Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021 - welcome to brighter - Mercer

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Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021 - welcome to brighter - Mercer
welcome to brighter

                                          positioning clients for
Top considerations for
financial intermediaries
in 2021

Investor insights
Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021 - welcome to brighter - Mercer
Positioning clients for success — Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021   2

The year 2020 has proved to be one
for the history books. It has also laid
the groundwork for the possibility
of more unprecedented events in
2021. With the market backdrop, a
new administration and an ongoing
public health crisis, advisors and
their clients may find it more difficult
to build durable portfolios that
can withstand market uncertainty
and meet clients’ investment goals.
To best prepare advisors (and
their clients) for the year ahead,
we have identified five areas for
consideration that we believe are
critical for long-term success.

© 2020 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.
Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021 - welcome to brighter - Mercer
Positioning clients for success — Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021                                                                               3

Forward-looking returns:
Revisiting the balanced portfolio

Although the traditional global balanced                                                    The traditional global balanced portfolio (60% MSCI
                                                                                            ACWI/40% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate)
portfolio of 60% equities and 40% fixed                                                     returned 6.2% per annum for the 10-year period ending
income outpaced more diversified portfolios                                                 September 30, 2020.1 In comparison, the S&P 500 gained
following the global financial crisis (GFC),                                                13.7% over the same period.2 We expect the balanced
                                                                                            portfolio to return 3.6% over the next 10 years.3
sustained low interest rates and high equity
valuations have greatly reduced return                                                      To enhance client returns, we believe intermediaries
expectations. Additionally, diversifying away                                               will need to seek opportunities outside the traditional
                                                                                            balanced portfolio framework — this includes determining
from the S&P 500 to small-cap and non-US
                                                                                            where to allocate investments and educating clients about
equities as well as alternative assets has                                                  the potential risks and opportunities.
generally detracted from overall absolute
results over the past 12 years.                                                             Actions to take:

                                                                                            • Revisit clients’ liquidity needs to identify appetite for
                                                                                              alternative investment strategies, and discuss the
                                                                                              relevant risks, such as liquidity and fees.
                                                                                            • Explore alternatives strategies that have historically been
                                                                                              accessible only to institutional investors and may provide
                                                                                              higher risk-adjusted portfolio returns over a market cycle.
                                                                                            • Ensure the proper level of investment and operational
                                                                                              due diligence is incorporated within the manager
                                                                                              selection process — by either an internal team or an
                                                                                              outside professional firm.

    Gross, reinvested returns. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Actual results may differ materially.
     xpected returns are hypothetical average returns of economic asset classes derived using Mercer’s Capital Markets Assumptions. There is no assurance that these
    returns can be achieved. Actual returns are likely to vary. Please see the Important Notices for further information on return expectations.

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Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021 - welcome to brighter - Mercer
Positioning clients for success — Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021                                                     4

The fixed income dilemma

With historically low interest rates and                                    Questions to consider:
elevated global risk, advisors fear that fixed                              • What role should fixed income play in your client portfolios?
income may no longer be able to provide                                     • How should you consider the risk-reduction bucket of
diversification (especially in down markets)                                  the overall portfolio?
or the necessary level of income in client                                  • Is increased yield worth the risk of potential loss if credit
portfolios. The past few years have been                                      markets deteriorate?
                                                                            • Are the diversification benefits of fixed income,
challenging, as many investors have sacrificed
                                                                              particularly US Treasuries, still intact under the current
quality and ignored certain risks in seeking                                  low-rate environment?
higher-yielding investments for client                                      • Are other sources of income and yield — such as
portfolios. Looking forward, we encourage                                     distressed credit, taxable municipals, preferred equities,
                                                                              real estate (including non-traded REITs), high yield and
advisors to be mindful regarding fixed income
                                                                              emerging markets debt — worth considering?
in client portfolios.

© 2020 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.
Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021 - welcome to brighter - Mercer
Positioning clients for success — Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021                                                  5

Governance is key for
market crisis readiness
By their nature, market crises are a surprise                               Actions to take:
and are generally unprecedented. However,                                   • Revisit core investment beliefs internally and ensure they
for the prepared and patient investor, they can                               are reflected in the client’s portfolio positioning.
also create opportunity. Fiduciaries overseeing                             • Understand risk exposures and stress test portfolios.
client portfolios should be thoughtful and                                  • Reeducate clients about long-term goals and objectives
ready to act. Having the proper planning                                      and the importance of being prepared to take action in
                                                                              future volatile market environments, such as rebalancing in
and governance structure in place is crucial                                  market drawdowns.
to address client priorities ahead of time,                                 • Maintain an opportunistic bucket — have dry powder
enabling them to capture opportunities as                                     ready to implement if and when opportunities arise.
they arise rather than succumbing to panic-                                 • Consider possible tax changes and how they may affect
                                                                              future after-tax investment returns.
driven decision-making.

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Positioning clients for success — Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021                                                 6

Managing inflation:
The devil is in the detail
As central banks across the globe continue to                               Questions to consider:
demonstrate a commitment to expansionary                                    • Does the combination of fiscal and monetary policy
monetary policy, investors are increasingly                                   in 2020 change how we view the future?
worried about the threat of inflation. This is                              • Are there new asset classes (e.g., cryptocurrency) that
not a new phenomenon. Inflation concerns                                      should be evaluated as part of the toolkit?

last surfaced after the GFC but did not                                     • Are there existing portfolio allocations (e.g., equities,
                                                                              emerging markets debt and high yield) that will help
materialize. The question now is whether                                      combat inflation over the long term?
the typical inflation protection playbook will                              • Is there a hypothesis for more tactical asset classes
be relevant or whether a different approach                                   (e.g., gold or currency overlays) to be included in
                                                                              investors’ strategic allocations?
is required given the amount of fiscal and
                                                                            • Should investors aim to hedge or outpace inflation?
monetary stimulus in the market and the
impact of COVID-19 on certain segments.

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Positioning clients for success — Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021                                                7

Responsible investment:
Understand the evolution
Responsible investment (RI) is an umbrella                                  Actions to take:
term for economic, social and corporate                                     • Focus on education and training so advisors can
governance (ESG) investing, impact investing,                                 effectively establish an RI approach with their clients.
screened investing and active ownership. It                                 • Understand and overcome implementation
has become clear that RI cannot be ignored,                                   challenges (e.g., technology, reporting, lack of
                                                                              high-quality investment products).
and we believe it will be the path to better
                                                                            • Consider firm-level beliefs to differentiate your
investment results in the long run. An advisory                               practice and help guide clients since ignoring social
firm’s ability to offer flexible approaches and                               factors could be a risk to your business — many
show measurable impact will be appealing                                      believe it’s now “cool to care.”

to clients and prospects, particularly for the
next generation.

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Positioning clients for success — Top considerations for financial intermediaries in 2021   8

About us

Mercer’s Financial Intermediary practice is dedicated
to advancing the investment management capabilities
of financial advisory firms. Mercer leverages its global
infrastructure, fortified by providing advice to large
institutional clients for nearly five decades, to offer innovative
strategies to firms serving individual investors. Our expertise
in delegated solutions, manager research, alternative
investments and portfolio construction gives us the flexibility
to customize our approach.

For more information, contact:

David Hyman, CFA
+1 203 229 6414

Nicole Kramer, CFA, CAIA
+1 609 520 2675

Casey Wamsley
+1 480 254 7908

© 2020 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.
Important notices

References to Mercer shall be construed to include Mercer LLC and/or      inflation. From these two key assumptions, we develop an estimate for
its associated companies.                                                 corporate earnings growth and the natural level of interest rates. From
                                                                          these values, we can then determine the expected long-term return
© 2020 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.                                   of the core asset classes, equity and government bonds. We combine
                                                                          current valuations with our expectations for long-term normal
This contains confidential and proprietary information of Mercer
                                                                          valuations and incorporate a reversion to normal valuations over
and is intended for the exclusive use of the parties to whom it
                                                                          a period of up to five years. Volatility and correlation assumptions
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otherwise provided, in whole or in part, to any other person or entity
                                                                          which the market environment has clearly changed. Manager impact
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Mercer does not provide tax or legal advice. You should contact your      expressed are provided for discussion purposes and do not provide
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                                                                          Information contained herein may have been obtained from a range
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Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The value of          of the information presented and takes no responsibility or liability
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Certain investments, such as securities issued by small capitalization,   Investment management and advisory services for US clients
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statistics quoted. The expectations for the modeled portfolio are a       investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as
compilation of return, volatility and correlation expectations of the     amended. Registration as an investment adviser does not imply a
underlying asset classes.                                                 certain level of skill or training. The oral and written communications
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Portfolio expectations are forward-looking and reflective of              determine to hire or retain an adviser. Mercer Investments’ Form
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estimate of the long term normal level of economic growth and

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