ISSUE 338 I



4   Special Feature

                      Welcome to this special edition of Law Update that         Looking at the implications of the pandemic on
                      focuses on the UAE’s Centennial 2071 plan.                 education and what the future might look like,
                                                                                 Dr Abdulla Al Karam, Director General of the
                      This year is very much a year of reflection; a time        Knowledge and Human Development Authority,
                      to reflect on what the UAE has achieved since its          believes the online learning programmes
                      inception 50 years ago, and a time to reflect on the       implemented by most schools at the outset of
                      UAE’s vision for the next 50 years.                        the pandemic were swift, made the necessary
                                                                                 adjustments and minimised interruption to
                      In this issue we look back, with pride, at what this       education (page 15).
                      country has achieved in its young life, and look
                      forward, with optimism, to continue pursuing               Hassan Al Hashemi, Vice President of International
                      the vision of the UAE’s founding fathers and               Relations, Dubai Chamber of Commerce and
                      UAE Centennial 2071. Launched by H.H. Sheikh               Industry, offers insights into his vision of how Dubai
                      Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President             and the UAE can continue to grow as an attractive
                      and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai           financial hub. Mr Hassan also reflects on the
                      and H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan,              importance of supporting the entrepreneurial spirit
                      Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme               of women, their role in education and the workplace
                      Commander of the Armed Forces, UAE Centennial              (page 19).
                      2071 features four distinct pillars: a future focused
                      government; offering excellent education; creating         Khalfan Belhoul, CEO of Dubai Future Foundation
                      a diversified knowledge economy; and a happy and           gives his views on the Foundation’s contribution
                      cohesive society. These pillars will ensure continued      to the UAE Centennial 2071 plan (page 23). The
                      investment in the country’s future generations, and        Foundation’s name speaks for itself!
                      will prepare and provide them with the necessary
                      skills to adapt to the rapidly changing times.             Paddy Padmanathan, President and CEO of ACWA
                      Furthermore, the Plan will ensure the UAE preserves        Power, discusses how ACWA Power is supporting
                      its place on the global stage as a forward thinking,       the UAE in its journey towards sustainability, as
                      innovative and creative hub.                               well as pioneering the development and cost
                                                                                 reduction of renewable power generation and water
                      As we prepare to celebrate the anniversary of              desalination projects (page 29).
                      the UAE, we are also honoured to celebrate the
                      30th anniversary of Al Tamimi & Company’s Law              Dr Raja Easa Al Gurg, Vice Chairperson and
                      Update, a leading publication since its inception.         Managing Director of Al Gurg Group writes how
                      The magazine has, and continues to, document,              they continue to evolve and adapt against the ever-
                      comment on and offer insights into the country’s           changing backdrop of Dubai (page 35).
                      and region’s legal landscape.
                                                                                 We also hear from Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem,
                      My partners, colleagues and I would like to extend         Group Chairman and CEO of DP World, who gives
                      our deepest gratitude to our clients, friends and          us valuable insights into the world of transport and
                      government authorities that have supported us              logistics and shares his thoughts on what to expect
                      on this journey. With their support we have made           in the future (page 39).
                      a mark as legal pioneers across the Middle East &
                      North Africa ('MENA') region, whilst supporting the        In addition, we cover a number of topics that
                      ideals and vision of our esteemed leaders.                 have left an indelible footprint on the UAE’s legal
                                                                                 landscape and which are worthy of note.
                      A key feature of this special edition are the interviews
                      we conducted with a number of industry leaders,            Our teams across the UAE touch on a wide variety
                      who highlight the outstanding attributes across all        of topics including: the recently established State
                      areas of the UAE Centennial 2071 plan. Their insights      Ministry for Food Security and the new UAE
                      provide a sense of the sheer scope and optimism            National Food Security Strategy 2051 (page 68); the
                      of the plan and highlights how the attributes are          ever-changing nature of Space and how we can
                      infused in the entrepreneurial spirit of the nation to     benefit from it (page 78); how the Education sector
                      drive development. I would like to personally thank        has adapted to the demands of the pandemic (page
                      those who contributed their valuable insights to this      52); and the pros and cons of introducing further tax
                      milestone issue of Law Update.                             commitments (page 88).

                      As a starting point, we have a special feature on          I hope you enjoy this special edition and its
                      the UAE Government which provides a detailed               celebration of the UAE.
                      overview of how the UAE Centennial 2071 vision
                      was born. Through a strong desire to continue to
                      serve its people, and ensure that the UAE will top         Best regards,
                      the world in all facets of its economy, education,         Essam Al Tamimi
                      healthcare, entrepreneurship, innovation and               Chairman, Al Tamimi & Company
                      technology (page 8).
SECTOR INSIGHTS                                                                                45

                                                                                                           Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                                           Pushing the boundaries of the possible: the growth of AI in the UAE                            46

                                                                                                           Destination 2071: reimagining education and getting UAE to the top of class                    52

                                                                                                           Energy & Utilities
                                                                                                           Here comes (more of) the sun: what will be lighting lamps in 2071                              56

                                                                                                           The road to sustainability: legal perspectives on climate change and the                       60
                                                                                                           environment in the UAE

                            A SPECIAL FEATURE ON                                                           Where to from here? The future of the UAE finance industry                                     64
                            THE UAE GOVERNMENT

                                                                                                           Food Security
                                                                                                           Food for thought; the future of food security in the UAE                                       68

                                                                                                           UAE health 2071: the future of healthcare                                                      72
INDUSTRY EXPERT INSIGHTS                                             13
Dr Abdulla Al Karam, Director General, Knowledge and                                                       Space
Human Development Authority (KHDA)                                                                         Star laws: how UAE law is boldly going into the final frontier                                 78

Hassan Al Hashemi, Vice President of International Relations,        19                                    Succession Planning
Dubai Chamber                                                                                              Planning for the next 50: estate and succession planning in the UAE                            84

Khalfan Belhoul, CEO, Dubai Future Foundation                        23                                    Tax
                                                                                                           The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE: myth or reality?                                 88

Paddy Padmanathan, President and CEO, ACWA Power                     29

Dr Raja Easa Al Gurg, Vice Chairperson and Managing Director,        35
Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group

                                                                          The contents of this publication are not intended to be a substitute for specific legal advice on any individual matters. No part of
Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO, DP World           39   this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or
                                                                          other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except for individual use and other
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                                                                          information, please contact us at

                                                                                                                                                                                Al Tamimi & Company © 2021
Special Feature   9

A special feature on                                                                            Prime Minister of the UAE and Minister            How is the UAE Government preparing for
                                                                                                of Presidential Affairs, and a committee          the future, and in which focus areas?

                                                                                                to oversee the UAE's Golden Jubilee
                                                                                                                                                  The objectives of the government Pillar,
                                                                                                celebrations, chaired by H.H. Sheikh Abdullah
                                                                                                                                                  under "UAE Centennial 2071", include
                                                                                                bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign
                                                                                                                                                  establishing the UAE Government to be the
                                                                                                Affairs and International Cooperation. The
                                                                                                                                                  best government in the world, with a long-
                                                                                                announcement marks the formulation of
                                                                                                                                                  term vision and inspirational leadership that
                                                                                                the largest national strategy of its kind to

                                                                                                                                                  anticipates, and prepares for the future.
                                                                                                fortify the country's reputation and enhance
                                                                                                                                                  Other objectives include adopting best
                                                                                                rankings across global competitiveness
                                                                                                                                                  experiences and practices, developing a
                                                                                                                                                  national strategy to enhance the UAE’s
                                                                                                                                                  reputation and soft power, and ensuring
                                                                                                                                                  that there are new, diverse, and sustainable
                                                                                                What is included in the “UAE Centennial
                                                                                                                                                  sources of government revenue other than
                                                                                                2071” and what does this mean for future
FUTURE-ORIENTED AND HUMAN-CENTRIC                                                               generations?
                                                                                                                                                  oil, with a view to enhancing the financial and
                                                                                                                                                  investment capabilities of the Nation.
                                                                                                H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al
                                                                                                Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister
                                                                                                of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, launched           What importance does education play in the
                                                                                                the UAE Centennial 2071 as a long-term            “UAE Centennial 2071”?
                                                                                                government work program, based on the
                                                                                                                                                  Regarding education, "UAE Centennial 2071"
                                                                                                historic lecture of H.H. Sheikh Mohamed
                                                                                                                                                  re-affirms the UAE’s commitment to provide
                                                                                                bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu
                                                                                                                                                  the best education system in the world
How has the UAE Government approached           President and Prime Minister of the UAE         Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander
                                                                                                                                                  for future generations by allocating and
planning for its future?                        and Ruler of Dubai, launched, in September      of the Armed Forces, addressed to future
                                                                                                                                                  channelling resources towards investment
                                                2020, the UAE next 50-years Design Project      generations, in which he charted a path and
Preparing for the future is a key function of                                                                                                     in an education system that will enable the
                                                which includes a number of joint interactive    laid the foundation for the future of the UAE.
the UAE Government, which has created                                                                                                             country to develop the talents of future
                                                initiatives between both the government         The "UAE Centennial 2071" is a five-decade        generations and build their capabilities to
a comprehensive action plan for the
                                                and private sector and community members        vision for future generations that includes:      serve the nation. The education system will
development of government work, with
                                                to collaborate in creating ideas and charting   the development of a national strategy            reinforce the national identity, instil ethical
an integrated, future-centric, vision that
                                                a course for the future in all sectors and      to enhance the country's reputation and           values and positivity, and plant skills needed
engages community members in its design.
                                                fields through various activities and events    soft power; ensuring diverse sources              for the 22nd century in future generations,
The plan aims to make the UAE the best
                                                organized by the 50-year Development Plan       of government revenue other than oil;             equipping them with all disciplines of
country in the world by 2071.
                                                Committee, such as seminars and design          investing in advanced technology based            knowledge, while using the best artificial
Since it was founded, the UAE has               sessions.                                       education; instilling ethics and values in        intelligence systems and technology in order
focused on investing in and enabling                                                            future generations; increasing productivity       to develop globally open-minded, qualified
                                                The UAE “Designing the Next 50” Project
citizens, securing their future, building                                                       of the national economy; and enhancing            Emirati scientists and researchers to lead
                                                included a number of initiatives launched by
cohesive communities, developing a                                                              community cohesion.                               future growth.
                                                the 50-year Development Plan Committee
national knowledge-based economy,
                                                with the aim of involving individuals from      The "UAE Centennial 2071" is dedicated
and enhancing global competitiveness,
                                                all segments of society in shaping the          to preparing a generation that carries the
through strategies and initiatives aimed at                                                                                                       The economy is always evolving but what
                                                UAE's future, including students, youth,        flag of the future and boasts the highest
promoting achievement and encouraging                                                                                                             are the long-term plans for economic
                                                and non-profit organisations, in addition to    scientific and professional standards,
all sectors to participate in the sustainable                                                                                                     development until 2071?
                                                government leadership dialogues.                and ethical and positive values to ensure
development of the country, to help pave
the way for achieving the objectives of the     H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al              continuity, secure a happy future and a           On the economy Pillar, the "UAE Centennial
"UAE Centennial 2071" vision and preparing a    Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister      better life for future generations, which will    2071" reiterates the UAE Government's vision
roadmap for the next 50 years.                  of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, along with       elevate the UAE to become the best country        to become a global economic player within
                                                H.H. Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan,        in the world. The UAE Centennial is based on      the major economic groups. Developing the
                                                Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy            four pillars: best education in the world, best   best economy in the world, by employing
Who has been involved in designing the          Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces,          economy in the world, happiest society in         a professional national workforce and
UAE’s future for the next five decades?         had announced in December 2019 that             the world, and best government in the world.      the best global talent, while relying on
                                                2020 would be “Towards the Next 50 years."      It strives to invest in the UAE’s youth and       advanced sciences and technology,
With the aim of involving community                                                             to position the UAE as the best and most          innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and
                                                Their Highnesses issued a directive for the
members in shaping the future of the UAE                                                        advanced country in the world, through a          environmental sustainability as essential
                                                formation of two committees affiliated to
and developing themes and components                                                            comprehensive strategy whose outcomes             drivers for economic prosperity. The plan
                                                the UAE Cabinet, the 50-Year Development
of the UAE Centennial Plan, H.H. Sheikh                                                         and objectives will be achieved by the UAE’s      also seeks to promote the best competitive
                                                Plan Committee, chaired by H.H. Sheikh
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice                                                            centenary celebrations in 2071.                   environmental, digital and physical
                                                Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy
10   Special Feature                                                                                                                                                                 Special Feature   11

infrastructure in the world, establishing the    decade, in addition to developing plans and       UAE Government also discussed, on "The              to attract the best talent according to the
UAE as a hub for innovation, a platform for      strategies that lay the foundation for the        Future of Infrastructure and Environmental          Legatum Prosperity Index report, second
entrepreneurship, and a global economic          "UAE Centennial 2071".                            Sustainability," ways of developing future          globally and first regionally for adaptability
centre.                                                                                            plans to upgrade the infrastructure, housing,       of government policy according to the IMD
                                                 The second annual meetings discussed the
                                                                                                   environment, food and water security, as well       report, and second globally for mobile phone
                                                 first phase of the "UAE Centennial 2071" with
                                                                                                   as digital infrastructure sectors.                  subscription penetration according to the
                                                 30 councils, aiming to create a unified vision
How are societal facts addressed in the “UAE                                                                                                           ITU report. In addition, the UAE Government
                                                 of the country’s future infrastructure and        In the area of “Security, Justice and Safety,”
Centennial 2071” Strategy?                                                                                                                             received an "Aa2" rating in creditworthiness,
                                                 generating main ideas and directions for the      the UAE Government focused on enhancing
                                                                                                                                                       which is the strongest sovereign rating in
"Society" is a vital pillar in "UAE Centennial   first phase.                                      readiness in this vital sector. Under “The
                                                                                                                                                       the region by the international rating agency
2071" with several target areas, notably:                                                          Future of Education and Human Capital”
                                                 In November 2019, co-design sessions for                                                              “Moody's for 2020.
establishing a secure, tolerant, cohesive and                                                      area, in support of efforts to advance the
                                                 the future of the UAE were held as part
ethical society that embraces happiness                                                            education sector and enhance investment             The UAE ranked first regionally on the
                                                 of the third annual meetings of the UAE
and a positive lifestyle, and provides higher                                                      in national skills and talents, within five main    Government Ensuring Political Stability
                                                 Government. The sessions witnessed
levels of wellbeing, made up of families who                                                       areas for the development of the sector             index according to the World Economic
                                                 participation from Emirati representatives
are aware of the requirements of the next                                                          including, early education, general education,      Forum report, first regionally on the Burden
                                                 of the various segments of the community,
phase. Investing in people is also important,                                                      higher education, extended axes, research           of Government Regulation index according
                                                 notably youth, senior Emiratis, parents,
including solidifying future generations’                                                          and development, and strengthening the              to the World Economic Forum report,
                                                 people of determination, retirees, and
adherence to their national identity and                                                           capabilities and participation of the national      first regionally on the Transparency of
                                                 business leaders. The meetings were aimed
Emirati ethics, and reinforcing values of                                                          workforce in the labor market.                      Government Policymaking index according
                                                 at developing the annual meetings’ agenda
modesty and service to the nation.                                                                                                                     to the Legatum Institute report, and first
                                                 and proposing focus topics and challenges         On the economic sector, the UAE
                                                                                                                                                       regionally on the e-Government and
                                                 to direct and plan the creation of the            Government held consultative meetings to
                                                                                                                                                       e-Participation Index according to the
                                                 future in line with the goals of the "UAE         discuss the future of economy in the UAE at
How did the UAE Government develop the                                                                                                                 Global Competitiveness Report and the
                                                 Centennial 2071".                                 the “Economic Environment” and “Economic
“UAE Centennial 2071” Strategy?                                                                                                                        Global Innovation Index.
                                                                                                   Model and Sectors” levels, in support of
H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al                                                                 the advancement of this sector through
Maktoum and H.H. Sheikh Mohamed                  How has the UAE Government brought in its         development plans and the design of trends
                                                                                                                                                       What were some of the initial steps taken by
bin Zayed Al Nahyan launched the "UAE            full force to prepare for a 5-year plan?          for the next 50 years.
                                                                                                                                                       the UAE Government to lay the foundation
Centennial 2071" Strategy at the conclusion
                                                 Within the framework of government                The meetings discussed developing the               for “UAE Centennial 2071”?
of the first edition of Annual Meetings of the
                                                 initiatives aimed at enhancing government         future of the community sector, by focusing
UAE Government in September 2017.                                                                                                                      In 2016, the UAE Government began laying
                                                 integration and cooperation country-wide,         on family and youth issues, sports, culture,
                                                                                                                                                       the foundation for the future government,
The meetings witnessed the launch of many        and laying down the main plans and visions        and the values of Emirati society. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                       through a ministerial reshuffle, which was
long-term initiatives, programs, policies        for the next 50 years, the UAE Government         special meetings were held to discuss the
                                                                                                                                                       announced by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed
and strategies focused on the challenges         held consultative meetings in preparation for     future of the country’s healthcare and
                                                                                                                                                       bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The adjustment
facing the country’s development process,        the next 50-year plan. The meetings, which        medical services and ways of developing
                                                                                                                                                       included a new vision for government
discussing government priorities in various      were attended by a number of ministers,           an advanced healthcare system based
                                                                                                                                                       directions that are primarily future-
sectors, and introducing appropriate plans       government officials, secretaries-general of      on providing smart medical services and
                                                                                                                                                       oriented and forward-looking in all areas
and programs. The meetings also seek to          executive councils, heads of departments,         adopting national frameworks for health
                                                                                                                                                       of government work, youth engagement,
align and coordinate between Federal and         directors general, leaders, experts, officials    prevention and community education, in
                                                                                                                                                       the happiness portfolio, and tolerance
local government strategies and mark the         and employees from Federal and local              order to enhance the UAE’s leadership and
                                                                                                                                                       portfolio. Ministries have been renamed and
start of planning for the "UAE Centennial        government entities, focused on laying down       competitiveness globally.
                                                                                                                                                       new portfolios were added for the UAE to
2071". Moreover, the meetings shed light         future trends and visions along six main areas.
                                                                                                                                                       ensure that national priorities and goals are
on the outcomes related to the national
                                                 The consultative meetings were part of                                                                achieved including a community prevention
indicators and national agenda, and follow up                                                      What measures has the UAE Government
                                                 initiatives of the 50-Year Development Plan                                                           portfolio for the Ministry of Health and a
on efforts to achieve goals and results within                                                     used to track its progress in key areas?
                                                 Committee, led by H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin                                                             climate change portfolio to consolidate the
"UAE Vision 2021".
                                                 Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister            The UAE emerged among the top countries             UAE’s position as a key player on climate
The meetings focused on highlighting key         and Minister of Presidential Affairs, to          worldwide in key indicators of global               issues. Furthermore, the Ministry of Public
challenges and scenarios expected during the     strengthen government integration at the          competitiveness for 2020. It ranked first           Work has been renamed as the Ministry of
next five decades and the development of         federal and local levels and intensify efforts    globally in 110 indicators and first in the Arab    Infrastructure Development.
appropriate plans in partnership with the UAE    in setting the pillars and components of the      region in 473 indicators. In addition, the UAE
                                                                                                                                                       H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
community, while paying attention to their       UAE Centennial Plan 2071.                         ranked among the top 5 countries globally
                                                                                                                                                       President of the UAE, also approved
ideas, proposals and visions for the future.                                                       in 202 indicators and in the top 10 globally
                                                 The consultative meetings on "The Future                                                              another ministerial reshuffle adding
                                                                                                   in 327 indicators. In government sector
The second Annual Meetings, held in              of Government Work" focused on three                                                                  new portfolios that deal with artificial
                                                                                                   indicators, the UAE ranked first for public-
November 2018, reviewed the efforts and          main topics: the future of governments,                                                               intelligence, well-being, advanced science,
                                                                                                   private sector partnership according to the
programs undertaken to meet the "UAE             the sustainability of financial resources and                                                         advanced skills, and food security, to form
                                                                                                   IMD report, first globally for finance skills in
Vision 2021" and set targets for the next        a long-term fiscal strategy, in addition to                                                           an agile government to transition the
                                                                                                   the government sector according to the IMD
                                                 media and government communication. The                                                               country towards the Centennial.
                                                                                                   report, first globally for the country's capacity
12   Special Feature          Special Feature   13

14   Industry Insights                                                                                               15

                         IN CONVERSATION WITH

                         DR ABDULLA
                         AL KARAM
                         DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (KHDA)

                         With the pandemic having accelerated          Some students may want to study at more
                         the uptake of distance learning and           than one school; some teachers may also
                         virtual classrooms, there were multiple       prefer to teach at more than one school.
                         innovations in education delivery. How did    Distance learning has made it possible for
                         you see educational institutions ensuring     this to happen.
                         excellent education is delivered virtually?
                                                                       Distance learning has served its original
                         What does the KHDA envisage future
                                                                       purpose of ensuring that education
                         classrooms to be like, will students return
                                                                       continues through a pandemic. As time
                         to wholly physical classrooms or would we
                                                                       goes on, its purpose is also evolving.
                         see hybrid blended learning classrooms?
                                                                       Online learning will offer schools, teachers,
                         The pandemic has challenged                   students and their parents greater
                         expectations of what education should         flexibility in how, when and where learning
                         be and can be. Future-focused school          is delivered. More than ever, physical
                         leaders have told us that the goals of        schools will be places for students and staff
                         their five-year innovation strategies were    to improve their physical and emotional
                         met in just six months. Practices that we     wellbeing; to build friendships and to have
                         thought would take months or years, such      fun – an essential tenet of education.
                         as an alternative to examinations, came
                         about in days. Students have become
                         more independent learners; parents are        The UAE Vision 2021 set the goal of
                         more involved in their children’s learning,   creating a first-rate education system with
                         and teachers are able to create more          mathematics, science, reading and Arabic
                         customised learning plans for each of         language attainment targets. With the
                         their students. School leaders, teachers      agenda coming to an end this year, what
                         and parents have collaborated to adapt        achievements and weaknesses in schools
                         and innovate learning for younger and         have you identified? How will these feed
                         older students, and for students of           into the achievement of the Centennial
                         determination.                                Plan 2071?
                         Future classrooms may not be classrooms       Six years ago, the leadership of the UAE
                         at all. When teachers and students are        announced ambitious National Agenda
                         able to connect virtually, learning can       targets for Dubai private schools, which
                         happen whereever they are. The exclusive      included scoring among the Top 10
                         relationship that has traditionally existed   countries in the world in the international
                         between schools and students, and             assessment Trends in Mathematics and
                         schools and teachers, is also changing.       Science Study (TIMSS).
16   Industry Expert Insights                                                                                                                  Industry Insights   17

 Our education community has never               Education operates much like an eco-            With our friends at Dubai Tourism and
 backed away from a challenge. Ever              system, with many different individuals         universities themselves, we are working on
 since Dubai first participated in its first     and organisations playing equally               an initiative to attract more students from
 TIMSS cycle in 2007, schools have made          important roles that are vital to the health    specific regions – such as China - to Dubai.
 consistent and significant improvement.         and success of the system as a whole.
                                                                                                 Dubai’s 50-year charter, announced by
 What started out as an ambitious target         Social media is a fun and effective way
                                                                                                 H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al
 soon became a reality.                          to bring these different groups together
                                                                                                 Maktoum, Vice President and Prime
                                                 towards the shared goal of world-class
 In the latest round of TIMSS undertaken in                                                      Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai,
                                                 education in Dubai.
 2019, students from Dubai private schools                                                       focuses in part on higher education
 have met UAE National Agenda targets            Through social media, we’re able to             and building a competitive knowledge
 and scored among the top 10 in the world.       engage with students, parents and               economy. Under the charter, national
                                                 teachers. They have direct access to the        and private universities will become free
 These results are testament to the
                                                 regulator, which enables them to feel a         zones, where students can carry out
 dedication, commitment and love that
                                                 greater sense of belonging to the whole         their economic and creative businesses.
 Dubai’s principals and teachers have for
                                                 education community in Dubai. Likewise,         Integrated creative and economic zones
 their students, their schools, and their
                                                 we can use social media to gauge public         will be established next to universities
 city. They are also a reflection of Dubai’s
                                                 opinion or to ask for specific feedback.        to support students in education,
 promise to provide students with a world-
                                                                                                 research, and finance while setting up
 class education that values wellbeing as        Through the accessible language, tone
                                                                                                 their businesses. The end goal is not only
 well as academics.                              and messaging we use on social media,
                                                                                                 graduating students but also coming up
                                                 we have built positive relationships with
  In response to each of the four main pillars                                                   with companies.
                                                 our community. This not only brings our
  of the UAE Centennial Plan, we continue
                                                 own community closer together, but also
  to work with international partners
                                                 shows the qualities of Dubai’s private
                        and local schools
                                                 education sector to the wider world.
                        to improve and
“Our social             integrate wellbeing
media presence          into education in
                                                 While the UAE is becoming an education
                        Dubai. In March we
is part of              will be announcing
                                                 destination for students in the MENA and
our overall                                      South Asian regions, what steps are you
                        the results of the
                                                 encouraging universities and schools to take
commitment              fourth year of the
                                                 to appeal to students worldwide, in line with
to meaningful           Dubai Student
                                                 the UAE’s Centennial 2071 aim to become a
engagement with Wellbeing Census,                competitive knowledge economy?
                        as well as the third
our community.” Adults@School                    Dubai is home to 36 international branch
                        Wellbeing Survey.        campuses, the most in the world. The
                                                 focus has always been on quality – while
                                                 each these universities are accredited by
 KHDA has been creatively using social           their home countries, their programmes
 media to connect with students and              are also quality-assured by the University
 teachers. What benefits has KHDA seen           Quality Assurance International
 emerging from this engagement and how           Board (UQAIB) and recognised by the
 does it see its increasing engagement help      Government of Dubai.
 towards achieving excellent education?
                                                 The latest data from Dubai’s private
 Our social media presence is part of            higher education sector shows that 25
 our overall commitment to meaningful            per cent of university students have
 engagement with our community. Our              come to Dubai specifically to study,
 approach is human-centred: we don’t             attracted by its location, security and
 regard ourselves as a ‘government               employment prospects. Responding to
 authority’ communicating with                   market demands, the sector has seen an
 ‘stakeholders’; rather, we are humans           11 per cent uptake in computer science
 communicating with other humans.                and technology programmes in the last
                                                 academic year.
18   Industry Insights                                                                                               19

                         IN CONVERSATION WITH

                         AL HASHEMI
                         DUBAI CHAMBER

                         How will the Dubai Chamber of Commerce          and startups. The timing of the recent
                         & Industry (Dubai Chamber) focus on             stimulus and business-friendly measures
                         promoting the interests of its business         is ideal given that multinational companies
                         community over the next 50 years?               are now looking to relocate their supply
                                                                         chains and prepare for the post-COVID
                         Dubai Chamber is fully committed to
                                                                         recovery. In this regard, Dubai has become
                         supporting businesses in Dubai as they
                                                                         a destination of choice offering vast
                         adapt to a new reality and providing
                                                                         competitive advantages.
                         access to new opportunities in the next
                         phase of growth. In line with Dubai’s vision
                         for the next 50 years, Dubai Chamber is
                                                                         How did the Dubai Chamber’s wide range
                         expanding its range of smart services
                                                                         of e-services and policy advocacy efforts
                         that improve ease of doing business and
                                                                         ensure business continuity during the
                         enhance economic competitiveness. We
                                                                         pandemic? What are the lessons for
                         are increasing our focus on key sectors
                                                                         the future?
                         that are driving Dubai’s sustainable growth,
                         such as e-commerce and digital economy,         Dubai Chamber’s wide range of smart
                         blockchain, artificial intelligence, high-      services have become a necessity for
                         tech industries, logistics, agribusiness,       businesses during COVID-19, while its
                         sustainability, mobility, innovation and        advanced digital infrastructure enabled
                         space industry. Meanwhile, we are exploring     it to carry out all of its operations
                         new gateways and facilitating international     remotely and efficiently. Over 667,000
                         cooperation that can drive and diversify        e-transactions were processed by Dubai
                         Dubai’s foreign trade and strengthen its        Chamber in 2020 as it
                         position in the global arena.                   offered 98% of its core
                                                                                                        “Dubai Chamber
                                                                         services online and
                                                                         utilised digital platforms is expanding its
                         In terms of maintaining the competitiveness     to host the vast               range of smart
                         of Dubai as an international business hub,      majority of its meetings       services that
                         what are the key steps that need to be          and events. Keeping            improve ease of
                         taken?                                          all this in perspective,
                                                                                                        doing business.”
                                                                         the Chamber plans to
                         As Dubai maps out its vision for the next
                                                                         continue investing in
                         50 years, it has a real opportunity to create
                                                                         advanced technologies and cutting-edge
                         a new narrative – one that draws on its
                                                                         solutions that improve ease-of-doing
                         strengths and positions the city as a global
                                                                         business in Dubai, create value for its
                         hub for the future economy and a magnet
                                                                         members and boost its competitiveness in
                         for the world’s most innovative companies
                                                                         a fast-changing business landscape.
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As a bridge between government and              Why was it important to launch the Dubai       Female entrepreneurship and participation
business, Dubai Chamber of Commerce             Start-up Hub (the entrepreneurship arm of      in the labor force has been high on the
and Industry is playing a crucial role          Dubai Chamber) and how will this hub grow?     Dubai Chamber’s agenda. Dubai Business
in facilitating public-private sector                                                          Women’s Council, under the umbrella of
                                                 Since its establishment in 2016 as an
cooperation and advocating on behalf of                                                        the Dubai Chamber has played an active
                                                 initiative of Dubai Chamber of Commerce
companies in Dubai to ensure a favourable                                                      role in enhancing gender diversity. How
                                                 and Industry, Dubai Startup Hub has
business environment. In addition to                                                           will this role grow in the next 50 years?
                                                 grown rapidly and expanded its offerings
engaging in an open dialogue with
                                                 and network in line with the unique and       The entrepreneurial landscape for women
members of business groups and business
                                                 changing needs of Dubai’s maturing            has changed a lot here in the UAE over
council in Dubai, the Chamber has put has
                                                 entrepreneurial community. What               the last decade. Women were already
several initiatives in place that businesses
                                                 began as an online interactive portal         highly educated and working in the public
in the emirate are leveraging to voice
                                                 offering resources and information            and private sectors, but what happened
their concerns, address issues of common
                                                 has evolved over the last few years to        in recent years is that many of them
interests and share policy
                                                                  become a one-stop shop       acquired enough skills and experience
                                                                  for all things startup,      and capitalised on the opportunities this
Over the last year, we          “As a bridge between              providing entrepreneurs      great country is offering by launching
learned many valuable           government and                    with an ideal platform       their own ventures – many of which meet
lessons as a chamber,           business, Dubai Chamber for knowledge                          market needs.
including the importance                                          sharing, mentorship,
                                of Commerce and                                                Women entrepreneurship has long been a
of leadership, innovation,                                        training, development,
digital preparedness            Industry is playing a             competitions, knowledge
                                                                                               top priority for Dubai Chamber. Not only
                                crucial role in facilitating sharing, collaboration,           are we empowering women in business
and close public-private
                                                                                               through our initiative – the Dubai Business
sector cooperation in           public-private sector             networking or growth
                                                                                               Women Council (DBWC).
responding effectively to       cooperation.”                     opportunities.
                                                                                               Established in 2002
unprecedented challenges
                                                                 Over the last few years, we   under the umbrella of         “Women were already highly
and enhancing economic                                                                                                       educated and working in the
                                                                 have seen a sharp uptick      the Dubai Chamber of
                                                in the number of international startups        Commerce and Industry,        public and private sectors,
                                                that are joining Dubai Startup Hub with        DBWC has dedicated            but what happened in recent
                                                the intention of entering the Dubai market     its efforts to enhancing      years is that many of them
The UAE’s Bankruptcy law was a major
                                                and leverage the emirate to expand their       gender parity in society
step forward in modernising the UAE’s
                                                footprint in the Middle East. In an effort     and encouraging women         acquired enough skills and
insolvency law allowing for the early                                                                                        experience and capitalised on
                                                to cater to different types of startups and    to play an active role in
restructuring of indebtedness for
distressed companies. What key legal
                                                their unique needs, we have launched           building the country and      the opportunities this great
changes does the Dubai Chamber see
                                                other programmes such as Market Access         stimulating sustainable       country is offering by launching
                                                which is designed to facilitate business       development. The              their own ventures – many of
as having the most impact for the Dubai
                                                deals between leading companies in             DBWC organises tailored
business community in the future?
                                                Dubai and promising startups that can          workshops and training        which meet market needs.”
Following several business-friendly             solve their market challenges.                 sessions for its members
measures rolled out by the government                                                          to provide them with valuable information,
                                                Today, Dubai Startup Hub has truly
last year, including 100% foreign ownership                                                    best practices and skill set to excel in their
                                                become a platform of collaboration for
and the amendment of the bankruptcy                                                            field of work.
                                                city ecosystem. For instance, our annual
law, the UAE is now opening citizenship
                                                Networking Series features incubators          We also provide tailored support
to select foreigners including investors,
                                                and accelerators as guest speakers,            and guidance to aspiring women
specialised talents and professionals, as
                                                while the annual Dubai Smartprenuer            entrepreneurs through Dubai Startup
well as their families.
                                                Competition is supported by public and         Hub’s various programmes and working
This move is game changing for many             private sector stakeholders including          closely with our international offices
reasons. It will attract top talent with        Smart Dubai, venture capitalists,              to provide them with access to global
expertise needed to support the UAE’s           incubators and accelerators.                   growth opportunities. There is vast
sustainable development and transition                                                         potential for the UAE to align its efforts
to a knowledge-based economy. At the                                                           with other progressive countries to
same time, it will elevate the country’s                                                       expand bilateral cooperation in the
status in the global arena and enhance its                                                     area of women entrepreneurship and
value proposition.                                                                             build partnerships to expand support to
                                                                                               women-led businesses.
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                         IN CONVERSATION WITH

                         CEO, DUBAI FUTURE FOUNDATION

                         What are the top three priorities of           of the way forward supported by a firm
                         implementing the Centennial Plan for           foundation of evidence-based analysis
                         Dubai Future Foundation?                       and quantitative and qualitative reporting
                                                                        to enable stakeholders and key decision-
                         Our leadership has always been ambitious,
                                                                        makers to anticipate and better navigate
                         wise and foresighted, with a vision to
                                                                        the future, guide policy-making and
                         place Dubai as the leading city of the
                                                                        develop key strategic initiatives and
                         future. H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid
                                                                        strategies. The Dubai Future Accelerators
                         Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime
                                                                        programme connects government and
                         Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai
                                                                        private sectors with talents and innovators
                         launched the foundation with the aim of
                                                                        from around the world to allow them to
                         institutionalising the future and that’s how
                                                                        solve future challenges and use Dubai as
                         our story started.
                                                                        a testbed for their innovations, to be part
                         Our priorities at DFF are set to fully         of creating a high quality of life for the
                         support the implementation of the 4            people of Dubai and the UAE, and further
                         main pillars of the UAE centennial plan,       solidify Dubai’s position as a leading city
                         which are: creating a Future-focused           of the future.
                         government – a priority that we support
                         through many initiatives such as the
                         future-focused courses that we launch          Considering the ambitious Centennial
                         throughout the year at the Dubai               Plan for the UAE, how does the Dubai
                         Future Academy, the academic arm of            Future Foundation engage with the youth
                         Dubai Future Foundation, which offers          and empower the next generations of
                         government employees courses that              UAE Leaders?
                         fortify the most sought after future skills
                                                                        Dubai Future Foundation is all about
                         that allow them to imagine and design
                                                                        youth empowerment and engagement
                         the future in line with the vision of our
                                                                        in creating an inclusive society. We have
                         leaders. Our very own unique ecosystem,
                                                                        launched a number of programmes
                         AREA 2071, is one of the most dynamic
                                                                        and initiatives that do not only focus on
                         innovation hubs in the region, attracting
                                                                        educating the youth with the knowledge
                         talents and entrepreneurs from around
                                                                        of the future and the skills they need
                         the globe, supporting their growth
                                                                        to lead the future, through the Dubai
                         into being positive contributors to the
                                                                        Future academy courses, but also on
                         future, and supporting Dubai's diversified
                                                                        actual engagement of this significant
                         knowledge economy. At The Dubai Future
                                                                        segment of society in creating the future.
                         Research, our research arm, continues to
                                                                        In line with the vision of H.H. Sheikh
                         produce insights and recommendations
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Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice            accelerate innovation and its application        era, increasing its contribution to the          The UAE has three of the most dynamic
President and Prime Minister of the UAE         throughout all sectors. Hence, in January        national economy by means of advancing           ecosystems in the region. They have
and Ruler of Dubai, to inspire innovation       2019, we launched the regulation lab             innovation and future technologies within        succeeded in putting the UAE among the
and creativity amongst students as              (RegLab), a revolutionary approach on            the government.                                  top most open and welcoming incubators
an integrated part of their higher              behalf of the UAE in the legislation and                                                          globally: AREA 2071, Fazaa Center for
education, we launched the University           application of emerging technologies.                                                             Business Incubators and Accelerators,
Entrepreneurship Program to create a            The lab works closely with regulators, the       In light of all the developments and             and Hub 71.
suitable environment for innovation and         private sector, innovators, and business         ambitious plans for the UAE, how will
                                                                                                                                                  In addition to these dynamic hubs, and
entrepreneurship and prepares young             leaders to co-create legislation that is in      you ensure that the country’s values and
                                                                                                                                                  inspired by the vision of our insightful
students for the future by developing           step with innovation speed. Regulations          heritage are preserved?
                                                                                                                                                  leadership DFF has set new and flexible
their entrepreneurial capabilities.             passed too early may stifle new
                                                                                                 Our strategy at DFF is based on our              legislation for future technologies to
                                                innovations, while those that come too
                                                                                                 leaders' vision, and as we move forward to       mitigate any adverse effects that may
                                                late may have already negatively impacted
                                                                                                 implement the UAE centennial plan, we            result from the application of these
What is the University Entrepreneurship         people and markets. That is why RegLab
                                                                                                 draw strength from Dubai's story.                technologies in an unsafe manner and
Program?                                        works in the regulation space to align
                                                                                                                                                  to enhance the exchange of expertise
                                                regulation speed with innovation speed.          In 1970 an airport was commissioned by
Aiming to achieve the goals of the Fifty-                                                                                                         and knowledge while keeping up with the
                                                                                                 a ruler of a small emirate – Dubai, with
Year Charter’s 6th Article, the Dubai Future    RegLab was launched as part of the UAE's                                                          accelerating innovation in technologies.
                                                                                                 sand cleaved to run concrete runways. In
Foundation has taken the essential step         pathway to becoming a global innovation
                                                                                                 around 60 years, this airport became the         RegLab aims to provide a set of flexible
in realising the comprehensive vision           incubator and a testing ground for future
                                                                                                 world's busiest. In 1961, a full decade before   laws and legislation by working closely
announced by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed               technologies and their applications
                                                                                                 the UAE was formed, Khor Dubai, or the           with policymakers from federal and local
bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President           shaping human life and activity in the
                                                                                                 Dubai Creek, was dredged to allow larger         government authorities as well as the
and Prime Minister of the UAE and               future, such as mobility, health, 3D printing,
                                                                                                 vessels in to welcome the world. In 1971,        private sector and business leaders to
Ruler of Dubai, in creating economic and        AI, and more.
                                                                                                 a unified nation was created out of tribal       develop legislation governing vital future
creative free zones in universities that
                                                This initiative aims to create an agile and      lands by leaders of vision and foresight,        sectors that positively impact societies
allow students to carry out innovative
                                                conducive legislative environment that           and the United Arab Emirates was born.           and support the UAE's role as a global
businesses and creative activities as an
                                                pioneers “regulation innovation” as we           In 1979, and with our leadership's visionary     incubator of innovations and creative
integrated part of their higher education,
                                                develop new or existing legislation around       foresight, a gateway hub and a global trade      projects in four main areas: mobility; health;
the University Entrepreneurship Program
                                                emerging technologies in line with UAE's         link of the world is born in Dubai: Jebel Ali    3D printing; and artificial intelligence.
(‘UEP’) creates a suitable environment for
                                                Centennial 2071 plan.                            Port became the largest man-made port
innovation and entrepreneurship, employs
                                                                                                 in the world, connecting global markets
modern technology in various vital and          In addition to the RegLab, we enable
                                                                                                 and facilitating trade. In 2016, H.H. Sheikh     How does AREA 2071 embody the UAE
future sectors, and prepares young              and support government entities across
                                                                                                 Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice             Centennial 2071’s plan?
students for the future by developing their     Dubai through many initiatives such
                                                                                                 President and Prime Minister of the UAE
entrepreneurial capabilities through five       as Dubai Future accelerators, which                                                               AREA 2071 is a fast-growing ecosystem
                                                                                                 and Ruler of Dubai established the Dubai
main stages: learning about successful          facilitates collaborations between                                                                with physical and, more recently, virtual
                                                                                                 Future Foundation to institutionalise
experiences; identifying opportunities and      government entities                                                                               activations and events that continuously
                                                                                                 future foresight. Our initiatives are
areas of entrepreneurship; developing           and innovative                                                                                    aim to connect government, private
                                                                          “RegLab works          human-centric and tackle all aspects of
personal capabilities and talents; surveying    start-ups to solve                                                                                sector, and start-ups beyond commercial
                                                                                                 human life, yet our leaders' vision, wisdom,
potential business opportunities; and           challenges of the         in the regulation      and foresight are embedded in our DNA
                                                                                                                                                  engagements and programmes The
implementing ideas and projects.                future. Through the       space to align                                                          objective of these activations is to
                                                                                                 and in everything we do as an institution
                                                Centre for Fourth                                                                                 regularly share information regarding the
12 local and national universities are taking                             regulation speed       that specialises in imagining, designing,
                                                Industrial Revolution                                                                             partner programmes, successful founders,
part in the UEP program. So far, the UEP
                                                (C4IR), we aim to         with innovation        and executing the future.
                                                                                                                                                  and start-ups in the ecosystem and
has supported more than 550 students                                      speed.”
                                                develop the tools                                                                                 inspire and support new entrepreneurs
in various ways including prototyping and
                                                and applications of                                                                               and students to start their own journeys.
investment opportunities.                                                                        Do you think that the UAE will be the top
                                                the Fourth Industrial                                                                             AREA 2071 hosts a myriad of different
                                                                                                 incubator for innovative ideas worldwide?
                                                Revolution in the UAE and work towards                                                            events to transform the ecosystem into a
                                                developing governance frameworks,                The foresight of our leadership, and the         collaborative and supportive community.
What are the steps currently being
                                                protocols, and best practices both               vision to place Dubai as the leading city of     Each member of this community is given
taken by the Dubai Future Foundation to
                                                regionally and globally.                         the future and a leading hub for tourism,        the opportunity to learn, engage and
accelerate the adoption of technologies
                                                                                                 finance, technology and innovation has           grow through the exchange of knowledge,
and digital transformation?                     The Centre further aims to support the
                                                                                                 furnished for Dubai and the UAE to               building networks, and collaboration.
                                                UAE's strategy for the Fourth Industrial
The need to enable new business activities                                                       become a leading incubator for talented          These events include workshops, one-on-
                                                Revolution and further strengthens
based on agile regulations emerged to                                                            innovators from around the globe.                one talks, panel discussions, pitch events,
                                                its position as a global hub for this
align with the vision of our leadership to
26   Industry Expert Insights                                                                  Industry Insights   27

   hackathons, and open networking events.        focused district and part
   These events are driven by the needs of        of our unique ecosystem,
   the community and cover technology,            AREA 2071. The district
   innovation, entrepreneurship, youth            connects DIFC, Emirates
   enablement, education, legal, investment,      Towers, and Dubai World Trade
   fundraising, soft skills, and women            Centre, and houses an economy
   empowerment, to name a few.                    research centre, incubators and
                                                  accelerators, and innovative space
   Over the years, with over 26 thousand
                                                  for future economy pioneers.
   participants from around the globe, AREA
   2071 hosted thousands of Workshops,            The new district aims at placing
   presentations, and talks with guest            Dubai as the world's capital of the
   speakers sharing their knowledge, skills,      new economy and provides financing
   expertise on specific topics as well as        and legislative facilities and options for
   one-to-one meetings, networking events,        businesses from around the globe. With
   and casual conversations to enable the         offerings that vary from accommodations
   exchange of personal experience, stories       to simplified licensing plans to visas, to
   and growth tips, in addition to special        unique opportunities to grow unique
   sessions with mentors, founders, and           presence for businesses across the region,
   technology experts to work with start-ups      the Dubai Financial District will shift
   on their challenges and help them explore      Dubai's foreign trade through stimulation
   market opportunities, industry prospects,      and revitalisation with the continuous
   and insights.                                  development of all the logistical,
                                                  legislative and service tools, in addition to
                                                  building new international partnerships.
   From your personal perspective, what
   current project are you working on that
   you are most excited for, or do you feel
   has the greatest potential to assist the
   futuristic UAE government?
   I believe that every single initiative, big
   or small, launched by DFF is impactful,
   insightful, and bears great potential for
   progress in our society.
   We are anticipating the opening of the
   Museum of the Future soon, which aims
   at further cementing Dubai as a hub
                       for innovation and a
“Our leadership        testbed for emerging
                       technologies and
has always been exploring the future of
ambitious, wise        science, technology, and
and foresighted, innovation. In addition
with a vision to       to becoming a major
place Dubai as         tourist destination,
                       the Museum will
the leading city       offer a platform to
of the future.”        demonstrate and test
                       the latest inventions
   and prototypes from emerging start-ups as
   well as technology giants.
   We are also launching the Dubai Future
   District, announced in 2020 by HH Sheikh
   Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. DFD is
   the Middle East's biggest future economy-
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                         IN CONVERSATION WITH

                         PRESIDENT AND CEO, ACWA POWER

                         The UAE has an established track record as      Second Party Opinion (SPO) of Vigeo Eiris
                         a proponent of sustainable development,         for the Taweelah water desalination power
                         and is committed to implementing the            plant being built in Abu Dhabi. In addition,
                         United Nations’ Sustainable Development         through our work on the NOOR 1 Energy
                         Goals (UN SDGs). It is no surprise, therefore   solar power project, which is a phase of
                         to see the sustainability motif echoed in       the Mohammed Bin Rashid Solar Park, we
                         the UAE’s Centennial plan. How has ACWA         have also qualified for the Climate Bond
                         Power imbibed these priorities into its         Initiative certification.
                         business plan?
                                                                         We believe that by aligning ourselves to the
                         ACWA Power has been supporting the              SDGs as a strategic lens at the core of our
                         UAE in its journey towards sustainability       operations, we support the advancement
                         for well over a decade by pioneering            of our host nations on the global goals and,
                         the development and cost reduction of           ultimately, their national contributions to
                         renewable power generation and water            the Paris Agreement.
                         desalination projects. Our sector plays a
                         vital role in achieving the United Nations
                         Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By        ACWA Power operates in multiple Gulf
                         delivering cost-effective renewable energy      countries and is accustomed to operating
                         and energy-efficient water desalination for     in markets that have traditionally been oil-
                         the UAE, we are contributing to affordable      centric. How do you see the energy sector
                         energy access and clean water supplies
                                                                         in the Middle East changing over the next
                         as well as climate action through reducing
                                                                         50 years?
                         the country’s carbon footprint. Beyond our
                         core operations we are also focused on          Countries in the GCC are signatories to
                         fostering continuous learning for our local     the COP 21 Paris Agreement and have
                         operations and workforces by providing          recognised the need to reduce carbon
                         training and education opportunities to         emissions as fast as possible to contain
                         our employees, and gender equality and          climate change. In addition, the cost
                         woman empowerment in the communities            of renewable energy has decreased
                         we serve.                                       dramatically in the last few years, allowing
                         Furthermore, we are ensuring that the           us to supply a significant segment of energy
                         projects we work on are in line with global     consumed each day cost competitively,
                         sustainability standards and are proud to       regardless of whether a country is an oil and
                         have obtained the world’s first sustainable     gas producer or importer.
                         and social accreditation based on the
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Based on these facts, GCC governments            the UAE's economy by delivering power               The UAE’s Water Security Strategy 2036         promote sustainable access to resources
have all announced ambitious plans to            and water reliably, sustainably and at              sets ambitious targets for the use and         and efficient utilisation of services to
meet 30 to 50 per cent of their energy           the lowest cost possible. In addition,              treatment of water in a number of areas,       maximise value creation. ACWA Power is
needs through renewable energy within            by deploying clean energy plants and                including increasing the reuse of treated      able to lead the way by reliably delivering
the next decade. With the right policies         energy efficient water projects, we are             water to 95 per cent and reducing total        such vital inputs, electricity and water, at
in place and by leveraging public-private        also supporting the reduction of the                demand for water resources by 21 per cent.     the lowest possible cost.
partnerships, these governments have             country’s carbon emissions in line with its         How is ACWA Power prioritising its medium-
already seen major projects materialise,         commitment to the Paris Agreement.                  term strategy to meet these targets?
with many under construction and in                                                                                                                 Many of the initiatives that fall under the
                                                 Beyond that, by adopting policies to                 Without waiting until 2036, ACWA Power
operation today.                                                                                                                                    umbrella of delivering sustainable energy
                                                 maximise local content development and               is already embracing the circular economy
                                                                                                                                                    and water resources are extremely costly
By generating low-cost renewable                 procurement and by creating valuable                 approach of the 4 Rs; reduce, reuse,
                                                                                                                                                    due to the need to advance infrastructure
energy and using the electricity intensive       employment opportunities for citizens                recycle and remove. We have progressively
                                                                                                                                                    and technological innovation. Are there
electrolysis process, we are now also able       through the activities of developing,                been reducing energy intensity of
                                                                                                                                                    any more accessible ways the SMEs and
to contemplate splitting water molecules         constructing, operating and maintaining                                    desalination and
                                                                                                                                                    individuals can contribute to the UAE’s
to produce hydrogen. As such we can              these significant assets, ACWA Power is          “We are also              recovering and
deliver green hydrogen to replace fossil         able to contribute to the health, wealth and     pioneering the            reusing energy to
fuels for hard-to-abate transportation           happiness of the countries we serve.                                       further reduce net      Renewable energy and water desalination
and industrial uses to further reduce
                                                                                                  recovery of               consumption. We         technology and the construction of
carbon emissions.                                                                                 economically              are evaluating what,    utility-scale plants rely on the smallest
                                                ACWA Power is involved in delivering one          valuable elements till recently, has              of components and the actions of
Utilising our experience and expertise
is critical for our endeavors in the GCC
                                                of the UAE most precious resources: water.        from brine, which         been the practice       individuals – demonstrating the potential
                                                What involvement does ACWA Power                  is the waste              of disposal of          for including smaller players in the value
region. We are challenging costs and
                                                have in planning for the UAE’s other long-                                  membranes used          chain. In the case of renewable energy
accelerating the energy transition by
                                                term objectives that involve water supply,        stream of the             in the process. We      projects, we are already able to show more
undertaking pioneering projects in the                                                            desalination
                                                such as agriculture and food security,                                      are also pioneering     than 40 per cent of local content. While a
region such as the Mohammed Bin
                                                happy communities, and regional stability?        process.”                 the recovery of         more targeted effort is required, the scope
Rashid Solar Park, the NEOM Green
                                                                                                                            economically            for SME involvement is considerable.
Hydrogen project and                                             The Middle East, and
                                                                                                      valuable elements from brine, which is the    Furthermore, the ability to generate
the Red Sea Project. The          “By generating low-cost specifically the UAE                        waste stream of the desalination process.     power from solar resources at roof top
Red Sea Project is the                                           and KSA, are the largest
                                  renewable energy and                                                                                              has opened a massive market for SMEs
first tourism project in                                         desalinated water producers         Finally, while ACWA Power is not directly
the world on this scale           using the electricity          in the world, given the             involved in reuse of end product water,
                                                                                                                                                    to get involved in supply, installation and
                                  intensive electrolysis                                                                                            maintenance for domestic, commercial
spanning an area the size                                        scarcity of the natural             we continue to champion water reuse,
                                                                                                                                                    and even industrial consumer segments.
of Belgium where all utility      process, we are now also resource in this region.                  recognising the environmental and social
services are to be entirely       able to contemplate            Ensuring the provision of           benefits.
powered by sustainable,                                          an adequate water supply
                                  splitting water                                                                                                   From your perspective, what is the most
zero emission energy in                                          and the most efficient use
                                                                                                                                                    promising development that has the
addition to adopting a zero molecules to                         of that vital resource in food      ACWA Power is involved in multiple
                                                                                                                                                    greatest potential to propel the UAE
waste and zero plastics           produce hydrogen.”             supply are both critical for        projects with the UAE authorities, and is
                                                                                                                                                    towards its 2071 vision in terms of water
approach.                                                        these countries. ACWA               a strategic partner in delivering utilities
                                                                                                                                                    security and sustainable energy?
                                                Power is focused on producing potable                to the UAE population. Do you think the
                                                water in a sustainable manner; which in              private sector has an obligation to assist     Continuous development and deployment
The main pillars of the UAE’s future vision     the case of the UAE means using reverse              the government in providing sustainable        of renewable energy, expansion of
are built around strength in economy,           osmosis technology to desalinate sea                 access to these resources?                     sustainable water desalination and
happiness, government and education. How        water, minimsing energy use in the process,                                                         production of cost-competitive green
                                                                                                     Given that ACWA Power and others
does ACWA Power’s work in sustainability        and transitioning to renewable energy                                                               hydrogen will be the “collective key” to
                                                                                                     serving the sector are very much in the
interact with these areas?                      for that electricity required, while also                                                           deliver on the UAE’s 2071 water security
                                                                                                     business of investing significant capital
                                                minimising waste disposal and chemical                                                              and sustainable energy ambitions. ACWA
With reliable, adequate and affordable                                                               to construct plants and recover those
                                                usage. By continuing to reduce the cost                                                             Power is committed to partnering with the
electricity and water being essential for                                                            investments and risk related returns
                                                of desalinating water, which would in turn                                                          UAE to propel the country so it continues
economic growth and social welfare, and                                                              over decades, economic growth is vital
                                                facilitate the use/adoption of technologies                                                         to lead the energy transition while
as a developer, co-owner and operator of                                                             to ensure our own viability. It is very
                                                like hydroponics, ACWA Power may in                                                                 benefitting from everything the ensuing
power and water assets, ACWA Power is                                                                much in our interest and the collective
                                                time be able to also contribute to the food                                                         green economy will provide.
proud and privileged to be a partner with                                                            responsibility of all market participants to
                                                security agenda.
the UAE to fulfill its vision. We support
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