Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...

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Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin
Strategic Plan 2009—2014
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin                             Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014


                         Foreword                                                                      3

                         Introduction                                                                  5

                         Mission                                                                       6

                         Objectives and Update                                                         8

                              01 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future                                  11

                              02 — Education                                                          21

                              03 — Knowledge Generation and Transfer                                  35

                              04 — Student Experience                                                47

                              05 — Engagement with Society                                            53

                              06 — Enabling the Strategy                                              61

                         Conclusion and Look to the Future                                            73

                                                                             © 2012 Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin                                                       Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                Back row, left to right:
                Ms Darina Kneafsey Chief Operating Officer
                Prof Vinny Cahill Dean of Research
                Dr Gerard Lacey Bursar and Director of Strategic Innovation
                Mr John Coman Secretary to the College
                Mr Tony McMahon Director of Human Resources
                Prof James Wickham Dean of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
                Mr Ian Mathews Chief Financial Officer
                Front row, left to right:
                Prof Linda Hogan Vice-Provost/Chief Academic Officer
                Dr Patrick Prendergast Provost and President
                Prof Jane Ohlmeyer Vice-President for Global Relations
                Prof Clive Williams Dean of Engineering, Maths and Science
                Prof Mary McCarron Dean of Health Sciences
                Prof Paul Browne Interim Head of School of Medicine
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin                                                  Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014


                This mid-term review of the strategic plan shows that many of the
                objectives set in 2009 are being achieved, while some others are proving
                challenging given the changed economic climate since the plan was ap-
                proved. Despite the severe financial situation in the country, the mid-term
                review takes an optimistic tone. If you read this document I am sure you
                will be impressed with what Trinity is achieving. We have a vision for
                Trinity College Dublin as a university of global consequence, contributing
                effectively to how Ireland makes its mark in the world.
                To achieve this vision, Trinity must continue     In this regard we are ever cognisant of
                to excel in its core mission of delivering high   the value of institutional autonomy and
                quality research-based education. From now        academic freedom in creating the educational
                to the end of the strategic plan, this requires   environment that makes this possible, but
                that we both increase income and eliminate        we also recognise how this must be balanced
                unnecessary costs by implementing the             with accountability for the stewardship of
                following four programmes: the eStrategy          our resources and reputation. I thank all my
                projects to enable new ways of working            colleagues who have performed this mid-
                using IT; the Global Relations Strategy; the      term review and set the course to achieve
                Communications Strategy; and the START            this strategy by end 2014. In particular
                Programme for Renewal of Administrative and       I wish to thank the Vice-Provost/Chief
                Support Services.                                 Academic Officer Professor Linda Hogan for
                                                                  championing this mid-term review together
                The purposes of a Trinity education are two-      with the staff in her office.
                fold: to give our students the opportunity for
                a rewarding career and to give them the skills    Patrick Prendergast Provost and President
                to participate as active citizens in whatever
                country they will live.

3 — Foreword
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin   Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

4 — Introduction
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin                                                        Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014


                   This Mid-Term Review of the College’s Strategic Plan 2009-14 takes
                   place against the backdrop of a vastly changed external environment
                   than that which pertained when the plan was originally conceived.
                   The uncertainty surrounding the national economy, the decrease in state
                   funding and the constraints of the Employment Control Framework (ECF)
                   have required both strategic and pragmatic responses so as to safeguard
                   the College’s core mission of delivering high-quality, internationally-
                   competitive education and research. These responses, detailed throughout
                   this Mid-Term Review, combine a programme of income generation,
                   strategic investment and cost-reduction.
                   Such responses have been developed while           Notwithstanding the challenges arising from
                   higher education provision in Ireland contin-      financial instability and sectoral review, Trin-
                   ues to be reviewed and reformed under the          ity is determined to strengthen its reputation
                   umbrella of the National Strategy for Higher       as a university of global consequence. Indeed,
                   Education to 2030. In this context the College     as the Mid-Term Review confirms, Trinity has
                   has made several submissions to high-level         continued to excel in education and research,
                   consultation documents issued by the HEA,          and in providing students with a dynamic
                   including on the future landscape of higher        learning environment. Moreover under the
                   education 1 and on a new funding model for         direction of Provost Prendergast major new
                   higher education institutions. The College         strategies have been implemented to enable
                   is awaiting a response to its submissions. In      Trinity to overcome the challenges posed by
                   addition, the national provision of third-level    the environment.
                   education in key areas including initial teach-
                                                                      1 Trinity’s response Towards a Future Higher Education Land-
                   er education, nursing and midwifery, and the         scape: July 2012 is available on
                   creative arts is also under review, the implica-     assets/pdf/news/Landscape_Response_toBoard.pdf

                   tions of which will only become clear over the
                   next number of years.

5 — Introduction
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin                                                   Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014


                As we reach the mid-point of the Strategic Plan 2009-14, it is important
                to reiterate our Values, Mission and Vision as stated in 2009. The external
                changes since these were articulated only serve to reinforce the signifi-
                cance of their original intent.

                It is important to recall that at Trinity
                we value:

                —— the university as an interactive, multidisci-   —— our use of the most effective instruments to
                   plinary community with a passion for ideas         apply our values, including:
                   and a love of learning,
                                                                      •• autonomy in the management of
                —— opportunities to achieve excellence in a              resources, matched by clear and
                   challenging, yet nurturing environment,               transparent accountability to society, and

                —— the inclusivity of our community, which            •• academic freedom to pursue all avenues
                   offers equality of access and opportunity             of enquiry and to disseminate the results
                   to all, seeking out and recognizing talent            of research and scholarship.
                   wherever it exists,
                                                                   Through the implementation of new strate-
                —— international recognition for our research      gies, we are moving towards realising Trinity’s
                   and the building of academic strengths          vision, as originally articulated, to further
                   through teamwork and collegiality,              strengthen its reputation as a university of
                —— the interdependence of teaching and re-         global consequence. We are also proud to re-
                   search, and the diversity of our research       state our Mission to which we are determined
                   and teaching methods,                           to remain true, namely that:

                —— creativity and innovation, including the
                   development of an entrepreneurial spirit        ‘Through our research and teaching,
                   among staff and students, to deliver the        we engage students and society in the
                   widest benefit to society,                      quest for knowledge, seeking to achieve
                                                                   excellence in all we do, and responding
                —— national and international collaborations
                                                                   with creativity and imagination to the
                   forged by students, staff, alumni
                                                                   challenges and opportunities of a
                   and friends,
                                                                   shared future.’
                —— the engagement of staff and students in         STRATEGIC PLAN 2009-14: MISSION
                   public discourse,

                —— our role as a creative hub for Ireland in the
                   heart of Dublin city,

6 — Mission
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin   Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

7 — Mission
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin                                                  Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                Strategic Plan 2009-14: Objectives & Update

                1. Promote education, research, and in-          4. Transform graduate education to facili-
                   novation as mutually reinforcing parts of        tate more creative, innovative and en-
                   an integrated community of scholars              trepreneurial postgraduates, and launch
                —— Advanced under new Provostship                   the TCD-UCD Innovation Academy
                   through a focus on research-led curricu-      —— Graduate education strategy incorpo-
                   lum and new innovation strategy 2.               rating innovation and entrepreneur-
                                                                    ship being rolled out across College.
                —— Progressed through TCD-UCD
                   Innovation Alliance.                          —— TCD-UCD Innovation Academy established with
                                                                    joint Graduate Certificate in Innovation and
                —— Ongoing through Creative Arts,
                                                                    Entrepreneurship available to PhD students.
                   Technologies and Culture Initiative.

                                                                 5. Continue the consolidation and growth of
                2. Increase student numbers by 15% to
                                                                    Trinity’s identified strengths in research
                   18,000 in strategic areas, while main-
                                                                    and scholarship, and differentiate the major
                   taining the student:staff ratio through
                                                                    programmes of scale and their convergence
                   a specially funded new blood scheme
                                                                    towards the delivery of a sustainable society
                —— On target to meet 15% increase in
                                                                 —— Established and emerging research themes
                   student numbers by 2014/15.
                                                                    being underpinned by enhanced research
                —— Staff:Student ratio of 17:1 in 2010/11.          infrastructure, led by Dean of Research.
                —— 40 new-blood posts created through
                   Ussher initiative since 2009.                 6. Introduce special initiatives to enhance the
                                                                    overall student experience, and particularly
                3. Reinvigorate undergraduate education             the experience of international students and
                   through the newly launched undergra-             students from non-traditional backgrounds
                   duate curriculum encompassing core and        —— New initiatives in train led by Dean of Students
                   elective parts, maximising engagement            and Vice-President for Global Relations.
                   of senior academic staff in research-led
                                                                 —— Academic Registry opening May 2013.
                   teaching, broadening access to 22% of
                   admissions, achieving a 90% comple-
                                                                 7. Implement an Open Innovation approach
                   tion rate, and introducing a College-wide
                                                                    to intellectual property to stimulate
                   on-line teaching evaluation system
                                                                    knowledge transfer and enterprise de-
                —— Major new college-wide initiatives underway      velopment, increase the rate of new
                   in the areas of admissions, curriculum           campus company formation, and engage
                   renewal, modularisation and harmonisation        more effectively with enterprise
                   of regulations.
                                                                 —— Open Innovation Policy implemented 2009 /10.
                —— On track to meet broadening access
                                                                 —— Full review of IP policy underway in light
                   and completion targets.
                                                                    of new IP framework for universities.
                —— New focus on the 3-stage student
                   journey of transition / orientation, reten-   8. Develop flagship collaborations across
                   tion and preparation for employment.             education, research and innovation to
                                                                    achieve international scale and impact:
                                                                 —— Major new collaborations with Dublin
                                                                    Institute of Technology; Royal Irish
                                                                    Academy of Music; Church of Ireland

8 — Strategic Plan 2009-14: Objectives & Update
Trinity College Dublin Strategic Plan 2009-2014 - MID-TERM REVIEW - Higher Education ...
Trinity College Dublin                                                     Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014


                     Theological Institute; Economic and Social         Decrease in state funding, risking reduced invest-
                     Research Institute; Carlow College.                ment in educational provision, student services
                                                                        and capital projects.
                —— The Lir — National Academy of Dramatic
                   Art serves as cultural hub in the city.
                                                                        Government-imposed restrictions on recruitment
                —— Establishment of Trinity Health Ireland July 2011.   and promotions through Employment Control
                —— TCD-UCD Innovation Alliance launched in              Framework.
                   November 2010 and expanded to incorporate
                   Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) in 2012.            Uncertainty regarding the outcome of
                                                                        HEA-led reviews under the Government’s
                9. Deliver major capital development pro-               National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030.
                   grammes to underpin objectives for interna-
                   tionally competitive research and education:         Reduction in national research
                                                                        funding sources.
                —— Major capital projects facilitating multi-
                   disciplinary research have been completed
                   with the Trinity Long Room Hub, 2010 and the
                   Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, 2011.
                                                                        Trinity’s Reponses:
                —— New strategy underpinning the deliv-
                   ery of E3 — The Engineering, Energy and              New strategies developed to safeguard and
                   Environment Institute’ developed by Schools          enhance our position as Ireland’s university on
                   of Engineering and Natural Sciences.                 the world stage (e.g. Rankings, Global Relations,
                —— New Business School under develop-                   Communications).
                   ment, underpinned by an Innovation
                   and Entrepreneurship strategy.                       Measures in place to increase College-generated
                                                                        income to the university through internation-
                —— Student Centre will not go ahead as envisaged        alisation, commercialisation, philanthropy and
                   in Strategic Plan 2009-14 because funding            research funding diversification.
                   model rejected by student plebiscite. However,
                   Academic Registry to open in May 2013.               Increased efficiency and cost reductions will
                —— Central Services Building to be developed.           result from implementation of eStrategy and
                10. Streamline the College’s management
                    processes through the implementa-                   Initiatives in train for renewal and innovation
                    tion of new information systems                     in education.
                —— eStrategy Programme commits €23m of invest-
                   ment in Student Administration, Finance, HR
                   Systems and Enterprise Architecture between
                   2011-2014. Implementation underway in GeneSIS,
                   (student administration), CoreHR budgeting
                   tool and Financial Information System (FIS).
                2 See e.g. Provost’s Inaugural Address September 2011

9 — Strategic Plan 2009-14: Objectives & Update
10 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                                                       Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                  Trinity’s Strategy for
                  the Future

                  Trinity College Dublin is recognized internationally as Ireland’s premier
                  university. It is a multidisciplinary academic community where a passion
                  for learning and discovery drives the academic mission, and where excel-
                  lence is recognized and rewarded.

                  Trinity’s ambition is to be recognised every-      its interdisciplinary environment. It is intend-
                  where as a university of global consequence.       ed that the new Global Relations Strategy will
                  Trinity continues to hold a distinctive posi-      also enhance Trinity’s distinctive interna-
                  tion among Irish universities, and has an          tional outlook, by recruiting high-calibre
                  already established record as a university         international students from around the world,
                  with an international reputation for excel-        establishing bilateral relationships with the
                  lence in teaching, research and innovation.        highest-ranked universities, and engaging
                  We are recognised internationally as Ireland’s     more effectively with the Trinity alumni dias-
                  leading university in all relevant rankings.       pora. The distinctiveness of our regional focus
                  Trinity has top 50 rankings in four subjects       is established by our engagements throughout
                  and top 100 rankings in a further 14 areas in      the island, while also being embedded in the
                  the recently published QS Subject Rankings         heart of Ireland’s capital as the University of
                  2012 3. In the area of teaching and learning,      Dublin, serving the local community through
                  Trinity’s distinctiveness is shown through         access initiatives and the city through civic
                  its research-led curriculum, through which         engagement. Our strategy is to maintain and
                  it educates Ireland’s brightest minds to be        enhance this position and to use it for the ben-
                  socially-engaged citizens, being receptive to      efit of our students and the country as a whole.
                  new ideas and applying knowledge to new            We will do so by building on our strengths and
                  contexts. Trinity’s distinctiveness in research    by overcoming the obstacles presented by the
                  and innovation is also a key driver of its high    current environment.
                  international standing. Excellence in research
                  and innovation is underwritten by the quality        university-rankings/2012/subject-rankings
                  of its staff, its infrastructural resources, and

11 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                                                          Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                  The financial and operational constraints              the staff:student ratio would show a marked
                  placed on the Irish university sector during           increase, from 18:1 in 2007 / 08 to 22:1 in
                  the difficult budgets of recent years have the         2010 / 11, reflecting the decline in the level of
                  potential to stultify the achievement of our           state funding [SEE FIGURE 1] . However, Trinity has
                  goals. For instance, exchequer funding for             mitigated the effect of this decline significant-
                  the universities has decreased since 2007,             ly by the application of new streams of non-
                  notwithstanding the very significant increase          exchequer income to employ additional aca-
                  in student numbers. The decline in funding,            demic staff, for example the forty new Ussher
                  combined with the constraints imposed by the           Lecturers and new philanthropically-funded
                  Employment Control Framework, has added                Professors. Even with this additional income,
                  to the workloads of staff, and has begun to            Trinity’s institutional staff:student ratio of
                  impact on our staff:student ratio and on our           17:1 in 2010 / 11 (which is based on staff funded
                  ability to recruit and retain high-quality aca-        from the exchequer plus other College-gener-
                  demic staff. If unaddressed, these constraints         ated income) is already high when compared
                  will pose a threat to the quality of the educa-        to its international peers [SEE FIGURE 2].
                  tional provision and to the student experience,
                  which in turn will impact on our reputation,           A central focus of our strategy therefore has
                  reflected in the university rankings.                  been to ensure that we are funded at the level
                                                                         required for international competitiveness
                  Trinity’s staff:student ratio has risen from 16:1      by generating new streams of income. Such
                  in 2007 / 08 to 17:1 in 2010 / 11. However if only     additional income will allow Trinity to protect
                  state-funded staff were taken into account,            its core mission of education and research and

                                                              Staff funded from Exchequer + Other College-Generated Income
                         STAFF/STUDENT RATIOS
                                                              Exchequer-funded Staff






                               2007-08              2008-09                          2009-10                                  2010-11


12 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                                                          Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                         STAFF/STUDENT RATIOS                                                    EDINBURGH
                         INTERNATIONAL COMPARATORS                                               KING’S COLLEGE LONDON





                               2007-08                 2008-09                       2009-10                                  2010-11


                         STATE VS OTHER COLLEGE-GENERATED INCOME                                     COLLEGE-GENERATED
                                                                                                     STATE FUNDING



                         80                     35%          38%          36%                   43%                     43%




                         40                     65%          62%          64%                    57%                    57%




                                         2007         2008         2009                  2010                    2011


13 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                                                       Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                  will supplement the declining funding the Col-     The diversification of sources from which Col-
                  lege receives for government-funded students.      lege receives research funding is also a prior-
                  Progress has already been made in increasing       ity, particularly given its reliance on national
                  the level of income derived from non-exche-        research funding which increased significant-
                  quer sources (from 35% of total income in 2007     ly in 2002. The strategy to diversify focuses on
                  to 43% in 2011) [SEE FIGURE 3] .                   maximising the College’s capacity to attract
                                                                     research funding from three main non-exche-
                  This growth has counteracted the impact            quer sources: the European Commission’s
                  of the decrease in exchequer funding (from         (EC’s) Framework Programme (FP7 / Horizon
                  65% in 2007 to 57% in 2011). However, a            2020), from US research and other foundations
                  step-change in the proportion of our recur-        and funding from industry.
                  rent funding that comes from non-exchequer
                  sources is still to be obtained. This will be      While such strategies are invaluable in
                  achieved through the implementation of a           enabling the College to achieve its core mis-
                  number of ambitious strategies related to          sion, it is also imperative that the funding
                  internationalisation, philanthropy and com-        model used by the HEA to allocate resources
                  mercialisation.                                    for government-funded students be substan-
                                                                     tially reformed. This model is currently under
                  The internationalisation agenda is being           review by the HEA and the College is cur-
                  pursued through the implementation of the          rently formulating its response. The response
                  Global Relations Strategy, adopted by Board in     highlights the serious and growing divergence
                  December 2011 4. In 2012 the College invested      between the escalating enrolments, the rising
                  €3m in the Global Relations Strategy and it        per-student costs and the steady decline in
                  will deliver €11m in additional income over        government funding through recurrent grants
                  4 years. The educational and reputational          and capital investment. The College’s response
                  benefits of the Global Relations Strategy are      will argue that the current model must be
                  tangible, and provide a major impetus for its      significantly reformed, and not simply revised
                  implementation. As important however will          since it currently does not address the issue
                  be its key role in enabling Trinity to achieve a   of financial sustainability. The College will
                  measure of financial and political autonomy        also need Government to allow a more dynam-
                  through the generation of income. This income      ic human resource policy if it is to be success-
                  will be re-invested in Schools and student         ful in implementing its strategy. Currently
                  services.                                          the restrictive principles applied across the
                                                                     public sector are applied to all universities,
                  Philanthropic funding has also acquired
                                                                     notwithstanding the fact that 43% of Trinity’s
                  an increased significance in supporting our
                                                                     funding comes from private and non-exche-
                  teaching and research and in developing our
                                                                     quer sources.
                  infrastructure. The Trinity Foundation is the
                  primary vehicle for this. It has undergone a       The Provost will continue to argue the case
                  re-organisation and expansion, supported by        for a strong university sector based on bench-
                  an investment in order to support the achieve-     marked academic excellence, financial
                  ment of the target of €87m in gifts to support     sustainability and public accountability. The
                  College priorities for the 5-year period ending    value of higher education will continue to be
                  September 2014.                                    highlighted, not just in economic terms but in
                                                                     terms of its value as a public good.
                  The development of a commercialisation strat-
                  egy will be finalised in early 2013. A Director    4 See:
                  of Commercialisation will be recruited to suc-       fullV7_web.pdf

                  cessfully implement the strategy.

14 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                                                        Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                  It will be essential to establish in the public     activities and the great progress achieved is
                  mind that universities like Trinity are vital       largely due to the loyalty and commitment
                  for the wellbeing of society, not only through      of Trinity’s staff and students, as individuals
                  their contribution to an innovative and             and working in collaboration with colleagues.
                  dynamic economy but also in the role they           Despite Ireland’s current difficulties, Trin-
                  play in the promotion of democratic values          ity has continued to provide education and
                  through educating graduates to be reflective        research that matches our international com-
                  and responsible citizens. The newly devel-          petitors. The success in so doing derives from
                  oped Communications Strategy will be a key          the ability and dedication of our academic
                  enabler of this.                                    staff, with the support provided by our admin-
                                                                      istration and support services.
                  Trinity’s mission is to provide high-quality
                  education and research and to maintain and          We are confident that we are successfully
                  develop further strength in research across all     implementing our current strategy and that
                  disciplines to underpin research–led teaching.      significant progress has been made in meet-
                  Therefore attracting and retaining high-qual-       ing the specific objectives and actions set out
                  ity staff remains a priority. In this context the   in the Strategic Plan 2009-14. Moreover as a
                  College continues to work to identify funding       result of a number of critical interventions
                  sources particularly to support the recruit-        during this period, Trinity will be in a stronger
                  ment of Professors. In the current economic         position to pursue its vision into the second
                  climate however, retaining high performing          half of this decade and beyond.
                  academics has also become critical. In light
                  of the restrictions imposed on the promo-           Overarching Goals of the
                                                                      Strategic Plan 2009-14
                  tions process by the ECF and due to finan-
                                                                      The three overarching goals of the Strategic
                  cial constraints, alternative mechanisms for
                                                                      Plan 2009-14, namely, to build the Innovation
                  recognising and rewarding the contribution of
                                                                      Alliance, to establish Trinity Health Ireland,
                  academic staff will be developed in 2012 / 13.
                                                                      and to promote Dublin as an international city
                  The quality of the education and the attrac-        of learning, culture and innovation continue
                  tiveness of our students to employers depend        to form an important part of our strategy and
                  on Trinity maintaining existing standards in        an update is provided below. These specific
                  the face of a declining grant and a growing         goals are themselves expressions of Trinity’s
                  student population. In addition to funding          commitment to developing and enhancing
                  issues, it is recognised that serious consider-     its international and regional collaborations,
                  ation will need to be given to the nature of the    thereby optimising its contribution to research
                  profile of the student body. This has emerged       and teaching. Trinity has had long-standing
                  as a new issue in this Mid-Term Review and          and highly-valued collaborations with edu-
                  will be a focus of our strategy for the remain-     cational institutions with a complementary
                  der of this Plan. In the context of the Mid-Term    mission and ethos. We have, for example, joint
                  Review it is also noted that new policies are       degrees with the Dublin Institute of Technol-
                  being developed which aim to further improve        ogy (DIT), the Royal Irish Academy of Music
                  retention rates and enhance the student expe-       (RIAM) and UCD. Using the impetus of the
                  rience. In particular there is a renewed focus      HEA’s consultation on the future of the higher
                  on admissions policy and on the transition          education landscape 5 we have engaged in a
                  from second to third level.                         consultation process with our associated col-
                                                                      leges, with a view to deepening and extending
                  The Mid-Term Review has highlighted that            the relationships, where appropriate.
                  many of the actions of the Strategic Plan 2009-
                                                                      5 Trinity College Dublin: Towards a Future Higher Education
                  14 form part of the College’s ongoing strategic       Landscape (July 2012) — see

15 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                                                   Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                  In this context a new relationship with the      both. It is now timely to extend and enhance
                  Royal Irish Academy of Music has emerged,        cooperation across the institutions and a
                  which has resulted in a decision in November     process has been initiated to evaluate oppor-
                  2012 that it become an Associated College of     tunities for collaboration in education. A
                  Trinity College Dublin. We also remain com-      top-down / bottom-up process has commenced
                  mitted to the TCD / UCD Innovation Alliance      with the goal of strengthening collaboration
                  which is the highest profile example of col-     in teaching and learning between the institu-
                  laboration in the sector.                        tions. Furthermore, as part of the two institu-
                                                                   tions’ response to the Government’s national
                  We will continue to bring value to Dublin city   strategy, Trinity and UCD have jointly initiated
                  and its reputation as a centre for educational   a process to evaluate opportunities for col-
                  excellence. As part of that commitment we        laboration in de-duplication and the sharing
                  will now combine our resources with DIT          of resources.
                  to create a Global City Innovation Initiative
                  which aims to create a flexible environment in   Establish Trinity Health Ireland
                  which students, researchers and other stake-     The original goal of creating a Trinity Aca-
                  holders (including the City of Dublin) come      demic Medical Centre with affiliated teaching
                  together to respond to the pressing global       hospitals has been achieved through Trinity
                  issues of our time by experiment, design and     Health Ireland. In July 2011, a collaborative
                  the discovery of new solutions, products, ser-   agreement in relation to the establishment
                  vices and interventions.                         of Trinity Health Ireland (THI) was signed by
                                                                   the three participating institutions: Tallaght
                  Build the Innovation Alliance                    Hospital, St. James’s Hospital and Trinity Col-
                  Through the Innovation Alliance launched in      lege Dublin. This allows for the incorporation
                  2009, Trinity and UCD formed a partnership       of operational activities between the School
                  with the goal of producing a new kind of PhD     of Medicine at Trinity and its major teaching
                  graduate, one who is expert in a particular      hospitals, in a manner designed to maxi-
                  discipline but who is also more innovative,      mise the capacity for delivering high-quality
                  entrepreneurial and business-aware than ever     clinical care, providing excellence in medical
                  before. The centre-piece of the TCD-UCD Inno-    education and training and delivering high-
                  vation Alliance is the Innovation Academy        quality biomedical research and contributing
                  which builds on the respective strengths of      to the economic and social development in an
                  the universities to create a robust and mutu-    integrated way. In 2011 / 12, the THI Commit-
                  ally beneficial continuum between teach-         tee, under the chairmanship of Professor Sir
                  ing, research and innovation. Through the        Gordon Duff, worked on developing priorities
                  Innovation Academy, flagship joint structured    and identifying areas to maximise opportuni-
                  PhD programmes have been developed. These        ties from a clinical, educational and research,
                  programmes have established innovation           and operational perspective to provide econo-
                  and entrepreneurship alongside excellence        mies of scale, but also to develop a focus of
                  in research and education as an integral ele-    real strength within medicine in Ireland.
                  ment of the PhD. The Innovation Academy was
                  expanded to incorporate Queen’s University       Dublin as an International City of
                  Belfast (QUB) in 2012.                           Learning, Culture and Innovation
                                                                   Trinity is proud of its historic association with
                  Under the auspices of the Alliance, the two      the city of Dublin and is committed to promot-
                  institutions collaborated for Cycle 5 of the     ing Dublin as a city of learning, culture and
                  HEA’s Programme for Research in Third Level      innovation. Together with established cultural
                  Institutions (PRTLI) which cemented signifi-     and performing arts institutions and with
                  cant graduate education platforms between        the emerging creative industries, Trinity has

16 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                                                  Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                  been involved in the development of a new          Key Facts and Figures
                  era of partnerships, underpinned by its Cre-
                  ative Arts, Technologies and Culture (CATC)        Total income 2011: €309m
                  Initiative, incorporating education, research,
                                                                     Decrease in State income from 2007 to 2011:
                  creative practice and entrepreneurship. It now
                                                                     €193m (65% of total) to €176m (57% of total)
                  plans to draw on existing links with RIAM and
                  DIT to enter into new strategic partnerships.
                                                                     Increase in College-generated income (excluding
                  By harnessing specialisms and complemen-           State income) from 2007 to 2011: €106m (35% of
                  tarities in the performing arts with RIAM and      total) to €133m (43% of total)
                  in the digital arts and creative technologies
                  with DIT, Trinity seeks to consolidate Dublin’s    Total Student/Staff ratio in 2011: 17/1
                  position as a centre of excellence for research-
                  led education and creative arts practice in the    Trinity is ranked 67th position in the top 100 world
                  performing arts and creative technologies.         universities (QS World University Rankings 2012)

                  The promotion of Dublin as a city of learn-        Trinity is ranked 38th in Europe (Times Higher
                  ing, culture and innovation is also achieved       World University Rankings 2012 / 13)
                  through the Science Gallery. An award-win-
                  ning college initiative, funded through both       Trinity is ranked 22nd in the world in terms of
                  public monies and philanthropy, the Science        ‘International Outlook’ (Times Higher Education
                  Gallery engages the public with critical issues    World University Rankings 2012 / 13)
                  in science through interactive exhibitions,
                  events, discussion and debates. This initiative    Trinity’s Top 50 Rankings:
                  has had a positive impact on the public per-       (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2012)
                  ception of science and scientific research and
                                                                     14th in the world in English Language
                  has contributed significantly to Trinity’s and
                                                                     and Literature
                  Ireland’s science outreach programme, includ-
                  ing Dublin City of Science 2012. It serves as a
                                                                     38th in the world in History
                  gateway between the university and the local
                  community, opening up the campus to the city       40th in the world in Geography
                  and country. Under the auspices of Science
                  Gallery International, the Science Gallery’s       45th in the world in Politics and International
                  successful format is being replicated in other     Studies
                  cities such as London, Moscow, New York,
                  Bangalore and Singapore.

17 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                                                     Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                  Strategic Highlight
                  the lir theatre
                  The Lir was officially opened in October 2011 and is the National
                  Academy of Dramatic Art at Trinity College Dublin. Its aim is
                  to train young actors, designers, directors, playwrights, stage
                  managers and theatre technicians to the highest international
                  standards for careers in the theatre and allied professions.

                  The training offered by The Lir will be closely    The Lir was conceived as a cultural hub in its
                  linked to the ever-changing needs and direc-       own right, with a diverse range of students
                  tions of the theatre and related industries. The   on a variety of courses linked to the distinct
                  staff of The Lir have extensive experience of      professional disciplines. At night, it opens its
                  professional theatre and will continue to work     doors to the public and will offer a developing
                  in and maintain close contacts with it. The        programme of performances, films, play read-
                  Lir offers two undergraduate programmes,           ings, talks and lectures.
                  namely a 3-year Bachelor in Acting (Hons)
                  and a 2-year Professional Diploma in Stage         The Lir was developed by the partnership
                  Management and Technical Theatre, and a            of the Cathal Ryan Trust and Trinity College
                  postgraduate Masters in Fine Art. It also offers   Dublin and opened its doors to its first stu-
                  several short courses and workshops.               dents in September 2011. It is formally associ-
                                                                     ated with the world renowned Royal Academy
                                                                     of Dramatic Art (RADA), in London.

18 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin                   Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

19 — Trinity’s Strategy for the Future
Trinity College Dublin   Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

20 — Education
Trinity College Dublin                                                    Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014


                 Education of future generations is the true purpose of a university, and
                 Trinity’s foundation documents attest to this… Our vision for 2014 is of a
                 university providing further leadership in education while being fully re-
                 sponsive to the changing needs of society… In the coming years the ethos
                 and quality of undergraduate education will be maintained and developed
                 through research-led teaching and curriculum renewal… Trinity College
                 Dublin is at the forefront of graduate education in Ireland
                 STRATEGIC PLAN 2009-14: EDUCATION

                 At the heart of Trinity’s core mission, educa-     national context, one of Trinity’s distinct fea-
                 tion and research are seen as interdependent       tures is its position as a centre of excellence
                 and mutually reinforce each other through          for postgraduate provision. It is at the forefront
                 Trinity’s commitment to research-led teaching.     of graduate education in Ireland and provides
                 Trinity is committed to providing its stu-         a wide range of taught Masters’ courses and
                 dents with a first-class educational experi-       doctoral research programmes. We envisage
                 ence, which will enable them to flourish in a      extending our provision at the postgraduate
                 globalised world. This is achieved through a       taught course level, for both full-time and
                 research-led curriculum which is challenging,      part-time students, as we respond to the need
                 dynamic and innovative, both in terms of its       for continuous professional development.
                 content and its delivery.
                                                                    In the context of achieving our vision of a uni-
                  Trinity has a full-strength arts and sciences     versity that provides high-quality, research-
                 programme of courses and remains commit-           led education, this Mid-Term Review has high-
                 ted to the principle of a university that offers   lighted the over-riding importance of two key
                 the full spectrum of subjects and facilitates      objectives under whose heading much of the
                 the interdisciplinary synergies that develop.      planned activity of the Strategic Plan 2009-14
                 Demand for our programmes, both our four-          will continue to be prioritised. These are the
                 year undergraduate degrees and our post-           objectives of reviewing the educational experi-
                 graduate courses, is high and we consistently      ence and balancing the profile of the student
                 attract highly-qualified students. Within the      body composition. The development of the

21 — Education
Trinity College Dublin                                                     Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                 activities of the Innovation Academy also con-      chosen courses. The admissions scheme used
                 tinues to form a vital part of our strategy and     for this feasibility study will adopt a holistic
                 the Academy is set to become synonymous             approach, using a range of materials to make
                 with innovation and entrepreneurial training        an assessment about the academic ability
                 across the College.                                 and potential of each applicant, attempting to
                                                                     match the right person to the right course, in
                 Review the Educational Experience                   a process underpinned by College’s commit-
                 During the lifetime of the Strategic Plan 2009-     ment to diversity. The feasibility study is being
                 14, there have been major changes in the edu-       conducted on behalf of the Irish universities,
                 cation policy landscape and Trinity has been        and the procedures and results will be shared
                 actively involved in developing new policies        with the Irish third-level sector at all stages.
                 in order to address emerging issues. Although
                 Trinity has long-since been committed to            Transition
                 fostering continuous improvement in educa-          Under the new Provostship there has been a
                 tion, and ensuring that quality teaching is         renewed focus on easing the transition of
                 supported through curriculum renewal, more          new students from second to third-level.
                 recently there has been a greater emphasis on       Much of the work in this regard is being led
                 the undergraduate level. In particular critical     by the Dean of Students (see chapter 4 for fur-
                 policy developments in key areas including          ther details).
                 admissions, the research-led curriculum, the
                 harmonisation of academic regulations and           Curriculum Renewal
                 modularisation are being implemented under          Trinity is committed to maintaining and devel-
                 this heading.                                       oping the quality of undergraduate education
                                                                     through research-led teaching and curriculum
                 Admissions                                          renewal. A key objective over the past decade
                 During 2011 / 12 Trinity addressed the chal-        has been the promotion and development of
                 lenge of finding a fairer and better way of         nine attributes in our graduates so that they
                 admitting students to university. An inter-         are inquisitive, analytical, reflective, creative,
                 national conference on admissions was held          adaptable, widely-read and ethically respon-
                 in College on 18 May 2012 to address these          sible, with an independent mind and an
                 challenges (see / undergraduate-         international outlook. The curriculum seeks
                 studies). Arising from that conference, Trinity     to develop student leadership skills, and to
                 has developed a feasibility study to exam-          inspire graduates to be reflective citizens and
                 ine whether it might be possible to assess          active members of the wider community. It
                 applicants using a range of different criteria,     is committed to providing an excellent teach-
                 including but not limited to their results in the   ing and learning experience, informed by
                 Leaving Certificate and A-Levels (the terminal      up-to-date research and facilitated by a high-
                 examinations at second-level in Ireland and         quality learning environment. In 2012 / 13 the
                 UK). The University Council approved this           Senior Lecturer / Dean of Undergraduate Stud-
                 feasibility study in October 2012, and follow-      ies has embarked on a major new college-wide
                 ing a suitable lead-in period the first students    initiative designed to strengthen curriculum
                 under this new admissions route will enter          renewal, and to articulate the nature of a
                 Trinity in September 2014. The objective of         Trinity education, the outcome of which will
                 the feasibility study is to discover whether it     be presented to the University Council in Trin-
                 might be possible to develop a new admissions       ity Term 2013.
                 system that can identify and admit applicants
                 who not only have demonstrated academic             Harmonisation
                 excellence, but who are also passionate about       Following a thorough assessment of existing
                 learning, motivated and suitable for their          assessment and progression regulations, a

22 — Education
Trinity College Dublin                                                       Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                 proposal on the Harmonisation of Assessment         Quality Assurance
                 and Progression Regulations was considered          While progress has been made in the area of
                 during 2011 / 12 by the University Council.         quality assurance, such as the introduction
                 The purpose of this is to provide greater trans-    of mandatory student evaluation of modules
                 parency and equity of treatment of students.        since 2010 / 11, significant new work is being
                 Regulations were devised which, within the          undertaken in 2012 / 13 to thoroughly review
                 limits imposed by the diversity of the academ-      the quality assurance of the educational provi-
                 ic programmes, are consistent, simple               sion. A high-level working group chaired by
                 and practical. The University Council has           the Vice-Provost / Chief Academic Officer has
                 adopted the recommendations of the Harmon-          started work to progress this.
                 isation Working Group and new regulations
                 have been implemented for the academic              Life-Long Learning
                 year 2012 / 13.                                     Trinity recognises its responsibility to contrib-
                                                                     ute to social and economic development by
                 Modularisation                                      providing access to knowledge-based skills
                 The modularisation of courses at undergradu-        and professional development. Trinity meets
                 ate level provides a framework to support           this responsibility primarily through an exten-
                 the ‘core and elective curriculum’. The ‘core       sive range of postgraduate taught courses in
                 and elective curriculum’ policy requires all        all disciplines which, in 2011, attracted nearly
                 courses to provide structured opportunities for     6,000 applicants, 32% of whom ultimately reg-
                 all students to take elective modules outside       istered 6. We are committed to extending our
                 their main disciplines. The implementation of       provision at the postgraduate taught course
                 the new student administration system will          level as a response to the need for continuous
                 strengthen the College’s capacity to achieve        professional development and as we build
                 the benefits of enhanced modularisation.            on advances in technology and professional
                                                                     practice, for example, to the MSc in Neurosci-
                 Taught postgraduate courses are organised to        ence, the Masters in European Business Law,
                 enable modules to be shared across cognate          the MSc in Dementia, the MSc in Engineering
                 courses, where academically appropriate, and        (Environmental / Structural / Transportation),
                 to achieve greater efficiencies in terms of staff   the MSc in Business and Management and the
                 and physical resources. The Graduate Edu-           PG Diploma in Sustainable Energy. To respond
                 cation Strategy, approved by the University         to the requirements of the professional body,
                 Council in May 2010, and now being rolled           Engineers Ireland, Computer Science and
                 out, seeks to enable the creation of innovative,    Engineering will be offering integrated five-
                 flexible, and possibly inter-disciplinary cours-    year programmes, consisting of a four-year
                 es from the wide range of modules offered           undergraduate degree programme followed by
                 across the College. It also facilitates inter-      an optional fifth year leading to a Masters.
                 institutional collaboration in graduate educa-
                 tion, in line with sectoral strategic objectives.   Trinity recognises a growing need for part-
                 Modularisation throughout the postgraduate          time and flexible learning options and consid-
                 curriculum has also underpinned the develop-        ers that the College can best make its contri-
                 ment of the Structured PhD, whereby doctoral        bution to national objectives at the level of
                 research students may avail of a broad range        postgraduate taught courses. Flexible learning
                 of modules treating advanced research skills        options have been introduced in courses such
                 and specialist topics offered within Trinity        as the MSc in Nursing and the Masters in Edu-
                 and also in collaboration with other universi-      cation and many of our postgraduate courses
                 ties in the region and further afield.              are delivered on a part-time basis,
                                                                     6 Dean of Graduate Studies Annual Report, 2010/2011,
                                                                       Appendix 8b.

23 — Education
Trinity College Dublin                                                        Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                 for example the MSc in Health Informatics            of our determination to maintain the quality
                 and the Masters in Theological Studies. The          of a Trinity education.
                 provision of part-time postgraduate taught
                 courses will increase to accommodate the             To give some context, in 2010 / 11 there were
                 growing number of students who combine               16,747 7 registered students in Trinity College
                 study and work.                                      Dublin, of which 71% were undergraduate stu-
                                                                      dents. Of the nearly 5,000 postgraduate stu-
                 The MSc in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing              dents 46% were research students. Part-time
                 Technology is delivered online and we intend         students accounted for 12% of the student pop-
                 to further develop online provision, bearing         ulation, the majority of which were registered
                 in mind the significant investment required          on postgraduate courses in professional areas
                 in technology and the reputational risk if           such as engineering, education, pharmacy,
                 quality cannot be assured. Work is ongoing in        medicine, and nursing and midwifery.
                 relation to the enhancement of the delivery of
                 the undergraduate curriculum, in areas such          Our student population represents every
                 as limited investment in the Virtual Learning        county in Ireland and more than 95 nationali-
                 Environment (VLE). In 2012 / 13 the Dean of          ties. Among universities in the Republic of
                 Graduate Studies is undertaking a major study        Ireland, Trinity has traditionally attracted
                 of the opportunities for Trinity in this field and   the largest number of students from Northern
                 will prepare a report on the educational and         Ireland and we are committed to increasing
                 other benefits of such opportunities.                this proportion.

                 We remain committed to lifelong learning and         Trinity has more postgraduate research stu-
                 offer a range of extra-mural evening courses         dents than any other Irish university, with
                 in many different fields, from history of art to     nearly 2,000 PhD students in 2010 / 2011 8.
                 social work, philosophy to psychology, Greek         There were over 1,000 PhD applicants for
                 and Roman mythology and religion to neuro-           admission in 2011 / 12, 542 (54%) of which reg-
                 science and a wide variety of languages.             istered 9. Many of these students were attract-
                                                                      ed to Trinity by the opportunity to work with
                 Balance the Profile of the                           internationally renowned researchers. Growth
                 Student Body Composition                             in postgraduate research is dependent on the
                 The Strategic Plan 2009-14 envisaged that            ability of the state and the university to pro-
                 College would increase its student numbers           vide funded studentships — a necessity when
                 to 18,000 students by 2014 and within that           competing globally. However, 2010 / 11 figures
                 context also to increase the number and pro-         show a decrease in the number of registered
                 portion of international students, of graduate       PhD students [SEE FIGURE 4]. We are addressing
                 students and of students from non-traditional        this though the Global Relations Strategy and
                 backgrounds. A review has shown that this            philanthropic initiatives, for example the Grat-
                 target of increasing student numbers to 18,000       tan Scholarships 10. Increased diversification of
                 will be met by 2014. It also confirms that the       sources of research income will also halt this
                 targets relating to graduate students and            possible decline.
                 non-traditional entrants will also be met and
                                                                      7 This includes one-year and one-term visiting students.
                 exceeded. However the targets in relation to         8 Based on 2010/11 student numbers returned to the HEA
                 international students have not yet been met,           March 2011.
                                                                      9 Dean of Graduate Studies Annual Report, 2010/2011,
                 although the recent adoption of a new Global
                                                                         Appendix 7.
                 Relations Strategy will ensure that this will        10 The School of Social work and Social Policy has developed a
                 be prioritised in the coming years. In light of         new Scholarship Programme —The Grattan Scholars — with
                                                                         the aim of advancing cutting-edge social science research
                 these changes it is opportune to consider the           and teaching. The first two scholars commenced Michael-
                 composition of our student body in the context          mas Term 2012.

24 — Education
Trinity College Dublin                                                                  Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                                                                                                         TOTAL PG RESEARCH
                         POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH STUDENTS                                                  PG (FT)
                                                                                                         PG (PT)






                              2006-07            2007-08                    2008-09                    2009-10                        2010-11

                 FIGURE 4 —POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH STUDENT NUMBERS 2006 / 07 TO 2010 / 11 11

                  Area                                     No. of students 2010 / 11                  % Distribution 2010 / 11

                  Ireland    12
                                                                         13,149                                     78.5%

                  Europe (EU) (excl. Ireland)                            1,892                                       11.3%

                  North and Central America                                731                                        4.4%

                  Asia                                                     535                                        3.2%

                  Africa                                                   241                                        1.4%

                  Europe (non EU)                                          152                                        0.9%

                  Australasia                                               28                                        0.2%

                  South America                                             19                                        0.1%

                  Total                                                  16,747                                     100%


                 Table 1 [ABOVE] illustrates the geographical dis-                The pre-dominance of students of Irish
                 tribution of the student body based on nation-                   nationality dates from the late 1980s when
                 ality in 2010 / 11, with Irish nationals account-                Trinity oriented itself to meet the demand for
                 ing for 79% of the student body in 2010 / 11.                    higher education nationally. However in the
                                                                                  last decade in particular Trinity has come to
                 11 Based on data from Dean of Graduate Studies Annual
                    Report 2010/2011, p. 10                                       appreciate the educational and other benefits
                 12 Includes 352 from Northern Ireland based on home              that accrue from a greater international ori-
                    address details.
                 13 Based on Senior Lecturer’s Annual Report
                                                                                  entation. The quality of our education will be
                    2010/2011,Appendix B                                          enhanced by attracting the best students and

25 — Education
Trinity College Dublin                                                     Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                 staff in the world and by having a more cultur-     who come from socio-economic groups under-
                 ally diverse student body. The Global Rela-         represented in higher education, to go to
                 tions Strategy incorporates a non-EU incen-         university.
                 tivisation scheme to encourage an increase
                 in non-EU student numbers and envisages             The National Institute for Intellectual Disabil-
                 an additional 922 non-EU students from the          ity (NIID) was established at Trinity in 1998 to
                 Global Relations Strategy, 482 from Study           promote the inclusion of people with intel-
                 Group International (SGI) and 80 from Singa-        lectual disability and their families. The NIID
                 pore Institute of Technology (SIT), by 2016 / 17.   promotes lifelong learning for people with
                 With the student body composition clearly set       intellectual disability through:
                 to change, planning has begun to deal with          —— The Certificate in Contemporary Living,
                 the resulting consequences for the College’s           an inclusive education programme for
                 finances, quality and reputation. For instance,        students with intellectual disabilities
                 the impact of increased student numbers on
                 our staff:student ratio could be a matter of        —— Development and implementation of
                 concern, and if not properly managed, could            inclusive research practice
                 have implications for the quality of our teach-     —— Analysis and commentary on relevant
                 ing and the student experience, and in turn            legislation and policy
                 could affect our reputational standing.
                                                                     —— Parent / family education
                 In this context, until the complex issues of        —— Consultancy and partnership with
                 funding higher education, outlined in the              service and advocacy agencies
                 Review of Funding Model for Higher Education
                 Institutions Consultation Document July 2012,       —— Public Education.
                 are resolved, it is not possible to commit to       Develop the TCD-UCD
                 any significant increase in undergraduate           Innovation Academy
                 EU student numbers. However, Trinity                The Innovation Alliance between TCD and
                 remains open to considering targeted                UCD was announced in 2009 as a partnership
                 increases as appropriate.                           to enable Ireland’s higher education sector to
                                                                     contribute to a world-class environment for
                 Trinity has always attached great value to          innovation and enterprise development in
                 having a diverse and inclusive student popula-      Ireland. The TCD-UCD Innovation Academy is
                 tion and is an active participant in the DARE       the educational centre-piece of the Innovation
                 and HEAR third-level access schemes, winners        Alliance which aims to develop a new kind of
                 of a Public Service Excellence Award, 2012.         doctoral candidate, one who is an expert in
                 We are committed and on target to achiev-           the chosen discipline but also possessing the
                 ing a 22% entrance rate by under-represented        skills, networks and confidence to translate
                 groups and a 13% entrance rate by under-            research into a commercial, social, cultural
                 represented socio-economic groups by 2013.          or policy innovation. The Innovation Acad-
                 Applications from mature students and those         emy has developed a curriculum leading to
                 from backgrounds of social disadvantage or          the new joint TCD-UCD Graduate Certificate in
                 with a disability are actively encouraged. In       Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which can
                 2011, 18.8% of new undergraduate entrants           be taken by PhD students. Since 2010, approxi-
                 were admitted using key access criteria (socio-     mately 200 PhD students have participated in
                 economically disadvantaged, mature stu-             the Innovation Academy to develop skills in
                 dents, students with a disability). The Trinity     creative thinking, innovation and business
                 Access Programmes (TAP) have formed a cen-          awareness. In 2012 Queen’s University Belfast
                 tral part of Trinity’s plan to encourage young      (QUB) joined as a partner in the Innovation
                 adults, adults and ethnic minority students

26 — Education
Trinity College Dublin                                                    Strategic Plan [ Mid-Term Review] 2009—2014

                 Academy to foster cross-border student mobil-      From a Trinity perspective, the Innovation
                 ity and inter-institutional sharing of mod-        Academy will continue to be reliant on an
                 ules. This collaboration ensures that doctoral     internal funding allocation until 2016. How-
                 candidates in Trinity, UCD and QUB benefit         ever this will progressively decline as it gener-
                 from the expertise that is available within        ates external income from its training activi-
                 each institution, as well interacting with an      ties. The Executive Officer Group approved the
                 expanded network of contacts, entrepreneurs        Innovation Academy’s business plan in 2012
                 and spin-out companies. Through the TCD-           and also recommended that the Innovation
                 UCD-QUB Innovation Academy, the students           Academy be incorporated within the School
                 interact across disciplinary boundaries, across    structure so that it is fully aligned with the
                 institutions and across jurisdictions.             philanthropic prioritisation process. Ultimate-
                                                                    ly the aim is for the Academy to become syn-
                 The Innovation Academy is part-funded by           onymous with innovation and entrepreneurial
                 PRTLI (cycle 5) to recruit staff to foster links   training across the College.
                 with industry and to interact with students in
                 small group learning sessions. The universi-
                 ties also fund the Innovation Academy by pro-
                 viding academic staff expertise, administra-
                 tive support and teaching facilities. Staff from
                 two of the institutions are collaborating on
                 the academic management of the programme,
                 delivery of the course and the development
                 of the Innovation Academy. The institutions
                 are developing international links, engaging
                 in outreach events (such as ESOF 2012 and
                 Falling Walls Competition) and disseminating
                 their work at international conferences. Trin-
                 ity is committed to supporting and developing
                 this interaction.

27 — Education
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