DIGITAL mid-life crisis - ARTICLE - Corporater

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DIGITAL mid-life crisis - ARTICLE - Corporater
mid-life crisis
An article about GRC, AML and Digital Maturity

Owe Lie-Bjelland,
Director - Program Management GPRC, Corporater

DIGITAL mid-life crisis - ARTICLE - Corporater
INTRODUCTION                           collaborate across the AML and    CULTURE EATS STRATEGY
I just read an article which states    ABC compliance domain?”.          FOR BREAKFAST
researchers now have concluded         Nobody raised their hands.
                                                                         In my presentation, “Utilizing
that the mid-life crisis actually      My presentation abstract          digital tools for effective AML
exists – and it peaks - or reaches                                       governance,” I decided to
rock bottom, at the age of 47,2.       Utilizing digital tools for
                                                                         discuss the root cause of the
According to this research, my         effective AML governance
                                                                         mid-life crisis we’re observing
mid-life crisis will fall on Monday,   While paying attention to AML     in the governance, risk &
May 25th, this year. However,          penalties over the recent years   compliance (GRC) domain.
there’s not a single indication in     in a global context, we’ve seen   I have been a technology
my life that this scenario will        a pattern for a high number of    professional and devotee for
impact me, besides some grey           penalties given due to the lack   20+ years. Keeping in mind the
hair, teenage kids, and a dog.         of satisfactory AML program       mid-life crisis mentioned above,
A few weeks back (mid-March            governance. Given today’s         “20+” is a professional way of
2020), I was speaking at the AML       rapid changes in geopolitical     saying, “I’m getting old.” GRC
& ABC Forum in London hosted           risks, regulations, and           is also getting old. It was
by Informa. Attending the              sanctions, the need to take       introduced in 2002 by
different sessions listening to         an increasingly integrated – and “Digital” is
the other speakers and panel           and coherent approach to          getting old; Did you know that
discussions, it struck me that         global risk and compliance        the first version of Microsoft
everybody is seeking a “holistic”      governance is paramount.          Word was released in
software platform that could                                             1983 – 37 years ago?
provide a “one view” for all their     This means that the
risk and compliance data. They         components of a financial          It is a well-known saying that
discussed the vision of how to         institution’s AML program,        culture eats strategy for
“jointly” collaborate on               sanctions, and ABC compliance     breakfast. It illustrates how hard
operational risks, compliance          must be integrated and            it is to introduce new methods
risks, controls, investigations,       collaborative to proactively      in a set environment. The poor
and reporting. On the question         identify and mitigate risk. It    people working within the GRC
from one of the panel                  also means that institutions      domain face this challenge every
moderators, “How many of you           must take a global view,          single day, driven by continuous
have a software in place that          understanding how                 regulatory updates. How can we
allows you to have one view            different components               change the culture to achieve
for all your risk and compliance       of their organization(s)          our business objectives within
information and will let you           interact with each other.         the GRC space? A significant

                                                                             “Eventually, the
                                                                             digital culture
                                                                             will aid in
                                                                             driving the
                                                                             culture in the
                                                                             right direction.”

stake in GRC is “the tone at the      available, the jungle of              for our customers. This is,
top” that sets the foundation         LegalTech and RegTech is hard         of course, a very simplified
for cultural change. We are           to navigate. Not to mention           explanation; however, it serves
trying to improve the risk            all the focus on Artificial            its purpose to illustrate how
culture, culture of behavior,         Intelligence and Machine              digital can help us improve
accountability, conduct to            Learning – digital evolution can      our governance, risk, and
comply with regulations such          be scary. To illustrate my point,     compliance challenges. It is, all
as Basel, Solvency, IAC, AML,         let us simplify how we’re looking     in essence, about building and
ABC, and more. I will jump the        at digital maturity by splitting      maintaining an enabling GRC
conclusion for now and break          it into three main phases;            information and technology
to you my suggestion, which is        Digitization, Digitalization,         architecture in your
to improve the organizational         and Digital Transformationi.          organization.
digital culture. Eventually, the                                            Digital infancy is more common
digital culture will aid in driving   DIGITAL MATURITY                      than we think. Based on this
the inherent corporate culture                                              model, if you, e.g., are doing
in the right direction.               Let us start with a success story.
                                      Core banking has gone through         your risk assessments and

MAN VS. MACHINE                       a transformation the recent
                                      decades – a digital
Through 20+ years, I have             transformation. What banks
observed hesitance among              did with their core banking is
GRC professionals to embrace          an excellent example of how
technology. GRC professionals         organizations/industries can
are risk-averse by nature,            utilize “Digital” to transform              “Many of the
which also makes them brilliant       their business models and
at what they do. The typical          provide customers with an
                                                                                  challenges we
question is, “Is your software        improved experience and                     observe – not
approved by lawyers?”. I              added value.
wonder; do lawyers approve                                                       only in the GRC
                                      First, the phase of “Digitization”
Microsoft Word? If the
software makes decisions for          (level 1 and 2) means to make               domain but in
you, then that’s a relevant           something digital. In essence, in          general, can be
                                      this stage, we focus on the data,
question. And, yes, we have
seen ugly examples of GRC             unstructured (e.g., like Word and            traced to the
professionals and lawyers             PowerPoint) and structured
                                      (e.g., like databases, structured
                                                                                     fact that
being burned in the past by
bad software. Can we expect           file/exchange formats (e.g.,                 organizations
                                      XML, JSON) and Excel, if used
GRC professionals to embrace
                                      correctly). In this stage, it is of
                                                                                 are still basing
technology in their risk-based
work? How can technology              the essence to apply proper                their business-
                                      data governance for the data
companies expect GRC
                                      that should be structured. Next,          critical decisions
professionals to be experts on
both GRC and “Digital.” Digital       by “Digitalization,” we build on          on unstructured
                                      the digitized data and focus on
infancy is probably us
                                      processes and automation.                      and even
“technical people’s” fault – we
have not been able to speak           Ultimately, we have the                       ungoverned
                                      fundament to achieve “Digital
the language of GRC
                                      Transformation,” where we                        data.”
professionals, lawyers, and
other disciplines for that sake.      focus on improving/changing
There are thousands of                the business model and
software components for GRC           improving the experience

treatment in Word or                Many organizations are trying to      program governance, including
PowerPoint, you are on maturity     solve their unstructured data         knowledge management, risk
1. If you are using Excel, you      related challenges through the        management, and data
have started your journey           use of AI. AI is an umbrella term     governance. We see rapid
towards maturity level 2 and,       involving technologies such as        changes in geopolitical risks,
depending on your organization,     Machine Learning, Natural             regulations, and sanctions. We
have probably experienced the       Language Processing, and more.        discern a general inability to
limitations of using these tools    These techniques can solve            demonstrate compliance with
in the GRC context.                 many challenges across both           regulators/auditors, and top
                                    unstructured and structured           management is seeking the
Many of the challenges we           data and are essential                appropriate tools to make
observe – not only in the GRC       components of Cognitive GRC           timely and high-quality
domain but in general, can be       (or GRC 5.0)ii. However, AI is        decisions.
traced to the fact that             not an alternative to Data
organizations are still basing      Governance. So, where do we           In my role at Corporater’s
their business-critical decisions   draw the line between humans          Global Program Management
on unstructured and even            and computers for decision            team for GRC & Performance,
ungoverned data.                    making?                               I meet companies around the
                                                                          globe that want to move into
                                    CONNECTING THE DOTS                   a holistic/integrated approach
  The benefits of structured                                               for their GRC and
  data vs. unstructured data
                                    – DIGITAL MATURITY
                                                                          Performance program
                                    AND AML                               to achieve a data-driven
  “Structured data is
  highly-organized and              We observe a pattern for a high       approach to decision making.
  formatted in a way so it’s        number of penalties given due         Particularly at this AML & ABC
  easily searchable in, e.g.,       to the lack of satisfactory AML       Forum, we were focusing on
  relational databases.
  Unstructured data has

  no pre-defined format or                                                 DI GI TAL T RANSF ORM ATIO N
  organization, making it                                                 - CHANGE OF BUSINESS MODEL/
  much more difficult to                                                      CUSTOMER FOCUS
  collect, process, and


      - STRUCTURED DATA     2                                         3   DI GI TAL I Z AT I ON
                                                                          - PROCESS FOCUS

                                            1   DI GI T I Z AT I ON
                                                - UNSTRUCTURED DATA

AML Program Management                                                                                                                Digital

                     AML Governance                                                                                           1
                     Risk Context & Citeria, ERM alignment, Policies, Processes, multi-jurisdictional compliance framework

                     AML Knowledge Management                                                                                 1
                     Policy Enforcement, Procedures, Processes, Training, External conext, Monitoring Framework

                     AML Risk Assessments                                                                                     1
                     Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Treatment, Risk Reporting, Risk Control Self Assessment
3 lines of defense

                     AML DQIM & Analytics                                                                                     2         AML
                     Customer Risk data, KYC, PEP/External Data, Data validation, Technology review, Data trends, DD, EDD
                     AML Assurance & Monitoring                                                                               2
                     Control Environment, Control Inventory, Effectiveness, Internal Audit, Quality Assurance

                     AML Alert Management                                                                                     3
                     SAI, SAR Decision Process, Escalation, Metrics, Seperation of Duties, Document Retention

                     AML Program Reporting                                                                                    3
                     SAR Filing, Board Reporting, Line of Business Reporting, Subpoena

                     AML Transaction Monitoring
                     Transaction Detection, Machine Learning, Validation, Patern Detection                                    4

how to holistically govern,                                  doing this include, e.g., reduced                  level 4, digitalization has
manage, and assure an                                        fines, higher efficiency,                             an “automating” and even
organization’s AML program.                                  effectiveness, reduced risk of                      a “cognitive” function that,
During my presentation,                                      reputational loss, and reduced                     governed and applied correctly,
I focused on the different                                    personal liability for managers                    can have beneficial business
elements of an AML program                                   in charge.                                         outcomes with regards to
to illustrate the digital                                                                                       efficiency, effectiveness,
maturity for each element.                                   DECISION                                           cost, data availability, and data
                                                                                                                integrity. However, leaving the
                                                             ENVIRONMENT,                                       wrong decisions to the
The illustration above shows
that the majority of the elements
                                                             MAN VS. MACHINE                                    machines would be “crazy.”
of a holistic AML program are in                             At digital level 3, digitalization
its digital infancy and can be                               has an “enabling” role for
matured digitally to level 3 or                              humans to make timely and
level 4. The business benefits of                             right decisions. In digital

Sound Decisions                                       Crazy

                                      AML Governance

                                  AML Knowledge Management
                                    AML Risk Assessments

                                                 AML DQIM & Anal

                                            AML Assurance & Monitoring

                                                    AML Alert Management

                Transactional                       AML Program Reporting

                                                                   AML Transaction Monitoring

                                Inefficient & Ineffective                   Efficient & Effective

                                      Digital level 3                    Digital level 4
                                         Process                         Automation

THE CDO TO THE RESCUE                                      CONCLUSION
With the introduction of the CDO role                      While I do not see any indications for my upcoming
(Chief Data/Digital Officer), many                           personal mid-life crisis, I do see clear evidence of a
organizations have established initiatives                 GRC mid-life crisis in many organizations around the
to establish an enterprise-wide data and                   world. We live in a “Digitized” siloed GRC and
information strategy, governance, control,                 Performance (GPRC) information Chaos where
policy development, and effective                           the indications of a mid-life crisis are many; lack of
exploitation of data assets. The CDO often                 oversight, lack of collaboration, lack of awareness,
sees the value of “integrated” and “holistic”              and highly inefficient programs.
GRC and Performance-related data, and
they possess the ability to bring the C-level              By moving to “Digitalization” and applying information
together to bridge the organizational silos,               governance to your GRC data, you can achieve a more
bridging the information gap between                       efficient and effective, holistic GRC program across
strategy and operations, and enable a                      the enterprise, breaking down silos – vertically and
modern decision-making environment.                        horizontally. In practice this will look like, e.g., a shared
There is a clear trend that the CDO is                     risk register, consolidation, and aggregation of risks
equipping its GRC professionals with                       across the enterprise, collaborating on shared controls,
proper software tools for integrated                       learning from each other’s risks, shared and aggregated
and holistic GPRCiii, and at the same                      KPIs, KRIs, and additional metrics, integrated audit,
time, providing its C-level with                           incidents, automation of reports, the correlation
high-quality decision-making                               between performance and risk, and much more.

[i] -
[iii] GPRC is the GRC 4.0 platform provided by Corporater that enables integrated, holistic GRC and Performance.

                         Owe Lie-Bjelland is a certified senior risk manager, a technology enthusiast,
                         and an information security professional. He has more than 18 years of
                         international GRC experience in business management, software innovation,
                         cyber & information security, legal & financial compliance, and data &
                         information governance from working as a management advisor and
                         consultant for several fortune 500 companies across different industries
                         in Europe, USA and Latin America.

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