Towards a parallel corpus of Portuguese and the Bantu language Emakhuwa of Mozambique

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Towards a parallel corpus of Portuguese and the Bantu language Emakhuwa of Mozambique
Towards a parallel corpus of Portuguese and the Bantu language
                                                                  Emakhuwa of Mozambique

                                                         Felermino D. M. A. Ali1 , Andrew Caines2 , Jaimito L. A. Malavi1
                                                         Department of Computer Engineering, Lurio University, Mozambique
                                                           Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

                                                               Abstract                         NMT, this fact has led to a dichotomous situation of
                                                                                                high and low-resource language pairings. For the
                                             Major advancement in the performance of ma-
                                                                                                academic community, English-German or English-
                                             chine translation models has been made possi-
arXiv:2104.05753v1 [cs.CL] 12 Apr 2021

                                             ble in part thanks to the availability of large-   French are prototypical high-resource translation
                                             scale parallel corpora. But for most languages     pairs whereas most other language pairs are low-
                                             in the world, the existence of such corpora        resource in comparison.
                                             is rare. Emakhuwa, a language spoken in               We present a corpus for a low-resource language
                                             Mozambique, is like most African languages         pair: Portuguese and Emakhuwa (alternatively,
                                             low-resource in NLP terms. It lacks both com-      ‘Makhuwa’ or ‘Makua’), the official and the most
                                             putational and linguistic resources and, to the
                                                                                                widely spoken languages of Mozambique, respec-
                                             best of our knowledge, few parallel corpora in-
                                             cluding Emakhuwa already exist. In this pa-        tively. Emakhuwa is spoken in all the provinces
                                             per we describe the creation of the Emakhuwa-      of northern Mozambique, namely Niassa, Cabo
                                             Portuguese parallel corpus, which is a collec-     Delgado and Nampula and also in Zambezia in
                                             tion of texts from the Jehovah’s Witness web-      central northern Mozambique. It is estimated that
                                             site and a variety of other sources including      approximately 25% of the country’s population of
                                             the African Story Book website, the Univer-        30 million people make use of the language on a
                                             sal Declaration of Human Rights and Mozam-         daily basis as an alternative to Portuguese (de Paula
                                             bican legal documents. The dataset contains
                                                                                                and Duarte, 2016). Emakhuwa is also spoken in
                                             47,415 sentence pairs, amounting to 699,976
                                             word tokens of Emakhuwa and 877,595 word           some of the neighbouring countries to the north
                                             tokens in Portuguese. After normalization pro-     of Mozambique – namely, Tanzania and Malawi
                                             cesses which remain to be completed, the cor-      (Ngunga, 2012) but speaker populations in these
                                             pus will be made freely available for research     countries are relatively small.
                                             use.                                                  There are 8 variants of Emakhuwa (Ngunga
                                                                                                and Faquir, 2012): Elomwe (ISO-639 code: ngl),
                                         1   Introduction
                                                                                                Esankaci, Esaaka (ISO-639 code: xsq), Echirima
                                         Machine translation (MT) is the process by which       (ISO-639 code: mhm), Emarevoni (ISO-639 code:
                                         computational models are trained to transform a        xmc), Emeeto (ISO-639 code: mgh), Enahara and
                                         source language text into a target language text,      Central (ISO-639 code: vmw). The variants are
                                         and is a technology which in recent years has seen     distributed across different districts of northern
                                         great improvements in performance thanks to the        and central Mozambique (see Figure 1) and dif-
                                         development of MT with neural networks (NMT)           fer slightly in terms of accents and lexicon.
                                         (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013; Sutskever et al.,        Like many languages spoken on the African con-
                                         2014; Bahdanau et al., 2015). NMT typically de-        tinent, Emakhuwa has limited resources for compu-
                                         pends on supervised machine learning from large        tational linguistics compared with English, French,
                                         parallel corpora of texts in the source and target     Portuguese, and so on. Thus we are collecting a
                                         language pair. The creation of such corpora usually    dataset for MT in which Portuguese texts are paired
                                         depends on extrinsic motivation for the existence      with Emakhuwa translations. The 47,415 sentence
                                         of abundant parallel text: for instance, government    pairs we have collected contain 699,976 word to-
                                         activity in multilingual settings such as the Euro-    kens of Emakhuwa and 877,595 word tokens in
                                         pean and Canadian Parliaments. In the context of       Portuguese. The corpus will be made available for
Figure 1: Geographic distribution of Emakhuwa variants in Mozambique (Ngunga and Faquir, 2012).

research use when final normalization and data col-       for African languages. They have an open reposi-
lection has been completed1 . In addition we will         tory 3 for sharing data as well as code and tools for
seek out new data sources and continue to expand          building and facilitating NLP research in African
the corpus.                                               languages. Nevertheless, the Emakhuwa language
                                                          has not been explored yet by the community.
2       Related Work
                                                          3       Data
In general, African languages have been relatively
little explored by the NLP research community.            The dataset contains Portuguese-Emakhuwa par-
However, lately this scenario seems to be improv-         allel sentences, collected from crawling the Je-
ing as more data are being made available for             hovah’s Witness (JW) website4 and the African
research use, including translation work. OPUS            Story Book website5 . The African Story Book con-
(Tiedemann, 2012), the 1000Langs corpus crawled           tains 17 short stories in Emakhuwa with Portuguese
from Bible corpora (Asgari and Schütze, 2017),           translations. The Jehovah’s Witness website con-
and the JW300 project (Agić and Vulić, 2019)            tains The Watchtower—Study Edition magazine as
are examples of this trend, as they made available        well as The Watchtower and Awaque! from 2016
parallel corpora of over 300 languages including          to 2021. Also, contains 27 books of the New Testa-
Emakhuwa-Portuguese. The Crúbadán Project2              ment Bible.
also used Jehovah’s Witness resources to create              The corpus also contains text from various in-
a corpus of Emakhuwa. However, the corpus                 stitutional sources. These were digitized by per-
is monolingual and relatively small with around           forming optical character recognition (OCR) on a
44,071 tokens extracted from 4 documents.                 set of PDF files from Centro Catequético Paulo VI
    The Masakhane project works mainly on low-            (Paul VI Catechetical Centre), the Universal Dec-
resource MT for African languages, and is an ex-          laration of Human Rights, and Mozambican Land
cellent source of African language parallel corpora       Law. The majority of texts come from the Centro
(Nekoto et al., 2020). Currently, they have a grow-       Catequético Paulo VI which has published a series
ing online community of researchers who collab-
orate, contribute and share advancements in NLP     
    1                                                       4                             
    2                                                       5           
Source           Portuguese                     Emakhuwa                       English
  JW               depois, eu percebi que         nuuvira okathi kihoona         After that, I realized that
                   essa tinha sido a decisão     wira vaari vooloka             it was the right choice
                   certa.                         othaama.
  Centro           vivo aquilo em que             vekekhai kinnettela seiyo      Do I live on what I
  Catequético     acredito ?                     sinà minaka ?                 believe?
  Paulo VI
  African          Certo homem tinha dois          Mulopwana mmosa               A man had two sons
  Story Book       filhos                          aahikhalana an’awe anli.
  Declaration      todos os seres humanos          atthu othene aniyaria         the law needs to be known
  of Human         nascem livres e iguais em       oolikana ni owilamula         by the whole community,
  Rights           dignidade e em direitos .       moota ontthunaya okhala ,     because from the
                   dotados de razão e de          variyari v edignidade ni      knowledge of the law we
                   consciência , devem agir       edireito . akhalanne esaria   can defend and safeguard
                   uns para com os outros          ni otthokelela , ahaana       our rights.
                   em espı́rito de                 akhalasaka othene saya
                   fraternidade .                  vamurettele .
  Land Law of      nas áreas rurais , as          mulaponi mwa imatta ,         in rural areas, local
  Mozam-           comunidades locais              ikomunidade sa elapo          communities participate:
  bique            participam :                    yeyo sokhalana mpantta :

          Table 1: Examples from the Portuguese-Emakhuwa parallel corpus, with English translation.

of three catechism books: Yesu Mopoli Ahu – Je-            Source     Lang          Sentences       Tokens
sus Nosso Salvador (‘Jesus Our Saviour’). These            JW         PT               42,840       798,371
books, besides being religious, also touch upon a                     VMW                           638,365
wide range of topics.                                      CCA        PT                  4067       73,221
   The dataset contains texts written in the central                  VMW                            56,724
Emakhuwa variant only, because this variant has            ASB        PT                   294         2746
relatively more resources than others. The sen-                       VMW                              1945
tences come from 125 pair documents in total, and          LL         PT                   128         1656
amount to 699,976 word tokens of Emakhuwa. Ta-                        VMW                              1832
ble 1 shows examples from the dataset, with Por-           HR         PT                     86        1601
tuguese and Emakhuwa parallel sentences and En-                       VMW                              1110
glish glosses.                                             Total      PT                47,415      877,595
                                                                      VMW                           699,976
   Processing of the OCR obtained from these doc-
uments involved the removal of some inconsisten-          Table 2: Dataset counts where: JW = Jehovah’s Wit-
cies. For instance, the letter “ı̀” was wrongly recog-    ness, CCA = Centro Catequético Paulo VI, ASB =
nized as “T”, and the letter “á” was recognized as       African Book Story, LL = Land Law of Mozambique,
“6”, to give just two examples of OCR errors. Pro-        HR = Universal Declaration of Human Rights; PT =
cessing also involved dividing longer sentences into      Portuguese, VMW = Emakhuwa.
shorter and concise sentences as well as discard-
ing sentences wrongly recognized. Then followed
the alignment of Portuguese and Emakhuwa sen-             use “jerya”. So for example the English word “be-
tences which has been manually carried out. More          gin” would be written as “opacerya” in JW texts,
processing needs to be done, as it transpires that        whereas in others resources it would be written as
spelling standards vary between the data sources.         “opajerya”. Another example is the English word
As an example, there are some lexical conflicts in        “kiss”: its translation to Emakhuwa in the African
the corpus, particularly regarding the use of the let-    Story Book is “epeeco”, whereas in other resources
ters “j” and “c” along with the suffix or infix “erya”.   is translated as “epexo”.
JW texts tend to use the letter “cerya”, while others       Word borrowing is another issue to take into
Target                         range of sources and topics covered. This is impor-
    Source            Portuguese    Emakhuwa              tant in order that Portuguese-Emakhuwa translation
    Portuguese                 -        12.42             models work well across various domains.
    Emakhuwa               13.09            -
Table 3: BLEU scores for Emakhuwa-Portuguese and
Portuguese-Emakhuwa NMT models.                           The authors wish to acknowledge the Centro
                                                          Catequético Paulo VI for allowing to use their mate-
                                                          rials for research purpose. The second author is sup-
account, since Emakhuwa takes many words from             ported by Research England via the University of
Portuguese, but without a consensus on spelling           Cambridge Global Challenges Research Fund. He
conventions. As an example, take the word “bible”         wishes to thank Paula Buttery, Tanya Hall, Carol
which in Portuguese is ”bı́blia”. In Emakhuwa             Nightingale & Sara Serradas Duarte for their help
it is sometimes written as “biblia” and at other          and guidance.
times written as “biibiliya”. This inconsistency also
exists within Emakhuwa language resources itself,
as the alphabet and spelling standards went through       References
several revisions – the latest in 2012 (Ngunga and        Željko Agić and Ivan Vulić. 2019. JW300: A wide-
Faquir, 2012). Therefore, some future processing             coverage parallel corpus for low-resource languages.
is necessary to normalize the word standards in the          In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the
dataset. The corpus will be available for research           Association for Computational Linguistics, pages
                                                             3204–3210, Florence, Italy. Association for Compu-
use, and updates may be obtained from our project
                                                             tational Linguistics.
website6 . Table 2 summarizes the corpus in terms
of sentences and the number of tokens coming from         Ehsaneddin Asgari and Hinrich Schütze. 2017. Past,
each data source.                                           present, future: A computational investigation of the
                                                            typology of tense in 1000 languages. In Proceed-
                                                            ings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods
4        Baseline translation model                         in Natural Language Processing.
We train an initial NMT model with the default            Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Ben-
OpenNMT configuration7 , which consists of a 2-             gio. 2015. Neural machine translation by jointly
layer LSTM with 500 hidden units on both the                learning to align and translate. In Proceedings of
encoder and decoder (Klein et al., 2017). Sentences         the International Conference on Learning Represen-
                                                            tations (ICLR).
from the corpus are randomly assigned to training
and test sets at a ratio of 9:1. These data splits        Nal Kalchbrenner and Phil Blunsom. 2013. Recurrent
will be released with the corpus so that others may         continuous translation models. In Proceedings of
compare the performance of their models against             the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natu-
                                                            ral Language Processing (EMNLP).
this one. We evaluate with BLEU (Papineni et al.,
2002) as shown in Table 3. This presents a baseline       Guillaume Klein, Yoon Kim, Yuntian Deng, Jean Senel-
level of performance to improve upon in future              lart, and Alexander Rush. 2017. OpenNMT: Open-
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5        Conclusion                                       Wilhelmina Nekoto, Vukosi Marivate, Tshinondiwa
                                                            Matsila, Timi Fasubaa, Taiwo Fagbohungbe,
In this paper we describe the creation of a new par-        Solomon Oluwole Akinola, Shamsuddeen Muham-
allel corpus of Emakhuwa and Portuguese. The                mad, Salomon Kabongo Kabenamualu, Salomey
preparation of the corpus is on-going as the texts          Osei, Freshia Sackey, Rubungo Andre Niyongabo,
require more processing and normalization, but              Ricky Macharm, Perez Ogayo, Orevaoghene Ahia,
                                                            Musie Meressa Berhe, Mofetoluwa Adeyemi,
it will be made freely available for research use,          Masabata Mokgesi-Selinga, Lawrence Okegbemi,
most probably for machine translation. Currently,           Laura Martinus, Kolawole Tajudeen, Kevin Degila,
the dataset is made up of mostly religious and legal        Kelechi Ogueji, Kathleen Siminyu, Julia Kreutzer,
content but in future our objective is to diversify the     Jason Webster, Jamiil Toure Ali, Jade Abbott,
                                                            Iroro Orife, Ignatius Ezeani, Idris Abdulkadir
     6                                         Dangana, Herman Kamper, Hady Elsahar, Good-
     7                                                      ness Duru, Ghollah Kioko, Murhabazi Espoir,
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