Riverside Careers News February 2019 - UNI - Riverside Girls High ...

Page created by Glen Bryant
Riverside Careers News February 2019
The Big Meet 2019 – Save The Date
29 March. 11.00am to 2.00pm
The Gallery, International Convention Centre Sydney, Darling Drive, Darling Harbour
The Big Meet is a free careers fair targeted at undergraduates and recent graduates from all universities in the
metropolitan region. So whether you are a first year student or final year undergraduate or you've been working,
studying or travelling since graduation, you are welcome to attend.

ANU Tuckwell Scholarship
Applications open 4 March
Current Year 12s. Receiving a Tuckwell Scholarship is not just about your intellect. It is about your desire and
determination to use your natural abilities to realise your full potential so that you can make a difference in the
world. The Tuckwell vision is to see highly talented and motivated school leavers fulfil their potential and reinvest
their knowledge, skills and experience in ways that positively benefit others. The program has a focus on giving back
to Australia and is the only one of its kind that nurtures Scholars to fulfil their broader community ambitions over
and above the pursuit of an undergraduate degree. Find out more here:

Study Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney, admissions pathway and more for 2020
At the University of Sydney, students can choose from the largest range of health degrees of any Australian
university. We’re world leaders in medicine and health, and our students graduate in demand. We offer admissions
pathways, including for double degree medicine and dentistry, and publish guaranteed ATARs for some of our
courses. Read our updates for career advisers:

University of Sydney 360 degree tour
Enjoy looking across all parts of the university in any direction you choose. Look at what university life is like
across the lecture rooms, activities, research labs, sport and much more.

University of Sydney – Veterinary Science, Environment, Agriculture, Science Camden Open Day
7 June
Camden Campus, 410 Werombi Road, Camden
Camden Open Day is a full day program especially designed for high school students in years 9- 10 interested in the
environment, agriculture, science and veterinary science.

Languages at Sydney: Go Global 2019
1 March. 10.00am to 2.00pm
An initiative by the University of Sydney’s School of Languages and Cultures, Languages at Sydney Go Global includes
two language-specific immersion sessions (catering for beginners to advanced) and an introduction to languages at
the SLC. All students and teachers need to submit individual registrations

UTS Science Work Experience 2019 Now Open
Imagine doing real hands on work in forensics, environmental, biological, medical activities at UTS in:
   • joining tertiary students in their experimental work
•   performing experimental work under the supervision of technical staff
    •   working with scientific equipment
Speak to your Careers Adviser as soon as possible to check this out.

UTS - Bachelor of Accounting Cooperative Education Scholarship Program BAcc Information Evening
14 May
Register (free) at:
If you are a high achieving school leaver and believe you could be one of Australia’s future business leaders,
then the Bachelor of Accounting cooperative education scholarship program has been designed just for you.
The Bachelor of Accounting provides you with a multi-skilled accounting degree with strong emphasis on
both accounting and financial management, both essential business tools.
Round 1 Closing Date: 7 June 2019
Round 2 Closing Date:18 October 2019
Online applications at: https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/business/business-courses/undergraduate-
For more information, send an email to carin.alberts@uts.edu.au

UTS - Engineering Link Project 2019
3 and 4 October
An ELP lasts for two days, with each day following a similar format. Students select a discipline they are interested
in and they spend the day working in that area. Projects are offered to Year 10, 11 and 12 students, depending on
the location. Over the course of each day, the students complete a proposal detailing the problem, test results and
the recommended solution which is assessed by the guest engineer. The students then build their final solution and
test it, usually to destruction, before debriefing again with the engineer. During the Project, the students tour the
host university, inspecting facilities and observing current research projects and highlights of each faculty.

Macquarie University 2019 Campus Tours
13 February. 11.00am - 12:30pm
You can never truly know if a uni is right for you until you visit in person and get a feel for the campus. At Macquarie
University, we're ready to help you get to know your future home.
On every tour you’ll see our various lecture theatres, our award-winning library, MUSE – our flexible and creative
study space, the Sport and Aquatic Centre, and the Campus Common, where you can explore the many dining

Macquarie University - Save These Dates and Register Your Interest
April 2019 – Year 12 Info Evenings (on-campus and off-campus)
17 - 18 April – Macquarie in a Day
May – Year 10 Subject Selection Evenings (on-campus and off-campus)
17 August - Open Day

Study Medicine
19 February deadline update for 59 Aust. university degrees leading to medicine.
The new medicine year starts off with a bang – the excitement of medicine entry offers, university orientation and
commencement. See the latest listing of deadlines (end January and February) detailing this information for all
medical programs in Australia by going to the link below. You can find Study Medicine on Twitter, Facebook or email:
UCAT - No Need to Panic
A good article via My Health Career published by UCAT NIE – The National Institute of Education nie.edu.au
The shift from UMAT to UCAT took place without much warning with only the university admission offices having
been made aware ahead of the change. For everyone else it did come as a surprise and truth be told, it has created a
lot of work for people like us who had spent a lot of time researching and developing courses for the UMAT.

UCAT Test Dates, Fees and Processes
Candidates taking the UCAT in 2019 for entry to universities in Australia and New Zealand in 2020 should note these
key dates:
1 March – Registrations Open
17 May – Registrations Close
1 July – Testing begins
Early September- Results delivered to Universities
All details in full are found here:

Australian Catholic University –University Experience Workshops 2019
9 July - Strathfield Campus
11 July - North Sydney Campus
1 October - Canberra Campus
Would you like a taste of uni life before you enrol to study at ACU? Attend our free university experience day.
Tailored to your study area of interest, the day gives insight into on-campus life. Experience, before you enrol.
If you’re considering university study in the next year or two, you can sample life as a university student by
registering for a university experience program.
As a program participant, you’ll spend a day at your local campus where you’ll be able to:
     • participate in hands-on workshops related to your degree of choice
     • meet staff and current students
     • explore your local ACU campus
     • learn about industries and careers
     • get helpful tips on preparing for university
     • soak up the campus atmosphere.

Bond University Bachelor of Sustainable Environments and Planning
Now more than ever, more emphasis has been placed on the environmental management and planning of our cities.
Graduates must acquire knowledge to solve problems and reshape the quality and performance of cities around the
world. The Bachelor of Sustainable Environments and Planning at Bond, equips graduates with knowledge in
environmental science and management, and urban design and planning. This combination of knowledge and skill
development allows graduates to pursue many career paths in the natural built environment.

Australian National University –Schools Enrichment Program
The ANU Schools Enrichment Program gives students in years 10 to 12 an amazing opportunity to experience what it
is like to learn at Australia's national university. They will see what studying at ANU is all about by participating in
workshops delivered by some of our leading researchers, designed to deepen their knowledge and interest in the
field. Workshops cover a range of disciplines across our academic Colleges from Fine Arts to Astrophysics and
everything in between. Talk to your Careers Adviser.

Charles Sturt University – Getting Prepared for the Jobs of the Future
At Charles Sturt University (CSU), we are constantly working to make sure our students learn at the cutting edge of
technological change in their chosen profession. Technology and its impact on everything from agricultural supply
chains to classroom teaching techniques is now integrated into courses.
Find out here about a few new and evolving courses that we have developed to put you at the forefront
of technological change. Or even offer a path to a brand-new career.

University of Newcastle Scholarships Many Still Open
Closes 6 March for most scholarships.
You still have time. Tens of thousands of dollars of offers available. A scholarship can give you that financial support
you need to cover the fees and costs associated with your Tertiary studies. They can take a great deal of pressure off
you. Check out the offers available at:

University of Newcastle Newstep
As Newstep is designed as a pathway between senior school and undergraduate study, it gives you the opportunity
to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for success in a university study environment. For the majority of
students, Newstep is a one year, full time program, with classes held on both campuses to assist your journey to
success! While our most popular pathway is our one year program, we also have flexible entry options that may suit
you better. We aim to make your study journey as accessible and achievable as possible.

University of Newcastle Year 10 Campus Tours
Beginning March
Our campus tour can give your year 10 students a taste of what studying at the University of Newcastle is really like.
The tour is led by a Student Ambassador - a current student at the University of Newcastle. Your students can visit
lecture theatres, the library, Student Hubs, and check out where all the fun happens. The tour takes approximately
two hours and includes a short presentation about the University.
Tours are conducted between March and early December for school groups only and are subject to availability
of Student Ambassadors.

International Science School
7 to 20 July
Every two years the ISS gathers 140 top science students from Australia and overseas for a two-week residential
program of talks by world-renowned scientists, laboratory tours, hands-on activities and social events. Are you going
to be in Year 11 and 12 in 2019? Do you love science? If so, you've got to apply for the Professor Harry Messel
International Science School (ISS)!
Every two years the ISS gathers together 140 top science students from Australia and overseas (China, Japan, India,
New Zealand, Thailand, the USA and the UK) for a two-week residential program of talks by world-renowned
scientists, laboratory tours and hands-on activities... not to mention a swag of social events like the Sydney Harbour
cruise and ISS talent quest!

How We Got In: Our Journeys to the World's Leading Universities
The choice you make after high school is likely to be the first life-changing decision you'll make. If you're feeling like
there must be other options out there than local unis then this event is for you! Hear from Australian students who
have just been offered a place at some of the most prestigious universities in the world.
Hornsby - 2 March. 10.30am to 12.00pm - https://bit.ly/2MIQEGI
Double Bay - 2 March – 2.30pm to 4.00pm - https://bit.ly/2RYl5Pm

Enrol now with TAFE NSW
TAFE NSW is taking enrolments now! Put yourself in the drivers’ seat this year and upskill to create more career
opportunities. Or perhaps you know of a student that would like to further their education in an adult learning
environment. With over 1,200 courses from degrees to diplomas and short courses, TAFE NSW has you covered:

TAFE NSW Credit Transfer Pathways to University
If you want to go to University via a TAFE qualification, check out your great options here and get credit for what you
studied at TAFE.
This credit transfer website is a guide to credits available for completed TAFE NSW qualifications to articulate into a
University or Higher Education Provider degree. It is designed to help you tailor your study journey. How much credit
you are eligible for varies depending on course, institution chosen and the grades achieved. As credit arrangements
are updated regularly, you should always confirm your eligibility with the offering institution. You can e-mail TAFE
NSW if you need more information.

Free Pre-Apprenticeship Courses
Apprenticeships R Us, alongside My Trade Start is currently running automotive pre-apprenticeship courses that are
NSW Government funded for individuals aged 15-24. These courses are held all over Sydney and run for a duration
of two weeks, followed by a work placement. Individuals can stay enrolled in school whilst completing the course.
Auburn, Rooty Hill, Hornsby and Campbelltown. Contact Apprenticeships R Us today on 02 9891 6900, spots are
filling quickly.
Benefits of Group Training:
      • You are paid while you learn and undertake your apprenticeship.
      • Because you are employed by Apprenticeships Are Us, we will work with you to find another placement to
          continue your apprenticeship/traineeship, should your host employer be unable to continue employing you.
Call - (02) 9891 6900 or visit:

Sydney Dance Company School Matinees for Secondary Students
2 April. 12:00pm-2:00pm
Roslyn Packer Theatre, Walsh Bay, Sydney
See and meet dancers, choreographers and other dance professionals.
Sydney Dance Company’s school matinees connect school students to the dancers, choreographers, artistic
collaborators and the creative process. We share our cutting edge contemporary dance performances with school
audiences in a specially designed program that includes pre-show talks, demonstrations and Q&A about the
performance. Each school matinee is accompanied by curriculum relevant resources.
Sydney Dance Company offer primary, secondary and dance schools a range of contemporary creative workshops
and dance classes which enhance and extend the live performance experience. Book two Sydney school matinees
before 2 April 2019 to receive a free workshop delivered by a Teaching Artist or Studio Teacher (terms and
conditions apply).

 Soar Aviation Open Day
9 February. 11.30am
4 Rearwin Place, Bankstown Airport
Learn more about a career in Aviation at a Soar Aviation Open Day. Get an understanding of the commercial pilot
course, employment pathways and tour the facility, including a close-up inspection of the training aircraft. More
information at:

NIDA Courses
From 9 February onwards
215 Anzac Pde, Kensington
Practical, skill-based learning led by industry experts across a range of performing arts disciplines. NIDA courses for
students are designed to support and inspire young people at any stage of their creative development. Each term we
focus on a specific area of performance practice to ensure students have a varied experience and learn a range of
essential creative skills.
Drama for Grades 7-10, NIDA Kensington Acting on Screen
Grades 7-10, NIDA Kensington Acting on Screen Grades 11-
12, NIDA Kensington

Join us at our Feb Info Nights UTSInsearch - Discover the preferred pathway to UTS
12 February or 26 February. 5.00pm to 7.30pm
UTS Insearch, 187 Thomas Street, Haymarket
Info Night is about discovering what UTS Insearch is all about. Hosted by our Program Managers and students, you'll
be welcomed on to campus and invited to enjoy a tour of our teaching spaces and recreation areas, take part in live
demonstrations and learn about the types of courses we offer and how they can lead into second year study of a UTS

Video Game and Animation Work Experience at AIE
The AIE Work Experience Program is a great way for secondary school students in years 10 to 12 to learn about the
interactive entertainment and digital industries. The week will open the door to the range of career possibilities in
the industry and allow students to get hands-on with the tools of the trade.
The Work Experience Program runs from 9am to 3pm over the course of a week and encompasses a range of
activities including 3D animation, programming, QA testing and much more.
Due to the popularity of the Work Experience Program, we ask that interested students fill out the form provided in
this link below and tell us why they would like to do work experience at AIE.

AIE Information Evening –Games Design and Animation
20 March. 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Level 2, Wentworth Park Grandstand, Wattle Street, Ultimo
Discover the courses designed to get you started in game development, 3D animation and visual effects Our campus
will be opening our doors to visitors eager to find out about upcoming full-time and part-time courses.
The evening will include presentations on different areas of industry to get into as well as information about AIE full-
time and part-time courses and entry requirements. Student work will be on display and our teachers will be
available to speak with you one on one about our courses and how AIE can get you into a creative career.
P: +61 2 8514 8800 E: sydney@aie.edu.au

AIE Introductory Courses in Games 3D animation & programming
Courses available for high school students who are interested in learning 3D Animation, Game Design or Game
Programming. With convenient study options either in the evenings, school holidays or online. More info:
https://aie.edu.au/intro 02 8514 8800 AIE also offers Work Experience for year 10 students, spots going fast.

White Card Training
Our White Card is SafeWork NSW approved and is a legal requirement for those people doing construction work. It is
also commonly referred to as Construction Induction Card or CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the
Construction Industry. A White Card is required for workers who want to carry out construction work.

initiAIT Scholarships -Academy of Information Technology
Application Deadlines
•March 2019 -Friday, 1st March 2019
•July 2019 -Friday, 28th June 2019
•November 2019 -Friday, 18th October 2019
The initiAIT scholarship is for new undergraduate students commencing an AIT Bachelor Degree in the 2019
academic calendar. This scholarship is only available to domestic students. Recipients of this scholarship will be
awarded an $8,000 discount off their tuition fees(50% applicable for the first term and 50% for the last term of the
Bachelor Degree). We believe that creativity cannot be measured by academic results. Using a media of your
choice (e.g. coding, programming, filmmaking, illustrating, animating, storyboarding, photography, creative writing,
etc) you’ll solve the creative challenge for The Red's Random Replicator.
Download initiAIT scholarship information & hard copy of application form here:

New 2019 MIT Business and IT Student Guide
At MIT Sydney we specialise in Business and Computer Networking degrees. Students can also now major in Digital
Marketing or Cyber Security. Download the latest MIT Sydney Student Guide for 2019 to find out more. Request an
advance copy by emailing Bridget on bspinks@mit.edu.au or download a soft copy here:

Bedford College
Enrol Now for February Intake
If you didn’t get the ATAR you hoped for then consider Bedfords. A successful career outcome does not always start
at university - there are lots of other options. A Bedford Diploma course means that you're qualified to work and 'job
ready' in just one year - and you'll have guaranteed entry into university after that if you want to (and get credit for
what you've already done).

Study Interior Design Entirely Online
Whilst enrolments for Sydney Design School are now closed you can still study their world-class courses online. As
their official online partner, Interior Design Online gives you access to their accredited career qualifications. Find
out more today on our website below or call our team on 02 9460 8664.

Taronga Zoo Work Experience Sydney
Taronga Zoo Sydney offers school work experience opportunities for students in years 10 – 12 who are interested in
pursuing a career in zoo keeping, animal care, tourism or zoo horticulture.
Speak to your school careers adviser who will liaise with Taronga on your behalf.

Taronga Zoo Work Experience Dubbo
Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo's work experience program is for school students in years 10 - 12 who are
interested in pursuing a career in zoo keeping, animal care, tourism, education or zoo horticulture.
If you or your child are interested in applying, speak to your school careers adviser who will liaise with Taronga on
your behalf.
Work experience at Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo may be undertaken in the following divisions:
     • Australian Animals
     • Birds
     • Ungulates and Primates
     • Reptiles and Amphibians
     • Horticulture
     • Taronga Wildlife Hospital

Taronga Zoo Meet the Keeper
Friday 22 March
Thursday 28 March
Friday 25 October
Thursday 31 October
A full day program. Meet a Keeper is available to Years 9, 10 and 11 students who have expressed a serious interest
in zoo keeping as a career. The unique program begins with a seminar presented by a talented panel of Taronga
Keepers, Educators and staff members in which students can learn about all aspects of caring for animals including
the qualifications required, core responsibilities of a keeper, future career opportunities and more.

Budding Film Careers - Tropfest 2019 Talks and Festival
9 February. 1.00pm
Western Sydney University, Parramatta City Campus
Level 9, Peter Shergold Building , 169 Macquarie Street, Parramatta,
This Saturday – February 9 is all about Tropfest with a full day of entertainment in Parramatta, from panel talks with
industry leaders to pumping live music performances, and of course short films! So round up your mates and make a
day of it!
PLUS! A TropTalk panel involving elites of the film industry including Nash Edgerton (Gringo, Mr Inbetween) and
Michele Bennett (Chopper, Drift).
You can also read