Conflict and Compromise in History 2018 National History Day Theme Tennessee History Topics

Page created by Norman Dominguez
                                                 Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                  2018 National History Day Theme
                                                      Tennessee History Topics

Topic                   Conflict                       Compromise?                  Conflict   Compromise?
Scopes Trial (1925)     Substitute school teacher      The court found Scopes
                        John Scopes was charged        guilty and fined him $100,
                        with violating Tennessee’s     but the verdict was later
                        Butler Act, which              overturned on a
                        prohibited the teaching of     technicality. The case was
                        human evolution in public      considered a win for
                        schools. The trial             Fundamentalists.
                        publicized the

Columbia Race Riot of   Fearing an attack on their     In response to this and
1946                    community following the        several similar incidents,
                        arrest of a black WWII         the NAACP successfully
                        veteran charged with           persuaded President Harry
                        physically assaulting a        Truman to create the
                        white store clerk, residents   Committee on Civil Rights
                        of the predominately black     in 1946.
                        Mink Slide neighborhood
                        shot and wounded
                        advancing assailants. In
                        retaliation, police officers
                        and white civilians
                        indiscriminately raided
                        houses and black
                        businesses, arrested
                        bystanders, and
                        confiscated weapons.
                                                       Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                        2018 National History Day Theme
                                                            Tennessee History Topics

Memphis Sanitation           African American workers        After the assassination of
Strike (1968)                in Memphis sanitation           Martin Luther King, Jr.,
                             industry walked out of          national labor leaders,
                             work in response to poor        Pres. Lyndon Johnson, and
                             treatment from white            TN Governor Buford
                             supervisors, poor working       Ellington pressure the city
                             conditions, the city’s          of Memphis to recognize
                             refusal to recognize labor      the local union and allow
                             union, and low wages.           deduction of union dues
                                                             from workers’ paychecks.
John Sevier and the Battle   John Sevier and several         After 65 minutes of battle,
of King’s Mountain (1780)    other Patriots lead a militia   the Loyalists surrendered.
                             against Loyalist forces in
                             South Carolina during the
                             Southern Campaign of the
                             American Revolutionary
Kelly v. Board of            In 1955, prominent black        In 1957, Judge William E.     White resisters protested
Education: The               Nashville and NAACP             Miller ordered the            the integration of
Desegregation of             attorneys filed a federal       Nashville School Board to     Nashville public schools,
Nashville Schools (1955)     case against Nashville          desegregate its public        which included bombing
                             public schools to bring the     schools.                      a school and enrolling
                             city into compliance with                                     their children in private
                             the Brown v. Board of                                         institutions. As a result of
                             Education decision.                                           white opposition, Kelley
                                                                                           v. Board of Education
                                                                                           became Tennessee’s
                                                                                           longest running school
                                                                                           desegregation case,
                                                                                           which was finally settled
                                                                                           in 1998.
                                                     Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                      2018 National History Day Theme
                                                          Tennessee History Topics

Ratification of the 19th    Majority-white Tennessee       The Tennessee General         Despite fierce opposition,   The Tennessee General
Amendment in Tennessee      women organized                Assembly passed a bill in     women’s suffrage             Assembly ratified the
(1920)                      themselves to campaign         April 1918 which granted      organizations continued      Nineteenth Amendment
                            for female suffrage.           partial suffrage to women.    to mobilize for full         in August 1920.
The Coal Creek War          Coal Creek miners revolted     Hundreds of coal miners
(1891-92)                   against coal mine owners       were arrested for their
                            and the state government       involvement. Still, the
                            militia for allowing the use   publicity of the event
                            of convict labor by private    forced the Tennessee
                            companies to undermine         General Assembly to later
                            free wage labor.               refuse to renew convict
                                                           labor contracts with
                                                           private businesses in
Knoxville Riot of 1919      White vigilantes attacked      Hundreds of African
                            predominately a black          Americans fled the city for
                            neighborhood in                fear of racist violence.
                            retribution for the alleged    Despite a lack of motive
                            murder of a white woman        and evidence, the alleged
                            by a black man.                murderer is found guilty
                                                           and executed.
Treaty of Lochabar (1770)                                  British Southern Indian
                                                           Superintendent John
                                                           Stuart negotiated the
                                                           cession of Cherokee land
                                                           in what is now Northeast
                            Conflict and Compromise in History
                             2018 National History Day Theme
                                 Tennessee History Topics

The Treaty of Sycamore          Judge Richard Henderson       Dragging Canoe, leader of
Shoals (1775)                   of North Carolina and         the Chickamaugas,
                                Cherokee representatives      refused to recognize the
                                negotiate an illegal          transfer and launched a
                                transfer of Cherokee          series of revolts against
                                territory to the              the settlers.
                                Transylvania Land
                                Company and the land
                                rights of subsequent
                                purchases to white
Treaty of Hopewell (1785)       The U.S. and Cherokee         White settlers ignored
                                representatives officially    the treaty and in
                                end fighting and the          response, the
                                Cherokee cede area south      Chickamuaga group of
                                of the Cumberland River       Cherokee, led by
                                for settlement in return      Dragging Canoe defended
                                for protection of Cherokee    their land.
Treaty of Holston (1791)        Territorial Governor
                                William Blout and several
                                Cherokee tribes negotiate
                                the cession of all Cherokee
                                land claims to area east of
                                Clinch River and north of a
                                line through Kington to
                                the North Carolina border
                                for a sum of $1500.
                                                    Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                     2018 National History Day Theme
                                                         Tennessee History Topics

Nickajack Expedition      Major James Ore led an        The Chickamauga villages
(1794)                    attack against the            at Nickajack Town and
                          Chickamauga Cherokee          Running Water town are
                          over the increasing           razed and armies
                          hostility against white       defeated.
First Treaty of Tellico                                 U.S. commissioners
(1798)                                                  Thomas Butler and George
                                                        Walton and Cherokee
                                                        chiefs negotiate the
                                                        transfer of land between
                                                        the Clinch River and the
                                                        Cumberland Plateau and
                                                        between the Tennessee
                                                        and Little Tennessee
                                                        Rivers for white
Third Treaty of Tellico                                 Indian Agent Return J.
(1805)                                                  Meigs and Daniel Smith
                                                        negotiate the transfer of
                                                        all Cherokee land north of
                                                        the Duck River and
                                                        extended that line due
                                                        east to the Tennessee
                                                        River, including all of the
                                                        Cumberland Plateau.
                                                     Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                      2018 National History Day Theme
                                                          Tennessee History Topics

Treaty of Washington                                     Secretary of War Henry
(1806)                                                   Dearborn and Cherokee
                                                         negotiated the purchase
                                                         Cherokee claims to land
                                                         South of the Duck River to
                                                         southern boundary of the
                                                         state in return for
                                                         $10,000, a gristmill, a
                                                         cotton gin, and a $100
                                                         annuity for Chief Black
Jackson & McMinn Treaty   Indian Agent Return J.         Cherokee representatives
(1817)                    Meigs persuaded some           transfer lands along the
                          Cherokees to relocate to       Sequatchie River to white
                          the Arkansas area. But         control in return for land
                          when they arrived, they        along the Arkansas and
                          discovered Native              White Rivers.
                          Americans already in
                          possession of the area.
Treaty of Tuscaloosa or                                  Andrew Jackson and
Jackson Purchase (1818)                                  former Governor Issac
                                                         Shelby purchase
                                                         Chickasaw land between
                                                         the Mississippi and
                                                         Tennessee Rivers for
                                                         $300,000 to be paid over
                                                         20 years
                                                    Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                     2018 National History Day Theme
                                                         Tennessee History Topics

Calhoun Treaty (1819)                                     Secretary of War John C.
                                                          Calhoun negotiates a
                                                          treaty with Cherokee
                                                          representatives to clear
                                                          the remaining area
                                                          between the Little
                                                          Tennessee and Hiwassee
                                                          Rivers for settlement.
Indian Removal Act of      Chief John Ross of the         Despite opposition to
1830                       Cherokee leads resistance      removal from a majority
                           to 1830 Indian Removal         of Cherokees, the Treaty
                           Act signed by President        of New Echota (1835)
                           Andrew Jackson which           finalized the removal.
                           relocated all Native
                           Americans living in the east
                           to the west. The mass
                           removal became known as
                           the “Trail of Tears.”
The Treaty of New Echota                                  A small minority of         The Cherokee Nation
(1835)                                                    Cherokee representatives    rejected the treaty, but
                                                          led by Major Ridge of       despite opposition, were
                                                          Tennessee negotiated the    forced to relocate to
                                                          purchase of Cherokee land   Indian County
                                                          in Tennessee, Georgia,
                                                          and North Carolina and
                                                          the appropriation of
                                                          monies for the removal of
                                                          the Cherokee to Indian
                                                          County in what is now
                                                    Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                     2018 National History Day Theme
                                                         Tennessee History Topics

The Harriman Hosiery       Textile workers at             Federal officials
Mills Strike (1933-34)     Harriman Hosiery Mill in       intervened and negotiated
                           Harriman initiated a strike    a compromise that fails to
                           over poor working              benefit the workers.
The Elizabethton Textile   Elizabethton rayon plant       President of rayon plant,    Mothwurf and
Mill Strike (1929)         workers strike over low        Arthur Mothwurf, and         management refused to
                           wages, unfair promotion        labor representatives        implement the demands.
                           practices, and petty           negotiated a compromise      In response, workers
                           regulation that applied        to increase wages, protect   initiate a series of
                           only to women.                 strikers against             subsequent strikes.
                                                          discrimination, lift
                                                          injunctions, and recognize
                                                          an in-plant grievance
Andrew Jackson and the     Newly-elected president        Despite fierce opposition
Bank War (1833)            Andrew Jackson initiated a     from Congress, federal
                           campaign to destroy the        deposits were never
                           country’s national financial   returned to the Second
                           institution, the Second        Bank, and its charter
                           Bank of the United States,     expired in 1836.
                           by vetoing a bill to renew
                           its charter and redirecting
                           federal deposits to state
                                                 Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                  2018 National History Day Theme
                                                      Tennessee History Topics

Tent City (1959)       African American                U.S. Department of Justice
                       sharecroppers in Fayette        filed several suits against
                       and Henderson counties          landowners, merchants,
                       built a makeshift               and one financial
                       community known as              institution for violating
                       “Tent City” after their         African American voting
                       white employers fired and       and civil rights.
                       evicted them for
                       attempting to register to
Nashville Sit-in       Nashville college students      After several failed
Movement (1960)        launched a series of sit-ins    attempts to reach a
                       at local Nashville lunch        compromise, city officials
                       counters to challenge Jim       and local businesses
                       Crow segregation.               negotiated an agreement
                                                       to desegregate lunch
The Memphis Massacre   In response to reports that     Radical Republicans
of 1866                black soldiers killed several   passed the Civil Rights Bill
                       police officers, white racist   of 1866 and the federal
                       mobs violently attacked         government forced
                       freedmen’s settlements in       Tennessee to ratify the
                       a three-day pogrom.             Fourteenth Amendment
                                                       before readmission into
                                                       the Union.
Reconstruction in                                      Tennessee ratified the         Democrats and white          The Democrat-controlled
Tennessee                                              Thirteenth and Fourteenth      vigilantes challenged the    Tennessee General
                                                       Amendments in order to         new social, political, and   Assembly passed a series
                                                       be readmitted into the         economic rights of black     of legislation to
                                                       Union in 1866.                 Tennesseans.                 disfranchise African
                                                                                                                   Americans and poor
                                                    Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                     2018 National History Day Theme
                                                         Tennessee History Topics

Greenville Convention on                                 Pro-Union delegates from
1861                                                     East Tennessee declare
                                                         succession of Tennessee
                                                         unconstitutional and
                                                         unsuccessfully petition for
                                                         East Tennessee to form a
                                                         separate Union state.
Black Patch Tobacco War    Vigilante farmers conduct     As popular support for the
(1904-09)                  violent night rides in        riders dwindled, Kentucky
                           Montgomery and                Governor A. E. Wilson
                           Robertson counties to         dispatched troops and
                           intimidate growers into       several victims brought
                           supporting local tobacco      civil suits against
                           cooperative.                  individual night riders.
Clinton Desegregation      After successfully pressing   Although Clinton made         Despite state
Crisis (1947-58)           Clinton to improve African    several attempts to curb      intervention, members of
                           American school facilities,   full integration of public    the local White Citizens
                           local African Americans,      schools, in 1956, Federal     Council and other
                           with the support of the       Judge Robert L. Taylor        segregationists launched
                           NAACP, filed a lawsuit to     ordered the school board      a verbally and physically
                           desegregate the public-       to end segregation by the     violent campaign against
                           school system.                fall term of 1956. In         school integration. Not
                                                         August, twelve African        until 1965 would the
                                                         American students             city’s primary schools be
                                                         desegregated Clinton High     desegregated.
                                                     Conflict and Compromise in History
                                                      2018 National History Day Theme
                                                          Tennessee History Topics

Tennessee Colonization     Slaveholders and                Pro and antislavery
Society (1829)             proslavery advocates fear       advocates organized the
                           that the presence of            Tennessee Colonization
                           free(d) black people will       Society to transport
                           threaten the institution of     free(d) people to Liberia
                           slavery                         and Haiti
Davis Cup Controversy      Vanderbilt University
(1978)                     students, civil rights
                           organizations, and local
                           Nashvillians protested the
                           participation of apartheid
                           South Africa in the Davis
                           Cup tennis matches
Battle of Athens (1946)    World War II veterans lead      The veteran-led GI Non-
                           a rebellion against the         Partisan League overthrew
                           local government of             the government and
                           McMinn County for               began legislating reforms
                           political corruption and        to combat political
                           voter suppression.              corruption in the county.
Night Riders of Reelfoot   Vigilante horsemen              Several suspects were
Lake (1908)                conduct a series of violent     arrested and convicted for
                           night rides over a land title   the kidnapping and murder
                           dispute for Reelfoot Lake       of a West Tennessee Land
                                                           Company officer in 1908. As
                           between Obion County
                                                           a consequence of public
                           residents and the West          support for the Obion
                           Tennessee Land Company.         residents, the Tennessee
                                                           Supreme Court overturned
                                                           their convictions and the
                                                           state acquired the title to
                                                           Reelfoot Lake in 1914.
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