Town of Raymond Board of Selectmen ePacket June 30, 2021

Page created by Glen Griffin
Town of Raymond
                                                     Board of Selectmen ePacket
                                                           June 30, 2021
                                                          Table of Contents
                                                                 (Click on item to go to that page)

Agenda......................................................................................................................... 2
Marine 1 Motor Issues email........................................................................................ 3
Marine 1 Steering Issues email.................................................................................... 5
Marine 1 email.............................................................................................................. 6
Jeff’s Marine Quote...................................................................................................... 7

                                                                                             BOARD OF SELECTMEN
                                                                                                      June 30, 2021
                                                                                          2:00pm – Emergency Meeting
                                                                                              Via Zoom & on YouTube

         Resolution: We, the Raymond Board of Selectmen, recognize our individual and collective responsibilities as leaders and representatives of
         our community. To this end, we pledge to conduct ourselves in a manner befitting these roles and duties. We pledge and encourage others
         to “Be the Influence” and to recognize that decisions matter.

            1) Call to order

            2) New Business
                 a)   Consideration of Public Safety Rescue Boat Engine Replacement

            3) Adjournment

                                  Selectman’s Meeting Agenda (Page 1 of 1) June 30, 2021

Page 2                                                                    June 30, 2021 Board of Selectmen Meeting
Marine 1 Motor Issues email
  From:        "Donald Willard" 
               , , , ,
               "Sue Look" , "Alexander C. Aponte" ,
  Cc:          "" , "Bruce Tupper"
  Date:    06/30/2021 11:20 AM
  Subject: Fwd: Re: Marine 1 motor issues

 Thanks Bruce.

 Don Willard
 Town Manager
 401 Webbs Mills Road
 Raymond, Maine 04071
 (207) 655-4742 x 131
 (207) 650-9001

   From: "Bruce Tupper" 
   To: "Don Willard" 
   Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 08:26:24 -0400
   Subject: Re: Marine 1 motor issues

   Hello Don here is Paul's account of the search for motors.

        From: Paul Rogers 
        To: "" 
        Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 01:22:27 +0000
        Subject: Marine 1 motor issues

        Hi Chief,

        We knew this day would come and we tried our best to get another season out of the motors but the end is here with
        a blown portside motor. That’s’ the bad news……..
        I have spent many hours researching, calling, and emailing Honda dealers, or wholesalers, na onwide. I have been to
        find us Honda outboard motors new and used. There is an amazing long wai ng list and major shortage of motors of
        any size.
        There is a na on wide shortage and pricing will be going up 10 to 20 % next year. See this ar cle:
        h ps://
        inves gates-outboard-shortages
        The Honda motors you see in links below are old and not worth the money to take a chance on. We will run into the
        same motor problems or worse. They don’t run…. I’ve been trying to get in touch with a person from an eBay ad for 5
        days. I sent 10 emails and no responses.
        I would not recommend to you and the town that we don’t put any money into rebuilding the old portside motor at
        Portland Yacht. We have tried a re-build already. The motor now has 1000 + hours and are parts are very hard to find.
        Parts will con nue to be hard to find in the future. We will run into the same thing with the starboard side motor
        soon enough. It also has the same hours and years of use.
        Deke found an amazing deal with a Maine Yamaha dealer. We did the research for conver ng over to Yamaha Motors
        on Marine 1 from the Honda motor setup. The dealer has no concerns or worries conver ng from Honda to Yamaha.
        This is our best op on. All things happen for a reason and finding this incredible deal right here in Maine is crazy                                                                                                 Page 3
good. A dealer having two 300 hp on his floor, ready to be installed in 2 weeks, which again, is unheard of. They are
   here and can be ours to own. If we don’t act now this deal and our rescue season will be gone, which is the scary part
   of this conversa on. The lake is exploding with boats on the lake this year and so many inexperienced boaters at the
   We are very prepared and ready to service the community with our Marine unit. We have been preparing and
   training for such a busy boa ng season, hoping to save lives on Sebago when needed. We were fortunate that Marine
   1 was opera onal for the recent tri-athalon held from St. Joseph’s College and other calls this year . It’s not like we
   are the only boat on the water, but we are the biggest, most stable, specially built for rough ocean seas. With our
   trained personnel in Marine 1, we can motor threw any storm or waves to reach vic ms in destress to save a lives,
   Yamaha motors are a great motor. I have owned many of them. They will last us 10 + years with our dedicated crew
   providing consistent care and maintenance for the boat.
   Please consider this request so we can do our jobs that we have trained for many years. We cannot stop now since
   the town of Raymond ,and the Raymond Fire Associa on, have invested so much into Marine 1 already. All of this is
   meant to save lives on the water and represent our town. Please get Marine 1 back in service.

   Thank you for your quick considera on of this ma er,
   Paul Rogers

   All of these used and abused Motors below are research only. I would not recommend to purchase any of these

   h ps://

   h ps://

   h ps://

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   All orders covered by Mailings Unlimited's Terms and Conditions. Find them here:

  Bruce D Tupper
  Chief / EMA Director
  Raymond Fire & Rescue Department
  1443 Roosevelt Trail
  Raymond, Maine 04071

Page 4                                                      June 30, 2021 Board of Selectmen Meeting
Marine 1 Steering Issues email
  From:    "Donald Willard" 
           , , , ,
           "Alexander C. Aponte" , "Sue Look" ,
           "kaela.gonzalez" , "Bruce Tupper" 
  Date:    06/30/2021 11:12 AM
  Subject: Fwd:

  Thanks Bruce.


  Don Willard
  Town Manager
  401 Webbs Mills Road
  Raymond, Maine 04071
  (207) 655-4742 x 131
  (207) 650-9001

   From: "Bruce Tupper" 
   To: "Don Willard" 
   Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 11:09:07 -0400

   Hello Don

   The Steering issue would be repaired when the new motors are installed. It is a very common thing to occur.

   Bruce D Tupper
   Chief / EMA Director
   Raymond Fire & Rescue Department
   1443 Roosevelt Trail
   Raymond, Maine 04071                                                                                             Page 5
Marine 1 email

    Subject: Fwd: Marine 1
    To:      , , , ,
Jeff’s Marine Quote
                                            Jeff's Marine, Inc.
                                                 P O Box 236
                                             Thomaston, ME 04861
                                                (207) 354-8777
                                            Price Quotation Sheet
       Raymond Fire Department                                                                             June 29, 2021
       1443 Roosevelt Trail
       Raymond, ME 04071
       (207) 432-7080                                                                    Salesman    T. Turansky
                                                Unit Information
 New   Year       Make            Model                        Serial No                          Stock No                  Price
 NEW   2021       Yamaha          F300XA                       6JAX-1002650                       MY3297             26,370.00
 NEW   2021       Yamaha          LF300XA                      6JBX-1000391                       MY3282             26,975.00

 Customer Added Accessories
 25' xtreme cable                                    $78.19
 25' xtreme cable                                    $78.19
                                                                      Total Unit Price                                 53,345.00
 3x 3FT PIGTAIL BUS                                 $187.35           Factory Options                                       0.00
 CONTROL CABLE-XTREME 33C                            $83.02           Customer Added Accessories                        4,713.27
 CONTROL CABLE-XTREME 33C                            $83.02           Freight                                               0.00
 SWS2 W/SDS (15-1/4 X                               $754.60
 SWS2 W/SDS (3X15-1/4                               $754.60           Dealer Prep / Rigging Fee                         1,600.00
 TWIN 6YC DISPLAY KIT                              $2,562.45          Service Contract                                      0.00
 ______________________________                  __________           Other Options                                         0.00
 Total Added Accessories                           $4,713.27
                                                                      Rebates                                           4,010.05

                                                                      Cash Price                                            55,648.22
                                                                      Trade Allowance                                            0.00
                                                                      Payoff                                                     0.00
                                                                      Net Trade                                                  0.00
                                                                      Net Sale (Cash Price - Net Trade)                     55,648.22
                                                                      Sales Tax(Paid To Dealer Includes Battery Fees/Taxes)      0.00
                                                                      Tire Disposal Fee / Tire Tax                               0.00
                                                                      Trailer Tax                                             0.00
                                                                      Property or Advalorem Tax                               0.00
                                                                      Filing Fees/UCC Filing                                  0.00
                                                                      Title/Registration Fees                                 0.00
                                                                      Document and/or Administration Fees                     0.00
                                                                      Credit Life Insurance                                   0.00
                                                                      Accident & Disability                                   0.00
                                                                      Other Insurance                                         0.00
                                                                      Total Other Charges                                     0.00
   Trade Information
                                                                      Sub Total (Net Sale + Other Charges)             55,648.22
                                                                      Cash Down Payment                                     0.00
                                                                      Amount to Pay/Finance                            55,648.22

                                            Thank You For Shopping At
                                                Jeff's Marine, Inc.                                                                                                         Page 7
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