Trans-discipline engineering communication characteristics and norms: An exploration of communication behaviours within engineering practice

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Trans-discipline engineering communication characteristics and norms: An exploration of communication behaviours within engineering practice

        Trans-discipline engineering communication
        characteristics and norms: An exploration of
    communication behaviours within engineering practice*

                                    MK Pilotte†, D Bairaktarova and D Evangelou
                                              Purdue University, USA

          ABSTRACT: Industrial firms dependent on their developed engineering knowledge base lament
          the loss of years of accumulated capability as Baby Boom generation engineers fade into retirement.
          Looking for ways to retain this institutional learning, the notion of knowledge transfer between
          engineers of differing generations offers an opportunity to maintain competitive positioning and
          innovation momentum. Understanding how communication behaviours and preferences differ
          among the engineering disciplines and generations may be a key toward supporting corporate
          knowledge transfer. This exploratory study compares communication norms across disciplines of
          nearly 400 practicing engineers in America, seeking to identify similarities and differences. The
          study examines responses to a communications focused survey instrument using analysis of variance
          (ANOVA) statistical methods, offering a glimpse into engineering communication preferences
          and behaviours. Findings reveal that statistical differences relating to communication do not
          exist between the ten examined engineering disciplines, however, further inquiry and instrument
          development is suggested.

          KEYWORDS: Generations; communication; engineering discipline; knowledge transfer;
          knowledge sharing.

          REFERENCE: Pilotte, M. K., Bairaktarova, D. & Evangelou, D. 2013, “Trans-discipline
          engineering communication characteristics and norms: An exploration of communication
          behaviours within engineering practice”, Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.
          19, No. 2, pp. 87-99,

1      INTRODUCTION                                              of executive comment conducted in 2006 with over
                                                                 two hundred industrial leaders, cited corporate
Over 10,000 Baby Boomers a day are reportedly                    knowledge transfer associated with changes in
retiring from the US workforce, a situation that will            workforce demographics as one of the most pressing
not end until nearly 20% of the existing workforce               issues facing their firms (Lesser, 2006). Improved
is reduced somewhere near the year 2030 (Cohn                    understanding of engineering knowledge sharing
& Taylor, 2010). With these dramatic retirement                  and communication norms can assist in identifying
statistics, industrial firms face the reality of lifetimes       the magnitude of challenges associated with staving
of “tribal knowledge” and institutional learning                 off engineering knowledge erosion, and facilitating
departing the organisation, leaving behind great                 knowledge transfer. This is especially salient with the
voids of understanding. In the field of engineering,             intervention and enhanced role of communication
the invaluable “complex understanding” of senior                 technology in the work place.
engineers is essential for the maintenance of
                                                                 The issue of knowledge transfer within a firm,
competitive advantages. An informal solicitation
                                                                 and specifically engineering knowledge transfer,
*   Paper D12-009 submitted 23/07/12; accepted for publication
                                                                 goes beyond the “simple” act of communication.
    after review and revision 11/02/13.                          Knowledge transfer is a complex exchange between
†   Corresponding author Mary Pilotte can be contacted at        parties, affected by factors such as individual                                         motivation, one’s ability to convey complicated

© Institution of Engineers Australia, 2013                        Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 19 No 2
Trans-discipline engineering communication characteristics and norms: An exploration of communication behaviours within engineering practice
88                 “Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou

ideas, access to information and interpersonal bonds         correctly”. Some processes in engineering practice
formed within a firm (Reagans & McEvily, 2003).              such as design and project management, have
Focusing on the mechanics of how engineers choose            been extensively studied (Trevelyan, 2007), while
to communicate tactically preferring one mode to             communication dynamics of interdisciplinary
another is essential. An extreme example of the              teams are understood to a lesser extent (Smith, 2003;
importance of tactical communication comes from              Bracken & Oughton, 2006) . Having greater insight
the United States space program. An official report          into the different communication styles exhibited
describing the Columbia space shuttle crash suggests         through social interactions within the engineering
the incident was in part related to engineers’ failure       disciplines could inform educators inspired to reform
to properly communicate, including “incomplete               coursework to more fully meet the profession’s
and misleading information”, poor communication              pressing needs. This point is made salient by
flow between departments and levels, and an                  ongoing reports calling for engineers with greater
overdependence on PowerPoint to convey critical              communication skills and developed competencies
information (Columbia Accident Investigation                 to manage complex technological systems and
Board, 2003). Scholars studying the incident                 global, multidisciplinary project efforts (Mraz, 2004;
further propose that organisation-based cultural             National Academy of Engineering, 2004; Vest, 2005).
conditions influenced the communication norms and            To meet such a need, a more detailed systematic
behaviours, which led to mixed messages associated           understanding of the social and technical aspects of
with the advance warning of the subsequent                   communicating engineering work is required.
catastrophic failure (Mason, 2004).
Many factors influence an engineer ’s rationale              3      ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION
for why they communicate what they do. Social
                                                             Sheppard et al (2008) argued that engineering
constructionism suggests that a study of routine
                                                             knowledge is not simply nor entirely a derivative
communication practices and interactions is a
                                                             of science. According to Sheppard et al (2008),
meaningful tool in the scholarly examination of
                                                             professional practice (engineering practice) depends
knowledge construction (May & Mumby, 2005) or
                                                             on a specialised body of “engineering knowledge”.
what we communicate, and therefore can be used
                                                             The knowledge that engineers must bring to their
as a meaningful starting point for examining issues
                                                             work includes knowing how to perform tasks,
surrounding knowledge transfer. In this paper, we
                                                             knowing facts, and knowing when and how to bring
explore communication norms across engineering
                                                             appropriate skills and facts to work on a particular
disciplines, with the aim of providing insights
                                                             problem. Vincenti called it “an autonomous body
meaningful to the dialogue surrounding the problem
                                                             of knowledge, identifiably different from scientific
of industrial knowledge loss.
                                                             knowledge” (Sheppard et al, 2008). Jonassen et
We examine communication perspectives and choices            al (2006) added that workplace problems are ill-
inside engineering circles, and across a variety of          structured and complex because they possess
engineering disciplines. Our goal in raising this topic      “conflicting goals, multiple solution methods, non-
in this way is two-fold. First, engineering educators        engineering success standards, non-engineering
may find this information useful in defining specific        constraints, unanticipated problems, distributed
objectives for course work within their programs, as         knowledge, and collaborative activity that rely on
they seek to bolster multidisciplinary collaboration         multiple forms of problem representation”. If these
and communication competencies focused on                    characteristics of engineering workplace problems
preparing novice engineers for a future wrought              are void of any science-based preconditions, then
with complexity (National Academy of Engineering,            as engineering educators, we should continue to
2004). Second, results of this study can be useful to        expand our descriptions of the engineering practice
industrial firms, as it offers insight into discipline       beyond the technical realm, searching for the outer
specific communication behaviours which can                  limits of what can help define true engineering
affect acceptance of various computer-mediated               knowledge as well as unique disciplinary features.
communication tools implemented to address the               Rich communication research by Williams (2002)
loss of knowledge capital within their organisation.         found that although more creative engineering
                                                             communications based content including portfolio
2      REVIEW OF LITERATURE                                  development have been integrated into some
                                                             engineering programs, “faculty must ask themselves
Few studies to date have examined differences                the question, what constitutes effective engineering
associated with how various engineering disciplines          communication within our discipline?” (Williams,
communicate everyday work while interacting                  2002). This fundamental question requires us to
socially. Trevelyan (2007) claimed “it is essential          assertively consider discipline-based behaviours and
to recognise that most engineering work involves             “soft skills” associated with communication in the
highly coordinated work by many people with                  same fashion that we evaluate and develop critical
different roles and responsibilities and success             discipline based technical competencies. This flexible
relies on the ultimate production being performed            and expansive view of engineering’s discipline-

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Trans-discipline engineering communication characteristics and norms: An exploration of communication behaviours within engineering practice
“Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou               89

based communication norms is central to progress              knowledge transfer is to this point unexplored.
the positive trends in engineering education reform.          Generations are typically defined by a grouping of
Further, it is necessary to advance our inquiry and           birth years for a span of approximately twenty five
understanding of communication and knowledge                  years, while cohorts are grouped and associated
transfer issues surrounding the specific engineering          with unique, concise “coming of age” periods
disciplines, and pressing industrial organisations.           normally for those 17-23 years of age (Schewe et al,
                                                              2000). Generational categories are often represented
                                                              with titles such as Pre-Baby Boomer, Baby Boomer,
4      COMMUNICATION MODES AND                                Generation X, and Millennials (Zemke et al, 2000).
       ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION BIAS                         Those generations classified as “Pre-Baby Boomer”
                                                              were born in years prior to 1943, “Baby Boomer”
To share accumulated engineering knowledge and                are born between 1943 and 1964, “Generation X” are
experience, one must communicate with others in               born after 1964 and before 1980, and “Millennials”
a way that can be received, internalised and later            are those born from 1980 through 1993 (Zemke
retrieved for use. Court et al (1997) suggested that the      et al, 2000). While generational boundaries are
mode of communication one chooses (ie. face-to-face,          not typically examined in research related to
email, text, etc.) influences the level of information that   knowledge transfer, the significance of this factor
can be transferred. In this age of rapidly developing         must be explored, as life experience is one aspect
communication technology, computer mediated                   known to influence communication exchange
communication (CMC) is a term often used to bundle            (Baskin & Aronoff, 1980). Further, the distribution
various communication mode choices. CMCs can                  of employees in an organisation along demographic
range from internet-based email and the world wide            dimensions such as age, tenure, or gender, influence
web to e-file sharing, e-conferencing, and personal           communication exchange frequency and produce
handheld communication devices (Sørnes et al, 2004).          varied organisational outcomes (Pfeffer, 1981;
Early discipline-specific communication research              1983). Another unique perspective of this study is
revealed that mechanical engineers are known to               investigating if the generation an engineer is born
display a preference for face-to-face communication           into informs and influences their perception of
based on the desire to trust the source of information        engineering communication practices.
(Hertzum & Pejtersen, 2000). Uncovering similar
communication norms including the comfort and
competency to engage CMCs across a wider range                6     STUDY FRAMING AND OBJECTIVE
of engineering disciplines would provide an exciting
avenue for considering the prospects of engineering           As the literature suggests, the qualities of an engineer
knowledge transfer on a greater scale.                        and their discipline can influence how unique
                                                              engineering work goals are approached. Through
A study by Wolfe & Powell (2009) went further to              this study, we investigate aspects of engineering
consider biases in interpersonal communications               communication that might be viewed as either
within specific disciplines of engineering. This work         advantageous or threatening to knowledge sharing
indicates that the masculine bias in engineering              activities. The primary research question this study
settings influence the manner in which daily,                 examines is if perceived communication based
mundane, interpersonal interactions are perceived             behavioural attributes are homogeneous across
by engineering teams. Personal goals and biases               engineering disciplines, and to what extent factors
have been shown to affect both the initiation of              such as gender and generation play a role. We will
knowledge sharing, as well as the effectiveness of it         test the null hypothesis that statistically significant
(Wittenbaum et al, 2004). Data analysis investigating         differences do not exist across engineering disciplines
engineering discipline in the Wolfe & Powell (2009)           for communication related behavioural constructs.
study showed that disciplines such as industrial
engineering and bioengineering, known to have a
higher proportion of women than other engineering             7     METHODS
disciplines, are tolerant of female speech compared
to the more male-dominated disciplines such as                7.1   Participants
computer or mechanical engineering. Our research
provides new insight by sharing the extent to which           Forty-three firms from a wide range of American
gender influences communication behaviours and                industries known for employing large numbers
perceptions within practicing engineering disciplines.        of engineers were contacted for participation via
                                                              email. The list of firms was generated based on the
                                                              first author’s industry experience and background
5      ENGINEERING GENERATIONS                                knowledge of organisations that are known to
       AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER                                 employ diverse pools of engineering professionals.
                                                              Convenience and snowball sampling methods
Systematic study of the role generational factors             (Creswell, 2008; Henry, 1990) were utilised to contact
play in multidisciplinary communication and                   these difficult to reach prospective participants.

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Trans-discipline engineering communication characteristics and norms: An exploration of communication behaviours within engineering practice
90                 “Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou

While working engineer participants are not difficult        modes of communication (ie. face-to-face, verses
to garner in terms of their available population,            telephone, CMC, etc.), while communication comfort
access to them can be restricted due to email filters on     related to an individual participants relative facility
company email systems or human resource policies             when facing one communication mode choice over
limiting employees ability to share work related             another; and the sub-construct of communication
information. For these reasons, primary contact with         benefits asked participants to evaluate perceived
firms was made only through human resource or                positive attributes of communication modes (Pilotte
engineering management leadership, not directly              & Evangelou, 2012; Spitzberg & Cupach, 1989).
with prospective participants as in traditional              Participants were provided with the following
convenience sampling. From the initial company               operational definition statements ahead of the sub-
contact onward, the research team was in no way              construct elements to guide their response mindset:
aware of or influencing the distribution of the request          For the purpose of the following questions, please
for participation, other than to encourage broad                 accept computer-mediated communication/CMCs
distribution of the participation request within the             to include all forms of email as well as computer-
firm, and to send monthly reminders to the primary               based networks, instant or text messaging, world-
contact list. The restricted contact with participants           wide-web, chat rooms, personal data assistant
and the use of snowball sampling are the main                    (PDAs), shared electronic bulletin boards, terminal
causes for not reporting a participation response                based audio or video telephony, use of all hand held
ratio, as the total number of engineers invited to               device/phone applications, etc., for communicating
participate was an uncontrollable and uncollectable              engineering issues. Note: CMCs do not include
value. The use of non-probability sampling methods               landline phones or documents created on a computer
such as convenience and snowball sampling are not                but issued by hand. Additionally, please accept
uncommon where there exists issues of difficult to               “engineering issues” to include the broad range
access participants, limited resources and a need to             of engineering topics and discussions you would
develop understanding beyond anecdotal evidence                  normally engage in during your day-to-day work.
(Henry, 1990). Both approaches are found in social
science and education focused studies, and are               Survey questions were written to be meaningful to
considered useful when answering hypothesis based            the general engineering population, and then were
research questions (Creswell, 2008).                         assigned to one of the four sub-constructs. This
                                                             portion of the survey utilised a five-point Likert
Once the contact at a firm expressed an interest in the      scale. Likert structured responses ranged from a
study, they received a formal follow-up email that           value of five for strong agreement, to a value of one
included an embedded link to a custom electronic             for strong disagreement.
survey instrument hosted on Qualtrics Survey
Software (Qualtrics Labs Inc., 2012). Subsequently,
the survey was available to distribute freely across         8      ANALYSIS
the industrial firm; paper surveys were also made
available with special request, however, none were           Descriptive and analysis of variance (ANOVA)
requested. This sampling process resulted in 402             statistics were used to test the null hypothesis of
field-practicing engineers, with a large portion of          this study. Prior to performing the analysis, missing
respondents being from the Midwestern region of              data was screened from the accumulated responses.
the United States.                                           Descriptive statistics were developed for the three
                                                             independent variables: engineering discipline,
7.2    Instrument                                            generation, and gender. The four communication
                                                             related sub-constructs were assigned as dependent
An electronic survey made up of two sections and             variables (culture, competency, comfort, and
34 questions was presented to participants. The first        benefits) by summing the specific individual
section requested details related to demographic             question variable identifiers assigned to each sub-
attributes of the participants, while the second             construct. The researchers probed for main effects
half posed questions associated with four sub-               involving the independent variable engineering
constructs: engineering culture, communication               discipline and interaction effects for independent
competency, communication comfort, and perceived             variable generations and gender in relation to the
communication interface benefits (Pilotte &                  dependent variables.
Evangelou, 2012). The instrument was constructed             Participants self-assigned into one of ten pre-selected
based on several of the communication sub-constructs         engineering discipline categories, choosing one of the
developed by Spitzberg & Cupach (1984). The                  following as their primary discipline: Aeronautical,
engineering culture sub-construct included questions         Biomedical, Chemical, Electrical, Industrial,
tied to group perceptions and behavioural norms;             Manufacturing, Mechanical Design, Packaging, or
the communication competency sub-construct was               Process engineer. Respondents were allowed to select
a participant self-reflection of perceived skill in          “other” and provide an alternative title or “multiple”
successfully communicating when engaging various             if their duties were multidisciplinary or if they had

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“Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou               91

difficulty identifying a single primary engineering          The demographic breakdown by gender was 78.5%
association. They were then assigned into one of             male and 13.5% female with 8% missing data. Other
four generational categories (pre-baby boomer, baby          dominant aspects of the sample include race (76.8%
boomer, generation X, and millennial) by reviewing           white, 5% Asian and 4.2% African American); 63.8%
their reported year of birth, and assigning it to the        report their primary engineering education came
appropriate generation category. The single “pre-            from a college education; and 46.9% of participants
baby boomer” respondent was not shown in the                 have bachelor’s degrees and another 32.4% earned
descriptive statistics and was withdrawn from the            Masters degrees, which may or may not be in the
sample, as this particular generation was not a              discipline of engineering.
focus of this study. The single aeronautical engineer
responder (n = 1) is shown in frequency tables, but
was removed prior to analysis to prevent unintended          9       FINDINGS
error related to small population sizes in weighted
calculations. The descriptive statistics for the sample      A statistically significant correlation was not detected
population are shown in tables 1 and 2.                      between engineering discipline and any of the four
                                                             sub-constructs of culture, competency, comfort
Table 1:      Frequency table for sample by                  and benefits (Pearson’s correlation coefficient r =
              engineering discipline.                        0.044, 0.048, 0.038, 0.047, respectively; see table 3).
                                                             An ANOVA test of the data looking for differences
 Discipline                Frequency        Percentage       between the engineering disciplines, did detect
                                                             a statistically significant difference (p = 0.016)
 Aeronautical                    1               0.3
                                                             in responses related to the communication sub-
 Biomedical                      3               0.8         construct of competency at alpha level p < 0.05, as
 Chemical                       10               2.7         shown in table 4.

 Electrical                     108             29.4         Investigating the detailed differences between
                                                             subjects did not reveal statistically significant
 Industrial                     19               5.2         differences between any two engineering disciplines.
 Manufacturing                  43              11.7         That said, as the ANOVA test concluded there were
 Mechanical Design              68              18.5         in fact differences, which while not statistically
                                                             significant are discernible under careful review of
 Packaging                       4               1.1         post-hoc means plots (figure 1). Highlighting the
 Process                        10               2.7         accumulated means in sub-construct competency
                                                             allows us to examine differences found by disciplines
 Systems                        32               8.7         with a sample size of 30 or more. The largest
 Other                          44              12.0         difference noted (table 5) is between manufacturing
                                                             and systems engineers, with a manufacturing
 Multiple                       25               6.8
                                                             discipline mean difference 1.87, or 0.07% higher,
 Total                          367             100.0        indicating a slightly more favourable view of
 Missing data                    34                          communication competency overall, than that of
 Total                          401                          systems engineers. While other disciplines such as
                                                             electrical, mechanical, or multiple disciplines are
                                                             more closely clustered around a mean value of 25.
Table 2:      Frequency table for sample by
              generational category.                         Probing further for the level of influence either
                                                             generation or gender may play on the difference noted
 Generational category        Frequency Percentage           by discipline for the sub-construct of competency, a
 Baby Boom                        194            54.3        between-subjects test was run (table 6). No main or
                                                             interaction effects related to generation or gender
 Generation X                     126            35.3        were found to be statistically significant in explaining
 Millennial                          37          10.4        the variance detected in the communication sub-
                                                             construct of competency.
 Total                            357           100.0
                                                             Finally, we examined communication mode
 Missing data                      44
                                                             preferences by discipline. Specifically, participants
 Total                            401                        ranked their preferred mode of communication from

Table 3:      Correlation between engineering discipline and survey sub-constructs.

                                            Engineering                           Sub-construct
                                             discipline          Culture   Competency         Comfort     Benefits
 Pearson’s correlation coefficient                1               0.044         0.048           0.038      0.047

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92                       “Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou

Table 4:            ANOVA means test result by communication sub-construct.

                                                             Sum of Squares         df    Mean square           F       Sig.
                                        Between groups             15.575           10           1.558       0.853     0.578
 Sub-construct culture                  Within groups             622.785          341           1.826
                                        Total                     638.361          351
                                        Between groups            181.769           10        18.177         2.225     0.016a
                                        Within groups             2696.430         330           8.171
                                        Total                     2878.199         340
                                        Between groups             76.614           10           7.661       1.419     0.170
 Sub-construct comfort                  Within groups             1797.339         333           5.397
                                        Total                     1873.953         343
                                        Between groups             18.907           10           1.891       0.901     0.533
 Sub-construct benefits                 Within groups             692.800          330           2.099
                                        Total                     711.707          340
     Significant at the 0.05 level.

Table 5:            Reported means for sub-construct competency by engineering discipline.

                           Discipline           Mean       N      Discipline             Mean        N
                           Aeronautical         27.00       1     Packaging              23.00           4
                           Biomedical           22.00       3     Process                24.10       10
                           Chemical             25.20      10     Systems                24.33       30
                           Electrical           24.58      101    Other                  25.27       41
                           Industrial           26.23      13     Multiple               25.87       23
                           Manufacturing        26.10      41     Total                  25.11      342
                           Mechanical           25.46      65

Figure 1:           Post-hoc means plot comparisons by sub-construct and engineering discipline.

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Table 6:        Test of between-subjects effects for sub-construct competency.

                                                    Sum of squares        df      Mean square             F        Sig.
 Corrected Model                                         526.911          52          10.133             1.28     0.107
 Intercept                                             43918.558           1        43918.558       5555.76       0.000
 Generation                                              15.485            2          7.742              0.97     0.377
 Gender                                                   0.192            1          0.192          0.024        0.876
 ALL_ENGRTYP                                            169.863            11         15.442             1.95     0.033a
 Generation * Gender                                      6.647            2          3.323              0.42     0.657
 Generation * ALL_ENGRTYP                                89.585           17          5.270              0.66     0.835
 Gender * ALL_ENGRTYP                                    65.750            9          7.306              0.92     0.504
 Generation * Gender * ALL_ENGRTYP                       22.238            9          2.471              0.31     0.971
 Error                                                  2213.414          280         7.905
 Total                                                 211616.000         333
 Corrected Total                                        2740.324          332
     Significant at the 0.05 level.

one, which represented the most favoured preference            perspectives across disciplines is not homogeneous.
to eight indicating the least favoured mode. An                Evaluation of discipline-based communication mode
ANOVA test representing communication mode                     preferences did reveal statistical choice differences
preferences was conducted to check for differences             for three of eight presented modes of communication.
between engineering disciplines (table 7), and                 As expected, for engineering disciplines represented
statistically significant differences for mode choices of      by small sample sizes, greater variation is present
face-to-face, instant messaging, and file sharing were         and close evaluation is not possible.
detected (p = 0.036, 0.005, 0.025, respectively) at alpha
level p < 0.05. Examination of communication modes             In order to verify reliability of these findings,
with statistical differences using a means comparison          we completed inter-rater reliability (IRR) asking
table by engineering discipline (table 8) indicates that       three coders blind to the purpose of the study to
for face-to-face communication, chemical engineers             rate the data. We choose to verify validity of the
have the strongest means preference (1.40) for this            findings with more than two raters, as IRR refers
mode choice with packaging engineers expressing                to the relative consistency in ratings provided by
the lowest mean preference (2.75). Instant messaging           multiple judges of multiple targets. The concept of
was preferred most by biomedical engineers (4.0) and           IRR addresses questions concerning whether or not
least by industrial engineers (5.87), while packaging          ratings furnished by one judge are ‘‘similar’’ to ratings
engineers represented the highest mean preference              furnished by one or more other judges (LeBreton et
(3.5) for file sharing and industrial engineers (5.13)         al, 2003). The rating scale the coders used was a 1
the least. Overall, across all engineering disciplines,        to 5 Likert scale. The percentage of agreement was
face-to-face communication accumulated the                     calculated by reporting statistic of Cohen’s Kappa.
strongest mean preference (1.96), and blogs, chats,            Reliability was calculated by comparing the number
and electronic information posting boards received             of agreements and disagreements of each researcher
the least preferred choice (7.17).                             with the findings and analysis, and calculating the
                                                               average percentage of agreement. Reliability between
The results of the analysis support the null hypothesis
                                                               researcher interpretations was found to be 87%, which
that there are no statistically detectable differences
                                                               indicates strong agreement. The expert raters were not
in communication sub-constructs across engineering
                                                               involved with the study in any role other than rating.
disciplines. Minor discipline-based differences
were detected associated with questions focused
on communication competency, yet a strong causal               10     DISCUSSION
relationship cannot be claimed, nor are the findings
significant. Neither gender nor generation appear to           As industrial firms contemplate responses to the
be factors influencing the detected differences and            loss of significant engineering expertise, results of
add no explanatory capacity.                                   this study can add value to the discussion. Findings
While differences between engineering disciplines              presented here may concur with a standardised
were not detected as statistically significant, the            approach towards managing engineering knowledge
means plots indicate that reported communication               transfer activities within a firm, but may raise

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Table 7:            ANOVA means test result for communication mode by engineering discipline.

                                                                          Sum of                 Mean
                                                                                        df                      F       Sig.
                                                                          squares               square
                                           (Combined)                      32.836       12       2.736      1.477      0.131
                                           Linearity                        0.112        1       0.112      0.060      0.806
 Email                                     Deviation from linearity        32.724       11       2.975      1.605      0.096
                                 Within groups                             624.481     337       1.853
                                 Total                                     657.317     349
                                           (Combined)                      20.220       12       1.685      0.737      0.715
                                           Linearity                        0.032        1       0.032      0.014      0.907
 Phone/voice                     groups
                                           Deviation from linearity        20.188       11       1.835      0.802      0.638
 over IP
                                 Within groups                             770.877     337       2.287
                                 Total                                     791.097     349
                                           (Combined)                      36.773       12       3.064      1.875      0.036a
                                           Linearity                        0.750        1       0.750      0.459      0.498
 Face-to-face                              Deviation from linearity        36.022       11       3.275      2.004      0.027
                                 Within groups                             550.667     337       1.634
                                 Total                                     587.440     349
                                           (Combined)                      17.885       12       1.490      0.783      0.668
                                           Linearity                        .200         1       0.200      0.105      0.746
 PDA/cell phone                  groups
                                           Deviation from linearity        17.685       11       1.608      0.845      0.595
                                 Within groups                             641.329     337       1.903
                                 Total                                     659.214     349
                                           (Combined)                      91.891       12       7.658      2.421      0.005a
                                           Linearity                        4.790        1       4.790      1.514      0.219
 Instant messaging               groups
                                           Deviation from linearity        87.100       11       7.918      2.503      0.005
                                 Within groups                            1065.984     337       3.163
                                 Total                                    1157.874     349
                                           (Combined)                      49.526       12       4.127      1.982      0.025a
 File sharing/                             Linearity                        1.056        1       1.056      0.507      0.477
 computer based                            Deviation from linearity        48.470       11       4.406      2.116      0.019
 networks                        Within groups                             701.791     337       2.082
                                 Total                                     751.317     349
                                           (Combined)                      19.959       12       1.663      1.471      0.133
                                           Linearity                        1.069        1       1.069      0.945      0.332
 Blogs/chat rooms/               groups
                                           Deviation from linearity        18.890       11       1.717      1.519      0.123
                                 Within groups                             381.095     337       1.131
                                 Total                                     401.054     349
                                           (Combined)                      74.461       12       6.205      1.560      0.102
                                           Linearity                        .863         1       0.863      0.217      0.642
 Video conferencing                        Deviation from linearity        73.598       11       6.691      1.682      0.076
                                 Within groups                            1340.293     337       3.977
                                 Total                                    1414.754     349
     Significant at the 0.05 level.

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“Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou           95

Table 8:      Means comparison of communication mode preference by engineering discipline.

                                     Phone/        PDA/                        Blogs/
                                            Face-          Instant   sharing/
                                      voice         cell                        chat     Video
Engineering discipline         Email         to-          messaging computer
                                      over        phone                        rooms/ conferencing
                                            face          (IM)/text   based
                                       IP         applets                     e-boards
                   Mean         2.00     3.00    4.00    6.00        8.00         1.00        5.00     7.00
Aeronautical       N              1        1      1        1           1            1           1        1
                   Std. dev.
                   Mean         2.33     3.67    2.33    6.00        4.00         3.67        7.33     6.67
Biomedical         N              3        3      3        3           3            3           3        3
                   Std. dev.    2.309    2.082   1.528   2.000       1.000        2.082       0.577    1.528
                   Mean         2.70     2.90    1.40    6.90        5.50         4.30        7.70     4.60
Chemical           N             10       10      10      10          10           10          10       10
                   Std. dev.    1.252    1.449   0.843   .876        1.179        1.418       0.675    1.265
                   Mean         1.92     3.55    2.22    6.29        4.49         4.65        7.03     5.85
Electrical         N             102      102    102      102         102          102         102     102
                   Std. dev.    1.114    1.526   1.390   1.287       1.806        1.507       1.246    1.921
                   Mean         3.13     3.27    1.53    5.47        5.87         5.13        7.27     4.33
Industrial         N             15       15      15      15          15           15          15       15
                   Std. dev.    2.100    1.280   0.834   1.767       1.598        1.767       1.100    1.877
                   Mean         2.34     3.63    1.76    6.22        5.37         4.24        7.24     5.20
Manufacturing N                  41       41      41      41          41           41          41       41
                   Std. dev.    1.389    1.513   1.319   1.370       1.699        1.300       1.067    2.040
                   Mean         2.34     3.61    1.87    6.45        5.24         4.12        7.34     5.03
Mechanical         N             67       67      67      67          67           67          67       67
                   Std. dev.    1.309    1.477   1.290   1.374       1.868        1.482       0.808    1.800
                   Mean         1.50     3.00    2.75    6.50        5.00         3.50        7.50     6.25
Packaging          N              4        4      4        4           4            4           4        4
                   Std. dev.    1.000    0.816   1.500   1.291       2.000        1.291       0.577    1.500
                   Mean         1.80     3.30    2.60    6.00        5.30         5.00        7.20     4.80
Process            N             10       10      10      10          10           10          10       10
                   Std. dev.    0.919    1.494   1.578   1.764       1.767        1.155       1.033    2.658
                   Mean         2.41     3.47    1.72    6.22        4.50         4.78        7.38     5.53
Systems            N             32       32      32      32          32           32          32       32
                   Std. dev.    1.624    1.344   0.958   1.362       1.586        1.385       0.707    2.199
                   Mean         2.29     3.83    2.05    6.22        4.37         4.71        6.83     5.71
Other              N             41       41      41      41          41           41          41       41
                   Std. dev.    1.553    1.745   1.378   1.441       1.907        1.383       1.395    2.089
                   Mean         2.39     4.09    1.52    6.26        5.04         4.26        7.22     5.22
Multidiscipline N                23       23      23      23          23           23          23       23
                   Std. dev.    1.234    1.505   0.994   1.389       1.870        1.287       0.671    2.373
                   Mean         1.00     2.00    4.00    7.00        8.00         3.00        6.00     5.00
Missing            N              1        1      1        1           1            1           1        1
                   Std. dev.
                   Mean         2.24     3.58    1.96    6.27        4.89         4.48        7.17     5.41
Total              N             350      350    350      350         350          350         350     350
                   Std. dev.    1.372    1.506   1.297   1.374       1.821        1.467       1.072    2.013

Australasian Journal of Engineering Education                                                          Vol 19 No 2
96                 “Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou

questions as to what tools might best assist those           knowledge transfer. This idea is supported by
activities. While specific engineering disciplines           several studies which compared the use of face-to-
do not appear to be closely associated with how              face communication with CMC among students
engineers view their communication preferences,              (Bordia, 1997). When compared to speaking aloud,
there is indication that engineering disciplines             the studies examined by Bordia found that CMC
vary on their view of communication competency.              based communication takes longer simply due to
Further, within specific engineering disciplines, there      a variety of related CMC activities that interfere
may still exist unique preferences for one mode of           with information sharing/transfer (typing, text
communication over another. These finding have               formatting, and other electronic interface issues). On
implications for how a firm chooses to approach              the surface, it seems as though increased technology
the issue of knowledge transfer across the various           use is a rational contemporary response to many
engineering groups within their organisation, and            firm’s knowledge transfer issues. However, given
how they choose to spend money on tools promoted             Bordia’s and this study’s results, we suggest that
to assist in knowledge sharing and transfer processes.       industrial leaders should carefully consider their
Self-perceptions of competency are known to affect           plans for an IT-based solution to the long-term
individual behaviours. In particular, negative self-         demographic shift of employees that face them.
images of competency completing a given task                 Finally, for engineering educators, one might
or performing in some social setting are related             wonder to what extent first-year engineering
to defensive adaptive behaviours (Rhodewalt                  students interested in a given discipline, arrive at
& Vohs, 2005). The extent to which a particular              university with communication competencies that
engineering discipline “feels” competent in using            align with communication attributes associated
one communication mode or approach over another              with the same discipline. Alternatively, perhaps
may influence the acceptance of that practice within         issues around communication competency are
the engineering culture (ie. CMC based “high tech”           attributable to factors that exist within the post-
verses more “traditional” approaches such as face-           secondary academic setting and/or are endemic
to-face, or phone). This implies that firms should           aspects of the college level engineering education
take into account factors influencing engineering            pedagogy. Other possibilities also exist, such as the
communication competency, and be sensitive to                number of communication systems and tools that a
how willing their various engineering groups are             particular discipline is expected to become familiar
toward utilising both traditional and non-traditional        and fluent with. In the discipline specific comparison
means of communication both inside and outside               data which suggests systems engineers overall feel
their departments. Depending on the culture                  less competent using communication technologies
of the engineering discipline, “non-traditional”             than their manufacturing counterparts, it could be
communication modes could range from person                  that this is an artefact of the greater number and
to person interoffice instant messaging, to global           complexity of communication tools that the systems
teams engaging in synchronous, virtual, engineering          engineers are faced with adopting, when compared
collaboration. Knowledge management initiatives              with sometimes lower technology manufacturing
pushing a technology-based knowledge transfer                engineering requirements.
solution within an engineering organisation should
be properly vetted to align with existing tool use           Still remaining for educators are questions that
competencies and preferences within the engineering          revolve around incoming students who belong to the
group. Should new skills be necessary to increase the        millennial generation, and their technology-based
technology’s knowledge sharing effectiveness, the            communication orientation. What affect might this
company should consider incentives or other forms            generation’s communication preferences have on
of motivational enhancements to ensure the target            engineering practice in the future? How can post
groups develop the skills and form the mindset to be         secondary educators better prepare students for
successful. In addition, where technology is involved,       discipline-based communication preferences they
there exists an opportunity for firms to leverage their      could face in the workplace? These questions are
young millennial engineering talent and bias toward          central to this discussion, since it is believed that
communication technologies (Oblinger, 2003). This            oral expression is at the heart of discipline specific
may include allowing lesser-experienced engineers to         traditions and socialisation (Dannels, 2002), and
serve as informal trainers for more senior engineering       the data collected for this study suggests that face-
colleagues, leading with technologies they feel most         to-face communication is still a strong engineering
comfortable using. Informal training arrangements            communication preference overall.
may also offer the added benefit of developing into
organic, longer-term professional relationships
                                                             11     CONCLUSION
aiding in knowledge sharing between expert and
novice engineers.
                                                             While this study was unable to reject the null
Communication preferences and practices                      hypothesis that communication-based behavioural
within an engineering group affect the speed of              attributes are homogeneous across engineering

Australasian Journal of Engineering Education                                                             Vol 19 No 2
“Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou                97

disciplines, it serves to rekindle research discussions      Bordia, P. 1997, “Face-to-Face Versus Computer-
associated with assumptions of homogeneity                   Mediated Communication: A Synthesis of the
across engineering as a field of practice. Further, it       Experimental Literature”, Journal of Business
emphasises the value of face-to-face communication           Communication, Vol. 34, pp. 99-118
skills that student learners are developing in and out
of the classroom through pedagogies of engagement,           Bracken, L. J. & Oughton, E. A. 2006, “‘What do you
in-context learning and use of team-based projects           mean?’ The importance of language in developing
(Gnanapragasam, 2008).                                       interdisciplinary research”, Transactions of the Institute
                                                             of British Geographers, Vol. 31, pp. 371-382.
Looking ahead, additional research investigating
discipline-specific engineering communication                Cohn, D. V. & Taylor, P. 2010, “Baby Boomers
behaviours and or post-secondary educators’                  Approach Age 65 – Glumly; Survey Findings about
current practices and perceptions of the importance          America’s Largest Generation”, The Pew Research
of engineering communication may be in order.                Center, Washington, DC,
Studies of interest may include investigating how            pubs/1834/baby-boomers-old-age-downbeat-
discipline focused courses are being altered through         pessimism, accessed 21 June 2011.
content emphasis and pedagogical approaches,
to align with discipline driven communication                Columbia Accident Investigation Board, 2003,
norms. Further, closer examination of how these              Columbia Accident Investigation Report, Washington,
preferences may migrate with the exodus of Baby              DC.
Boomer engineering talent could offer practical
value to the industrial sector. Finally, we suggest that     Court, A., Culley, S. & McMahon, C. 1997, “The
opportunities exist for researchers interested in this       influence of information technology in new product
topic to access and engage individual engineering            development: observations of an empirical study
participants one-on-one, allowing for qualitative            of the access of engineering design information”,
or experimental/observational methods, and the               International Journal of Information Management, Vol.
benefit of expanded results.                                 17, pp. 359-375.

                                                             Creswell, J. W. 2008, Educational Research, Pearson,
12     STUDY LIMITATIONS                                     Upper Saddle River, NJ.
One potential weakness of this study involves
                                                             Dannels, D. 2002, “Communication Across the
the sampling methodology employed. While
                                                             Curriculum and in the Disciplines: Speaking in
participation bias can occur with convenience and
                                                             Engineering”, Communication Education, Vol. 51, pp.
snowball sampling, an idealised sample for this study        254-268.
is not materially different from those described by
the basic demographics of the study’s participants.          Gnanapragasam, N. 2008, “Industrially Sponsored
Alternatively, those most likely to be inadvertently         Senior Capstone Experience: Program Implementation
omitted from the study could include those less              and Assessment”, Journal of Professional Issues in
socially engaged and communicative, leaving                  Engineering Education Practice, Vol. 134, pp. 257-262.
them absent from social formed email lists. While
this situation is conceivable, it is doubtful that this      Henry, G. T. 1990, Practical Sampling, Sage Publications,
less social population of engineers are somehow              Newbury Park, CA.
excluded from company email distribution lists used
frequently by both engineering and human resource            Hertzum, M. & Pejtersen, A. M. 2000, “The
management in sharing this study. In an abundance            information-seeking practices of engineers: searching
of caution however, care should be taken when                for documents as well as for people”, Information
attempting to generalise the results of this study to        Processing & Management, Vol. 36, pp. 761-778.
the greater engineering population. Another area for
ongoing improvement and development would be                 Jonassen, D., Strobel, J. & Lee, C. B. 2006, “Everyday
the actual survey instrument. Fine tuning questions          problem solving in engineering: Lessons for
and their wording may lead to more informed                  engineering educators”, Journal of Engineering
statistical results.                                         Education, pp. 139-151.

                                                             Lebreton, J. M., Burgess, J. R. D., Kaiser, R. B.,
                                                             Atchley, E. K. P. & James, L. R. 2003, “The restriction
                                                             of variance hypothesis and interrater reliability and
Baskin, O. W. & Aronoff, C. E. 1980, Interpersonal           agreement: Are ratings from multiple sources really
Communication in organizations, Goodyear Publishing          dissimilar?”, Organizational Research Methods, Vol. 6,
Company Inc., Santa Monica, Ca                               pp. 80-128.

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Lesser, E. 2006, “Closing the Generational Divide:           Elliot, A. J. & Dweck, C. S. (editors), Guilford
Shifting workforce demographics and the learning             Publications, New York, NY.
function”, Human Capital Management, Services,
I. G. B. (editor), IBM Institute for Business Value,         Schewe, C. D. M., Geoffrey, E. & Noble, S. M. 2000,
Sommers, New York.                                           “Defining Moments: Segmenting by Cohorts”,
                                                             Marketing Management, Vol. 9, pp. 48-53.
Mason, R. O. 2004, “Lessons in Organizational
Ethics from the Columbia Disaster: Can a Culture             Sheppard, S. D., Macangay, K., Colby, A. & Sullivan,
be Lethal?”, Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 33, pp.           W. M. 2008, Educating Engineers: Designing for the
128-142.                                                     future of the field, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

May, S. & Mumby, D. K. (editors), 2005, Engaging             Smith, K. A. 2003, Teamwork and Project Management,
Organizational Communication Theory and Research,            McGraw-Hill, New York.
Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks.
                                                             Sørnes, J.-O., Stephens, K. K., Sætre, A. S. &
Mraz, S. J. 2004, “At the crossroads: The future of          Browning, L. D. 2004, “The Reflexivity between ICTs
engineering education”, Machine Design, Vol. 76,             and Business Culture: Applying Hofstede’s Theory to
pp. 42-47.                                                   Compare Norway and the United States”, Informing
                                                             Science Journal, Vol. 7, pp. 1-30.
National Academy of Engineering, 2004, “The
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Australasian Journal of Engineering Education                                                             Vol 19 No 2
“Trans-discipline engineering communication ...” – Pilotte, Bairaktarova & Evangelou           99

                                MARY PILOTTE

                                Mary K Pilotte is a Doctoral Candidate in the School of Engineering Education at
                                Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. She holds Bachelor of Science
                                degree in Organizational Leadership and Supervision from Purdue University,
                                and an MBA from the Goizueta School of Business, Emory University, Atlanta,
                                Georgia, USA. Her graduate research focuses on engineering epistemology,
                                including understanding engineering culture and communication in the
                                context of industrial practice. Expanded research interests include engineering
                                entrepreneurship, engineering management, and pedagogies of engagement
                                including innovative distance learning approaches. Mary has over 20 years of
                                engineering, manufacturing and operations excellence experience in automotive,
                                aerospace, airline, and commercial products industries. Her industrial career
                                includes working for such firms as Trans World Airlines, Ozark Airlines,
                                McDonnell Douglas Astronautics, Acuity Brands Lighting, and Heartland
                                Automotive, a company founded by Shigeru Co. Ltd. of Japan. Prior to
                                undertaking her PhD, Mary served as Managing Director of the Dauch Center
                                for Management of Manufacturing Enterprise and the Global Supply Chain
                                Management Initiative for Krannert School of Management at Purdue University.
                                In this role, Mary guided graduate student research projects, directed global
                                internship experiences, advised student led professional clubs, and provided
                                fiscal leadership for this industry facing university outreach centre.

                                DIANA BAIRAKTAROVA

                                Diana Bairaktarova is a PhD Candidate in the School of Engineering Education
                                at Purdue University. She holds BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering
                                from Technical University in Sofia, Bulgaria, and an MBA degree from the
                                Hamline School of Business, St Paul, Minnesota. Diana has over a decade of
                                experience working as a design engineer. Her graduate research is focused on
                                human learning and engineering, ie. understanding how individual differences
                                and aptitudes affect interaction with mechanical objects in engineering education
                                instruction, and how engineering students’ personality traits influence ethical
                                decision-making process in the engineering design. Diana has contributed to
                                manuscripts in the European Journal of Engineering Education, Children, Youth,
                                and Environments, and Contemporary Perspectives on Science and Technology in
                                Early Childhood Education, and published conference proceedings at American
                                Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), the European Society of Engineering
                                Education (SEFI), and Frontier in Education (FIE). She is an Associate member
                                of Sigma-Xi Science and Engineering Honored Society.

                                DEMETRA EVANGELOU

                                Dr Demetra Evangelou is an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering
                                Education at Purdue University. She obtained her BA in Psychology from
                                Northeastern Illinois University, and a MEd and PhD in Education from the
                                University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Demetra was awarded an NSF
                                CAREER grant in 2009 and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists
                                and Engineers (PECASE) in 2011. Demetra’s current research focuses on
                                developmental engineering, early childhood antecedents of engineering
                                thinking, developmental factors in engineering pedagogy, technological literacy
                                and human-artefact interactions.

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