Trade automation to transform service - Operational excellence in trade finance

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Trade automation to transform service - Operational excellence in trade finance
FusionBanking Trade Innovation
Software overview

                Operational excellence
                in trade finance

                           Trade automation
                           to transform service
Trade automation to transform service - Operational excellence in trade finance
“To ensure continued success in Asia
 and to support our domestic clients
 more effectively we needed greater
 collaboration, automation and
 operational consistency across our trade
 finance business. The implementation
 approach allowed us to get up and
 running on the platform very quickly
 across our Asian business and is
 enabling National Australia Bank to
 have a standard operating model across
 the region and for the global business.
 We are constantly looking to improve
 the way we deliver new products and
 services to our clients. Misys gives us
 the flexibility to do this.”
 Mark Borton
 Head, Product Management Asia, Global Transaction
 Banking, National Australia Bank
Trade automation to transform service - Operational excellence in trade finance
Translate efficiency into growth

                     FusionBanking Trade Innovation promises more
                     than efficiency gains. It combines centralised
                     control and straight-through processing (STP) for
                     trade and supply chain finance to deliver superior
                     service level agreement (SLA) management. It can
                     help you transform trade operations to improve
                     margin, win on client service, and capture new
                     opportunities in working capital finance.

                     New trade dynamics, capital and            Trade banks with multi-regional
                     funding pressures, and evolving            processing requirements can relocate
                     corporate supply chains are redefining     operations to lower cost centres to
                     trade finance. How can you deliver a       achieve cost reduction and economies
                     new operating model to improve margin      of scale. The system’s customisation
                     and capture new global opportunities?      toolkit allows local adaptations to be
                                                                made to augment and extend
                     FusionBanking Trade Innovation
                                                                preconfigured and centrally
                     supports the broadest range of
                                                                managed workflows.
                     traditional trade and supply chain
                     finance instruments, on a single           The solution is fully integrated with the
                     platform for business transformation.      trade and supply chain finance modules
                     More than 200 banks use it to              of Misys FusionBanking Corporate
                     reduce costs, increase productivity,       Channels to achieve complete STP
                     broaden their product range, and           from front-end online and mobile
                     improve client retention.                  channels, to back-office operations.

                     With FusionBanking Trade Innovation        Many users have increased trade
                     you can achieve a single, global view of   volumes by more than 50% and
                     all customer dealings with the bank and    reduced costs by 80% across their
                     use this insight to offer best-in-class    trade finance operations. Misys
                     service and risk management. With          reduces time to market and project
                     improved automation and transparency       risk with its proven model bank
                     you can define SLAs for individual         implementation methodology and
                     clients to gain a competitive advantage.   trade finance expertise.

                                            Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation | Software overview     3
FusionBanking Trade Innovation in action

                                             Tier-one bank transforms front-to-back trade
                                             operations across 26 countries

“The unique model bank                       A global bank wanted to centralise          To accelerate results, the bank adopted
    methodology allowed Misys to             governance of its trade finance business,   the Misys model bank implementation
                                             relocate processing to lower cost hubs      approach. The system went live at the
    demonstrate a structured best
                                             and reduce IT and staff overheads. It       Asian hub within a year.
    practice approach to the                 was struggling to meet client SLAs and
                                                                                         As the bank deploys the solution
    automation of bank trade                 needed to find a proven solution that
                                                                                         across multiple geographies, IT costs
    finance business.”                       had sufficient flexibility to meet local
                                                                                         are projected to be cut by 25%,
                                             requirements and the scalability to
    Global Head Trade and Working Capital                                                along with an 80% reduction in
                                             support its expansion into Asia.
    Solutions, Tier-one European bank                                                    operational overheads.
                                             The bank chose FusionBanking Trade
                                             Innovation, along with the trade module
                                             of FusionBanking Corporate Channels.

4     Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation | Software overview
FusionBanking Trade Innovation

               Advanced workflow management

     Software development kit                    Global/regional processing

› Workflow orchestration                    › 24/7 processing
› Extended customisation                    › Team reallocation
› Screen tailoring                          › SLA Dashboard                                                FusionBanking
      Trade and Financial Supply Chain Management

                                                                                    FusionFabric Connect
                                                                                                           Trade services

                                                       Financial supply
          Traditional trade                                                                                 management
                                                      chain management
›   Letters of credit                       ›   Approved payables finance
›   Collections                             ›   Invoice discounting
                                                                                                           Mobile banking
›   Standbys and guarantees                 ›   Clean payments
›   Participations                          ›   Open Account/
›   Shipping guarantees                         Bank Payment Obligation
›   Cash letters
›   Reimbursements

                                Core platform

     › Reporting    › Fees/charging   › Imaging     › Archiving   › Accounting

                   › Interfaces: SWIFT, watchlist checking etc

The bank’s business case for Trade Finance transformation

        Improved efficiency                    Global processing                 Systems consolidation
          and operational                   drives labour relocation               leading to IT costs
            margin by                         and cost savings of                     reduction of

      20-30%                                      80%                                   25%

Source: In-house cost-benefit analysis – European tier-one bank

                                 Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation | Software overview                                   5
The FusionBanking Trade Innovation advantage

                                           Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation transforms
                                           trade operations to drive growth in domestic and
                                           cross-border trade and supply chain finance.
                                           The system is designed with the working capital
                                           needs of buyers and suppliers in mind so you can
                                           lead the competition with service quality, focus on
                                           relevant and timely product delivery, and gain a
                                           single management view of your entire trade
                                           finance business.

                                           Reduce operational cost                     Optimise your operating model
                                           Eliminate operational risks and reduce      Alter workflows quickly and easily to
                                           the costs of manual processes with          route transactions efficiently at each
                                           centralised resources and processing to     stage of the lifecycle. You can reallocate
                                           increase operating margin.                  work across geographical locations to
                                                                                       cover peak times, and implement “follow
                                           Customer service excellence
                                                                                       the sun” processing to increase
                                           Win and retain trade finance business
                                                                                       productivity and deliver the individual
                                           with a reputation for service excellence.
                                                                                       processing requirements of your clients.
                                           Deliver best-in-class SLAs on a client-
                                           by-client basis, manage these across        Scalable working capital finance
                                           your entire business, from a central        programmes
                                           location, and become more responsive        Support the liquidity and working
                                           to clients with total workflow control.     capital needs of exporters and
                                                                                       importers. Alongside traditional trade,
                                                                                       you can offer pre-shipment finance
                                                                                       services to innovate in product delivery
                                                                                       and deliver scalable supply chain
                                                                                       finance programmes that are managed
                                                                                       alongside your trade operations.

6   Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation | Software overview
Global visibility, and risk oversight      “We chose Misys because its
Manage risk across your entire trade         offering combines the strength
finance business. Centralised trade
                                             of the back-office processing
operations combined with credit risk,
limits tools and watchlist integration       system, FusionBanking Trade
delivers a single platform to view and       Innovation, with the online
manage risk.                                 delivery console provided by
Front to back integration                    FusionBanking Corporate
FusionBanking Trade Innovation routes        Channels trade portal. The
messages from customer channels into
                                             integrated system will
back office workflows with full STP. The
system can be deployed in unison with        contribute greatly to the
the FusionBanking Corporate Channels         efficiency of our operation and
trade portal solution, or any other          assist us in maintaining the
in-house or third party system.
                                             level of customer satisfaction
Reduce time to market                        on which we pride ourselves.”
Benefit from our experience, with a
proven implementation approach that          Tarja Pitkänen
includes off-the-shelf business              Head of cash management, Pohjola Bank
workflows for trade, reflecting 20 years
of successful trade services
implementations. You can use standard
business processes as a baseline, and
our customisation toolkit to adapt as
business priorities evolve. This also
promotes a “build once, deploy many
times” approach for more rapid multi-
branch roll-out.

                        Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation | Software overview   7
Product capabilities

                                           FusionBanking Trade Innovation is designed to
                                           scale with your trade finance business and puts the
                                           needs of your corporate clients at the heart of your
                                           operating model. A comprehensive set of trade
                                           finance and supply chain finance applications
                                           support traditional trade finance, open account
                                           and supply chain finance services.

                                           Core processing                            Global/regional processing
                                           The core back office system delivers       This delivers the standardised
                                           accounting, fees and charges, risk and     processing and customisation needed
                                           limits management, custom reporting,       to deliver best-in-class multi-region
                                           archiving, imaging, SWIFT payments,        trade services, all with a single view of
                                           batch uploads (automatic or manual)        global operations. It ensures service
                                           and interfaces to business applications    consistency across countries, and
                                           and processing modules.                    allows local compliance or legal
                                                                                      requirements to be met, while
                                           Traditional trade finance
                                                                                      keeping costs under control.
                                           FusionBanking Trade Innovation
                                           supports the most comprehensive set        SLA dashboard
                                           of traditional trade instruments with an   Customisable and interactive
                                           intuitive interface for the management     dashboards allow you to take control
                                           of letters of credit, standbys and         of the SLA management process across
                                           guarantees, collections, participations,   the entire business and to monitor
                                           reimbursements, cash letters and           client programmes or transactions.
                                           bankers’ acceptances.
                                                                                      Risk management
                                           Working capital finance                    With dedicated credit risk management
                                           With a consolidated view of your           tools for trade finance you can automate
                                           trade finance business you can also        credit approvals and flag violations.
                                           implement pre-packaged and                 Real-time services also allow integration
                                           configurable workflows for buyer and       with credit limit systems, such as
                                           supplier centric supply chain finance      FusionRisk Credit and specialist systems
                                           programmes, covering approved              such as FusionBanking Loan IQ for
                                           payables, invoice discounting and pool     advanced collateral management.
                                           based factoring.

8   Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation | Software overview
Technical highlights

                       FusionBanking Trade Innovation is delivered on the
                       latest technology and with a modern customisation
                       toolkit to give you the control and accessibility you
                       need across your evolving trade finance business.

                       Software Development Kit (SDK)            Access anywhere
                       FusionBanking Trade Innovation allows     Benefit from a platform independent
                       you to customise workflow                 JEE-based architecture with a web-
                       orchestration, for example to integrate   based user interface. This allows both
                       with external workflow engines and        local and remote access and supports
                       watch lists, and include Know Your        the hubbed approach, where hardware
                       Customer and facilities checking. You     and operational support are centralised
                       can augment the platform with system      but end users are geographically
                       tailoring tools to meet your precise      spread across branches, regions or
                       local and regional client and             continents.
                       compliance requirements.
                                                                 Fusion Banking Trade Innovation
                                                                 modules are fully integrated with
                                                                 the trade and supply chain finance
                                                                 applications in FusionBanking
                                                                 Corporate Channels, the client
                                                                 facing online and mobile platform.

                                              Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation | Software overview   9
Professional services and customer support

                                              An industry proven best practice approach – that’s
                                              the guiding principle of our professional services and
                                              support model. Misys clients benefit from our long
                                              track record of successful implementations.
“We appreciated the SAG                       Best-practice delivery                      Customer support
     service that provides a direct           The delivery of FusionBanking Trade         Misys clients benefit from the expert
                                              Innovation is supported by the Misys        knowledge of 1000+ resources
     and effective communication
                                              model bank approach which allows you        worldwide whose primary function
     channel between banks and                to leverage best practice workflows in      is to provide professional, scalable
     the system vendor (Misys).”              the design, development and quality         software support and maintenance.
                                              assurance of your trade solution. While
     Mr. Tang Yong Feng                                                                   Deep domain expertise: Our technical
                                              we acknowledge that one size doesn’t
     Team leader, Treasury Systems –                                                      and application support people have
                                              fit all, we know that a delivery approach
     China Minsheng Banking Corporation                                                   strong industry and product knowledge
                                              that focuses on industry proven best
                                                                                          with continuous technical and industry
                                              practice process models helps our
                                                                                          training programs to ensure that Misys
                                              clients to save costs and benefit from
                                                                                          support teams can meet your evolving
                                              the institutional knowledge Misys has
                                                                                          business needs.
                                              developed across thousands of
                                              successful implementations. It means:       Scalable support model: As a Misys
                                                                                          client, you can choose from a standard,
                                              ••Faster implementation: Repeatable
                                                                                          professionalised support model or a
                                                delivery means projects are shorter
                                                                                          specialised, premium support package
                                                and more predictable.
                                                                                          depending on your needs. Because
                                              ••Reduced TCO: Clear focus avoids
                                                                                          Misys support has a broad, global
                                                unnecessary expenditure.
                                                                                          footprint that operates in all time
                                              ••Less risk: A standard, proven
                                                                                          zones and regions, Misys teams can
                                                approach means many risks have
                                                                                          scale to your requirements.
                                                already been mitigated.
                                                                                          Valuable advisory services: Our
                                                                                          Systems Advisory Group (SAG)
                                              Centre of excellence
                                                                                          provides system reviews to help clients
                                              Co-located with our development
                                                                                          understand how to use their Misys
                                              teams, the 200-strong Misys Service
                                                                                          systems more effectively and derive
                                              Delivery Centre ensures that we share
                                                                                          maximum value from their applications.
                                              best practice both internally and with
                                              partners. It enables us to refine
                                              implementations offsite before
                                              taking them back to the client.

                                              SAG reviews have helped more than 80% of
                                              participating customers to identify ways to
                                              utilise their Misys software more effectively
                                              and use more system functionality.

10     Misys FusionBanking Trade Innovation | Software overview
Proven award winning solutions

         Global Trade Review 2013
         Winner: Best Trade Finance Software

         Euromoney Trade Finance Awards for Excellence
         Winner: Best trade finance tech-solutions company

         Trade and Forfaiting Review Gold Medal:
         Winner: Best trade finance software vendor

         Banking Technology Awards 2013
         Winner: Best Payments Product or Service
About Misys
Misys is at the forefront of the financial software industry, providing the broadest portfolio of banking,   Corporate headquarters
capital markets, investment management and risk solutions available on the market. With more than               One Kingdom Street
2,000 customers in 130 countries our team of domain experts, combined with our partner eco-system,                      Paddington
have an unparalleled ability to address industry requirements at both a global and local level. We connect           London W2 6B
systems, collect data and create intelligent information to drive smarter business decisions. To learn              United Kingdom
more about how our Fusion software portfolio can deliver a holistic view of your operations, and help
                                                                                                                T +44 20 3320 5000
you to solve your most complex challenges, please visit and follow us @MisysFS on Twitter.

Misys and the Misys ‘globe’ mark are trade marks of the Misys group companies.
© 2014 Misys. All rights reserved.

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