CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council

CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council

2021                  Summer Resident
                      Camp Merit Badge Catalog

    GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA   Camp Big Horn is a
    COUNCIL                    Nationally Accredited Boy Scouts of America Camp
CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council
Table of Contents
Letter to Campers            1
Handicrafts                  5
S.T.E.A.M                    6
Outdoor Skills               8
Civics                       10
Nature                       12
Aquatics                     14
Ranger Corps                 15
Pathfinders                  16
Outdoor Sports               18
Staff Member Interest        19
Counselor Trainee Interest   20
CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council
Welcome to Camp Big Horn at Circle X Ranch!

With years of experience across our leadership team, we are proud to offer you one of the
best summer camp experiences in the country . Camp Big Horn at Circle X Ranch is a world
class camping facility filled with everything you could possibly want. Our Shooting Sports
Program consists of a shotgun range, rifle range, a cowboy action shooting range, Roving
Archery Range and are taught by experienced professional instructors ready to teach
scouts to safely handle firearms as well as shoot with precisions. Our Cope and Climbing
team are dedicated to ensure that those participating will have a unique experience.

We were devastated when we could not open Camp Big Horn at Circle X Ranch in 2020. But
there was a silver lining to all of this. Since we were not able to run camp last year we have
had an additional year to perfect our program for you. An additional year to develop our
camp infrastructure for you. An additional year to train our staff and ensure that you have
a world class experience when you spend a week with us at camp. Landon and I have been
working hand and hand to together to make this program one of a kind and all for you!

We have kept our staple programs such as our Shooting Sports, and our COPE and Climbing
programs, but we also have new exciting programs that we are very excited to release for
2021! We are proud to introduce our Ranger Corps Area with a focus handyman skills such
as Home Repair, Painting, Welding, and Automotive Maintenance. We also have a new
Civics Area dedicated towards teaching Scouts about civics, politics, and business.

Yours in Scouting,

Charles Jezycki                                           Landon Burtchell

Camp Director                                           Program Director 2021

Camp Big Horn At Circle X Ranch                   Camp Big Horn at Circle X Ranch
CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council
Join us for
Camp Big Horn at Circle X ranch
   Units will embark on a trek around camp. At every destination, each team must
 compete in a series of challenges, some mental and some physical, and only when
  the tasks are completed will they learn of their next location. Teams who are the
   farthest behind will gradually be eliminated as the contest progresses, with the
    first team to arrive at the final destination winning The Amazing Race and the
                             Camp Big Horn 2021 Grand Prize
CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council
    SUNDAY            MONDAY              TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY         THURSDAY             FRIDAY            SATURDAY
                                                                                                                      7:00 AM.
                      7:30 AM             7:30 AM            7:30 AM           7:30 AM            7:30 AM
                                                                                                                  Breakfast & Troop
                    Morning Flags       Morning Flags      Morning Flags     Morning Flags      Morning Flags
                       7:45 AM.            7:45 AM.           7:45 AM.          7:45 AM.           7:45 AM.
                     Breakfast &         Breakfast &        Breakfast &       Breakfast &        Breakfast &
                     SPL Meeting         SPL Meeting        SPL Meeting       SPL Meeting        SPL Meeting

                       9:00 AM             9:00 AM                              9:00 AM            9:00 AM
                   1st Merit Badge     1st Merit Badge                      1st Merit Badge    1st Merit Badge
                       Session             Session             The              Session            Session
                      10:00 AM           10:00 AM          Amazing Race        10:00 AM           10:00 AM
                   2nd Merit Badge    2nd Merit Badge        Begins…        2nd Merit Badge    2nd Merit Badge
                       Session            Session                               Session            Session

                      11:00 AM            11:00 AM                             11:00 AM           11:00 AM
                                                             9:00 AM -
                   3rd Merit Badge     3rd Merit Badge                      3rd Merit Badge    3rd Merit Badge
                                                             12:30 PM
                       Session             Session                              Session            Session

                      12:30 PM            12:30 PM                             12:30 PM           12:30 PM
     1:00 PM            Lunch               Lunch                                Lunch              Lunch
 Check in Begins
 including Swim        2:00 PM             2:00 PM                              2:00 PM            2:00 PM
      Checks                                                 12:30 PM
                   4th Merit Badge     4th Merit Badge                      4th Merit Badge    4th Merit Badge
                       Session             Session                              Session            Session

                       3:00 PM             3:00 PM                              3:00 PM            3:00 PM
                   5th Merit Badge     5th Merit Badge         The          5th Merit Badge    5th Merit Badge
                       Session             Session         Amazing Race         Session            Session
                   4:00 - 5:30 PM      4:00 - 5:30 PM       Continues…      4:00 - 5:30 PM     4:00 - 5:30 PM
                     Totin' Chip/       Firem'n Chip/
                                                                            Scouts' Activity   Scouts' Activity
                   Scouts' Activity    Scouts' Activity
                                                                                 Time               Time
                        Time                Time

   6:15 PM            6:15 PM             6:15 PM             6:15 PM          6:15 PM            6:15 PM
 Evening Flags      Evening Flags       Evening Flags       Evening Flags    Evening Flags      Evening Flags

    6:30 PM           6:30 PM              6:30 PM            6:30 PM          6:30 PM             6:30 PM
     Dinner            Dinner               Dinner             Dinner           Dinner              Dinner

                                          7:45 PM                                Still.          7:45 PM
    7:45 PM            7:45 PM
                                         Dutch Oven            The               Under          Want to be a
Leaders' Meeting     Scouts' Own
                                          Cook - off       Amazing Race       Construction        Staffer

                                                                               8:15 PM.
    9:00 PM           8:15 PM              8:15 PM                                                  9:00 PM
                                                            Concludes        Adult Leaders
Opening Campfire     Honor Trail      Order of the Arrow                                       Closing Campfire

    10:00 PM          10:00 PM            10:00 PM            10:00 PM         10:00 PM           10:00 PM
   Quiet Time        Quiet Time          Quiet Time          Quiet Time       Quiet Time         Quiet Time

   11:00 PM          11:00 PM             11:00 PM           11:00 PM         11:00 PM            11:00 PM
   Lights Out        Lights Out           Lights Out         Lights Out       Lights Out          Lights Out

  Waiter call is 15 minutes before each meal. Please send one-two waiters for every troop table.
CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council
Camp Big Horn's 2021 Daytime Program Schedule
Period 1         Period 2   Period 3      Period 4         Period 5   Free Time                        Activity
   1                                                          5                   Lifesaving
                    2                        4                5                   Swimming
                    2                        4                5                   Citizenship in the Nation
   1                2                        4                                    Citizenship in the World
           1&2                                       4&5                          Communications
   1                                                          5                   Art & Fingerprinting
                                                                                  Basketry (Night Time Crafts)
                               3             4                                    Indian Lore
                    2                        4                                    Leatherwork
   1                           3                                                  Sculpture
                    2                                         5                   Woodcarving
                                   Week at a glance                               Nature
                    2          3                                                  Bird Study
   1                           3                              5                   Environmental Science
                                             4                5                   Forestry
                               3             4                                    Mammal Study
   1                2                                                             Nature
                                             4                5                   Reptile & Amphibian Study
                                                                                  Outdoor Skills
   1                                         4                                    Camping
                    2          3                              5                   Emergency Preparedness
                    2                        4                                    First Aid
   1                           3                              5                   Wilderness Survival
                                                                                  Outdoor Sports
   1                           3             4                5                   Archery
                    2          3             4                5                   Big & Little Ziplines
                    2          3             4                5                   C.O.P.E
   1                           3             4                5                   Climbing
   1                           3             4                5                   Rifle Shooting
   1                           3             4                5                   Shotgun Shooting
             1 through 3                                                          1st Year Scout Program
                                         3 through 5                              1st Year Scout Program
                                                                                  Ranger Corp.
   1                                                          5                   Automotive Maintenance
                    2                        4                                    Home Repairs
   1                2                                                             Welding
                                             4                5                   Metalworks
                               3                              5                   Animation
                               3                              5                   Astronomy
   1                           3                                                  Photography & Journalism
                    2                        4                                    Radio
           1&2                                       4&5                          Robotics
                    2                        4                                    Space Exploration
                                                                                  Scout Time Programing
                                                                        Open      Branding
                                                                        Open      Climbing
                                                                        Open      C.O.P.E
                                                                        Open      Craft Area
                                                                        Open      Fireman Chit
                                                                        Open      Mountain Hiking
                                                                        Open      Open Archery
                                                                        Open      Open Climbing
                                                                        Open      Open Rifle Shooting
                                                                        Open      Open Shotgun Shooting
                                                                        Open      Open Swimming
                                                                        Open      Roving Archery
                                                                        Open      Totin' Chit
                                                                        Open      Zipline Fun
CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council
 In the Leatherwork Merit Badge, Scouts will explore
 leather's endless uses and applications. While
 making a practical scouting item, you will
 understand the types and uses of leather,
 as well as the process of turning a piece of
 leather into a useful and personally designed item.
 Maximum number of participants: 12
 Anticipated costs: $10-$20 for materials

Art and Fingerprinting (2 Merit Badges)
Humans have been expressing their thoughts,
emotions, and history through art for as long as
we could put paint on cave walls. During these
merit badges you will learn about the aspects of
art pieces as well as the process of making art in a
variety of different media. (Art PRQ. 6)
Maximum number of participants: 12
Anticipated costs: $10 for materials

Wood Carving
As a hobby near and dear to many scouts,
woodcarving has been taught to scouts since the
first days of the movement. This Merit Badge will
teach you the skills to turn a piece of wood into a
useful item, or a beautiful piece of art.
Please note that the Scout must earn their Totin
Chip to participate in the merit badge.

Maximum number of participants: 12
Anticipated costs: $5 for materials

Learn the skills it takes to create three-
dimensional art. Scouts will learn how to create a
variety of art pieces by manipulating clay. Get
your drawing on as you learn the various forms of
art and the principles of design. Scouts can even
create a piece of art. Scouts will earn the Sculpture
and Art Merit Badges(PRQ. 2C)

Indian Lore
From Abenaki and Assiniboine to Yakima and
Yurok, discover a little bit about the scores of
American Indian tribes that make up part of our
country's heritage. Earning this merit badge will
take you through some of the different ways that
Native American culture has shaped our current
culture along with open your eyes to the ways that
they utilized everything in nature to make a life for

                                                        *PRQ- Prerequisite       3
CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council
             There are billions upon billions of stars,
             planets, asteroids, and other objects in space
S.T.E.A.M    in the known universe. Scouts will learn
             about the basics of astronomy, how to operate
             high powered telescopes, and how to identify
             constellations in the night sky.
             Maximum number of participants: 12

             Space Exploration
             Space is mysterious. We explore space for
             many reasons, not least because we don't
             know what is out there, it is vast, and humans
             are full of curiosity. Each time we send
             human and robotic explorers into space, we
             learn something we didn't know before. We
             discover a little more of what is out there.
             Maximum number of participants: 12

             Scouts will learn and understand how robots
             move, sense the environment around it, as
             well as understand what to do in a situation it
             is presented. (PRQ. 6)
             Maximum number of participants: 12

            While a relatively recent form of artistic
            expression, animation is prevalent in countless
            aspects of our media culture. Through this Merit
            Badge you will gain a better understanding of
            principles of animation, its development, and
            the different types of animation that exist. By
            the end, you will understand the process of
            creating an animation through creating your
            own. Scouts will make a stop motion video
            using Legos. Personal items may be used
            Maximum number of participants: 12

                          *PRQ- Prerequisite            46
CAMP BIG HORN 2021 Summer Resident - Camp Merit Badge Catalog - Greater Los Angeles Area Council
Photography & Journalism (2 Merit Badges)
    Understanding our world is an important part of being
    a responsible member of society, and these merit
    badges help you understand two ways that you can
    learn about the world. By the end of these merit badges
    you will understand the art of photography, the process
    by which it reveals the world to the camera, and the
    process of fact-finding and reporting of the journalist.
    A limited number of cameras will be available for use.
    Scouts may wish to bring their own digital camera to
    use. Photography (PRQ. 1B)
    Maximum number of participants: 12

    While the first radio devices were very simple, and
    could only transmit a single tone, today radio
    communication is a massive industry allowing for the
    free flow of information across oceans, mountains,
    and entire nations. In this Merit Badge you will learn
    the mechanics of this powerful communications tool.
    Maximum number of participants: 12


    *PRQ- Prerequisite
Emergency Preparedness
                         Scouts are often called upon to help because they
                         know first aid and they know about the discipline
                         and planning needed to react in an emergency
                         situation. By the time you finish this Merit Badge
                         you will know how you can be prepared for, and
                         respond to a wide variety of emergencies.
                         (PRQ. 1, 2c, 7b, 8b, 9)
                         Maximum number of participants: 12

                         First Aid
                         Caring for injured or ill persons until they can
                         receive professional medical care is an important
                         skill for every Scout. With some knowledge of first
                         aid, you can provide immediate care and help to
                         someone who is hurt or who becomes ill. First Aid
                         can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood
                         and could even save a limb or a life. (PRQ. 5, 14)
                         Maximum number of participants: 12

                        Wilderness Survival
                        In their outdoor activities, Scouts learn to bring the
                        clothing and gear they need, to make good plans,
                        and do their best to manage any risks. But now and
Outdoor Skills

                        then, something unexpected happens. When things
                        go wrong, you need to know what to do. By earning
                        this merit badge you will know how to survive when
                        things don’t work as planned. (PRQ. 5)
                        Recommended age: 14 and up
                        Maximum number of participants: 12

                         Camping is one of the best known activities and
                         methods of the Scouting movement. When the
                         Scouting movement was founded in the early 1900’s
                         Robert Baden Powell encouraged every Scout the art
                         of living outdoors (PRQ. 4b, 5e, 7b, 8D, 9
                         Maximum number of participants: 12

     8           *PRQ- Prerequisite
Citizenship in the World
          Not only are we all citizens of our nation,
Civics    we are also citizens of the world.
          Through this Merit Badge you will learn
          about how countries work together, how
          other governments function, and the
          differences and similarities that exist
          between our own nation and the rest of
          the world. (PRQ. 7)
          Maximum number of participants: 12

         Citizenship in the Nation
         As you fulfill the requirements for this
         Merit Badge, you will learn how to become
         active citizens who are aware of, and
         grateful for, your liberties and rights, to
         participate in the governments and protect
         our freedom, helping to defend our
         country and standing up for individual
         rights on behalf of all its citizens.
         (PRQ. 2, 8)
         Maximum number of participants: 12

         Whether through written, oral, or non-
         verbal methods, we communicate with
         people through a variety of methods
         each and every day. By taking this Merit
         Badge, you will learn about how we
         communicate, and practice these skills
         through a variety of practical
         communication activities. (PRQ. 5, 7, 8)
         Maximum number of participants: 12

                 *PRQ- Prerequisite
         i g H o rn ’ s          NE
 Ca m p B               Z I P LI
        R   A C I N   G
                  For the first time ever, brand new for
                  the summer of 2021. We introduce to
                  you the Camp Big Horn’s Dual Racing
                  Zipline! Scouts and Scouters will be
                  able to take flight over camp and give
                  their best Tarzan scream to those
                  watching from below!
Environmental Science
     While earning the Environmental Science Merit

     Badge, you will get a taste of what it is like to be an
     environmental scientist, making observations and
     carrying out experiments to investigate the natural
     Maximum number of participants: 12 (PRQ. 4)

     Reptile & Amphibian Study
     Scouts have always been interested in snakes,
     turtles, lizards, and alligators, as well as frogs and
     salamanders. Developing knowledge about these
     captivating creatures leads to an appreciation for
     all native wildlife. Understanding the life cycle of a
     reptile or amphibian and keeping one as a pet can
     be a good introduction to natural history. Knowing
     about venomous species can help Scouts to be
     prepared to help in case of an emergency.
     Maximum number of participants: 12 (PRQ. 8)

     Bird Study
     Birds have always played a huge part of our global
     ecosystem. In this class, Scouts will develop the
     knowledge of the anatomy, behaviors, and diets of
     many different types of birds around the world.

     Maximum number of participants: 12 (PRQ. 8)

     Mammal Study
     In this class scouts will distinguish what separates
     mammals from other animals due to its unique
     features and also spend time observing different
     kinds mammals.
     Maximum number of participants: 12

     Scouts will be introduced to a broad spectrum
     of wildlife and discover how important each
     individual plant and animal Is to maintain a
     strong ecosystem.
     Maximum number of participants: 12

     Scouts will gain the opportunity to study trees
     and forests and why they are important to
     sustaining life on earth.

     Maximum number of participants: 12 (PRQ. 5)

         *PRQ- Prerequisite
Camp Big Horn
Circle X Ranch

        We are proud to present the brand
       new Roving Archery Program for the
     Summer of 2021! This program is one of a
    kind for Southern California Camps, Scouts
        and Scouter’s will rove around our
   Reservation completing a number of different
   obstacles and targets. This will truly test who
           the best archers in camp are!
Aquatics   Swimming is a leisure activity, a competitive
           sport, and a basic survival skill. In this Merit
           Badge class, you will refine your swimming skills.
           If your Scout would like to learn how to swim, we
           do offer a learn to swim program during free time.
           Maximum number of participants: 12

           No Scout will ignore a plea for help. However, the
           desire to help is of little use unless one knows how
           to give the proper aid. The main purpose of the
           Lifesaving Merit Badge is to prepare Scouts to
           assist those involved in water accidents, teaching
           them the basic knowledge of rescue techniques,
           the skills to perform them, and the judgment to
           know when and how to act so that they can be
           prepared for emergencies.
           Lifesaving is a 2-period class
           Maximum number of participants: 12
           Prerequisites: Completed the Swimming Merit


                            *PRQ- Prerequisite         14
Automotive Maintenance
     Learn the ins and outs of car maintenance such
     as the tools needed, how to locate everything
     you need, learn the basics of changing oil,
     restarting a battery, changing a tire and much
     more! (PRQ. 11)
     Maximum number of participants: 12

     Home Repair
     Learn many new skills from how to
     replace a glass pane, to fix a leaky
     faucet from our talented ranger staff!
     Maximum number of participants: 12

     Metalworking has been such an important skill
     that it has literally sparked new eras in human
     history. In this Merit Badge you will learn the
     variety of metals, how they can be worked, and
     their real world applications. You will then use
     this knowledge to make your own metal

                                                        Ranger Corps
     projects at our foundry.
     Maximum number of participants: 12

     Welding is a unique but an every useful skill
     that uses extreme heat to combine metals
     together. This can be used to repair or build a
     multitude of different items, which you will get
     to learn in this class.
     Maximum number of participants: 12

15      *PRQ- Prerequisite
Pathfinders Program
The Pathfinders Program is designed to be a
“Trail to 1st Class” for Scouts who have

recently joined a Troop or crossed over from
Webelos. This program is designed to aid
new Scouts in navigating the world of
Scouting. Here they will learn basic Scout
traditions, skills and methods in addition to
earning their Totin’ Chip, Firem’n Chit, and
the Swimming Merit Badge. This program is
not intended to advance your Scout to First
Class in a week, though it may help. Our
main goal is to make sure their first summer
camp experience is one of the best and that
their intro to the Scouting world ignites a fire
in them for years to come.
Maximum number of participants: 20


Camp Big Horns newly renovated C.O.P.E Course is ready4 for you this summer!
C.O.P.E consists of group initiative games, trust events, and high and low ropes
    course. Some activities involve a group challenge, while others develop
 individual skills and agility. C.O.P.E is a challenge by choice activity and is for
    Scouts older than 13 years of age. C.O.P.E Consists of low and high ropes
                  initiatives as well as climbing and Zip lining.

Rifle Shooting
                        Test your marksmanship skills here at Camp
                        Bighorn with our .22 rifles! You will learn the
                        fundamentals of safe gun handling and how
                        to shoot a perfect bullseye every time!
                        Maximum number of participants: 12

                        Shotgun Shooting
                        Ready to take your shooting skills to the next
                        level? Try your luck in our Shotgun shooting
                        Merit Badge program where you will learn
                        the fundamentals of safe gun handling and
                        get to shoot moving targets in the air!
                        Maximum number of participants: 12

                         One of the fastest growing sports due to its
                         surging popularity is archery. Learn how to
                         shoot a bow and arrow as well as all the
                         safety rules and regulations to do so.
                         Maximum number of participants: 12
Outdoor Sports

                        Unleash your inner rock climber as you
                        develop the skills to climb our awesome
                        artificial and natural rock walls here at Camp
                        Bighorn at Circle X Ranch.
                        Maximum number of participants: 12

                 *Ammo fees apply for all Shooting Sports Merit Badges
                 EXCEPT Archery.*

                                       *PRQ- Prerequisite            20
Want to be apart of
something bigger than

Interested? Sign up here!

Before we begin camp, our staff receive extensive training in a wide variety of areas, including
camp health and safety, customer service, counseling, and youth protection. We also spend time
going through each area’s programs, morning and evening programs, and specialty programs.

Our staff also go through an intensive interview process, in which we evaluate each candidates’
skills, Scouting experience(s), and previous camp staff experience (if applicable). We hire a wide
variety candidates, including those without Scouting experience. Our staff consist of those between
the ages of 16-21, and 21 and over.

All of our area directors are age 18 or older, and receive additional training in management skills.
They also have had extensive experience and training within their program area. Our management
staff are age 21 or older, and in addition to receiving additional management training, attend the
National Camp School at one of the BSA’s high adventure, or seasonal properties.

If you are interested in becoming a Camp Staff Member at Camp Big Horn at Circle X Ranch, or at
any other GLAAC or BSA property, feel free to check the GLAAC Website for more information about
current openings.

The Greater Los Angeles Area Council is proud to have the Counselor Training Program at both Camp
Big Horn at Circle X Ranch, and Camp Cherry Valley. This program is designed to give Scouts ages 14
and 15 the opportunity to learn what it takes to be a camp staff member, and learn valuable leadership,
teaching, and counseling skills along the way. This three week program will push participants in this
program further than they ever have been pushed, and will be able to form bonds and connection that
can’t be found in any other workplace. Participants will also have the opportunity to earn merit badges,
and complete rank advancement requirements while they receive their training. If you are interested in
becoming a Counselor Trainee at either Camp Big Horn at Circle X Ranch, or Camp Cherry Valley, please
visit the GLAAC Website for more information about the program, costs, and the application process.

                                  Interested? Register here!


         Do you have what it takes?
 Every Wednesday at Morning and Evening
Flags, Scoutmaster’s will take the challenge
      of are you tougher than a Scout.
2021 Merit Badge Prerequisite Form
FULL NAME: _____________________________________________________ WEEK OF CAMP: ___________

UNIT NUMBER: _________________ COUNCIL: ___________________________________________________

MERIT BADGE APPLYING FOR: _________________________________________________________________

The Scout name above acknowledges that certain designated merit badges cannot be completed at Camp Big Horn at Circle X Ranch
unless prerequisite requirements are met prior to arriving to camp. They also realize that this form must be completed correctly, signed,
and given to the Camp Big Horn at Circle X Ranch Merit Badge Instructor the first day of their class. The camp can then grant the merit
badge, upon successful completion in the camp course in the above mentioned merit badge.

   Automotive Maintenance                      Requirement #11

   Art                                         Requirement #6

   Bird Study                                  Requirement: #8

   Camping                                     Requirement 4B, 5E, 7, 8D, 9

   Citizenship in the Nation                   Requirements: #2, #8

   Citizenship in the World                    Requirements: #7

   Communications                              Requirements: #5, #7, #8

   Emergency Prepardness                       Requirements: 1, 2C, 7B, 8B, 9

   Environmental Science                       Requirements: #4

   First AId                                   Requirement: #5, #14

   Forestry                                    Requirement: #5

   Lifesaving                                  Requirement #1

   Photography                                 Requirement #1B

   Reptile and Amphibian Study                 Requirement: #8

   Robotics                                    Requirement #6

   Sculpture                                   Requirement: #2C

   Wilderness Survival                         Requirement: #5 and bring to camp.

   Scoutmaster (or representative) Signature                                                                      Date

   Scoutmaster (or representative) Printed Name
Explore. Dream. Discover
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