           Watch AND one Men’s Breitling Superocean Watch.
Houston, TX                 G                                                  Drawing made possible by Mathews Jewelers
Avereigh’s Cottage          The Gourmet Cupboard
                                                        Tickets are non-refundable and are not tax deductible. Must be 18 years or older to enter.
Lumberton, TX               Sour Lake, TX               For further rules and details, see a Junior League of Beaumont member.
                            Grace Adele
B                           Groves, TX
Bob-Kat’s Kreations
Willis, TX
                            Gulf Coast Silver, Inc.
                            League City, TX
                                                        M                                              Rodan + Fields
                                                                                                       Beaumont, TX
                                                        Many Pearls
Buckner Children &
Family Services, Inc.       H                           Lumberton, TX
                                                        Mayfield’s Grilling
Beaumont, TX                Holiday Farms                                                              Sales R Us, Inc.
                            Lampasas, TX                Fulshear, TX                                   Clearwater, FL
C                           I
                                                        MeMe’s Jewel Box
                                                        Onalaska, TX
                                                                                                       Sassy Trendz Boutique
Carol Bella Monograms/                                                                                 Port Arthur, TX
                            It Works Global
Heartfield Designs
Beaumont, TX                Silsbee, TX                 N                                              Satchels N’ Gadgets
                                                        Nectar of the Vine                             Beaumont, TX
Cathy Cook Jewelry          It’s A Happy Thing
                                                        Burton, OH                                     Scentsy
Vidor, TX                   Lubbock, TX
                                                                                                       The Woodlands, TX
Chica Kidz
                            J                           O                                              Sember's Salon
Dallas, TX                                              On a Whim                                      Nerium AD International
                            Jeweled Treasures
Chics Dig it                                            Liberty, TX                                    Vidor, TX
                            Nederland, TX
Livingston, TX              Junior League of Beaumont   One Minute Manicure                            Serenity and Co.
Classy Cowgirl Dreams       Cookbooks                   Houston, TX                                    Lumberton, TX
Weimar, TX                  Beaumont, TX                Organically Yours                              Silpada Designs
The Classy Peacock          Just Ask Creations          Slocomb, AL                                    Beaumont, TX
Bridge City, TX             & Indoor Golf
Company’s Comin’            Shreveport, LA              P                                              Staffent USA, Ltd.
                                                                                                       Denton, TX
Hearne, TX                                              Pink Armadillos

D                           K                           Lakeway, TX
                                                                                                       Stella & Dot
                                                                                                       Irving, TX
                            Kaydees                     Pink Chandelier Boutique
D & R Gourmet Blends        Sugar Land, TX              Beaumont, TX                                   Stevie Saint John
Fort Worth, TX              Kelea’s                     Pomp &                                         Kerrville, TX
DaVinci Beads/
Ladybug Candles
                            Sugar Land, TX
                            Kracker Jack Kids
                                                        Circumstance Boutique
                                                        Houston, TX
Beaumont, TX                                                                                           Technology 2000 Unlimited
                            Kirbyville, TX              Posh Pottery
Delightful Fragrances                                                                                  Rosenberg, TX
                                                        Nederland, TX
Seabrook, TX                L                                                                          Think Tank Products
DeMatteis Jewelry           The Lip Lady                Q                                              Denver, CO
Florence, Italy             Alvin, TX                   Quiet as a Lamb                                Two Chix Boutique & Gifts
Designs For One/            The Little Pink Bag         Beaumont, TX                                   Lumberton, TX
Genuine Gems                Houston, TX
Beaumont, TX                Lucky Dog                   R                                              Y
Dillard's                   Montgomery, TX              RK Collections Boutique                        Young Life Toys
Beaumont, TX                                            Little Rock, AR                                Nashville, TN
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
8              december 2013

           Holiday Happenings
    Beaumont Heritage Society                                                                       Thursday December 5, 2013
    The Chamber House                                                                               Ladies Night Out
    Christmas Tour                                                                                  Shop for a chance to win a diamond neck-
    Chamber House Museum                                                                            lace in our Dots for Diamonds Giveaway
    2240 Calder, Beaumont                                                                           General admission $5, good for entire mar-
    December 1, 2013, 1-4PM                                                                         ket, children 12 and under are free
    Free to the public                                                                              Friday December 6, 2013
    Come and see the Chambers House deco-                                                           Holiday Brunch Honoring Cathy Spidle
    rated for Christmas with ornaments, cards,                                                      Tickets $40 and include admission to mar-
    and more that belonged to the family. Ruth                                                      ket and style show during the brunch
    and Florence Chambers' toys and the family                                                      Saturday December 7, 2013
    silver will also be on display.                                                                 Children’s Workshop and
    John Jay French Museum                                                                          Pictures with Santa
    Christmas Candlelight Tour                                                                      Workshop features Gingerbread house deco-
    John Jay French Museum                                                                          rating, a letter to Santa and photo with Santa
    3025 French Rd., Beaumont                                                                       Tickets $25, Pictures with Santa ONLY $10
    December 1, 2013, 1PM                                                                           Also, our Jingle Bell Drawing which in-
    The John Jay French Museum celebrates                                                           cludes 2 Breitling watches and a golf cart
    a mid-19th century holiday season with          W.H.Stark House                                 will be held at the close of market.
    fresh greenery, candles, and music evoking
    the old-fashioned Christmas spirit. Enjoy a                                                     Beaumont Civic Center Complex
                                                  Art Museum of Southeast Texas
    self-guided tour through the French home
                                                  AMSET: Holiday Tree Lighting                      Holiday on the Neches
    and grounds, then head to Heritage Hall
                                                  Art Museum of Southeast Texas                     Yacht Club lighted boat parade
    for a delightful afternoon of holiday mu-
                                                  500 Main, Beaumont                                Riverfront Park
    sic, refreshments and hands on activities
                                                  December 5, 2013, 4-6PM                           Main Street, Downtown Beaumont
    that help recreate a Christmas from days
                                                  Bring the children to make ornaments and          December 7, 2013, 8PM
    long past. Tours of the museum and enter-
                                                  spin art for the AMSET Christmas tree, write
    tainment during this event are open to the
                                                  letter to Santa and eat and visit with Santa.
    public and free.
                                                  AMSET: Holiday Gingerbread House
    W.H. Stark House                              Art Museum of Southeast Texas
    W.H. Stark House Christmas Tales              500 Main, Beaumont
    W.H. Stark House                              December 7, 2013, 10AM-12:30PM
    601 Main, Orange                              Sing up early to make a gingerbread house
    December 3, 2013-January 4, 2014, 9AM-4PM     made of freshly bakes gingerbread. Work-
    See historic objects; enjoy holiday décor.    shop taught by master cake decorator,
                                                  Paige Neyland.
                                                  Cost: Members $40 for 1 $60 for 2
                                                  Non-Members $50 for 1 $70 for 2
                                                  Limit two per household
                                                  Call 409-832-3432 to register or for more info.

                                                  Junior League of Beaumont
                                                  Main Street Market
                                                  Beaumont Civic Center
                                                  Downtown Beaumont
                                                  December 5-7, 2013
      John Jay French Museum                      Market Hours:5-9PM Thursday,                        Art Museum of Southeast Texas
                                                  10AM-7PM Friday and10AM-6PM Saturday
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
december 2013                  9

  Shangri La
                                                  Moody Gardens
Shangri La Botanical Gardens
and Nature Center                                                                               1906 for details. Hope to see you there!
Shangri La Christmas Stroll-                                                                    McFaddin Ward House Eggnog Evening
Dreaming of a Green Christmas                                                                   and Christmas Light Ride
2111 West Park, Orange                                                                          December 19, 2013, 5-7PM
December 13-14, 2013, 7PM                                                                       Start at the visitor center for tasty treats
Christmas lights and holiday music wel-                                                         and eggnog then stroll over to the house
come visitors to Shangri La for the annual                                                      for a self-guided tour. The event is free and
Christmas Strolls. See beautifully decorated                                                    open to the public from 5 pm - 7 pm. Call
trees and wander through the greenhous-                                                         832-1906 for details. See you there! Cy-
es adorned with poinsettias and seasonal                                                        clists: Bring your bikes and join a casual
flowers. The young and the young-at-heart                                                       group to ride around town to view Christ-
can enjoy “Candyland” in our Children’s                                                         mas lights, ending at the McFaddin-Ward
Garden area. The Garden Store will be open                                                      House Museum for eggnog and a tour.
with great holiday gifts and the Star and                                                       LIGHTS and HELMETS are required and
Crescent Moon Café will feature holiday                                                         Christmas lights on your bike are encour-
cookies and hot drinks for sale. Visit www.                                                     aged. The streets are open to normal traffic
shangrilagardens.org for details.                                                               flow, so please ride with caution and obey
Evening stroll through Shangri La                                                               all traffic laws (ride at your own risk).
December 19-21 & 26-28, 2013, 6-8PM
See millions of lights, beautifully decorated
trees and seasonal decorations. Free ad-                                                        Moody Gardens
mission with a non-perishable food item                                                         Festival of Lights
donation or $3 at the door.                       McFaddin Ward House                           Galveston, TX
                                                                                                December 12, 2013-January 4, 2014, 6-10PM
                                                                                                Festival admission $6.95
                                                McFaddin Ward House
                                                McFaddin Ward House Annual Christmas            Bring a non-perishable food item every Friday
                                                Open House                                      and receive two for one festival admission.
                                                725 Third St., Beaumont
                                                December 14, 2013, 1-4PM
                                                Join us at the McFaddin-Ward House Muse-          Event listings provided by
                                                um for a celebration of Christmas traditions
                                                at the annual Holiday Open House! Take a
                                                break from the busy holiday pace and bring
                                                the whole family for a chance to enjoy a
                                                simpler, more peaceful Christmastime. Tour
                                                the brightly-decorated first floor of the mu-
                                                seum, try your hand at Christmas activities,                 all events listed for Free...
                                                and sample traditional Christmas cookies          the one calendar for Southeast Texas!
                                                and punch while you relax and listen to         For the latest and most exciting events, visit
  Shangri La                                    music of the season. The event is free and
                                                open to everyone! Contact us at 409-832-        www.SoutheastTexasEvents.com.
A publication of the Junior League of Beaumont
10       december 2013

                                                   Here are some ways our fellow Junior League members will be

 managing Holiday
                                                   spending the holiday and ways they will cope with holiday stress:

                                                   Dawn Katz (provisional):
                                                   What are your plans for the holiday?
                                                   I will be going home to Chicago for the holidays to be with my family.
                                                   How do you handle holiday stress?
                                                   I’m lucky because I work for LIT and I’m off for the holidays. In
                                                   some ways it makes the holiday season less stressful and more
                                                   like a vacation. To cope with the stress that does come my way
                                                   during this season I make list. I’m a BIG list person... it keeps me
                                                   calm and distressed.

                                                   Cyndi Edwards (Meeting Arrangement Co-Chair):
                                                   What are your plans for the holiday?
                                                   I’m planning to go to New Orleans with my family. It is our tradition
                                                   every Christmas. We ride the Amtrak train there and back.
 By Myia Barton                                    How do you handle holiday stress?
                                                   I handle holiday stress by focusing on the many blessings I have: an
   It is that time again and the Holidays are      amazing family, great friends, good health, etc. Once you focus on a
 here! For some, the holidays are a very hap-      spirit of gratitude, it is amazing how your stresses become nonexistent.

 py and festive time reuniting with family and     Liza Waddell (Children’s Museum):
 friends, for others, a depressing and lonely      What are your plans for the holiday?
                                                   Christmas we will be here since I will be days away from my due
 time, and many more, a mixture of all emo-        date. My husband, Kevin, is working Christmas Eve and Christmas
                                                   day. We don’t have a “normal” or a “same as last year” holiday
 tions. No matter what your holidays’ plans        since we don’t always have Jaxon on Christmas, but we celebrate
 they are sure to be accompanied with in-          as if it were that special day. Jaxon doesn’t really seem to notice
                                                   because we don’t make it a big deal or make it seem like it’s not
 creasing demands and added stress. As our         that holiday that specific day.
 stress levels increase, our ability to cope can   How do you handle holiday stress?
                                                   Kevin and I always do our Christmas list for everyone and what-
 be impaired and for some even vanish.             ever we do not buy online, we plan a weekend to go to Houston
   There are many great ways to cope with the      and knock it out one weekend. We do not have very many days/
                                                   weekends that are free so we always have to plan ahead, which
 holiday stress allowing each of us to enjoy the   makes it pretty stress-free.
 holiday celebrations, stay sane and healthy,
                                                   Pam Caldwell (Super Seller):
 and be ready for what 2014 will bring.            What are your plans for the holiday?
                                                   I go home to friends and family in Oklahoma and Georgia. On
                                                   December 14th, my dog rescue friends and I have a “blow-out”
                                                   party that is always fun.
                                                   How do you handle holiday stress?
                                                   I exercise for stress management.

                                                   Monica Boucher (Meeting Arrangement Chair):
                                                   What are your plans for the holiday?
                                                   We try to spend as much time with family as possible having gath-
                                                   erings. We usually go on a vacation together instead of doing pres-
                                                   ents. Then on Christmas day, we always like to going to the movies.
                                                   How do you handle holiday stress?
                                                   I try to keep things simple and take it easy. I try to decorate with
                                                   simple plants that are beautiful like the Poinsettia, and I keep a
                                                   scheme of only one or two colors. The gift part can be stressful
                                                   so I shop for gifts year-round and make delicious, edible gifts for
                                                   friends and family.

                                                   Jenny Theriot (CASA):
                                                   What are your plans for the holiday?
                                                   For Christmas, we will be traveling to see all of our extended fami-
                                                   lies in Louisiana. It is a lot of fun but can be exhausting with all of
                                                   the driving and eating!
                                                   How do you handle holiday stress?
                                                   I handle stress by shopping and preparing ahead of time and re-
                                                   laxing when possible – as well as drinking wine!
december 2013              11

We cannot stop the holidays from coming nor prevent all of the stress that comes along with the season. While
each of us will have our own unique plans for the holidays and we all will experience stress differently, here are
some additional tips from About.com that may assist you with the stress you may experience this year:

Acknowledge your feelings.                                                  Take a breather.
If someone close to you has recently died or you cannot be with             Make some time for yourself. Spending just 15 minutes alone,
loved ones, realize that it is normal to feel sadness and grief. It is      without distractions, may refresh you enough to handle every-
OK to take time to cry or express your feelings. You cannot force           thing you need to do. Take a walk at night and stargaze. Listen to
yourself to be happy just because it is the holiday season.                 soothing music. Find something that reduces stress by clearing
                                                                            your mind, slowing your breathing and restoring inner calm.
Reach out.
If you feel lonely or isolated, seek out community, religious or            Set Your Priorities.
other social events. They can offer support and companionship.
                                                                            Before too many activities overwhelm you, it is important to de-
Volunteering your time to help others also is a good way to lift
                                                                            cide what traditions offer the most positive impact and elimi-
your spirits and broaden your friendships.
                                                                            nate superfluous activities. For example, if you usually become
                                                                            overwhelmed by a flurry of baking, caroling, shopping, sending
Be realistic.
                                                                            cards, visiting relatives and other activities that leave you ex-
The holidays do not have to be perfect or just like last year. As fam-
                                                                            hausted by January, you may want to examine your priorities,
ilies change and grow, traditions and rituals often change as well.
Choose a few to hold on to, and be open to creating new ones.               pick a few favorite activities and really enjoy them, while skip-
For example, if your adult children can't come to your house, find          ping the rest.
new ways to celebrate together, such as sharing pictures, emails
or videos.                                                                  There is no “right” way to handle your stress, or the holidays. There
                                                                            is truly is no “perfect holiday” except the one that you ruminate on
Set aside differences.                                                      and smile. Traditions are ever changing, and our methods to cope
Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even if               with stress may change yearly with the changing of traditions. Just
they do not live up to all of your expectations. Set aside griev-           do your best to remain happy and safe during the holidays and
ances until a more appropriate time for discussion. Be under-               have a Happy New Year!
standing if others get upset or distressed when something goes
awry. Chances are they are feeling the effects of holiday stress
and depression, too.

Stick to a budget.
Before you go gift and food shopping, decide how much money
you can afford to spend. Then stick to your budget. Do not try to
buy happiness with an avalanche of gifts. Try these alternatives:
Donate to a charity in someone's name, give homemade gifts or
start a family gift exchange.
*See November Spinnings for tips.

Plan ahead.
Set aside specific days for shopping, baking, visiting friends and
other activities. Plan your menus and then make your shopping
list. That will help prevent last minute scrambling to buy forgotten
ingredients. Make sure to line up help for party prep and cleanup.

Learn to say no.
Saying yes when you should say no can leave you feeling resentful
and overwhelmed. Friends and colleagues will understand if you
cannot participate in every project or activity. If it is not possible to
say no when your boss asks you to work overtime, try to remove
something else from your agenda to make up for the lost time.

Do not abandon healthy habits.
Do not let the holidays become a free-for-all. Overindulgence only
adds to your stress and guilt. Have a healthy snack before holiday
parties so that you do not go overboard on sweets, cheese or
drinks. Continue to get plenty of sleep and physical activity.
12           december 2013

  Bright Smiles, Bright Futures:
     The Junior League partners with Colgate-Palmolive
         to provide free dental care to kids in need
    Reflecting a decades-long commitment to children’s health
 and welfare, The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc.
 is launching a partnership with Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Fu-
 tures® to connect the program, one of the most successful chil-
 dren's oral health initiatives in the world, with 293 independent
 Junior Leagues in four countries.
    BSBF provides free dental screenings, oral health education and
 treatment referrals to children ages 1-12 through its fleet of mo-
 bile dental vans. These vans travel to underserved rural and urban
 communities, reaching over 1,000 towns and more than 10 million
 children each year.
    Susan Danish, AJLI’s Executive Director, said, “We look forward to
 working with Colgate to educate children far and wide about the
 importance of oral health. Because of its commitment to oral health
 for at-risk children and their families, Colgate is a great partner for
 our Leagues, which are committed to creating lasting community
 impact on important issues just like this. So Colgate will provide the
 vans, and our Leagues will provide the community connections!”
    “One of the keys to our success has been the community part-
 nerships that we have formed with dynamic, dedicated service or-
 ganizations like the Junior Leagues,” said Dawna Michelle Fields,
 National Program Manager, Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures.
 “For many families, finding access to affordable dental care and oral
 health information continues to be a challenge. Partnering with the
 Junior Leagues will enhance our efforts to reach children in need.”
    Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures® is among the most far-
 reaching, successful children's oral health initiatives in the world.
 Through long-standing partnerships with governments, schools
 and communities, Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures® has
 reached more than 650 million children and their families across
 80 countries with free dental screenings and oral health education.
december 2013   13
14   december 2013
december 2013              15

    for Kids
  The holidays are upon us. We all want to enjoy this time
with our children. However, we often find ourselves so
busy shopping for gifts and making holiday treats that we
do not slow down to enjoy some of the smaller things.
This year, why not put the little elves to work? You can do
the following activities with your children and check some
things off your list at the same time. Use these items as
teacher gifts and class treats, or just make them together
for fun. Either way, you’ll enjoy some time with your little
ones this Christmas season.

Snowman Hot Chocolate
This is a simple and inexpensive gift that shows you care
                                                               Reindeer Class Treat
without breaking the bank. You can even have the kids          What you’ll need:
help make them as teacher gifts.                               Mini chocolate doughnuts
What you’ll need:                                              Red hots or red M&Ms for nose
Small mason jars                                               White icing in a tube (or small candies) for eyes
Large canister of hot chocolate powder
Mini Marshmallows                                              Instructions:
Peppermints                                                    Break pretzels in half to make antlers. Stick them into a
Black paint pen                                                doughnut. Place red candy on top of the hole. Use icing
Orange paint pen                                               or white candies for eyes. If candies are not sticking, you
Black fabric (for the hat)                                     can use a small amount of icing to help them stick better.
Rubber bands (black, if you can find them)
Red and white gingham fabric (for the scarf)
Heavy duty sticky Velcro

For each snowman, fill one jar with hot choco-
late powder, one with peppermints, and one
with marshmallows. Place lids on the jars. Cut
a circle out of the black fabric large enough
to go on top of the marshmallow jar as a hat.
Place over the jar and secure with a rubber
band. Place sticky velcro on top of the pep-
permint jar, bottom of the hot chocolate jar,
top of the hot chocolate jar, and bottom of
the marshmallow jar. Stack the jars in that
order. Decorate the body and face of the
snowman using the black paint pen for the
dots and the orange one to make a nose.
Cut a long thin piece of the gingham fabric
to use as a scarf. Tie the scarf around the
snowman’s “neck,” and cut fringe at the
ends of the fabric to finish it off.
16               december 2013

                                                                                                                        to visit Roscoe, the little dog at
                                                                                                                        the Fire Museum. We enjoy swim-
                                                                                                                        ming and entertaining at home. We
                                                                                                                        spend a lot of time playing with our
                                                                                                                        rowdy dog, Buccee.
                                                                                                                        What is your favorite thing
                                                                                                                        about the League?
                                                                                                                        I transferred my membership to
                                                                                                                        the JLB with the hopes of meeting
   activeSpotlight                                                                                                      women with whom I had a lot in
                                         happier! We love Southeast Texas        What is your current placement?        common. I've met plenty of ladies
Kathryn Fuller

                                         so much that we convinced my            I'm so fortunate to serve with a       like me, but I've also met lots of
                                         parents to move here, too.              wonderful group of ladies as Nomi-     women who I have nothing in com-
                                         Tell me about your family.              nating Co-chair.                       mon with at all. The JLB has given
                                         This November, Jason and I will cele-   What is your favorite memory           me a common bond with a variety
                                         brate our 17th wedding anniversary.     or experience in the League?
                                                                                                                        of ladies, all of whom have en-
                                         Our son Wellborn is nine and is talk-   One of my favorite memories hap-
                                                                                                                        riched my life in both big and small
                                         ing his way through the third grade.    pened during Main Street Market
                                         What did you aspire                     a few years ago. I showed up at        ways. I'm so thankful for a league
                                         to be as a child?                       the Civic Center early one morn-       that is full of women who lead me
                                         When I was a child, I wanted to be      ing to find Hillary Shanning using a   to think in new and bigger ways.
                                         an artist. I always liked drawing       stand-up cement mixer and a large      What impact has the League
                                         and stretching my creativity.           bucket to mix icing for gingerbread    had on you or your family life?
                                         What are your hobbies?                  houses. It was a brilliant idea and    I'm so proud that Wellborn sees
   Are you from Beaumont?
                                         I really enjoy cooking! I love to try   hilarious to watch! She really knew    me work with the League and un-
   After I graduated from High School    new things and I'm often guilty of      how to get that job done!
   in Lake Jackson, TX, I moved to                                                                                      derstands the importance volun-
                                         experimenting with new recipes          What do you do for fun with your
   Waco for college and liked cen-                                                                                      teerism. He is developing a philan-
                                         when I'm hosting a party. One of        children? I'm blessed to have a son
   tral Texas so much that I hoped I'd   my favorite cookbooks is Dining         who thinks that everything is fun,     thropic heart because he sees me
   never leave. A job opportunity for    Without Reservations. I've proba-       so we keep things low-key by ex-       and Jason both giving back to the
   Jason led us to St. Louis and then    bly missed my calling as Cookbook       ploring things in SETX. He likes to    community that gives so much to
   to Silsbee in 2004. We couldn't be    Chair for the JLB.                      go to the Art Museum and he loves      our little family.
december 2013                   17

                                              baby girl. Elizabeth and Ed, our        the church library. I love books and     we continues our career groups
Sarah Matheny

                                              daughter and son in law also live       for the past two summers I have          when individuals really serious
                                              in Beaumont with our two teen           planned the Calder reading Pro-          about their careers and needed
                                              age grandsons, Edward and Caleb.        gram for children. This summer           an evening Provisional class. This
                                              Keaton, our eight year old Irish Set-   our theme was “Ye Olde Ice Cream         continued until the full evening Jr.
                                              ter runs our home with help from        Reading Shoppe” and we built a           League was implemented.
                                              Molly our yellow tabby cat. Molly       giant Ice Cream Cone-our scoops          I remember Regina Rogers and I be-
                                              was adopted from the Humane So-         covered the cone with each child’s       ing asked as new Provisionals,”are
                                              ciety and is a delightful member of     name representing all the books          you sure you can come to Tuesday
                                              our family.                             they had read.                           morning meetings.” There definite-
                                              What are your hobbies?                  I also serve on the Beaumont Chil-       ly was not any plan for a Provision-
                                              We have a home in the Hill Coun-        dren’s Museum Board. I have been         al night group, that was not even in
                                              try – Hunt, Texas – I love spending     on the board almost since the be-        their thoughts let alone long range
                                              time there. We live across the river    ginning. It is a wonderful project;      plans. Those ladies were serious.
                                              from Camp LaJunta; during the           we plan and implement major fund         I remember where I was, where I
                                              summer months I take my books           raisers as well as traveling exhibits
                                                                                                                               sat and who was there to this very
                                              and read by the river. Reading is       that share the story of the muse-
                                                                                                                               day. We responded with a soft
                                              one of my favorite activities. I read   um concept.
                                                                                                                               answer, “yes”, and we did not let
                                              as well as watch the cute little boys   What is your favorite memory
                                                                                                                               them down.
                                              from camp in their water activities.    in the League?
    Are you from Beaumont?                                                                                                     What advice do you have for
                                              It is also so much fun at the Hunt      Oh, I have so many wonderful
    No, I grew up in Port Arthur, TX.                                                                                          current members?
                                              House during the fall and spring.       memories of the years I was an ac-
    Tell me about your family.                When it is time to return to Beau-      tive member of the League. I re-         The Junior League of Beaumont is
    I have just retired from Lamar Uni-       mont, I always need a gentle push.      member the year I was Provisional        an important arm of the commu-
    versity. I taught in the College of Ed-   I also love to travel; we enjoy see-    Chairman, this was the year we           nity; it has great strength and cares
    ucation and Human Development. I          ing the country – my passport is        had many Provisional members             for many needs. The strength will
    loved teaching the college age stu-       near me at all times.                   that had careers. That meant they        only continue if you as an individ-
    dent. It was a wonderful career.          What other volunteer                    worked during the day. The only          ual will take care of your part and
    My husband, Michael is retired            organizations are you                   way to solve the problem was to          be sure your responsibilities and
    attorney; we have one son, Mat-           involved with?                          have an evening group, so we had         assignments are always met at the
    thew who is also an attorney. Our         I have directed the preschool Sun-      two groups – a morning and an            highest level of productivity.
    daughter-in-law, Julian practices         day School class at Calder Baptist      evening Provisional group. This          Your time in the League goes by
    law as well. Our grandson, Mason          Church for the last twenty-five plus    was the perfect placement for me.        quickly; this is your time to use your
    is three years old and just began         years. The children are ages three      We did all the activities the morn-      skills and talents for the good of the
    his first year at All Saints. Mason       to five. I love this age group; they    ing group did; I did have some dif-      community which includes your
    has a three month old baby sis-           are adorable. They say the most         ficulty including the City Council       family. This is a wonderful oppor-
    ter, Meredith Anne; she is our only       wonderful things; I love their lan-     meeting because we met in the            tunity to share yourself with others.
    granddaughter and is a beautiful          guage at this age. I also work in       evening. We had two chairmen-            Never let the Junior League down!

                                              Texas A&M University! I was bleed-      What do you do for fun                   through this great organization.
Amanda Yarbrough

                                              ing maroon as a child. From there       with your children?                      What is your memory or expe-
                                              I went to Austin, TX with my soon       We like to all gather together in        rience in the League so far?
                                              to be husband (at that point) and       our cul-de-sac and let the kids          The ladies are amazing people!
                                              eventually we found our way back        play together outside with all the       What is your favorite thing
                                              to the small town living of Neder-      neighbors.                               about the League?
                                              land, TX. We are very happy to live     What other places have                   I enjoy meeting all the ladies and
                                              in Southeast Texas.                     you volunteered?                         learning about who they are in life.
                                              Tell me about your family.              I was very active with the Ameri-        I also look forward to the different
                                              My husband, Blake, and I met dur-       can Diabetes Association, Mus-
                                                                                                                               volunteer experiences throughout
                                              ing college at Texas A&M Univer-        cular Dystrophy Association and
                                                                                                                               the community.
                                              sity. Whoop! We have lived in Aus-      Austin Chamber of Commerce in
                                                                                                                               What made you join the JLB?
                                              tin and have planted our roots in       Austin TX.
                                                                                                                               My mother was a member of the
                                              Nederland. We have a 2 year old         What are you hoping to gain
                                              named Jaxon and he is the super-        as a member of the JLB?                  Junior League of Lufkin and be-
                                              star of our world                       I feel that the Junior League of         came a very active member of the
    Are you from Beaumont?                                                                                                     community. I can only hope that
                                              What did you aspire                     Beaumont will help tie me to the
    No, I grew up in Diboll, Texas about                                                                                       I can live up to all the high marks
                                              to be as a child?                       heart of Southeast Texas, It will also
    a 2 hour drive north from here.           I wanted to be a teacher. I cur-        allow me to learn more about the         she has already set. She has also
    What other cities                         rently work at the Julie Rogers Gift    people and importance of the com-        made lifetime friends through the
    have you lived in?                        of Life Program and get to educate      munity. I already admire so many of      league and I know that all the la-
    After High School, I went to Col-         others about living a healthy life      the women I have met and know            dies I have already met have made
    lege Station and graduated for            every day.                              that I will make lifelong friends        a mark on my heart.
18     december 2013

                                           Sally Bundy became a member of the Junior League in 1964 in
                                         Cleveland, Ohio. After many years of service there she transferred
                                         to the Junior League of New Orleans and in 1970 she transferred
                                         to Beaumont where she remained a great volunteer and support-
                                         er for the rest of her life. While a member of the JLB, Sally worked

     business                            on the Texas Tennis Tournament of the Stars, the Horse Show, the
                                         Environmental Concern Committee, Lagniappe and the Beaumont

     owner                               Art Museum (known today as AMSET). She also served in many
                                         leadership roles. Throughout the 1970s Mrs. Bundy was Commu-

     of the month                        nity Research Chairman, Education Chairman, Nominating Chair-
                                         man, and was a member of the Ways and Means committee and
                                         Advisory committee.
     JLB Recognizes Sally Bundy as         After becoming a sustainer in 1977, Sally continued her service
     Small Business Owner of the Month   both inside and outside of the Junior League. Sally was Sustainer
                                         of the Year in 2009 for her continued involvement within the JLB
                                         and her service in the community. She was active in her sorority
                                         Pi Beta Phi, Neches River Festival, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church,
                                         and the Beaumont Art Museum.
                                           During all these years of service, Sally was also building her ca-
                                         reer as a realtor. In 1988 Sally, along with 5 other women, founded
                                         Remax Beaumont. Sally received many awards for her work as a
                                         real estate agent; the Beaumont Board of Realtor's Salesman of
                                         the Year award in 1982, the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2000,
                                         the Capital Club award for 2002 and also the Platinum Award for
                                         the years 2003, 2004, 2005, & 2006. Sally was inducted into the
                                         coveted RE/MAX Hall of Fame in 1994.
                                           Sally was totally focused on her life and extremely committed
                                         to the things that were important to her. She was able to balance
                                         family and friends, her work, her volunteering, and her favorite
                                         hobby, golf, because they were all important to her. She had so
                                         many friends in Beaumont and was well known throughout our
                                         community. She had a wonderful life and we are thankful for her
                                         presence in our organization.

                                           Thank you for your years
                                           of service to the League...

                                           Sally Bundy
                                           September 16, 1936-October 18, 2013

                                                            Junior League of Beaumont
                                                            Provisional 1964
                                                            Active until 1977
                                                            Sustainer 1977-2013
                                                            Sustainer of the Year 2009
december 2013   19
20        december 2013

 ★ Merry Christmas! ★ Happy Hanukah! ★
 ★ Seasons Greetings! ★ Happy Holidays! ★
                                                      Old-Fashioned Corn Bread Dressing

              owever you say it, the holidays are
                                                      Dining Without Reservations, page 118
              a wonderful time of year and there
                                                      4 cups dry bread, toasted and crumbled
              is no better time to celebrate the
                                                      8 cups dry corn bread, crumbled
              special people in your life! And
                                                      1 cup chopped onion
              nothing helps people celebrate like     1 cup chopped green onion
 delicious food and festive cocktails! So, here are   1 cup chopped celery
 a few classic recipes that can be used at your       ½ cup (1 stick) butter, melted
 holiday get-together, made and dropped off to        ¼ cup finely chopped parsley
 a neighbor or brought as a contribution to a pot     1 teaspoon salt
 luck. As 2013 comes to a close, I hope everyone      1 teaspoon pepper
 has a good and productive year and is looking for-   2 – 4 cups (or more) turkey or chicken broth
 ward to even bigger and better things to come!       2 eggs, lightly beaten
   Special thanks to my wonderful committee-
 you truly have made the first half of the Junior       Mix the bread and corn bread crumbs in a large bowl.
 League year a pleasure and can't wait for 2014!      Let stand for 8 to 12 hours. Saute the onions, green on-
                                                      ions and celery in the butter in a skillet. Add to the crumb
                                                      mixture. Season with the parsley, salt and pepper. Add

                              Ashley Carter           the broth and mix well. Adjust the seasonings. Add the
                                                      eggs and mix lightly. The mixture should be very moist.
                                                      Spoon into 2 well-greased 9 x 13-inch baking dishes.
                                                      Bake at 375° for 30 minutes.
december 2013               21

Buffet Potatoes                                    Look for us at Main Street Market!
Lagniappe, page 188
2 pounds frozen hash brown potatoes
                                                                                  Stop by the JLB Cookbook booth to
½ cup melted margarine                                                              find special holiday packages...
¼ cup chopped onion                                                                just perfect for Christmas giving!
1 (10 ounce) can condensed                                                   Get all of your shopping done early at the market with
   cream of chicken soup
                                                                                pre-wrapped books and gift sets. Lagniappe and
1 pint sour cream
10 ounces grated cheddar cheese                                              Dining Without Reservations both make great gifts for
1 teaspoon salt                                                               teachers, friends and family and you are supporting
½ cup bread crumbs                                                                    your Junior League at the same time!

  Thaw potatoes for about 45 minutes be-
                                                    Be sure and support the local             Beaumont
fore assembling. Combine potatoes, but-
ter, onion, soup, sour cream cheese and           businesses who are supporting us            Bando’s
salt in a 3 quart baking dish. Sprinkle bread      by stocking the JLB Cookbooks:             215 N. 11th St. | 409-212-8445
crumbs on top. Bake for 1 hour at 350°.                                                       Baptist Hospital Gift Shop
  This recipe can be assembled ahead of                                                       3080 College St. | 409-212-5852
time. Instead of baking, refreeze mixture                                                     Claybar Floral and Gift
and when ready to serve, thaw and bake.                                                       1145 N. 11th St. | 409-892-3459
                                                                                              Cocomo Joe's
                                                                                              2024 Calder | 409-860-5448
                                                                                              For Heaven’s Sake
Al's Milk Punch                                                                               4190 Calder | 409-898-3340
Lagniappe, page 48                                                                            250 Dowlen Rd. | 409-860-4800
1 cup crushed ice                                                                             Icing on the Cake
1 pint vanilla ice cream                                                                      Inside Burns Antik Haus | 2195 Calder
5 ounces milk
2 ½ ounces bourbon                                                                            nederland
1 ounce rum                                                                                   Chatzkie’s
¾ ounce brandy                                                                                1220 Boston Ave. | 409-239-7822
¾ ounce cognac                                                                                Fred Miller’s
4 ½ teaspoons sugar                                                                           2808 Nederland Ave. | 409-724-1208

  Fill blender with crushed ice and vanilla
ice cream. Add milk, liquors and sugar.
Blend until well mixed.                         Junior League Cookbooks...
Divinity                                               Always a
Dining Without Reservations, page 203                 wonderful gift!
2 ½ cups sugar
½ cup light corn syrup                          Just visit cookbookmarketplace.com and
½ cup water                                     email us your order. Not only will they
2 egg whites                                      love it, but nearly half of the cost of
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
                                                 the book, regardless of which League
  Combine the sugar, corn syrup and wa-             it is from, benefits JLB as long as
ter in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over me-                you order it through us!
dium heat, stirring constantly. Cook, cov-                Please contact Ashley at
ered for 2 to 3 minutes or until the steam           ashleycarolinecarter@gmail.com
washes the sugar crystals from the side                   today to place your order.
of the pan. Cook, uncovered, to 260° on a
candy thermometer, hard-ball stage. Beat
the egg whites in a mixing bowl until stiff
peaks form. Pour the hot mixture slowly           The Junior League of Beaumont is always looking for new ways to get our fabulous
over the egg whites, beating constantly.        cookbooks out in the community. If you or someone you know owns a shop around
Add the vanilla. Beat until stiff and dull
looking. If the mixture hardens too much,       town and would like to find out more information about stocking our books, please
add a small amount of boiling water. Drop       contact April Lindsay at acpeden@gmail.com. All profits from cookbook sales support
by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper.               JLB community service projects.
22   december 2013

                     A very Merry
                     Main Street

                     Vendor Hospitality Underwriter
                     Children’s Workshop Underwriter
                     Air Comfort
                     General Admission Tickets
                     Dana and Slate Babineaux
                     K & K Designs
                     Market Basket
                     Dots for Diamonds
                     Mathews Jewelers
                     Jewelry for the brunch
                     Rita Ashley
                     Jason’s Deli
                     Golf Cart
                     Made possible by Golf Cars of Beaumont
                     Made possible by Mathews Jewelers
                     Jefferson County Tourism Commission
                     MSM Media Sponsors
                     Clear Channel
                     Southeasttexas.com EventsBook
                     Suddenlink Media
                     KBTV- FOX 4
                     KBMT 12
                     The Examiner
december 2013   23
24           december 2013

                                                                           Next Step Parenting                It’s All About The Dress
                                                                           Buckner’s Children                 Beaumont Civic Center

                    o m i n g                                              Dates and times TBA                Details TBA

                Upc                                                        Senior Morning Out Club
                                                                           Seniors with Alzheimer/Dementia
                                                                                                              Maurine Gray
                                                                                                              Literacy Depot

                                             t u niti    es                Trinity Methodist Church           1205 Franklin St., 409-835-7924

                                    Op p o r                               3430 Harrison, Beaumont
                                                                           Tuesdays, 9:30am-1:30pm
                                                                                                              Monday-Thursday, 9am-8pm
                                                                                                              Friday, 9am-5pm
                                                                                                              Contact Person: Barbara Beard
                                                                           Junior Achievement                 bbeard@ci.beaumont.tx.us
                                                                           Finance Park                       There is a screening process
                                                                           Fall Event:                        for all who wish to volunteer.
                                      Some Other Place                     Pipefitters Union Hall Local 195
                                      Soup Kitchen                         3184 Hwy 69, Nederland             Salvation Army
                                      1155 Mc.Faddin, Beaumont             Spring Event:                      2350 I-10, Beaumont
 ARC of Beaumont                      Community Center                     Location TBA                       Call Kim if you wish to attend:
 655 S. 8th Street, Beaumont          1240 Mc.Faddin, Beaumont             409-833-3860                       409-350-1140
 MHMR Rec. Room                       409-832-7359                         12/2-13/2013, 3/3-7/2013,          Preparing Christmas
 Adult Social Club:                   Meals on Wheels:                     5/12-16/2013, 8:15am-1:30pm        food boxes:
 3rd Thursday of month, 6-8pm         Vehicle required with some                                              December 9-13, 9am-4pm
                                      around town driving.                 CASA                               Christmas food and toy
 SMILES!                              Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.             Prom:                              distribution:
 Free Dental Care Day                 10:30am-1:30pm                       Courtyard, 4321 Lincoln, Groves    December 18-19, 9am-4 pm
 Dates and times TBA                  Call 892-4455 for details.           Date and time TBA
 They are thinking it will be the     Soup Kitchen:                        Graduation Shower:                 Texas Energy Museum
 week of Spring Break 2014            Tuesday-Friday, 8:30am-12pm          Details TBA                        600 Main, Beaumont
                                      Saturdays, 10-11:30am                                                   409-833-5100
 AMSET                                (Stay as long as you want)           Southeast Texas                    Docent Training:
 500 Main, Beaumont                   Christmas Giving Tree Program:       Food Bank                          Fall dates TBA
 Family Arts Days:                    Date and time TBA                    3845 S. MLK Jr. Pkwy., Beaumont    School Tours:
 2/8/14, 5/31/14, 10am-2pm            Distribute Christmas gifts to        School Tools Program:              Spring dates TBA
                                      needy children and their families.   Monday-Thursday, 3:30-5pm          Bubble Day:
 Main Street Market                   Hours are flexible during the        1st Saturday of month, 9am-12pm    2014 dates TBA
 Open Shifts available all days.      weekday to wrap gifts.

 HEB Feast of Sharing                 St. Elizabeth’s
                                                                           Catholic Charities
                                                                           Hospitality Center
                                                                                                               More events
 Ford Park Event Center               Women’s Conference                   3959 Gulfway Dr., Port Arthur        to come!
 5115 I-10 South                      Ford Park                            Soup Kitchen:                      All dates and locations are determined by
 December 6, 2013, 4-7 pm             5/8/14, 7:30am-5pm                   Monday-Friday, 10:30am-12:15pm     the organizations and subject to change.

                              Advertising that's in a League of its own...
                                    effective, affordable advertising with the jLB
                                     Spinnings reaches a large audience of women who are
                                     committed to their families, careers and their community.

                                     Our long time advertisers continue to find new customers in the
                                     women of the Junior League of Beaumont. You can too!

                                                      For more information, please contact
                                                    Resource Development at 409-832-0873 or
december 2013   25
26     december 2013

                       Thank you to our hostesses and facilitators at our Neighborhood meetings this year. On behalf of the
                       JLB, we want to say a heart felt thank you for opening your home to our members and provisionals
                       and allowing us to facilitate. Your generosity is appreciated more than you know. I appreciate the gift
                       of your time, and your giving hearts as members and sustainers of the League.
                          		      Cindy Partin               Monica Boucher                    Cyndi Edwards
                          		      JLB President '13-14       Meeting Arrangements Chair        Meeting Arrangements Co-Chair

       Your Professional Guide
            to Real Estate.
        409.866.TEAM (8326)                                               Each office is independently owned and operated
december 2013              27

December Birthdays
Ashley Berry     		          December   3    Junior League
Emily Wheeler      		        December   5    'Snaps' Go To...
Corey Gilfoil    		          December   6
Yvette Griffith   		         December   10   • Emily Wheeler for all her help with the
                                             Beaumont Children's Museum website.
Kate Leverett     		         December   12
Dawn Katz         		         December   15   • Liza, Pam, Myia, Shannon and Nicole for a great Bark for Life.
Bridgett Williams 		         December   26
                                             • Ashley Hurlburt who is a good friend and one you can
Liza Waddell       		        December   26   call anytime and ask her for anything and she would drop
Amanda Yarbrough             December   29   everything to help you out.
Tory Pyle        		          December   31   • Ashley Hurlburt great work with Education & Training and
                                             organizing fun events.

                                             • Monica Boucher and Cyndi Edwards for helping arrange the
With Deepest Sympathy                        neighborhood meetings.

                                             • Sustainers and members who opened their homes to us and
Sustainer and Past President
                                             hosted the neighborhood meetings -Thank You.
Elta Williams passed away
                                             • Members who facilitated the neighborhood meetings -
                                             Thank You.
Sustainer and former Sustainer of the Year
Sally Bundy passed away                      • Cyndi Edwards and ExxonMobil for matching her volunteer
                                             hours and giving back to the league.

Monique Lumpkin on the                       • Andrea and Chrisa for organizing a fun filled
passing of her grandfather                   Super Saturday for our Provisionals.

                                             • Rachel Grove for all her hard work as co-chair of
                                             the St.Mark's Chili Supper and Bazar.

       Do you have an                        • Main Street Market committee and their hard work to
                                             organize our upcoming event.
                                             Not only are these ladies doing awesome things within our League,
   Send to the 2013-14 Spinnings Chair,      but they are, as well in our community,
  Beth Rogers at jlbspinnings@gmail.com.                     "Making a Difference One at a Time".
The Junior League of Beaumont’s
28       december 2013

 Headquarters Facility

 Our newly
 is the perfect
 place to host
 your special occasion
 Starting at just $100 for members
 and $200 for non-members,
 our facility is not only beautiful,
 but surprisingly affordable.
 Non-profit organizations and community individuals,
 along with provisional, active, or sustaining members
 may rent the house for wedding receptions, meetings,
 showers, birthday parties, and other special events.

     • Full Kitchen 		    • Bathroom Facilities
     • Seating & Tables   • Wheelchair Access

 Junior League of Beaumont Headquarters
 2388 McFaddin at 8th Street
 For appointments or more i­nformation, call 409.832.0873,
 Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm, or e-mail jlb@juniorleaguebeaumont.org
december 2013     29

Advertiser Index
Baptist Hospitals
of Southeast Texas			                  14
Bellard Orthodontics				               14
Broussard's					                       22
Sally Bundy Team, RE/MAX Beaumont      32
Claybar					                           16
Coffman Law Firm				                   25
Education First Federal Credit Union   19
Harbor						                           23
Julie Rogers Gift of Life Program		     3
Mary Jane Mouton, RE/MAX Beaumont       2
Dr. Alvin Prause				                   13
Previty						                          11
Sundevils					                         13
Team Dayna Simmons,
Coldwell Banker Southern Homes         26
Thermacon					                         22
Victory Medical Center                 31
Zummo Meat Co.                         13

 The Junior League of Beaumont would
  like to extend a sincere thank you to
    our advertisers for your support.
     We appreciate you!
Also, thank you to our 2013-2013 partners!
Their donations enable JLB to support the
  strength of women and continue with
 efforts to improve our local community.

 The ExxonMobil Foundation
30              december 2013

                                                                          General Meetings                               Provisional Meetings
                                                                                 Tuesdays                                 All meetings will be held at
                                                                          at The Beaumont Club                             6pm at JLB Headquarters
                                                                         6pm Social | 6:30 Meeting
                                                                                                                                      December 10
                                                                               December 5th                                             January 28
                                                                         Thursday Meeting at 6pm                                       February 25
                                                                           at Main Street Market                                         March 18
                                                                                                                                          April 22
                                                                                January 14th

                                                                                February 4th

                                                                                  March 25th
                                                                                                                         Don't miss
                                                                               Placement Night

                                                                                  April 8th
                                                                                                                          the fun!
                                                                                Mini Meetings
                                                                                                                       Main Street Market
                                                                                                                             December 5, 6 & 7
                                                                                 May 13th
                                                                                May Dinner
                                                                                                                              See pages 6 & 7
                                                                               Meeting at 6pm                                   for details.

                                                     december 2013
       s u n day              MONDAY       tuesday                 wednesday     thursday                          friday                 saturday
 1                       2             3                           4            5 Main Street Market
                                                                                 5-9p.m. See pages 6 & 7.
                                                                                                              6 Main Street Market       7
                                                                                                                                           Main Street Market
                                            Happy Birthday                          General Meeting                See pages 6 & 7.
                                             Ashley Berry                       6p.m. at Main Street Market
                                                                                                                                             See pages 6 & 7.
                                                                                                                   Happy Birthday
                                                                                      Happy Birthday
                                                                                                                    Cory Gilfoil
                                                                                      Emily Wheeler

 8                       9             10                          11           12                            13                         14
                                        Provisional Meeting
                                       6p.m. at JLB Headquarters                      Happy Birthday
                                                                                      Kate Leverett
                                            Happy Birthday
                                            Yvette Griffith

 15                      16            17                          18           19                            20                         21
       Happy Birthday
        Dawn Katz

 22                      23            24                          25           26                            27                         28
                                                                                      Happy Birthday
                                                                                     Bridgett Williams
                                                                                       Liza Waddell

 29                      30            31
       Happy Birthday                       Happy Birthday
      Amanda Yarbrough                        Tory Pyle
december 2013   31
Beaumont, Texas
 Non-Profit Org.

                    Permit No. 22
  U.S. Postage
              PA ID
                    2388 McFaddin • Beaumont, Texas 77702

You will
be greatly
Sally Bundy
September 16, 1936-October 18, 2013
Junior League of Beaumont
Provisional 1964
Active until 1977
Sustainer 1977-2013
Sustainer of the Year 2009
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