Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens

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Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens

Unlocking why plants
and fungi matter
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens

     4 Foreword
     5 Unlocking why plants and fungi matter
     8 Looking to the future
       11 Our objectives

    14 Delivering our objectives
       14 Collections for the benefit of humankind
       17 S
           cience that helps solve the critical challenges
          facing humanity today
       19 Creating the world’s leading botanic gardens
       21 Sharing our knowledge through education
       23 A sustainable and dynamic organisation

    26 Achieving impact
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens

            Critical challenges
            facing humanity

                                                          Biodiversity loss

          Human population growth                     1

                                                      Plant diseases

      Food security

    United Nations Department of Economic and
    Social Affairs: http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/

                                                  Climate change
    Graphs/Probabilistic/POP/TOT                                 2
    Davis et al. 2012, PLoS ONE 7(11)
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens

Unlocking Why Plants and Fungi Matter is our vision for how
a better understanding of plants and fungi will contribute
to solving some of the most critical challenges facing
humanity today.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is already a world famous
centre for botanical and mycological knowledge. Our two
inspiring gardens enchant our visitors with the wonder of
the world’s plant diversity; and we reach beyond our garden
walls to excite and educate individuals and communities.
Delivering this strategy will build on these successes
as we aim to be the global resource for plant and fungal
knowledge, building an understanding of the world’s plants
and fungi upon which all our lives depend.
Our goal is that every person who interacts with RBG Kew
will discover something amazing about the world of plants
and fungi, the importance of their diversity, and how
all our lives can be improved through appreciating and
understanding that diversity better. From showcasing the
beauty of plant diversity in the Great Broad Walk Borders
at Kew Gardens to digitising our scientific collections and
releasing the data for others to use, we will be unlocking
why plants and fungi matter.
This is an exciting time in RBG Kew’s history. We are stewards
of this organisation and the accumulated knowledge of our
collections, data and people. By delivering this strategy
successfully, our organisation will be stronger, we will reach
and inspire more people, and contribute to solutions to our
planet’s most serious contemporary challenges.

Marcus Agius                         Richard Deverell
Chairman                             Director
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens

    Unlocking why plants
    and fungi matter
    Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew’s mission is to
    be the global resource for plant and fungal
    knowledge, building an understanding of the
    world’s plants and fungi upon which all our
    lives depend.
    We use the power of our science and the
    rich diversity of our gardens and collections
    to provide knowledge, inspiration and
    understanding of why plants and fungi matter
    to everyone.
    We want a world where plants and fungi are
    understood, valued and conserved – because
    all our lives depend on them.
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens

Looking to
the future
The world needs RBG Kew now            From its earliest days, the success
more than ever, and RBG Kew            of RBG Kew has been interwoven
has more to offer the world in         with the economic success of the
response. This document sets out       United Kingdom and the wellbeing
our ambitions, our contemporary        of people across the globe.
relevance, and the key activities
that will be our focus over the next   This strategy builds on the
five years.                            successes of the past, allowing
                                       RBG Kew to fully use the strengths
RBG Kew has constantly evolved         of our heritage and the accumulated
in response to the demands and         collections, knowledge and data we
needs of society over the 250          hold, while focusing on the urgent
years since Kew Gardens was            needs of society today.
established by Princess Augusta.
Unlocking why plants and fungi matter - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew strategy to 2020/21 - Kew Gardens

    Loss of biodiversity, climate          Through increasing understanding       RBG Kew staff are authentic and
    change, rapidly-spreading pests        of why plants and fungi matter,        passionate experts who share their
    and diseases, human population         RBG Kew unlocks their potential.       knowledge, stimulating curiosity
    growth, and the associated             This is an urgent task. We face        and debate. Our many visitors
    challenges of food security are        unprecedented losses of biodiversity   love the beauty and diversity of
    causing unprecedented stress           and rapid environmental change,        our gardens and our activities
    on human societies around the          and risk losing the precious secrets   beyond the garden walls inspire
    world. Plants and fungi hold the       that plants and fungi can give us      millions more. We will use the
    key to help solve these challenges     before we discover them. If we         unique combination of our data-
    through the fundamental life-giving    are successful in achieving our        rich collections, our science and
    processes they drive, the properties   strategy, ecosystems and human         our gardens to become the global
    they contain, and the materials and    societies across the globe will be     voice for unlocking why plants and
    food they provide.                     more resilient.                        fungi matter. If we are successful

in achieving our strategy, people all   We have set ourselves five strategic
around the world will have a greater    objectives to move RBG Kew forward
understanding of why plants and         successfully into the next decade.
fungi matter.

RBG Kew’s work ultimately benefits
every human being on the planet
today and in the future. We have a
profound responsibility, our strategy
is ambitious and it builds on the
purpose and work of RBG Kew
through its history.

     Our objectives

                                Our science makes
                                  a demonstrable
                               contribution to solving
                                 critical challenges
                               facing humanity today

                              Our collections are
     We are valued as the
     pre-eminent provider
                             curated to excellent           We are the world’s leading
                                                             botanic gardens where
      of public education      standards and are              our large and diverse
      on plant and fungal
     science, conservation
                              widely used for the            audiences develop their
                                                              understanding of why
        and horticulture     benefit of humankind            plants and fungi matter

                                 We are a sustainable
                                      and dynamic
                                 organisation, making
                               positive global impacts in
                                partnership with others

Delivering our
Collections for the
benefit of humankind
The size and diversity of RBG Kew’s      These collections are at the heart
collections are unique. They are         of our future success. We will
a huge database for plant and            curate them to excellent standards,
fungal diversity knowledge: one          ensuring we are responsible
of the largest and most diverse          stewards for these invaluable
global herbariums of dried, pressed      assets. We will continue to develop
plant specimens and the largest          our collections, ensuring they
fungarium in the world; the largest      remain of contemporary relevance.
living plant collection of any botanic   We will open up our collections,
garden and the world’s largest wild      including the valuable data they
plant DNA and tissue bank, and the       hold, ensuring they are widely used
only global wild plant seed bank.        for active scientific purposes that
                                         benefit humankind.

     More than seven million herbarium sheets, including 330,000
     type specimens that were used to describe new species

        1.25 million dried fungal specimens,
        the largest such collection in the world

           Nearly 180,000 individual plants from over 30,000
           taxa, including 1,300 threatened species in our gardens

     50,000 samples of DNA from over 35,000
     species of plants in our DNA bank

                    More than 2 billion seeds, from 36,000 species of
                    plants in the Millennium Seed Bank in Wakehurst

RBG Kew is a collections-based           largest database of plant diversity     crops. They can be used for
organisation, but many people are        for the world. Through portals such     research, innovation and as the
not aware of the incredible assets       as Plants of the World Online and       ultimate insurance against
that we hold and care for.               the Useful Plants & Fungi Portal, we    species extinction.
                                         will bring together data, information
We aim to digitise our collections, to   and insight on the diversity of the     Through our combined actions on
complement the physical collections.     plant and fungal kingdoms and           banking endangered seeds and
We will explore opportunities to join    their uses.                             our horticultural expertise, we are
forces with other botanic gardens                                                saving species from extinction. Our
and herbaria across the UK to            The Millennium Seed Bank                living collection holds around 1,300
create a National Digital Herbarium,     Partnership is the world’s              species of conservation interest1,
pooling the resources of the UK’s        largest ex-situ plant conservation      including 13 species that are
plant collections to ensure our          programme, aiming to bank               extinct in the wild. Our horticultural
nation builds its reputation as the      seeds from 25% of the world’s           teams are experts in growing plants
global leader in plant taxonomy.         plant species by 2020. Through          that have never been propagated,
                                         partnerships in more than 80            working with other botanical
We will release digitised data as        countries, we focus on banking          gardens around the world to ensure
Open Data, providing an invaluable       endangered, endemic and                 their continued survival.
resource for scientists and              economically valuable species
innovators liberating the world’s        including the wild relatives of

                                                                                   Defined by IUCN Red List criteria of
                                                                                 ‘Extinct in the Wild’, ‘Critically Endangered’,
                                                                                 ‘Endangered’ and ‘Vulnerable’

     Science that helps solve
     the critical challenges
     facing humanity today
     We published our Science Strategy       in Ethiopia or yams in Madagascar,     The report will provide new
     in February 2015, setting our           diseases and pests such as fungal      evidence and perspectives on a
     vision to document and understand       pathogens, and chemical traits and     range of key issues, and act as an
     global plant and fungal diversity,      properties of plants and fungi used    important horizon-scan to identify
     and its uses, bringing authoritative    in traditional medicinal remedies,     strategic research and policy
     expertise to bear on the critical       will help us find solutions to the     priorities for the UK and overseas.
     challenges facing humanity.             critical challenges we face.
                                                                                    One in five of the world’s plants
     Food security, ecosystem resilience,    We will release an annual State of     is threatened with extinction.
     and human populations that rely         the World’s Plants report, providing   Many of these occur in the tropics
     on a healthy environment are all        an overview of the status of the       where extinction continues through
     in danger as a result of climate        plant kingdom. Our scientists will     humanity’s destruction of habitats.
     change, and the loss of habitat and     combine their extensive knowledge      The Tropical Important Plant Areas
     biodiversity. Our scientific research   and expertise in an authoritative      initiative will assess the highest
     into plant resources such as coffee     evaluation of the status of plants.    priority areas for plant conservation,

providing mapping tools for use          comparative plant and fungal
across seven countries by 2020           research. This will accelerate the
to assist conservation action by         discovery of new taxa, particularly
our partners.                            in less well-known groups, as well
                                         as facilitating the exploration of
Our understanding of the diversity       previously undiscovered properties
of plant and fungal life is constantly   and uses.
growing. To better understand how
the world’s plants and fungi are
related to each other, and how
they evolved, we will complete the
Plant and Fungal Trees of Life.
This comprehensive investigation
of evolutionary relationships will
provide a unifying framework for

     Creating the
     world’s leading
     botanic gardens
     Our two botanic gardens, at            We aspire to take every visitor on      We will create distinctive, high
     Kew Gardens in west London             an exciting journey through the         quality experiences in our gardens,
     and Wakehurst in the Sussex            diversity of the plant and fungal       to attract a broader audience from
     countryside, display the diversity     kingdoms, inspiring them with the       across the UK and worldwide. We
     of plant life from around the world    importance of plants and fungi in       want our botanic gardens to be a
     within spectacular landscapes.         their lives. We connect with visitors   reason for people to visit the UK and
     Kew Gardens is a UNESCO World          through their love for the beauty of    for British residents to make the
     Heritage Site, recognising the         plants. We will achieve this through    journey across the country. We want
     historical and contemporary            continually improving the gardens,      our visitors to be representative
     interaction of the natural and built   bringing our collections and science    of society and will positively act to
     landscapes with the botanical          to life.                                ensure there are opportunities for
     science conducted within them.                                                 a greater diversity of people to be
                                                                                    drawn into our gardens.
We are developing a series of new      At Wakehurst we will open up
experiences to engage children         more of our country estate to
with plants and fungi. A new           visitors, focusing on wild plants
children’s garden at Kew Gardens       from wild places. Through outreach
will be created, providing a natural   projects we will enlist millions of
and exciting area for playing and      people across the world to join
learning. Our annual Family Science    with us in unlocking why plants and
Festival will uncover the amazing      fungi matter. We will also engage a
hidden secrets of the plant and        global audience through the latest
fungal kingdoms through games          online opportunities, sharing our
and activities. Engaging the next      passion for plants and fungi in our
generation is crucial to achieving     ‘virtual garden’.
our mission.

     Sharing our knowledge
     through education

RBG Kew holds the accumulated        ambitious plans to expand and         applications for academia,
knowledge and expertise from         deepen our engagement.                government, industry and
250 years of world-leading                                                 consultancy. Complementing this
mycological and botanical science,   RBG Kew’s School of Horticulture      Masters course, we will continue
conservation and horticulture. We    provides world class vocational       to provide opportunities for PhD
have learned much and want to        training for botanical horticulture   students to partner with us, and
share that learning by providing     skills. Through an active             provide a series of specialist
high quality public education        apprenticeship programme, the         botany courses for scientists from
programmes for school groups,        world famous Kew Diploma in           around the world.
apprentices, higher and further      Horticulture, and new modular
education students, professionals,   courses in horticulture, we aim to    We will not just educate
and keen amateurs alike.             be the global leader in botanical     professionals, and we are creating
                                     horticulture education.               a series of courses aimed at the
Our structured schools programmes                                          keen amateur and enthusiast.
bring the curriculum to life for     In 2015 we introduced the Masters     Horticultural and scientific skills
school students, and our teacher     in Science course in Plant and        enrich the lives of everyone who
training programmes enable the       Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity            learns them, enabling everyone to
wonders of the plant and fungal      and Conservation. This course         unlock why plants and fungi matter
kingdoms to inspire students in      addresses skills gaps in taxonomy     for them.
school classrooms across the         and systematics. We will train a
country. We host around 90,000       new generation of taxonomists
students per year, and have          in cross-disciplinary skills with

     A sustainable and
     dynamic organisation
     RBG Kew will only be able to           RBG Kew acts in a distinctive          strategy. We will seek partnerships
     achieve the positive global impact     way that makes the most of our         with individuals, businesses,
     it aspires to if it is a sustainable   strengths. We care deeply about        governments, universities, other
     and dynamic organisation. This         the future of the planet, the plant    charities and public sector bodies
     requires us to ensure that we have     and fungal kingdoms and all            who share our ambitions.
     talented and motivated people,         people around the world who rely       Through partnership and
     21st century built and technological   on a healthy environment. We are       collaboration we will create a
     infrastructure, an organisational      authentic and passionate experts,      world where plants and fungi are
     culture that supports successful       collaborating and sharing our          understood, valued and conserved.
     delivery, and a positive reputation    knowledge to stimulate curiosity
     that underpins our ability to          and debate, celebrating beauty         Securing our long-term financial
     forge productive partnerships          and encouraging a life-long love       health underpins all our ambitions.
     with organisations around the          of plants. We cherish the diversity    We will achieve this through
     world. Financial health will be the    of our collections, and value the      our positive relationships with
     foundation for all of this.            diversity of our people and everyone   government, building our charitable
                                            we work with. We are ambitious         supporter base and growing our
     Our staff and volunteers will be       and bold, with a strong desire to      self-generated income, as well as
     supported and cared for. We want to    innovate and improve.                  operating as efficiently as possible.
     recruit and retain the most talented                                          We deliver public value, achieve
     individuals, and will find ways to     We will work internationally,          our charitable purpose and provide
     provide reward and recognition for     across the UK and with our local       enjoyable and inspiring services
     their work. Without them, none of      communities around Kew Gardens         to our direct customers. All these
     our ambitions will be delivered.       and Wakehurst to achieve our           elements are mutually supportive.

Our expertise will influence the        Kew Foundation is a charity that
development of policies in the UK       supports RBG Kew. It is a crucial
and around the world. RBG Kew           partner in raising funds for our
has been directed by Parliament to      activities and for helping us build a
deliver six general functions set out   network of financial supporters in
in the National Heritage Act, 19831.    the UK and across the globe.
We directly support the Department
of Environment, Food and Rural          RBG Kew operates in a competitive
Affairs in achieving their priorities   marketplace for visitors and so we
for improving the environment and       remain acutely tuned to the needs
safeguarding plant health. RBG Kew      of our existing and potential future
also supports wider UK government       customers. This attention to our
objectives, through our international   customers stimulates innovation
collaborations, contributions           and drives us to develop inspiring
to wellbeing and development            products that underpin our mission
across the globe, in educating and      and positively contribute to our
inspiring the next generation of        financial health.
scientists, and in promoting the
UK as a destination for scientists
and tourists.


We are embarking on an ambitious period in      •	Number of citations from RBG Kew’s
our history. To ensure we keep on track, we        scientific publications
will focus on eight priority initiatives:
                                                •	Total science income drawn down in-year
1.    elivering the Science Strategy and
                                                •	Number of IUCN threatened species in
     curating the collections
                                                   the MSB and Living collections
2.   Maximising the potential of the gardens
                                                •	Total visits to Kew Gardens and
   Growing commercial income
                                                •	Percentage of total day-time visitors who
4.    reating outstanding learning and
                                                   feel that they have learned something as
     outreach propositions
                                                   a result of their visit
5.    ngaging the public and key
                                                •   Self-generated income
     stakeholders in RBG Kew’s importance
     and impact
                                                •	Number of apprentices, Diploma and
                                                   Masters students moving onto further
6.    rowing philanthropic support and
                                                   education and employment in a relevant
     Friends income
7.   Achieving success through our people
                                                •	Number of school pupil visits to Kew
8.   Improving the built and technological        Gardens and Wakehurst
                                                •   Positive brand recognition score

                                                •	Fundraising income received by RBG Kew
To track our success, we will monitor our
progress against the following measures:        •	Total number of Friends of Kew Gardens
                                                   and Wakehurst
•	Number of new plant, fungal and seed
   accessions to our collections                •   Staff engagement score

•	Number of visits to RBG Kew’s digital        •	Floor area of useable building space not
   collections and database resources              in operational use

•	Number of scientific publications            •	Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

    Photographs and maps displayed in this
    document were kindly provided by:
    Steve Lancefield
    Jeff Eden
    Paul Cannon
    Megan Taylor
    Bryn Detinger
    Dafydd Davies-Hughes
    Tim Utteridge

    Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
    Kew Green
    TW9 3AE
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