Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...

Page created by Johnny Bennett
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...
                                                      PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS
                                                              Below are our main scholarships,
                                                            outlined in detail further in this guide.

                                                                                     Available to
                             Scholarship                                      SL     CS       DS       IS   Eligibility*

                             Sydney Scholars Awards                           ü       û            ü   û    ATAR of 99.90 and apply for admission through UAC
                             (ATAR of 99.90)

                             Sydney Scholars Awards                           ü       û            ü   ü    ATAR of 95 to 99.85 (90 for Sydney Conservatorium
                                                                                                            of Music) and apply for admission through UAC

                             Sydney Scholars Awards                           ü       û            ü   û    Students with an excellent academic record who
                             on grounds of hardship                                                         are in one of the categories of disadvantage under
                                                                                                            the UAC Educational Access Scheme (EAS)

                             Chancellor’s Awards                              ü       û            ü   û    ATAR of 99.95 and apply for admission through UAC

                             Faculty-based scholarships                       ü       ü            ü   ü    Varies

                             Dalyell Scholars global mobility                 û       ü            ü   ü    Enrolled as a Dalyell Scholar and taking a for-credit
                             scholarships                                                                   global mobility experience

                             Equity scholarships                              ü       ü            ü   û    Based on financial need

                             E12 scholarships                                 ü       û            ü   û    Students in Year 12 in NSW schools who apply for
                                                                                                            UAC’s Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS)
                                                                                                            with their principal’s support

                             Scholarships for Aboriginal and                  ü       ü            ü   û    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
                             Torres Strait Islander students

                             Elite Athlete Program                            ü       ü            ü   ü    Be performing at an elite level in the chosen sport

                             Accommodation and college scholarships                       Varies            Varies

                             Scholarships for international students          ü       ü            û   ü    Varies

                             *   For full terms and conditions, visit sydney.edu.au/scholarships

                             ** Y
                                ou can apply after being accepted into a qualifying global mobility program.

                                 onours for certain courses taken as a separate year on top of the standard degree duration, and postgraduate studies
                                 that form part of a double/combined degree, may not be covered. For details, visit sydney.edu.au/scholarships

                             SL - school leavers                       CS – current students
                             DS – domestic students                    IS - international students
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...
Scholarships for prospective students
Duration*                         Value per year*    When to apply*               Can it be deferred?*   See page

Duration of undergraduate         $10,000            N/A                          Yes                       2
degree (some exclusions apply#)

1 year to duration of             $6000              September                    Yes                       2
undergraduate degree (some
exclusions apply#)

1 year to duration of             $6000              September                    Yes                       3
undergraduate degree (some
exclusions apply#)

Duration of undergraduate         $10,000            N/A                          Yes                       4
degree (some exclusions apply#)

Varies                            Varies             Varies                       Varies                    4

One-time sum to support           $2000              Varies**                     No                        4
a global exchange

1 year to duration of             Varies             Varies                       No                        5
undergraduate degree

1 year                            $5950              Refer to UAC website         Yes                       5

1 year to duration of             $2000 to $10,000   August to December           Varies                    5
undergraduate degree (some
exclusions apply#)

Varies                            Varies             Varies, dependent on sport   Varies                    5

Varies                            Varies             Varies                       Varies                    6

Varies                            Varies             Varies                       Varies                    6
                                                                                                                    Page 1
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...

                               The Sydney Scholars program is a suite of prestigious
                              scholarships offered to Year 12 students who achieve an
                             excellent result and demonstrate the skills and attributes
                             to thrive at university. Ranging from $6000 to $10,000 in
                             value, these awards are granted from one year up to the
                                      duration of your undergraduate course.*
Page 2
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...
Am I eligible?                         Are you
To be considered for this award        experiencing hardship?
you need to:                           Some Sydney Scholars Awards are
−− list the University of Sydney as    offered to students with excellent
   your first preference in your       academic ability who have had
   application to the Universities     significant educational disadvantage,
   Admissions Centre (UAC)             such as financial, medical or disability
−− complete your Higher School         issues, refugee status or living in a
   Certificate (HSC), International    rural area.
   Baccalaureate (IB), or                 If this applies to you, you can
   equivalent university entry         apply for a Sydney Scholars Award
   qualification during 2019           on hardship grounds and submit
                                       a separate Equity Scholarships
−− achieve an ATAR or equivalent
                                       application to UAC.
   of 95 and above, and meet any
                                          The University will link your Sydney
   relevant course requirements.

                                                                                                                 Sydney Scholars Awards
                                       Scholars Awards application with your
                                       UAC application.
All students undertaking exams                                                    What happens next?
other than the HSC will be                                                        You will be notified by late
considered in the same way.            How do I apply?                            November if you have
   Domestic students who meet                                                     received a conditional
                                       Applications for the Sydney
the above criteria and get an                                                     offer. Firm offers will be
                                       Scholars Award close before ATAR
ATAR of 99.90 are eligible for                                                    made once your ATAR (or
                                       results are released. Therefore,
$10,000 per year for the duration                                                 equivalent) is available.
                                       we recommended you submit your
of the undergraduate degree                                                       Applicants for a Sydney
                                       Sydney Scholars Award application by
(some exclusions apply*).                                                         Scholars Award on
                                       the deadline of 30 September 2019.
   Domestic and international                                                     hardship grounds will
                                          You need to complete an online
students who meet the above                                                       receive a firm offer by
                                       application including:
criteria and get an ATAR of                                                       late January.
95 to 99.85 are eligible for $6000     −− a personal statement that                  The University may
per year, up to the duration              demonstrates the whole you – tell       make further rounds
of the undergraduate degree               us about your leadership skills,        of scholarship offers at
(some exclusions apply*).                 involvement in extracurricular          the end of January. All
                                          activities, and future goals            applicants will be notified
                                       −− your most recent school                 of the outcome by the
                                          report – usually your Year              end of February.
                                          12 mid-year report.                        If you have any
                                                                                  questions during this
                                       Applications open:                         time, please email
                                       2 September 2019                           scholarships.office@
                                       Applications close:
                                       30 September 2019
* Honours for certain courses
taken as a separate year on top of
the standard degree duration, and
                                       For more details and to apply, visit
postgraduate studies that form part
of a double/combined degree, may not   −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships-ssp
be covered. For details, visit
                                                                                                                 Page 3
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...
                             With more than 700                       In recognition of your unique           The University of Sydney Inspired by
                                                                                                              Business Scholarship
                                                                      academic and leadership qualities,
                             scholarship schemes                      you may also be invited to attend       Available through the E12 scheme,
                                                                                                              these scholarships are open
                             on offer, we can                         celebration events, participate in
                                                                                                              to students of the Bachelor
                                                                      scholar-only development events,
                             provide motivated                        and feature in our scholarship          of Commerce or Bachelor of
                                                                      promotion activities.                   Commerce/Bachelor of Advanced
                             students with the                                                                Studies. Recipients receive:
                             financial freedom to                     Faculty-based scholarships              −− $10,000 per year for the
                             excel academically.                      Many faculties and schools
                                                                                                                 length of their degree
                                                                      provide scholarships for first-year     −− access to industry mentoring.
                                                                      students as well as scholarships        −− sydney.edu.au/

                                                                      and prizes to students in later years      inspired-by-business
                             Chancellor’s Awards
                                                                      of study.
                             For students who have achieved              Some faculty scholarships are
                             an outstanding result in their Year                                              Dalyell Scholars global
                                                                      available via our Sydney Scholars
                             12 studies, these scholarships are                                               mobility scholarships
                                                                      Award applications. Others
                             awarded automatically following          require individual applications.        Dalyell Scholars are entitled to
                             the release of ATAR results in           Check with the faculty offering your    a global mobility scholarship of
                             December or IB results in January.       preferred degree to find                $2000. This can be used towards
                                 To be eligible, you need to be       out if you’re eligible for any          either a short-term (winter, summer
                             a domestic applicant, have the           scholarships, or visit                  or internship) mobility opportunity
                             University of Sydney listed as your                                              worth at least six credit points,
                                                                      −− sydney.edu.au/
                             first preference in your application                                             or a semester exchange worth
                             to UAC, and achieve an ATAR                                                      24 credit points.
                             of 99.95 or equivalent, and meet any     The following are just two examples     −− sydney.edu.au/dalyell-scholars
                             relevant course requirements.            of our faculty‑based scholarships:
                                 The Chancellor’s Awards are                                                  Once you are a student at the
                             $10,000 per year for the duration of     Faculty of Engineering and IT           University of Sydney, you also
                             your undergraduate degree (some          Leadership Scholarship                  have the opportunity to apply
                             exclusions apply*). Scholarship          One of Australia’s most generous        for scholarships and grants to
                             holders also receive priority access     premier leadership development          support your overseas exchange.
                             to accommodation near campus             scholarships, this offers:                 An example is the Vice
                             and leadership programs.                 −− $72,000 total value ($18,000         Chancellor’s Global Mobility
                             −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships/              per annum over four years)           Scholarship, allocated on the
                                chancellors-award                     −− a structured professional            basis of academic merit (weighted
                                                                         experience program with              average mean) and exchange
                                                                         mentoring from academic staff        destination. Students participating
                                                                         and leading Australian firms         in qualifying programs are
                                                                                                              automatically considered for these
                                                                      −− opportunities to pursue
                                                                                                              scholarships, valued between $1000
                                                                         leadership development abroad.
                                                                                                              and $2000 each.
                             * Honours for certain courses taken as   −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships/
                             a separate year on top of the standard                                           −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships/
                             degree duration, and postgraduate                                                   current/exchange
                             studies that form part of a double/
Page 4

                             combined degree, may not be covered.
                             For details, visit sydney.edu.au/
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...
Equity scholarships                   Through E12, you have the                 above (or equivalent) and are about
                                      opportunity to receive an early           to start their first year at university.
There are several types available
                                      conditional offer, ensuring a                 The scholarship is $10,000 for
for school leavers, assessed on the
                                      guaranteed place at the University        the first year of study. If offered
basis of academic merit, a personal
                                      as long as you meet the E12 ATAR          this scholarship, you need to take
statement, and financial need.
                                      (which is lower than the published        it up by the time you enrol in your
   In addition to the Sydney
                                      ATAR) and any other additional            course, or you may defer for up
Scholars Awards on hardship
                                      admission requirements.                   to one year.
grounds, the University of Sydney
                                         If successful, you will receive a          For information about other
offers a range of equity scholarships
                                      $5950 scholarship to assist with          scholarships and bursaries for
for school leavers.
                                      your studies, a University of Sydney      Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
−− sydney.edu.au/scholarships/        Union ACCESS Card (which provides         students, visit
   prospective/equity                 discounts on and off campus), and         −− sydney.edu.au/
                                      support during your transition to            scholarships-indigenous
Equity bursaries                      university study.
Once you’re here, we provide          −− sydney.edu.au/e12                      Elite Athlete Program
on-campus bursary options to help
you manage daily living and study                                               If you are a student elite athlete or
                                      Applications are made via UAC’s
costs. This unique bursary scheme                                               representing the University in your
                                      Schools Recommendation
is one of the most generous in                                                  chosen sport and are eligible for
                                      Schemes. Visit UAC’s website for
Australia. To learn more about                                                  the program, you will enjoy a wide
                                      application open and close dates.
bursaries, get in touch with our                                                range of benefits and services.
                                      −− www.uac.edu.au/future-                     These may include financial

                                                                                                                           Scholarships and programs
Financial Support Service.
                                         applicants/scholarships-               assistance, international travel
−− sydney.edu.au/financial-support       and-schemes/schools-                   grants, academic advice and
                                         recommendation-schemes                 advocacy, private tutoring, and
Early Offer Year 12 (E12)                                                       complimentary access to the
Scheme                                   Scholarships for                       University’s sporting facilities
                                         Aboriginal and                         and high-performance services
E12 scholarships are offered to
                                                                                (dietician, sports psychology, and
students who have been financially       Torres Strait Islander
                                                                                strength and conditioning training).
disadvantaged during their time          students
at school, and have demonstrated                                                −− www.susf.com.au/join-us-as-an-
                                         The University of Sydney and the          elite-athlete.html
potential to succeed at the
                                         Australian Government offer a
University of Sydney. It is also
                                         range of scholarships to Aboriginal
offered to students who reside,
                                         and Torres Strait Islander students.
at the time of their UAC application,
                                         For example, the University of
in an area identified by the
                                         Sydney’s Aboriginal and Torres
Australian Bureau of Statistics as
                                         Strait Islander Entry Scholarship
being in the lowest 30 percent of
                                         is automatically granted to
socio-economic disadvantage in
                                         students who identify as
Australia. For information about the
                                         Aboriginal or Torres
Socio‑Economic Indexes for Areas
                                         Strait Islander, achieve
(SEIFA), search
                                         an ATAR of 85 or
−− www.abs.gov.au

“My Sydney Scholars Award means I’m not constantly
 worrying about money and can focus on getting the
 most out of my studies and life. It also allowed me to
 move into student accommodation, getting me closer
 to campus action.”

Nicole Baxter
Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)/
Bachelor of Advanced Studies
                                                                                                                           Page 5
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...
“The E12 scholarship opened
                                                                                              many doors for me as a student.
                                                                                              Even three years later, I am
                                                                                              still seeing how this confidence
                                                                                              helped shape me to become a
                                                                                              better student and an individual
                                                                                              who is willing to take risks.”
                                                                                               Jared Hermogenes
                                                                                               Bachelor of Applied Science Speech
                                                                                               Pathology (Honours)

                             Accommodation scholarships                              Scholarships for international students
                             There are several accommodation                         The Vice-Chancellor’s International

                             scholarships for undergraduate students,                Scholarship scheme is open to all
                             including reduced rent to assist with                   international students with an offer to study
                             living at the University-owned residences.              at the University of Sydney. The scholarships
                             These scholarships are open to Australian               are awarded on the basis of academic merit
                             citizens and permanent residents.                       and offer a reduction of $5000 to $40,000 on
                                 You can apply via the UAC Equity                    first-year tuition fees.
                             Scholarship at the same time you are                        If you are an international student applying
                             applying for university. You will also need             for admission to the University of Sydney
                             to submit an accommodation application                  through UAC, you are eligible to apply for
                             via the student accommodation website.                  the Sydney Scholars Award. For information
                             −− sydney.edu.au/accommodation                          about other scholarships offered to
                                                                                     international students, visit
                             College accommodation scholarships                      −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships/international
                             Each of the eight residential colleges at
                             the University of Sydney offer various
                             opportunities and scholarships to their
                             new and current student residents.
                             −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships/

                             “The Sydney Chancellor’s Award has helped me substantially
                              in my undergraduate studies by providing me with the
                              financial security to dedicate more of my time towards my
                              science study, musical practice and to fund my study‑related
                              travel opportunities. For this, I am very grateful to
                              the University.”
Page 6

                             Sarah Li
                             Bachelor of Music Studies/Doctor of Medicine
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...
                       Below are hints and tips on how
                       to apply for scholarships at the
                            University of Sydney.

Before you apply                                        Before you submit
rr Do your research: Read this guide, visit             Check, check and check again. Make sure
   the website, and come along to events like           you thoroughly proofread your application,
   Open Day to ask lots of questions and find           checking for spelling, grammar mistakes

                                                                                                            Application advice
   out what options are available to you.               and word counts. Get somebody else to
                                                        proofread your application as well.
rr Get advice: Ask your parents and teachers to help
   you with your scholarship choices, navigating the
   admission criteria, and preparing your personal      Submitting
   statement for your application (where applicable).   Once you’re ready, submit your application.
rr Get involved: Keep track of your involvement         If you wish to revise it later, don’t worry – you
   with school, community and extracurricular           can submit a new one, however no changes
   activities, so you can include these details         can be made after the closing date. You’ll
   in your scholarship application.                     receive an email confirmation once you’ve
                                                        successfully submitted an application.

Preparing your application
rr Plan ahead: Don’t leave it until the last minute,
   as you may need to gather information to support
   your application. For example, you will need
   your most recent school report in PDF format
   for a Sydney Scholars Award application.
rr Show us who you are: Some scholarships ask
   you to complete a personal statement – this
   tells us about your academic and non-academic        What happens next?
   achievements, pursuits and goals. What do you        Now you can relax and look forward
   aspire to do or be? Tell us about your passions.     to your university adventure. We will
rr Keep it strong and simple: Keep your                 keep you updated on the progress
   application concise, stick to the word limit         of your application, so be sure to
   and answer questions clearly. Only submit            keep an eye on your email. For any
   supporting documents where required to back          questions, please email us at:
   up your statements of accomplishment.                scholarships.office@sydney.edu.au
                                                                                                            Page 7
Undergraduate scholarships guide - The University of ...

                             How do I apply for a scholarship?                         I received more than one scholarship offer.
                             Visit our website, select a scholarship you are           Can I accept all of them?
                             eligible for, and follow the instructions to apply.       You can usually accept only one primary scholarship
                             −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships                             – annual value of $6000 or more – at any one
                                                                                       time. However, you can hold another scholarship
                             When is my application due?                               as long as its annual value is less than $6000.
                             Closing dates for applications vary. Please check         There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as
                             applicable dates carefully online.                        accommodation scholarships.

                             −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships
                                                                                       If I take a gap year, can I still apply for a scholarship?
                                                                                       If you plan to take a gap year – that is, a year away from
                             Can I apply for more than one scholarship?
                                                                                       study to do something else – you still need to apply for
                             Yes. For example, you can apply for the University

                                                                                       most scholarships in the same year you will complete
                             of Sydney Scholars Award, E12 scheme, and
                                                                                       your HSC (or equivalent).
                             a faculty‑specific scholarship. But you may not be able
                                                                                           Some scholarships can be deferred for up
                             to hold more than one scholarship.
                                                                                       to 24 months. Please refer to the scholarships
                             −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships                             conditions, as these vary.
                                                                                           You may also be eligible to apply for some faculty
                             Are there any scholarships outside the University         or school scholarships and bursaries after taking
                             that I can apply for?                                     a gap year.
                             There are several other avenues for scholarships that
                                                                                       −− sydney.edu.au/faculty-scholarships
                             you should consider, alongside those offered by the
                             University of Sydney. For more details, visit
                                                                                       Will I be able to apply for a scholarship once
                             −− www.australia.gov.au                                   I’m a current student?
                                for government scholarship programs                    Yes. We offer a variety of scholarships, prizes and
                             −− www.cef.org.au/apply-for-a-grant                       grants to current students, including bursaries,
                                for Country Education Foundation of Australia          faculty prizes and study abroad funding.
                                rural grant programs                                   −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships/current
                             −− www.gooduniversitiesguide.com.au/scholarships
                                to search for schemes across Australia                 If you are a full-time domestic student in an
                             −− www.studyassist.gov.au for information about           approved course, you may also be eligible to
                                government financial assistance.                       receive Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY or
                                                                                       a Relocation Scholarship. Refer to Centrelink for
                             I want to study a combined degree. Which faculty          comprehensive information about these schemes.
                             should I submit my scholarship application to?            −− www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/
                             You need to apply to the hosting faculty or school of        students-and-trainees
                             your combined degree. To check this, visit the UAC
                             website for the course code.                              The University of Sydney also offers bursaries
                             −− www.uac.edu.au                                         to current students in financial distress, to help
                                                                                       cover living and study costs.
                             Do I have any obligations as a scholarship recipient?     −− sydney.edu.au/study/bursaries
                             Maintaining a satisfactory level of achievement is
                             a requirement of most scholarships, but it’s best to
                             refer to the terms and conditions of your specific
Page 8

                             scholarship for accurate information.
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Produced by Marketing and
Communications, the University
of Sydney, February 2019. The
University reserves the right
to make alterations to any
information contained within
this publication without notice.
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