Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...

Page created by Jill King
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
  Pack 2021
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
When you want     Welcome from the Chair

to be a part of   Thank you for your interest in the role of External Trustee at Sunderland Students’ Union.
                  The University of Sunderland Students’ Union’s vision is to provide students with
                  opportunities to grow, develop and achieve, throughout their life. In addition to a global

our journey.      pandemic, our Union has recently undergone a major restructure. Not only did we appoint
                  a new CEO but we also changed the organisational structure in order to streamline processes
                  and the way we interact with students, after all everything we do is for the students.

                  We are seeking an External Trustee with specific expertise in the Higher Education sector
                  who will bring insights about the student movement and understands what is happening
                  currently to ensure that collectively we continue to challenge how we deliver the best
                  student experience for our students, especially post Covid. We need to know what our
                  students want and aim to undertake research alongside developing a new strategic plan
                  which can enable us to ensure students are integral to everything we do.

                  The University student population is diverse however this is not the case within the Students’
                  Union; we are an inclusive environment and welcome applications from candidates from
                  under-represented groups including the BAME and LGBTQ+ communities. We would be
                  particularly interested in those with skills and experience relating to Students’ Unions
                  and/or Charity Governance. If you truly want to help us to improve student experience
                  for students at the University of Sunderland, please get in touch.

                  We hope any questions that you might have are answered in this recruitment pack
                  however if you have any further enquiries or would like an informal conversation
                  about the Students’ Union or the role please contact myself, the Chair of the Board,
                  or Peter O’Brien, the Vice Chair via

                  Diogo Quintas
                  Chair of the Board of Trustees, 2020-22
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
Our Values
                                                                               Innovation and Energy
                                                                               • We are passionate about supporting
                                                                                 our members and are driven to achieve
                                                                                 with them
                                                                               • We are pioneers; challenging current
                                                                                 practice to seek out new ideas
                                                                               • We are enthusiastic in all that we do
About us

Sunderland Students' Union is an education charity,
                                                                                                                     Fairness and Equality
dedicated to making the University experience of our
                                                                                                                     • We promote and act with
members valuable for life.                                                                                             transparency fairness, respect
                                                                                                                       and dignity
Our Vision:                                                                                                          • We are powerful advocates
The University experience provides students with opportunities to grow,                                                of equality
develop and achieve, throughout their life. These academic, social and civic                                         • We strive to understand the
experiences are valuable: to them, alumni, employers, and society more                                                 different needs of all our members
broadly. They encourage more equal access to jobs, and to roles in civil
society. Students are central to, and an active participant in, their
University experience.

Our Mission:
Make your university experience valuable to you, for life.
                                                                               Empowerment and Accountability
                                                                               • We take responsibility for our
                                                                                 actions and know everyone has an
                                                                                 important role in making this a
                                                                                 leading Students' Union.
                                                                               • We support our members and staff
                                                                                 to be leaders, decision-makers,
                                                                                 independent and empowered
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
Your Voice
                                                                                             We will ensure that we are fully
                                                                                             student led, with students directing
                                                                                             their own activities within the Union
                                                                                             and that we represent the interests
                                                                                             of all our members.
Strategic Plan

Every student registered on a course with the University
of Sunderland is a member and we represent students’
interests in all areas of their University experience.                                                                               Your Course and You
                                                                                                                                     We will support you to stay on your
This includes everything from representing their academic interests to offering welfare                                              course and help you to achieve your
advice and support, from organising fun social activities to help build social capital, to
                                                                                                                                     education goals.
helping students make a positive impact on the city of Sunderland.

We are currently in the process of writing our new strategic plan however our current
strategic plan (2018-2022) considers who our members are, what their motivations,
concerns and aspirations are and how we can as a Students’ Union adapt to meet their
needs and expectations. It will help us to align our services and resources to better meet
student needs and truly fulfil our mission.

Our strategic plan will ensure we support students to not only get the most out of
their course, but also out of the whole University of Sunderland experience, which
                                                                                             Your Place
we want to make personal to our students. Everything we do between now and 2022
will be focused on ‘your voice’, ‘your course and you’ and ‘your place’.                     We will be positive and proactive
                                                                                             representatives of our university and
                                                                                             city, to help students enjoy living,
                                                                                             studying and belonging to Sunderland
                                                                                             and our University.
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
Finance & Funding

The Students' Union operates as a standalone organisation,
with its own independent financial status and is funded by
the University through a block grant of £944k.

This is supplemented by self-generated income through event tickets, media sales and
student group memberships, which takes our total revenue to £1.1m. This enables us to
deliver student facing activities and services.
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
Kirsty Bond
                                                                                              The role of President Education is to be
                                                                                              the lead officer for students on educational
                                                                                              policy development. They ensure students
                                                                                              get the highest academic quality in areas
                                                                                              including teaching, feedback and assessment
                                                                                              and timetabling.

                                                                                              They will campaign to improve education
                                                                                              issues in the University and be the lead
                                                                                              officer on all academic projects.

What we do: Our elected leaders

Every year, members elect a new team of students to be                                                                                      Diogo Quintas
the SU Executive Team – to lead the SU, work on campaigns                                                                                   The role of the President Wellbeing is to be
                                                                                                                                            the lead officer for students on welfare and
they’re passionate about, and to represent students'                                                                                        safety policy development. They will ensure
interests at the highest level in the University.                                                                                           students get the highest experience in areas
                                                                                                                                            including, but not limited to, mental health,
The Exec Team is made up of 3 full-time paid Executive Officers (students who have                                                          crime prevention, equality and diversity
either taken a year-out of their studies or have just graduated) and 6 part-time volunteer,                                                 and accommodation. They will campaign
Non-Executive Officers (students who carry out their duties alongside their studies).                                                       to improve wellbeing within the University
                                                                                                                                            and local area and be the lead officer on all
                                                                                                                                            wellbeing projects.

Our 2020-2021 Full-time Exec Team are:

                                             Chris Davison                                    Part Time Officers
                                             The role of the President Activities is to be    We also have 6 Part Time Officers whose         • Molly Wroe: LGBTQ+ Officer
                                             the lead officer for students on creating        roles primarily support liberation groups.      • Victoria Ayedofe:
                                             opportunities for non-academic development.      The incoming team are:                            London Campus Officer
                                             They will ensure students get the best                                                           • Ashley Liddle: Mature and
                                             experience in areas including employability,     • Anisa Nawaz:                                    Postgraduate Officer
                                             community building, volunteering and provision     The Chair of Union Council
                                             of facilities. They will campaign to improve     • Nadia Farouch:                                Further information about these roles
                                             non-academic development opportunities             Equality and Diversity Officer                and the Officers can be found at:
                                             at Sunderland and be the lead officer on all     • Georgios Vasilakis: International Officer
                                             student led activities.
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
What we do: Our services
What we do: Our Services                                                                         The Students’ Union provides student-facing services,
                                                                                                 via our Student Engagement Team, and support services,
Students’ Union provides student-facing services, via our Student Engagement Team, and
                                                                                                 including Marketing and Communications, Finance
support services, including Marketing and Communications, Finance and HR.                        and HR.
                                       Board of Trustees
                                          3 x Presidents
                                      4 x Student Trustees
                                      5 x External Trustees

                                        Chief Executive

          Head of Student                  Finance             Marketing and   Operations and
           Engagement                      Manager            Communications    HR Manager

   Student           Student Voice          Finance              Graphic       Operations and
 Opportunities         Manager             Assistant             Designer       HR Advisor
                       Student                                  Media Sales    Administrative
    Events             Advisor                                  Coordinator      Assistant
                     Student Voice                             Digital Media   Minibus drivers
   Societies          Coordinator                              and Content          x3
  Coordinator        (Democracy)                               Coordinator

   Volunteer         Student Voice                               Digital
  Coordinator         Coordinator                             Communications
                   (Representation)                              Intern
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
Student Opportunities                                                                            Student Voice
Events                                           Volunteering                                    Advice                                         Representation
The Students’ Union runs a broad                 Our team also helps students to make a          We offer skilled, professional advice          It is important that students have a
events programme to help students                difference in the community – whether           and guidance to students, helping them         formal channel of communication with
connect, have fun and make memories.             that’s in the city or in the University. We     to represent their interests and access        the University so that they can influence
We celebrate a range of awareness days           link up with lots of external organisations     support. Our expertise includes a variety      decisions which will affect them.
and also have events calendars over              to create volunteering opportunities for        of issues from university policy and
holiday periods to reduce student isolation.     our students to get involved in. We’ve          procedure, academic issues and housing.        The Students’ Union play a vital part in
Whether it’s a beach walk, a night on the        made paracord bracelets for NHS staff,          Our free, impartial and confidential advice    making sure the student voice is heard at
town or a guest lecture, there’s plenty          fundraised for Breast Cancer Now, cleaned       helps students to explore options,             every level and oversee the representation
of events get involved in.                       beaches and more.                               enabling them to make informed and             structure by electing, training and providing
                                                                                                 considered decisions.                          support to hundreds of elected leaders and
Societies                                        Wellbeing                                                                                      help them to represent students’ interests,
The Students’ Union runs numerous                The Student Opportunities team works            Democracy                                      influence and communicate with the
great societies, offering a wide variety of      hard to help students meet, mix and feel        Democracy is at the heart of the Students’     University to create change.
opportunities for students to join and build     happy and confident during their time           Union decision making mechanisms. The
communities of like-minded people, make          at university.                                  staff work with elected Officers to develop    Representation is a major part of our work;
friends that last a lifetime, and take part in                                                   policy and campaigns work in order to          recent campaigns led by the SU on behalf
fun and enriching activities.                    Our SU Buddies scheme helps students            ensure that students can shape their           of students have led to changes such
                                                 to transition to university life more easily,   University experience and the world around     as reducing food waste on campus, the
Our list of societies is constantly growing      helping them to feel welcomed and make          them. It is important that the SU offer high   introduction of free sanitary products and
and includes everything from nursing to          connections from the moment they arrive.        standards, participation and engagement        the roll out of a lecture capture service.
community gardening; law to video games,         We also work with external organisations        in democratic structures such as elections,
ensuring that there really is something          to provide useful training sessions for         Union Council, referendums and members
for everyone.                                    students to help them develop important         meeting and holding our elected Officers
                                                 knowledge and skills such as resilience,        to account.
                                                 time management and healthy living.
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
Our Board of Trustees:
                                                                                           Understanding your role and remit
                                                                                           Sunderland SU is governed by a Board of Trustees, who ensure that we are operating
                                                                                           properly and in the best interest of Sunderland students.

                                                                                           There are 12 Trustees, in total, each Trustee will bring something different to the
                                                                                           Board meetings.

Relationship with the University                                                           The table below offers a brief summary of expectations from the Trustees:

                                                                                           Type of    How   Term of              Recruitment              What they bring
                                                                                           Trustee    many? Office               Method                   to the board
The Students’ Union’s relationship with the University of                                  Officer 3            One year –       Cross campus ballot      Elected mandate from
Sunderland is continually improving.                                                       Trustee		            two if           - Trustee by virtue      students
                                                                                                                re-elected       of this representative   • Understand the issues
The formal relationship is managed via the Memorandum of Understanding document                                                  position                   affecting the Union
which was recently agreed by the Joint University and Union Leadership Meeting, a termly                                                                  • Understand the University
meeting chaired by the Vice Chancellor with attendance from the University Executive                                                                        landscape
Team and the Presidents, CEO and management team of the Students’ Union.
                                                                                           Student 4            Two years        Appointed by             Voice of current students
The Presidents also have regularly catch ups with the Vice Chancellor. We have a strong    Trustee			                            trustees on              Knowledge of issue affecting
working relationship with the University, with the Pro Vice Chancellor for Learning and                                          recommendation           students
Teaching being the main liaison contact between both the Union and the University and                                            of an Appointments
consequently she attends the Board of Trustees as an observer.                                                                   Panel

                                                                                           External 5           Four years,		                             Experience and skills from
One of the Presidents is also a member of the University’s Board of Governors, alongside   Trustee		            can serve a 		                            wider world
the Chair of Union Council, and the Presidents are all members of various university                            maximum of                                • Potential specialist areas
committees and groups.                                                                                          two terms			                                of knowledge
                                                                                                                                                            (campaigning, charity
The Students’ Union and University have created an open, honest and supportive dialogue                                                                     or media law, accounting,
and understand the importance of working together to ensure that students get the best                                                                      social policy, etc.)
from their university experience.                                                                                                                         • Possible previous
                                                                                                                                                            Trustee experience
Trustee Recruitment Pack 2021 - Jobs at the University of ...
Key responsibilities
                                                                                             The key responsibilities for the role are:
                                                                                             • To ensure that the Union complies with its governing document, charity law,
                                                                                               company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations
                                                                                             • To ensure that the Union pursues its objects as defined in the Articles of Association
                                                                                             • To ensure the Union uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects
                                                                                             • To contribute actively to the board of trustees’ role in giving firm strategic direction
                                                                                               to the Union, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating
                                                                                               performance against agreed targets
                                                                                             • To safeguard the good name and values of the Union
                                                                                             • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the Union

The Role                                                                                     • To ensure the financial stability of the Union
                                                                                             • To protect and manage the property of the charity and to ensure the proper
                                                                                               investment of the charity’s funds
                                                                                             • To appoint the CEO, as and when necessary, and monitor their performance

What are we looking for?                                                                     Additionally as a Trustee, you will be required to:
We are looking to recruit a motivated individual with experience of Students’ Union and an   • Actively participate in the meetings
understanding of the higher education landscape. The successful candidate needs to have      • Prepare for Board meetings by reading through materials and Board papers beforehand
an appreciation for the wonderful and fluid world of Students’ Unions.                       • Keep in regular contact with the other Trustees and provide feedback and input on
                                                                                               issues when they arise
You should be passionate and enthusiastic about making a real difference to the lives of     • As an Officer Trustee or a Student Trustee, be mentored by an External Trustee; as an
students and willing to help take the Union to the next level of success. You will help        external Trustee, mentor an Officer Trustee and/or Student Trustee
manage the strategy and finances of the organisation and be willing to work collectively
to ensure that we will be able to deliver positive change for its members year after year.
                                                                                             Trustee eligibility
We expect there will be between seven and nine meetings a year, as well as one or more       You will be required, by law, to declare that you are able to become a charity Trustee.
training/induction sessions. This will include the Board meetings and any sub-committees     Before submitting your expression of interest, please determine that you are not
to which you are appointed. In a post-Covid world there is no expectation for meetings to    prevented from becoming a Trustee because you:
be held in person however if you are able to we would like you to attend a few meetings
each year on campus; travel expenses will be paid.                                           • have an unspent conviction for one or more of the offences listed here
                                                                                             • have an IVA, debt relief order and/or a bankruptcy order
                                                                                             • have been removed as a trustee in England, Scotland or Wales (by the Charity
                                                                                               Commission or Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator)
                                                                                             • have been removed from being in the management or control of any body in Scotland
                                                                                               (under relevant legislation)
                                                                                             • have been disqualified by the Charity Commission
                                                                                             • are a disqualified company director
                                                                                             • are a designated person for the purposes of anti-terrorism legislation
                                                                                             • are on the sex offenders register
                                                                                             • have been found in contempt of court for making (or causing to be made)
                                                                                               a false statement
                                                                                             • have been found guilty of disobedience to an order or direction of the Charity Commission
What do others say about the role?
                                                                                              Chris Davison, Officer Trustee,                Shina Zdravcheva, Student Trustee,
                                                                                              outlines his experiences of the role.          outlines her experiences of the role.

                                                                                              Not every job provides the opportunity         Being a Student Trustee at the University
                                                                                              to shape the direction of the Students’        of Sunderland Students’ Union has been a
                                                                                              Union and ensure accountability on behalf      great pleasure for me. I feel privileged to
                                                                                              of the approximately 20,000 students.          work alongside experts in different areas
                                                                                              I have personally enjoyed this and have        and senior managers from the Union
                                                                                              benefitted from working with the range of      enhanced my knowledge and have made
                                                                                              Trustees, learning more about them and         me more confident in expressing my
                                                                                              myself at the same time.                       thoughts and views. Although the role is
                                                                                                                                             voluntary, it gives plenty of opportunities
The Nolan Principles                                                                          Sunderland Students' Union is on an            for developing new skills and improve the
The Seven Principles of Public Life (also      Accountability: Holders of public office       exciting journey, Student Trustees are         ones already present.
known as the Nolan Principles) apply to        are accountable to the public for their        a recent addition to the Board but their
anyone who works as a public office-holder.    decisions and actions and must submit          insight is proving invaluable.                 As a Trustee, I am able to contribute to
                                               themselves to the scrutiny necessary to                                                       the success of the Union and therefore
These principles are:                          ensure this                                    We recruited a new CEO last year and are       to ensure that students are heard and
                                                                                              about to embark on a new strategic plan        they will get the best possible experience
Selflessness: Holders of public office         Openness: Holders of public office             that involves liaising with our stakeholders   in the University of Sunderland. Being
should act solely in terms of the public       should act and take decisions in an open       in a meaningful way and trying to ensure       a Trustee also gives me insights of how
interest                                       and transparent manner. Information            that they are at the heart of our decisions.   the organisation works, and the actual
                                               should not be withheld from the public         Students studying in London will play a        impact it has on students’ lives, which is
Integrity: Holders of public office must       unless there are clear and lawful reasons      large part in our vision for the future and    really huge, and at the same time I believe
avoid placing themselves under any             for so doing                                   Covid has given us the opportunity to          the experience I am getting from being
obligation to people or organisations that                                                    think differently about how and why we do      a Trustee helps me not only to improve
might try inappropriately to influence         Honesty: Holders of public office should       things. We're going from good to great         myself but I feel more prepared for what
them in their work. They should not act        be truthful                                    and hope to inspire you to join us on          is coming in my professional development
or take decisions in order to gain financial                                                  this journey.                                  after University.
or other material benefits for themselves,     Leadership: Holders of public office
their family, or their friends. They must      should exhibit these principles in their own                                                  I recommend to anyone who has the
declare and resolve any interests and          behaviour. They should actively promote                                                       opportunity to become a Trustee to do it,
relationships                                  and robustly support the principles and                                                       as is interesting position, enables you to
                                               be willing to challenge poor behaviour                                                        work with different people, some of them
Objectivity: Holders of public office must     wherever it occurs                                                                            experts in different areas, and is also very
act and take decisions impartially, fairly                                                                                                   rewarding when you are able to see the
and on merit, using the best evidence and                                                                                                    positive outcome for students from the
without discrimination or bias                                                                                                               decisions you make!
Person specification
                                                         			                                                       Essential   Desirable
                                                          Evidence of ongoing CPD                                                   ✓
                                                          Skills, abilities, knowledge and expertise
                                                          Experience of the Students’ Union movement                     ✓
                                                          Understanding of the current issues affecting students         ✓

What we do: Our services                                  Awareness of issues surrounding higher education
                                                          Excellent interpersonal skills
                                                          Offer challenge to the SU management                           ✓
The Students’ Union provides student-facing services,     and other Trustees
                                                          A commitment to the development of others;                     ✓
via our Student Engagement Team, and support services,    being supportive and enabling them to be empowered
including Marketing and Communications, Finance           Ability to work effectively in a team as well as               ✓
and HR.                                                   work independently
                                                          Experience of working at a board level and of governance                  ✓
                                                          Have expertise in one or more of the following:                           ✓
                                                          • Social policy campaigning and advocacy
                                                          • Digital communications with regard to
                                                         		 membership engagement
                                                          • Democratic governance
                                                          • Company and/or charity law
                                                          Experience of recruitment                                                  ✓
                                                          Values and behaviours
                                                          Act with integrity                                             ✓
                                                          Value student leadership; understand the importance            ✓
                                                          of students actively shaping how we operate and
                                                          what we do
                                                          A demonstrable commitment to our                               ✓
                                                          organisational values
                                                          Be an ambassador of the Students’ Union;                       ✓
                                                          a critical friend to both the SU and, indirectly,
                                                          the University
                                                          Be able to network on behalf of the Students’ Union            ✓
                                                          Contribute to Board meetings and value the opinions            ✓
                                                          of others
                                                          Strong commitment to, and understanding of, the                ✓
                                                          principles of equality, diversity and inclusion
Cycle of business                                                                              Activity
                                                                                                                    Business to be conducted
                                                                                                                    October Management Accounts
                                                                                                                                                       Responsible Person(s)
                                                                                                                                                       Director of Finance
                                                                                              			                   Audit management letter and        Finance Manager
The table below sets out a proposed schedule for meetings, established around the key         			                   action plan
governance moments of the calendar year, incorporating the proposed sub-committees            			                   Draft audited accounts
of the Trustee Board. The scheduling is designed to ensure that sub-committees have a         			                   SUSS pension update
clear steer regarding their business purpose as at the time of their meeting. Likewise, the   			                   Finance KPI’s review
overall schedule is intended to provide ample preparation, consideration and discussion       			                   Risk Register review and           CEO
ahead of key known annual decision-making points.                                             			                   action plan
                                                                                              			                   Annual data protection report      CEO
                                                                                              			                   and action plan
Activity Schedule           Business to be conducted            Responsible Person(s)          CEO Man. 		          Review of CEO objectives           Chair, Vice Chair, CEO
TB1      June               Approval of Cycle of Business       Chair                          Comm
			                         Budget approval                     Director of Finance            TB3       December   Approval of Audited Accounts       Director of Finance
			                         Final meeting/handover of           Chair                         			                   Auditors’ report and               Director of Finance
			                         Officer Trustees                                                  			                   management letter
			                         Appointment of roles: Chair of      Presidents                    			                   Members’ Meeting preparations      CEO
			                         the Board, University Board of                                     MM        January    Overview of SU activity over the   CEO, Chair
			                         Governors’ Representative,                                        			                   previous year
			                         Chair of Exec Committee                                           			                   Affiliations
			                         Sub committee appointments          Chair, CEO                     Update    January    Staff engagement survey review     CEO
			                         Strategic progress report           CEO                           			                   Equality and diversity review
			                         Risk register review                CEO                           			                   Human Resources update
			                         Confirm away day plans/agenda       Chair, CEO                     FRR3      February   January Management Accounts        Director of Finance,
CEO Man. July               Approve CEO objectives              Chair, Vice Chair, CEO        			                   Mid-year financial performance     Finance Manager
Comm                                                                                          			                   report/review and Budget
T and D		                   Trustees’ away day                  CEO                           			                   reforecast
T and D  July/August        Trustee Training, including         CEO, Director of Finance      			                   University budget submission
			                         finance briefing/training                                          TB4       February   Strategic progress report          CEO
			                         Presidents’ training                CEO                           		         /March
FRR1     September          Year end management accounts        Director of Finance           			                   Update:
			                         Finance Procedures Review           Finance Manager               			                   University budget submission       Director of Finance
Update   September          Presidents’ plans/objectives for    Presidents                    			                   Mid-year Presidents’ progress      Presidents
			                         the academic year ahead                                           			                   update
			                         CEO objectives                      Chair, CEO                    			                   Elections report, review and       CEO
			                         Welcome/induction update            CEO			                        			                   action plan
			                         Annual staff pay award              CEO                           			                   NSS Action plan progress report    CEO
TB2      October            CEO performance review              Chair, Vice Chair              Gov.      April      Good governance review             CEO
			                         Review delegation of authorityy     CEO                            Comm		               Review of Arts. of Association,    CEO
			                         matrix                                                            			                   bye-laws
			                         Update: NSS review and action       CEO                           			                   Board performance review and       Chair
			                         plans. Annual member survey                                       			                   skills audits
			                         results and action plans                                          			                   Policy reviews                     CEO
Activity  Schedule     Business to be conducted          Responsible Person(s)
FRR4      May          April Management Accounts         Director of Finance
			                    Year-end forecast                 Director of Finance
			                    Draft Budget                      Director of Finance
			                    Compliance register review        CEO
			                    Annual Health and Safety report   CEO
Update    May/June     Staff Engagement survey review    CEO
			                    Equality and diversity review
			                    Human Resources update
As and when required
App.		                 To recruit any new Student        Chair

                       Trustees and External Trustees
                       required for the coming year
                                                                                 How to apply
Key                                                                              To express an interest in this role please provide:
TB		                   Trustee Board
App. Comm              Appointments Committee                                    • A covering letter (max 1 side of A4)           Please send completed expressions
CEO Man. Comm          CEO Management Committee                                    that sets out your motivating factors          of interest to:
FRR		                  Finance, Risk and Resource Committee                        in your application                  
Gov. Comm              Governance Committee                                                                                       by 2pm on 6 August 2021; interviews
MM		                   Members’ Meeting                                          • A personal statement (max 2 sides of A4)       are expected to take place online on
T and D		              Training and Development                                    that demonstrates how you meet the 		          25 August 2021.
CEO		                  Chief Executive Officer                                     experience requirements set out in the
Chair		                Chair of Trustees                                           Person Specification.                          For an informal discussion about the role
Vice Chair		           Vice Chair of Trustees                                                                                     please contact Diogo Quintas, the Chair,
                                                                                 • An up to date, detailed CV including           or Peter O’Brien, the Vice Chair via
                                                                                   all relevant employment history and 	

                                                                                 • A completed Equality Monitoring
                                                                                   form, which can be downloaded from
                                                                                   our website:
You can also read