University of Verona International Master's degree programmes

Page created by Clara Zimmerman
(Rector’s Decree no. 199179/2021 of 28 May 2021)
                            --- English translation for information purposes only1 ---

                                        University of Verona
                             International Master’s degree programmes
                                                            a.y. 2021/2022

Call for applications for pre-admissions and for the awarding of 25 student support benefits
 for EU citizens (except Italian citizens) holding a foreign degree, living outside Italy, and
       enrolling for the a.y. 2021/2022 in a Master’s degree at the University of Verona

Art. 1 – Pre-admissions

The University of Verona hereby announces a public selection for admissions to International
Master’s degree programmes for EU citizens (except Italian citizens) holding a foreign academic
degree and living outside Italy. Successful candidates will be provided with a ‘pre-admission letter’
to enable them to enrol in their chosen programme at the University of Verona.

Art. 2 – Admissions requirements

Candidates must meet the following requirements in order to apply:
 a) they must hold a Bachelor’s degree (Single-cycle degree programme), or higher qualification;
 b) they must have a good knowledge of English, or other language relevant to their chosen
 programme, at the required level as specified in Annex 1;
 c) additional specific requirements may apply depending on each degree programme, as specified
 in Annex 1.

A qualification is considered suitable for admission if the relevant curriculum includes the knowledge
and skills relevant to the subject areas set out in Annex 1. As a general rule, a foreign degree shall
be regarded as suitable if, when checking the relevant study programme, it has been deemed to
include the curricular education and skills required for admission to the Master’s degree programme
in question.
Students who are near to the completion of their degree programme may also apply, as long as they
graduate by 30 September 2021.

Art. 3 – Applications

1. Applications under this Call must be submitted by completing the online application form, and
attaching the following documents:
 a) a scanned copy of a valid ID document;
 b) a copy of the degree certificate, or a certificate of enrolment which states the expected
 completion date;
 c) academic transcript (in English) for the completed degree and for any postgraduate studies
 completed. This should include a list of all the modules/exams taken and, possibly, details of the
 ECTS credits gained, the weighted average, and reference range for minimum and maximum
 d) CV in English including all qualifications (max. 2 pages);

1Please note: this is a translation of the original document ‘Raccolta di candidature per l’ammissione e per l’assegnazione di n. 25
contributi di studio destinati a studentesse e studenti comunitari in possesso di titolo di laurea conseguito all’estero, di cittadinanza diversa
da quella italiana e non residenti in italia, immatricolandi per l’a.a. 2021/2022 a Corsi di Laurea Magistrale internazionali dell’Università di
Verona’ in Italian. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Italian text shall prevail.
e) cover letter (max. 2 pages);
    f) an English language certificate, or other foreign language certificate (if applicable).

2. For any information on application procedures, please see the relevant guide attached to this Call.
Applications that are incomplete, missing the requested attachments, submitted after the deadline
or by any method other than that specified at point 1 of this Article will not be accepted. For further
information or enquiries about this Call and the relevant selection procedures and admission
requirements, please see the contact details included in Annex 1.

Art. 4 – Pre-admissions - selection procedure

The Programme Directors of each Master’s degree programme will check the applications received
and consider only those which meet all the requirements set out in this Call in terms of curricular
requirements and personal preparation.
Candidates will be informed of the outcome of the selection process by e-mail by 15 July 2021 (the
e-mail address entered in the application by the candidate will be used).

Art. 5 – Pre-admissions - deadlines

Candidates must submit their application as described in Art. 3 by 1 July 2021 at 12.00 noon (Italian
time, GMT+2). Applications that are incomplete, missing the required attachments or submitted after
the deadline will not be accepted. In this case, candidates concerned may subsequently enrol in
their chosen degree programme, but will not be eligible for student support benefits.

Art. 6 – Student support benefits

The University of Verona shall award no. 25 student support benefits for top candidates for the
2021/2022 academic year.

                                                                                     Student support
                 International Master’s degree programme                             benefits available
                  Comparative European and Non-European
                          Languages and Literatures                                             3
                Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart
                                    Industry                                                    2
                                 Data Science                                                   2
                         Economics and Data Analysis                                            3
                    International Economics and Business                                        3
                                   Linguistics                                                  3
                                  Mathematics                                                   3
                            Medical Bioinformatics                                              3
                     Molecular and Medical Biotechnology                                        3
                                                         TOTAL                                 25

Student support benefits include tuition fees2 and accommodation at ESU student residences in a
double room with a 12-month contract.

These are annual benefits which may be renewed for another year (maximum of 2 years total),
based on the student’s academic performance. They cannot be combined with other scholarships

2Students are exempt from tuition fees but still required to pay the regional tax and stamp duty. As a general rule, for the
2021/2022 academic year this will amount to €189 per academic year.
for university study awarded by the University. The renewal of the student support benefits for the
second year is conditional on the student gaining a minimum number of 30 ECTS by the end of the
autumn exam session (September 2022).

Art. 7 – Selection procedure

After the deadline of 1 July 2021, the Selection Committee of the Master’s degree programme (see
Annex 1) will assess the applications received. The relevant admission requirements and selection
criteria for each programme are set out in Annex 1. Where two or more candidates have an equal
score, priority will be given to the younger candidate. The student support benefits will be awarded
on the basis of the list of eligible candidates in descending order of score, until the student support
benefits available for each degree programme are used up.

Art. 8 – List of eligible candidates

The list of eligible candidates (graduatoria) will be published in the University’s Official Registry at and on the University’s website (see the Concorsi section) by 20 July 2021,
taking effect immediately.

Art. 9 – Confirming acceptance of student support benefits

1. Candidates who are awarded student support benefits must confirm their acceptance within 7
(seven) days of the publication of the list of eligible candidates, following the instructions which will
be provided at a later time.
Candidates who:
      - do not confirm their acceptance by the above terms;
      - do not pay the regional tax and stamp duty by the deadline that will be notified to them once
      they have confirmed their acceptance;
      - do not complete their enrolment by 15 October 2021;
will be regarded as withdrawn from the selection process.
Those candidates will not be allowed to apply for any scholarships in the academic year 2022/2023.

2. Student support benefits which become available due to candidate withdrawals will be re-awarded
to the next eligible candidates in the list of eligible candidates, until 20 September 2021.

Art. 10 – How to enrol

1. All successful candidates will need to enrol by following the methods set out on the web page of
each degree programme (please see table at Art. 6). Please note that the awarding of the 25 student
support benefits is conditional on the student paying the regional tax and stamp duty.

2. Candidates who are not eligible to receive student support benefits may subsequently enrol in
their chosen degree programme by following the methods in place for the relevant programme.

Art. 11 – Processing of personal data

Personal data provided by those who apply for student support benefits under this Call are processed
in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter the “Regulation”) and the applicable
personal data protection regulations.
The processing of such data is carried out by the University of Verona as Data Controller pursuant
to Articles 24 et seq. of the Regulation, for the purposes set out in the present Call, in the
performance of its institutional functions.
An information notice for students on the purposes of the processing, data recipients and the rights
of Data Subjects is available on the University’s website, at the following link:

Art. 12 – Final provisions

Information about Master’s degree programmes, application deadlines and procedures, and
publication of the list of eligible candidates can be requested by using the contact details set out in
Annex 1.

This Call for applications is published in the University’s Official Registry. Pursuant to and for the
purposes of Law no. 241/1990 and subsequent amendments, the Procedure Officer is the Head of
the Student Services area, Mr Giovanni Fiorini, Chiostro S. Francesco (Cloister), Via S. Francesco,
22 – 37129 Verona.



                                          CONTACT DETAILS

Per informazioni generali sul bando
For information      concerning     the    call   for

Per problemi tecnici relativi all’application form
For technical issues concerning the application

Per informazioni sui requisiti di ammissione, sui criteri di valutazione e sui corsi di laurea si
rimanda ai link sottostanti

For information concerning the requirement for admission, the evaluation criteria and the
Master’s Degrees, please check the following links

             Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures

                     Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry

                                            Data Science

                                   Economics and Data Analysis

                              International Economics and Business



                                       Medical Bioinformatics

                               Molecular and Medical Biotechnology

Corso di Laurea
                            Comparative European and Non-European Languages
                            and Literatures
Master’s degree
                          Titolo universitario triennale in ambito umanistico-linguistico
                          conseguito entro il 30 settembre 2021.
                          I candidati devono aver già studiato nel percorso universitario di
                          primo livello due lingue e letterature tra le cinque attivate dal
                          Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (inglese, francese,
                          spagnolo, tedesco, russo).
Requisiti accademici
Academic requirements
                          Three-year University Degree (Bachelor) in the field of
                          Humanities/Modern Languages, to be awarded within September
                          30th 2021. Candidates are required to have studied during the
                          previous university degree at least two languages and literatures
                          among those taught at the Department of Foreign Languages
                          and Literatures (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian).
                          Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) uguale o
Requisiti di
                          superiore a 70%.
                          Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) equal to 70/100
                          or higher.
                          Conoscenza certificata a livello C1 (scala CEFR o diplomi
                          ufficialmente riconosciuti) nelle due lingue scelte, lingue da
                          specificare nella domanda indicando la prima e la seconda (tra
                          francese, inglese, russo, spagnolo, tedesco).
                          Per chi non ha scelto come prima o seconda lingua l'inglese è
                          comunque consigliata una competenza linguistica in inglese pari
                          almeno al livello B2 (scala CEFR).
                          Un elenco di equipollenze per le certificazioni linguistiche è
                          disponibile all’indirizzo:
Requisiti linguistici
Language requirements
                          Certification of language proficiency corresponding to C1 level
                          (according to CEFR scale) in the two chosen languages, which
                          have to be clearly indicated (first language, second language) by
                          participants in the admission form (two of the following: French,
                          English, Russian, Spanish, German).
                          For those who have not chosen English as their first or second
                          language, a B2 level (CEFR scale) proficiency in English is advised.
                          A list of equivalent language certifications can be found at:
                          L’esito della valutazione sarà inviato via mail ai candidati entro 45
                          giorni dall’invio della candidatura.
Esiti della valutazione
                          Within 45 days after the submission of the application,
Evaluation results
                          candidates will be informed via e-mail about the results of the
                          evaluation for pre-admission.

Assegnazione contributi di studio
                                    La composizione della Commissione sarà nominata con
                                    provvedimento del Presidente del Collegio Didattico dopo la
                                    chiusura del bando e sarà pubblicata nella sezione Avvisi del
Commissione di                      sito del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Evaluation Committee
                                     The Evaluation Committee will be nominated immediately after
                                     the deadline for application and will be available at

                                CRITERI DI VALUTAZIONE                                           PUNTI
n.                                 Evaluation criteria                                           Score
          Curriculum studiorum e attinenza della formazione accademica (laurea
        triennale ed eventuali Master’s) e delle attività extra-accademiche (tirocini,
        summer schools, attività lavorative, ecc.) con gli obiettivi e le caratteristiche
1                                      del corso di studi.                                        0 - 70
             CV and relevance of the academic training (Bachelor’s degree and any
           Master’s) and extra-academic activities (internships, summer schools, work
                    activities, etc.) with the objectives of the course of study.
        Media voti (si normalizza la scala utilizzata dall’università estera in una scala da 0
                                                 a 10)
2                                                                                                 0 - 30
         (the scale used by the foreign university is normalized on a scale from 0 to 10)
                                    Punteggio massimo finale
                                      Maximum final score
                                 Punteggio minimo per l’idoneità
                                                                                                 60 - 100
                                  Minimum final passing score

    Pubblicazione esiti della valutazione          La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021

    Publication of evaluation results              The ranking list will be published within 20 July 2021
                                                   taking effect immediately.

Corso di Laurea
Magistrale                Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry
Masters Programme

                           Titolo universitario triennale conseguito entro il 30 settembre 2021.
                           Aver conseguito complessivamente:
                            - almeno 24 CFU nei settori MAT/02,03,05,07,08 e/o nei settori
                           FIS/01,03 e CHIM/07
                            - almeno 27 CFU in settore ING-INF/05 o in altri corsi di informatica da
Requisiti accademici       altri SSD
Academic requirements       - almeno 18 CFU in settori ING-IND o ING-INF, distinti da ING-INF/05,
                           o in corsi di componenti elettroniche, o telecomunicazioni, o
                           automazione, o modellistica e sistemi da altri SSD.
                           Three year University Degree (Bachelor) to be awarded by September
                           30th 2021 in any area that requires a solid basic training in Engineering
                           and Computer Science.

                           Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) superiore a 70%.
Requisiti di merito
                           Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) equal to 70/100 or
Merit requirements

                           Non formalmente verificati. Lo studente deve avere conseguito la
                           certificazione di inglese livello B2 (scala CEFR). prima
Requisiti linguistici      dell’immatricolazione definitiva
Language requirements      A formal English proficiency certification is not required, nevertheless
                           the Committee assumes that the candidate has a B2 level knowledge
                           of English language according to CEFR scale.

                           L’esito della valutazione sarà inviato via mail ai candidati entro 20
                           giorni dall’invio della candidatura.
Esiti della valutazione
                           Within 20 days after the submission of the application, candidates will
Evaluation results
                           be informed via e-mail about the results of the evaluation for pre-

                          Assegnazione contributi di studio

                                La commissione sarà nominata con decreto del presidente del
Commissione di
                                Collegio Didattico prof. Roberto Segala immediatamente dopo la
                                chiusura del bando. La composizione della commissione sarà
Evaluation Committee
                                pubblicata sulla sezione “Avvisi” del sito del Dipartimento di

                                    The Evaluation Committee will be nominated immediately after the
                                    deadline for application and will be available at

                  Criteri di valutazione – Evaluation criteria                               Punti - Score
          Curriculum studiorum e attinenza della formazione accademica (laurea
             triennale ed eventuali Masters) e delle attività extra-accademiche
           (tirocini, summer schools, attività lavorative, ecc.) con gli obiettivi del
                                       corso di studi.
1                                                                                                0 - 60
         CV and relevance of the academic training (Bachelor’s degree and any
          Masters) and extra-academic activities (internships, summer schools,
             work activities, etc.) with the objectives of the course of study.

                                            Media voti
        (si normalizza la scala utilizzata dall’università estera in una scala da 0 a 10)
2                                                                                                0 - 30
      (the scale used by the foreign university is normalized on a scale from 0 to 10)
                                    Lettera motivationale
3                                                                                                0 - 10
                                     Motivational letter
                                                            Punteggio massimo finale
                                                                Maximum final score

                                                                                                 60 / 100
                                                                                            di cui almeno 20
                                                                                            punti nel criterio
                                                     Punteggio minimo per l’idoneità
                                                                                                   n. 2
                                                             Minimum score (pass)
                                                                                            with 20 minimum
                                                                                            scored in criteria
                                                                                                   n. 2

Pubblicazione esiti della             La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021.

Publication of evaluation
results                               The ranking list will be published within 20 July 2021
                                      taking effect immediately.

Corso di Laurea
 Magistrale                Data Science
 Masters Programme

                             Titolo universitario triennale in Matematica, Fisica, Ingegneria,
                             Economia, Informatica conseguito entro il 30 settembre 2021.
Requisiti accademici         Three year University Degree (Bachelor or equivalent) in
 Academic requirements       Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, Economics
                             to be awarded by September 30th 2021.

                            Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) superiore a 70%.
 Requisiti di merito
                            Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) equal to 70/100 or
 Merit requirements

                            Conoscenza dell’inglese di livello B2 o superiore (scala CEFR).
 Requisiti linguistici
                            Candidates need to hold B2 or higher level knowledge of English
 Language requirements
                            language according to CEFR scale.
                            L’esito della valutazione sarà inviato via mail ai candidati entro 30
                            giorni dall’invio della candidatura.
 Esiti della valutazione
                            Within 30 days after the submission of the application, candidates will
 Evaluation results
                            be informed via e-mail about the results of the evaluation for pre-

                           Assegnazione contributi di studio

                                 La commissione sarà nominata con decreto del presidente del
                                 Collegio Didattico prof. Paolo Dai Pra immediatamente dopo la
                                 chiusura del bando. La composizione della commissione sarà
 Commissione di                  pubblicata sulla sezione “Avvisi” del sito del Dipartimento di
 valutazione                     Informatica:
 Evaluation Committee
                                 The Evaluation Committee will be nominated immediately after the
                                 deadline for application and will be available at

Criteri di valutazione – Evaluation criteria                             Punti - Score
           Curriculum studiorum e attinenza della formazione accademica (laurea
              triennale ed eventuali Masters) e delle attività extra-accademiche
            (tirocini, summer schools, attività lavorative, ecc.) con gli obiettivi del
                                         corso di studi.                                        0 - 30
          CV and relevance of the academic training (Bachelor’s degree and any
           Masters) and extra-academic activities (internships, summer schools,
              work activities, etc.) with the objectives of the course of study.

                                             Media voti
         (si normalizza la scala utilizzata dall’università estera in una scala da 0 a 10)
 2                                                                                              0 - 70
       (the scale used by the foreign university is normalized on a scale from 0 to 10)

                                                            Punteggio massimo finale
                                                                Maximum final score              100

                                                      Punteggio minimo per l’idoneità          60 / 100
                                                              Minimum score (pass)

Pubblicazione esiti della               La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021.

Publication of evaluation
results                                 The ranking list will be published within 20 July 2021 taking
                                        effect immediately.

Corso di Laurea
Magistrale              Economics and Data Analysis
Masters Programme
                         Titolo universitario triennale in Scienze Economiche o altre discipline in
                         ambito economico statistico e finanziario, ove siano stati sostenuti
                         almeno 12 CFU nell’area Quantitativa (Matematica e Statistica) e
                         almeno ulteriori 48 CFU nell’area Economico-Quantitativa, conseguito
                         o da conseguire entro il 30 settembre 2021. Un margine di tolleranza
                         del 10% dei CFU è applicabile ad una delle due aree.
Requisiti accademici
Academic requirements    Three year University Degree (Bachelor) in Economics or other fields
                         related to Economics, Statistics and Finance, with at least 12 ECTS
                         credits in the Quantitative area (Mathematics and Statistics) and at
                         least further 48 ECTS credits in the Economics-Statistics area,
                         awarded or to be awarded within September 30th 2021. A margin of
                         tolerance of 10% in the number of ECTS could be applied to one of the
                         two areas.

                         Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) non inferiore ad un
                         punteggio equivalente a 22/30 sulla scala di valutazione italiana (che
                         prevede valutazione minima 18/30 e massima 30/30).
Requisiti di merito
Merit requirements
                         Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) not lower than a grade
                         equivalent to 22/30 in the Italian grading scale (that considers a
                         minimum pass grade of 18/30 and a maximum grade of 30/30).

                         Conoscenza della lingua Inglese di livello almeno B2 (scala CEFR),
                         oppure precedente titolo relativo a corso di studi impartito in lingua
Requisiti linguistici
Language requirements
                         English language knowledge of level not lower than B2 (CEFR scale),
                         or previous degree taught in English.

                        Assegnazione contributi di studio

                          La commissione sarà nominata con decreto del presidente del Collegio
                          Didattico di Economics and Data Analysis dopo la chiusura del bando.
                          La composizione della commissione sarà pubblicata sulla sezione
Commissione di            “Avvisi” del sito del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche:
Evaluation Committee
                          The Evaluation Committee will be nominated after the deadline for
                          application and will be available at

Criteri di valutazione – Evaluation criteria                           Punti - Score
          Curriculum Vitae
          Curriculum Vitae e attinenza della formazione accademica (laurea
          triennale e eventuali Masters, inclusi risultati in specifici esami nell’area
          Economico-Statistica) e delle attività extra-accademiche (tirocini, summer
          schools, attività lavorative, ecc.) con gli obiettivi del corso di studi.
          Si considera inoltre l’eventuale presenza di pubblicazioni.
          Verrà considerata anche la lettera di motivazione.

 1        Curriculum Vitae                                                                    0 - 55
          Curriculum Vitae and relevance of the academic training (Bachelor’s
          degree and any Master degree, including grades on specific exams in the
          Economics-Statistics field) and extra-academic activities (internships,
          summer schools, work activities, etc.) with reference to the objectives of
          the course of study.
          Presence of publications is also considered,
          In this section will be considered also the motivation letter

          Conoscenza della lingua Inglese
          Eventuale conoscenza della lingua Inglese ad un livello superiore a B2
          (scala CEFR), oppure precedente titolo relativo a corso di studi impartito
 2        in lingua inglese.                                                                  0-5
          Knowledge of the English language
          English language knowledge of level higher than B2 (CEFR scale) or
          previous degree taught in English.

          Media voti laurea triennale
          Si normalizza la scala utilizzata dall’università estera in una scala da 0 a
          40, dove 0 corrisponde ad un punteggio sufficiente (pass grade class) e
          40 ad un punteggio eccellente.
 3                                                                                            0 - 40
          CGPA in the Bachelor’s degree
          The scale used by the foreign university is normalized to a scale from 0 to
          40, where 0 corresponds to a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
          equal to a pass grade and 40 corresponds to excellent.
                                                            Punteggio massimo finale
                                                                Maximum final score
                                                      Punteggio minimo per l’idoneità        60 / 100
                                                              Minimum score (pass)

Pubblicazione esiti della          La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021
Publication of evaluation          The ranking list will be published within 20 July 2021 taking effect
results                            immediately.

Corso di Laurea
 Magistrale              International Economics and Business
 Masters Programme
                         Titolo universitario triennale in Scienze Economiche o Aziendali, oppure
                         titolo triennale diverso purché preveda insegnamenti in discipline
                         Economiche, Aziendali, Matematiche, Statistiche, Informatiche, Diritto,
                         Fisiche, Ingegneristiche, Scienze Politiche, Relazioni Internazionali per
                         60 CFU (di cui almeno 12 nell’area Matematico-Statistica), conseguito
                         entro il 30 settembre 2021.
Requisiti accademici
Academic requirements    Three year University Degree (Bachelor) in Economics, Business
                         Administration or in any other field provided that at least 60 ECTS
                         credits (usually the equivalent of one year of study) - of which at least 12
                         ECTS in Mathematics or Statistics – are related to Economics,
                         Business, Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics, Law, Physics,
                         Engineering, Political Sciences, International Relations, to be awarded
                         within September 30th 2021.
                         Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) uguale ad un punteggio
 Requisiti di            di almeno 22/30 (su una scala che vede 18 come voto minimo e 30
 merito                  come voto massimo).
 requirements            Cumulative Grade Point Average equal to 22 out of 30 (on a scale with
                         18 as minimum grade and 30 as maximum).
                         Conoscenza della lingua Inglese di livello almeno B2 (scala CEFR),
                         oppure precedente titolo relativo a corso di studi impartito in lingua
 Requisiti linguistici
                         English language knowledge of level not lower to B2 (CEFR scale), or
                         previous degree taught in English.

                          Assegnazione contributi di studio

                                 La commissione sarà nominata con decreto del presidente del
                                 Collegio Didattico di International Economics and Business
                                 immediatamente dopo la chiusura del bando. La composizione
                                 della commissione sarà pubblicata sulla sezione “Avvisi” del sito
 Commissione di
                                 del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche:
 Evaluation Committee
                                 The Evaluation Committee will be nominated immediately after
                                 the deadline for application and will be available at

Punti -
                           Criteri di valutazione – Evaluation criteria
          Curriculum Vitae
          Curriculum Vitae e attinenza della formazione accademica (laurea triennale,
          eventuali Master, e risultati in specifici esami nell’area Economico/Aziendale) e delle
          attività extra-accademiche (tirocini, summer schools, attività lavorative, ecc.) in linea
          con gli obiettivi del corso di studi. Si considerano inoltre eventuali pubblicazioni
          pertinenti e lettere di referenza.
1                                                                                                      0 – 30
          Curriculum Vitae
          Curriculum Vitae and relevance of the academic training (Bachelor’s degree, any
          Master’s degree, and grades on specific exams in the Economics-Business
          Administration field) and extra-academic activities (internships, summer schools,
          work activities, etc.) in line with the objectives of the course of study. Any relevant
          publications and reference letters are also considered.

          Conoscenza della lingua Inglese
          Conoscenza della lingua Inglese ad un livello pari o superiore a B2 (scala CEFR)
          oppure precedente titolo relativo a corso di studi impartito in lingua inglese.
2                                                                                                      0 – 10
          Knowledge of the English language
          English language knowledge of level equal to or higher than B2 (CEFR scale) or
          previous degree taught in English.

          Media voti laurea triennale
          Si normalizza la scala utilizzata dall’università estera in una scala da 0 a 50.
3                                                                                                      0 – 50
          CGPA in the Bachelor’s degree
          The scale used by the foreign university is normalized on a scale from 0 to 50.

          Lettera motivazionale
          Si valutano le motivazioni della scelta di questa Laurea Magistrale offerta
          dall’Università degli Studi di Verona, la personalità dello studente, i suoi interessi,
4         le aspettative e le ambizioni lavorative.                                                        0-10
          Motivational letter
          Reasons for applying to this Master’s Degree offered by the University of Verona,
          student’s personality, interests, expectations, job ambitions.
                                                                      Punteggio massimo finale
                                                                          Maximum final score
                                                                 Punteggio minimo per l’idoneità
                                                                        Minimum score (pass)

    Pubblicazione esiti della              La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021
    Publication of evaluation              The ranking list will be published within 20 luglio 2021 taking
    results                                effect immediately.

Corso di Laurea
Magistrale             Linguistics
Master’s degree
                       Titolo universitario triennale in ambito umanistico o altro ambito
Requisiti              che preveda una solida formazione di base in linguistica,
accademici             conseguito entro il 30 settembre 2021.

Academic               Three-year University Degree (Bachelor) in the field of Humanities
requirements           or other field requiring a solid basic training in linguistics, to be
                       awarded within 30th September 2021.
                       Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) uguale o superiore
Requisiti di
                       a 70%.
                       Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) equal to 70/100
                       or higher.
                       Conoscenza della lingua inglese certificata, corrispondente al
                       livello B2 (scala CEFR), o precedente titolo impartito in lingua
                       inglese. Un elenco di equipollenze per le certificazioni linguistiche
                       è disponibile all’indirizzo:
                       Certification of English language proficiency corresponding to B2
                       level according to CEFR scale or previous degree taught in
                       English. A list of equivalent language certifications can be found

                       L’esito della valutazione sarà inviato via mail ai candidati entro 30
                       giorni dall’invio della candidatura.
Esiti della
                       Within 30 days after the submission of the application, candidates
                       will be informed via e-mail about the results of the evaluation for
Evaluation results

                        Assegnazione contributi di studio

                     La composizione della Commissione sarà resa disponibile entro il 1°
                     luglio 2021 all’indirizzo:
Commissione di
                     The Evaluation Committee composition will be available by 1th July
                     2021 at:

CRITERI DI VALUTAZIONE                                       PUNTI
n.                             Evaluation criteria                                       Score

     Attinenza della formazione accademica con gli obiettivi e le caratteristiche
     del corso di studi; in particolare, solidità della formazione linguistica sulla
     base degli insegnamenti nel transcript of records del titolo triennale.
1                                                                                         0 - 40
     Relevance of the academic training for the objectives of the course of
     study and, specifically, solidity of the linguistic background as emerging
     from the transcript of records of the bachelor’s degree.

     Media voti della laurea triennale (si normalizza la scala utilizzata
     dall’università estera in una scala da 0 a 30)
2                                                                                         0-30
     Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) in the bachelor’s degree (the
     scale used by the foreign university is normalized on a scale from 0 to 30)

     Motivazione (sulla base della lettera allegata)
3                                                                                         0 - 10
     Motivation (on the basis of the statement of purpose)

     Altri titoli riportati nel Curriculum Vitae (altre lauree triennali o magistrali,
     premi/borse di studio, partecipazione a convegni, pubblicazioni, oppure
     tirocini, summer schools, attività lavorative, ecc.)
4                                                                                         0 - 20
     Other titles (other bachelor’s or master's degrees, student
     awards/scholarships, participation in conferences, publications, or
     internships, summer schools, work activities, etc.)

Punteggio massimo finale
Maximum final score

 Pubblicazione esiti          La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021
 della valutazione
                              The ranking list will be published within 20 luglio 2021 taking effect
 Publication of               immediately.
 evaluation results

Corso di Laurea
Magistrale                Mathematics
Masters Programme

                           Titolo universitario triennale in Matematica, Fisica, Ingegneria o in ogni
                           altra area che preveda una forte formazione iniziale in Matematica,
Requisiti accademici       conseguito entro il 30 settembre 2021.
Academic requirements      Three year University Degree (Bachelor) in Mathematics, Physics,
                           Engineering, or in any area requiring a strong basic training in
                           Mathematics, to be awarded by September 30th 2021.

                           Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) superiore a 70%.
Requisiti di merito
                           Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) equal to 70/100 or
Merit requirements
                           Non formalmente verificati. Si assume che il candidato abbia una
                           conoscenza dell’inglese di livello almeno B1 (scala CEFR).
Requisiti linguistici
                           A formal English proficiency certification is not required, nevertheless
Language requirements
                           the Committee assumes that the candidate has a B1 level knowledge
                           of English language according to CEFR scale.

                           L’esito della valutazione sarà inviato via mail ai candidati entro 20 giorni
                           dall’invio della candidatura.
Esiti della valutazione
                           Within 20 days after the submission of the application, candidates will
Evaluation results
                           be informed via e-mail about the results of the evaluation for pre-

                          Assegnazione contributi di studio

                                La commissione sarà nominata con decreto del presidente del
                                Collegio Didattico immediatamente dopo la chiusura del bando. La
                                composizione della commissione sarà pubblicata sulla sezione
Commissione di                  “Avvisi” del sito del Dipartimento di Informatica:
Evaluation Committee
                                The Evaluation Committee will be nominated immediately after the
                                deadline for application and will be available at

Criteri di valutazione – Evaluation criteria                              Punti - Score

          Curriculum studiorum e attinenza della formazione accademica (laurea
             triennale ed eventuali Masters) e delle attività extra-accademiche
           (tirocini, summer schools, attività lavorative, ecc.) con gli obiettivi del
                                       corso di studi.
1                                                                                              0 - 30
         CV and relevance of the academic training (Bachelor’s degree and any
          Masters) and extra-academic activities (internships, summer schools,
             work activities, etc.) with the objectives of the course of study.

                                            Media voti
        (si normalizza la scala utilizzata dall’università estera in una scala da 0 a 70)
2                                                                                              0 - 70
      (the scale used by the foreign university is normalized on a scale from 0 to 70)

                                                           Punteggio massimo finale
                                                               Maximum final score

                                                     Punteggio minimo per l’idoneità
                                                                                              80 / 100
                                                             Minimum score (pass)

Pubblicazione esiti della             La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021.

Publication of evaluation
results                               The ranking list will be published within 20 July 2021 taking effect

Corso di Laurea
 Magistrale                  Medical Bioinformatics
 Masters Programme

                             Titolo universitario triennale in Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica o
                             bioinformatica o in ogni altra area che preveda una forte formazione
Requisiti accademici         iniziale in Informatica, conseguito entro il 30 Luglio 2020.
Academic requirements        Three year University Degree (Bachelor) in Computer Science or
                             Related, and Bioinformatics or in any area requiring a strong basic
                             training in Computer Science, to be awarded by July 30th 2020.

 Requisiti di
                             Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) superiore a 70%.
                             Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) equal to 70/100 or

 Requisiti linguistici       Conoscenza dell’inglese di livello almeno B2 (scala CEFR).
 Language                    A formal English proficiency certification of B2 level knowledge of
 requirements                English language according to CEFR scale.

                             L’esito della valutazione sarà inviato via mail ai candidati entro 45
 Esiti della                 giorni dall’invio della candidatura.
 valutazione                 Within 45 days after the submission of the application, candidates
 Evaluation results          will be informed via e-mail about the results of the evaluation for pre-

                 Borse di studio per cittadini non-UE non residenti in Italia

                              La commissione sarà nominata con decreto del Presidente del
                              Collegio Didattico immediatamente dopo la chiusura del bando. La
                              composizione della commissione sarà pubblicata sulla sezione
 Commissione di
                              “Avvisi” del sito del Dipartimento di Informatica:
                              The Evaluation Committee will be nominated immediately after the
                              deadline for application and will be available at

Punti -
                            Criteri di valutazione – Evaluation criteria

             Curriculum studiorum e attinenza della formazione accademica (laurea
                triennale ed eventuali Masters) e delle attività extra-accademiche
              (tirocini, summer schools, attività lavorative, ecc.) con gli obiettivi del
                                          corso di studi.
  1                                                                                               0 - 60
            CV and relevance of the academic training (Bachelor’s degree and any
             Masters) and extra-academic activities (internships, summer schools,
                work activities, etc.) with the objectives of the course of study.

                                               Media voti
           (si normalizza la scala utilizzata dall’università estera in una scala da 0 a 10)
  2                                                                                               0 - 30
         (the scale used by the foreign university is normalized on a scale from 0 to 10)
                                         Lettera Motivazionale
  3                                                                                               0 - 10
                                           Motivational letter
                                                                Punteggio massimo finale
                                                                        Maximum final score
                                                                                                60 / 100
                                                                                                   di cui
                                                                                               almeno 20
                                                                                                punti nel
                                                        Punteggio minimo per l’idoneità
                                                                                               criterio n. 2
                                                                  Minimum score (pass)
                                                                                                 with 20
                                                                                                scored in
                                                                                               criteria n. 2

Pubblicazione esiti della                    La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021.
                                             The ranking list will be published within 20 July 2021 taking
Publication of evaluation results            effect immediately.

Corso di Laurea
 Magistrale              Molecular and medical biotechnology
 Masters Programme
                          Titolo universitario triennale in discipline matematiche, chimiche,
                          fisiche e informatiche; o discipline biologiche (biochimica, biologia
                          molecolare, biologia, microbiologia, genetica e tecnologie
Requisiti accademici      genomiche) da conseguire entro il 31 luglio 2021.
Academic requirements     Three-year University Degree (Bachelor) in Mathematics, Physics,
                          Informatics; or in Biological disciplines (biochemistry, molecular
                          biology, biology, microbiology, genetics) to be awarded by July 31st
 Requisiti di
                          Media pesata sui crediti (CGPA o equivalente) superiore a 75%.
                          Cumulative Grade Point Average (or equivalent) equal to 75/100 or
                         Non formalmente verificati. Si assume che il candidato abbia una
 Requisiti linguistici   conoscenza dell’inglese di livello almeno B1 (scala CEFR).
 Language                A formal English proficiency certification is not required, nevertheless
 requirements            the Committee assumes that the candidate has a B1 level
                         knowledge of English language according to CEFR scale.

                         L’esito della valutazione sarà inviato via mail ai candidati entro 45
 Esiti della             giorni dall’invio della candidatura.
 valutazione             Within 45 days after the submission of the application, candidates
 Evaluation results      will be informed via e-mail about the results of the evaluation for pre-

                         Assegnazione contributi di studio

                          La commissione sarà nominata con decreto del presidente del
                          Collegio Didattico di Biotecnologie immediatamente dopo la
                          chiusura del bando. La composizione della commissione sarà
 Commissione di
                          pubblicata sulla sezione “Avvisi” del sito del Dipartimento di
                          The Evaluation Committee will be nominated immediately after the
                          deadline for application and will be available at

N.                 Criteri di valutazione – Evaluation criteria                            Punti - Score
         Curriculum studiorum e attinenza della formazione accademica (laurea
            triennale ed eventuali Masters) e delle attività extra-accademiche
          (tirocini, summer schools, attività lavorative, ecc.) con gli obiettivi del
                                      corso di studi.
1                                                                                             0 - 60
          CV and relevance of the academic training (Bachelor’s degree and any
           Masters) and extra-academic activities (internships, summer schools,
              work activities, etc.) with the objectives of the course of study.
                                           Media voti
       (si normalizza la scala utilizzata dall’università estera in una scala da 0 a 10)
2                                                                                             0 - 30
     (the scale used by the foreign university is normalized on a scale from 0 to 10)
                                     Lettera Motivazionale
3                                                                                             0 - 10
                                       Motivational letter
                                                            Punteggio massimo finale
                                                                    Maximum final score
                                                                                              60 / 100
                                                                                           di cui almeno
                                                                                            20 punti nel
                                                    Punteggio minimo per l’idoneità         criterio n. 2
                                                            Minimum score (pass)               with 20
                                                                                             scored in
                                                                                            criteria n. 2

Pubblicazione esiti della                La graduatoria verrà pubblicata entro il 20 luglio 2021.
                                         The ranking list will be published within 20 July 2021 taking
Publication of evaluation                effect immediately.

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