Exploring Maps - Information - What else is here?

Page created by Ruben Graves
Exploring Maps — Information

What else is here?                        purpose. Maps are the result of            actual size on the ground. Scale can
                                          conscious design decisions.                be indicated three ways. The bar
Maps are made for many reasons,           Cartographers decide how to                scale is a line or bar that has tick
and as a result, maps are of many         generalize and symbolize what they         marks for units of distance. The bar
kinds. Some made for general              are trying to show. They select            scale is especially important because
purposes may show roads, towns and        features (or themes) to show and           it remains accurate when a map is
cities, rivers and lakes, parks, and      omit other features. They often            enlarged or reduced. A verbal scale
State and local boundaries. One           generalize the data, simplifying the       explains scale in words: “one inch
example of such a versatile map, or       information so that the map is easier      represents 2,000 feet.” The
base map, is the 1938 topographic         to read.                                   representative fraction is a ratio
map which portrays natural and                                                       such as 1:24,000, in which the
man-made features of an area. Other       In choosing the scale, mapmakers           numerator (l) represents units on the
maps are much more specific,              determine how large an area they can       map and the denominator (24,000)
conveying information primarily on        map and how much detail they can           represents units on the ground; in the
a single topic. A map that depicts        show. The selection of symbols             example of 1:24,000 scale, one unit
earthquake occurrences throughout         (which can include lines, patterns,        (any unit—feet, millimeters, miles,
the United States is a good example       and colors) also affects the legibility,   etc.) on the map represents 24,000 of
of a special-purpose map, or              aesthetics, and utility of the map.        the same units on the ground.
thematic map. Every map is made
for a purpose and serves that purpose     Cartography blends science and art.        Scale controls the amount of detail
best.                                     A beautiful map may become                 and the extent of area that can be
                                          popular, even though it may be less        shown. Scales can be described in
The history of civilization has been      accurate than a plainer version.           relative terms as large scale,
illustrated by maps—battle maps by        Details of cartographic style affect       intermediate scale, and small scale.
soldiers, exploration maps by empire      how a map is perceived, and                A large scale map (for example, the
builders, thematic maps by scientists.    perception varies with perspective.        1886 Sanborn map, originally at
By modern convention, and for no          In short, people understand the world      1:600 scale) shows detail of a small
scientific reason, modern maps are        differently, have different modes of       area; a small scale map (for
usually oriented with north at the        expressing this understanding in           example, the 1877 geologic map of
top. But Al Idrisi’s 1154 world map       maps, and gain different                   north-central Colorado, originally at
shows the Arabian Peninsula in the        understanding from maps.                   1:253,440 scale) shows less detail,
top center of the map, with south at                                                 but a larger area. (A comparison of
the top. Contrast this map with the       Geographic features can be shown at        representative fractions shows that
1452 Leardo world map. Different          different sizes and levels of detail by    1/600 is larger than 1/253,440.)
societies in different places literally   using scale. Maps include selected
have different perspectives, which        basic geographic information to            The humourous 1893 quotation from
may result from differences in            provide context. Every map has a           Lewis Carroll (on Poster Side 2)
physical geography, language,             purpose or theme. The map design,          illustrates this point by taking scale
religion, cultural values and             which includes artistic aspects such       to the extreme. Some small scale
traditions, and history.                  as composition and balance, affects        maps are regional compilations of
                                          the success of the map—that is, its        more detailed maps, bringing
Even within a culture, a time, and a      ability to communicate.                    information together for the first
geographic realm, maps can vary                                                      time at a common scale.
widely. This is because a map shows       Scale is the relationship between the
the cartographer’s bias as well as the    size of a feature on the map and its

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey                                                                                                —1—
Exploring Maps — Information

Context is information that serves to    of reality, will look for clues to the   Generalization and grouping
orient the map reader to the mapped      cartographer’s purposes and biases.      dramatically affect the message the
place. As you look at the maps in the                                             map presents by simplifying the data.
Poster Side 1, you may look for          The information collected for a
familiar features (such as the “boot”    mapping project is called spatial        The success of a thematic map
of Italy) to identify the area shown.    data. Any object or characteristic       depends on map design. Scientific
Geographic information that              that can be assigned a geographic        maps like Edmund Halley’s 1701
provides context can include             location can be considered spatial       map of compass variations usually
coastlines, boundaries, roads, rivers    data. Spatial data always include        show only enough geographic data to
and lakes, cities and towns,             location, but many also include          orient the user, while emphasizing
topographic features, place names,       values to be represented.                the content. Halley, for whom the
and latitude and longitude.                                                       comet is named, pioneered several
                                         These two kinds of information are       cartographic techniques. The 1701
Distortion is another important          qualitative data (for example,           map introduced isolines, lines of
aspect of context; every flat map of a   schools, roads, rivers, States) and      equal value, a technique now used on
curved surface is distorted. The         quantitative data (for example,          topographic and other kinds of maps.
choice of map projection determines      altitudes, amount of precipitation,      The1886 Sanborn fire map includes
how, where, and how much a map is        per capita income, population            as much as it business purpose
distorted. It is important to            density). Qualitative data, while not    requires, but nothing more.
understand the kind and amount of        numeric values, may be ranked, as in     Triangulation maps, such as the 1744
distortion on the map sheet. The         categories of roads or schools.          map of France, show the network of
typical mapping project now plots                                                 points and lines, in this case
information on a base map, which         Quantitative data can be treated in      colorfully framed within national
shows where the place is and             many ways. The cartographer may          boundaries. The 1989 earthquake
establishes the scale, orientation,      first decide to generalize data.         map of the United States indicates
context, and spatial distortion of the   Several closely spaced points may be     the relative hazard by a contoured
information to be mapped. The type       generalized to one symbol; features      and colored surface, which also
and scale of the mapping project         may be eliminated as map scale is        shows State boundaries.
affect the choice of base map.           reduced; questionable data may be
Digital, or computerized, mapping        eliminated where other data are
frees the cartographer from some         sufficient.
constraints imposed by a base map,
because features can be readily          Likewise, grouping of data can be
selected or deleted, and the             done in different ways. Large ranges
projection and scale can be changed      of numbers may be grouped with
easily.                                  breaks at round numbers (for
                                         example, 10, 20, 30) or at statistical
A map’s purpose is usually clear         mean and standard deviation values;
from its title and explanation, but      in this case, the individual points
other information (author, date,         may be mapped in various colors or
publisher, source of funding, etc.)      sizes to correspond with group
hints at why and for whom the map        values. Another way to group data is
was made. A knowledgeable map            within geographic areas, using colors
reader, recognizing that a map is        or symbols for areas, rather than
both a simplification and a distortion   symbols at each data location.

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey                                                                                            —2—
Exploring Maps — Information

Activity I:                                 points to see the pattern in the
On the Trail of Knowledge                   data. Decide on symbols to use
                                            in plotting the data. Consider
                                            making a sample plot of some
Plot the earthquake epicenter data
                                            data points to test symbol size,
(figs. 1-2), on the base map of the
                                            color, etc.
North Atlantic ocean floor. Use
different symbols or colors to
                                        3. Plot data points by latitude and
characterize different values.
                                           longitude coordinates on the
                                           base map. Use a ruler as needed
                                           to help estimate locations
                                           between latitude and longitude
One 50-minute class period.
                                           lines. Choose a descriptive title,
                                           and make a scale and legend for
                                           the map.
•    Earthquake data (fig. 2)
                                        4. Discuss the pattern revealed
•    Base map (fig. 1)                     from mapping the data. Discuss
                                           the fact that two tsunami
•    Colored pens or pencils               warning centers monitor the
                                           Pacific Ocean, but none
•    Ruler                                 monitors the Atlantic. What does
                                           this imply about magnitudes of
•    Scrap paper                           earthquakes in the Pacific
                                           Ocean? (Note that Magellan
                                           commented on the
                                           appropriateness of the name of
                                           the Pacific Ocean.)
1. Study the data to learn what
   information you have and to
   determine the range of values.       Extension:
   This may be easiest to do by
                                        Referring to the 1957 map of the
   reorganizing the data in a new
                                        ocean floor, and the quotation from
   list or table. What are the lowest
                                        Tharp’s book, discuss this example
   and highest magnitude values?
                                        of the process of scientific discovery.
   Considering that the Richter
   scale of earthquake magnitude
   includes values from 0 to about
   9, are mid-Atlantic earthquakes
   weak, medium, or strong?

2. Consider generalizing or
   grouping data to simplify the
   mapping. In other words, decide
   whether you need to map all

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey                                                            —3—
Exploring Maps — Information
                                                         Latitude   Longitude   Magnitude
Earthquake data for 1990
                                                         21.77S     13.13W      4.7
Area from latitude 45EN to 45ES, longitude 0EE           32.14S     14.10W      4.4
to 45EW.                                                 30.73N     41.66W      4.6
                                                         27.13N     44.46W      4.7
                                                         33.65N     38.57W      4.8
Note: Magnitudes are measured on the Richter scale,
in which every 1 point difference in magnitude           6.44N      33.08W      5.1
represents a ten-fold difference in energy released by   33.74N     33.29W      4.8
an earthquake.                                           13.50N     44.79W      4.3
From U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake         7.37N      35.29W      5.7
Information Center’s global hypocenter data base.        17.20S     14.28W      4.6

                                                         0.54S      19.76W      4.6
                                                         14.64N     23.52W      4.2
                                                         8.47N      37.50W      4.7
                                                         3.62N      31.55W      4.7
                                                         1.21S      24.42W      5.1

                                                         38.37S     16.59W      5.0
                                                         26.71N     44.61W      4.5
                                                         0.94N      26.53W      4.9
                                                         23.63S     13.41W      4.6
                                                         28.45N     43.74W      5.3

                                                         44.75S     15.60W      4.8
                                                         4.52S      12.29W      5.1
                                                         0.07S      17.52W      5.8
                                                         44.62N     28.38W      4.8
                                                         4.37S      10.78W      4.8

                                                         0.54S      14.27W      4.8
                                                         39.91N     29.68W      4.3
                                                         37.10N     33.04W      4.4
                                                         7.14N      34.20W      4.8
                                                         0.96N      28.81W      5.2

                                                         35.43N     35.65W      6.0
                                                         17.70S     13.25W      5.1
                                                         9.53N      40.60W      4.9
                                                         13.97S     14.51W      5.0
                                                         41.31N     29.35W      4.5

                                                         27.72N     44.08W      4.9
                                                         0.26S      20.89W      4.8
                                                         24.89S     13.58W      4.6
                                                         43.65S     16.16W      5.3
                                                         0.06S      16.67W      5.0

                                                         7.62N      36.03W      5.0
                                                         35.21S     17.13W      4.9
                                                         8.28N      38.51W      4.0
                                                         43.73N     28.86W      5.7
                                                         2.16N      30.74W      4.7

                                                         0.98N      26.70W      4.5
                                                         42.55S     16.14W      5.4
Fig. 1                                                   21.03S     11.48W      4.9
                                                         1.13S      24.44W      4.9
                                                                                      Fig. 2

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey                                                                —4—
Exploring Maps — Information
Activity II:                          •   Graph paper                          issues in class to clarify the
Maps With a “Spin”                                                             point of view of each group.
                                      •   Colored pencils or markers           Evaluate maps in newspapers.
In teams of three or four students,                                            Do they have “spin?” Break
research and map the effects of a     •   Stapler                              the class into the working
proposed airport three miles                                                   groups.
outside of town. Each team is to      Procedures:
prepare a presentation based on a                                           4. Evaluate data and sketch a
set of maps it makes. Teams will      1. As a class, collect basic             few test maps. Select only the
represent different points of view:      geographic data from various          data that support your point of
town government, homeowner’s             sources: government, local            view or need for information.
associations, business interests,        libraries, student observations,      Remember the importance of
developers, and State or county          businesses, and other                 good choice of color,
government. Teams will                   organizations. For example,           attractive lettering, and other
emphasize different information.         zoning and development                aspects of map design in
All teams must use the same data,        regulations, weather records,         presenting information.
but each team can decide how to          locations of landfills and other
generalize the data and map the          waste sites, data on land use      5. Prepare the final copies of
patterns they want to present.           (residential, farming,                materials for a town meeting.
                                         commercial, governmental,             Make final copies of maps; be
Time:                                    recreational), boundaries of          sure each map has a legend
                                         school districts, locations of        and cites sources of
Three evenings of homework for           fire departments and fire             information. Be able to defend
steps 1-3.                               hydrants, water supplies,             your choice of map type,
                                         pipelines and powerlines,             symbols, colors, and
Two 50-minute classes for steps 4        natural hazards (flood plains,        generalization or groupings of
and 5.                                   landslides, earthquake risk           data. Write notes or a
                                         zones), special scenic or             paragraph to briefly explain
One 50-minute class for step 6.          historic sites, transportation        what each map shows; these
                                         features, wildlife refuges, and       will be your speaking notes
Materials needed for each                so on.                                for the town meeting.
                                      2. Sort the data by type:             6. Have a class “town meeting”
•    Base map of your locality           economic, climatic,                   where the maps are presented
     (several copies)                    demographic, and so on.               and the issues are discussed.
                                         Select data sets that are             Allow each group 4 minutes
•    Geographic data from which          especially important for              to present its views, after
     to select map topics                consideration in planning an          which each group has 1
                                         airport.                              minute for rebuttal. The
•    Local newspapers                                                          teacher or a student may act as
                                      3. Research local newspapers to          moderator, keeping the
•    Calculators                         identify interest groups active       meeting on time and on track.
                                         in local issues; briefly discuss

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey                                                                                   —5—
Exploring Maps — Information
Glossary:                         Additional activities:                  Recommended reading:

base map                          Evaluate news coverage of a local       Monmonier, Mark. How to Lie
                                  development issue that uses maps.         with Maps. Chicago:
compilation                       What kinds of maps are being              University of Chicago Press,
                                  used? Do the maps appear biased?          1991.
context                           How? Do different news
                                  organizations present different         Wood, Denis. The Power of
distortion                        opinions, biases, or maps with            Maps. London: The Guilford
                                  different information? What seem          Press, 1992.
generalization                    to be the most effective ways to
                                  affect public opinion with maps?
                                  Invite a geologist to class to talk
isoline                           about plate tectonics, perhaps
                                  looking at California earthquakes
map design                        or the geologic story of the
                                  Hawaiian Islands, the Himalayas,
orientation                       or a nearby National Park.

qualitative                       Select two quotations, from the
                                  poster information, that seem
quantitative                      especially pertinent to this activity
                                  sheet, and write an essay that
scale                             discusses the ideas of both
  bar scale

  representative fraction scale

  verbal scale

  large scale

  small scale

spatial data

thematic map

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey                                                                               —6—
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