DRAFT PROGRAMME 2020 Asia-Pacific Statistics Week - Asia-Pacific Statistics Week 2020, Virtual ...

Virtual Event 15-18 June 2020

                               2020 Asia-Pacific
                               Statistics Week
                   Leaving no one and nowhere behind

                                         Asia - Pacific Statistics Week 2020
                                                 Virtual Event 15 – 18 June 2020

                                                     DRAFT PROGRAMME

Asia-Pacific Week at A Glance

                                                                                                                                  Session    No.
  Day/Time                                                                  Session/Action Area                                    code     papers
Monday, 15 June 2020
10:00 - 11:30    Plenary session: A decade of action for the 2030 Agenda: Statistics that leave no one and nowhere behind (PS1)    PS1
11:30 - 13:00    Session break
13:00 - 14:30    A. Engaging users and investing in statistics                                                                     SA1        5
13:00 - 14:30    B. Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics                                                            SB1        6
13:00 - 14:30    C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis                                                                  SC1        7
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
10:00 - 11:30    A. Engaging users and investing in statistics                                                                     SA2        5
10:00 - 11:30    D. Modernizing statistical business processes                                                                     SD1        6
10:00 - 11:30    E. Having requisite skills sets                                                                                   SE1        3
11:30 - 13:00    Session break
13:00 - 14:30    B. Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics                                                            SB2        5
13:00 - 14:30    C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis                                                                  SC2        6
13:00 - 14:30    D. Modernizing statistical business processes                                                                     SD2        6
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
10:00 - 11:30    A. Engaging users and investing in statistics                                                                     SA3        4
10:00 - 11:30    Novel approaches to assuring quality and instilling trust in official statistics (SB3)                            SB3        6
10:00 - 11:30    C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis                                                                  SC3        6
11:30 - 13:00    Session break
13:00 - 14:30    C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis                                                                  SC4        7
13:00 - 14:30    C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis                                                                  SC5        6
13:00 - 14:30    Surveys, data management and uses                                                                                 SD3        6
Thursday, 18 June 2020
10:00 - 12:00    Plenary session 2: Reflections and next actions                                                                   PS2
                                                        DRAFT PROGRAMME
    Time        Session                                 Title of paper/description                                        Speakers/Authors
Monday, 15 June 2020
10:00 - 11:30   Plenary session 1: "A decade of action for the 2030 Agenda: Statistics that leaves no one and nowhere behind"
                Session organizer: Rikke Munk Hansen, Chief, Economic and Environment Statistics Section, Statistics Division, ESCAP
                 PS1      Opening remarks                                                                     Gemma Van Halderen
                                                                                                              Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP
                          Keynote speaker                                                                     Oliver Chinganya
                                                                                                              Director, African Centre for Statistics, ECA
                          Keynote speaker                                                                     Lisa Grace Bersales
                                                                                                              former National Statistician,
                                                                                                              Philippines Statistics Authority
                          Overview of the 2020 Asia Pacific Statistics week                                   Rikke Munk Hansen
                                                                                                              Chief, Economic and Environment
                                                                                                              Statistics Section, Statistics Division, ESCAP
11:30 - 13:00   Session break
13:00 - 14:30   A. Engaging users and investing in statistics (SA1)
                Session organizer: Hasibullah Mowahed, Deputy Director General, National Statistics and Information Authority, Afghanistan

                SA1       Approaching to Users with Statistical Products: An Experience of Decentralized      Pradhan, Mahesh Chand
                          Dissemination of Economic Census Results
                SA1       Measuring Exports of Manufacturing Services in Indonesia                            Purwaningsih, Purwaningsih
                SA1       Building A Statistics Society through YouTube                                       Maulana Faris
                SA1       Inspiration approach towards the use of official Statistics for sustainable         Bambaranda, Gayani, K

13:00 - 14:30   B. Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics (SB1)
                Session organizer: tbd
Time        Session                               Title of paper/description                                           Speakers/Authors
                SB1     Strengthening the National Statistical System through Language Policy: A Case           Sadati Nooshabaddi, Seyed Mahdi
                        Study in the Statistical Centre of Iran
                SB1       Integrating user satisfaction in Agriculture statistics: The case of Nepal            Subedi, Mahesh Kumar
                SB1       Price Statistics: collection, reforms, and public confidence in Pakistan              Rehman, Haseeb Ur
                SB1       Reviewing National Statistical System of Nepal in the New Federal Structure           Phuyal Ganesh Prasad
                SB1       In-depth review and needs assessment of CRVS System to develop an action plan         Mursalin, Syed, Muhammad
                          for overall improvement of the system
                SB1       Measuring Maternal Mortality using Civil Registration Data                              Albis, Manuel F.
13:00 - 14:30   C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis (SC1)
                Session organizer: Nilima Lal, Economic Statistics Advisor, Statistics for Development Division, Pacific Community (SPC)
                SC1       The Use of Mobile Positioning data to Measure Visitors of a Multisport Events: A      Widyasanti, Amalia A.
                          Case study of ASIAN Games 2018 in Indonesia
                SC1       Statistical Business Process for Big Data Usage                                       Isnaeni Noviyanti
                SC1       Application of the text mining technique to improve the dataset integration in        Hadizaeh, Reza
                          foreign trade price indexes
                SC1       The nutritious foods Price Index and Food Security of Urban and Rural Households      Abdorahim Ira
                          in Iran
                SC1       Extended Input-Output Table - Integrated Analysis for Low Carbon Development          Firdaus, Zanial, F
                          in Indonesia
                SC1       Comparison of ARIMA, SSA, and ARIMA – SSA Hybrid Model Performance in                 Fajar, Muhammad
                          Indonesian Economic Growth Forecasting
Time        Session                                   Title of paper/description                                             Speakers/Authors
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
10:00 - 11:30   A. Engaging users and investing in statistics (SA2)
                Session organizer: Jessica Gardner, Statistics Consultant
                SA2       National Indicator Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation Myanmar Sustainable              Ye Naing Htet
                          Development Plan (2018-2030)
                SA2       Decent Work Indicators: A way for policy makers and data users in Pakistan                  Najeeb Ullah, Muhammad
                SA2       Linked Open Data Implementation for Integrated Dissemination                                Widodo, Sulisetyo, Puj
                SA2       Engaging Users and Investing in Statistics                                                  Mira Rashikendra Raj
                SA2       Investing in Statistical Frameworks - Prioritization of Crime and Criminal Justice          Choi, Kyungsoon
                SA2       Health Inequality and Growth in Developing Countries: Experiences from Indonesia,           Rachmad, Sri Hartini
                          Pakistan and Philippines
10:00 - 11:30   D. Modernizing statistical business processes (SD1)
                Session organizer: Ronald Jansen, Chief, Data Innovation and Capacity Branch, Statistics Division, UN DESA
                SD1       Narrative of Digitization-Successful drives from paper to paper less mapping               Janjua, Muhammad, Bashir
                SD1       e-survey: Modernisation in data collection of short-term economic survey                   Lee Chee You
                SD1       Mobile data collection application for Time use survey 2019 of Mongolia                    Lkhagva Myagmarsuren
                SD1       Probabilistic record linkage: an innovative method to improve the quality of data          Fayyaz , Saeed
                          integration (Case study in Iran)
                SD1       Big Data for Official Statistics: Administrative Area Identification from Plain Text        Madjida, Wa Ode, Zuhayeni
                SD1       Digital Enterprise Architecture to Support Effective and Efficient Statistical Production   Virantina, Yulia
10:00 - 11:30   E. Having requisite skills sets (SE1)
                Session organizer: Ashish Kumar, Director, Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific
                SE1       Research on Optimization of Statistical Talent Development                                  Jansen, Henrica A.F.M.
                SE1       kNOwVAWdata: an innovative model for improving skills of national statistical offices       Kristin Diemer
                          to measure and monitor violence against women in Asia and the Pacific
                SE1       Research on Optimization of Statistical Talent Development                                  Li Enlai
Time        Session                                    Title of paper/description                                              Speakers/Authors
11:30 - 13:00   Session break
13:00 - 14:30   B. Assuring quality and instilling trust in statistics (SB2)
                Session organizer: Pieter Everaers, Editor in Chief of the Statistical Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics
                   and former Director, Eurostat
                SB2       Development of Integrated Analysis with the Development of the Small Area                       Paramartha , Dede Yoga
                          Estimation Model in Inflation data
                SB2       Quality Assessment of Administrative Data for the Census in Indonesia based on                  Albertha, Winida
                          Census Test Results
                SB2       Listening the public opinion? An approach from big data with the case of revision GDP           Hung Nguyen The
                          in the period 2010-2017 in Vietnam
                SB2       Statistical Capacity to Report and Monitor the FAO-relevant SDG indicators: The results         Donmez, Ayca
                          of the FAO Statistical Capacity Assessment Survey 2018/19 for Asia
                SB2       Performance of the Vital Registration System in the Maldives                                    Usman, Sofoora, K
13:00 - 14:30   C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis (SC2)
                Session organizer: Matthew Shearing, Statistics Consultant
                SC2       Integrating agricultural statistics to face increased data demands                              Jairo Castano
                SC2       Estimation of SDGs indicator for non-sampled area using cluster information                     Rizky Zulkarnain
                SC2       SWOT Analysis to Reviewing Business Characteristic (BCS) Survey 2019 for Integrating            Santoso, Dimas, Hari
                          business and ICT Data in Indonesia
                SC2       Review of Availability, Registration and Quality of Hospital Based Death Statistics and         Khan, Zulfiqar
                          Determining Mortality Patterns by Cause of Death
                SC2       The Use of Mobile Positioning Data (MPD) to Delineate Metropolitan Area in                      Prabawa, Panca, D.
                SC2       Birth registration inequalities: a case study of Pakistan                                       Boiteau—Monteville, Ulysse
Time       Session                                Title of paper/description                                            Speakers/Authors
13:00 - 14:30   D. Modernizing statistical business processes (SD2)
                Session organizer: Mr. Gogita Todradze, Executive Director, The National Statistics Office of Georgia
                SD2       Compilation of Nepal Tourism Satellite Accounts: Opportunities and Challenges             Rishi Ram, Sigdel
                SD2       Overall Review of Statistical Production Processes from GSBPM perspective: The Case       Mr. Omurbek Ibraev
                          of Kyrgyzstan
                SD2       Implementation of Online Questionnaire in General Household Survey in Hong Kong           Or, Oi Yan Olivia

                SD2       A Pilot Project of Area Sampling Frame for Maize Statistics: Indonesia’s Experience       Octavia Rizky Prasetyo

                SD2       On the Way of Modernization: A Review of I.R. Iran's Official Vital Statistics from the   Abbasi, Mohammadbagher
                          GSBPM Point of View
                SD2       Harnessing social media data to measuring mental health statistics                        Astuti , Fitri, Andri

Wednesday, 17 June 2020
10:00 - 11:30
                A. Engaging users and investing in statistics (SA3)
                Session organizer: Aliimuamua Malaefono Taua, Government Statistician, Samoa Bureau of Statistics
                SA3       Statistical Integration for One Data on International Migration                           Ayuningrum, Felisita Tri
                SA3       Women Empowerment and Correlates: Evidences from the 2017 National                        Salting, Percival A.
                          Demographic and Health Survey
                SA3       Confronting domestic violence in the land of happiness                                    Kunzang Lhamu
                SA3       Through sleet and snow: overcoming challenges in the field during the first national      Doljinsuren, Nyam-Ochir
                          study on violence against women in Mongolia
Time        Session                                 Title of paper/description                                        Speakers/Authors
10:00 - 11:30   Novel approaches to assuring quality and instilling trust in official statistics (SB3)
                Session organizer: Mustafa Dinc, Program Coordinator and Senior Statistician, Development Economics Data Group, The World Bank
                SB3       Trade margin in national accounts: effectiveness of commodity flow approach for              Bhattarai, Gangaram
                          credibility escalation
                SB3       Calculation of trade and transport margins in pattern of trade distribution                  Suerlianto, Roy
                SB3       Maximizing completeness of data and instilling trust in birth registration in Afghanistan:   Ikram, Mohammad, Khalid
                          Findings from three provinces
                SB3       Integrated Sector Accounts for Turkey                                                        Ozek, Aycan Sultan
                SB3       Pacific Data Hub: Improved Data Dissemination and Use in Pacific Island Countries            Pontifex, Scott, M
                SB3       Waste Inventory Report - baseline data for SDG 12                                            Namgay Tashi
10:00 - 11:30   C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis (SC3)
                Session organizer: Matthew Shearing, Statistics Consultant
                SC3       Employment Relationship in the Brick Industry in Nepal                                       Hem Raj Regmi
                SC3       Stochastic Frontier Model with Spatial Effect for Measuring Multifactor Productivity         Zulkarnain, Rizky
                SC3       The Impact of Indonesian-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership                   Saputra, Gilar T, Panji
                          Agreement (IEU-CEPA) on Indonesia’s Textile and Textile Products Export
                SC3       Comparison of fertility measures from censuses and vital statistics                          Lee, Eunkoo
                SC3       An Experimental Measure of Malaysia’s Gig Workers Using LFS                                  Nurfarahin Harun
                SC3       The Determinants of Malaysian’s Youth Not in Employment, Education or Training               Muhammad Shafiq Harun
11:30 - 13:00   Session break
13:00 - 14:30    C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis (SC4)
                Session organizer: tbd
                SC4       Review of E-Money Contribution for a Better Quality of Financial System Stability            Siregar, Sri Indriyani
                          Measurements in Indonesia
                SC4       Importance of PPP, existence of integrated systems, when strengthening National              Kulathilanka, Ishanthi, Y.G.R.
                          Statistics Office’s Role: In a point of view of a National Accounts Compiler
                SC4       Novel Approach in Outbound Tourism Statistics in the Era of Revolution Industry 4            Arifatin, Dini
                SC4       Study on Measuring the Sustainable of Tourism (MST) in Malaysia                              Yusrina Mohd Yusoff
Time        Session                                    Title of paper/description                                         Speakers/Authors
                SC4       Spatial Analysis: Population Ageing of Multi-ethnic Malaysia in Rural Area                 Zainal Abidin Abd Mutalib
                SC4       Going Beyond Measuring the Rural Access Index in the Philippines                           Bantang, Justin Angelo, O
13:00 - 14:30   C. Integrated statistics for integrated analysis (SC5)
                Session organizer: Aycan Sultan Özek, Director, Statistics Department, Monetary and Financial Data Division, Turkey
                SC5       A New Approach Towards Utilizing Administrative Data Sources                               Tenzin, Ugyen
                SC5       Identification of poor households for targeting in Nepal                                   Gaihre, Ram Hari
                SC5       Developing Malaysia Business Cycle Clock (MBCC) for A Better Insights on Economic          Ms. Siti Nuraini Rusli
                SC5       Temporal Disaggregation Method for Estimating Indonesia’s Monthly Gross Domestic           M Irsyad Ilham
                SC5       Bilateral Support to the Nepal Data Ecosystem                                              Irwin, Craig R
                SC5       Analysis of Input-Output Table : Integrated of Economic Development by Leading Sectors Nugroho, Yoga, D
                          in Indonesia
13:00 - 14:30    D. Modernizing statistical business processes (SD3)
                Session organizer: Jessica Gardner, Statistics Consultant

                SD3      Harmonizing Business-Based Surveys Based on Statistics Indonesia’s Business-Based         Megasari, Dewi, Kartika
                         Survey Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
                SD3      Modernization in Compiling Malaysia’s International Investment Position (IIP) through     Syamimi Shahbudin
                         Integrated System
                SD3      Strategy and Practice of Data Middle Platform Construction of NBS                         Chunzhen, Zhang
                SD3      Forecasting of International Tourists Arrival in Nepal: An application of ARIMA           Tharu, Nanda, Kumar
                SD3      Utilizing Price Comparison Website to Produce Hedonic Price Index                         Listianingrum, Tri
                SD3      From data to action to impact: How Viet Nam has changed in the decade since the first     Tran, Loan Bich
                         Violence against women prevalence survey
Thursday, 18 June 2020
10:00 - 12:00   Plenary session 2 (Closing session)
                Session organizer: Gemma Van Halderen, Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP
Time   Session                                   Title of paper/description                               Speakers/Authors
       PS2     Closing remarks                                                                    TBC
               Reflections                                                                        Gemma Van Halderen
               Having the requisite skill sets: challenges and opportunities under the new norm   John Pullinger
                                                                                                  President of the IAOS and UK National
                                                                                                  Statistician from 2014-2019
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