TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

Page created by Barbara Schneider
TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
S   T   A   N   F    O    R   D     T   R   A     V    E    L    /    S   T   U   D   Y

                                        TREASURES OF
                                        N O R T H W E S T E R N I TA LY

                                        A p r i l 1 6 to 26, 2020

a p ro g ra m of th e st a nfo rd
a lu m ni asso ciati o n
TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Italy has long been a popular
travel destination for tourists worldwide, but few have
made the trek outside the most-visited cities. On
this exceptional program, the often overlooked wine
villages and seascapes of northwest Italy unfold
before us. Amid the lush greenery of Piemonte’s
province of Asti, we’ll savor the sparkling wines that
have been produced there for centuries. In the
Ligurian coastal town of Portofino, we’ll soak up its
brightly painted buildings and tiny yacht-filled harbors.
Combine these picturesque locales—just two of
many we’ll visit—with illuminating lectures from faculty
leader Roberto D’Alimonte, and what we’ve got is a
deep dive into a part of Italy unlike any other. Join us!

B R E T T S. T H O M P S O N , ’ 8 3, D I R E CTO R , S TA N F O R D T R AV E L / S T U DY

E X P L O R E the spectacu-                      S A V O R world-class wines                 V I S I T a traditional
lar coastal cliffs and hiking                    in Barolo and wholesome,                    pecorino cheese farm
trails of the Cinque Terre,                      inventive dishes in the                     and get a close-up look
five pastel-hued fishing vil-                    heart of Italy’s “slow food”                at the highly competitive
lages linked by footpaths.                       region.                                     world of truffle hunting.


TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Faculty Leader
                                       R O B E R T O D ’ A L I M O N T E is professor of Italian politics
                                       in the department of political sciences at LUISS Guido Carli, a
                                       private university in Rome that prepares future leaders in the
                                       areas of economics, law and political science. Before joining
                                       LUISS in 2008, he taught at the University of Florence. He has
                                       taught many courses over the years at Stanford’s Bing Overseas
                                       Study Program in Florence and has been a visiting professor
“Professor D’Alimonte                  at Stanford’s main campus. He has also lectured frequently at
 was without question                  Stanford Business School’s Executive Program. His current
 the most engaging,                    research focuses on political and electoral change in Western
 informed and informa-                 democracies, particularly Italy. A well-known political journalist,
 tive faculty leader with              Professor D’Alimonte covers Italian political events for Il Sole 24
 whom I have had the                   Ore, Italy’s major financial newspaper. His commentaries have
 pleasure of traveling.                appeared in The New York Times, Financial Times, New Yorker
 His lectures were                     and Le Monde, and on Bloomberg and Reuters.
 well-structured, well-
 presented and                         On this program, Professor D’Alimonte will lecture about Italy and
                                       the European Union from an historical, political and economic
                                       perspective, focusing on the challenges facing Italy and the Union,
MARY ANNE MYERS,                       such as Brexit, immigration and the rise of populism. He will also
T U S C A N Y, U M B R I A A N D
R O M E , 2 018
                                       discuss the role of Piemonte in the process of Italian unification.

S     T     A   N   F    O     R   D          T     R     A     V    E     L     /    S     T    U     D     Y

    OR BY PHONE:     (650) 725-1093

TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
                                  I TA LY
                                                                                                   I TA LY
                Bra          Canelli
         Cherasco    Alba
                                                                     Camogli           Santa Margherita
                                                         Ligurian                     Cinque Terre
FRANCE                                                         Sea

 Itinerary                            mined to make its capital city
                                      the rival of Paris and Vienna, the
                                      family sponsored some of Italy’s
                                                                            delicacy, our host will introduce
                                                                            us to the art and fierce competi-
                                                                            tion of truffle hunting and show
                                      most exceptional baroque ar-          us how dogs are trained to find
 T H U R S DAY & F R I DAY,           chitecture. GRAND HOTEL SITEA (B,D)   them. Enjoy a lunch of local
 A PR I L 16 & 17                                                           specialties in nearby Barolo.
 U.S. / TURIN, ITALY                  S U N DAY, A PR I L 19                This town produces one of the
 Depart the U.S. on overnight         TURIN / BRA                           most pretigious red wines in
 flights, arriving in Turin and       After checking out of our hotel,      the world, and in the afternoon,
 transferring to our hotel in         we make our way into Piemon-          visit a top cellar for a tour and
 the city center. Enjoy a stroll      te’s famous wine and culinary         tasting. HOTEL AGENZIA DI POLLENZO
 independently around this styl-      region of Barolo, marked by           (B,L,D)
 ish, alluring city, nestled in the   rolling hills, carefully groomed
 shadow of the Alps. Gather this      vineyards and green pastures.         T U ES DAY, A PR I L 21
 evening for our welcome recep-       We visit a farm that produces         CANELLI /
 tion. GRAND HOTEL SITEA (4/17: D)    award-winning pecorino cheese         BARBARESCO /
                                      using traditional methods, and        ALBA
 S AT U R DAY, A PR I L 18            enjoy lunch with the owner.           This morning we head to
 TURIN                                                                      Canelli, one of the most
                                      After lunch, continue our pan-
 After this morning’s orientation     oramic drive to Grinzane Cavour       enchanting towns in the
 and our first lecture, a walking     Castle for a tour. We end the         province of Asti and boasting
 tour introduces us to the main       day in the town of Bra, one of        a centuries-old culture of wine
 sights of Turin, such as the         the capitals of Italy’s “slow food    making. Today Canelli produces
 Piazza Castello, the cathedral,      movement,” where we stay at           eight highly acclaimed D.O.C
 and Guarini’s baroque master-        a local inn. HOTEL AGENZIA DI         wines and two of Italy’s best-
 piece, the Church of San Lor-        POLLENZO (B,L,D)                      selling sparkling wines: Moscato
 enzo. Despite its 20th-century                                             d’Asti and Asti Spumante. Tour
 history as an industrial center,     M O N DAY, A PR I L 20                Canelli’s famous cellars, called
 the city is a gracious mix of        BAROLO                                “underground cathedrals.”
 wide avenues and piazzas lined       In the Santuario dei Piloni area      These veritable architectural
 by beautiful arcaded buildings.      we get a glimpse into the cel-        masterpieces, dug deep into
 Long before it was the home          ebrated quest for truffles with a     the tuff upon which the town
 of carmakers Fiat and Lancia,        local truffle hunter. As we walk      was constructed, conserve the
 Torino was the seat of the           under ancient oaks and chest-         region’s great wines at a con-
 powerful Savoy dynasty. Deter-       nut trees in search of this rare      stant temperature of 57 (°F).
TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

    Gather for lunch at a restaurant     set along an elegant harbor           permitting, or opt for a guided
    in nearby Barbaresco. Wrap           lined with private yachts.            two-and-a-half-hour hike on the
    up the day in Alba, Piemonte’s       Return independently to Santa         scenic trail that links the two
    white truffle capital, with a tour   Margherita by ferry or go on a        villages high above the sea.
    and some free time to explore        spectacular two-and-a-half-           Return to our hotel in Santa
    before returning to Bra. HOTEL       hour hike along a scenic trail        Margherita in the late afternoon
    AGENZIA DI POLLENZO (B,L)            that winds its way along a            and enjoy an evening at leisure.
                                         promontory high above the             HOTEL CONTINENTAL (B)
    W E D N ES DAY, A PR I L 2 2         sea. HOTEL CONTINENTAL (B,D)
    CHERASCO / BRA /                                                           S AT U R DAY, A PR I L 25
    SANTA MARGHERITA                     F R I DAY, A PR I L 24                CAMOGLI
    Start the day in Cherasco, a         CINQUE TERRE                          A short train ride takes us to
    town celebrated for its beautiful    Take the local train to Riomag-       Camogli, a picturesque fishing
    Roman-medieval architecture,         giore, one of the five fishing vil-   village with a beautiful harbor.
    and most importantly, for its        lages that make up the UNES-          After time to explore, take
    chocolate. Attend a fascinating      CO World Heritage sites of the        a scenic boat ride to the
    presentation and tasting at a        Cinque Terre, villages strung         medieval Benedictine abbey
    local chocolate producer, then       out along a rugged coastline          of San Fruttuoso, a hidden
    head back to Bra for a delicious     and linked by a walking path.         gem set in a rocky cove
    lunch. Drive to Santa Margherita     This spectacular section of the       overlooking the emerald green
    on the coast and check into our      Italian Riviera rivals the Amalfi     waters of the Bay of Tigullio.
    seaside hotel in late afternooon.    Coast for stunning views and          Return to Santa Margherita
                                         gorgeous sunsets. Conditions          for an afternoon at leisure be-
                                         permitting, take an easy, half-       fore celebrating our journey at
    T H U R S DAY, A PR I L 23                                                 tonight’s farewell reception and
                                         hour walk on the Via dell’Amore
                                         to the village of Manarola. From      dinner. HOTEL CONTINENTAL (B,D)
    Our morning walking tour helps
                                         here, take the local ferry to the
    familiarize us with the history                                            S U N DAY, A PR I L 26
                                         village of Vernazza to explore it
    and sights of Santa Margherita                                             SANTA MARGHERITA /
                                         and enjoy lunch independently
    before we board a local ferry                                              GENOA / U.S.
                                         at one of its many seafood
    for the short trip to Portofino.                                           Transfer to the Genoa Airport
                                         trattorie (tavern restaurants).
    Relax and take in the Italian                                              this morning for independent
                                         Continue by ferry to the village
    Riviera’s most famous town,                                                return flights to the U.S. (B)
                                         of Monterosso al Mare, weather
    with its brightly painted houses
TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

Trip Information                                     and beverages other than those specified as
                                                     included      Independent and private transfers
                                                     Trip-cancellation/interruption and baggage insur-
                                                     ance Excess-baggage charges Personal
                                                     items such as internet access, telephone and
April 16 to 26, 2020 (11 days)
                                                     fax calls, laundry and gratuities for nongroup
SIZE                                                 services
30 participants (single accommodations
                                                     AIR ARRANGEMENTS
limited—please call for availability)
                                                     You are responsible for booking and purchasing
COST*                                                airfare to the start location and from the end
$8,695 per person, double occupancy                  location of the program. These air purchases are
$9,995 per person, single occupancy                  NOT included in the program cost. To assist you in
*Stanford Alumni Association nonmembers              making these independent arrangements, we will
 add $300 per person                                 send you details with your confirmation materials
                                                     on when to arrive and depart.
9 nights of hotel accommodations 9 break-            WHAT TO E XPECT
fasts, 4 lunches, 7 dinners Welcome and              We consider this program to be moderately
farewell cocktail receptions Gratuities to guides    strenuous. Most of our touring is done by motor
and drivers for all group activities All tours and   coach. Some excursions involve short walks, and
excursions as described in the itinerary Trans-      there are several options for longer walks or hikes, up
fers and baggage handling on program arrival         to two-and-a-half hours in length. Daily excursions
and departure days (Turin and Genoa airports         can be busy, and involve one to three miles of
only) Minimal medical, accident and evacuation       walking on city streets, which may be uneven or
insurance Educational program with lecture           cobblestoned. Some sites and museums do not
series and pre-departure materials, including        allow buses to pull up in front, thus taking us several
recommended reading list, a selected book, map       minutes to reach the entrances. In Liguria we take
and travel information Services of our profes-       public transportation (trains and ferries); passengers
sional tour manager to assist you throughout the     must be able to embark and disembark comfortably.
program                                              In some instances where there are steps, they may
                                                     not have handrails, and elevators are limited or
NOT INCLUDED                                         unavailable. Participants must be physically fit, active
International and U.S. domestic airfare Pass-        and in good health. We welcome travelers 15 years
port and visa fees Immunization costs Meals          of age and older on this program.
TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

Terms & Conditions                         if you purchase your policy within
Deposit & Final Payment                                                             war, quarantine, force majeure or
A $1,000-per-person deposit is             14 days of written confirmation of       other causes beyond our control.
required to reserve space for this         your participation on the trip.          All such losses or expenses will
program. Sign up online at alumni.                                                  have to be borne by the passenger
                                           Eligibility or                                                   as tour rates provide arrangements
                                           We encourage membership in the
call Travel/Study at (650) 725-1093.                                                only for the time stated. We reserve
                                           Stanford Alumni Association as the
Final payment is due December 13,                                                   the right to make such alterations
                                           program cost for nonmembers is           to this published itinerary as may
2019. As a condition of participation,     $300 more than the members’ price.
all confirmed participants are required                                             be deemed necessary. The right is
                                           A person traveling as a guest paid       reserved to cancel any program prior
to sign a Release of Liability.            for by a current member will not         to departure in which case the entire
Cancellations & Refunds                    be charged the nonmember fee.            payment will be refunded without
Deposits and any payments are              For more information or to purchase      further obligation on our part. The
refundable, less a $500-per-person         a membership, visit alumni.stanford/     right is also reserved to decline to
cancellation fee, until 120 days prior     goto/membership or call (650)            accept or retain any person as a
to departure. After that date, refunds     725-0692.                                member of the program. No refund
can be made only if the program is                                                  will be made for an unused portion
sold out and your place(s) can be                                                   of any tour unless arrangements
                                           The Stanford Alumni Association,
resold, in which case a $1,000-per-                                                 are made in sufficient time to avoid
                                           Stanford University and our operators
person cancellation fee will apply.                                                 penalties. Baggage is carried at the
                                           act only as agents for the passenger
                                                                                    owner’s risk entirely. The airlines
Insurance                                  with respect to transportation and
                                                                                    concerned are not to be held
Stanford Travel/Study provides             exercise every care possible in doing
                                                                                    responsible for any act, omission or
all travelers who are U.S. or              so. However, we can assume no
                                                                                    event during the time that passengers
Canadian citizens with minimal             liability for injury, damage, loss,      are not on board their plane or
medical, accident and evacuation           accident, delay or irregularity in       conveyance. Neither the Stanford
                                           connection with the service of any       Alumni Association, Stanford
coverage under our group-travel
                                           automobile, motor coach, launch          University nor our operators accept
insurance policy. Our group policy
                                           or any other conveyance used in          liability for any carrier’s cancellation
is intended to provide minimal
                                           carrying out this program or for the     penalty incurred by the purchase of
levels of protection while you are
                                           acts or defaults of any company or       a nonrefundable ticket in connection
traveling on this program. You may
                                           person engaged in conveying the          with the tour. Program price is based
choose to subscribe to optional trip-
                                           passenger or in carrying out the         on rates in effect in June 2019 and is
cancellation and baggage insurance.        arrangements of the program. We
Information offering such insurance                                                 subject to change without notice to
                                           cannot accept any responsibility for     reflect fluctuations in exchange rates,
will be provided to travelers with their   losses or additional expenses due
welcome materials. The product                                                      tariffs or fuel charges.
                                           to delay or changes in air or other
offered includes special benefits          services, sickness, weather, strike,

TELEPHONE (650) 725-1093                                                        © COPYRIGHT 2019 STANFORD ALUMNI
                                                                                ASSOCIATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
EMAIL                                           PRINTED ON RECYCLED, FSC-CERTIFIED
                                                                                PAPER IN THE U.S.
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TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Stanford Alumni
 Nonprofit Org.
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Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center

                                                                  N O R T H W E S T E R N I TA LY

                                                                                                    Apri l 16 to 26, 2020
Stanford, CA 94305-6105
Stanford Travel/Study

326 Galvez Street

                                 (650) 725-1093

                                                                  TREASURES OF

“This was the perfect trip for my first trip to Europe and Italy; the
 tour with its guides gave me the chance to see and learn much
 more than I would have ever been able to do on my own!”
J A M E S M A R S I C O , T U S C A N Y, U M B R I A A N D R O M E , 2 018

S           T                A                    N   F   O   R    D                                T                       R   A   V   E   L   /   S   T   U   D   Y

TREASURES OF NORTHWESTERN ITALY - April 16 to 26, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
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