Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa

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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa

                                                                                                   Edition 16
                                                          EDITION 16
                                                                              REGULATIONS FOR
                                                                             A SAFER FINANCIAL
                                                          PICASSO HEADLINE

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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa
4       BANKERSA | Edition 11

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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa
Edition 12 | BANKERSA       5

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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa
4       BANKERSA | Edition 11

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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa
Edition 12 | BANKERSA       5

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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa
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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa



             Contents                                                               Edition 16
              Special Report                           Inside
              17      TWIN PEAKS Looking at the Twin   06   EDITOR'S NOTE South                  51   TECHNOLOGY The value
                      Peaks regulation model and its        Africans and safety                       of enterprise mobility
                      impacts on the economy
                                                       09   MD'S MESSAGE Unpacking risk,         52   TECHNOLOGY Fintech and
              23      DATA SECURITY All partners            safety and security in SA                 disruptive technology pose
                      need to work together to stay                                                   a threat to traditional banks
                                                       10   TRIBUTE We say farewell to
                      protected in the volatile             Sizwe Nxasana                        54   OPINION Moving from a “me”
                      cyberspace environment
                                                                                                      economy to a “we” economy
                                                       13   LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL
              27      WHY CASH NEEDS TO BE                  NEWS Trade deficit weakens rand,
                                                                                                 56   OPINION Ten megatrends
                      PROTECTED Cash is still king,         a new Development Bank, and
                                                                                                      in the future of money
                      so it should be guarded               Wema Bank in Nigeria goes national

                                                       39   SMEs The new POPI Bill and           58   CHILDREN AND YOUTH
              31      THE DIGITAL NATIVE Are                                                          The inaugural FinLit
                      banks ready to meet the               what it means for small
                                                            businesses                                Spelling Bee
                      needs of Generation M?
                                                       42   SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable           60   WELLNESS Companies
              35      CLOUD SECURITY Looking at                                                       look at year-round approaches
                                                            banks versus traditional banks
                      the successful integration
                      of cloud services into the       47   INSIGHTS Islamic banking appeals     62   CLOSING OPINION Looking
                      financial-services sector             to many, even non-Muslims                 ahead in 2016

                                                                                                            Edition 16 | BANKERSA        5

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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa

         South Africans
         and safety                                                                                              Publishers: Picasso Headline (Pty) Ltd
                                                                                                                          Times Media Building
                                                                                                                      Central Park, Black River Park
                                                                                                                      Fir Street, Observatory, 7925
                                                                                                                      Cape Town 8001, South Africa
                                                                                                                           Tel: +27 21 469 2400

                                                                                                                        Fax: +27 86 6822 926
                    ome years back, I was writing          Yes, the challenges of crime,
                    mining health-and-safety features   unemployment, inequality and a bruised                                 EDITORIAL
                    for Financial Mail. I interviewed   economy mean that life in South Africa                  The Banking Association South Africa
                                                                                                                          Editorial Board
                    the head of a mining consulting     is perceived by many as risky. Yet many                           Cas Coovadia
                                                                                                                          Thenji Nhlapo
         firm about the industry’s safety challenges.   people hold a strange relationship with                                  Editor
         He said one of the chief challenges is that    the ideas of safety and security. According                         Tamara Oberholster
                                                                                                                             Content Manager
         South Africans are a risk-taking nation.       to a recent survey by Kaspersky Lab and                                Raina Julies
         Getting mine employees to abide by safety      B2B International, 43% of South Africans                               Copy Editor
                                                                                                                              Lynn Berggren
         regulations in the workplace was difficult,    believe that over-the-counter banking
         he posited, when outside of work, taking       transactions are safer than internet                                 Contributors
                                                                                                            Septi M Bukula, Cas Coovadia, Trevor Crighton,
         risks is considered a natural part of life.    banking, and 64% feel vulnerable when              Yule Edwards, Thekiso Anthony Lefifi, Jeff Gable,
                                                                                                             Wendy Hardy, Michael Lee, Solly Moeng, Lee
            Even something as simple as walking         transacting online. Yet, in spite of this,           Naick, Kim Novick, Vanessa Rogers, Dumile
                                                                                                                       Sibindana, Lisa Witepski
         home from work involves a measure of           the majority of South African internet
                                                                                                                         Head of Design Studio
         (perceived?) risk for many South Africans.     users still make online payments. Of                             Jayne Macé-Ferguson

         According to the Victims of Crime Survey       those surveyed, 74% use their desktops or                           Designers
                                                                                                                   Anja Hagenbuch, Mfundo Ndzo
         2013/14, published by Statistics SA, 47.68%    laptops for online payments, 22% use their
         of women and 43.76% of men in South            tablets, 32% use their smartphones, and                                   SALES
         Africa feel very unsafe walking alone in       14% of smart-TV owners use their smart                             Project Manager
                                                                                                                            Andrew Green
         their neighbourhood at night.                  TV for such operations. And, despite the              
                                                                                                                         Sales Consultants
                                                        perception that internet banking is unsafe,             Stephen Crawford, Alec Rompelman,
                                                        15% of respondents do absolutely nothing                           Business Manager
                                                                                                                         Lodewyk van der Walt
                                                        to protect their financial data online.              
                                                           In this edition, we put risk, safety and
                                                        security under the microscope, looking at                            PRODUCTION
                                                        issues ranging from the regulation of risk in                       Production Editor
                                                                                                                            Shamiela Brenner
                                                        the financial sector through to cybercrime,                     Advertising Co-ordinator
                                                                                                                             Merle Baatjes
                                                        data security, cash management and
                                                        mobile-banking risks. We highlight trends
                                                        in safety and security, and investigate                            Senior Bookkeeper
                                                        solutions, trying to understand what works,                          Deidre Musha
                                                                                                                   Subscriptions and Distribution
                                                        what doesn’t, and why.                                            Shihaam Adams
                                                           On another note, this is my last edition       
                                                                                                                    General Manager: Magazines
                                                        as editor of Banker SA. I have loved the                          Jocelyne Bayer
                                                        chance to learn more about the industry
                                                        and to work on thought-provoking content
                                                        alongside The Banking Association South
                                                        Africa over the past year and a bit. It’s been
                                                        a great experience and I will remain a loyal      Copyright: Picasso Headline and The Banking Association
                                                        reader of Banker SA.                                   South Africa. No portion of this magazine may be
                                                                                                                                                                               IMAGE: SUPPLIED

                                                                                                           reproduced in any form without written consent of the
                                                                                                         publishers. The publishers are not responsible for unsolicited
                                                                                                            material. Banker SA is published quarterly by Picasso
                                                                                                         Headline Reg: 59/01754/07. The opinions expressed are not
                                                                                                          necessarily those of Picasso Headline. All advertisements/
                                                                                                         advertorials and promotions have been paid for and do not
                                                                                                                  carry any endorsement by the publishers.

         6       BANKERSA | Edition 16

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Twin peaks REGULATIONS FOR A SAFER FINANCIAL SECTOR - The Banking Association South Africa
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                          Risk, safety and security
                                                                       funds entrusted to them by the public. As      erosion or theft and fraud. Citizens also
                                                                       trustees and custodians, they must utilise     want to “feel” secure when interacting
                                                                       those funds responsibly and put those          with banks; they want peace of mind and
                                                                       funds into as little risk as possible. Thus,   freedom of movement.
                                                                       banks must consider risk when lending             There are other aspects to risk,
                                                                       money, and have developed numerous             safety and security. The banking sector
                                                                       objective, and sometimes subjective,           continually innovates to broaden
                                                                       criteria to measure risk.                      financial-service access and lower costs.
                                                                          Safety is both physical and structural.
                                                                       The public expects to feel personally safe
                                                                       in a bank, and they expect a bank to take
                                                                                                                      `So risk, safety and
                                          Cas Coovadia
                                                                       the necessary measures to ensure their
                                                                                                                      security are not
                                                                       safety on bank premises. Banks take            nebulous elements.

                                    his issue of Banker SA discusses   inordinate steps to ensure the safety of       These are real issues
                                    matters related to risk, safety    the public on their premises, but this is      for customers and
                                    and security in the banking        increasingly difficult and complex in the      banks. These are also
                                    industry. These are critical       South African environment. However,
                          elements for the banking sector, but also,   it is also incumbent on customers,
                                                                                                                      real issues for South
                          sadly, for the South African populace.       as citizens, to take responsibility for
                                                                                                                      African citizens in
                             Banks stand or fall on confidence,        their own safety and to demand a safe          their daily lives'
                          trust and sturdiness. People entrust         environment from government.
                          their funds to banks, because they are          Safety is also critical structurally,          Mobile banking, internet banking,
                          confident the bank will be there for a       where banks develop complex and secure         use of agents and other innovative
                          long time and they will get their money      mechanisms to ensure the safety of the         channels all respond to a customer
                          back when they want it. They risk their      funds the public entrusts to them. South       that seeks convenience, low costs and
                          funds because they see banks as safe         African banks have established separate        mobility. These are all great and banks
                          and secure. The fact that South African      organisations, at great expense, to do this.   must keep ahead of the curve to avoid,
                          banks have, with very few exceptions,        SBV is a cash-in-transit company that          or limit, disintermediation. However,
                          been safe, secure and stable has built       has developed sophisticated vehicles and       these instruments also bring with them
                          confidence in the populace to use the        other equipment to protect cash, and the       new types of insecurity, lack of safety
                          services offered by banks.                   South African Banking Risk Information         and significant risk. SABRIC spends a
                             Let us look at each of these aspects      Centre (SABRIC), a subsidiary of The           significant amount of time countering
                          separately:                                  Banking Association South Africa,              cybercrime, which was not a factor even
                             Risk is often, to some, a nebulous        develops sophisticated intelligence to         five years ago.
                          concept. However, there are two sides        keep a step ahead of criminals who stalk          So risk, safety and security are not
                          to risk in the banking industry. The         ATMs and use other methods to rob              nebulous elements. These are real issues
                          customer takes the risk of entrusting his/   people of their cash.                          for customers and banks. These are also
                          her funds to a bank. Th is is important         Security has physical, structural and       real issues for South African citizens in
                          because the 2008 fi nancial crisis in the    perceptual elements. The public wants          their daily lives. We hope the innovation
                          USA and Europe eroded confidence in          to be secure when doing business with          in the banking industry to make the
                          the banking sector and some customers        banks – and their physical security is         environment for bank customers risk

                          may have seen banks as risky thereafter.     critical. They also want the assurance that    free, safe and secure will assist in
                             Banks also consider risk in doing their   banks have the structures to secure their      addressing broader risk, safety and
                          business. They are custodians of the         assets and protect them from misuse,           security issues in our society!

                                                                                                                                   Edition 16 | BANKERSA      9

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          Farewell Sizwe Nxasana
          Tribute to former Chairman of The Banking Association South Africa, Sizwe Nxasana,
          by Dumile Sibindana.

             t is near impossible to utter the name                                                         global standards. Nxasana asserts that
             Sizwe Nxasana and not marvel at his                                                            at some level The Banking Association
             achievements in corporate South Africa.                                                        contributed to this achievement: when The
             Having served as CEO in three different                                                        Banking Association interacts with the
          industries, he has built an incredible profile                                                    various decision makers, they do so in a
          in South Africa, and some may even argue                                                          unified voice, as a unified body consisting
          that he’s the true yardstick of excellence                                                        of member banks within The Banking
          that many young black professionals in                                                            Association, as opposed to acting in the
          South Africa aspire to.                                                                           interests of a single or faction of banks
             In his capacity as CEO of Telkom (in the                                                       within our banking industry. This has been
          1990s) his leadership was instrumental in               SISWE NXASANA, former Chairman of
                                                                                                            crucial in attaining some of the successes
          the listing of the entity and the substantial          The Banking Association South Africa.      the Association has relished.
          gains in value that the firm has achieved                                                            Mike Brown, CEO of Nedbank Group
          since its listing. He turned a state-owned                                                        Limited and member of the board of
          entity into a formidable ICT company.            the key initiatives The Banking Association      directors at The Banking Association,
          After leaving Telkom, he became one of           has been driving is finding ways in which        had this to say to Nxasana: “Having been
          the few black executives in the banking          the banking sector can assist government         appointed as chief executives in the same
          sector when he was appointed as group            in achieving the goals contained in the          year, I have always watched your career
          CEO of FirstRand Group. His achievements         National Development Plan (NDP). As              with keen interest. Under your leadership,
          in the banking giant are as conspicuous          our focal economic policy document               FirstRand Group has trebled its market
          as his passion for education and making          going forward, the NDP acknowledges              capitalisation, making it the largest bank
          education accessible to the underprivileged.     the activist stance the state has to play        in South Africa by market value and
                                                           in facilitating and fostering sustained          earnings. The results you have achieved in
          `Nxasana was                                     economic activity. However, government           a very challenging economic environment
          responsible for                                  cannot be solely responsible for attaining       speak volumes of your skill as a banker and
          chairing the board                               what some refer to as “ambitious goals”; the     demonstrate your ability as a leader. You
                                                           private sector and other institutions ought      have been an asset to the South African
          and, perhaps more                                to play their part as well by identifying        banking industry and have made a lasting
          importantly, fostering                           ways in which they can contribute to             contribution to its stability and success.”
          the co-operation                                 the Vision 2030 mandate. The Banking                Although Nxasana has stepped down
          between various                                  Association, under the chairmanship of           from his role at FirstRand Group and
          stakeholders'                                    Nxasana, has interacted with government          The Banking Association, it’s evident his
                                                           at various levels, advising on matters           contribution to the banking sector will be
            At The Banking Association South               of policy formulation and execution, as          cherished and sorely missed in the industry.
          Africa, Nxasana was responsible for              well as advising on matters pertaining to           We, as Banker SA in association with The
          chairing the board and, perhaps more             regulation within the banking industry.          Banking Association, would like to wish
          importantly, fostering the co-operation             South Africa’s banking sector is among        Nxasana well in his future endeavours,
          between various stakeholders in matters          the most sophisticated and developed in          particularly in his new role as chairman
                                                                                                                                                           IMAGE: SUPPLIED

          pertaining to government policy, as well as      the world, rivalling many in the developed       of National Student Financial Aid
          facilitating these discussions with decision     nations. This is largely due to the regulation   Scheme (NSFAS) and other educational
          makers within the public sector. One of          of the industry and maintenance of               programmes he’s involved in.

          10      BANKERSA | Edition 16

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LOCAL BANKING NEWS                B

                 SA lines up for Brics loan                                                                      Liability
                 A new Development Bank, headed by South African Leslie Maasdorp as the chief
                 financial officer, has opened its head office in Shanghai, China. It expects to be in a
                                                                                                                 debate on card
                 position to start lending to BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and SA – in
                 the second quarter of 2016, once a quality assessment has been carried out on
                 the projects they've identified as needing funds. Interest rates will be cheaper                According to the Hawks, a 23%
                 than those charged on loans at other global financial institutions. This is good                year-on-year increase was recorded
                                                                                    news for SA which
                                                                                                                 in card-skimming fraud to R453-
                                                                                                                 million from R366-million at the
                                                                                    requires funding
                                                                                                                 close of 2014. Card-skimming
                                                                                    for multibillion-
                                                                                                                 machines look and act like other
                                                                                    rand infrastructure
                                                                                                                 mobile-card machines, warns
                                                                                    and development              Anton Meyer, Executive Head of
                                                                                    projects in its              SHA Specialist Underwriters. The
                                                                                    energy and water             fraudster simply clones the strip
                                                                                    sectors, such as             and copies the CVV number. The
                                                                                    for two new Eskom            customer is told the machine is
                                                                                    power stations.              faulty, and the transaction is then
                                                                                                                 processed on the correct machine.
                                                                                                                 But Meyer warns that customers are
                                                                                                                 not automatically protected by their

              iPads aid Absa serviceability                                                                      banking institutions.
                                                                                                                    Advice to cardholders includes
                                                                                                                 migrating to a EuroPay, MasterCard
              Consultants at selected Absa branches            and Flexi Funeral cover, as well as their
                                                                                                                 or Visa (EMV)-compliant card,
              in Gauteng will now have iPads on hand           Personal Accident Plan, that much more
                                                                                                                 which generates a unique transaction
              to offer legal, life and funeral cover to        accessible to clients. Additionally, the Verdi    code that cannot be reused,
              an increasing number of clients without          and Irene branches have extended their            checking with retail/restaurant
              being teller-based. According to Banie           operating hours during the week and on            managers that a faulty machine in
              Claasen, Managing Executive of Absa              Saturdays, says Managing Executive of             fact belongs to their establishment,
              in the southern region of Gauteng, their         Absa’s northern region, Oscar Siziba, in a        and ensuring they have a linked
              use will also allow consultants ‘to carry        quest to adapt                                    instant notification service, so the
              out traditional branch transactions in           to customers’                                     bank in question can be contacted
              minutes’. The iPad pilot will be rolled out      changing                                          immediately following a suspicious
              at 17 branches across the province, making       banking                                           transaction.
              policies like Absa Law for You, Classic Life     behaviour.

                                              Trade deficit temporarily adverse for rand
                                              SA’s trade deficit grew to its biggest gap in October, since January 2015, as various imports –
                                              including machinery/electronics (19% increase), vehicles/transportation equipment (45% increase)
                                              and mineral products/oil (17% increase) – surged. The gap on the trade account of approximately
                                              R7-billion (currently R21.4-billion, from a revised R1.3-billion in September 2015) has
                                              consequences for the current account – the rand fell to a record low against the dollar after the data
                                              was released. As of the afternoon of 30 November, the rand weakened 0.2% to R14.4351 per dollar.
                                              “On balance, the trade deficit will be relatively negative over the short term for the currency,”
                                              explains Jeff rey Schultz, economist at BNP Paribas Securities.

                                                                                                                           Edition 16 | BANKERSA          13

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                                                                    Chinese bonds in
                                                                    Standard Bank coffers
                                                                    China, owner of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and the world's second-
                                                                    biggest economy, has been instrumental in supplying inexpensive loans – to the tune
                                                                    of $10-billion – to African countries over the past 10 years. The Chinese nation has
                                                                    benefited, in turn, by scoring oil and other raw materials from the continent, which are

         Wema Nigeria                                               necessary for use in various China-Africa projects. A new development has seen the
                                                                    bank, which is China's biggest lender, sign an agreement to sell an additional R10-billion

         nationalises                                               ($687-million) worth of bonds for use in infrastructure projects in South Africa –
                                                                    making ICBC the first Asian issuer of rand-denominated debt. Standard Bank Group Ltd
         A regional financial institution of Nigeria,               has been appointed to issue the bonds; the Group is 20% owned by ICBC.
         the Wema Bank, received approval in mid-
         November 2015 to change its status to a
         national bank following the rise of its capital
         base to $220m. According to Chief Financial
         Officer Tunde Mabawonku, the bank had to
                                                                 Controversial FX practice on way out?
         suspend its plans in this regard in April of 2015,      In mid-November, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS)
         due to a domestic weakening in the naira when           issued Barclays with a fi ne of $150-million for electronic foreign-exchange
         oil prices plunged. These plans could now be            misconduct. The fi ne relates to the bank’s use of the last-look practice to pull a
         resumed due to a potential share sale to fund           price from a platform to the detriment of its customers. While the bank claimed
         growth and an additional process in which               that last look was imposed on client orders to protect against stale prices and
         $100m worth of Tier 2 naira bonds would                 latency arbitrage, the DFS argued that it appeared to be used, instead, as a fi lter
         be raised locally, most likely during the first                                     to reject customer orders likely to prove unprofitable
         quarter of 2016.                                                                    to the bank.

                                                                                                         welcomes global
                                                                                                      ecommerce players
                                                                                                                                                                      TEXT: VANESSA ROGERS; IMAGES: ISTOCK, SUPPLIED

                                                                                In 2014, Pakistan launched high-speed mobile internet services for its
                                                                   200 million residents and the subscriber base now totals 18 million, with 21 million
                                                                   people using broadband internet. This has opened the way for Pakistan to invite major
                                                                 global online-payment giants – such as PayPal and Alibaba – to offer their services in the
                                                                 country, the IT Ministry said in late November. Previously, Pakistan was considered high
                                                              risk for money laundering and strict regulations limited online payment for products and
                                                                               services, leaving local vendors to instead offer cash-on-delivery options.

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         TWIN PEAKS
              A lot has been made of the Twin Peaks regulatory reform process that is set to change the regulatory
              framework of our financial sector in South Africa. Like any other piece of legislation, there are those
              that advocate for its implementation and those that are sceptical, writes Dumile Sibindana.

                       he 2015 Banking Summit, hosted     discuss the Twin Peaks model of regulation.    country as a whole. The fi nancial sector is
                       by The Banking Association             The importance of the fi nancial           involved, at some level, in all movements
                       South Africa, provided the         sector in South Africa cannot be over-         of capital, transaction payments and
                       perfect platform to bring in all   emphasised, as it delivers a range of          investments, to name a few. The gathering
              key industry stakeholders – including       fi nancial services that facilitate economic   of these various stakeholders presented an
              member banks and their representatives,     growth, job creation, construction of          opportunity to have critical conversations
              government, the media, labour and other     vital infrastructure within the context        around the proposed Twin Peaks
              professional bodies to name a few – to      of sustainable development for our             regulation and its implementation. ›

                                                                                                                      Edition 16 | BANKERSA       17

BankerSA16_TwinPeaks.indd 17                                                                                                                   2015/12/18 11:30 AM
South Africa's financial                        operations, invest in capital goods or pay
          sector: background                              their staff and other running costs.
          The banking sector in South Africa is              The inception of the Twin Peaks
          arguably one of the best managed and            system of regulating our financial sector
          progressive sectors in our economy today,       emanated from a policy document that
          contributing a sizeable portion to our          was published by government, titled:
          GDP and tax revenue. More importantly,          “A safer financial sector to serve South
          the sector provides banking solutions           Africa better”. The paper looked into the
          to millions of bankable individuals and         effects of the 2008 financial crisis and the
          different scales of businesses. This is         European crisis that followed, assessing
          affirmed by the 2015/2016 World Economic        the structure and characteristics of South
          Forum Global Competitiveness Survey             Africa’s financial sector. This process set in
          that ranks South Africa eighth in Financial     motion proposals to reform the regulatory
          Sector Development out of 140 countries         framework of our financial sector, and
          – an achievement that should not be taken       thus one of the outcomes of the paper
          lightly considering that we are ahead of        proposed the establishment of a system for
          a number of ‘developed’ economies in            improving the regulatory environment of
          this category. The argument could be            the South African financial sector – hence
          made that if the other sectors within our       Twin Peaks was born.
          economy were remotely as competitive
          as the banking sector, South Africa’s           The issues Twin Peaks
          economy would be on a drastically different     seeks to address
          trajectory. Regardless, the banking sector in   In order to attain the goals of the Twin            Greater emphasis has been placed on
          South Africa should be commended for its        Peaks system, the South African Reserve          strengthening regulators, hence a Council
          global competitiveness and progressiveness      Bank (SARB) will be granted lead                 of Regulators will be established to
          over the years.                                 responsibility for prudential regulation         enhance co-ordination.
                                                          and the Financial Services Board (FSB)              The Twin Peaks regulatory regime
                                                          for market conduct regulation. “A safer          consolidates the position of the SA financial
          `In order to attain the goals                   financial sector to serve South Africa           sector as being one of the most stable and
          of the Twin Peaks system,                       better” addresses a range of issues. One of      resilient sectors globally, and keeps us at the
          the South African Reserve                       the prime responsibilities of our central        cutting edge of global best practice.
          Bank will be granted lead                       bank is to ensure stability within our
          responsibility for prudential                   financial sector. The SARB mandate will be       The two primary
          regulation and the Financial                    underpinned by a new Financial Stability         regulators (peaks)
                                                          Oversight Committee (FSOC), co-chaired           The proposed regulatory framework
          Services Board for market                       by the SARB governor and the finance             includes two financial regulators (peaks).
          conduct regulation'                             minister. Consumer protection has been a         The Financial Sector Regulation (FSR)
                                                          concern and the government is planning to        Bill lays the legislative basis for the
             Having said that, we should acknowledge      step up the protection of individuals from       implementation of Twin Peaks. At its core,
          the fact that our banking sector isn’t          unsavoury micro-lenders and unregulated          Twin Peaks was established to create a
          perfect. There are various challenges that      financial products. Therefore the structure      safer financial sector, and better consumer
          the banking sector has to address, such         of the FSB will be extended to include a         protection by ensuring that consumers
          as: the lag in transformation in senior and     banking-services market-conduct regulator.       are treated fairly by financial institutions
          executive positions within banks and the           Furthermore, there are plans to broaden
          fact that bank fees remain relatively high      access to financial services by reviewing the    `The global financial crisis
          when contrasted with those in ‘developed’       Financial Sector Code and undertaking the        is a lesson for the South
          economies. The biggest criticism, however,      necessary reforms to encourage ‘micro-
          stems from the fact that innumerable            insurance’. One of the integral pillars that
                                                                                                           African economy to
          entrepreneurs find it incredibly hard           will be the focus of the Twin Peaks system       avoid unnecessarily higher
          to access capital from our financial            is its stance on co-ordination of the various    risk activity within our
          institutions, whether it be to expand their     regulatory bodies.                               financial sector'

          18     BANKERSA | Edition 16

BankerSA16_TwinPeaks.indd 18                                                                                                                            2015/12/18 11:30 AM

              and are protected against the risk of these   of regulated financial institutions. As the    make use of various financial products in
              institutions failing. The global financial    central bank of South Africa, the SARB will    addition to promoting confidence in the
              crisis is a lesson for the South African      be responsible for the prudential aspect of    South African financial system.
              economy to avoid unnecessarily higher         Twin Peaks. Therefore, this responsibility
              risk activity within our financial sector     would include both micro and macro             `In the first phase of
              that can lead to systemic failures of our     prudential aspects. Other responsibilities
              financial institutions. The use of taxpayer   will include maintaining overall financial
                                                                                                           implementation, the
              funds to address financial market failures    stability of our financial sector with the
                                                                                                           Financial Sector Conduct
              in the United States should serve as an       assistance of the market-conduct regulator.    Authority (FSCA) and the
              example of the possible calamity financial       Additionally, the SARB is well placed       Prudential Authority (PA)
              risk might bring.                             to provide oversight on potential systemic     will be created'
                 Secondly, the Twin Peaks system            risks that may arise in the financial market
              represents a shift away from the former       – they are able to provide emergency             The prudential and market-conduct
              fragmented regulatory approach                liquidity to banks and have the ability to     regulators will base their regulatory
              in order to address the issue of              use various tools in order to respond to       frameworks on eight shared overarching
              regulatory arbitrage, which continues         changing macroeconomic conditions.             principles, although the significance each
              to allow fi rms to circumvent intended                                                       regulator will have on certain principles
              regulation. It focuses on instituting a       The market-conduct                             will differ. However, for this approach to
              more streamlined system of licensing,         regulator: FSB                                 be successful, co-ordination, collaboration
              regulatory supervision and enforcement,       This responsibility will be carried out        and sharing of information between the
              addressing customer complaints through        by the FSB, which will be transformed          regulatory authorities will be crucial.
              ombudsmen, tribunal escalations, as           to meet its revised mandate pertaining
              well as providing consumer advice and         to market-conduct regulation. It will          Phases of implementing
              education across the fi nancial sector.       include industries such as banks,              Twin Peaks
                                                            insurers, financial advisers, financial        In the first phase of implementation, the
              The prudential                                intermediaries, investment institutions        Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)
              regulator: SARB                               and the broader financial markets. Part        and the Prudential Authority (PA) will be
              The SARB has a key mandate to fulfil in the   of this objective involves the protection      created. The FSCA will be a stand-alone
              enhancement of the safety and soundness       of consumers when they purchase and            market-conduct authority, while the PA ›

                                                                                                                        Edition 16 | BANKERSA      19

BankerSA16_TwinPeaks.indd 19                                                                                                                    2015/12/18 11:30 AM

          will be an authority established within         does not do so autonomously. SA banks         however, cautioned against regulation
          the SARB. The FSB will be incorporated          have worked closely with SARB to adopt        stifling investment institutions’ ability to
          into the FSCA and, together with the            and implement BASEL III within agreed         create viable business opportunities for
          Bank Supervision department in SARB,            timeframes. BASEL III is a response to        themselves, which would in turn have
          will cease to exist. In the second phase of     the 2008 financial crisis, and Twin Peaks     a negative effect on the longevity of the
          implementation, the reform processes will       must be seen within this context, including   industry at large.
          pose a greater challenge; legal frameworks      enabling a regulatory environment that
          for prudential and market-conduct               ensures stability of the financial sector,    `The Twin Peaks regulatory
          regulation will be developed, harmonised        including effective consumer protection.
          and strengthened. In some instances, this          Jonathan Dixon, Deputy Executive
                                                                                                        regime is the most
          may require repealing industry-specific         Officer of the FSB, affirmed the need for     significant legislative
          legislation and replacing it with new           a Twin Peak regulatory structure of our       development in the SA
          legislation. Licensing procedures may also      financial sector. He stated that Twin Peaks   financial sector since 1994'
          need to be amended where necessary to give      addresses the inconsistencies within our
          effect to new legislation. This won’t be easy   current regulatory environment, pointing         He further alluded to the greatest
          and will require the active participation of    to the fact that it aims to “incorporate      challenge that Twin Peaks will face
          all the stakeholders throughout the process.    lessons that were learnt from the 2008        – which rests on its implementation.
                                                          financial crisis” and by so doing ensure      Dempsey noted that South Africa doesn’t
          Banking Summit 2015                             market conduct within the financial sector    have much success in collaboration
          Panellists                                      is effectively regulated.                     between different regulators. The other
          Deputy Governor of the SARB Kuben                  The question was posed why market          challenge linked to the first is the fact
          Naidoo made some interesting points. He         conduct forms one of the pillars of Twin      that collaboration between the entire
          suggested that with the implementation          Peaks? Dixon responded by asserting that      financial sector (market participants) and
          of Twin Peaks, there would be a need            “market conduct requires a specific focus”,   the regulators will be tested. In addition,
          to scrutinise financial conglomerates,          not only in South Africa, but throughout      Twin Peaks poses a skills recruitment
          particularly looking at the relationships       the world. He added that the proposed         and retention challenge for regulatory
          between subsidiaries and their parent           implementation of Twin Peaks signals          authorities. There may be increased
          companies. The primary reason for this is       a “fundamental paradigm shift” of our         competition for highly skilled regulators
          to ensure financial conglomerates operate       regulatory environment, and places a          among the different regulatory bodies,
          within risk-management restrictions and         greater emphasis on collaboration between     as is the case in United States’ regulatory
          imposed regulations.                            different regulatory bodies in order to       environment, added Dempsey. If this
                                                          harmonise procedural standards within         happens it poses a challenge to our
          `The proposed                                   the financial sector. Again, the question     regulatory authorities and the approach
                                                          was posed whether the proposed Twin           they will employ to retain these scarce
          implementation of                                                                             skills in South Africa.
                                                          Peaks regulatory reform can be achieved
          Twin Peaks signals a                            in light of its complicated structure.
          “fundamental paradigm                           Dixon explained that the practicalities       Conclusion
          shift” of our regulatory                        of implementing Twin Peaks would be           The Twin Peaks regulatory regime is the
          environment'                                    an obvious challenge, but in saying that,     most significant legislative development
                                                          the need for a Twin Peaks approach to         in the SA financial sector since 1994. The
             Further, the SARB acknowledged               regulation can’t be questioned and is         input and debate at this year’s Banking
          that they do not know enough about the          essential for financial stability. Peter      Summit clarified numerous matters related
          insurance industry and that they would          Dempsey, Deputy CEO of the Association        to the legislation and confirmed that the
          have to consult in order to learn more,         for Savings and Investment South              industry, legislators and regulators are on
          which will enable them to implement the         Africa, reaffirmed the need for consumer      the same page about Twin Peaks being the
          apt regulatory measures for this industry.      protection. The investment industry is        appropriate regulatory regime to ensure
          Naidoo also alluded to the collaborative        huge, with an estimated R6/7-trillion         a stable and growing industry. There was
                                                                                                                                                            IMAGES: SUPPLIED

          relationship that the SARB and the Finance      invested by South Africans in the local       also agreement that implementation will be
          Ministry have; among others, the fact that      investment market and it is critical          complex, but the industry and government
          the SARB manages monetary policy in             for investment institutions to manage         will cooperate to ensure effective and
          consultation with the Finance Ministry and      consumer funds with care. Dempsey,            appropriate implementation.

          20     BANKERSA | Edition 16

BankerSA16_TwinPeaks.indd 20                                                                                                                           2015/12/18 11:30 AM
BANKER_ad_placing.indd 3   2015/12/17 12:00 PM
                             IS MAKING STRIDES
                               ON CARD FRAUD
                               At the end of the third quarter of 2015, the banking industry
                                   reported an overall decrease in card fraud of 13.8%.

           W        hen the banking industry released
                    their annual card statistics, the
           South African Banking Risk Information
                                                                                                      and more effective crime risk mitigation.
                                                                                                      SABRIC CEO Kalyani Pillay says: “SABRIC
                                                                                                      provides the banks with an industry view
           Centre (SABRIC), on behalf of the industry,                                                of crime trends, and facilitates a collective
           published that credit-card fraud had                                                       and effective approach to the combating of
           decreased by 28.6% from R353.3-million                                                     bank-related crime.”
           in 2014 to R252.2-million in 2015, but that                                                  On the other hand, the industry saw
           debit-card fraud had increased by 8.3% in                                                  an increase of 8.3% in debit-card fraud
           the same period, from R237.4-million to                                                    for the same period last year, a significant
           R257.1-million.                                                                            portion of which can be attributed to
              This significant decrease is attributed to                                              either lost or stolen cards. Investigations
           various mitigation measures implemented                                                    and reports indicated that, in many
           by the industry in the fight against the                                                   instances, people accepted assistance from
           scourge of card fraud. The effectiveness                                                   criminals at the ATM, which enabled the
           of these measures must be seen through                                                     criminal to get unlawful access to card
           the decrease in some of the modus                 CEO Kalyani Pillay                       information and the PIN.
           operandi utilised, the arrests made by                                                       SABRIC’s analysis revealed that more
           law-enforcement agencies in conjunction with the banking               of the fraudulent credit-card spend was outside the country,
           industry, and that bank clients are beginning to heed the              while it was the other way around when it came to debit
           awareness messages. The industry’s continuous improvement              cards. “Some of the countries on the continent where we see
           of internal systems and processes, as well as the roll out of chip     greater fraudulent usage of South African issued cards are
           and PIN technology, have also played significant roles. The latter     Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique and
           certainly contributed to counterfeit-card fraud decreasing by          Kenya,” explains Pillay. “Overseas, we are seeing a prevalence
           38%, when compared to 2014.                                            of our cards used fraudulently in countries like the US, UK,
              Another contributing factor is the unique SABRIC operating          Brazil, India and China.”
           model that encourages greater information sharing and                    SABRIC encourages all bank customers to keep abreast of
           collaboration among its members. Consequently, this enables a          banking-related crime, and empower themselves with useful tips
           more in-depth understanding of the organised crime landscape           on security (which can be obtained from the platforms below).

                                                                                                        For more information, please visit




Sabric_fcp.indd 3                                                                                                                                2015/12/09 4:22 PM

              Keeping safe in
              cyberspace                                                                         Collaboration is key to stamping out
                                                                                                 cybercrime, writes Lisa Witepski.

                          ur phones and laptops have               Criminals seek opportunities and means          South Africa,” Von Solmes says. That said,
                          become our lifelines. If a message   to steal money, intellectual property and           international statistics paint a bleak picture:
                          isn’t communicated via email or      electronic identities, and continuously             according to the 2013 Norton Report, South
                          even WhatsApp, there’s a good        exploit weaknesses in users’ actions or             Africa has the third highest number of
               chance it won’t be received, and the things     vulnerable areas in systems to achieve their        cybercrime victims worldwide.
               we can achieve online increasingly resemble     ends. Typically, cybercriminals target the             This disturbing data is borne out by a
               scenarios from a sci-fi movie. While this       end user, because they represent the easiest        presentation made at the 2015 Security
               technological ubiquity introduces greater       point at which to hack into a company’s             Summit, held in Johannesburg in May 2015,
               variety and convenience into our lives,         systems. “Cybercrime is an international            where it was revealed that, during a six-week
               it also opens more and more avenues for         problem, rated by the World Economic                period leading up to the Summit, South
               people to be targeted by cybercriminals.        Forum’s 2015 Global Risk Report as the              Africa suffered more cybercrime attacks
                  According to Professor Sebastiaan von        fi ft h highest risk on a likelihood/impact         than any other country in Africa. What’s
               Solmes, Director of the Centre for Cyber        scale,” Von Solmes informs.                         more, according to an article by Chad
               Security at the University of Johannesburg,         So how does South Africa compare                Fichardt, titled ‘Just How Big a Threat is
               no one is immune from cybercrime. “Every        to the rest of the world when it comes to           Cybercrime to SA’ and published on BDLive
               individual and every company is a potential     cybercrime statistics? “It’s difficult to say, as   in June, “South Africa is starting to feel the
               victim,” he says.                               it is not compulsory to report cybercrime in        heat from attackers across the globe.” ›

                                                                                                                                 Edition 16 | BANKERSA        23

BankerSA16_DataSecurity.indd 23                                                                                                                             2015/12/18 10:41 AM

             The consequences of these attacks are        legislation that addresses cybercrime,           experiences and defence strategies will
          far-reaching and significant. According         whether to describe what constitutes a           make everyone more robust.”
          to the article, a report by the South           cybercrime, to stipulate how to enforce the         This is all the more important, given
          African Banking Risk Information Centre         law governing cybercrime or to determine         that the sheer volume of transactions
          (SABRIC) showed that “South Africans lose       appropriate correctional sentencing for          processed in the electronic environment
          in excess of R2.2-billion to internet fraud     those convicted of offences,” Tshongweni         makes prevention impossible. The best
          and phishing attacks annually.” Equally         observes. The Bill addresses this by             individuals and organisations can
          concerning is the fact that Antonio Forzieri,   creating a number of structures to deal          hope for, according to Steenkamp and
          Cyber Security Practise Lead: EMEA at           with threats. These bodies will fall under       Connock, is an effective response to
          Symantic, is quoted in the article as saying    the auspices of the departments of finance,      incidents to minimise loss. Again, they
          that “one in 214 emails sent in South Africa    telecommunications and defence, state            emphasise that this will be best achieved
          during 2014 was a spear-fishing attack.”        security, and defence. Also included in          through a joint approach. “We believe
                                                          the Bill are definitions of offences and         that it is imperative that we all make it as
          `We believe that it is                          details of the penalties to be imposed on        difficult as possible for criminal elements
          imperative that we all                          cybercriminals.                                  (regardless of their motive) to gain access
                                                                                                           to any part of our environment, and to
          make it as difficult as                         Taking action                                    achieve this collaboration is imperative.
          possible for criminal                           While it’s heartening that cybercrime is         Skills shortages and naivety on the part of
          elements (regardless                            on government’s agenda, individuals and          the general workforce (those not directly
          of their motive) to gain                        organisations also need to take steps to         involved in cyber security) leaves us all
          access to any part of                           protect themselves.                              exposed to easy access.”
          our environment'                                   Von Solmes, Steenkamp and                        They point to phishing as an example of
                                                          Connock agree that the key word here             how being ignorant of cyber threats can
             Worryingly, cybercrime fighter Jason         is collaboration. “Effective protection          have a massive impact on an organisation.
          Louw noted in the article that “there have      against cybercrime can only be achieved          “The onus rests on those who have
          been very few cybercrime prosecutions in        through co-operation and education,” say         technological knowledge to educate those
          South Africa.”                                  the Strate team. And Von Solmes concurs:         who don’t.”
             But Rudi Steenkamp, Head of IT               “The latest approach to cybercrime sees
          at Strate, and Dale Connock, the                everyone in a company, from the board of         Practical steps
          organisation’s Head of Risk, point out          directors to secretaries and cleaners, getting   Obviously it will take time for industries
          that South Africa is not alone in facing        involved,” he says. “Cyber protection is         to mobilise and present a unified front
          the threat of cybercriminals. Moreover,         no longer seen as the sole responsibility        against cybercriminals; until then, there
          they insist the country is not targeted         of the IT department, but as a holistic          are several practical steps organisations and
          as frequently or aggressively as other          strategic business risk that should be           individuals can take to protect themselves.
          nations. “Of course, that’s not to say that     managed as part of corporate governance.            It’s worthwhile remembering that
          we are not at risk,” they acknowledge.          Accountability rests with the board and          criminals will almost always look for the
          “We all need to be prepared to face this        executive management, but the reality is         easiest way in. “After a quick initial scan
          ever-present threat.”                           that the best way to prevent and stall cyber     of boundary defences to determine their
                                                          attacks is by promoting awareness amongst        strength, criminals are more likely to
          What's being done?                              all users.”                                      attack the human element. This gives them
          The good news is that government has               Steenkamp and Connock believe that            authenticated and undetected access to
          taken heed, and has responded by mooting        collaboration shouldn’t be restricted            systems,” Steenkamp and Connock warn.
          the Cybercrimes and Cyber Security Bill,        to organisations; they would like to see         These attacks become more sophisticated
          currently awaiting approval.                    more co-operation between industries.            all the time.
            The advantage of the Bill, writes Mongezi     “The time is right for all role players (like       The solution? Go back to basics, Von
          Tshongweni, an Executive for Legal and          the financial-services industry) to begin        Solmes advises. “Simply by making
          Regulatory Affairs at Internet Solutions        sharing experiences. Ideally, we should aim      end users aware of the risks inherent
          on, is that it will “bring South     for the establishment of computer security       in cyberspace, and teaching them the
                                                                                                                                                           IMAGE: ISTOCK

          Africa in line with international laws          incident response teams to watch and             fundamental rules that make financial and
          dealing with cybercrime”.                       warn one another of threats and activities.      social media transactions safer, cybercrime
            “At present, South Africa has no              This should become a priority. Sharing           can be reduced,” he concludes.

          24      BANKERSA | Edition 16

BankerSA16_DataSecurity.indd 24                                                                                                                       2015/12/18 10:41 AM
_To Check_fcp.indd 1    3   2015/12/07  12:03
                               2014/06/23     PMPM
BANKER_ad_placing.indd 3   2015/12/02 2:20 PM

              Why cash needs to be
              protected                                                        Despite vast technological advances, cash is still king,
                                                                               and its use should be guarded, writes Wendy Hardy.

                          s far back as 1950, when credit       a survey showed that “cash use continues       commodity highly sought after and the
                          cards first came onto the scene,      to be prevalent among people from all age      target of criminals. But, to be so naive as
                          people have predicted the             groups and educational backgrounds, and        to believe that a cashless society would
                          demise of cash. Granted, the          that cash is the preferred first or second     eliminate this threat is just that, naive.
              opinion as to whether cash is here to stay        choice as a payment instrument among all       Criminals have never relied on targeting
              or on its way out is largely influenced by        ages and socioeconomic classes”. In South      only one form of payment and the increase
              the source of that opinion and, in some           Africa alone, according to the South African   in cybercrime is a clear indication that they
              instances, concentrated efforts are at play to    Reserve Bank, cash in circulation has passed   will take from where they can.
              disseminate misinformation in this regard.        the R119-billion mark.                            Over the past 10 years, South Africa
                 However, the fact that there are more                                                         has experienced a shocking 337% increase
              notes in circulation now than ever before,                                                       in armed robberies against businesses.
                                                                `Over the past 10 years,
              and that 84% of transactions around the                                                          This equates to 51 attacks a day, and last
              world are still made using cash sends a
                                                                SA has experienced a                           year alone South African businesses were
              strong message in itself. Statistically, the      shocking 337% increase in                      attacked 18 615 times. But, we are a resilient
              number of cash transactions may have              armed robberies against                        country and have been at the forefront
              declined as a percentage of total transactions,   businesses'                                    of developing technology to combat such
              but as a result of the growth in the number                                                      attacks and to remove the incentive to steal.
              of payments, cash continues to grow and             Anonymity, integrity and ease of use         By ensuring that every element of the cash-
              remains the preferred method of payment. In       are sighted as the main reasons why cash       management cycle is protected, criminals
              the 2012 US Federal Reserve System’s Diary        remains the preferred method of payment,       are forced to seek other ways in which to
              of Consumer Payment Choice (DCPC),                but these same attributes also make this       enrich themselves. ›

                                                                                                                             Edition 16 | BANKERSA       27

BankerSA16_CashHandling.indd 27                                                                                                                        2015/12/18 11:06 AM

             A broad range of technology used to          implementation of technology by cash-               that their cash-management solutions are
          deter criminals and protect cash is available   in-transit companies in their operation is          working for them. Increasingly, operators
          throughout the country. And, as a result        clearly evident by the 18% decrease in cash-        are developing systems that add value.
          of the high levels of crime experienced by      in-transit heists for the year.                     Businesses should not look to cash-
          local businesses, South African companies          It is also imperative that throughout            management specialists for protection only,
          specialising in the safekeeping and             the cash cycle, the client and various              but should investigate solutions that can
          transport of cash have invested millions        service providers are able to pinpoint              be integrated into their existing systems.
          in research and development. Although           exactly where the cash is. This is facilitated      Imagine, for example, secure point-of-sales
          much of the technology has been around          through a number of highly sophisticated            systems that tie into procurement systems
          for a number of years, the continual            soft ware programmes. These programmes              and are able to produce management
          upgrading and development of systems            can also be used by the client for                  reports that result in accurate purchasing
          has earned South Africa the reputation as       management reporting and the tracking               power. The possibilities are endless and the
          a leader in the field of cash management in     of business trends, resulting in the ability        market needs to meet this challenge.
          volatile environments.                          to implement business efficiencies. So
             One of the most effective ways in            businesses need not suffer as a result of
          which businesses are able to secure cash        crime and the technology exists to protect
                                                                                                              `For the foreseeable
          on their premises is by securing it in an       cash, but at what cost?                             future, cash is here to
          automated-banking device – the equivalent          Many cash-management operators                   stay and we, as a society,
          of an intelligent safe. The range of devices    have conducted research into the cost               owe it to ourselves to
          available is broad, and depends on the          of a business managing its own cash                 protect, stimulate and
          functionality required, and the level of        versus partnering with cash-management              grow our economy. We
          security and protection needed on site.         specialists. Every business is different and
             Having secured cash on the client’s          their requirements are client specific, but if
                                                                                                              owe it to this age-old
          premises, security during the remaining         one compares the direct costs of traditional        commodity to treasure
          stages of the cash cycle needs to be            cash control versus a conversion to, for            and protect it'
          considered. Unless the cash on the premises     example, an automated cash-management
          will be recycled, it needs to be moved from     service, the results are surprising.                   In conclusion, other payment methods
          the client’s premises to either a bank or       Businesses need to take into account                have their place. But when one considers
          a cash-processing facility. This transfer       the costs of insurance, shrinkage, staff            reports by the US Federal Reserve that
          of cash should be arranged through a            employed to manage the back office, the             predict an average growth in cash of
          reputable cash-in-transit company. It is no     cost of funds held on site and deposit fees,        1.7% per year from now until 2022, as
          longer safe for businesses to “walk” their      to name a few factors. These costs, coupled         well as the general consensus by 79% of
          money to the bank. Ensure that your cash-       with the risk of doing business in our              central bankers, commercial banks, and
          in-transit supplier employs registered and      current environment and the potential for           cash-management companies surveyed
          trained security officers who are issued with   cash loss or worse still, loss of life, add up to   by Currency Research in 2012, cash will
          body armour and firearms for personal           a heft y sum. Can your business afford the          increase for a decade from that date.
          protection. Cash should be moved from a         reputational risk and subsequent trauma                For the foreseeable future, cash is here
          client’s premises to a fully armoured vehicle   experienced by staff and patrons?                   to stay and we, as a society, owe it to
          in tamper-evident bags, which should in                                                             ourselves to protect, stimulate and grow
          turn be secured in a cross-pavement-carrier                                                         our economy. We owe it to this age-old
          design to render notes unusable if illegally
                                                          `No one will deny that                              commodity to treasure and protect it.
          taken from the security officer.
                                                          the cost of protecting                              Why force such a valuable commodity
             The armoured vehicles deployed by            your assets, staff                                  toward extinction when a cashless society
          cash-in-transit companies are a far cry         and patrons comes                                   is clearly not the preference of the majority
          from the soft-skin vehicles used many           at a price'                                         of people? For years people have fought for
          years ago. Today, these vehicles are fully                                                          the right to choose – allow them to, and
                                                                                                                                                              IMAGES: ISTOCK, AFRIPICS

          armoured and fitted with the latest tracking       No one will deny that the cost of                allow them to do so safely.
          technology and protection, to ensure the        protecting your assets, staff and patrons           The writer wishes to acknowledge the
          safety of both your assets and the staff        comes at a price, but instead of viewing            following people/companies for their
          performing these services. The investment       this as a grudge purchase, businesses need          input: Richard Phillips of Cash Connect;
          in research and development and the             to see this as an investment and ensure             Hannes Venter of Gunnebo; and G4S.

          28     BANKERSA | Edition 16

BankerSA16_CashHandling.indd 28                                                                                                                          2015/12/18 11:06 AM
BANKER_ad_placing.indd 3   2015/11/30 11:34 AM
BANKER_ad_placing.indd 3   2015/12/08 11:58 AM

              The digital native:
              Generation M
              Are banks geared to meet the emerging generation's banking preferences? By Solly Moeng.

                 n a ground-breaking survey carried out         have grown up with digital services – and      (21.7%) and Singapore (15.1%). The sample
                 in the USA, the UK, Mexico, Brazil and         their views on mobile banking. Not only        was 58% female, 42% male.
                 Singapore, Gemalto interviewed close           would this shine a light on an unchartered       According to the survey, there has been
                 to 1 200 young people, aged between 16         segment, but it would also give an idea        a major shift – driven essentially by the
              and 24, with a view to understand their           of the next generation of services that        soaring use of smartphones and tablets – in
              online banking habits and preferences.            financial institutions would need to deliver   young people’s use of banking services.
              Also called millennials or Generation M,          to customers whose phones have never been
              these young people were born into a world         anything other than smart. “We therefore       `Over a quarter of those
              of smartphones. Unlike generations before         undertook this online study to get an
              them, they cannot imagine a world without         understanding of exactly how rapidly – and
                                                                                                               we surveyed (27%) say
              smart devices.                                    how passionately – young people today          they would rather go
                 To put this study into perspective,            have come to regard the importance and         without a bank account
              Banker SA invited Paul Opie, Gemalto’s            security of their bank’s mobile offering and   than without their phone'
              Field Marketing Manager for Banking               services,” Opie explains.
              Solutions, for a deep dive into its findings         The survey was done online, a preferred       Nearly four in five (77%) of millennials use
              and implications. We also invited views from      channel for millennials. A total of 1 184      online banking services; 42% use them five
              the main South African banks, specifically        people aged 16-24 were polled through          times a month or more. Furthermore, more
              asking them to tell us how ready they are to      SurveyMonkey, with a consumer database         than three in five (62%) use mobile-banking
              increase their reach into and retention of this   provided by SmartSurveys in the USA            applications and almost half (47.6%) bank by
              new generation of customers. We especially        (21.7%), UK (21.1%), Mexico (20.3%), Brazil    phone. Clearly, the decades-old tradition ›
              wanted to understand how banks can use
              mobile devices to attract millennials, while
              keeping customer data safe and encouraging
              safe consumer mobile behaviour.
                 Commenting on the methodology used
              by Gemalto in conducting the survey
              and its choice of subjects, Paul Opie
              says: “Existing studies covering a mix of
              demographics have shown a universal rise
              in the use of mobile devices for banking.
              However, those studies only analyse the
              usage trends of people over the age of 18,
              with no specific insights into the behaviour
              of teenagers or young adults. We felt that
              millennials constitute a consumer base that
              needs some specific focus, and we were very
              clear about who we wanted to engage.”
                 The survey sought to assess the mobile
              habits of these digital natives – people who

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