Street directories - with sorting data - with municipality numbers - with geographical coordinates including altitude information - Detailed ...

Page created by Benjamin Snyder
Street directories - with sorting data - with municipality numbers - with geographical coordinates including altitude information - Detailed ...
Street directories
– with sorting data
– with municipality numbers
– with geographical coordinates
  including altitude information

Detailed information and data structures

January 2021

Table of contents

1.      Introduction                                                                      4

2.      Data structure                                                                    5

2.1     Data models                                                                       5
2.1.1   “Street directory with sorting data” or “Street directory with municipality
        numbers” data model                                                               5
2.1.2   “Street directory with geographical coordinates including altitude information”
        data model                                                                        6
2.2     Record types                                                                      7
2.3     Description of record types                                                       8
2.3.1   NEW_HEA                                                                           8
2.3.2   NEW_PLZ1                                                                          8
2.3.3   NEW_PLZ2                                                                          10
2.3.4   NEW_COM                                                                           11
2.3.5   NEW_STR                                                                           11
2.3.6   NEW_STRA                                                                          13
2.3.7   NEW_GEB                                                                           15
2.3.8   NEW_GEBA                                                                          15
2.3.9   NEW_BOT_B                                                                         16
2.3.10 NEW_GEO (only for “Street directory with geographical coordinates including
        altitude information”)                                                            16
2.3.11 NEW_HH (only for “Street directory with geographical coordinates
        including altitude information”)                                                  17
2.3.12 NEW_GEB_COM (only for the street directories with "municipality numbers" and
        "geographical coordinates including altitude information")                        17

3.      Upstream services                                      18

3.1     Route key                                              18
3.2     Quality assurance                                      19
3.2.1   Quality assurance for addressed bulk mailings (P.P.)   19
3.2.2   Quality assurance for newspapers and magazines         20
4.      Order, contact and advice                              21

5.      Annex                                                  22

5.1     Canton abbreviations                                   22

1.      Introduction

Swiss Post manages a database with all street, hamlet and plot names of every town in Switzerland and
the Principality of Liechtenstein: the “Street directory”. The directory is updated on a regular basis and
also made available to customers.

The following street directories are available:

– Street directory with sorting data:
  Swiss Post’s free street directory includes the address information of all buildings served by the postal
  system in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein – including sorting data.

 Using the “Street directory with municipality numbers” and appropriate matching software, customers
 can also pre-sort letter mail (letters, newspapers/magazines as well as catalogues up to 1,000 g) accor-
 ding to postcode, mail carrier district and route, thereby reducing costs. Newspapers and magazines
 must be pre-sorted by the customer in order to be sent at the reduced newspaper rate.

 The “Upstream services” specification presents the different upstream services that can be carried out
 by customers and indicates the corresponding discounts. These can be found at

 For the upstream services, Swiss Post offers its own software solutions for matching for bulk consign-
 ments and newspapers.

– Street directory with municipality numbers:
  Besides address details (including sorting data), the “Street directory with municipality numbers” inclu-
  des a link to the building with a municipality number in Switzerland or in the Principality of Liechten-
  stein assigned by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office and regularly updated.

– Street directory with geographical coordinates including altitude information:
  In addition to address details (including sorting data), this data file includes geographical longitude
  and latitude as well as altitude information that Swiss Post has gathered and constantly updates for all
  buildings served by the postal system in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. This can be
  used as a basis for your company-wide use of geographical information systems (GIS), or for spatial
  analyses to support decision-making (e.g. for location analysis, logistics or customer localization). We
  can also deliver additional postal data to you on request, for instance information on how many
  households there are at a given address and how many of them do not want to receive promotional

The Street directory with sorting data and the Street directory with municipality numbers are updated
every two weeks. The exact dates can be found in the download center for the “Address and geodata”
online service in Swiss Post’s Customer Center ( The updated file (ANSI
file, Windows 1252, separated by semicolons) is available around ten days before the validity date. The
Street directory with geographical coordinates including altitude information is updated monthly and can
also be obtained via the “Address and geodata” online service. The geographical coordinates are available
in what is known as the Swiss projection system LV95, as well as in the LV03 or WGS84 format upon
request. You will receive the data as a UTF-8 file (separated by semicolons).

For further information on the street directories, see the “Street directories with sorting data” and
“Swiss Post geodata products” factsheets at -> Documents.

2.     Data structure

2.1   Data models

2.1.1 “Street directory with sorting data” or “Street directory with municipality numbers”
      data model

The diagram provides an overview of the data model with all records.

2.1.2 “Street directory with geographical coordinates including altitude information” data model

The diagram provides an overview of the data model with all records.

           NEW_HEA                    NEW_PLZ1                              NEW_PLZ2

                                      ONRP                                   REC_ART

           VDAT                       REC_ART                          FS    ONRP

           ZCODE                 FS   BFSNR                                  LAUFNUMMER

                                      PLZ_TYP                                BEZ_TYP

           NEW_COM                    PLZ                                    SPRACHCODE

 PS        BFSNR                      PLZ_ZZ                                 ORT_BEZ_18

                                      GPLZ                                   ORT_BEZ_27
                                                                            NEW_BOT_B              NEW_HH
                                                                             REC_ART              REC_ART
                                                                       FS    HAUSKEY         FS   HAUSKEY
                                                                             A_PLZ                HH_TOTAL
           NEW_STR                    BRIEFZ_DURCH
                                                                             BBZ_PLZ              HH_ZUSTELL
 PS        STR_ID                     GILT_AB_DAT
                                                                             BOTEN_BBZ            HH_STOP
                                                                             ETAPPEN_NR           HH_EFH
      FS   ONRP
                                                                             LAUF_NR              ANZ_NAT_PERS
                                                                             NDEPOT               ANZ_FIRMEN

           STR_BEZ_2K                 NEW_GEB
           STR_BEZ_2L      PS         HAUSKEY

           STR_LOK_TYP                                                      NEW_GEBA
           STR_BEZ_SPC                                            PS        HAUSKEY_ALT
                                 FS   STR_ID
           STR_BEZ_COFF                                                     REC_ART
           STR_GANZFACH                                                     HAUSKEY
      FS   STR_FACH_ONRP                                               FS   GEB_BEZ_ALT

                                      GANZFACH                              GEB_TYP

                                 FS   FACH_ONRP
           NEW_STRA                                                          NEW_GEO
 PS        STR_ID_ALT                                                       REC_ART

           REC_ART               NEW_GEB_COM                           FS   HAUSKEY
      FS   STR_ID                     REC_ART                               RECHTS_KOORD

           STR_TYP               FS   HAUSKEY                               HOCH_KOORD

           STR_BEZ_AK            FS   BFSNR                                 HOEHE_KOORD

           STR_BEZ_AL                 GILT_AB                               GBDE_STATUS

           STR_BEZ_A2K                                                      STR_GEOPOST_ID

           STR_BEZ_A2L                                                      ADR_GEOPOST_ID
                           PS   = Primärschlüssel / Primary key
           STR_LOK_TYP     FS   = Fremdschlüssel / Foreign key              LAGE_BEZ


2.2     Record types

The street directories combine data from various sources. The data is displayed in various record types.
The record types for each directory are shown in the overview below.

 Data               Record type   Content       Description

 Street             00            NEW_HEA       Contains the version date and a unique random code.
 -> free of         01            NEW_PLZ1      Contains all postcodes valid for addresses in Switzerland and the
 charge                                         Principality of Liechtenstein.

                    02            NEW_PLZ2      Contains alternative locality and area names for each postcode.

                    03            NEW_COM       Contains the political municipalities in Switzerland and the Princi-
                                                pality of Liechtenstein. These data are taken from the official list of
                                                the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS).

                    04            NEW_STR       Contains all the street names of every locality in Switzerland and
                                                the Principality of Liechtenstein.

                    05            NEW_STRA      Logical alternative or foreign language street name for the official
                                                street name. Building names without street/house number, area,
                                                plot or hamlet names are handled in the same way as street names.

                    06            NEW_GEB       Contains house numbers and house keys.

                    07            NEW_GEBA      Contains alternative house names and alternative house keys.


 Sorting data       08            NEW_BOT_B     Contains mail carrier information at house number level (delivery).
 -> free of


 Municipality       12            NEW_GEB_COM   Link between building and municipality information.
 -> charges

For the “Street directory with geographical coordinates including altitude information”, the following
two record types are also available:

 Geographical       10            NEW_GEO       Contains information on geo-referencing of buildings served by
 coordinates in-                                Swiss Post.
 cluding altitude
 -> charges


 Statistical        11            NEW_HH        Contains information on households at an address.
 household data
 -> charges

2.3     Description of record types

2.3.1 NEW_HEA

Field name        Field type     Mandatory   Comments
                  (length)       field

REC_ART           VARCHAR(2)     YES         Record type “00”
                                             Designates the record type.

VDAT              NUMBER(8)      YES         Date of implementation “DOI” (YYYYMMDD)
                                             -> Validity date for the districts in accordance with the respective
                                             street directory date list.

ZCODE             NUMBER(6)      YES         Randomly generated code

2.3.2 NEW_PLZ1

Field name        Field type     Mandatory   Comments
                  (length)       field

REC_ART           VARCHAR(2)     YES         Record type “01”
                                             Designates the record type.

ONRP              NUMBER(10)     YES         Swiss Post classification number
                                             This number (ONRP) is the primary key designating a postcode/
                                             location in accordance with the Swiss Post postcode database and
                                             the unique, unalterable key term of the postcode. Every new post-
                                             code receives a new ONRP. An ONRP remains unchanged whereas
                                             a postcode can change.
                                             If a postcode is taken out of service, the ONRP assigned to it is no
                                             longer used.
                                             If (in rare cases) a postcode is brought back into service, the origi-
                                             nal ONRP will be reassigned to it.

BFSNR             NUMBER(10)     YES         Foreign key for BFSNR (refers to NEW_COM)

PLZ_TYP           NUMBER(2)      YES         Postcode type
                                             The postcode type is used to check whether a postcode for specific
                                             addresses is generally plausible.
                                             10 = Domicile and specialist addresses
                                             20 = Domicile addresses only
                                             30 = P.O. Box postcodes only
                                             40 = Company postcodes
                                             80 = In-house Swiss Post postcodes (delivery post office information
                                             on bundle labels or bag addresses).

POSTCODE          NUMBER(4)      YES         Address postcode
                                             Switzerland is divided into nine geographic postal districts, numbered
                                             from west to east. Each postal district is subdivided into postal areas
                                             which are in turn divided into no more than 100 units.
                                             Valid values: 1000–9999
                                             Postcodes are structured as follows:

                                             3 = postal district (Bern)
                                             34 = postal area (Burgdorf)
                                             343 = route (Burgdorf – Langnau)
                                             3436 = post office number (Zollbrück)

Field name      Field type    Mandatory   Comments
                (length)      field

PLZ_ZZ          VARCHAR(2)    YES         Additional postcode number
                                          The additional number serves to distinguish between identical
                                          4-digit postcodes.

                                          4436 00 = Oberdorf BL
                                          4436 02 = Liedertswil
                                          Address files must be made up of the postcode and additional num-
                                          ber to ensure correct sorting.
                                          However, the additional numbers should not appear in the postal
                                          address on the consignment.

GPLZ            NUMBER(4)     YES         Basic postcode

ORTBEZ18        VARCHAR(18)   YES         18- or 27-character locality name
                                          The locality line in the postal address must contain the 18- or
                                          27-character locality name (official locality name). The 4-digit
                                          postcode is unique when used with the 18- or 27-character locality
                                          name. Very long locality names are shortened to fit the available field
ORTBEZ27        VARCHAR(27)   YES
                                          “Neuhausen am Rheinfall”:
                                          18-character: Neuhausen
                                          27-character: Neuhausen am Rheinfall

KANTON          VARCHAR(2)    YES         Canton
                                          The official abbreviations corresponding to the car number plates
                                          are used. A full list can be found in the appendix.

SPRACHCODE      NUMBER(2)     YES         Language code
                                          Language (language majority) in the postcode area:
                                          1 = German
                                          2 = French
                                          3 = Italian
                                          4 = Rhaeto-Romanic
                                          In localities where several languages are spoken, the main
                                          language is indicated.

SPRACHCODE_     NUMBER(2)     NO          Different language code
ABW                                       Other languages within a postcode. One different language code
                                          can be specified per postcode.

BRIEFZ_DURCH    NUMBER(10)    NO          Delivery point
                                          Refers to the organizational unit (ONRP) primarily responsible for
                                          delivering letters in the address postcode. If need be, this
                                          information can be used for bag addresses.

GILT_AB_DAT     DATE(8)       YES         Valid as of
                                          Indicates the date from which the postcode data are valid
                                          (YYYYMMDD format).

PLZ_BRIEFZUST   NUMBER(6)     YES         Delivery point postcode
                                          6-digit postcode of the office concerned in BRIEFZ_DURCH.
                                          Necessary to create the bundle label barcode.

PLZ_COFF        VARCHAR(1)    NO          Shows whether a postcode (PLZ_TYP 10 and PLZ_TYP 20) contains
                                          exclusively official or unofficial addresses.
                                          Y = official
                                          N = non-official
                                          All other postcode types (PLZ_TYP) take the value ZERO.

2.3.3 NEW_PLZ2

Field name       Field type    Mandatory   Comments
                 (length)      field

REC_ART          VARCHAR(2)    YES         Record type “02”
                                           Designates the record type.

ONRP             NUMBER(10)    YES         Swiss Post classification number
                                           Foreign key for postcode/location (refers to NEW_PLZ1).
                                           The ONRP is the unique, unalterable key term of the postcode.
                                           Every new postcode receives a new ONRP. An ONRP remains
                                           unchanged whereas a postcode can change.
                                           If a postcode is taken out of service, the ONRP assigned to it is no
                                           longer used.
                                           If (in rare cases) a postcode is brought back into service, the
                                           original ONRP will be reassigned to it.

LAUFNUMMER       NUMBER(6)     YES         Sequence number within an ONRP. The sequence number is a
                                           number assigned to each alternative or area designation as a key.
                                           In the event of deletion, it will not be reassigned. Valid values lie
                                           between 001–999.

BEZTYP           NUMBER(1)     YES         Designation types
                                           There are two designation types:
                                           2: alternative or foreign-language locality name permitted for
                                           addressing. This must be used in conjunction with the postcode.

                                           6085 Hasliberg Goldern > 6085 Goldern
                                           1200 Genève > 1200 Genf

                                           3: area designation. This may be used in the address line, but must
                                           not appear together with the postcode in the locality line.

                                           The area designation Tenigerbad is addressed as
                                           7173 Surrein

SPRACHCODE       NUMBER(2)     YES         Language code
                                           Language or language majority in the postcode area:
                                           1 = German
                                           2 = French
                                           3 = Italian
                                           4 = Rhaeto-Romanic
                                           In localities where several languages are spoken, the main
                                           language is indicated.

ORTBEZ18         VARCHAR(18)   YES         18- or 27-character locality name
                                           The locality line in the postal address must contain the 18- or
                                           27-character locality name (official locality name). The 4-digit
                                           postcode is unique when used with the 18- or 27-character
                                           locality name. Very long locality names are shortened to fit the
ORTBEZ27         VARCHAR(27)   YES         available field lengths, e.g. “Neuhausen am Rheinfall”:
                                           18-character: Neuhausen
                                           27-character: Neuhausen am Rheinfall

2.3.4 NEW_COM

Field name      Field type    Mandatory    Comments
                (length)      field

REC_ART         VARCHAR(2)    YES          Record type “03”
                                           Designates the record type.

BFSNR           NUMBER(10)    YES          BFS number
                                           The numbering used by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS) to
                                           designate political municipalities in Switzerland and the
                                           Principality of Liechtenstein.

GEMEINDENAME    VARCHAR(30)   YES          Municipality name
                                           Official municipality name in accordance with the “List of Swiss
                                           Municipalities” issued by the BFS.

KANTON          VARCHAR(2)    YES          Canton
                                           Canton abbreviation identical to that found on car number
                                           plates. See the full list in the appendix.

AGGLONR         NUMBER(5)     NO           Conurbation number
                                           Refers to a BFS number.
                                           Switzerland has 35 conurbations defined by the BFS. The center of
                                           a conurbation is the central municipality, i. e. a town where
                                           economic and cultural exchanges are concentrated alongside
                                           services. The surrounding municipalities are linked with the
                                           central municipality both structurally and by means of commuter
                                           Municipality name
                                           Conurbation no. (= BFSNR)
                                           Conurbation name (= municipality name)

                                           351 Bern (= central municipality)
                                           351 Bern
                                           352 Bolligen 351 Bern
                                           362 Ittigen 351 Bern
                                           358 Stettlen 351 Bern

2.3.5 NEW_STR

Field name      Field type    Mandatory   Comments
                (length)      field

REC_ART         VARCHAR(2)    YES         Record type “04”
                                          Designates the record type.

STRID           NUMBER(13)    YES         Street name
                                          Primary key for street names
                                          (LOK_ID information from ZUBOFI)

ONRP            NUMBER(10)    YES         Swiss Post classification number
                                          Foreign key for postcode/location (refers to NEW_PLZ1).
                                          The ONRP is the unique, unalterable key term of the postcode.
                                          Every new postcode receives a new ONRP. An ONRP remains
                                          unchanged whereas a postcode can change.
                                          If a postcode is taken out of service, the ONRP assigned to it is no
                                          longer used.
                                          If (in rare cases) a postcode is brought back into service, the
                                          original ONRP will be reassigned to it.

Field name    Field type    Mandatory   Comments
              (length)      field

STRBEZK       VARCHAR(25)   YES         Abbreviated street name
                                        Abbreviated street name in the official language. Building names
                                        without street/house number, area, plot or hamlet names are
                                        handled in the same way as street names. There are no foreign
                                        language spellings of building names.

                                        Example: Eglise-Anglaise, avenue

STRBEZL       VARCHAR(60)   YES         Full street name
                                        Full street name in the official language. Building names without
                                        street/house number, area, plot or hamlet names are handled in
                                        the same way as street names. There are no foreign language
                                        spellings of building names.

                                        Example: Eglise-Anglaise, avenue de l’

STRBEZ2K      VARCHAR(25)   YES         Abbreviated reorganized street name
                                        Abbreviated street names written Edelweiss, Chalet are changed to
                                        Chalet Edelweiss in this field.

                                        Example: avenue Eglise-Anglaise

STRBEZ2L      VARCHAR(60)   YES         Reorganized street name
                                        Street names written Edelweiss, Chalet, are changed to Chalet
                                        Edelweiss in this field.

                                        Example: avenue de l’Eglise-Anglaise

STR_LOK_TYP   NUMBER(2)     YES         Street location type
                                        The following code is used to differentiate:
                                        1 = Street name
                                        2 = Building name

STRBEZ_SPC    NUMBER(2)     YES         Street language
                                        The following code is used to differentiate:
                                        1 = German
                                        2 = French
                                        3 = Italian
                                        4 = Rhaeto-Romanic

STRBEZ_COFF   VARCHAR(1)    YES         Shows whether a name is officially recognized, i. e. by the political
                                        Y = official
                                        N = non-official

Field name     Field type    Mandatory   Comments
               (length)      field

STR_GANZFACH   VARCHAR(1)    NO          Complete address
                                         Shows whether or not the building name is defined as
                                         Y = complete
                                         N = not complete
                                         Zero = defined as
                                         STR_LOK_TYP 1 (street names) for the datasets

STR_FACH_      NUMBER(10)    NO          ONRP of the P.O. Box office
ONRP                                     ONRP value for the P.O. Box postcode in the address. The
                                         entries in the NEW_GEB record are set accordingly.

                                         Zero (0):
                                         If not all consignments to a complete address are delivered via
                                         the same P.O. Box office or for datasets with STR_LOK_TYP 1
                                         (street names) or if COMPLETE = ‘N’. Entries with COMPLETE =
                                         ‘Y’ in the NEW_BOT_B record are set so that consignments will
                                         be delivered to the delivery point responsible for delivering to
                                         the P.O. Box offices.

2.3.6 NEW_STRA

Field name     Field type    Mandatory   Comments
               (length)      field

REC_ART        VARCHAR(2)    YES         Record type “05”
                                         Designates the record type.

STRID_ALT      NUMBER(13)    YES         Primary key for alternative street names
                                         Primary key for alternative street names which is unique for each
                                         name in order to identify the alternative or foreign language street

STRID          NUMBER(13)    YES         Foreign key for street names (refers to NEW_STR).

STRTYP         NUMBER(2)     YES         Street type
                                         2 = Address with alternative street name (also always contains the
                                         key for the official street name and the house key)
                                         3 = Address with foreign language street name
                                         4 = Address with historic address

STRBEZAK       VARCHAR(25)   YES         Alternative street name
                                         (abbreviated or foreign language)
                                         Alternative abbreviated or foreign language street name for the
                                         official street name. Building names without street/house number,
                                         area, plot or hamlet names are handled in the same way as street
                                         names. This name may not be used in the address, or only in
                                         conjunction with the official street name.
                                         French language street names in Biel

                                         Example: Eglise-Anglaise, avenue

Field name    Field type    Mandatory   Comments
              (length)      field

STRBEZAL      VARCHAR(60)   YES         Alternative street name
                                        Alternative or foreign language street name for the official street
                                        name. Building nameswithout street/house number, area, plot or
                                        hamlet names are handled in the same way as street names. This
                                        name may not be used in the address, or only in conjunction with
                                        the official street name.
                                        French language street names in Biel

                                        Example: Eglise-Anglaise, avenue de l’

STRBEZA2K     VARCHAR(25)   YES         Reorganized alternative street name (abbreviated or foreign
                                        Abbreviated alternative or foreign language street names written
                                        Edelweiss, Chalet are changed to Chalet Edelweiss in this field.
                                        This name may not be used in the address, or only in conjunction
                                        with the official street name.
                                        French language street names in Biel

                                        Example: avenue Eglise-Anglaise

STRBEZA2L     VARCHAR(60)   YES         Reorganized alternative street name
                                        Abbreviated alternative or foreign language street names written
                                        Edelweiss, Chalet are changed to Chalet Edelweiss in this field.
                                        This name may not be used in the address, or only in conjunction
                                        with the official street name.
                                        French language street names in Biel

                                        Example: avenue de l’Eglise-Anglaise

STR_LOK_TYP   NUMBER(2)     YES         Street location type
                                        The following code is used to differentiate:
                                        1 = Street name
                                        2 = Building name

STRBEZ_SPC    NUMBER(2)     YES         Street language
                                        The following code is used to differentiate:
                                        1 = de
                                        2 = fr
                                        3 = it

2.3.7 NEW_GEB

Field name    Field type (length)   Mandatory   Comments

REC_ART       VARCHAR(2)            YES         Record type “06”
                                                Designates the record type.

HAUSKEY       NUMBER(13)            YES         House key
                                                Primary address key (house, house entrance).

STRID         NUMBER(13)            YES         Foreign key for street names (refers to NEW_STR).

HNR           NUMBER(4)             NO          House number
                                                Numerical part of the house number. For localities or areas where
                                                there are no official streets with house numbers, the official
                                                insurance number (building insurance number) will be used,
                                                irrespective of whether or not it is used for addressing.

HNRA          VARCHAR(6)            NO          Alphanumerical part of the house number

HNR_COFF      VARCHAR(1)            YES         House number status
                                                Shows whether a house number is officially recognized, i. e. by the
                                                political municipality.
                                                Y = official
                                                N = non-official

GANZFACH      VARCHAR(1)            NO          Complete house number
                                                Shows whether or not the house number is defined as complete
                                                Y = Complete
                                                N = Not complete
                                                The entries in the NEW_GEB record are set accordingly.

FACH_ONRP     NUMBER(10)            NO          ONRP of the P.O. Box office for complete addresses
                                                P.O. Box postcode key when STR_COMPLETE=‘Y’
                                                The entries in the NEW_GEB record are set accordingly.

                                                Zero (0):
                                                if not all consignments to a complete P.O. Box address are delivered
                                                via the same P.O. Box office or if COMPLETE = ‘N’. Entries with
                                                COMPLETE = ‘Y’ in the NEW_BOT_B record are set so that consign-
                                                ments will be delivered to the delivery point responsible for
                                                delivering to the P.O. Box offices.

2.3.8 NEW_GEBA

Field name      Field type          Mandatory    Comments
                (length)            field

REC_ART         VARCHAR(2)          YES          Record type “07”
                                                 Designates the record type.

HAUSKEY_ALT     NUMBER(13)          YES          Primary key for the alternative house name.

HAUSKEY         NUMBER(13)          YES          Foreign address key (house, house entrance). Refers to NEW_GEB

GEB_BEZ_ALT     VARCHAR(25)         YES          Additional building name
                                                 Additional building name if it has a street name with house

                                                 Example: Chalet Südegg (at Bahnhofstrasse 12)

GEBTYP          NUMBER(4)           YES          2 = Address with alternative building name

2.3.9 NEW_BOT_B

Field name     Field type       Mandatory   Comments
               (length)         field

REC_ART        VARCHAR(2)       YES         Record type “08”
                                            Designates the record type.

HAUSKEY        NUMBER(13)       YES         Foreign address key (house, house entrance). Refers to NEW_GEB.

APLZ           NUMBER(6)        YES         Address postcode.

BBZ-PLZ        NUMBER(6)        YES         Delivery postcode of the mail carrier district for letter delivery, for
                                            complete address, postcode of the P.O. Box office.

BOTENBEZ       NUMBER(6)        YES         The mail carrier district number is allocated by the delivery point.
                                            For complete addresses always district 999.
                                            District 999 is only delivered to if the entire address is delivered to
                                            by the same P.O. Box office (Field FACH_ONRP = not zero),
                                            otherwise the domicile district is delivered to.

ETAPPEN-NR     NUMBER(3)        YES         Sequence in district. Always 0 for complete addresses.

LAUF-NR        NUMBER(6)        YES         Sequence at stage. Always 0 for complete addresses.

NDEPOT         VARCHAR(60)      NO          Reload depot.

2.3.10 NEW_GEO (only for “Street directory with geographical coordinates including altitude

Field name     Field type       Mandatory   Comments
               (length)         field

REC_ART        VARCHAR(2)       YES         Record type “10”
                                            Designates the record type.

HAUSKEY        NUMBER(13)       YES         Foreign address key (house, house entrance). Refers to NEW_GEB.

RECHTS_KOORD   NUMBER(9,1)      YES         X coordinate (easting). Coordinate in the Swiss LV95 projection

HOCH_KOORD     NUMBER(9,1)      YES         Y coordinate (northing). Coordinate in the Swiss LV95 projection

HOEHE_KOORD    NUMBER(9,1)      YES         Z coordinate. Height of the target point in a grid of 5 by 5 metres
                                            from the Swiss Federal Office of Topography.

GBDE_STATUS    VARCHAR(1)       YES         Coordinate status
                                            P = provisional, missing source map
                                            D = definitive

STR_GEOPOST_   NUMBER(13)       YES         Unique street identification number.

ADR_GEOPOST_   NUMBER(38)       YES         Unique address identification number.

LAGE_BEZ       VARCHAR(60)      NO          Name of the building, if no building number is available.

2.3.11 NEW_HH (only for “Street directory with geographical coordinates including altitude

Field name     Field type      Mandatory   Comments
               (length)        field

REC_ART        VARCHAR(2)      YES         Record type “11”
                                           Designates the record type.

HAUSKEY        NUMBER(13)      YES         Foreign address key (house, house entrance). Refers to NEW_GEB.

HH_TOTAL       NUMBER(5)       NO          Total households at an address (= domicile delivery households +
                                           P.O. Box holder households).

HH_ZUSTELL     NUMBER(5)       NO          Number of domicile delivery households (P.O. Box holder
                                           households are not included).

HH_STOP        NUMBER(5)       NO          Number of households that do not want unaddressed items.

HH_EFH         NUMBER(1)       NO          Single-family home identifier
                                           – Y = single-family home
                                                 Values for HH_TOTAL should be interpreted as
                                                 HH_TOTAL = 1 -> dwelling with 1 apartment
                                                 HH_TOTAL = 2 -> dwelling with 2 apartments
                                                 HH_TOTAL = 0 -> single-family home not currently served
                                                 by Swiss Post, currently empty or being rebuilt.

                                           – N = not a single-family home

ANZ_NAT_PERS   NUMBER(5)       NO          Number of natural persons

ANZ_FIRMEN     NUMBER(5)       NO          Number of legal entities

2.3.12 NEW_GEB_COM (only for the street directories with "municipality numbers" and
       "geographical coordinates including altitude information")

Field name     Field type      Mandatory   Comments
               (length)        field

REC_ART        VARCHAR(2)      YES         Record type “12”
                                           Designates the record type.

HAUSKEY        NUMBER(13)      YES         Foreign address key (house, house entrance). Refers to NEW_GEB.

BFSNR          NUMBER(10)      YES         Foreign key to NEW_COM table that includes all municipalities.

GILT_AB        NUMBER(8)       YES         Date from which the information for the building is valid.

3.        Upstream services

Upstream services have two objectives:
– to separate consignments according to mail carrier districts and localities
– to sort consignments within a mail carrier district bundle according to delivery

Swiss Post only grants discounts for the upstream service carried out by the customer and/or does not
charge the additional fee for newspapers and magazines if both these objectives are achieved.

3.1       Route key

Sorting consignments according to route requires the route key. This identifies every individual delivery
point throughout Switzerland.

The route order key is a 29-digit key made up of the information in street directory as shown in the fol-
lowing table:

 Digits               Attribute           Record               Data field

 1–6                  Address postcode    NEW_PLZ1             POSTLEITZAHL + PLZ_ZZ

 7–12                 Mail carrier        NEW_BOT_B            BBZ-PLZ
                      district postcode

 13–16                Mail carrier        NEW_BOT_B            BOTENBEZ

 17–18                Stage number        NEW_BOT_B            ETAPPEN-NR

 19–24                Route number        NEW_BOT_B            LAUF-NR

 25–29                House letterbox     –                    “00000”

If a street or house is not recognized or if there are fewer than five copies for a mail carrier district, the
copies concerned will be combined in a locality bundle (per address postcode).

If the value for BBZ_PLZ = “000000”, the route key will be formed by adding zeros for digits 7–29. These
copies will also be placed in a locality bundle per POSTCODE.

Copies which are addressed to a P.O. Box will be sorted into a P.O. Box bundle. This is identified by the
mail carrier district number 999; the content does not need to be sorted according to route.

The consignments must be arranged in ascending order within the bundle, i.e. in the direction in which
the mail carrier will travel.

Information about bundle names can be found in the “Upstream services” specification at

3.2      Quality assurance

To ensure that up-to-date data are used, the data set valid from the first Monday of a calendar month (or
more recently) must be applied. When sending addressed bulk mailings (PP), the data must not be more
than 60 days old. For newspapers and magazines, the data must be as recent as possible and no more
than 30 days old.

The version of the respective “Street directory” used is indicated on the sort protocol. This enables Swiss
Post to recognize which data version has been used for pre-sorting. The listing of the data version is
handled differently for addressed bulk mailings (PP) and for newspapers and magazines.

3.2.1 Quality assurance for addressed bulk mailings (PP)

For addressed bulk mailings (PP), the version of the respective “Street directory” used is indicated on the
sort protocol in text form (see "Sortierfile-Datum").

       Post CH AG
       Version PostMail

       Rechnungsreferenznummer (RRN)                        999999999

       Absender/Bundzettel-Information                      Aufgeber
       Test AG                                              Test-Druck AG
       Teststrasse 1                                        Musterstrasse 2
       3011 Bern                                            80000 München
       Schweiz                                              Deutschland

       Kundenreferenz/Bemerkungen/Objekt                    Herbstkatalog 2

       Produkt/Versandart                                   OnTime Mail Standard 1 Werktag

       Aufgabedatum                                         12.08.2019

       Sortierfile-Datum                                    05.08.2019

       Zustelldatum OnTime Mail                             16.08.2019

       Bund-Art                            Anzahl Bunde                       Anzahl Sendungen
       Botenbezirk                         1’987                               99’333
       Postfach                               40                                2’000
       Ort                                   185                                9’257
       Rest 1 – 9                             52                                2’590
       Total                               2’264                              113’180

       Gebinde-Art                         Anzahl Gebinde                     Anzahl Sendungen
       Ort                                  22                                  8’610
       Leitgebiet                          104                                 99’991
       Zentrum                               2                                  1’897
       Rest 1 – 9                            3                                  2’682
       Total                               131                                113’180

      Software: «Name der Software»
Extract from a sortSortierprotokoll
    Prüfdatum/Post: protocol        geprüft am «»

3.2.2 Quality assurance for newspapers and magazines

For newspapers and magazines, the version of the respective “Street directory” used is indicated in the
form of a barcode.

Barcode data structure

 Digits            Attribute         Source                     Data field / value

 1–5               –                 Fixed value                “98924”

 6−8               –                 Fixed value                “000”

 9−13              Newspaper         Customer                   Five-digit newspaper number

 14–18             Random code       NEW_HEA                    ZCODE

Barcode specifications
A 128 code is used in accordance with ISO/IEC standard 15417.
Code 128 uses four different section widths in the module ratio 4:1.

Your barcodes can be read reliably if they satisfy the following requirements:

Printer resolution
Use a printer with a physical resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Module width
The module width must be 0.508 mm.

The bars must be printed evenly in matt black printing ink with good edge definition.

Contrast factor (PCS)
The contrast factor (PCS: Print Contrast Signal, dimensionless value according to DIN EN 797) must be grea-
ter than 0.7, for a wavelength range of between 620 and 900 nm. This contrast factor can be reliably achie-
ved on light, matt paper with a faultless black code printout.

Light resistance (opacity)
The opacity of the label material must be at least 0.75 percent (DIN 53 146, ISO 1831). This value can be
lower if the surface of the consignment is white and has no patterns or structures.

Quality standard
The print quality must comply with level B in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 15416.

  Barcodes printed on pure white paper using a modern laser printer generally satisfy the

4.     Order, contact and advice
You can obtain the current “Street directory with sorting data” free of charge via the download center
for the “Address and geodata” online service in Swiss Post’s Customer Center (
services). All you need is a Swiss Post user account.

The “Street directory with geographical coordinates including altitude information” and “Street direc-
tory with municipality numbers” files are provided on the basis of a licence agreement. For a personal
consultation or an individual quotation, please contact your customer advisor or get in touch directly
with our team of advisors:

Post CH Ltd
Address Competence Center
Sternmatt 6
P.O. Box
6010 Kriens 2

Tel. +41 58 386 67 67

Further information on our address and geodata service can also be found at

5.     Annex

5.1    Canton abbreviations

Canton abbreviations are identical to those found on car number plates.

For municipalities and postcodes in the Principality of Liechtenstein, the canton “FL” is designated in
accordance with the official list of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS).

For localities in Germany with a Swiss postcode, Swiss Post has defined “DE” for the “canton” field.

 Canton           Canton

 AG               Aargau

 AI               Appenzell Innerrhoden

 AR               Appenzell Ausserrhoden

 BE               Bern

 BL               Basel-Landschaft

 AC               Basel-Stadt

 FL               Principality of Liechtenstein

 FR               Fribourg

 GE               Geneva

 EB               Glarus

 GR               Graubünden

 JU               Jura

 LU               Lucerne

 NE               Neuchâtel

 NW               Nidwalden

 OW               Obwalden

 SG               St. Gallen

 SH               Schaffhausen

 SO               Solothurn

 SZ               Schwyz

 TG               Thurgau

 TI               Ticino

 UR               Uri

 VD               Vaud

 VS               Valais

 ZG               Zug

 ZH               Zurich

 DE               Germany (only for 8238 Büsingen)

2020-085 (LS) 01.2021

Post CH Ltd       
Address Competence Center   Tel. +41 58 386 67 67
Sternmatt 6       
P.O. Box
6010 Kriens 2

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