Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019-20 - EY

Page created by Ernest Mejia
Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019-20 - EY
Top 10 business
risks facing
mining and metals
in 2019-20
Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019-20 - EY
Does operating in a time of disruption
take more than a license?

We believe our sector is facing an era                                   transformation, and unique challenges to portfolio and
of disruption like nothing it has ever                                   capital investment decisions.
experienced before — both from within                                    What can organizations do to protect themselves
and outside.                                                             against the challenges of keeping their license to
The themes of license to operate and disruption run                      operate, improving productivity and nationalism? They
through this year’s risks as mining and metals                           have to use capital and collaboration to their advantage
companies have to deal with many new and variable                        as they transform and protect themselves from
factors, including societal expectations, digital                        disruption.

                                          Top 10 business risks
                                                               ld commodities
                                                        New Wor

                10                                              of workforce                                           4
                                                                  Energy mix
                             7                                    Rising costs
                                  6                                 Cyber                                         9
                                                         zing portfolio ret
                                                    ximi                     urn                        3
                                                  Ma                            s
                                              3                effe c tivene          2
                                                       ig ital              ss
                                                2            Liceenrsae to          1
                                                               op te
                                                  1                               7
                                                                                        in 2 0 18





                                   Up from 2018      Down from 2018          Same as 2018           New to the radar

  2   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019-20 - EY
1  License to operate
Surveying over 250 sector participants from around                the right things, their actions do not follow their words,
the world, we have seen “License to operate” rocket to            and the many stakeholders are not fooled.
first position, with over half of our respondents
                                                                  License to operate has evolved beyond the narrow
nominating it as the No. 1 risk. There are a number of
                                                                  focus on social and environmental issues. There are
reasons why it has taken poll position:
                                                                  now increasing expectations of true shared value
• It is the key risk that CEOs and boards are discussing          outcomes from mining projects. Any misstep can
  because the current approach is not broad enough,               impact the ability to access capital or even result in a
  the stakeholder landscape is changing and miners                total loss of license.
  need to adapt.
                                                                  Mining and metals companies need to transform their
• We have seen the advance of nationalism globally.               business models to remain more competitive and bring
• The necessity of digital transformation highlights the          all their stakeholders along on the journey. A new
  need for a stronger license to operate.                         approach is required, and license to operate needs to
                                                                  quickly become part of a mining company’s DNA in the
The sector is working to redefine its image as a                  same way as safety is.
sustainable and responsible source of the world’s
minerals. But while many in the industry are saying all

 2 Digital effectiveness
“Digital effectiveness” is key to gaining a competitive           value chain to create a digital mine that they can truly
advantage. However, in a recent poll of over 600 mining           transform and emerge as the dominant players in the
and metals executives, it was revealed that a significant         market.
37% of management have little or no knowledge of the
                                                                  To achieve this kind of transformation, CEOs need to
digital landscape. The stark reality is that digital is the
                                                                  take ownership of the digital agenda, combined with a
key to achieving productivity and margin improvements.
                                                                  sound strategy that is supported by a clear vision and a
It is no time to stand still in an age of business
                                                                  strong focus on people, as well as, the effective
transformation that is largely driven by digital.
                                                                  management of the cultural change required.
Miners are making significant strides in applying digital
solutions to single issues or bottlenecks. But it is only
when miners apply these solutions across the entire

  3   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
3 Maximizing portfolio returns
In the wake of higher commodity prices and rising cash                    Fraud and corruption was identified as a significant
flow, mining and metals companies are assessing where                     risk by the survey respondents. There are lessons
they should allocate capital to ensure higher future                      to be learnt from the super cycle, particularly the
capital returns. A balanced approach to the portfolio is                  implementation of stronger controls to deal with
key. In addition to building or acquiring new mines,                      third parties such as contractors and suppliers.
companies also need to consider how much capital                          Overall, the ability to identify fraud has become
they should be investing into innovation and                              more sophisticated, particularly with the growing
transformative technologies. Over 70% of survey                           interconnectedness of regulators, but social media
respondents are investing 5% or less of their budgets in                  also makes any allegations of impropriety visible with
digital. By increasing this to around 20%, they could be                  unprecedented speed. This places risk of fraud hand-
transforming their operations substantially and gain                      in-hand with the risk to reputation and license to
real competitive advantage.                                               operate.

Improved commodity prices breathe new life into                           A time of disruption
old risks                                                                 Societal change, new technologies and the race to
Given stronger commodity prices and a positive outlook                    transform business models are driving a whole range
on the sector, we have seen a return of risks like rising                 of disruption for mining and metals companies.
costs, and fraud and labor constraints. Mining and                        Pressure on technology and automotive companies to
metals companies are flagging that higher input costs                     secure the supply of New World commodities is
are impacting their bottom lines. In addition, there are                  opening another avenue of potential disruption to
also increased costs associated with the need to deal                     current business models. Over 31% of our survey
with the increasing complexity of operations or changes                   respondents thought that technology companies have
to the way mines operate — be it through investment in                    the potential to disrupt the sector. We agree. They
license to operate, the rising use of technology or                       have good access to capital and are already investing
changing skill sets.                                                      in the innovation and technology that mining
                                                                          operations need to be more effective.

  Capital allocation to finance digital initiatives (% of respondents)
                                          % capital allocated to finance digital and new technologies
                                   22%                      20%
                                                                                 7%                                   7%

         0–1%                     2–4%                       5%                 6–9%                   10–12%        >15%
  Source: EY survey of over 250 global mining and metals participants

  4   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
Our industry needs to
                                                                New World commodities
                                                                                                                                                 re-define the way we
                                                                                                                                                 partner with communities,
                                                                                                                                                 customers, suppliers and
                                                                                                                                                 governments. The best way
                                                                  Future of workforce
                                                                                                                                                 forward is to accept mining is
                                                                       Energy mix
                                                                                                                                                 an absolutely necessary and
                                  7                                   Rising costs
                                                                                                                                                 valuable activity but hold all

                                      6                                  Cyber                                                                   of the industry to account for
                                              4                 xim
                                                                    izing portfolio ret
                                                                                                                                                 making sure we operate in a
                                                                      ital ef tiveness
                                                                                                                                                 responsible way with care for
                                                      2                 License to                                                               the environment, our people
                                                                                                                                                 and society, while remaining
                                                                                     (up from 7)                                                 economically viable.
                                                                                                                                                 Jean-Sebastien Jacques

License to operate                                                                                                                               Chief Executive, Rio Tinto1

Is license to operate the disruptor you have missed?
A narrow, legacy focus on license                                                    but has also allowed for the amplification             Provisioning will become a key issue for
to operate may be the strategy that                                                  of these voices through the combination                companies and regulators.
puts you out of business. Applying                                                   of smaller groups.
                                                                                                                                         How do you manage license to
just the social and environmental                                                 • The advancement in technology: With
lenses, seeing it as a soft issue or                                                the fast pace of progress in technology
                                                                                    and digital capabilities, initiatives, such as       The time to more holistically address license
allocating it to one section of the                                                                                                      to operate is here. A whole of business
                                                                                    the automation of jobs, will have an
business will directly threaten your                                                impact on stakeholders and the broader               approach to license to operate is required,
ability to operate. The stakeholder                                                 community.                                           driven from the top down. In the same way
landscape is shifting. There is more                                              • A shift of ownership: New business
                                                                                                                                         as safety, license to operate needs to
information, bigger platforms and                                                   models will be sought whereby national or
                                                                                                                                         become part of a mining company’s DNA;
more at stake than ever before.                                                                                                          the commitment and contribution to
                                                                                    even community-owned operations could
                                                                                                                                         community, government, employees and
Underestimating the power of each                                                   be favored over traditional models.
                                                                                                                                         the environment needs to span beyond
and every single stakeholder would                                                • An increase in the expectation of shared             life of mine.
be a mistake.                                                                       value outcomes: The increase in
                                                                                    nationalization may lead to an                       We offer seven key takeaways that
The issue of license to operate is now an
                                                                                    expectation that there are true shared               organizations should consider to preempt
issue that is broad with far-reaching
                                                                                    value outcomes from mining — society                 and avoid license to operate risks in
implications, and should be at the top of
                                                                                    sees its role as granting access to                  the future:
the agenda of CEOs, their executive teams
and boards.                                                                         resources, and expects more than just tax            1. Think global and act global
                                                                                    and employment opportunities in return.
                                                                                                                                         2. Identify the leading indicators of license
The evolution of license to operate                                               • The mushrooming of disclosure regimes:                  to operate to pre-empt and avoid an
License to operate will continue to evolve as                                       The disclosure of the impact of any                     issue — provide a single source of truth —
a number of critical changes are redefining                                         project (positive or negative) is required.             what we promised, what we delivered
stakeholders’ expectations, and miners                                              Also, organizations will need to start                  and how we measured it
need to ensure they are proactively and                                             thinking about how they disclose the
                                                                                                                                         3. Make an objective, detailed assessment
strategically managing this. These include:                                         value being created for local, regional,
                                                                                                                                            of your activities — be purpose-led
                                                                                    national and global communities,
• An increase in societal participation                                             including tax contributions. Investors will          4. Don’t just listen to the loudest voices,
  (beyond local communities): The                                                   also be relying heavily on such                         listen to the important voices
  expectations of society have increased,                                           disclosures.                                         5. Empower the business to make decisions
  and social media and the internet are now                                                                                                 that consider more than just financial
                                                                                  • The founding of governance on an
  able to move information quickly, which                                                                                                   returns and give them the tools to better
                                                                                    accountability framework: Frameworks
  rallies issues-based stakeholder                                                                                                          value the broader returns
                                                                                    will measure the financial, environmental
  participation en masse.
                                                                                    and social impacts of a project. The                 6. Make social development decisions that
• The rise of minority voices: The increase                                         quality and extent of stakeholder                       deliver lasting outcomes
  in societal participation in the sector has                                       engagement will also be measured.                    7. Improve the collaboration and branding
  not only brought into focus the rights of
                                                                                  • A rise in litigation: There will be more                of the sector
  groups, such as indigenous communities,
                                                                                    litigation, especially for past damages.

1 “We won’t wake up tomorrow as Microsoft, but how will we pioneer the mining industry into the 21st Century?” Rio Tinto documents, 30 October 2018.

    5     Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
 ccelerating automation
                                                           New World commodities                                                                                               implementation and
                                                                                                                                                                               digital transformation
                                                                                                                                                                               will have a positive
                                                             Future of workforce
                                                                  Energy mix
                                                                                                                                                                               impact on costs and
                             7                                   Rising costs
                                                                                                                                                                               productivity and on
                                                                                                                                                                               shareholder support.

                                 6                                  Cyber
                                                               izing portfolio ret
                                         4                 xim                    urn
                                                                                     s                                                                                             Director of Innovation,
                                             3                   ital ef tiveness
                                                             Dig                                                                                                                   Global mining company
                                                 2                 Lic en se to

                                                                                (down from 1)

Digital effectiveness
Is riding the digital wave key to wiping out our competition?

Focusing on productivity is a great                                                                        Exploration                                                                     Trading
place to start, but alone, it is not                                            • Artificial Intelligence (AI) combined
                                                                                       with geo-mapping software to
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Gold-backed blockchain
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Predictive trend modelling
enough to generate competitive                                               identify previously unknown ore bodies

advantage.                                                                                         Mining operations
                                                                                • End-to-end analysis of bottlenecks
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Predictive asset health system to detect
                                                                                     and downstream trade impacts                                                                            asset conditions
Miners have begun to make headway in                                                    • Intelligent automation and                                                                       • Automated planning and scheduling
using digital to improve productivity. There                                                  advanced optimization
                                                                                                                                Mining value chain processing
has been a great deal of success in the                                                                                         • Digital “twin” simulation models
                                                                                                                                  to rapidly identify and rectify
automation of haulage, rail, trucks and                                                                                           process variances
drilling; and also in the use of predictive
analytics to reduce maintenance costs and                                    in doing so begins to approach the levels of                                       Laying the foundations for success
improve equipment availability. Typically,                                   overall equipment effectiveness to what is                                         We recommend an end-to-end program of
these initiatives have been focused on                                       achieved in the manufacturing industry, the                                        overlapping waves of increasing complexity
solving single issues or bottlenecks, and                                    miner can be truly disruptive and emerge as                                        and value. This structured “wave” approach
while they have delivered some value, they                                   the dominant player in the market.                                                 can start to integrate different digital
have not been transformative.                                                The stark reality is that digital is the key to                                    initiatives into a more cohesive whole, as
                                                                             achieving sustainable productivity and margin                                      discussed in our paper on EY’s wave
We believe that real sustainable productivity
                                                                             improvement, and staying ahead of your                                             approach to digital transformation. Wave 3
gains will be realized only when digital
                                                                             competition. It is, therefore, not the time to                                     disruption is a key risk to be managed (we
initiatives span the value chain and are truly
                                                                             stand still in an age of business transformation                                   will discuss how you can protect yourself
transformative. Market leaders have started
                                                                             that is largely driven by digital.                                                 from this risk later in this paper).
to focus on broader initiatives that deliver
margin in a number of ways through
innovative marketing or supply arrangements.
But we are yet to see many truly end-to-end                                     Start with a vision                                                                    Wave 3
transformative approach being adopted.                                          and develop a road                                                                         Future
                                                                                map that leverages                                    od
                                                                                                                                     m                                 Wave 2

                                                                                                                                                                       Start now                      Pe
Invest to win


                                                                                  capability and                                                                                                           rm



Digital effectiveness is still challenging the                                      readiness



                                                                                                                                                                      Wave 1



sector. Miners are challenged with deciding                                                                                                                        eady started



where to start and securing budget. Also, in



                                                                                                                                                                      ns             gy


many cases, their organizations’ IT-related

function owns the digital strategy. Without

                                                                                                                          + Value                               Pre-start                                           Value +
CEO ownership, any transformation will be

purely technological. It will fail to have clear




and shared vision across the organization, a




                                                                                                                                                     an                                         ss

comprehensive business case and

                                                                                                                                                          ds                                  ce
                                                                                                                                                               u pp
                                                                                                                                                                      or t                Pro
associated budget, or proper resourcing.                                       Navigation/progress
                                                                               would follow
                                                                                                                                                ipp                                                 ain
Investment in digital solutions could drive a                                                                                                      ing
new wave of productivity and margin
                                                                               rather than
improvement across the value chain. If a
miner manages to create a digital mine, and

   6   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
It’s key to deliver a
                                                        New World commodities

                                                                                                                                   balanced approach
                                                                                                                                   across shareholder
                                                          Future of workforce
                                                                                                                                   returns, strong capital
                                                               Energy mix                                                          and balance sheet
                          7                                   Rising costs                                                         management, and

                                                                                                                                   sensible allocation to
                              6                                  Cyber
                                                            izing portfolio ret
                                                                                  s                                                value creating growth.
                                          3                   ital ef tiveness
                                                                     n s
                                              2                 Lic e
                                                                        e to
                                                                                                                                   Finance Director,
                                                                                                                                   Global mining company
                                                                             (down from 2)

Maximizing portfolio returns
Is your strategy planning for the future or creating it?
At the core of corporate strategy is                                      Buy: Acquisitive growth preferred but             We expect the level of capital through share
capital allocation. Future returns                                        good buys remain scarce                           buybacks to reduce as the majority of
will only be competitive in the long                                      Given the risk-reward appetite in the sector      divestment processes have now concluded.
                                                                                                                            However, the overall quantum is likely to
term if the right decisions over                                          right now, there is a preference for capital
                                                                          to first be invested in brownfield projects       fall as a result, and a preference to return
capital are made now. In order to                                                                                           capital, rather than invest, will remain
truly transform portfolios, and                                           that provide scale and optionality to existing
                                                                          operations. Only once these portfolio             a focus.
provide market-leading
                                                                          opportunities have been funded, are we
shareholder returns, the mining                                           typically seeing an appetite for greenfield       Transform (invest): Innovation is the
and metals sector must look across                                        investments or acquisitions.                      new disruptor
all strands of capital allocation,                                                                                          Historically, capital allocation strategies
                                                                          With relatively few greenfield projects
which increasingly involves the                                                                                             have focused just on “buy,” “build” and
                                                                          providing low-risk investment opportunities,
need to invest in transformative                                          there is an increasing desire to consider
                                                                                                                            “return.” However, given the ongoing
technologies.                                                                                                               innovation and transformative technologies
                                                                          acquisitions. However, finding valuations
                                                                                                                            available now, should organizations be
                                                                          that meet seller expectations is proving
                                                                                                                            investing capital into transforming existing
                                                                          difficult at this early stage of the investment
                                                                                                                            operations with technology?
                                                                          cycle, which is creating some deal inertia for
                                                                          “the pack” and will require a bold move           Those who invest in technology, data
                                                                          from one or two first movers to kick start        analytical capabilities and operational
                                                                          M&A in earnest.                                   transformation will have an edge over their
                                                                                                                            competitors. According to our survey
                                                                          Build: Brownfield projects take most              respondents, the majority are investing 5%
                                                                          of the capital                                    or less of their budgets in digital. How much
                                                                          While the market is relatively balanced,          more could they be transforming their
                                                                          supply challenges across a few commodities        operations if they invested up to 20% of
                                                                          are just over the horizon as project pipelines    their budgets in digital and put capital at
                                                                          have shrunk significantly, and the projects       risk? This could be disruptive to the way
                                                                          that remain are often underinvested. This is      mining and metals organizations operate.
                                                                          creating a delay in approving new capital         Also, it could provide economic return on
                                                                          investments into early-stage developments,        existing reserves that otherwise wouldn’t be
                                                                          which is putting further pressure on              accessible, and ultimately form future
                                                                          new supply.                                       portfolio growth in a way that historically
                                                                                                                            could only be achieved through buy or build
                                                                          Return: New avenues sought                        strategies.
                                                                          Strong cash flows and large cash injections       Disruption is inevitable and those with
                                                                          from asset divestments have enabled many          thoughtful capital allocation to digital and
                                                                          companies to initiate share buyback               innovation will become the innovative,
                                                                          programs. This is to take advantage of            predictive as well as higher margin-
                                                                          equity prices that management believes            generating mines and metals operations.
                                                                          to be undervalued and drive down the cost
                                                                          of capital.

  7   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
                                                          New World commodities



                                                                                                                              of mining and metals
                                                            Future of workforce
                                                                 Energy mix
                                                                Rising costs
                                                                                                                              companies have had a
                                                                                                                              significant cybersecurity

                                6                                  Cyber
                                                              izing portfolio ret
                                                                                                                              incident in the last year.
                                        4                 xim                    urn
                                                        Ma                          s
                                            3                   ital ef tiveness
                                                                      en se
                                                                                                                              Source: EY Global Information Security
                                                                  Lic       to
                                                                   operate                                                    Survey 2018–19

                                                                               (down from 3)

Is cybersecurity about more than just protection?
Due to the increasing size of the                                           perimeter.” Attacks can be malicious or         scenarios. It is then essential to apply a
threat, organizations are spending                                          unintentional; however, the resulting           cybersecurity framework to identify the
more on cybersecurity, devoting                                             impacts can be similar, regardless of intent.   critical cyber control gaps that need to
                                                                            These impacts include prolonged and             be closed.
additional resources to improving
                                                                            widespread outages, safety incidents,
their defenses and working harder                                           liability claims and associated legal costs,
                                                                                                                            Every cybersecurity transformation should
to embed security-by-design. As                                             data clean-up costs, reputational damage,
                                                                                                                            promote three key principles across culture,
the digital transformation agenda                                                                                           governance and capabilities:
                                                                            management distraction, and physical
forces organizations to embrace                                             damage to assets.                               1. Expect excellence in security
emerging technologies and new                                                                                                  fundamentals: Be highly mature at
                                                                            An innovative cybersecurity strategy
business models — often at pace —                                           based on good risk management
                                                                                                                               “security basics,” practice good security
cybersecurity needs to be a key                                                                                                hygiene and optimize your current
                                                                            principles needs to be applied
enabler of growth.                                                                                                             information security solution capabilities.
                                                                            The focus should be on how cybersecurity
                                                                                                                            2. Establish a strong governance program
All mining and metals organizations are                                     will support and enable enterprise growth.
                                                                                                                               and a culture of accountability: This
digital by default — in an increasingly                                     The aim should be to integrate and embed
                                                                                                                               should include adequate progress and
connected world, the digital landscape is                                   security within business processes and build
                                                                                                                               performance metrics, the development
vast, with every asset owned or used by an                                  a more secure working environment for all.
                                                                                                                               of a security-savvy culture and a shift in
organization representing another possible                                  To achieve these goals, organizations will
                                                                                                                               culture to ensure security practices as a
entry point. At the same time, it has never                                 need an innovative cybersecurity strategy
                                                                                                                               part of people’s everyday responsibilities.
been more difficult for organizations to                                    based on good risk management principles.
understand and secure the digital                                                                                           3. Build a commitment to continuous
                                                                            Mining and metals companies need to                improvement: Adapt to new
environment in which they operate, or their
                                                                            understand the business risks, critical            requirements based on evolving threats
interactions with it.
                                                                            assets and scenarios that pose a cyber             and trends, regularly assess security
As a result, the attack surface is only                                     risk event.                                        posture to remediate gaps, and
getting larger across physical assets, digital                                                                                 remember that cyber strategy roles and
                                                                            Effective cybersecurity firstly requires the
infrastructure and business processes; and                                                                                     responsibilities are for everyone in the
                                                                            organization to conduct a baseline cyber
can even extend to a company’s                                                                                                 organization no matter what their roles.
                                                                            controls maturity assessment. This is
connections with suppliers and customers.
                                                                            supported by a risk-based approach to
For example, the embedding of internet of
                                                                            prioritize strategic, long-term cyber
things into equipment by engineering
                                                                            investment for the top cyber threat
vendors extends and blurs the “network

   8   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
A focus on cash flow
                                                                New World commodities

                                                                                                                                                        and costs will ensure
                                                                                                                                                        better shareholder
                                                                  Future of workforce
                                                                       Energy mix
                                                                      Rising costs
                                                                                                                                                        VP of Global tax,
                                                                                                                                                        Global gold company

                                      6                                  Cyber
                                                                    izing portfolio ret
                                              4                 xim                    urn
                                                              Ma                          s
                                                  3                   ital ef tiveness
                                                      2                 Lic en se to


Rising costs
How can you cut costs and still remain competitive?
Cost inputs in the mining and                                                     Changing costs of diversified miners (% change)
metals sector are highly                                                                                                                                                       7.51
susceptible to inflationary
pressures. While global inflation is
not expected to rise as rapidly as it
has in previous cycles, there will                                                                                                                           (1.70)
be a steady increase from around                                                                                (4.97)

2.7% in 2016 to 3.5% in 2019.2                                                                (9.69)
However, during periods of
higher commodity prices, mining
input costs, such as wages,                                                                                                          (22.05)

consumables, diesel and energy,
                                                                                              FY2013           FY2014                FY2015                 FY2016            FY2017
often increase at a higher rate
than general inflation.                                                           Average % change of BHP, Rio Tinto, Vale and Anglo American
                                                                                  Source: S&P Capital IQ and EY analysis
Upward pressure on wages is particularly
prevalent. In certain areas of Australia,                                         quality ore and manage increased distances               How organizations can respond to this:
advertised salaries were up 35% in the first                                      to processing plants, water removal and
nine months of 2018, although this is off a                                                                                                • Focusing on sustainable cost-reduction
                                                                                  other physical constraints that come at an
low base.3 There is also increasing pressure                                                                                                 programs
                                                                                  increased cost.
from unions in South Africa and Chile to                                                                                                   • Carefully managing general expenses
increase the wages of mine workers. Mining                                        Automation and increased maturity in the
                                                                                                                                           • Sourcing from low-cost countries
and metals organizations have been                                                use of data is proving to have significant
                                                                                  benefits to large mining operations. To be               • Reviewing capital tied up in high levels of
flagging that these higher input costs are
                                                                                  able to stay competitive, all organizations                pre-stripping, advance development and
already impacting their bottom line.
                                                                                  will need to invest in both automation and                 stockpiles
In addition to inflation, there have also been                                    data analytics technologies. While these                 • Considering the use of contract mining
incremental changes to how mines operate                                          may increase efficiency, there are also                    versus sale or leaseback
that are resulting in rising costs. These                                         other associated costs that need to be                   • Implementing front- and back-office
changes include increasing complexity of                                          factored in. In particular, the introduction of            automation
mines, rising use of technology, a changing                                       a more complex technology and greater
workforce and a rising investment in license                                                                                               • Reviewing supplier contracts
                                                                                  reliability on data will require a different
to operate.                                                                       skill of your workforce. Recruiting and                  • Offshoring or outsourcing

The complexity of mining is increasing as                                         retaining this workforce will increase the               • Divesting noncore assets
many low-cost mines reach the end of their                                        spend on salaries.
life. Miners need to go deeper for lower

2 Consumer Price index via Oxford Economics as at 9 November 2018.
3 Sam Jacobs, “Soaring wages growth in key mining regions is a bright spot for the Australian economy right now,” Business Insider, 4 September 2018.

    9     Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
The pace of change we
                                                                New World commodities                                                              are witnessing across
                                                                                                                                                   the energy sector is
                                                                                                                                                   unprecedented. Choosing
                                                                  Future of workforce
                                                                                                                                                   the right path toward our
                                                                       Energy mix
                                                                      Rising costs
                                                                                                                                                   energy future will require
                                                                                                                                                   strong leadership, and

                                      6                                  Cyber
                                                                    izing portfolio ret
                                                                                                                                                   above all, a clear vision.
                                              4                 xim                    urn
                                                              Ma                          s
                                                  3                   ital ef tiveness
                                                      2                 Lic en s
                                                                                e to                                                               Benoit Laclau
                                                                                                                                                   EY Global Energy Leader
                                                                                     (up from 9)

Energy mix
What is the recipe for tomorrow’s energy mix?

Mining and minerals processing                                                    To minimize these risks, companies are                   In our recent blog, Dr. Ali G. Madiseh,
operations are very energy-                                                       opting for a mix of energy sources — fossil              Canada Research Chair in Advanced Mine
intensive, estimated to be 6.2% of                                                fuels, hydroelectricity and renewable                    Energy Systems, noted that the ultimate
                                                                                  energy.                                                  solution lies in the development of a range
total global energy consumption.4
                                                                                                                                           of novel ultra-efficient energy systems for
                                                                                  In addition, as mines seek to reduce costs
The cost of energy represents up to a third of                                                                                             mining operations, which make them
                                                                                  and greenhouse gases, they will be
a company’s total cost base, making it a                                                                                                   greener, less expensive and more
                                                                                  investigating ways to replace diesel-
keenly managed component of operations.                                                                                                    sustainable by:
                                                                                  powered equipment with electric ones,
While cost is an important consideration
                                                                                  particularly as battery storage technology               • Preventing energy wastes by using
when choosing an appropriate mix of energy
                                                                                  becomes more reliable and affordable.                      combined heat and power or waste heat
sources, it is only one aspect of a larger
                                                                                  There has been a trend in which new digital                recovery systems
strategic decision. Other considerations
                                                                                  mines are seeking to eliminate diesel and                • Taking advantage of the renewable
                                                                                  increase the use of electrification on mines,              energy sources available on-site such as
• Social and reputational implications of                                         e.g., Borden mine in Canada. This does                     wind and solar for power and geothermal
  choosing energy sources                                                         bring a number of benefits including the                   for heating
• Viability of energy sources, particularly in                                    issues of diesel emissions underground and
  remote locations                                                                a reduction in ventilation costs.                        Such solutions will enable the mining
                                                                                                                                           industry to diversify its energy sources,
• Management of the availability of energy                                        The integration of conventional and
                                                                                                                                           reduce its consumption of fossil fuels and
  over the entire mine life and the                                               renewable sources is critical to ensure
                                                                                                                                           carbon emissions, and cut costs. This will
  counteracting of fuel price volatility                                          reliable and safe power for the mine, with
                                                                                                                                           ultimately create a new generation of mines
                                                                                  people often working underground relying
To date, mining operations have largely                                                                                                    that will enhance the industry’s global
                                                                                  on power for lighting and ventilation. If the
relied on fossil fuels to run equipment and                                                                                                competitiveness and long-term
                                                                                  sun stops shining or the wind stops blowing,
electricity for processing. In remote                                                                                                      sustainability. It will also allow companies
                                                                                  the conventional sources or energy storage
operations, there is an even greater reliance                                                                                              to build in optionality for future capital
                                                                                  has to cover the shortfall. It is this factor
on diesel power generation. For example,                                                                                                   projects so that they can take advantage
                                                                                  that causes some renewable projects to be
the mining sector in Australia derives 41%                                                                                                 of future developments and the reduction
                                                                                  put into the “too hard basket” and
of its energy from diesel.                                                                                                                 in the cost of renewables.
                                                                                  conventional solutions persist.
Energy costs already represent a significant
part of mine operating costs, and as mines
are beginning to extend to depths beyond
current norms, their energy demand is
growing even larger.

4 KBR Consulting, “Fuelling the future of mining,” via, accessed on 27 October 2018.

   10     Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
With digital enablement,
                                                          New World commodities

                                                                                                                                     it attracts increased
                                                                                                                                     technological skill
                                                            Future of workforce
                                                                                                                                     and specialization
                                                                 Energy mix                                                          among employees and
                            7                                   Rising costs                                                         opportunity for business

                                                                                                                                     disruption. A board
                                6                                  Cyber
                                                              izing portfolio ret
                                                                                    s                                                member asked: ‘Are we
                                                                ital ef tiveness
                                                                                                                                     in mining or IT?’
                                                2                 Lic en se to

                                                                                                                                      Anonymous respondent of
                                                                                                                                      EY Business risks survey
Future of workforce
How will mining tap into its next great resource?
Within the mining and metals                                                • Changing social and demographic forces           changed in the future. It is also important to
sector, the talent management                                                  Attracting younger talent, particularly in      maintain the critical skills that are typically
practices often still mirror the                                               light of the changing skill sets required, is   found in the older workforce.
commodity price cycle: miners hire                                             a challenge. The sector is not in vogue         What the sector needs is an agile, resilient
rapidly in upswing and shed excess                                             with the more conscious younger people,         and affordable workforce that is capable of
                                                                               particularly in a contemporary social
resources in a downturn. As a                                                                                                  thriving in an environment of ongoing
                                                                               media-informed world. There are fewer           commodity price volatility and digital
result, many of the workers laid off                                           people moving into secondary education          transformation of the sector. Companies
during the downturn in commodity                                               in mining, and building the workforce of        need to take a short-, medium- and
prices moved to other sectors and                                              the future is challenging.                      long-term view of requirements, and
never came back, taking invaluable                                                                                             invest accordingly.
                                                                               At the same time, retaining the older
knowledge and experience with
                                                                               talent also poses an ongoing risk to            Some considerations for creating a
them. Also, there are other                                                    leadership. Insufficient attention has          workforce of the future:
inexorable trends that continue to                                             been given to understanding how an
reshape talent and labor supply in                                             ageing workforce will impact the sector,        • Think about the future now — create a
the sector, some of which are                                                  and needs to be countered with                    strategic workforce strategy to guide
discussed below:                                                               innovative retention and succession               through how you attract and grow
                                                                               planning efforts.                                 required capabilities, while re-skilling the
•  Changing technology                                                                                                          existing workforce with skill sets that will
  Disruptive technology is changing the                                     • Global talent markets                              not be required in the same way 5 to 10
  skills mix required. However, there is a                                     While the majority of a company’s                 years from now
  limited pool of people with these skill sets                                 workforce will be sourced locally,              • Build a brand or purpose
  such as data science, analytics, predictive                                  globalization adds real complexity to how
                                                                                                                               • Seek alternative sourcing mechanisms
  modeling and mechatronic skills. Mining                                      companies attract leaders and technical
                                                                                                                                 across short, medium and long terms
  and metals companies are currently not                                       talent. Globalization has meant access to
  able to compete with other sectors for                                       a wider global talent pool, and has also        • Challenge conventional resourcing and
  this talent. Some of this lack of                                            resulted in increased competition for             development strategies — for instance, it
  competitiveness relates to the need for                                      talent on a global stage.                         may be easier to source planning
  companies to have a better narrative                                                                                           capabilities from outside the industry
  around their purpose, which will build                                    Building the workforce of the future                 including those from a manufacturing or
  employer brand and attract a millennial                                                                                        analytics background
                                                                            Mining and metals companies need to
  workforce.                                                                ensure they have a strategic workforce             • Utilize a flexible resourcing model that
                                                                            strategy that enables them to attract the            provides mechanisms to balance
  Organizations need to take advantage of
                                                                            required capabilities for new ways of                workforce supply and demand, retain
  the existing workforces’ desire to re-skill.
                                                                            working, while at the same time re-skill             ageing employees, and attract top talent
  This will also enable some of the change
  management required to make digital                                       those skill sets that will be redundant or
  transformation work.

  11   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
We are now in an era
                                                                New World commodities                                                                of constant disruption,
                                                                                                                                                     and it is coming from
                                                                                                                                                     unexpected places.
                                                                  Future of workforce
                                                                                                                                                     Instead of seeing it as
                                                                       Energy mix
                                                                      Rising costs
                                                                                                                                                     a threat, you should
                                                                                                                                                     see it as a great

                                      6                                  Cyber
                                              4                 xim
                                                                    izing portfolio ret
                                                                                                                                                     opportunity to innovate,
                                                                      ital ef tiveness
                                                                                                                                                     evolve and thrive.
                                                      2                 Lic en se to
                                                                                                                                                     Paul Mitchell
                                                                                     (new)                                                           EY Global Mining & Metals
                                                                                                                                                     Advisory Leader

Unwelcome disruption or transformational opportunity?

Many consider disruption as being                                                 Major disruptors of the mining sector
sector-wide, but disruption has

                                                                                              31%                          23%                        23%                        20%
already begun at the value chain
level within the sector:
                                                                                              Technology                   Miners                     Sovereign                  Traders
• Job disruption: Automation is in the
                                                                                              providers                                               states
  process of creating job disruption both
                                                                                  Source: An EY global survey of 336 mining and metals executives.
  within the back office (through robotic
  process automation) and in operations
  (through autonomous vehicles), but the                                          changes, and an environment is created                     Sovereign states have the capital to
  next types of jobs to be disrupted will be                                      that is attractive to new participants.                    become major stakeholders in the sector to
  those that schedule and plan work.                                                                                                         secure supply for national industries and
                                                                                  Breaking from tradition: The miners of                     protect jobs. We may also see major
• Customer disruption: This is already                                            the future                                                 sovereign wealth funds investing in the
  occurring in some commodities. For                                                                                                         sector such as Saudi and Norway.
  instance, Morgan Stanley predicts that                                          In a recent webcast, we polled executives on
  15% of gem quality diamonds will be                                             their view of where disruption would come                  Traders are once again cashed up and
  synthetic diamonds by 2020.5                                                    from; and it is largely in line with our views:            looking for opportunities. In the past, this
                                                                                                                                             group has taken an interest (full or partial)
• Asset disruption: Automation and                                                Technology companies may take the
                                                                                                                                             in operations to shore up the supply of key
  electrification will disrupt assets.                                            decision to become direct or indirect
                                                                                                                                             commodities (e.g., the JV investments in
  Electrification of mines is starting to climb                                   investors as a way of shoring up supply. For
                                                                                                                                             Australia). We would anticipate that this
  the agenda of CEOs and COOs as a driver                                         example, with limited global cobalt and
                                                                                                                                             group will emerge as a more prominent
  of cost reduction, energy efficiency and                                        lithium supply, we could see companies
                                                                                                                                             player in the sector again.
  license to operate stewardship. New mines                                       adjusting their investment models to ensure
  are being built as “digital mines,” which                                       that they can continue to produce phones.
  will create a new wave of assets as these
  become commonly adopted.                                                        So how can mining and metals companies respond to this risk?
• Economic disruption: This will occur
  through regulatory and macroeconomic                                               Think differently about                 Should the traditional capital agenda of “Buy — Build —
  changes such as mining code and                                                    capital                                 Return” change
  government changes.
                                                                                     Invest heavily in digital and           Drive productivity and margin improvement through
Who could create sector-wide                                                         innovation                              digital and innovation
                                                                                     Accelerate the disruption               Look for new opportunities — ventures?
Broader sector disruption is inevitable. The
                                                                                     process                                 Consider collaboration
question is, “from who?” While we don’t
think there will be an Uber-equivalent in the
                                                                                     Broaden license to operate              Strengthen relationships with sovereign stakeholders
mining sector, market leadership could be
                                                                                                                             to influence and prepare for regulatory change
lost as dominant players respond slowly, or
ineffectively, to sector and external

5 Sue Lannin, “De Beers to launch synthetic diamond jewellery in United States to shake up gemstone market,” ABC News, 4 July 2018.

   12     Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
                                                        New World commodities



                                                          Future of workforce                                                 of respondents stated
                                                               Energy mix
                                                                                                                              bribery or corrupt
                                                              Rising costs
                                                                                                                              practices occur widely

                              6                                  Cyber
                                      4                 xim
                                                            izing portfolio ret
                                                                                                                              in business in their
                                                                                                                              country and 13% would
                                          3                   ital ef tiveness
                                              2                     en se

                                                                                                                              justify a cash payment
                                                                Lic       to

                                                                             (new)                                            to win a contract.
                                                                                                                              EY Global Fraud Survey 2018

Does fraud only become an issue when it’s exposed?
Fraud and corruption have                                                 Increasing use of technology                     maturity in their compliance programs, with
re-emerged as a significant                                                                                                the majority of executives interviewed in the
                                                                          Mining and metals companies are
risk for many mining and metals                                                                                            EY 15th Global Fraud Survey aware of
                                                                          increasingly using digital technology to
                                                                                                                           anti-corruption policies, procedures and
companies. We don’t believe this                                          change the way they do business, which is
                                                                                                                           intent from management. Advances in the
is a result of more fraud and                                             heightening their exposure to fraud,
                                                                                                                           predictive capabilities of “big data” mean
corruption taking place, it is just                                       corruption and other risks. Increased global
                                                                                                                           that analytics has advanced from a
that the capacity to identify it has                                      connectivity means that anyone with access
                                                                                                                           detective tool and can now be used to make
become more sophisticated. In                                             to company data, anywhere in the world,
                                                                                                                           real-time assessments, helping identify and
                                                                          can exploit weaknesses in data security.
addition, social media has made                                                                                            prevent fraud, and providing management
                                                                          Organizations’ critical digital and physical
globally visible any allegations of                                       assets are therefore at greater risk of theft,
                                                                                                                           with more effective oversight. Leading
impropriety with unprecedented                                                                                             companies are using AI technology to
                                                                          damage and manipulation than ever before.
speed, regardless of whether or not                                                                                        replace classroom and web-based training
                                                                                                                           with individualized risk-based
the allegations are founded. This                                         Increasing fraud and corruption risks
                                                                                                                           communications in real time.
places risk of fraud hand-in-hand                                         as activity increases
with the risk to reputation and                                           Higher commodity prices and rising cash
                                                                                                                           Mining and metals companies face the
licence to operate.                                                                                                        challenge of influencing the behavior of
                                                                          flows have led to the restart of exploration
                                                                                                                           diverse, dispersed employees and third
                                                                          programs and progressions with brownfield
                                                                                                                           parties amidst intense competitive
                                                                          mining projects. A key gap identified during
                                                                                                                           pressures and increased regulation. With
                                                                          the last boom was the lack of active
                                                                                                                           this pace of change, management and
                                                                          management and monitoring of contracts.
                                                                                                                           compliance functions need to evolve how
                                                                          Organizations spend billions per year on
                                                                                                                           they work to identify new fraud and
                                                                          contracts to deliver capital projects and
                                                                                                                           compliance risks. The EY 15th Global Fraud
                                                                          maintain operations. This expenditure often
                                                                                                                           Survey results suggest that the benefits of
                                                                          involves multiple contractors, some of
                                                                                                                           demonstrating organizational integrity go
                                                                          which may be managed by third parties. In
                                                                                                                           beyond the avoidance of penalties and can
                                                                          our experience, between 1% and 2% of
                                                                                                                           actually improve business performance.
                                                                          capital project expenditure is contractually
                                                                                                                           This makes sense: doing the wrong thing is
                                                                          noncompliant or misallocated, with an
                                                                                                                           a lost opportunity to do the right thing.
                                                                          average of 8% that can be identified across
                                                                          recurrent operational expenditure.

                                                                          How are companies responding?
                                                                          The effects of fraud and corruption are
                                                                          far-reaching, and can seriously impact a
                                                                          company’s reputation and social license to
                                                                          operate and, in turn, shareholder value.
                                                                          Many businesses have reached a level of

 13   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
EVs will underpin the
                                                                 New World commodities                                                      growth of alternative
                                                                                                                                            metals and demand for
                                                                   Future of workforce
                                                                        Energy mix                                                          Executive Director of M&A,
                                   7                                   Rising costs                                                         Global banking and financial

                                       6                                  Cyber                                                             services company
                                                                     izing portfolio ret
                                               4                 xim                    urn
                                                               Ma                          s
                                                   3                   ital ef tiveness
                                                       2                 License to

                                                                                      (down from 4)

New World commodities

Urbanization and rising demand for                                                 For example, the rise of electric vehicles has   prosperity. Chinese state-owned enterprises
infrastructure, such as buildings,                                                 boosted demand for critical minerals such        are also already taking a significant
roads and railways, have been key                                                  as cobalt, lithium and copper. On the other      proportion of the lithium-ion battery supply
                                                                                   hand, an increasing focus on recycling, as       chain by purchasing and funding lithium
drivers of demand for Old World
                                                                                   companies seek to become more                    and cobalt mines as well as downstream
commodities. More recently,                                                        sustainable, is likely to result in reduced      processing. In addition, downstream
however, technological disruption                                                  demand for certain commodities. For              sectors, such as technology and
and the ongoing transformation of                                                  example, it is estimated that 20% of cobalt      automotive, are exploring how they
downstream sectors, within an                                                      demand may be met by battery recycling by        might secure supply.
increasingly ”green” economy,                                                      20256. In addition, this shift to recycling is
                                                                                                                                    Planning and expanding your horizon
have resulted in a change in                                                       likely to impact iron ore demand as steel
commodity demand.                                                                  companies, particularly in China, increase       The mining and metals companies that will
                                                                                   their use of electric arc furnaces, resulting    be the winners in the future will ultimately be
                                                                                   in higher demand for scrap steel.                those who have collaborated with many
                                                                                                                                    sectors and captured value across the chain.
                                                                                   Understanding the impact of these changes
                                                                                                                                    Some miners are either using VC firms or
                                                                                   on miners’ portfolios, and keeping a balance
                                                                                                                                    setting up specialist internal teams to
                                                                                   between New and Old World commodities
                                                                                                                                    identify more specialized mining prospects
                                                                                   has become a complex task in such a rapidly
                                                                                                                                    as they seek to capture value beyond their
                                                                                   changing environment.
                                                                                                                                    core portfolios. Rio Tinto Ventures, for
                                                                                                                                    example, is assessing new opportunities
                                                                                   Competing for the next wave of
                                                                                                                                    based on key new technologies that will
                                                                                                                                    influence future metal demand.
                                                                                   Competition for New World commodities is
                                                                                                                                    Portfolio optimization is critical. Miners need
                                                                                   only going to increase as they become
                                                                                                                                    to understand the interaction among various
                                                                                   central to the production of an ever-growing
                                                                                                                                    parts of their portfolio to enable decisions on
                                                                                   variety of high tech and green technologies,
                                                                                                                                    investment, divestment and rationalization
                                                                                   from batteries, smart phones and laptops to
                                                                                                                                    to enhance value of the entire portfolio.
                                                                                   advanced defense systems. And it’s not just
                                                                                                                                    Decisions around where to invest and
                                                                                   mining and metals companies seeking to
                                                                                                                                    allocate capital will need to be taken long in
                                                                                   secure new projects.
                                                                                                                                    advance. Miners will, therefore, need to
                                                                                   Countries and regions, such as the EU,           adopt a level of flexibility in their business
                                                                                   South Korea, Japan and the US, are               models to be agile to change and regularly
                                                                                   deeming some minerals as ”critical” to           review their portfolios, considering all future
                                                                                   ensure they are available for their future       growth assets — new and old.

6 “Future of Mobility and Battery Service,” EY analysis, September 2018.

   14     Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
15   Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20
How EY’s Global Mining & Metals Network can                               EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory
help your business                                                        About EY
                                                                          EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory
The mining and metals (M&M) sector is returning to growth, but
                                                                          services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust
companies face a transformed competitive and operating landscape.
                                                                          and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over.
The need to improve shareholder returns will drive bold strategies to     We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises
accelerate productivity, improve margins and better allocate capital      to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building
to achieve long-term growth. Digital innovation will be a key tool, but   a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our
the industry must overcome a poor track record of technology              communities.
implementations. If M&M companies are to survive and thrive in a          EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of
new energy world, they must embrace digital to optimize productivity      the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is
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EY teams take a whole-of-value-chain approach to help you to seize        information about our organization, please visit
the potential of digital to fast-track productivity, balance portfolios
and set a clear road map for the new energy future.                       The views of the third parties set out in this publication are not
                                                                          necessarily the views of the global EY organization or its member firms.
                                                                          Moreover, they should be seen in the context of the time they were made.
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                                                                          All Rights Reserved.
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                                                                          BMC Agency
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                                   United Kingdom & Ireland
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