Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly

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Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly

FEBRUARY 6, 2019 • No. 8

                                                                                                                        Top 10
                                                                                                                        Hidden Secrets
                                                                                                                        To Uncover Next Time
                                                                                                                        You Visit Disneyland.
Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTO COURTESY: UNION MARKET TUSTIN

                                                                                                                                                               O.C. Election Preview: Third District Supervisor.

                                                                                                                                                               Food Hall Magic at Union Market in Tustin. BY EVAN SENN

                                                                                                                                                               The Hidden Secrets of Disneyland. BY MICHAEL COOPER

                                                    THE                                                                                                        MUSIC...9
                                                                                                                                                               Rebelution Headlines at Long Beach’s One Love Cali Fest.
                                                                                                                                                               BY SHIRLEY JU

                                                    SKIES                                                                                                      ART...10
                                                                                                                                                               The Art and Design of Nick Simon. BY EVAN SENN

                                                    THE ULTIMATE IN PRIVATE AIRCRAFT
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                                                                                                                                                                        ON COVER: Photo Courtesy Of: Disneyland Resort
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Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly

                                                                                                                                                                                        I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9
                                                               PHOTOS COURTESY OF: CANDIDATES

            n March 12 voters will de-       Park and some of unincorporated
            cide who will represent          O.C. Irvine makes up the lion’s share
            them on the Orange               of the district, accounting for 33 per-
            County Board of Super-           cent of the total voters represented.
visors for the Third District. The seat       We asked the leading candidates
was vacated by Todd Spitzer after            for the seat - former Congress-
he won his bid to become O.C. Dis-           woman Loretta Sanchez; Irvine
trict Attorney last November.                Mayor Don Wagner; and former
 The Third District covers portions          Anaheim City Councilwoman Kris
of Irvine, Mission Viejo and Ana-            Murray - why they are running to
heim as well as Orange, Tustin,              represent the Third District. Here
North Tustin, Yorba Linda, Villa             are their responses:

                                             and innovative leadership that deliv-       ballot. It was overwhelmingly passed            ing complete devastation to hundreds
                                             ered results and improved the quality of    by voters in Anaheim and since its pas-         of residents. Like many of you, my fam-
                                             life in our community.                      sage, these protections were replicated         ily and I have been evacuated multiple
                                              That is the single most important dis-     and adopted by voters in Irvine and             times during these events.
                                             tinction I wish to make in my campaign      Newport Beach.                                    While on the Board of Supervisors, I
                                             for supervisor: I am running on my           To ensure the safety of children and           will proactively lead efforts to develop
                                             record of promises made and promises        families, I passed a ban on sex offenders       comprehensive wildland protection
                                             kept.                                       from entering city parks and worked             measures, as well as work with the Or-
                                              During my tenure as mayor pro tem          with law enforcement countywide to              ange County Fire Authority to develop
                                             and city councilwoman in Anaheim, I         address human trafficking and combat            early wildfire detection systems to save
                                             was a champion of fiscal responsibil-       childhood exploitation.                         lives and protect private property.
                                             ity – adopting balanced city budgets         As supervisor, I will listen to your             It’s important that this special elec-
                                             every year in office that doubled cash      concerns, act before there is a crisis,         tion for Orange County supervisor be
                                             reserves, reduced pension liabilities,      and drive solutions by working side by          centered on the pressing issues facing
                                             and kept city and utility fees low, while   side with the community to achieve              our community. That’s why at the start
                                             expanding transparency at City Hall.        common goals.                                   of my campaign, I signed a “Clean
                                              When I took office in 2010, unemploy-       Like every city and unincorporated             Campaign Pledge” and urged all
                                             ment was at historically high levels.       community in the third district, I under-       candidates to join me because Orange
                                             Adding to the problem was a police          stand the needs of Irvine are unique            County residents deserve better than
                                             and firefighter force decimated by the      and individualized. Wildfire protection,        false and misleading campaign tactics
                                             recession. I immediately got to work        preserving open spaces and improving            that divert attention from important
PROMISES MADE                                and partnered with business leaders         Irvine’s transportation infrastructure          county issues.

AND PROMISES KEPT                            and community stakeholders to adopt
                                             programs and policies that led to record
                                                                                         with regards to streets and intersections
                                                                                         are top priorities. It is vital to a thriving
                                                                                                                                           As your next supervisor, I will fulfill my
                                                                                                                                         commitment to residents who put their
                                             reinvestment, created thousands of          Irvine to stay within the master plan           trust in me by voting in this special elec-
                        BY: KRIS MURRAY      local skilled jobs and reduced unem-        and maintain the natural landscapes             tion – you have my word to faithfully

                                             ployment levels by more than two-           we enjoy, while protecting the safety of        serve my full term of office and provide
     mproving public safety, increasing      thirds. I led programs to hire more than    our residential neighborhoods, parks            long-term, common-sense leadership
     jobs, fixing traffic, lowering taxes.   40 sworn police officers, expand fire       and wildland areas. I strongly support a        working every day in the best interests
     We hear those positions bandied         and rescue services, establish wild-        Veterans Cemetery in Orange County,             of Orange County.
     about a lot in campaigns these          land management and invest in early         at a location that respects the wishes of         On March 12, I humbly ask for your vote.
days, but few ever turn these statements     wildfire detection programs to protect      Irvine residents and honors our region’s        I would be honored to represent you as
into meaningful action.                      residents and homes from future wild-       brave veterans.                                 your next county supervisor.
 Similarly, in this campaign for Orange      fires – all without raising taxes.           This past year, wildfires devastated             Please visit
County Supervisor, I suspect every can-       On behalf of taxpayers, I authored         California, with 80 lives lost and more         to learn more about my background,
didate will run on a similar platform,       the Taxpayer Protection Act, a charter      than $12.4 billion in damage and loss of        broad coalition of endorsements and
but what I offer is a proven and measur-     amendment that increases the thresh-        private property. Wildfires continue to         record serving Orange County residents.
able track record of fiscal responsibility   old to place tax increases on the city’s    ravish our county year after year, caus-
Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly
NEWS                                          That is why, when the county sprang                                                          resources or implement effective

                                                                              on Irvine a half-baked, wholly unwork-                                                       programs for the working families of
                                                                              able tent city proposal that would have                                                      Orange County. It is time for an overhaul
                                                                              merely relocated the county’s homeless                                                       and a breath of new energy.
                                                                              problem to an uninhabitable spot near                                                         We need leadership at the county level
                                                                              Irvine homes, schools and parks, I led                                                       which will focus on issues like health
                                                                              the effort not just to stop that scheme,                                                     care, a basic and indispensable human
                                                                              but to actually find a real solution. I                                                      right. When I learned that Santa Ana
                                                                              have been at the table with the federal                                                      was ranked as one of the most poorly
                                                                              judge overseeing the homeless case,                                                          insured cities in the United States, I
                                                                              and at the table with other south county                                                     worked with my colleagues in Congress

                                                                              mayors, to collectively find a compre-                                                       and local leaders to launch “Enroll OC,”
| F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9

                                                                              hensive compassionate solution that                                                          which helped over 2,000 uninsured in-
                                                                              protects public safety.                                                                      dividuals get reliable access to quality
                                                                               The Board of Supervisors also has                                                           health care.
                                                                              oversight responsibility for public safety                                                    Another priority that demands imme-

                                WHY I’M RUNNING
                                                                              in Orange County beyond just the
                                                                              homeless issue. Unfortunately, the in-
                                                                                                                             FIGHT FOR A BETTER                            diate action is fire safety. The wildfires of
                                                                                                                                                                           2017 and 2018 showed that the current

                                FOR SUPERVISOR                                credible safety record in Irvine has not       ORANGE COUNTY                                 Board of Supervisors has failed to
                                                                              been shared around the county. We are                                                        adequately prepare the county for this
                                                                              seeing an increase in violence, property                                                     threat. Inefficient procedures and gaps
                                                                                                                                               BY: LORETTA SANCHEZ

                                                 BY: DONALD P. WAGNER         crimes, drug abuse and human traffick-                                                       in city-county coordination and essen-

                                                                              ing. Much of this increase is the result of          love Orange County. That’s why my       tial equipment delayed response times
                                     am running for county supervisor
    4                                because there are things at the          unwise policy choices made by the Leg-               family and I have lived here for over   and left much to be desired. Many of our
                                                                              islature in Sacramento. I argued pas-                55 years. That’s why I fought for two   cities, including Irvine, rely on the O.C.
                                     county we need to fix, and because
                                                                              sionately against those choices during               decades in the House of Represen-       Board of Supervisors to properly man-
                                     I alone in the race bring success at
                                                                              my time in the Legislature, representing       tatives to bring opportunity and growth       age and equip their fire departments.
                                the local level, where county supervi-
                                                                              most of the Third District. The fight must     to the county. I am running now for the       The current board has failed to update
                                sors work, in actually fixing problems
                                                                              continue at the Board of Supervisors to        Orange County Board of Supervisors            procedures and ensure that we are
                                for people living in Irvine and through-
                                                                              protect all the people of Orange County,       because this is my home and I want it to      ready for the next crisis. Our firefighters
                                out the Third Supervisorial District.
                                                                              to put in jail the dangerous predators         be a place where everyone can thrive          do their jobs with courage and dedica-
                                 I have led a Renaissance in Irvine over
                                                                              lurking among us, and to destroy the           and prosper.                                  tion. We need strong, proactive leader-
                                the last few years. At the Orange County
                                                                              scourge of human trafficking.                    I love Orange County because it made        ship at the county level to confront and
                                Great Park, we are finally providing
                                                                               In addition, I have worked with county        the American Dream possible for my            solve current issues before they become
                                world class sports facilities and open
                                                                              leadership over contentious land use           parents, who immigrated in the 1950s,         catastrophes.
                                space – after years of promises and
                                                                              issues to assure that the interests of the     worked hard to provide for and educate         Since leaving public office, I have
                                false starts and the wasteful spending
                                                                              people in planned and responsible              me and my six brothers and sisters.           devoted my time to tackling some
                                of over $200 million by prior council
                                                                              growth, not the interests of developers in     Through their support and the power           of Orange County’s toughest issues. I
                                                                              quick profits, are respected by govern-        of education, my sister and I became          have worked with public and private
                                 Irvine remains the safest city of its size
                                                                              ment. Where necessary, Irvine has sued         the first and only sisters in American        partners to provide shelter and essential
                                in the nation according to FBI statistics.
                                                                              the county to force responsible plan-          history to serve together in the House of     services for homeless women -- the most
                                The City Council I lead continues our
                                                                              ning and growth. I will take to the Board      Representatives.                              at-risk homeless population. I am also
                                unprecedented relationship with and
                                                                              of Supervisors, on behalf of every city          While representing Orange County in         working with private industry, labor
                                support for the Irvine Unified School
                                                                              and every resident in Orange County,           Congress, I worked with federal, state        and schools to create an innovative
                                District. I have brought back the Irvine
                                                                              the same demand that the county act            and local officials to bring billions of      program to build small modular hous-
                                Transportation Commission to address
                                                                              responsibly in its planning.                   dollars of investment home to Orange          ing units as a solution to the housing
                                traffic growth which had been ignored
                                                                               No one from the city of Irvine has ever       County to improve our roads, water            shortage in our county. This would
                                in the past, and I have implemented an
                                                                              served on the Board of Supervisors. But        system, schools, hospitals and first          allow families and multi-generational
                                aggressive plan to ease existing traffic
                                                                              today, Irvine is the largest part of the       responder capabilities. In 2015, Congres-     households to create more afford-
                                                                              Third Supervisorial District and the most      sional Quarterly named me one of the          able housing options on their existing
                                 Finally, the city again has won awards
                                                                              vibrant city in all of Orange County. An       “25 most powerful women of Congress.”         properties. Public-private partnerships
                                under my leadership as a model for
                                                                              Irvine seat at the table, with the experi-     As a county supervisor, I am ready to         like these are one of the many ways
                                sound fiscal management. We have
                                                                              ence I can bring to the discussion at that     put that experience and know-how to           the Board of Supervisors can make a
                                balanced our budget without raising
                                                                              table, will benefit all the residents of the   work for the people of Orange County.         difference and build a better future for
                                taxes and still provide the public safety
                                                                              Third District.                                  I believe the Board of Supervisors must     our communities.
                                and public amenities for which Irvine is
                                                                               People live and work in Orange County         take responsibility for solving our most       As your supervisor, I will bring over
                                internationally renowned.
                                                                              because of our superb quality of life.         pressing problems. During my 20 years         30 years of government, business and
                                 I want to take that record of accom-
                                                                              That is what brought my wife and I             of service in Congress, I fought tooth and    finance experience to make Orange
                                plishment to the Orange County Board
                                                                              and our then young family to Orange            nail to make sure the people of Orange        County a better place for our children. I
                                of Supervisors.
                                                                              County almost 30 years ago. I have             County received the services and pub-         would be honored to have your vote on
                                 Certainly, there is a lot of work to do at
                                                                              spent my time in public service working        lic support they deserve. Unfortunately,      March 12th to be the next member of the
                                the county level. For example, the home-
                                                                              to maintain that quality of life for the       I didn’t always see the same dedication       Orange County Board of Supervisors
                                less problem was allowed to fester for
                                                                              people I am privileged to represent in         from our local Board of Supervisors. For      and do what I do best: Fight for a better
                                too long. It should be unacceptable to
                                                                              local government. I am running for the         example, despite large appropriations         Orange County.
                                everyone in Orange County that a sin-
                                                                              Board of Supervisors to enhance that           to improve health care and provide
                                gle human being who wants housing
                                                                              quality of life for all of Orange County.      housing for the homeless, the Board
                                should go without, much less that we
                                                                                                                             of Supervisors failed to use available
                                should have people dying on our streets!
Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly

                                                                                                                                                                                 I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9

                                                                                                                                                               BY: EVAN SENN

                                                                                                                             PHOTOS COURTESY OF: UNION MARKET TUSTIN

           emember when you were a          the food court. You could fulfill every       man, oh man, any visitor can get all        hands on it here. Do you want a poke
           teenager and going to the mall   deep-seated taste bud desire you had,         their cravings in food, booze and goods     bowl with a dessert crepe and a side
           was fun? You had so many         all in one place. Although the magic of       satiated at this local gem.                 of bacon mac-and-cheese? You got it.
           shops in one place, multiple     the mall has faded quite a bit since our       Union Market is a maze of halls and        Are you craving ice cream, a butter
floors of beautiful things and people all   teenage days, the new iteration of this       mini-shops and cafes that are set up        croissant and a Thai coconut to drink?
over the place that seemed excited to       magical experience can be found in the        in the magical food court style we all      No problem. You want to eat an acai
be there, to be experiencing things. A      “marketplaces” or “food halls” popping        know and love. This maze of amazing-        bowl while your mom eats gluten-free
huge part of the amazing experience         up all over Southern California. Luck-        ness is jam-packed with over 14 different   pasta? Come on down. You want a dirty
of mall-going was the epic and vast         ily, in the heart of The District at Tustin   food and drink spots, and a handful of      martini and a haircut? Pssh — easy.
food court — every type of food you         Legacy, we have our own local market-         stores and shops sprinkled in the mix.       This place is centrally located in The
could ever want were all present at         place center called Union Market, and         Whatever you’re craving, you get your       District at Tustin Legacy, next to Whole
Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly
| F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9

                                Foods, Ulta, Vans, Costco and a ton of                                                                                                   of young Thai coconuts and coconut
                                other places, so technically you could                                                                                                   waters.
                                also get some shopping done while                                                                                                         The shops at Union Market are just
                                you’re there, but really, it’s just a great                                                                                              as unique as the food options, and
                                place where everybody can get what                                                                                                       sporadically placed as you stumble into
                                they want. Inside the Union Market,                                                                                                      one or another whichever way you’re
                                Portola Coffee Roasters will pump you                                                                                                    headed in this maze. Le Petite Chenille
                                full of the best tasting caffeine you’ve                                                                                                 is a chic boutique clothing store that
                                ever had, and Churned Creamery is                                                                                                        has fashion-forward looks and items for
                                just down the hall if you want some-                                                                                                     every kind of taste. Scent Avenue is a
                                thing sweet after you’re all hyped up on                                                                                                 great-smelling little shop that has every
                                that amazing coffee. In the same area,                                                                                                   type of aromatic accessory you might
                                Cubed is the independently owned                                                                                                         ever want or need. With a great curated
                                one-stop Hawaiian-centric poke shop                                                                                                      selection of candles, diffusers, essential
                                that was created by lifelong friends,                                                                                                    oils, bath bombs, wax melts, perfumes
                                and all that love shows through in their                                                                                                 and room sprays, you simply won’t ever
                                poke. You can also find amazing spam                                                                                                     need to go to another candle store or
                                musubi and other delicious Hawai-                                                                                                        essential oil party ever again.
                                ian-inspired treats.                                                                                                                      The Paper House is also an essen-
                                 The Kroft is just across from Portola,                                                                                                  tial shop offering a great selection of
                                where you can dive into a variety of                                                                                                     stationary, cards, journals, banners,
                                fresh-made comfort foods with French-                                                                                                    decorations, desk accessories, tote bags,
                                Canadian inspiration. We’re talking                                                                                                      holiday supplies, art prints, calendars
                                about amazing sandwiches made with                                                                                                       and toys for the kids. This independently
                                the freshest ingredients, succulent meats     the craft cocktails at Kettlebar and the    by SHAG, this little hidden bar is difficult   owned boutique is small but artfully de-
                                hot off the rotisserie, and customized        heavenly Tiki drinks at Stowaway are        to find in the Union Market, but what a        signed and offers only the best and the
                                bread from an artisan baker. We’re also       better suited for cocktail connoisseurs.    fun trip you’ll have in this Tiki haven.       most clever and stylish paper goods.
                                talking about the epic strange wonder         Kettlebar has roots in the South and cre-    If you’re feeling a little sweet but want      The OC Hit Factory is the cherry on top
                                of poutine — double-fried French fries        ates amazing Southern cuisine as well       to stay on the healthy track, you could        of the sundae that is Union Market. A
                                piled high with fresh cheese curds and        as complex artisan-crafted cocktails.       try a freshly made artisan crêpe from          subsidiary record label under Sony Mu-
                                a variety of different homemade gra-          It’s a favorite watering hole of serving    Crêpe Coop (and top it with all the best       sic Entertainment, this back-corner spot
                                vies and signature toppings.                  industry folks and of people who love       bad-for-you treats) or, even better, you       offers the public vocal and instrument
                                 Right smack-dab in the middle of the         a complicated spirited-forward craft        could stop by Berry Brand Superfoods           lessons, songwriting workshops, a state-
                                Union Market is the Central Bar — aptly       cocktail, made with love.                   and get a loaded Acai or Pitaya Bowl           of-the-art recording studio, a 24/7 radio
                                named — where you can get a variety            Stowaway specializes in Tiki-inspired      topped with your choice of healthy and         station and acts as a venue for live mu-
                                of craft beers, cocktails or wine and         cuisine and cocktails and offers a fun      natural toppings. There are also many          sic. Not too shabby for a marketplace,
                                people watch as others walk around in         and flirty atmosphere that makes            other great little stops that offer freshly    right? So, if you’re in the mood for an
                                awe and find what they’re looking for in      guests feel like they really are a stow-    made pasta, milk tea with boba, sweet          updated version of the mall food court
                                the maze. Now, Union Market has its fair      away on a 1950s cruise ship! With ador-     little fruit tarts and flavored shaved         magic with a touch of awesome, Union
                                share of options when it comes to bars.       able and accurate mid-century Tiki          snow, baked goods like donuts and              Market in Tustin is the place to go.
                                Central Bar is an amazing location, but       décor — including a variety of artworks     croissants, and a surprising variety
Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly
ENTERTAINMENT                                                         People travel from all over the world

                                                                                                                    I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9
                                                                      to visit Disneyland in Anaheim, so
                                                                      Irvine residents lucked out having the
                                                                          theme park right in their backyard.
                                                                            Indeed, Disneyland has been a
                                                                               staple of Orange County since its
                                                                                 opening in 1955. But no matter
                                                                                  how many times you may
                                                                                   have been there, chances are
                                                                                   you haven’t uncovered all
                                                                                   the hidden secrets sprin-
                                                                                   kled throughout the Magic
                                                                                  Kingdom — until now. Irvine
                                                                                  Weekly has put together a
                                                                                 guide for the top 10 Disneyland
                                                                               secrets to uncover next time you
                                                                            visit the park.

                                                                      10: Hidden Mickeys
                                                                      This is ranked lowest on our list be-
                                                                      cause it’s probably the secret that the
                                                                      most people know about. The Disney

                                                                      Imagineers purposely built the signa-                    7
                                                                      ture Mickey Mouse silhouette into most
                                                                      attractions and restaurants around the
                                                                      park. For example, on Star Tours, when
                                                                      C-3PO appears at the front right of
                                                                      the room, a small, bright white classic
                                                                      Mickey is on his right forearm near his
                                                                      wrist. If you don’t think you’d be able
                                                                      to spot all the Mickeys yourself, there
                                                                      are many blogs that can assist you in
                                                                      finding them.

                                                                      9: Club 33
                                                                      Club 33 is a private, members-only
                                                                      club in New Orleans Square. Unlike
                                                                      California Adventure, Disneyland is
                                                                      dry and Club 33 is the only place in the
                                                                      park that sells alcohol. Club members
                                                                      pay $10,000 a year plus a $25,000
                                                                      non-refundable initiation fee, but there’s
                                                                      a 14-year waiting list to join. Members
                                                                      get early access to the theme park, free
                                                                      valet parking at the Grand Californian
                                                                      Hotel and full access to the Lilly Belle
                                                                      car on the Disneyland Railroad, a secret
                                                                      presidential car at the tail of the Disney-
                                                                      land Train named after Walt Disney’s
                                                                      wife Lillian. It’s reserved for V.I.P.s and
                                                                      special guests but if you arrive at the
                                                                      park before it opens, you can go to the
                                                                      Disneyland Railroad Station, wait for

                                                                      the opening announcement and ask
                                                                      one of the cast members to make a
                                                                      reservation for you to ride in the Lilly
                                                                      Belle train car.

 TOP 10 FUN-FACTS MANY DON’T KNOW ABOUT THE                           8: The Dominguez Tree
 WORLD-FAMOUS PARK.                                                   While there are many attractions still
                                                                      at the park that date back to its original
                                                 BY: MICHAEL COOPER   opening, one fixture in the park even
                                                                      predates that. Above the Jungle Cruise
                                                                      in Adventureland, there’s a palm tree
                              PHOTOS COURTESY OF: DISNEYLAND RESORT
Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly
| F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9

                                that belonged to the Dominguez Family,      5: The Secret Food Menu                     exists called “Walk In Walt’s Disneyland      backstage area of the ride, there’s a
     8                          the family who sold their Anaheim farm      Throughout the park, there’s a lot of       Footsteps.” A guide will take you to spots    small attic space that has a basketball
                                to Walt Disney so he could build Disney-    off-menu food that is available to order    that are usually not available to guests      hoop. Cast members can play games
                                land. The family made one request: that     if you know what to order. This includes    including Walt Disney’s “secret” apart-       between shifts or on brakes there while
                                their family tree, which was a wedding      a “Galactic Style” burger at the Galactic   ment in Main Street U.S.A., above the         you’re screaming your head off on the
                                gift, remained untouched and live on        Grill in Tomorrowland, which is topped      Main Street fire station. He and his entire   ride.
                                as part of the park. Walt Disney agreed     with fries, cheese, bacon, onions and       family used the apartment from time to
                                and the tree still stands today.            Thousand Island dressing. At the Golden     time and it has been preserved the way        2: Native Feral Cats
                                                                                                                                                                      You may or may not have noticed a few
                                7: Captain the Mark Twain                                                                                                             feral cats when you’ve been walking
                                Riverboat                                                                                                                             around Disneyland. This isn’t just an
                                You’re the captain now! If you plan to                                                                                                accident: Disney spokespeople have
                                ride the Mark Twain Riverboat, how                                                                                                    acknowledged their existence. Some
                                about captaining it? Before you board,                                                                                                say that when Walt was alive, feral cats
                                you can find a Disney cast members                                                                                                    were first discovered in Sleeping Beau-
                                and ask to visit the wheelhouse. They’ll                                                                                              ty’s castle so he decided to leave them
                                take you to the second floor to a door                                                                                                be so they can take care of any rodent
                                marked “Private.” Knock on the door                                                                                                   problems. Cast members have been
                                and the captain will take you to a secret                                                                                             known to actually care for these cats
                                ladder that goes to the wheelhouse,                                                                                                   who, ironically, are there to kill Mickey
                                where you can steer and captain the                                                                                                   and Minnie’s real life compatriots!
                                riverboat under supervision. You can
                                ring the Mark Twain bell and sound its                                                                                                1: Doritos Were Invented In
                                whistle too. When the ride is finished,                                                                                               Disneyland
                                you can ask for a certificate and sign                                                                                                Frito-Lay owned a restaurant in Disney-
                                the guestbook alongside all the people                                                                                                land when the theme park first opened
                                who have ever steered the Riverboat.                                                                                                  in 1955 called Casa de Fritos. In need of a
                                                                                                                                                                      way to salvage stale tortillas rather than
                                6: Morse Code Message at New                                                                                                          just throwing them away, the restaurant
                                Orleans Square Train Station                Horseshoe in Frontierland, you can          it was when they lived there, with a          began flavoring and frying them, turn-
                                 At New Orleans Square Train Station,       order a dish called Ice Cream Nachos,       lamp in the window that’s always on in        ing them into what we know as Doritos.
                                you may or may not have noticed some        which is three scoops of ice cream          honor of Walt. You’ll get lots of interest-   After the snack became a huge hit with
                                random Morse code from the telegraph        topped with hot fudge, whipped cream        ing stories from your tour guide and ride     Disneyland guests, Frito-Lay made
                                office next door. Most likely you don’t     and chocolate chips, all on top of waffle   the attractions that are still there from     Doritos into a national brand.
                                speak morse code and didn’t give it a       cone “chips.” One more example is the       when the park first opened. You’ll even
                                second thought, but the message is ac-      loaded tater tots at River Belle Terrace.   get an exclusive lunch on Main Street.        While we just scratched the surface
                                tually from Walt Disney’s original dedi-    Once again, there are blogs out there       Reservations can be made by calling           of Disneyland secrets and picked our
                                cation he gave on Disneyland’s opening      that can assist you in finding all the      (714) 781-TOUR.                               favorite ones, there are many more park
                                day: “To all who come to Disneyland,        secret food throughout the park.                                                          secrets out there for you to uncover.
                                welcome. Here, age relives fond mem-                                                    3: Basketball Court in the                    If you haven’t explored any yet, then
                                ories of the past and here youth may        4: Walk In Walt’s Disneyland                Matterhorn                                    perhaps they’ll make this classic theme
                                savor the challenge and promise of the      Footsteps Tour                              Big Foot isn’t the only thing hidden in       park fresh and new to hold over guests
                                future.”                                    Most people don’t know that a tour          the Matterhorn ride! That’s right, in the     until Star Wars Land opens this summer.
Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly
MUSIC                                                                                      say reggae is the biggest inspiration of        up-and-coming artists.

                                                                                                                                                                                             I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9
                                                                                           our sound, but it certainly isn’t every-        At what point did you realize this
                                                                                           thing.                                          music thing was for real?
                                                                                           Being from Isla Vista, how does that            Honestly, in Isla Vista from the very be-
                                                                                           play into your life and career?                 ginning. It felt like there was something
                                                                                           It definitely was a great training ground       special and magical about it. We be-
                                                                                           for us. There were tons of people out and       came this big hit in the community, and
                                                                                           about on weekends. We would set up              it just got bigger and bigger from there.
                                                                                           in backyards, garages and driveways.            Even playing for five people, it turned
                                                                                           There would literally be thousands of           into 10 and 20 and 100. It kind of just
                                                                                           people walking by, so immediately we            kept growing exponentially. There was
                                                                                           had to get used to playing in front of a        no point where I was like, “Oh, I made
                                                                                           lot of people. In that regard, it helped me     it.” We’ve had this gradual increase in
                                                                                           be a better entertainer in a very short         our listeners. It’s slow and steady, and it’s
                                                                                           amount of time. I was the kind of person        kind of nice. There’s a lot less pressure
                                                                                           that never wanted to be a lead singer. I        when you grow slowly but surely.
                                                                                           never enjoyed being the center of atten-        Eric Rachmany, Rory Carey, Marley D.
                                                                                           tion, I just wanted to be a guitar player.      Williams and Wesley Finley, what’s

                                                                                           But performing in front of all those            the dynamic within the group?
                                                                                           people made me have to mature faster            We have spent the last 14 years playing

                                                                                           as an entertainer and a performer.              with each other constantly. Touring and
                                                                                           Can you talk about the nostalgia that           playing over 100 shows a year. I see

                                                                                           ensues from this little town?                   the other three guys in the band more                       9
                                                                                           A lot of people that have been to Santa         than I see my friends and family at
     THE REGGAE-INSPIRED ROCK BAND REFLECTS                                                Barbara have seen Isla Vista. It’s crazy,       home. The fact that we’re still together
     ON A SUCCESSFUL AND MEANINGFUL CAREER.                                                at least back then. There were no rules         after 14 years means that we all get
                                                                                           really. You would set up and just make          along pretty well. We enjoy each other’s
                                                                        BY: SHIRLEY JU     as much noise as possible until mid-            company for the most part. [laughs] We
                                                                                           night and just hope that it didn’t shut         have six and a half albums out, so it’s
                                                             PHOTOS BY: SAM MEDINA         down. Often times, it did get shut down.        a real testament to how much we’ve

                                                                                           We would have to find another place             gotten along as a group.
     f you love reggae, you love Rebelu-      10 at the Queen Mary Events Park in          last minute or set up in the living room.       You guys are crazy touring artists.
     tion. Scratch that. If you love good     Long Beach. This year, the annual            Looking back at it, it’s pretty cool that       Talk about what goes into your live
     music, you love Rebelution. Hardly       festivities extend to three days instead     the music spread the way it did. A lot          performances.
     able to be boxed into one genre, the     of two, with Rebelution headlining day       of it has to do with the characteristics        We take it really seriously. I know I
reggae-inspired rock band came into           one, Slightly Stoopid day two and Sub-       of Isla Vista. It has to do with friends        personally try to give the best possible
fruition in 2004, and has since cata-         lime with Rome on day three.                 visiting friends and bringing it back           performance I can. I always give 100
pulted into one of the biggest touring         In addition to the explosive lineup, fans   to whatever town they live in, and just         percent. In order to do that, I take very
acts in the world.                            can party all night long on the water        spreading the word about Rebelution.            good care of my voice. I make sure that
 Hailing from Isla Vista, the group           with after parties by Don Carlos, Collie     I really feel like Rebelution got spread        I warm up. I just take my vocals very
consists of four members: Lead vocalist       Buddz and Fiji. Irvine Weekly caught         by word of mouth. A lot of that has to          seriously. I try to keep my health as good
Eric, keyboardist Rory, bassist Marley        up with Eric Rachmany, the lead singer       do with the way Isla Vista is set up and        as possible to make sure that I’m able to
D. Williams, and drummer Wesley,              of Rebelution, to preview the band’s         how music can spread very fast in an            give 100 percent. We’ve done thousands
each contributing their talents into          highly anticipated performance Friday        environment like that.                          of shows now as a band, and they just
what makes Rebelution live up to their        evening.                                     How important is it to come to L.A. as          keep on getting better and better. We
well-respected name. Having been              For those who don’t know, who is             an up-and-coming artist?                        become better musicians, better per-
nominated for a Grammy with their             Rebelution?                                  It’s not as important as it used to be. Back    formers. I become more of an interactive
2016 effort, “Falling into Place,” the band   Rebelution is a band that’s been             in the day, it was a place to showcase          performer as time goes by. The fans can
returned this year with their sixth studio    together for 14 years. We’re definitely      your music for industry people and try          always see us getting better and better,
album titled “Free Rein,” an ode to self-     reggae inspired, even though we cover        to get a record deal. For any artist com-       and it keeps them coming back.
love, peace and positivity.                   a lot of different genres of music. We’ve    ing up today, you have the ability to put       What does it mean to be part of the
 Rebelution’s top five tracks have accu-      got a dedicated fanbase that’s been          your music online for free. You can send        One Love Cali bill, which is dedicated
mulated more than 100 million spins on        with us from the beginning and it just       a link for someone to listen to it. You don’t   to reggae.
Spotify alone. Beyond music, they even        keeps on getting bigger and bigger. It       have to have a big record deal in order         The line-up is amazing. There’s so
launched their own cannabis line with         kind of feels like a big happy family.       to have your music heard. I do think it’s       many bands that have become our
a customized cannabis oil battery pen,        Why “reggae inspired” versus reggae?         important to go to L.A. for the sake of just    friends and we’ve considered family
herb vaporizer and oil — fitting with         Because we have a lot of songs that          playing. I always tell up-and-coming            over the years. It’s a great place for us
their almost coveted laidback Cali vibe.      just don’t sound like reggae. It’s hard to   artists to just play as much as you can,        to get together and collaborate with
 And what better way to ring in the           classify our music. We all got together      give away as much free music as you             other artists. A lot of the artists on the bill
new year than with a full-blown festival      because we were all listening to reggae      can and perform live constantly. The            have songs together. We’ve all toured
with some of the biggest acts in dance-       at the time. We were a cover band            fact that L.A. is a big area with a lot of      together at certain times. It’s something
hall and reggae? Going on its fourth          playing reggae music, but as we started      people makes it important. But as far as        that the fans really look forward to.
year, the 2019 One Love Cali Reggae           writing original music, we ventured into     it being a music industry central loca-         They love seeing all their favorite bands
Fest will take place Feb. 8 through Feb.      different categories of music. I would       tion, historically, it’s not as important for   at one location in one weekend. This is
Top 10 Hidden Secrets - To Uncover Next Time You Visit Disneyland - Irvine Weekly
                                the first year that it’s a three-day festival   has got me through tough times, that’s

                                and not a two-day festival. Just hoping         for sure. As far as saying “you’re one of
                                for good weather, that’s the only thing.        us,” I just want people to feel like we’re
                                Can you talk about performing in                unified. I don’t want anybody to get
                                Orange County/Long Beach? In my                 down for differences they have from
                                opinion, it’s reminiscent of IV.                me or from you, or from anybody. The
                                We’ve been coming there a long time.            goal “Celebrate” is to say, “Hey, I got your
                                We used to perform at this spot called          back. We’re behind you. You’re one of us.
                                the OC Tavern. We were kind of like a           Let’s do this together.”
                                house band — we played every other              What are some goals for yourself as
                                week or so. Besides Isla Vista, that was        an artist at this point of your career?

                                a spot we would come very frequently            Honestly, I just want to do what I’ve been
| F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9

                                to try to get our music out there, sell         doing for the last six albums. I just want
                                merchandise and spread the word                 to write music and record it. I want to
                                about who we were. That whole area              play shows. That’s worked so far, I feel
                                has always been good to Rebelution. It          like it’s still working for us. Our listeners
                                continues to be a great spot for us. Long       have such a great connection with us.
                                Beach definitely has an Isla Vista vibe to      Personally, as an artist, I just want to
                                it. Long Beach has always kind of been          make honest, positive music, and that’s
                                a hot spot for reggae music. Anywhere           good enough for me.
                                along the coast really kind of gravitates       Have you noticed a shift since weed

                                                                                                                                  MAKING HIS MARK: THE
                                to reggae-inspired music, so no wonder          has been legalized?
10                              we do pretty well up there.                     To tell you the truth, I don’t see much
                                You guys dropped “Free Rein” earlier            of a difference. People were using

                                                                                                                                  ART AND DESIGN OF
                                this year. Talk about the creative pro-         cannabis just as much before it was
                                cess and how long it took you.                  legalized. It kind of always felt like it
                                This one we put a lot of effort into            was legalized in California. As far as

                                                                                                                                  NICK SIMON
                                because we went back to producing it            business, it seems like there’s a ton more
                                ourselves, for the most part. It was only       companies out there. So many players
                                a couple tracks that we didn’t produce          in this movement now, it’s getting really
                                ourselves. We were more hands on with           kind of cluttered. There’s just such an
                                this album, wrote everything ourselves,
                                chose who we wanted to work with.
                                                                                abundance of cannabis here in Cali-
                                                                                fornia that it doesn’t feel like it changed
                                                                                                                                       DEPICTING THE POWER OF
                                Definitely took at least a couple years
                                from the writing process to recording it
                                                                                that much.
                                                                                Any thoughts on Jamaican reggae
                                                                                                                                       NATURE AND THE BEAUTY IN THE
                                and putting it out.                             artist Buju Banton returning home?                     CYCLE OF LIFE.
                                “Celebrate” is such a great record.             I’m happy about it. It’s great, I think peo-
                                Why is it so important for you to pro-          ple in Jamaica are thrilled. He’s a staple                                                                                BY: EVAN SENN
                                mote positivity in your music?                  there. I certainly like a lot of his music.
                                Honestly because I’m in a position              I don’t really like a lot of the gangster                                                           PHOTOS COURTESY OF: NICK SIMON

                                where people are listening. I don’t want        stuff, but Buju Banton has a lot of positive
                                to put out something that has no use to         music too with everything going on. I’m                       he bright and sketchy style        scenes. Simon has been making art for
                                humanity. [chuckles] I feel like people         happy about it. I feel like we spend a lot                    of artist and designer Nick        as long as he can remember. Passion-
                                are looking up to us. From the very be-         of money on the war on drugs. Partic-                         Simon is catching like wildfire.   ate about comic books, graphic novels
                                ginning, people were coming up to us            ularly putting people in prison. It really                    A full-time Senior Designer at     and lowbrow culture, Simon’s unending
                                saying, “Hey, your music got me through         bothers me how much money we spend                O’Neill USA and a compulsive cre-              love for art transcended action sports
                                a tough time. I really owe it to you, thank     locking people away for drug offenses.            ator, Irvine-based Simon never stops           and helped craft his lifelong obsession
                                you so much.” It just makes me want             What’s the best encounter you’ve had              creating. His signature style of sketchy       for imagery into a thriving career in
                                to do that more and more. I wouldn’t            with a fan?                                       monochromatic ink paintings of Cal-            design. Taking inspiration from what
                                want to stop doing that. There’s no better      When people come up to me and tell                ifornia scenes with dark and graphic           surrounds him, the natural California
                                feeling than when someone comes up              me that I saved their lives. Although I           undertones has pushed his graphic              landscape, the thriving subcultures
                                to you and tells you that. I’m just gonna       don’t go into specifics with them, I really       design work and his fine art work into         here in SoCal and the minimal design of
                                continue to try to make positive music,         have to believe them when they tell me            one another, blending the edges of both        classic California architecture, Simon’s
                                try to encourage and motivate people.           that. That’s a pretty amazing feeling             genres. Taking influence from artists          imagination has always pushed him to
                                Just help people out with music, that’s         when someone tells you that. It makes             like MC Escher, Jesse Draxler and Ralph        make art and has constantly given him
                                what it’s all about for us.                     me feel like this is bigger than me. Like I       Steadman, Simon’s work stands out for          ideas to pursue in a variety of materials
                                I love the message in “you’re one of us.”       said earlier, why would I want to put out         its specific quality of California low-        and styles.
                                How has music been a form of therapy            a message that’s negative? I have the             brow style, but live as timeless creations      With a degree in Graphic Design
                                for you?                                        ability to affect people’s lives and keep         in the history of design and art.              from the Art Institute, his artwork and
                                It’s certainly been a form a therapy.           somebody alive, that’s such an amazing             Originally from San Diego, Simon              his design grew and evolved side-by-
                                Music can be a form of therapy for              feeling. It’s not just one person, I get it all   grew up surfing and skateboarding              side over the years. Having worked
                                everybody. I don’t know anybody out             the time. I get messages almost every             the California waves and sidewalks,            with a variety of action sports brands,
                                there who doesn’t pray to the universal         day from people. It’s more motivation for         finding fascination in the imagery that        Simon is well-respected in the industry
                                thing that we have in common. Music             me to keep doing what I’m doing.                  surrounded him in the surf and skate           and creates textile designs, graphics,
I R V I N E W E E K LY. C O M | F E B R UA RY 6 , 2 0 1 9

drawings and logo designs. Some of his        artists are creating art and design with       ality, adding weight and strength to his     about the “less is more” style of design
previous clients include Atwyld, Nikita,      technological innovations aiding their         scenes.                                      and composition, and feels that it really
Captain Fin, O’Neill, Slowtide, Meredith      process. Many artists make their living         The scenes he creates have a sense of       allows viewers to gather more informa-
Baer Home, Hurley, Captain Fin, Loser         as designers and in turn we see that           magic to them, as he includes refer-         tion from the painted or drawn image
Machine Co., Hang Ten, Dark Seas Divi-        influence in their designs and in the          ences to death or the cycle of life in al-   more readily. Simon tells a story with
sion, Fox Head Moto, Grenade and Osiris       products where their work lives on. By         most every piece, as well as something       only a few forms, but is able to play with
Shoes, among others. Like his fine art, his   exchange, we also see their design work        unexpected. He told us in an interview       the imagery, the techniques and the
design work includes many historical          and the larger movement of contem-             that he is particularly fascinated with      style so curiously that it will keep your
art references as well as stylistic exper-    porary design evolving to incorporate          juxtapositions and mixing dark and           attention.
imentation, lowbrow references, visual        more fine art elements as well. Simon’s        light content together in an interest-
references to the occult, surf and skate      fine art work began as a photorealistic        ing way. He also creates artworks for
culture, and tattoo culture as well.          journey through observation and now            himself first, and as a hired designer —
He is drawn to the wild unknown, the          lives somewhere between realism, sur-          always making images for others — it is
power of nature and the beauty in the         realism and whimsy.                            important to maintain. Finding
cycle of life. His designs and fine art all     Simon’s artistic world is covered in         the balance between making
deal with these powerful yet simple           needle-less cacti full of stars and stories.   images for others and mak-
concepts in one way or another. A lover       It is a world where sea creatures can          ing images for yourself can
of memory and nostalgia, Simon in-            live on land and palm trees dance on           be difficult, but Simon makes
vokes a number of historical styles in his    command in the breeze, and where               artwork every day, whether it
imagery, appropriating historic render-       darkness evokes wonder not fear. En-           is sketching something while
ings of mermaids, family crests, coffins      amored by nature, Simon is fascinated          drinking his morning coffee,
and more. He also finds solace in the         with the types of plants that live on for      or playing around with a new
image of the palm tree. Although static       years without help. Succulents and cacti       brush and ink after dinner with
images, the classic California icons, the     are favorites of Simon, and he and his         his family. His need to create is
palm trees, seem to constantly sway,          family take trips to the desert often to       compulsory.
whispering to one another high above          observe the magic of the ecosystem              Simon’s passion is making art,
the building tops and far away from the       there. If there were ever plants that were     and he plans on getting a few
prying ears of humans. They each have         made for designers, succulents would           more murals on the books in
their own personality, too. With specific     be them. Classic form, sleek lines, strong     the near future and hopes
quirks and kinks in the lines and brush-      and stable, and can live without much          to launch some more prints
strokes Simon uses to express them, he        of anything — they are perfectly suited        and paintings too. The large
shows us their character.                     for a designer’s world. Simon creates a        scale of murals fit his style
 In today’s contemporary visual world,        lot of work that features succulents and       of work quite well, with eye-
fine art and design are becoming              cacti for these exact reasons. In his com-     catching compositions and bold
interchangeable as more and more              positions they are full of life and person-    lines and shapes. He is passionate
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