UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit

Page created by Anne Townsend
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
       Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
                    University College Coirk

                         021 490 1993 / 1825
                        email: ediunit@uccie

UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021

        An initiative of the Equality, Diversion and Inclusion Unit
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
About this Calendar
UCC Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit created
this calendar to highlight a variety of religious, civil and
University dates and events. The ‘Significant Dates’
section of each month highlights specific internationally
recognised religious and civil events.

Please note that certain religious events are subject to the
lunar calendar, and that this calendar can only offer an
approximate indication of when these events will happen.
We do not have space to provide details on each date or
                                                                                 A Note from the Deputy President and Registrar
event, but we hope that they will raise conversations about                      In these times of national and international crisis, it is more important than ever that
diversity, and about local flexibility for staff and students                    we support each other, and work together to bring about a semblance of normality in
observing events of religious significance in particular.                        these trying times. One way we can do this is by acknowledging and celebrating the
However, staff may access more detail by connecting to                           differences between us, which give our world such a rich and diverse landscape. This,
the calendar through Sharepoint.                                                 the third UCC Diversity Calendar, can enable us to do this, by highlighting dates of
The lower right-hand section of each month highlights                            importance across cultures, religions and society, and by highlighting equality initiatives
both UCC events and Irish events specifically relating to                        within UCC. I am delighted to see its publication once more, and in an effort to be
the Equal Status grounds. Month-long global events are                           more environmentally friendly, this iteration will only be available online. I encourage
marked here also. Note that certain equality-related events                      everyone to use this calendar as a prompt to explore cultures, social groups, movements
may be subject to change, and that certain dates were not                        or religions that may be new to you, and maybe be inspired to find new ways to embed
secured/available at the time of going to print. Finally, the                    equality, diversity and inclusion in your daily life.
left-hand column of each month highlights particular UCC
initiatives and related themes that support the equality,
diversity and inclusion agenda.                                                  Professor John O’Halloran
We welcome suggestions for the calendar in future years.                         Deputy President & Registrar

Information and Contacts
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit was established in January 2018.

Some of the key responsibilities of the EDI Unit are to:

•   Lead on the development and delivery of the EDI strategy across UCC, working
    with the University senior leadership team and wider partners in support of the
    University Strategic Plan.

•   Lead and oversee the University’s Athena SWAN award and other national
    initiatives and provide effective management and support of various University
    committees and groups.                                                                         Other Supports for Staff

•   Support staff and students to demonstrate their commitment to EDI.                             •   Employee Assistance Programme:
•   Raise awareness amongst all staff to fulfil their responsibilities to comply with
    UCC’s regulations, policies and procedures.                                                    •   Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT, UCC):
                                                                                                       Email chair.ucc@ifut.ie
•   The EDI Unit is happy to advise students and staff on equality-related issues.
    Students and staff seeking to make a formal complaint about an equality-related                •   Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU, UCC):
    issue have a range of supports, which include (as relevant):                                       Email g.hurley@ucc.ie

                                                                                                   •   UCC Researcher Staff Association:
Key supports                                                                                           https://www.ucc.ie/en/rsa/

•   UCC Student Advisor and Ombudsman:
    https://www.ucc.ie/en/studentombudsman/                                                        Other Supports for Students

•   UCC Campus Watch:                                                                              •   Student Budgetary Advisor:
    https://www.ucc.ie/en/studentexperience/campuswatch/                                               https://www.ucc.ie/en/studentbudget/

•   UCC Human Resources Business Manager (relevant to your University Area):                       •   Student Assistance Fund:
    https://www.ucc.ie/en/hr/people/                                                                   https://www.ucc.ie/en/saf/

•   UCC Staff Ombudsman:                                                                           •   Disability Support Service
    https://www.ucc.ie/en/staffombudsman/                                                              https://www.ucc.ie/en/dss/
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
DSS / Make Way Day

Wild Garden by the new Cavanagh pedestrian bridge and

                                                                   September 2020
riverside walk, UCC – improving access to the main campus
(Credit: Tomás Tyner)

The Disability Support Service             Mon              Tues    Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
(DSS) is a free and confidential
service to all students with a
disability who choose to register
                                                                                                                            17th      Mahalaya Amavasya
with the DSS. Registration can                               1       2               3       4         5             6                Hindu
be completed on your Student
Portal. Supports provided by                                                                                                17th      Tekufah Tishrei Judaism
the DSS can include personal                                                                                                          Paganism/Wiccan/
supports, educational supports,                                                                                                       Pantheism
technological supports and
                                             7               8       9              10      11         12           13
                                                                                                                        18 -20             Rosh Hashanah Judaism
                                                                                                                                 th   th
exam accommodations.

DSS is committed in as far                                                                                                  21   st
                                                                                                                                      International Day of Peace
as is reasonably possible, to                                                                                                         Societal
empowering students with                                                                                                    22th      Mabon Judaism Pagan/
disabilities achieve their                                                                                                            Wicca/Pantheism
academic and vocational
goals in an inclusive learning
                                            14              15      16              17      17         19           20      25th      Make Way Day DSS,
environment. Please see our                                                                                                           Student Socs, Societal
website more information
                                                                                                                            25th      St. Finbarr Feast Day
If you want to get more
involved, you can take part in              21              22      23              24      25         26           27      28th-Oct4th Positive Aging Week
www.makewayday.com when
activists all over the country                                                                                              28th-Oct 2nd Freshers Week
draw attention to the challenges
posed by things left on the
footpath. Spot one? Post it with
#makewayday – September                     28              29      30
25th 2020, or students may
get involved in the Disability
Activism & Awareness society.

                                                 New Moon           Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
Black History Month

UCC Africa Society Members (Credit: UCC Africa Society)

                                                                 October 2020

During Black History Month, we             Mon            Tues   Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
focus on the calendar on UCC’s
Africa Society. This society
states its aim is to celebrate
                                                                                                                         1st-31st Black History Month
Africa’s culture as whole: music,                                                 1       2         3             4               Societal, Ireland and the UK
dance, food, fashion without
leaving out its enriching history,                                                                                       1st-31st Breast Cancer Awareness
politics, languages and much                                                                                                      Month Societal, Global
more. In their own words: “If
you’re searching for a society                                                                                           2nd-9th Sukkot Judaism
that gives you the complete                  5              6     7               8       9         10           11      5th-9th Sexual Violence Awareness
African experience right                                                                                                         Campaign
wherever you are, you’ve come
to the right place :) Dance,                                                                                             10th    World Mental Health Day
movies, crafts, food, talks, talent                                                                                              Societal
shows, conferences - we do it
all. “Jack of all trades, master of         12              13   14              15      16         17           17      17th-26th Navratri Hinduism
most is our mantra.”                                                                                                     17th    International Day for
                                                                                                                                 Eradication of Poverty
Follow UCC Africa Society @
UCCAfSoc and while you’re at
it, check out UCC’s other clubs                                                                                          19th-20th The Twin Holy Birthdays
& societies too. The world is at            19              20   21              22      23         24           25             Bahá’i
your doorstep!
                                                                                                                         19th-23rd SHAG Week UCC UCCSU
                                                                                                                         22nd-26th Durga Puja Hinduism
                                                                                                                         25th    Dasara Hinduism
                                            26              27   28              29      30         31                   27 -28th Yom Kippur Judaism

                                                                                                                         31st-1stNov Samhain Wicca
                                                                                                                         31st    Halloween/All Hallows Eve

                                                 New Moon        Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
UCC Socs & Clubs

UCC Clubs and Societies (Credit: UCC Clubs & Socs)

                                                                 November 2020

Clubs and Societies are some of            Mon          Tues      Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
the most diverse groups in all
of UCC. From the 157 student
groups focused on every activity
                                                                                                                          1st-30th Movember - Men’s Health
imaginable, there is truly                                                                                         1               Month Societal
something for everyone. At their
core, they consist of people from                                                                                         1st        All Hallows/All Saints Day
all sorts of backgrounds, united                                                                                                     Christianity
by their love of a particular sport
or topic.                                                                                                                 2nd        All Souls Day Christianity

All our clubs and societies are
                                             2              3      4               5       6         7             8		    14    th
                                                                                                                                     Diwali Hinduism, Buddhism,
run by students, for students so                                                                                                     Sikhism
you can be guaranteed that the                                                                                            19th       International Men’s Day
people at the helm know what it                                                                                                      Societal
is that students are looking for.
If you have ever felt the desire
to learn how to scuba dive or
                                             9              10    11              12      13         14           15      20th       Transgender Day of
                                                                                                                                     Rememberance Societal
try your hand at Dungeons and
                                                                                                                          20th       Universal Children’s Day
Dragons, your opportunity to do
these things is now.
                                                                                                                          25th       International Day for the
The doors of Clubs and Societies
are open to all and it doesn’t              16              17    18              19      20         21           22                 Elimination of Violence
                                                                                                                                     against Women Societal
take a lot of effort to join. Simply
go online to sport.ucc.ie or
societies.ucc.ie to find a group
for you today!’

                                            23              24    25              26      27         28           29


                                                 New Moon         Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
Religion on campus

Charge d’Affaires, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of

                                                                   December 2020
Pakistan to the ‘Muslims of UCC’ exhibition, organised by
Dr Amanullah De Sondy. L-R Dr Amanullah De Sondy,
Professor Patrick O’Shea, Dr Rachel Woodcock, Dr Karl
Kitching & Mr Shahzad Nosherwani (Credit: Tomás Tyner)

Saint Finbarr is the patron saint           Mon             Tues    Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
of Cork. When it was founded,
as Queen’s College Cork, its
aim was to “afford a university
                                                                                                                            1st      World Aids Day Societal
education to members of all                                  1       2               3       4         5             6
religious denominations in                                                                                                  2   nd
                                                                                                                                     International Day for the
Ireland”. As one of the “Godless                                                                                                     Abolition of Slavery
colleges”, instruction in theology                                                                                                   Societal
was not permitted until 2007,
but its roots are held in religious                                                                                         3rd      International Day of
traditions as far back as the                 7              8       9              10      11         12           13               Persons with Disabilities
7th century when St. Finbarr                                                                                                         Societal
founded his monastery. The                                                                                                  8th      Feast of the Immaculate
UCC motto, ‘Where Finbarr                                                                                                            Conception Christianity
taught let Munster learn’, makes
reference to not just the origins                                                                                           10th-18th Hanukkah (Festival of
of the city but the foundations              14              15     16              17      18         19           20              Lights/Dedication) Judaism
of where UCC stands today.
                                                                                                                            10th     International Human
Saint Finbarr is the patron saint
                                                                                                                                     Rights Day Societal
of Cork. As a modern secular
university, UCC welcomes                                                                                                    18th     International Migrants Day
students and staff of all faiths                                                                                                     Societal
and none to its campus.                      21              22     23              24      25         26           27
See: https://www.ucc.ie/en/                                                                                                 21st-1stJan Yule Paganism/Wiccan/
chaplaincy/, https://www.ucc.                                                                                                        Pantheism/Judaism
ie/en/religion/, or the student                                                                                             25th     Christmas Day/ Feast of the
societies such as the Christian                                                                                                      Nativity Christianity
Union or Islamic societies.
                                             28              29     30              31                                      30th     Guru Nanak Jayanti

                                                  New Moon          Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
EDI Training Opportunities

The Windle Building Department of Anatomy Lecture

                                                                 January 2021
Hall as was, now part of the Hub www.ucc.ie/en/thehub
(Credit: Tomás Tyner)

UCC offers a range of EDI                  Mon          Tues     Wed               Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
training and information, both
in person. Examples of this
training include Bystander
                                                                                                                           4th    World Braille Day Societal
Intervention, Unconscious                                                                   1         2             3
Bias training, Trans Awareness                                                                                             6th
                                                                                                                                  Epiphany Christianity
training, and Race Sensitivity
Workshops.                                                                                                                 6th    Nollaig na mBan / Women’s
                                                                                                                                  Little Christmas Societal
The LEAD programme (Living
                                                                                                                           7th    Christmas Christianity
Equality and Diversity) is an
online programme, jointly
                                             4              5      6                7       8         9            10
                                                                                                                           7th    Orthodox Christmas Day
developed by the members of                                                                                                       Christianity
the Irish Universities Association
(IUA) Equality Network and is                                                                                              12th   Chinese New Year
currently under review. It is                                                                                                     Buddhism
hoped that the revised and
updated programme will be
                                            11              12    13               14      15         16           17      13th   Maghi Sikhism
launched early in academic year                                                                                            18th-25th Week of Prayer for
2020/21. A UCC Digital Badge                                                                                                       Christian Unity Christianity
in EDI is also in the pipeline.
                                                                                                                           19th   World Religion Day
Watch this space!
                                            18              19    20               21      22         23           24
                                                                                                                           20th   Bodhi Day Buddhism
                                                                                                                           25th-29th SexualRespect@UCC
                                                                                                                                  UCC Bystander Intervention
                                                                                                                           25th - 29th Refreshers Week
                                            25              26    27               28      29         30           31
                                                                                                                           27th   Holocaust Memorial Day

                                                 New Moon          Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
University of Sanctuary

Images from the 2020 Sanctuary Gig at the Glucksman.

                                                               February 2021
(Credit: Tomás Tyner)

In early 2018, UCC was named             Mon           Tues    Wed              Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
a University of Sanctuary.
In the same year, the first
UCC Sanctuary Scholarships
                                                                                                                        1st          St. Brigid’s Day Christianity,
were awarded. We are now                   1              2     3                4       5         6             7                   Wiccan
entering our fourth year of
the scholarship scheme. The                                                                                             11th         International Day of
University of Sanctuary Working                                                                                                      Women and Girls in
Group has been driving force                                                                                                         Science Societal
behind a number of initiatives,
such as Refugee Week, the                  8              9     10              11      12         13           14      15th         Nirvana Day* Buddhism
Sanctuary Solidarity Fund                                                                                               15 19 th-   th
                                                                                                                                         R&G Week UCC UCCSU
(which was used in part to
help fund the Sanctuary Masks                                                                                           16    th
                                                                                                                                     Shrove (“Pancake”)
Initiative during the Covid-19                                                                                                       Tuesday Christianity
pandemic), and facilitating the
setting up of a cricket team              15              16    17              18      19         20           21      17thFeb-21thMarch Lent Christianity
drawn from residents in a local                                                                                         17th         Ash Wednesday Christianity
Direct Provision Centre. And
                                                                                                                        20     th
                                                                                                                                     World Day of Social Justice
existing members have been
driving forces in their own
right, bringing about events                                                                                            27th         Magha Puja Buddhism
such as annual Christmas and              22              23    24              25      26         27           28
Easter parties for children in
Direct Provision. For more
info: www.ucc.ie/en/edi/

                                               New Moon         Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
Athena SWAN in UCC

Members of the Athena SWAN working groups who were

                                                                    March 2021
involved in the successful applications for a departmental
Bronze award for the School of Public Health and a
renewal of the institutional Bronze award for UCC
(Credit: John Sheehan)

Since 2016, UCC has held a bronze            Mon             Tues   Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
institutional award, a number
of academic units have bronze
departmental awards, and more
                                                                                                                            1st          Recognition of Travellers
are working towards applying in                1              2      3               4       5         6             7                   as an Ethnic Minority
both bronze and silver categories.
                                                                                                                                         (Anniversary) Societal
Examples of the principles
underlying the Athena SWAN                                                                                                  8th          International Women’s
charter include:                                                                                                                         Day Societal
•   The acknowledgement that
    academia cannot reach its full
                                               8              9     10              11      12         13           14      11th         Maha Shivaratri Hinduism

    potential unless it can benefit                                                                                         20     th
                                                                                                                                         Ostara/ Tekufat Nisan
    from the talents of all;                                                                                                             Religious Paganism/
•   The recognition of the relative                                                                                                      Judaism
    underrepresentation of
    women in senior roles in Arts,            15              16    17              18      19         20           21      21st         International Day for
    Humanities, Social Sciences,                                                                                                         Elimination of Racial
    Business and Law (AHSSBL)                                                                                                            Discrimination Societal
    and the particularly high loss                                                                                          21st         World Down Syndrome
    rate of women in Science,                                                                                                            Day Societal
    Technology, Engineering,
    Medicine and Maths (STEMM);
                                              22              23    24              25      26         27           28      21st         World Poetry Day Societal

•   The commitment to                                                                                                       23    rd
                                                                                                                                         Anniversary of Famine
    advancing gender equality in                                                                                                         Relief Donation by
    academia; to addressing the                                                                                                          Choctaw Nation Societal
    gender pay gap & to tackling
    the discriminatory treatment              29              30    31                                                      27th-4thApril Passover Judaism

    often experienced by trans                                                                                              29th         Holla Mohalla Sikhism
    people.                                                                                                                 29 31 th-   st
                                                                                                                                             Holi Hinduism
For more information:                                                                                                       31    st
                                                                                                                                         International Transgender
www.ucc.ie/en/athenaswan/                                                                                                                Day of Visibility Societal


                                                   New Moon         Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
             C HA R T E
UCC Diversity Calendar 2020/2021 - Equality Diversity and Inclusion Unit
Autism-friendly University

A sneak preview of the Calm Zone, courtesy of Architects:

                                                                     April 2021
Butler Cammoranesi

The result of a collaboration               Mon             Tues   Wed              Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
between UCC students and
staff, the new Calm Zone offers
respite from a busy campus and
                                                                                                                            1st-30th Autism Awareness Month
is a substantial step towards                                                        1       2         3             4               Societal, Global
making UCC a more ‘autism-
friendly’ university.                                                                                                       2nd            Good Friday Christianity
The layout follows autism-                                                                                                  2nd
                                                                                                                                           World Autism Awareness
friendly design principles                                                                                                                 Day Societal
and accessibility was a key
consideration throughout.
                                              5              6      7                8       9         10           11      4th            Easter Sunday Christianity

Students were involved                                                                                                      4   th
                                                                                                                                           International Day for Mine
throughout the design process                                                                                                              Awareness and Assistance
and helped to shape the                                                                                                                    in Mine Action Societal
purpose of the space, which
includes sensory rooms, respite              12              13    14               15      16         17           18      7th            World Health Day Societal

rooms and eating spaces,                                                                                                    8 -9th    th
                                                                                                                                           Yom Hashoah
as well as a workshop space
                                                                                                                            12 April-11thMay Ramadan Islam
and an open plan area with
comfortable seating.                                                                                                        13th           Baisakhi Sikhism
Architects: Butler                           19              20    21               22      23         24           25      22rd           Earth Day Societal
                                                                                                                            23   rd
                                                                                                                                           World Book Day Societal
For more information about
the Autism Friendly University                                                                                              26   th
                                                                                                                                           Lesbian Visibility Day
Initiative visit https://www.ucc.                                                                                                          Societal
                                             26              27    28               29      30                              30th           International Jazz Day

                                                  New Moon          Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
Age-friendly University

Mature Students enjoying Orientation Day at UCC

                                                                     May 2021
(Credit: Tomás Tyner)

The contribution made by older            Mon          Tues     Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
people (defined in this context
as 55+) to University College
Cork is of importance to our
                                                                                                                        1st         Beltane Wiccan, Paganism
social and economic capital,                                                                                     1
helps to informs the research                                                                                           3   rd
                                                                                                                                    World Press Freedom Day
agenda and supports our                                                                                                             Societal
wider community to embrace
the opportunities of higher                                                                                             8th         Visakha Puja Buddhism
education to support ageing in                                                                                          9th         Europe Day Societal
a positive and healthy way.                 2              3     4               5       6         7             8
                                                                                                                        12-13th Eid Al-Fitr Islam
UCC endorses the principles
of the global Age Friendly                                                                                              13th        Ascension Day Christianity
University Network and is                                                                                               16 -18th   th
                                                                                                                                        Shavuot Judaism
currently working to uncover
                                            9              10   11              12      13         14           15      17          International Day against
the good practice that currently
exists across the university and                                                                                                    Homophobia, Transphobia
the contribution UCC can make                                                                                                       and Biphobia Societal
in response to the interests and
                                                                                                                        21st        World Day for Cultural
needs of an ageing population.
                                                                                                                                    Diversity for Dialogue and
For more information on the                                                                                                         Development Societal
Age Friendly University Global             16              17   18              19      20         21           22
Network, see www.dcu.ie/                                                                                                23rd        Pentecost Christianity
agefriendly/                                                                                                            29th        International Day of UN
                                                                                                                                    Peacekeepers Societal

                                           23              24   25              26      27         28           29

                                           30              31

                                                New Moon        Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
Traveller Pride Month

Artist Leanne McDonagh, a young Traveller woman, in

                                                                       June 2021
front of the UCC Ceremonial Gates with her artwork Pavee
Presence which was part of the Glucksman’s New Light
exhibition presented on city wide billboards during the
COVID 19 lockdown. (Credit: Glucksman Gallery)

Adult Continuing Education (ACE)           Mon             Tues   Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
delivered the level 6 Certificate
in Leadership in the Community
programme to a group of twenty
                                                                                                                          3rd    World Bicycle Day
seven women from the Travelling                             1      2               3       4         5             6             Societal
Community over the 2019/2020
academic year, which was delivered                                                                                        20th   World Refugee Day
in partnership with the South                                                                                                    Societal
Traveller Health Network, Access
and Participation in University                                                                                           24th   Anniversary of
College Cork as well as a number             7              8      9              10      11         12           13             Decriminalistaion of
of other key Traveller organisations,                                                                                            Homosexuality in Ireland
and focused on goals set out by                                                                                                  Societal
the SOAR project. Members of                                                                                              24th   Litha Paganism/Wiccan/
the Travelling Community have                                                                                                    Pantheism/Judaism
traditionally faced disadvantage
in the access of education. The             14              15    16              17      18         19           20      24th   Midsummer Societal
delivery of this programme speaks
                                                                                                                          24th   World Humanist Day
to the core mission of ACE at UCC
                                                                                                                                 Societal, Humanists
which is to provide opportunities
in lifelong learning for all adults                                                                                       28th   Stonewall Rebellion
irrespective of age and previous                                                                                                 Anniversary Societal
educational achievements. See               21              22    23              24      25         26           27

                                            28              29    30

                                                 New Moon         Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
UCC is a Proud Ally

LGBT Allies at UCC

                                                                        July 2021

Over the past two decades in                 Mon          Tues     Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
Ireland, LGBT+ people and families
have seen enormous progression in
terms of having their rights legally
                                                                                                                           17-18th Tisha B’av
recognised and protected. However,                                                  1       2         3             4
polarising trends that are occurring                                                                                       17th   World Day for International
at a global scale mean that LGBT+                                                                                                 Justice Societal
people and families are increasingly
living in fear at the rising threat of                                                                                     19th-23rd Eid al Adha Islam
societal discrimination, persecution                                                                                       24th   Dharma Day Buddhism
and attack. In many countries, Pride           5              6     7               8       9         10           11
marches (even those escorted by riot
police) are met with homophobic
and transphobic rage and violence
by protesters. In Ireland, LGBT+
people, aware of the necessity for
constant vigilance, continue to               12              13   14              15      16         17           18
advocate for the introduction of hate
crime legislation and the banning of
controversial ‘conversion therapies’.
Internationally as of December
2019, 68 (or 35%) UN member
states criminalised consensual,               19              20   21              22      23         24           25
private, same-sex acts between
adults with penalties including
fines, imprisonment, public caning/
whipping and even the death
penalty. The map below illustrates
that, in fact, in most parts of the           26              27   28              29      30         31
world there is an absence of positive
law for LGBT+ rights:

png [source = ILGA website https://

See also LGBT+ Staff Network (staff)
or LGBT Society (students)                         New Moon        Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
Student Central Services

UCC Ceremonial Gates (Credit: Tomás Tyner)

                                                                 August 2021

In August, UCC sees one year             Mon            Tues     Wed             Thur    Fri        Sat          Sun     Significant Dates
close while another begins. It is
usually a time of autumn repeat
exams and orientation days, of
                                                                                                                         1st      Lughnasadh Wiccan
registering for new modules, new                                                                                  1
courses, of meeting old friends                                                                                          9   th
                                                                                                                                  World Indigenous People’s
and new. A large part of feeling                                                                                                  Day Societal
part of UCC comes from the
services and supports provided by                                                                                        12th     International Youth Day
UCC Central Admin. Whether you                                                                                                    Societal
are a new student or a returning             2              3     4               5       6         7             8      13th-15th Obon Buddhism
graduate, make sure you check
out the services available to you                                                                                        19th     World Humanitarian Day
in through Student Records                                                                                                        Societal
and Examinations Office, the
                                                                                                                         29th     Krishna Janmashtami
Admissions Office, the Graduate
Studies Office, the International            9              10   11              12      13         14           15               Hinduism
Office or the Access Office.
Try out new skills and expand
your horizons by joining a club
or society. If you are having
problems you would like to talk
through, Student Counselling or              16             17   18              19      20         21           22
the Student Ombudsman may
be able to help you there. And if
you are saying goodbye to us this
year, do keep in touch through the
Alumni and Development Office.
                                             23             24   25              26      27         28           29

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                                                 New Moon        Frist Quarter          Full Moon         Last Quarter
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