CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

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CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
S   T   A   N   F    O    R   D     T   R   A    V   E    L    /   S   T   U   D   Y

                                        C O R R IDO R S O F P OW E R

                                        Ma y 1 5 to 24, 2020

a p ro g ra m of th e st a nfo rd
a lu m ni asso ciati o n
CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Focusing on the life and haunts
of Winston Churchill, this extraordinary new program
gives our travelers a vivid, up-close look at England’s
World War II years. With Stanford professor Brad
Osgood, we’ll visit the underground Churchill War
Rooms in London and hear about the famous code
breakers at Bletchley Park. We’ll ponder Churchill’s
roots at Blenheim Palace, his birthplace, and visit his
beloved country estate, Chartwell. We’ll also trace
the lives of other powerful political figures who loom
large in England’s history, visiting Hughenden, once
the home of Benjamin Disraeli, and the rambling
Cliveden estate, where Britain’s first female member
of parliament, Nancy Astor, once lived, and was also
once a Stanford overseas campus. Relive history
with us!

B R E T T S. T H O M P S O N , ’ 8 3, D I R E CTO R , S TA N F O R D T R AV E L / S T U DY

W A L K in the footsteps                         S T A Y at London’s Royal                   J O U R N E Y to grand
of Bletchley Park’s code                         Horseguards Hotel, in                       historic estates, including
breakers and learn how                           the same building as the                    Churchill’s house at Chart-
cracking the Enigma code                         National Liberal Club,                      well and his birthplace
helped hasten the end                            which hosted the likes of                   Blenheim Palace, Disraeli’s
of WWII.                                         Churchill, Gladstone and                    Hughenden, Nancy Astor’s
                                                 Lloyd George.                               Cliveden, and the Roths-
COVER: LONDON                                                                                childs’ Waddesdon.

CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Faculty Leader
                                   B R A D O S G O O D , who joined Stanford in 1985, teaches electrical
                                   engineering at the School of Engineering and has a courtesy appointment
                                   in the School of Education as a result of his work on a national project
                                   on the calculus curriculum. He has taught courses ranging from
                                   undergraduate seminars on signals and information to advanced
                                   mathematical topics and the science and technology stemming from
                                   World War II. Dr. Osgood’s research focuses on geometric function theory
                                   and its applications, and signal processing. He was the first recipient of
                                   the Helen and Peter Bing Centennial Professorship, awarded to him in
                                   1992. He has also been a visiting professor at institutes in Sweden and
                                   France. Outside of academia, he plays the trombone, which he fondly

“For the                           refers to as “the ultimate analog device.” On this program, Professor
                                   Osgood will lecture on the role of science and technology during WWII,
                                   especially with regard to Britain’s history of code-breaking and radar.

educational-                       He’ll also discuss the cooperation between the U.S. and Britain and the
                                   important part Churchill played in these developments.

                                        At Stanford:
                                        — Professor, electrical engineering, since 1997; senior associate
                                            dean for student affairs, 2003–2016—School of Engineering

                                        — Professor, by courtesy, School of Education, since 1997
                                        — Professor, 1995–1996; associate professor, 1988–1995;
                                            assistant professor, 1985–1988—Department of Mathematics

 Stanford trips                         Other positions:
                                        — Assistant professor and Benjamin Peirce Lecturer on

cannot be
                                           Mathematics, Harvard University, 1980–1985
                                        — Lecturer, the Fourier Transform and its Applications, American
                                           Mathematical Society, 2019

                                        — Davies Family University Fellow in Undergraduate Education,
                                           since 2009
                                        — Helen and Peter Bing Centennial Professorship, 1992–1997
                                        — Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1988
                                        — BS and MS, mathematics, 1976, Carnegie Mellon University
KITT Y HOLDEN, ’67                      — PhD, mathematics, 1980, University of Michigan

S     T   A   N    F   O   R   D           T    R      A     V    E     L     /    S     T     U     D      Y

    OR BY PHONE:   (650) 725-1093

CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
                                    Park                         LONDON                           Charterhou
      Blenheim                                                   Churchill Museum
       Palace                        Waddesdon                    and Cabinet War
                                                                      Rooms        The Royal
                                       Manor                                   Horseguards Hote
                  Oxford                                                                  Houses of Parliame
                                                                       Cliveden            River Thames

                  R                                          Syon
                      iv                                     House
                                Tha m e                                              London

   UNITED KINGDOM                                                                         Chartwell

Itinerary                                 was remodeled by Robert
                                          Adam for the first duke in the
                                          18th century and today features
                                                                              T U ES DAY, M AY 19
                                                                              Spend this morning at the
                                          ornate Corinthian columns and       Houses of Parliament, where
F R I DAY & S AT U R DAY,                 marble statues, as well as a        we tour the House of Lords
M AY 15 & 16                              wealth of art within its grand      and the House of Commons,
DEPART U.S. /                                                                 gaining insights into some 1,000
                                          interiors. After our tour, enjoy
                                          some free time to view the          years of history and modern-
Depart the U.S. on overnight                                                  day politics, while being awed
                                          splendid gardens. This evening
flights to London, arriving on                                                by the Parliament building’s
                                          is at leisure. ROYAL HORSEGUARDS
Saturday. Transfer to our hotel,          HOTEL (B,L)                         stunning art and architecture.
centrally located between the                                                 Continue to the Charterhouse,
Thames and Trafalgar Square               M O N DAY, M AY 18                  a former Carthusian monastery.
and close to Covent Garden                CHARTWELL / KENT /                  Founded in the 14th century,
and Theatreland. Gather for a             WESTERHAM                           the site became a boys’ school
welcome reception and dinner              Start the day with a visit to       in the 16th century, and remains
this evening. ROYAL HORSEGUARDS           Chartwell, Churchill’s beloved      one today. Tour this historic
HOTEL (5/16: D)                           country estate, which overlooks     site with one of the “Brothers”
                                          the picturesque Weald of Kent.      (a resident of the almshouse).
S U N DAY, M AY 17                        View many of the legend-
LONDON                                                                        The afternoon and evening are
                                          ary figure’s personal effects       at leisure. ROYAL HORSEGUARDS
Set out early today for a pri-            and artifacts that the site now     HOTEL (B)
vate pre-opening tour of the              holds. After a tour of the house,
Churchill War Rooms, made up              explore the Victorian gardens,      W E D N ES DAY, M AY 20
of the Cabinet War Rooms, a               a sanctuary for him during          LONDON /
historic underground complex              the most tumultuous times           AYLESBURY
that housed a British govern-             of the war. From there, travel      This morning we leave World
ment command center through-              to the nearby market town of        War II behind, touring loca-
out the Second World War, and             Westerham, which has a his-         tions in London that are linked
the Churchill Museum, which               tory tracing back to the Vikings    to the Cold War, from Artillery
explores the life of Winston              and Romans. Following lunch         Mansions to MI6’s “Secret
Churchill. This afternoon, tour           and a wine tasting at a nearby      Information Service.” We’ll learn
the Duke of Northumberland’s              vineyard, sample local produce      about “dead letter boxes,” un-
Syon House, built in the 16th             and cheese at a farm. Return        derground bunkers and hungry
century and the last surviving            to London for dinner at a pub       KGB agents’ favorite wartime
ducal residence in Greater                this evening. ROYAL HORSEGUARDS     eatery. Next, travel to Bletchley
London. The Tudor mansion                 HOTEL (B,L,D)
CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association


                BLETCHLEY PARK                                             LONDON

      Park and hear one of the most        Oxford skyline from a different       Britain’s greatest houses.
      remarkable stories of World          vantage point. The remainder of       Seat of the Dukes of
      War II, where the ground-break-      the afternoon is at leisure, offer-   Marlborough and the birth-
      ing achievements of the Park’s       ing a chance to experience this       place of Winston Churchill,
      indefatigable code breakers          college town firsthand before         Blenheim was designed on
      provided crucial assistance          returning to our country accom-       an awe-inspiring scale with
      to the Allied war effort. Learn      modations. HARTWELL HOUSE (B,L)       more than 2,000 acres of
      about the clandestine opera-                                               beautiful parkland landscaped
      tions that took place here, and      F R I DAY, M AY 22                    by “Capability” Brown. Take
      enjoy free time to explore the       CLIVEDEN /                            a tour of the grounds, then
      code-breaking huts with their        HUGHENDEN                             explore independently before
      fascinating galleries and exhib-     This morning, delve into the          afternoon tea. Afterward visit
      its, including the largest and       house and expansive gardens           Waddesdon Manor, a 19th-
      most comprehensive display of        of the Cliveden estate, which         century Renaissance-style
      Enigma machines in the world.        includes a Japanese-style             château, which features
      Arrive early this evening at Hart-   Water Garden, an Italianate           elegant architecture echoing
      well House, our lovely country       Long Garden and a 1/3-acre            that of the Loire Valley. While
      hotel and our base for the next      historic maze. The estate has         here, we’ll enjoy a cellar tour
      four nights, set amid gardens        served as home to an earl,            and a wine tasting. Back at
      and parkland just outside of         countesses, dukes, a Prince           Hartwell House, toast our
      Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire.        of Wales and even a Stanford          journey this evening at a
      HARTWELL HOUSE (B,L,D)               overseas campus. After our            special farewell reception
                                           stroll through the gardens,           and dinner. HARTWELL HOUSE
      T H U R S DAY, M AY 21               enjoy a sumptuous lunch, then         (B,L,D)
      OXFORD                               continue to Hughenden, former
      Enjoy a full-day excursion           home of Prime Minister Benja-         S U N DAY, M AY 24
      to Oxford, beginning with a          min Disraeli in the 19th century      AYLESBURY /
      walking tour that reveals the        and later home to a WWII              LONDON / U.S.
      history of this famous seat of       map-making operation.                 Transfer to London Heathrow
      learning. View some of Oxford        HARTWELL HOUSE (B,L,D)                Airport and check in for
      University’s most iconic and                                               flights home. (B)
      magnificent buildings and enjoy      S AT U R DAY, M AY 23
      a private visit to one of the col-   BLENHEIM PALACE /
      leges to hear a guest lecture.       WADDESDON MANOR
      After lunch, board a riverboat       This morning, visit Blenheim
      and take in views of the             Palace, undoubtedly one of
CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Trip Information                                     included Independent and private transfers
                                                     Trip-cancellation/interruption and baggage insur-
                                                     ance Excess-baggage charges Personal
DATES                                                items such as internet access, telephone and
May 15 to 24, 2020 (10 days)                         fax calls, laundry and gratuities for nongroup
                                                     AIR ARRANGEMENTS
32 participants (single accommodations
limited—please call for availability)                You are responsible for booking and purchasing
                                                     airfare to the start location and from the end
                                                     location of the program. These air purchases are
$9,995 per person, double occupancy                  NOT included in the program cost. To assist you in
$12,095 per person, single occupancy                 making these independent arrangements, we will
*Stanford Alumni Association nonmembers              send you details with your confirmation materials
 add $300 per person                                 on when to arrive and depart.

                                                     WHAT TO E XPECT
8 nights of deluxe hotel accommodations 8            We consider this to be a moderately strenuous
breakfasts, 6 lunches and 5 dinners Welcome          program that is at times physically demanding
and farewell receptions Gratuities to guides         and busy. Daily activities involve one to two miles
and drivers for all group activities All tours and   of walking, sometimes on uneven terrain such as
excursions as described in the itinerary Trans-      cobblestone streets or dirt paths, and standing for
fers and baggage handling on program arrival         extended periods of time during tours of museums,
and departure days Minimal medical, accident         towns, and homes and their gardens and grounds.
and evacuation insurance Educational program         Guided tours will require climbing up and down
with lecture series and pre-departure materials,     several flights of stairs that sometimes are without
including recommended reading list, a selected       handrails. While we generally travel by motor coach,
book, map and travel information Services            some sites do not allow the coaches to pull directly
of our professional tour manager to assist you       in front, thus requiring a short walk to reach the
throughout the program                               entrance. Participants must be physically fit, in good
                                                     health and able to keep up with the group without
                                                     assistance from tour staff. We welcome travelers 15
International and U.S. domestic airfare Pass-        years of age and older on this program.
port and visa fees Immunization costs Meals
and beverages other than those specified as
CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association

Terms & Conditions                         offered includes special benefits        services, sickness, weather, strike,
Deposit & Final Payment
A $1,000-per-person deposit is             if you purchase your policy within       war, quarantine, force majeure or
required to reserve space for this         14 days of written confirmation of       other causes beyond our control.
program. Sign up online at alumni.         your participation on the trip.          All such losses or expenses will or                                                    have to be borne by the passenger
                                           Eligibility                              as tour rates provide arrangements
call Travel/Study at (650) 725-1093.       We encourage membership in the
Final payment is due 120 days                                                       only for the time stated. We reserve
                                           Stanford Alumni Association as the       the right to make such alterations
prior to departure. As a condition         program cost for nonmembers is           to this published itinerary as may
of participation, all confirmed            $300 more than the members’ price.       be deemed necessary. The right is
participants are required                  A person traveling as a guest paid       reserved to cancel any program prior
to sign a Release of Liability.            for by a current member will not         to departure in which case the entire
Cancellations & Refunds                    be charged the nonmember fee.            payment will be refunded without
Deposits and any payments are              For more information or to purchase      further obligation on our part. The
refundable, less a $500-per-person         a membership, visit alumni.stanford/     right is also reserved to decline to
cancellation fee, until 120 days prior     goto/membership or call (650)            accept or retain any person as a
to departure. After that date, refunds     725-0692.                                member of the program. No refund
can be made only if the program is                                                  will be made for an unused portion
                                           Responsibility                           of any tour unless arrangements
sold out and your place(s) can be          The Stanford Alumni Association,
resold, in which case a $1,000-per-                                                 are made in sufficient time to avoid
                                           Stanford University and our operators    penalties. Baggage is carried at the
person cancellation fee will apply.        act only as agents for the passenger     owner’s risk entirely. The airlines
Insurance                                  with respect to transportation and       concerned are not to be held
Stanford Travel/Study provides             exercise every care possible in doing    responsible for any act, omission or
all travelers who are U.S. or              so. However, we can assume no            event during the time that passengers
Canadian citizens with minimal             liability for injury, damage, loss,      are not on board their plane or
medical, accident and evacuation           accident, delay or irregularity in       conveyance. Neither the Stanford
                                           connection with the service of any       Alumni Association, Stanford
coverage under our group-travel
                                           automobile, motor coach, launch          University nor our operators accept
insurance policy. Our group policy
                                           or any other conveyance used in          liability for any carrier’s cancellation
is intended to provide minimal
                                           carrying out this program or for the     penalty incurred by the purchase of
levels of protection while you are
                                           acts or defaults of any company or       a nonrefundable ticket in connection
traveling on this program. You may
                                           person engaged in conveying the          with the tour. Program price is based
choose to subscribe to optional trip-
                                           passenger or in carrying out the         on rates in effect in July 2019 and is
cancellation and baggage insurance.        arrangements of the program. We          subject to change without notice to
Information offering such insurance        cannot accept any responsibility for     reflect fluctuations in exchange rates,
will be provided to travelers with their   losses or additional expenses due        tariffs or fuel charges.
welcome materials. The product             to delay or changes in air or other

TELEPHONE (650) 725-1093                                                        © COPYRIGHT 2019 STANFORD ALUMNI
                                                                                ASSOCIATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
EMAIL                                           PRINTED ON RECYCLED, FSC-CERTIFIED
                                                                                PAPER IN THE U.S.
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CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
Stanford Alumni
 Nonprofit Org.
 U.S. Postage

Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center

                                                                  C O R R IDO R S O F P OW E R
Stanford, CA 94305-6105

                                                                                                 M ay 15 to 24, 2020
Stanford Travel/Study

326 Galvez Street

                                 (650) 725-1093

“The monuments, museums and cemeteries we visited made
 me realize the impact of WW I on 20th-century history and
 on America’s increasingly important role as a world power.”
B I L L B U R T N E S S , ’ 5 4 , M B A ’ 6 0 , G R E AT W A R C E N T E N A R Y, 2 018

S           T                A                    N   F   O   R             D                                          T   R   A   V   E   L   /   S   T   U   D   Y

CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association CORRIDORS OF POWER May 15 to 24, 2020 a program of the stanford alumni association
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