University of Guelph Guelph An exclusive Guide by -

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University of Guelph Guelph An exclusive Guide by -
University of Guelph

    An exclusive Guide by
University of Guelph Guelph An exclusive Guide by -
University of Guelph Admissions 2022: Requirements, Fee
Details & FAQs
Updated on May 12, 2022
The University of Guelph (U of G) was established in the early
1960s af ter the merger of the Ontario Agricultural College, the
MacDonald Institute, and the Ontario Veterinary College. It is
f amous f or its beautif ul and saf e campuses, along with a
welcoming and supportive culture proven by it’s # 1 student
satisf action ranking in Canada. A public research university, U
of G is recognized f or its historical and modern architecture
with cutting-edge technology. The f aculty scholars and
researchers provide students with groundbreaking research
opportunities encompassing major f ields of study. Each year,
the university admits 24,000 students and f unds over 1,800
research projects that aim to improve lif e. With a student-to-
f aculty ratio of 15:1, U of G gives importance to student
engagement, which is f undamental to learning and research. By
f ocusing on experiential learning like co-op, the university
provides Guelph graduates with the tools and skills to make a
dif f erence in the world and prepares them f or their f uture
careers. Moreover, the university encourages exploration and
interdisciplinary sharing of new ideas, which is critical f or
meeting challenges posed by today’s complex and
interconnected world.

 Table of Contents

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1. Courses Of f ered
  2. Eligibility & Documents Required
  3. Application & Tuition Fees
 4. Scholarships & Financial Aid
 5. Admission Process
 6. Student Diversity & Pref erred Prof ile
  7. Part Time Work While Studying
 8. Campuses & Accommodation
 9. University Contact Inf ormation

Courses Offered

What all courses are available to international students?

U of G of f ers 15 degree programs at the undergraduate level,
48 graduate programs, and six associate degrees in the
f ollowing disciplines:
  Applied Science
  Bio-Resource Management

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  Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice
  Landscape Architecture
  Environmental Sciences
  Veterinary Medicine

Guaranteed Admission Pathway (GAP)
If international students do not meet the admission
requirements set f or English prof iciency and/or grades, then
they may be considered f or the GAP program. It is a
combination of the English Language Certif icate Program
(ELCP) and the Open Learning Program that provides a f lexible
option f or guaranteed admission to Bachelor of Commerce and
Bachelor of Arts degrees.
To be eligible f or this, a student must:
  Have no previous post-secondary studies
  Achieve an overall average of 80% or higher in levels 7 and
  8, or levels 8 and 9
Note: Students can also opt f or GAP as a stand-alone

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upgrading program if they do not meet the minimum admission
requirements of any degree/major.

Integrated Admission Pathway (IAP)
The IAP is f or students who:
  Are an academically qualif ied international student
  Meet the university’s undergraduate admission requirements
  Have not yet achieved English language prof iciency
Through this program, international students can complete
degree-credit courses through the University’s Open Learning
Program, and simultaneously, study English language courses.
Following this, the students will get a Certif icate of English
prof iciency granted by Open Learning and Educational Support
(OpenEd). The IAP provides a f lexible option f or guaranteed
admission to the f ollowing degree programs:
  Bachelor of Arts (all majors including co-op options)
  Bachelor of Commerce (undeclared)
  Bachelor of Science (all majors including co-op options)
To be eligible f or IAP, a student needs to:
  Have a minimum score of 5.5 in IELTS or 56 in TOEFL iBT
  Meet all admission requirements f or the selected

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Maintain a 75 percent average in English language courses
  and a minimum 60 percent in academic coursework during
  the degree-credit courses
To know more about courses of f ered by Guelph, check the
f ollowing academic calendars:
Undergraduate – Graduate – Associate Diploma – Guelph-

Eligibility & Documents Required

What are the eligibility requirements?

For undergraduate programs, students need to apply with at
least 75-80 percent in their Class 12. Class 12 score
requirement may vary slightly as per major. Any one of these
English language prof iciency test scores is required:

  English Prof iciency
                                            Score Requirements
                                    Minimum: Total score of 89, with
      TOEFL (iBT)                    no individual scaled score less
                                                 than 21
                                  Minimum: Overall score of 6.5, with

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IELTS                             no band less than 6
                                   Minimum: Overall score of 60, with
    PTE (Academic)                   no score less than 60 f or any
                                         individual component
    C1 Advanced/C2                   Minimum: Overall score of 176,
      Prof iciency                     with no band less than 169
     Duolingo (DET)                   Minimum: Overall score of 110
  Canadian Academic
   English Language                Minimum: Overall band score of 70
  Assessment (CAEL)

Note: Guelph will be accepting Duolingo and CAEL scores f or
the Fall 2021 admission cycle only and will re-evaluate the
opportunity f or f uture use. Some courses may require higher
English prof iciency scores. Credits are of f ered f or Advanced
Placement, International Baccalaureate, and other
internationally recognized exams. Check the respective
course/program website f or more details
For graduate programs, a f our-year bachelor’s degree
equivalent to a Canadian degree is required. Completion of
both a bachelor’s (three-year) degree and a master’s or a f our-
year bachelor’s degree will be considered. Ref er to the Guelph
grade equivalent f or Indian degrees:

               Grading         Grading

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Grading System               System            Grading             Guelph
 System (Science)              (Arts)           System             Equivalent
 9.5-10       65-100          60-100                                     A+
  9.00-                                         First
              65-100          60-100                                      A
  9.49                                      Class/Division
  8.50-                                         First
              65-100          60-100                                     A-
  8.99                                      Class/Division
  8.00-                                         First
              65-100          60-100                                     B+
  8.49                                      Class/Division
  7.5-                                          First
              65-100          60-100                                      B
  7.99                                      Class/Division
  7.00-                                         First
              65-100          60-100                                     B-
  7.49                                      Class/Division

Source: University of Guelph

Any one of these English language prof iciency scores is

   English Prof iciency
                                            Score Requirements
                                     Minimum: Total score of 89, with
         TOEFL (iBT)
                                        at least 21 in each section

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IELTS                             Minimum: Overall 6.5
                                      Minimum: Total score of 60, with
      PTE (Academic)
                                       at least 60 in each component
      Duolingo (DET)                          Minimum: Overall 115
   Canadian Academic
  English Language Test                       Minimum: At least 70

Note: Check the respective course/program website f or more
details. Standardized score requirements f or GRE and GMAT
will vary as per school or course.
For the f ull-time MBA program, English language requirements
are similar to the graduate requirements, and other eligibility
criteria are as f ollows:
  A f our-year undergraduate degree (Canadian/Guelph
  equivalent) with an average of at least B- in last two years of
  f ull-time study
  Minimum of three years of work experience in a related f ield
  with supervisory and managerial responsibility
  Minimum of three years of work experience in a related f ield
  with a minimum GMAT score of 550-600
Note: Guelph will be accepting Duolingo f or Summer 2020, Fall

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2020 and Winter 2021 admission cycles only. Duolingo will not
be accepted af ter Winter 2021.

What all documents are needed f or application?

All documents submitted during the application process need to
be original draf ts and in English or translated in English.
Students should also get their documents evaluated by trusted
credential evaluators.
For UG aspirants, the f ollowing documents are required:
  Academic transcripts
  English language prof iciency score report
  AP score report
  Letters of Recommendation (LORs)
  Supplement essays
  Additional supplements such as audio recordings, videos, or
  portf olios
  Financial documents
  Fee waiver f orm, if any
For PG students:
  Academic transcripts

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English language prof iciency score report
  Standardized score report
  Essays or SOP, as per course requirement
  Two to three LORs, as per course requirement
  Additional or optional supplements, as per course
  Financial documents
  Fee waiver f orm, if any

Application & Tuition Fees

Is there any application f ees?

The application f ee f or undergraduate programs at Guelph is
CAD 90 (direct application) and f or graduate programs is CAD
110. For MBA and MA Leadership programs, the application f ee
is CAD 150. All application f ees are non-ref undable.

What is the f ee structure of courses of f ered by the university?

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Some courses and labs have rates that may increase or
decrease total tuition. Tuition and other f ees are subject to
revision, and the details provided below is an of f icial f ee quote.
Check the university website f or the exact f ee structure. The
table below is an estimation of the tuition f ee f or international

Scholarships & Financial Aid

Is there any scholarship or f inancial aid available f or

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international students?

International students are not eligible f or bursaries.
International undergraduate aspirants can avail Entrance
Scholarships and In-course Scholarships. The U of G's total
merit-based International scholarships range f rom CAD
17,500-20,500 over f our years. The Entrance Scholarships are
conf erred on students who have registered f or both the Fall
and Winter semesters in their f irst year and have paid the f ull-
time student tuition and f ees. Undergraduate students need to
ensure that they have submitted the complete application along
with relevant documents to be considered f or this scholarship.
The In-course Scholarships are course-specif ic scholarships
and awards either f unded by the university or the alumni. It is a
need-based scholarship f or which a student needs to f ill the
Undergraduate International Student Financial Need
Assessment Form (NAF).
International graduate students are eligible to apply to one or
more of the f ollowing assistantships:
  Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA)
  Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
  Graduate Service Assistant (GSA)
There is the Dr. Franco J. Vaccarino President's Scholarship
which is a CAD 42,000 scholarship that is awarded to top

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international students each year. There are also more than
4,000 part-time jobs on campus and 450 work study positions
which can help of f set the cost of tuition.

Admission Process

When do the admissions start?

Guelph has f our intakes – Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
Some programs may be available throughout all intakes, while a
f ew courses may be available in a particular intake. Check the
respective school/course website f or more details.
The tentative application deadlines (UG and PG) as per intakes
are as f ollows:

      Intake                                   Deadline
      Spring                           November – February
     Summer                                January – April
       Fall                                February – July
      Winter                            November Onwards

How to apply to UG and PG courses?

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As an international UG student, you have three options through
which you can apply to Guelph:
  Apply directly through OUAC: Students applying to only
  the University of Guelph or Guelph-Humber
  Apply through OUAC: For students applying to more than
  one university in the Ontario region (OUAC 105 f orm)
  Apply through Common Application: For students applying
  to US universities and University of Guelph only
To apply to the University of Guelph and Guelph-Humber only,
use this link:
PG aspirants need to apply directly to the University of Guelph
or Guelph-Humber through OUAC only. Link:

When will I hear f rom the university af ter I submit my

The university decisions are not f ixed. For both undergraduate
and graduate programs, it reverts on the application as per its

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Student Diversity & Preferred Profile

What are the chances to get into this university?

The University of Guelph is somewhat selective while admitting
students f rom across the world. It has an admission rate of
70–80 percent, and each year it admits more students across
its various departments. To get into Guelph, aspirants need to
f ulf ill the eligibility requirements and ensure that they have
competitive scores in English language prof iciency exam and
standardized tests. Apart f rom this, a student’s academic
record, teacher/prof essor recommendations, test scores, and
application documents, all play a signif icant role in convincing
the admissions committee. Thus, the admissions committee
gives equal importance to a candidate’s f ull prof ile.

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How many Indian/international students are studying at the

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Guelph saw a sharp rise in the total number of enrolments
across all programs by 5.3 percent between 2015 and 2019.
Undergraduate enrolment increased by 3.7 percent, and
graduate enrolment increased by 22.4 percent. Almost 30,000
students were admitted in 2019-2020 academic year, out of
which over 1,700 were international students f rom nearly 130
countries. In Fall 2019, a total of 29,923 students were
enrolled at the University of Guelph, out of which 26,888 were
undergraduate students and 3,035 were graduate students.
Between 2015 and 2019, international undergraduate student
enrolment increased by 46.6 percent and international graduate
student enrolment increased by 60.2 percent.

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Part Time Work While Studying

Can I work while studying here?

All international students with a valid study permit are eligible to
work part-time on campus. Under the Work-Study program,
students can work part-time. International students can work
part-time on the campus up to 20 hours per week while the
university is in session. During breaks and vacations, students
can work f ull-time up to 40 hours. Check the of f icial website
f or more inf ormation on working within the campus.

Campuses & Accommodation

How many colleges and campuses does the university have?

The University of Guelph resides on the treaty lands and
territory of the Mississauga. It has three campuses – the
University of Guelph (primary), Ridgetown, and Guelph-Humber.
The university has seven major colleges that oversee various

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Is on-campus housing available?

The university encourages students to stay in their on-campus
housing residences as it is a great way to meet new people and
create a community. Another advantage of living on-campus is

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that students are only a f ew minutes away f rom class and have
access to various dining options on the campus. Of f -campus
housing is also available, and students can rent rooms,
houses, or apartments in shared/ single units. For international
graduate students, the university reserves a f ew three-person
townhomes near campus. Guelph also operates f ive houses
designated as Graduate Houses near the campus, and each
house can accommodate f our to six people.

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Note: Rates may change per semester or annually. Check the
of f icial website f or the latest rates and updates.

University Contact Information

Whom should I contact in case of any doubts?

Address: 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G
Contact No: 519-824-4120

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Admission Process

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