Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.

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Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.
turning up the volume on marin’s happy, healthy lifestyle.
Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.
Courtesy of the Buck Institute

 I. M. Pei–designed Buck Institute for Research on Aging

44 january/february 2021 marin living.
Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.
The Science
of Aging
Marin’s Buck Institute is one of the world’s                                enough exercise and enjoying quality
                                                                            sleep, making it difficult to understand
foremost institutions for studying aging — and here                         which road to better health is the correct
we take a closer look at the life-changing science                          one (it’s actually different for everyone).
that is happening right in our own backyard.                                But the Buck’s goal is to shed some
BY CASEY GILLESPIE                                                          light on that as well. “In addition to our
                                                                            research, this whole idea of (the Buck)
                                                                            becoming a source of validated infor-

                                                                            mation for the public, for me, is equally
                               N DECADES PAST, aging was left               important,” adds Verdin.
                               to the old, but with new discoveries             There is another piece of the aging
                               surrounding ketones and senescent            science puzzle that’s been making head-
                               cells (more on that later), among            lines in recent months — and that is the
                               myriad other innovations, the way we         connection between meaningful social
                         look at longevity is evolving like never before.   interactions and longevity. Verdin elab-
                         In fact, aging well is something people            orates: “If you adopt a lifestyle that is
                         as young as their 20s are now taking into          incompatible with friendship, you’re prob-
                         account. “There’s a lot of misinformation —        ably hurting yourself. Friendship and our
                         this idea that research on aging science is        sense of purpose are two of the major
                         focused on making rich people live longer          determinants of healthspan and life span,
                         or that we’ll be able to live to 1,000. There      which is why this pandemic is so toxic for
                         is nothing that tells us that we’re going to       the elderly; they’re isolated from their
                         get that kind of life extension. However,          families and friends.” Understanding the
                         living healthily to 100, I’m convinced this is     different factors that affect aging and
                         something that most of us can do today,”           their connection to each other is vital to
                         says Eric Verdin, M.D., CEO and president          increasing the number of healthy years we
                         of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging        spend at the end of our lives.
                         (www.buckinstitute.org), an independent                And in Marin, with our outdoor lifestyle,
                         biomedical research institute that studies         ease in securing healthy food and strong
                         aging and age-related disease in Novato.           sense of community, increasing those years
                         According to Verdin, 90 percent of your            is a relatively easy thing to do. While the
                         healthspan (the portion of your life span          national average life span is 78 years old, in
                         spent in good health) is determined by             Marin County the average life expectancy
                         environmental factors like food choices,           is 87. “I would predict that if we were to
                         exercise and sleep, while only 10 percent          take everyone and optimize them, we could
                         is predetermined by your genetics. “That           probably bring average life expectancy
                         really puts the whole issue of healthspan          from 87 to 95 — so we’re not so far from
                         squarely in your own lap,” says Verdin. And        100,” Verdin adds, “and that is amazing.”
                         the earlier you start caring about that,               In the pages that follow, we explore
                         the better.                                        some of the groundbreaking work the
                             There is a lot of conflicting informa-         scientists who are leading the way in aging
                         tion when it comes to eating well, getting         science are doing.

                                                                                      marin living. january/february 2021 45
Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.
“Any tissue
                                                                                                    or system that has
                                                                                                 estrogen or progesterone
                                                                                                      responsiveness —
                                                                                                  cardiovascular system,
                                                                                                     brain, immune cell
                                                                                                function and bone health —
                                                                                                    would be positively
                                                                                                   influenced if we were
                                                                                                  able to delay the onset
                                                                                                       of menopause.”
   Francesca Duncan, Ph.D.
   The Center for Reproductive Longevity and Equality
   investigates the correlation between reproductivity
                                                                                               important. Smoking and environmental
   and aging in women.
                                                                                               pollution can have negative impacts on
                                                                                               reproductive health as well.

What does the term “equality” in the name     provide for women as they age?                   What are the negative implications of
of the center refer to?                       There is a lot of data that shows that meno-     women being able to bear children into

                                                                                                                                           Illustration by Emily Blevins; portrait courtesy of the Buck Institute
Women are aging much earlier than men         pause accelerates aging phenotypes. This         their 50s and beyond?
in terms of their reproductive capacity,      is largely related to the fact that you have     I don’t think it’s our goal to help women
which includes the hormones produced          reduced estrogen, which is so important to       get pregnant in their 60s or 70s. There
by the ovary. Those hormones are crit-        the functioning of other organ systems. Any      are issues with getting pregnant and the
ical for the functioning of downstream        tissue or system that has estrogen or            burden of carrying a pregnancy at that
organ systems. This fact runs up against      progesterone responsiveness — cardiovas-         age has its own challenges. Right now,
the reality that many women need to           cular system, brain, immune cell function        we’re seeing women in their 30s and 40s
put off having children to make room          and bone health — would be positively            having trouble with fertility and using
for their careers — and that the delay        influenced if we were able to delay the          assistive reproductive technologies to
causes women to suffer the consequences       onset of menopause.                              get pregnant. I would love to help those
of infertility that often happens with                                                         women conceive naturally. Additionally,
advanced reproductive age. Men don’t          Are there lifestyle changes a woman              we may be able to optimize endocrine
have that disadvantage; they can repro-       can make to slow down the rate that her          function during aging, without impacting
duce throughout their life span.              fertility declines?                              fertility. That could provide significant
                                              We know that conditions like obesity and         health benefits to women throughout
If scientists were able to delay menopause,   diabetes can have a negative impact on           their life span, including the years
what health benefits could this potentially   gamete health and fertility, so diet is really   after childbearing.

46 january/february 2021 marin living.
Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.
a high-dose vitamin D displayed signs of
                                                                                                                                                           diabetes as they aged. This only seemed
                                                                                                                                                           to occur in the Alzheimer’s mice and not in
                                                                                                                                                           their normal siblings. We found that this
                                                                                                                                                           was accompanied by distinct changes in
                                                                                                                                                           the gut microbiota that appear to selec-
                                                                                                                                                           tively drive the mice into a diabetes-like
                                                                                                                                                           state. Vitamin D deficiency has been
                                                                                                                                                           linked to Alzheimer’s, leading to a rising

                                                           Julie Andersen, Ph.D.                                                                           concern that older individuals may be
                                                                                                                                                           self-medicating to avoid risk of diabetes,
                                                                                                                                                           resulting in consumption of large dosages,
                                                           Studying the quest for new ways to prevent and                                                  of which the potential negative conse-
                                                                                                                                                           quences are currently unknown. We think
                                                           cure neurodegeneration, with a particular focus
                                                                                                                                                           that this could have important implica-
                                                           on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.                                                        tions given that diabetes is a major risk
                                                                                                                                                           factor for Alzheimer’s.

                                                        What are some of the discoveries that            data we’ve collected so far suggests that         How much of a factor is lifestyle — even
                                                        have been unearthed with the funds from          UA is neuroprotective.                            for younger people — when you talk
                                                        the NIA $3.4 million grant?                         One of the things we’re really inter-          about developing diseases like Alzhei-
                                                        We received funds from the National Insti-       ested in testing is whether we can restore        mer’s and Parkinson’s?
                                                        tute on Aging (NIA) to test the efficacy of      production of UA by introducing a more            It’s huge. A NIA-funded study published
                                                        a natural dietary gut flora–derived metab-       youthful microbiome to the older mice             this past June in the journal Neurology
                                                        olite called urolithin A (UA) in slowing or      as they begin presenting with Alzhei-             showed that people who engaged
                                                        preventing the presentation of Alzheimer’s       mer’s. Results from these studies would           in regular physical activity, did not
                                                        disease. UA is metabolized in the gut from       further our understanding of how rein-            smoke, consumed light-to-moderate
                                                        a precursor called ellagic acid (EA), which      stating a more youthful microbiome                amounts of alcohol, ate a high-quality
                                                        is found in several health foods including       restores gut-brain signaling and protects         diet, and engaged in cognitive activi-
Illustration by Emily Blevins; Jim Hughes Photography

                                                        pomegranates, berries and walnuts, to            brain neurons.                                    ties had a 60 percent reduced risk for
                                                        name just a few.                                                                                   developing Alzheimer’s.
                                                            As they age, the mice we are studying        Have you discovered anything completely               Parkinson’s has also been associ-
                                                        display plaques and tangles as well as           unexpected?                                       ated with environmental factors such
                                                        losses in cognitive function similar to          We had expected that UA would elicit              as increased exposure to pesticides and
                                                        those observed in human Alzheimer’s              neuroprotection, but what’s really exciting       a high-fat diet and is slowed by phys-
                                                        patients. Studies have already shown that        about our initial results is that it looks like   ical exercise and increased consump-
                                                        our microbiome — the bacteria, fungi,            we’ve been able to identify a dosage that         tion of beverages like tea, coffee and
                                                        protozoa and viruses that live inside our        works. This is extremely helpful in terms         antioxidant-containing foods. Physical
                                                        gut — may play a role in neurological            of UA’s potential use in treating diseases        exercise including aerobics, resistance
                                                        conditions such as autism, epilepsy and          like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. In a sepa-      training and stress management via mind-
                                                        depression. We hypothesized that oral            rately funded study, we looked at the effi-       body practices including meditation,
                                                        administration of UA would slow the onset        cacy of megadose vitamin D. Here, we saw          yoga, tai chi and dance have also been
                                                        of Alzheimer’s. It’s still early days, but the   something very surprising — the mice on           suggested to be beneficial.

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Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.
“A number of laboratories have shown that at
                                                   least two interventions — each known to promote
                                                     healthy aging — also reduce the abundance of
                                                  senescent cells ... caloric restriction and exercise.”

   Judith Campisi, Ph.D.                                                                    are indeed causal for a surprisingly large
                                                                                            number of human age-related diseases,
                                                                                            ranging from neurodegeneration to late-
   Understanding cellular senescence, the cause of chronic                                  life cancer. Fewer studies have used seno-
   inflammation connected to many age-related diseases.                                     lytic drugs (which kill senescent cells), but
                                                                                            those results support this conclusion. That
                                                                                            is, eliminating senescent cells can either
                                                                                            delay the onset, ameliorate the severity, or,
Can     you     explain   what      cellular   SASP factors, and those change over time.    in some cases, reverse the manifestation of
senescence is?                                 However, senescent cells and the SASP        many age-associated diseases.
When cells become senescent, they              can and do, under certain circumstances,         Two important lessons we’ve learned
acquire three new features: they stop          have beneficial effects. Examples include    from the above studies. First, senescent
dividing; they become somewhat resistant       certain times during embryogenesis and       cells are almost always rare, comprising
to dying; and they secrete many bioactive      during wound healing and tissue repair.      only a small percentage of cells in any
molecules (the senescence-associated           Thus, it is important to know when and       tissue. Second, in transgenic mice it is not
secretory phenotype or SASP). The SASP         where and what type of senescent cells       necessary to kill all senescent cells in order
seems to be particularly important for         are present in order to understand their     to delay, ameliorate or reverse age-related
driving aging because it includes a large      role in aging and disease.                   diseases. Generally, eliminating 70 to 80
number of factors that promote inflam-                                                      percent of senescent cells is sufficient.
mation. Low-level chronic inflammation is      What is the correlation between senes-
a hallmark of aging tissues (and has been      cent cells and disease?                      Are there any external factors that
termed “inflammaging”). Inflammation,          The correlation is excellent — in mice,      affect the aging of senescent cells in
while an essential process during tissue       humans and other mammals, even in            younger people?
repair, can be destructive to tissue struc-    zebra fish. But correlation does not prove   A number of laboratories have shown that
ture and function when it is chronic.          causality. However, transgenic [geneti-      at least two interventions — each known
   Senescence is hard to study because         cally modified] mouse models now exist       to promote healthy aging — also reduce
there are no specific senescence               where it is possible to selectively elimi-   the abundance of senescent cells, or at
markers. Also, each cell type differs          nate senescent cells at any point in the     least the abundance of cells that express
from others with regard to the genes it        life span. Experiments using these mice      detrimental (inflammatory) SASP factors:
expresses, especially genes encoding           clearly demonstrate that senescent cells     caloric restriction and exercise.

                                                                                                                                             Illustration by Emily Blevins; Jim Hughes Photography

48 january/february 2021 marin living.
Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.
                                                                            The lead translational
                                                                            scientist in Ketones Lab
                                                                            is using the body’s own
                                                                            metabolic signals to
                                                                            increase longevity.

                                                                         Can you explain what a ketone is?
                                                                         Ketones are a family of compounds that
                                                                         our body can break down for energy
                                                                         instead of its usual fuels, glucose (sugar) or
                                                                         fat. The main reason that ketones exist is
                                                                         to fuel our brain when we are running low         It is early days, but research shows that      know for sure yet if and how ketones
                                                                         on glucose stores. Our body only makes            ketones have promise to treat some of the      could interact with the disease process
                                                                         ketones when glucose stores are running           common diseases of aging such as heart         of Covid-19. From our knowledge of the
                                                                         low, such as if you follow a very low carbo-      failure and neurodegeneration.                 basic science of ketones we suspect that
                                                                         hydrate diet or if you don’t eat any food for                                                    they could interact with some aspects of
                                                                         more than a day or so. Until recently, the        Your lab is working on a supplement to         the immune system (i.e., inflammation
                                                                         only way to raise the amount of ketones in        mimic the effects of the ketogenic diet —      and oxidative stress), which might help
                                                                         the blood was to follow a low-carbohydrate        can you tell us more about that?               with the response to infection. While we
                                                                         diet or fast, but now scientists are devel-       We have developed a new form of edible         suspect that could have a positive effect,
                                                                         oping drinkable ketones that can give the         ketone, called a ketone ester. This is a       there are also ways in which these ketone
                                                                         body access to ketones without any other          compound that breaks down inside the           effects could be counterproductive. We
                                                                         dietary changes.                                  body and raises the levels of ketones in the   need to do more research to be sure, but
Illustration by Emily Blevins; portrait courtesy of the Buck Institute

                                                                                                                           blood without the person having to follow      it is an interesting possibility.
                                                                         How do ketones play a factor in the way           a ketogenic diet or undertake fasting. It           Ketones might also be helpful in miti-
                                                                         the body responds to stressors and how            also works very quickly and doesn’t rely       gating some of the conditions that come
                                                                         might they improve healthspan?                    on fat breakdown like the ketogenic diet.      alongside being in intensive care with a
                                                                         Situations that cause the body’s carbohy-         We think that having ketones in the blood      disease like Covid-19. ICU patients have
                                                                         drate stores to run out are stressful, espe-      could be helpful for some aspects of health    a high rate of heart damage, delirium and
                                                                         cially when we think about ketones in the         and longevity, and you might be able to        also muscle wasting — there is mechanistic
                                                                         context of starvation. It is important that the   get some of these benefits just by drinking    evidence to support the use of ketones
                                                                         body turns on a coordinated set of processes      ketone esters without needing to follow the    to prevent these side effects. But again,
                                                                         that protect it from rapid breakdown and          ketogenic diet. The ketone ester will be the   intensive care is a complex set of stressors
                                                                         would help us to survive long periods of          main ingredient of a new product, Meta-        and we can’t be sure if the net effect would
                                                                         starvation. In that regard, the presence of       bolic Switch, that is being released this      be positive or negative until we test this in
                                                                         ketones is part of the way the body signals       year by a company called Juvenescence.         a carefully controlled setting.
                                                                         the need for self-preservation. Ketones
                                                                         may help to switch on multiple pathways           Are there any connections between              The Buck Institute is a nonprofit
                                                                         that cause cells to clean themselves up and       ketones, Covid-19 and immunity?                organization and relies on donations. To
                                                                         regenerate; this could help with healthspan.      It’s important to say that we really don’t     get involved, visit www.buckinstitute.org.

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Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle. Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle. Turning up the volume on marin's happy, healthy lifestyle.
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