Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique

Page created by Kenneth Bush
Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique
Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020
               Documents pour l’Assemblée Génerale 2020

                     Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft
                       Société Suisse d’Informatique

Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft
Schwarztorstrasse 31
CH-3007 Bern
Tel +41 (0)32 512 23 33
Email: office@swissinformatics.org
Web: swissinformatics.org
Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique
Uebersicht / Apercu

           Traktandenliste                                                           02
           Ordre du jour                                                             03

           Information zu den Veranstaltungen                                        05
           Informations sur les événements                                           06

           Protokoll der GV 2019                                                     07
           Procès verbale de l’AG 2019                                               07

           Statutenänderungen                                                        12
           Modifications des statuts                                                 12

           Bericht des Beirats 2019/2020                                             17
           Rapport du Comité consultatif 2019/2020                                   17

           Mitgliederbeiträge                                                        20
           Frais d'adhésion                                                          20

           Kandidaten Vorstandswahlen                                                21
           Candidats pour les élections au comité                                    21

           Kandidaten der Ethikkommission                                            50
           Candidats du comité d'éthique                                             50

           Präsidentschaftskandidaten                                                46
           Candidats à la présidence                                                 46

           Bericht des Präsidenten 2019/20                                           57
           Rapport du Président 2019/20                                              57

           Bericht der Revisionsstelle                                               63
           Rapport des contrôleurs légaux

           Budget 2020 / 2021                                                        65

Please Note: This document may be updated. This version is from 30.09.2020 / 07:00
Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique
Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft

Generalversammlung (GV) 16:30 – 19:00

1.     Begrüssung
2.     Wahl des Stimmenzählers
3.     Protokoll der GV 2019
4.     Mitteilungen
5.     Entscheid über Statutenänderungen
6.     Entscheid über eingegangene Motionen
7.     Rechenschaftsbericht mit Jahresrechnung
8.     Entlastung des Vorstandes
9.     Wahl des Präsidenten
10.    Wahl des Vorstands
11.    Wahl des Ethik-Komitees
12.    Budget 2020
13.    Budget 2021
14.    Wahl des Revisors
15.    Nächste Generalversammlung
16.    Varia

Reinhard Riedl / 6.09.20

Die Dokumente für die Jahreshauptversammlung sind als pdf-Dokument verfügbar unter
Password: GV2020

Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique
Assemblée générale 2020
Société suisse d’informatique

Generalversammlung (GV) 16:30 – 19:00

1.     Salutation
2.     Choix des scrutateurs
3.     Procès verbal de l’AG 2019
4.     Communications
5.     Décision de modification des statuts
6.     Décisions sur les motions reçues
7.     Rapport de responsabilité avec les comptes annuels
8.     Décharge du conseil d’administration
9.     Élection du président
10.    Élection du conseil d’administration
11.    Élection du comité d’ethique
12.    Budget 2020
13.    Budget 2021
14.    Élection du vérificateur des comptes
15.    Prochaine Assemblée générale
16.    Divers

Reinhard Riedl / 6.09.20

Les documents sur lesquels voter se trouvent sur https://swissinformatics.org/ga-docs-2020
Password: GV2020

Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique
Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique

SI Generalversammlung 2020 / L'Assemblée générale (AG) de la SI 2020*

Infos zur Live-Veranstaltung / Infos sur l’ événement en direct:
Datum/ Date: Donnerstag, 08. Oktober 2020
Ort/Lieu: Rathaus Bern, Rathauspl. 2, 3011 Bern Zeit:16.30 – 19.00 Uhr

Online-Veranstaltungs-Info / Infos sur les événements en ligne:
Datum/Date: Donnerstag, 08. Oktober 2020 URL:
Zeit/Heure: 16.30 – 19:00
Zoom-Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 853 3582 1682 / Kenncode SI-GA-2020

Information & Dokumentation / Information et documentation:
Password: GV2020

Swiss Digital Summit 2020 (SDS)

Online-Veranstaltungs-Info / Infos sur les événements en ligne:
Datum/Date: Donnerstag, 08. Oktober 2020 URL:
Zeit/Heure: 09.45 - 16:00

To register for the Swiss Digital Summit, please use the following link:

After registration you will receive confirmation e-mail with information about participation.

Information & Programm / Information et programme:

Kontakt / Contact

SI eOffice
Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft
Schwarztorstrasse 31, CH-3007 Bern
Tel +41 (0)32 512 23 33
Email: office@swissinformatics.org

*Bitte beachten Sie, das eine Vollmacht für Stimmvertretung nur durch eine physische Teilnahme
möglich ist.
*Veuillez noter qu'une procuration pour un vote par proxi n'est possible que par participation

Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique
Unterlagen zur Generalversammlung 2020 Documents pour l'Assemblée Génerale 2020 Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft Société Suisse d'Informatique
Minutes of SI - General Assembly
28 May 2019
17:30 – 20:00 CET
Rathaus, Bern
List of participants (to be attached)
President of the meeting: Reinhard Riedl, SI President
Rapporteur of the Meeting: Alain Sandoz, SI Board member
The documents referenced during and distributed at the beginning of the meeting can be
accessed at the following URL: https://www.swissinformatics.org/GV2019 that will remain
online until after the next General Assembly.

        1.     Greetings
        2.     Approval of the agenda & election of the vote counter
        3.     Minutes of the GA 2018
        4.     Messages
        5.     Board elections
        6.     Accountability report with annual accounts
        7.     Discharge of the board
        8.     Budget 2019
        9.     Presentation and approval of the SI Ethics Code of Conduct
       10.     Next General Assembly
       11.     Varia

1. Greetings
The President speaks in memory of Kurt Bauknecht who passed away in 2019. The
Assembly stands up and pays tribute in silence.

2. Agenda
The Agenda is accepted without opposition. Voluntary scrutineer is Adrian Huessey.

3. Minutes
Voluntary Rapporteur for the 2019 GA meeting is Alain Sandoz
The minutes of the preceding GA meeting are accepted: (NO : 0 / ABSTAIN : 6).
Raymond Morel refers to a text he wrote on interventions at the GA that was “censured”.

4. President’s report to the Assembly
The President opens the discussion on the “SI President’s report on 2018/19” (version May
27, 2019).
P.-A. Bobillier asks: why there is no mention in the report on the 25k loan given to 3L
Informatik AG? President’s answer: the loan is mentioned in the report.
P.-A. Bobillier asks: is the President speaking as SI-President or as 3L Board member? Is
there not a conflict of interest? President’s answer: speaking as SI-President. No conflict of
interest. It is current business practice in Switzerland that stakeholders send a representative
to the board of companies they hold shares of, and that these representatives defend the
interest of the stakeholders on that board.

P.-A. Bobillier asks: why is 3L Informatik AG valued at 1CHF in the books? President’s
answer: This question will be answered technically under point 6.
P.-A. Bobillier asks: why doesn’t 3L seek support from private companies and not SI?
President’s answer: because it is unusual to seek loans from customers.
R. Morel asks: considering the landscape, what is the population targeted by 3L? how can
certification be achieved by 3L whereas it is SECO’s responsibility? Several points are
discussed by the President and J. Gutknecht who was the sponsor of the project in SI during
his presidency. Remark: SECO is responsible for accreditation, not certification.
P.-A. Bobillier asks: why seek outside control from Austria? President’s answer: history of
deal in the context of the former outsourcing company and of political aspects at the
European level of ECDL. The move was meant to prevent that company to take the business
away from SI. T. Stricker, President of ECDL-SI explains the “institutional forewall” and the
three options that were considered (outsourcing, insourcing, partnership) during the risk
management / problem solving procedure.
Beat Lehmann proposes to clarify the legal issues related to the constitution of 3L Informatic
AG which are not the same for SI as the issues related to the Technical Committees. The
President accepts the proposal and thanks B. Lehmann.
P.-A. Bobillier asks: why did the ECDL business succeed in Austria significantly more than in
Switzerland? Roland Bieber, President of the Austrian Informatics Society answers with a
short presentation of the lucky entry of the society into the business 20 years ago, and its
growth from nothing to a working organisation of 20 people, facing problems sometimes, but,
in his view better off as a society than as a company.

5. Elections
The President thanks Gilles Falquet for his participation in the Board and asks him to confirm
his resignation. G. Falquet confirms his resignation. The Assembly thanks G. Falquet with an
P.-A. Bobillier has two remarks:
- he objects to the past president being presented for re-election on the board, arguing that
traditionally, a past president will be confirmed on the board for only one year to assist and
support the new president.
- he objects to the presence of T. Stricker on the board, arguing that the latter, in his view
cannot represent the SI because of behavioural deficits.
J. Gutknecht answers that during his presidency, he tried to develop a society more
enterprise oriented than in the past; he is at the disposal of the Assembly, but, were he not
re-elected, he would not regret it, because of the shameful attitude of some participants in
the meeting.
T. Stricker, who is not scheduled for re-election to the board at the present GA, puts his
mandate as a board member at the disposal of the Assembly and leaves the room.
B. Lehmann provides the Assembly with some legal advice: the motion on T. Stricker is not a
challenge on his function, but an attack on his person. According to his experience, such
moves by general assemblies that lead to direct removal of a board member without
functional justification (which is clearly the case here) are bound to always lose in court.
The Rapporteur asks for an order motion: there is a direct motion against a board member;
on the other hand, there is potentially a legal restriction to proceed to the removal of a board
member without justification. Therefore, the proposal should be first to vote concerning the
relevance of the motion, and then only if the Assembly finds this motion to be relevant, to
vote on the motion itself. The Rapporteur’s proposed way to proceed is accepted by the

Vote on the relevance of the motion: YES: 14 / NO: 22 / ABSTAIN: 8. The motion to expel T.
Stricker is deemed irrelevant and T. Stricker returns to the room. The Assembly goes on to
vote for re-election of current board members and election of new board members according
to the agenda.
Raymond MOREL: RE-ELECTED FOR 2018-2020 (ABSTAIN: 2)
Simon MOSER: RE-ELECTED FOR 2018-2020 (ABSTAIN: 1)
Matthias HAUSWIRTH: ELECTED FOR 2019-2021 (ABSTAIN: 1)
Francis BAUD: ELECTED FOR 2019-2021 (ABSTAIN: 2)
Alain SANDOZ: ELECTED FOR 2019-2021 (ABSTAIN: 2)
The President thanks the Assembly for accepting the proposals and gives the floor to the
Treasurer ad interim for 2018, Tom Stricker.

6. Finances and balance 2018
T. Stricker explains the situation: SI has no regular Treasurer for more than a year now. In
this situation, T. Stricker acted as a Treasurer a.i. from the preparation of the GA 2018 to the
end of 2018. Currently, in compliance with the statutes, the President acts as Treasurer a.i.
T. Stricker remarks that the current auditors aaretax Treuhand AG require to be confirmed
(2018) and elected (2019) by the Assembly.
Vote on confirmation / election of the auditors (2018-2019): YES: 48 / NO : 0 / ABSTAIN: 4
The Treasurer 2018 presents the balance and account sheets for 2018 and asks the
Assembly for approval.
Vote on approval of 2018 finances: YES : 31 / NO : 3 / ABSTAIN : 5.

7. Discharge of the Board
The President calls for the vote on the discharge of the board for the year 2018.
Vote on the discharge of the board: YES : 23 / NO : 0 / ABSTAIN : 14

8. Budget 2019
Before the presentation of the 2019 budget, new membership fees are presented.
T. Stricker insists that the reduction of fees for retired members must be communicated
actively to members when the invoice is sent, or else retired members will simply tend to quit
the SI.
The new membership fees are accepted (NO : 0 / ABSTAIN : 2).
R. Morel remarks that SI should invest in activities that are interesting to members in order
not to loose members.
The President presents the budget. Several technical questions are asked by the Assembly
participants, wrt. positions 3703, 5301, 7999. They are answered to the satisfaction of the
P.-A. Bobillier asks: where is the 25k expense for 3L in the budget? The President answers:
the 25k are a terminal loan. The Treasurer a.i. 2018 provides legal explanations that in such
a case the 25k are not an expense and cannot appear in the budget. The loan is an
investment and is in conformity with the powers of the board.
P.-A. Bobillier remarks that the amount allocated to IFIP representatives of SI is largely
insufficient for the 10 delegates to do their job. At least one highly qualified delegate had to

quit the job because of a lack of compensation of expenses. The Treasurer a.i. 2018
answers on the reason for this amount and the shortening of the amount ion 2016-2017. The
demander is not satisfied with the answer.

Vote on the approval of the budget

The President informs the Assembly that the room is available only until 20:00. Therefore the
remaining points on the agenda must be speeded up.

9. Ethics code
Andreas Geppert, quickly presents the topic in three points to be voted:
   -   vote on the Code of Ethics: accepted (YES : 29 / NO : 0 / ABSTAIN : 6)
   -   vote on the Procedure in case of a complaint: accepted (YES : 21 / NO : 0 /
       ABSTAIN : 11)
   -   vote on the Transitory designation and composition of the Ethics committee by the
       board: accepted (YES : 22 / NO : 1 / ABSTAIN : 12)
R. Morel remarks that it is problematic to copy a Code of ethics from a foreign association
because there are different understandings of ethics in different countries.

10. Next GA meeting
The date for the 2020 General Assembly meeting will be defined and communicated before
the end of June 2019.

11. Varia
One question arises from the Assembly: what is the state of development of the SI-Vision
paper that was promised 7 years ago?
The President takes the point and closes the GA meeting at 20:00.
For the minutes of the 2019 General Assembly
The Rapporteur
Alain Sandoz

Proposed amendment to the SI Statutes

The following change to the SI statutes has been proposed by Jürg Gutknecht, who is the Past
President of S and member of the SI Board.

General argument:

At present, the statues read that certain sections and associated societies are to have a
guaranteed position on the board. Although these seats must be confirmed at a general
assembly, having such a formal arrangement substantially inhibits the board´s freedom
to constitute itself and places the equality of board members into severe question. Over
the recent past, conflicts of interest have greatly compromised the board's ability to
govern the society and in making decisions purely in the best interest of the society.

The below suggested changes to the statues are measures that would ensure that the
board would be better able to constitute itself and thus remove the stagnancy and
reduce the partisan divide currently so present in the SI board.

Amendment 1: 6 The Executive Board

Proposed Change:

Art. 6 Der Vorstand

1. Der Vorstand besteht aus dem Präsident und 8 bis 16 weiteren Mitgliedern. Bei
Stimmengleichheit hat der Präsident Stichentscheid. Mit Ausnahme der Wahl des
Präsidenten konstituiert sich der Vorstand selbst. Die Besetzung des Amtes des
Rechnungsführers ist jedoch obligatorisch.

Art. 6 The Executive Board

1 The Executive Board consists of the President and 8 to 16 other members. In case of tie
for a Board decision, the President has the casting vote. Apart from the election of the
President, the Executive Board constitutes itself. In any case, the office of accounting officer
must be filled.


The status allows for prearranged seats at the board, which prohibits the board from
constituting itself. Changing this article in the statue to exclude this right would place
the ability of the board to constitute itself and at the same time leave the choice open to
the board should they want to have particular members on the board who represent a
section, an associated society, or an important special interest group.

Original Text:

Art. 6 Der Vorstand

1. Der Vorstand besteht aus Präsident und 8 bis 16 weiteren Mitgliedern. Dem Verein
ECDL-SI, der SISR sowie anderen Sektionen, denen mindestens 5 % aller Mitglieder der
Gesellschaft angehören, steht ein Sitz im Vorstand zu; sie haben das Vorschlagsrecht.
Ausser der Wahl des Präsidenten konstituiert sich der Vorstand selbst.

Art. 6 The Executive Board

1 The Executive Board consists of the President and 8 to 16 other members. The ECDL-SI
Association, the SISR and other sections to which at least 5 % of all members of the Society
belong have a seat on the board; they have the right of nomination. Apart from the election
of the President, the Board constitutes itself.

Amendment 2: Article 6a. The Conference of Presidents

Proposed change:

Art. 6a. Die Präsidentenkonferenz

1. Die Präsidentenkonferenz besteht aus den Präsidenten aller Gruppierungen sowie den
Präsidenten des Beirates und der SI Sektionen. Bei Assoziierungen mit anderen
Gesellschaften kann im Gegenrecht vereinbart werden, dass ein Delegierter einer solchen
Gesellschaft in der Präsidentenkonferenz Einsitz nimmt. Die Entscheidung über die
Gegenseitigkeit liegt in der Verantwortung der Präsidentenkonferenz.


Um das Gewicht der verschiedenen Gruppierungen in der Präsidentenkonferenz zu
berücksichtigen, ist die Stimmenzahl wie folgt geregelt: Jede regionale Sektion der SI
erhält drei Stimmen, jede angeschlossene Gesellschaft zwei Stimmen, und jede Fachgruppe
eine Stimme.

Art. 6a. The Conference of Presidents

The Conference of Presidents shall consist of the Presidents of all Groupings and the
Presidents of the Advisory Board and SI Sections. In the case of associations with other
societies, it may be agreed by reciprocity that a delegate from such a society shall sit in the
Presidents' Conference. The decision of reciprocity is the responsibility of the President’s


In order to take into account the weight of the various groupings in the Presidents'
Conference, the number of votes shall be as follows: Each regional section of the SI receives
three votes, each affiliated society two votes, and each section one vote.


The articles in the statutes in that address the voting at the presidents conference would
gain by having them more clearly defined so that the those members of the board who

were guaranteed seats at the board would now be guaranteed seats at the presidents
conference, placing institutions where institutions should find representation and voice.

To balance out the importance of the diverse groups that are members of the presidents
conference it is proposed that the number of votes for each of the groups be defined in
relation to their importance in the society.

Original text:

Art. 6a. Die Präsidentenkonferenz

1.Die Präsidentenkonferenz besteht aus den Vorstandsmitgliedern, den Präsidenten aller
Gruppierungen sowie den Präsidenten von Beirat und Arbeitsgruppen. Bei Assoziierungen
mit anderen Gesellschaften kann im Gegenrecht vereinbart werden, dass ein Delegierter
einer solchen Gesellschaft in der Präsidentenkonferenz Einsitz nimmt.

Art. 6a. The Conference of Presidents

The Conference of Presidents consists of the members of the Executive Board, the
presidents of all groupings and the presidents of the Advisory Council and working groups.
In the case of associations with other societies, it may be agreed by reciprocal agreement
that a delegate of such a society shall sit in the Presidents' Conference.

Proposed amendment to the SI Statutes

The following change to the SI statutes has been proposed by Martin Glinz, who is
the president of SIRA and member of the SI Board.

Proposed change:
Article 6, Paragraph 1:
Der Vorstand besteht aus Präsident und 8 bis 16 weiteren Mitgliedern. Dem Verein
ECDL-SI, der SISR sowie anderen Gruppierungen, denen mindestens 5 % aller
Mitglieder der Gesellschaft angehören, steht ein Sitz im Vorstand zu; sie haben das
Vorschlagsrecht. Ausser der Wahl des Präsidenten konstituiert sich der Vorstand

The reason is simple: When SIRA was founded in 2012, SI and SIRA agreed that
SIRA has a seat in the SI board. However, this is not properly reflected in the statutes:
SIRA is no section (sections by definition are regional sub-organizations), but a
Gruppierung. "Gruppierung" includes “Sektionen” and “Fachgruppen”.

Nobody contests that SIRA should have a seat in the SI Board. However, the five
percent rule for Gruppierungen is problematic, as there are some Fachgruppen with a
membership of roughly 5 percent of all SI members. This could lead to an oscillation
of having or not having a seat in the SI Board for these Fachgruppen.
Solution: do not change “Sektionen” to “Gruppierungen”. Instead, explicitly mention
SIRA in Article 6.

The Presidents’ Conference recommends the SI General Assembly to change Article
6, Paragraph 1 of the SI Statutes as follows:

Der Vorstand besteht aus Präsident und 8 bis 16 weiteren Mitgliedern. Dem Verein
ECDL-SI, dem Verein SIRA, der SISR sowie anderen Sektionen, denen mindestens 5
% aller Mitglieder der Gesellschaft angehören, steht ein Sitz im Vorstand zu; sie
haben das Vorschlagsrecht. Ausser der Wahl des Präsidenten konstituiert sich der
Vorstand selbst.

English translation:
The board consists of the president and 8 to 16 other members. The association
ECDL-SI, the association SIRA, the section SISR as well as other sections, to which
at least 5% of all members of society belong, have a seat on the board; they have the
right to propose. Except for the election of the president, the board constitutes itself.

SI Advisory Board Report
                             February – September 2020

1. New start. The SI Advisory Board (SI-AB) has been revived by its president Pierre-André Bobiller
end of 2019. The new SI-AB has been elected by the SI Board in February 2020: Pierre-André
Bobillier, Patrick Furrer (new), Walter Gander (new), Esther Gelle (new), Béat Hirsbrunner (new),
Matthias Kaiserswert, Beat Lehmann, Laurent Sciboz.

2. Constituent Meeting. The new SI-AB guidance has been elected at his constituent meeting on
May 5, 2020: President: Walter Gander; Vice-President: Béat Hirsbrunner; Secretary: Patrick Furrer.
It has also be decided to held an one hour visio meeting once a month, at least as long as it would
be necessary.

Our six next meetings (June to September) have been dedicated to try to understand the well known
mess in the SI board and the rather unusual mix of a professional association (the initial SI goal)
with social enterprises (ECDL-SI, 3L, ...). At each of these meetings we invited one SI Board
member for explaining us their views about a) the SI problems, and b) the future of SI with or
without social enterprises activities: Reinhard Riedl, President (June 2); Jürg Gutknecht, past
President (June 30), Martin Glinz (July 14), Alain Sandoz (August 25), Francis Baud (Sept. 1),
Thomas Stricker (Sept. 8).
The situation is currently so complicated and opaque, that it is impossible to formulate a well
founded suggestion to clear up the current mess. So we decided to submit a very general proposal
to the GA 2020 allowing the SI Board to come up with a well formulated proposition, with or without
social enterprises, to be submitted to the next GA in 2021, see below proposal 1.

4. CALL for SI BOARD members and SI President (new or to be re-elected)
Even before our first constituent meeting in May, Pierre-André Bobillier launched early February the
idea for a call for SI board members and SI President. This proposal has been rejected by the SI
Board, but they gave us some hints how to reformulate it. Our second attempt also failed, and so
the third one. The last one (submitted to the SI President on 27 May) has been agended on a SI
Board meeting in July, but due to lack of time has never been discussed (sic!). So we will submit it
to the GA 2020, see below proposal 2.

5. Some infos. BH attended the SI Presidents Visio Conference on June 10, and WG had several
phone calls and email exchanges with Reinhard Riedl, SI President, and some others SI Board

Walter Gander, SI Advisory Board President

SI Advisory Board proposals to be submitted to the SI GA 2020

Proposal 1 (to be submitted to the SI GA 2020): SOCIAL ENTERPRISES
The SI-board is asked to work out a proposition for the next GA in 2021, in collaboration with the SI
Presidents Conference and the SI Advisory Board, that will lead to a clear separation of the ordinary
activities of the SI as a professionnal association from those of Social Enterprises (ECDL-SI, L3,
Digital Literacy, ...).

Argumentation. Why this step back? The current SI-board is unable to act as it should for the SI-
members because of conflicts of interests with the mandatory representations of the social
enterprises. Business to earn money versus serving SI-members leads to conflicts and leads to
ugly clashes. In the current situation it is difficult to replace SI-Board members because of conflicts
of interests when a board member is also involved in the management of one of the social
enterprises. Therefore the SI-Advisory Board is willing to help and recommends the SI-Board to
work together with the President's Conference on a separation, prepare the necessary changes of
the statutes and present the new structure for acceptance at the GA 2021.
In our interviews and discussions with SI Board members it came clearly out that some of them think
that SI can only survive with the social enterprises activities, as other ones think that SI is viable
without such activities. As the ordinary SI activities as professionnal association (see SI Statutes,
art. 2) have nearly been reduced to zero in the last years, this proposal has to be study seriously
and worked out with all consequences during the next year.

Accepted by SI-AB on 25 August 2020, with 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions

Proposal 2 (to be submitted to the SI GA 2020): CALL for SI Board members
The GA 2020 requests the SI Board to send out every year a call for SI Board Members to all its
members by email. The candidates (with short vita and motivation why they are interested to serve)
should be listed on the SI website, at least 1 month before the annual GA.

Argumentation. The SI-members should have the opportunity to democratically choose SI-Board
President and Members. If there are 3 vacancies and 5 candidates then the 3 candidates with most
votes should be elected.

Accepted by SI-AB on 25 August 2020, with 6 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions

Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft SI

Mitgliederkategorien SI und Jahresbeiträge
   ! Einzelmitglied, 80.00 CHF
   ! Einzelmitglied ermässigt (reduziert bei Doppelmitgliedschaften)*, 64.00 CHF
   ! Studentenmitglieder**, 25.00 CHF
   ! Kollektivmitglieder (Firmen und Organisationen)***, 260.00 CHF
   ! Pensionierte Einzelmitglieder, 40.00 CHF

Fachgruppen Jahresbeiträge pro Fachgruppe
   ! für Einzelmitglieder: CHF 20.00
   ! für Studenten / Studentinnen: CHF 10.00
   ! für Kollektivmitglieder: CHF 100.00

Zusatzbeitrag Fachgruppe donna informatica
   ! für Einzelmitglieder: +10.00 CHF (d.h. Total 30.00 CHF)
Zusatzbeiträge Fachgruppe Green-IT
   ! für Einzelmitglieder: +50.00 CHF (d.h. Total 70.00 CHF)
   ! für Kollektivmitglieder: Kontaktieren Sie bitte die Geschäftsstelle der SI

Frais d'adhésion
Société suisse d'informatique SI

Catégories SI et cotisations annuelles
    • membre individuel, 80.00 CHF
    • membre individuel réduit (abonnements doubles)*, 64.00 CHF
    • membres étudiants**, 25.00 CHF
    • membre collectif (entreprises et organisations)***, 260.00 CHF
    • membres retraités: 40.00 CHF

Cotisations annuelles des groupements
    • membre individuel par groupement: CHF 20.00
    • étudiant / étudiante par groupement: CHF 10.00
    • membre collectif par groupement: CHF 100.00

Cotisation additionnelle du groupement donna informatica:
    • pour les membres individuels: +10.00 CHF (i.e. un total de 30.00 CHF)

Cotisation additionnelle du groupement Green-IT:
    • pour les membres individuels: +50.00 CHF (i.e. un total de 70.00 CHF)
    • pour les membres collectifs: veuillez contacter le bureau de la SI

Wahl der Vorstandsmitglieder / Élection des membres du conseil d'administration

Bis zum 06. September 2020 sind folgende Kandidaturen bei mir eingegangen /
J'ai reçu les candidatures suivantes avant le 6 septembre 2020 :

    •   Ulrike Glavitsch
    •   Philipp Kramer
    •   Rene Schumann
    •   Jo Waltenberger
    •   Edy Portmann

Die folgenden Vorstände wurde an der letztjährigen GV für eine Amtsperiode von 2019-2021 gewählt /
Les membres suivants du conseil d'administration ont été élus lors de l'assemblée générale de l'année
dernière pour un mandat allant de 2019 à 2021 :

    •   Alain Sandoz
    •   Francis Baud

Die folgenden Vorstände stehen zur Wiederwahl für eine Amtsperiode von 2021-2022 /
Les administrateurs suivants sont rééligibles pour un mandat de 2021 à 2022

    •   Priska Altorfer
    •   Martin Glinz
    •   Raymond Morel
    •   Simon Moser
    •   Thomas Stricker

Die folgenden Vorstände stehen nicht zur Wiederwahl : /
Les membres suivants du conseil d'administration ne sont pas rééligibles ::

    •   Andreas Geppert
    •   Mattias Hauswirth
    •   Reinhard Riedl
    •   Jürg Gutknecht

Beilagen / Accompagnements :

Kurzbiographien der betreffenden Vorstände und Kandidaten
Brèves biographies des membres du conseil d'administration et des candidats respectifs,

Persönliche Daten
Name                Ulrike Glavitsch Eggler
Geburtsdatum        21. Februar 1963
Bürgerort           Obersiggenthal (AG) und Feusisberg (SZ)
Zivilstand          verheiratet
Adresse             Martinsbergstrasse 35, 5400 Baden
Telefon             056 222 94 38

1996 – 1997         Ausbildung zur Informatik-Projektleiterin an Wirtschaftsinformatik-
                    schule Schweiz, Informatik-Projektleiterin mit eidg. Fachausweis
1988 – 1990         Masterstudiengang Informatik an der Stanford University, USA,
                    Master of Science in Computer Science
1983 – 1988         Studium der Informatik an der ETH Zürich, Dipl. Inf.-Ing. ETH
1979 – 1983         Kantonsschule Baden, Matura Typus B
1970 – 1979         Primar- und Bezirksschule in Nussbaumen (AG)

2018 - heute        Gründerin und Inhaberin von Glavitsch Eggler Software, CTO
                    -   Konzept und Design der Sprachlernplattform www.readylingua.com
                    -   Aufbereitung von Materialien in verschiedenen Sprachen
                    -   Software-Entwicklung im Bereich automatischer Spracherkennung
                    -   Beteiligung an Innosuisse-Projekt mit FHNW (2018 – 2020)
2010 – 2017         EMPA, Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt, Dü-
                    bendorf, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
                    -   Selbständige Forschung in automatischer Sprach- und Sprecherer-
                        kennung, Dokumentation von Sprachen und Sprachlernsoftware

-   Akquisition von Drittmittelprojekten im Bereich Sprachlernsoftware
                         und automatischer Sprechererkennung sowie Projektmitarbeit
2005 – 2010          ETH Zürich, Institute for Computer Systems, wissenschaftliche Mitar-
                     -   Akquisition von Drittmittelprojekten im Bereich sicherheitskriti-
                         scher Betriebssysteme und Projektmitarbeit
                     -   Mitarbeit an Entwicklung von institutseigenem Betriebssystem (Ac-
                         tive Oberon)
                     -   Betreuung von Studentenarbeiten
                     -   Vorlesungsassistenz
2002 – 2005          ETH Zürich, Institut für Technische Informatik und Kommunikations-
                     netze (TIK), wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin
                     -   Forschung in automatischer Spracherkennung
                     -   Betreuung von Studentenarbeiten
                     -   Vorlesungsassistenz
1995 – 2002          Schmid Telecom AG, Zürich
                     Software-Entwicklerin, Gruppenleiterin
                     -   Software für Telecommunication Management Networks (TMN)
                     -   Software für Sprechfunk- und Telefonieleitsysteme für Flughäfen
                     -   Testen von Software
                     -   Y2K Lösung für Alarmüberwachungssystem
                     -   1999 – 2000: Gruppenleitung Software Qualität:
                         Systemtests, Softwarekonfigurationsmanagement
                     -   2000 – 2002: Gruppenleitung Server
                         Anforderungsspezifikation, Projektmanagement
1990 – 1995          ETH Zürich, Institut für Informationssysteme
                     wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
                     -   Forschung in Information Retrieval auf Sprachaufnamen (Speech
                         Retrieval), automatischer Spracherkennung
                     -   Betreuung von Semester- und Diplomarbeiten
                     -   Vorlesungsassistenz

Deutsch (Muttersprache), Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information
Postal Address          Philipp Kramer
                        Heimatstrasse 20
                        8640 Jona

Telephone               +41 79 347 80 34 (mobile)

Email                   pkramer@hsr.ch

Personal Information
Date of Birth          1975/1/24

Place of Birth         Basel

Citizenship            Swiss
                       Dipl. Informatik Ing. ETH Zürich
                       BA in Banking and Finance, University of Zürich


                       Institute for Networked Solutions, HSR, Switzerland. Software Engineer
2014/6 – today
                       in the area of concurrent software

2011/4 – 2014/5        SunGard BancWare, Winterthur, Switzerland. Senior developer and
2004/4 – 2010/6        technical consultant in risk management

2000/9 – 2003/12       ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Research and teaching assistant

                       BZ Informatik (today Avaloq, leading banking solution), Wilen,
1999/7 – 1999/11       Switzerland; Internship.

Military Service

1995/1 – 1995/10       Swiss Air Force, Communication Services, Corporal

Later                  Unit for cryptology

2008/9 – 2010/1            University of Zürich, Switzerland. Bachelor in Banking and Finance
                           (reduced work at SunGard to 40%)
2002/10 – 2004/10          University of Zürich, Switzerland. Basic Studies in Economics
                           (partly in parallel with ETH and SunGard 90%)

2000/7 – 2000/8            ELC, Boston, USA. Language school

1995/10 – 2000/5           ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Department of Computer Science
1991 – 1994                High School, Muttenz, Swizerland

Kramer, P., Egloff, D. and Blaser, L., 2016, January. The alea reactive dataflow system for
gpu parallelization. In Proc. of the HLGPU 2016 Workshop, HiPEAC.

Bläser, L., Egloff, D., Knobel, O., Kramer, P., Zhang, X. and Fabian, D., 2014, October. Alea
Reactive Dataflow: GPU Parallelization Made Simple. In Proceedings of the companion
publication of the 2014 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, and
Applications: Software for Humanity.

Duties at ETH Zürich
Research                   Participation in the Microsoft academic research program on .net,
                           joined the research program in 1999 before the announcement and
                           release of .net
                           Participation in a EU research project

                           Research on programming languages on parallel language
                           constructs and mapping to alternative architectures

                           Extension of the Oberon operating system

Teaching                   Organizing practice and examinations
                           Teaching of practice classes

Duties at SunGard
Software Developer         Collaboration with product management to derive and translate
                           business requirements
                           Software architecture and design, mainly programming of new
                           functionality, but also bug fixing, performance optimizations and
                           testing, assume different roles in the scrum development process.
                           Programming 2 years with visual basic and 7 years with C# in the
                           area of business logic, user interface and integration.
Technical Consultant       Technical project management in collaborations with software
                           partners (integration project with SAP, SunGard general ledger)

                           Assessment of a problematic project (interface to Avaloq)
                           Automation of complicated application flows at client side

Duties at Institute for Networked Solutions, Hochschule Rapperswil

Software Engineer    Collaborate with the following partners in software development

                     QuantAlea: Architect and develop a generic dataflow
                     programming model running transparently on CPU and GPU.

                     Lucid Concepts: Collaborate in developing a distributed
                     workflow and automated processing platform for medical
                     application. Work on performance optimization of medical

                     Intigena: Partially lead an collaborate in developing optical
                     quality control of soft packaging using machine learning.

                     Assa Abloy: Partially lead an collaborate in moving the industry
                     partners system from a fat client to a software as a service

Teaching Assistant   Prepare student tasks and coach students in weekly training
                     Substitute lectures for Professor Bläser

Programming Languages
Before university    Basic, Modula-2, Assembler (Motorola, x86)
At university        Java, Oberon, .net / C#, Microsoft IL, and many others
                     .net / C#, MS WCF, REST, MS SSAS / MDX, MS SQL, Java,
                     CUDA GPU Programming, OpenGL, TeamCity, Jira, Git, SVN

Curriculum vitae Prof. Dr. René Schumann
Personal information
Name                           Dr. René Schumann
Address (office)               Institute of Information Systems
                               University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
                               (HES-SO Valais/Wallis)
                               Rue de Technopôle 3, 3960 Sierre, Switzerland
E-Mai                          rene.schumann@hevs.ch
Google Scholar ID:             https://scholar.google.ch/citations?hl=en&

Education                                                   • Scientific Coordinator of the Joint Activity The
                                                              Evolution of Mobility - A Socio-Economic Anal-
2010   PhD (Dr. phil. nat.), Institute of Infor-
                                                              ysis between the SCCERs Mobility & CREST,
       matics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Univer-
                                                              2017 – 2020), Swiss Commission for Technology
       sity Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Advi-
                                                              and Innovation (CTI)
       sor: Prof. Dr. Ingo J. Timm
2004   Diploma (Master equivalent), Department              • Member of the Competence Center for Research
       of Computer Science, Carl von Ossietzky                in Energy, Society and Transition (SCCER-
       University Oldenburg, Germany                          CREST), Work Package 3: Energy Policy, Mar-
1998   University-entrance diploma (Abitur),                  kets and Regulation, 2017 - 2020, Swiss Commis-
       Handelslehranstalten (BBS I) Delmen-                   sion for Technology and Innovation (CTI)
       horst, Germany                                       • Scaling Active Demand & Supply (ADS) Man-
                                                              agement to large Swarms (ScaleADS) (2016 -
                                                              2018), Swiss Commission for Technology and In-
Employment history                                            novation (CTI) (19145.2 PFEN-ES)
since 2016     Full Professor for Business Infor-           • Hydro Power Operation and Economic Per-
               matics, University of Applied Sci-             formance in a Changing Market Environment
               ences Western Switzerland (HES-                (2014 - 2018), Swiss National Science Founda-
               SO), Sierre, Switzerland                       tion SNF/FNS, as part as the National Re-
2012 - 2016    Professor for Business Informat-               search Program (NRP) 70 Energy Transition
               ics, University of Applied Sciences            (407040 153760 / 1)
               Western Switzerland, Valais (HES-            • Structured Simulation: A Framework for the Au-
               SO), Sierre, Switzerland                       tomated Analysis of Adaptive Systems (2015-
2011 – 2012    Assistant post-doc, University of              2017), RSCO IS-Net at HES-SO
               Applied Sciences Western Switzer-
                                                            • ANP: Air Navigation Platform – planification
               land, (HES-SO), Sierre
                                                              des vols écologiques, -économique et sûre grâce
2010 – 2011:   German Academic Exchange Ser-
                                                              aux données météos temps réelles (2014 - 2015),
               vice (DAAD) Postdoctoral Fellow,
                                                              Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation
               National Institute of Informatics,
                                                              (CTI) (16610.1 PFES-ES)
               Tokyo, Japan
2007 – 2010:   Research Scientist, Chair for In-            • Val2Pro: Validation and Valorization of admin-
               formation Systems and Simulation               istrative processes (2013-2014), RSCO IS-Net at
               (Prof. Timm), Institute of Com-                HES-SO
               puter Science, Goethe University,            • Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action TU-
               Frankfurt a. M., Germany                       1102, TU1102-241012-023321
2004 – 2007:   Research Scientist, OFFIS Institute
                                                            • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
               for Informatics e.V.,R&D Division
                                                              Postdoc Fellowship (FIT Program) at the Na-
               Business Information Management,
                                                              tional Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo
               Oldenburg, Germany
                                                              Japan 2010/2011, D/09/51626
                                                            • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Approved research projects and fel-                           Short-term PhD Fellowship, 2010, D/09/48031
lowships                                                    • Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action
                                                              IC0801, STSM 200905
  • GB Flex: Gestion en temps réel d’un groupe-
    bilan et valorisation de la flexibilité , (2019 -
    2021), Swiss Federal Office of Energy                 Active memberships in scientific soci-
  • BedDeM: Behavior-driven Demand Model (2018-
                                                          eties (alphabetic order)
    2020), RSCO IS-Net                                      • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

                                                         1 27
• German Informatics Society (GI e.V.)                       Courses at the Bachelor & Master level (all
   • German Society for Operations Research                     courses were given in German)
                                                                Supervisor of six diploma thesis1
   • Swiss Association for Operations Research
                                                            3. At the Carl von Ossietzky University Old-
   • Swiss Informatics Society (SI)                            enburg
                                                               Courses at the Master Level (all courses were
Institutional responsibilities                                 given in German) Reviewer of five diploma the-
 since 2014      Head of the research group Smart
                 Infrastructures (SILab)
                 SILab has by today 1 Senior Re-
                 searcher 2 PhD students, 1 as-
                 sistants, all members are project-
                 based funded

Board Membership
   • Member of the Executive board of the Compe-
     tence Center for Research in Energy, Society and
     Transition (SCCER-CREST), 2017 - 2020
   • Coordinator of the Joint Activity between the
     SCCERs Mobility and CREST, 2017 - 2020
   • Member of the working group Smart Energy
     ,Swiss Telecommunications Association (asut),
     2013 -
   • Member of the working group Smart Trans-
     portation, Swiss Telecommunications Association
     (asut), 2013 -
   • Member of the Management Committee of the
     Cost Action CA15140 Improving Applicability of
     Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory
     and Practice (ImAppNIO), 2016-2020 (Repre-
     senting Switzerland)
   • Member of the Management Committee of the
     Cost Action TU1102 Towards Autonomic Road
     Transport Support Systems, 2011-2015 (Repre-
     senting Switzerland)
   • Member of the Appointment board for the pro-
     fessorship Theory in Computer Science, Goethe
     University Frankfurt, 2009

Teaching experience Prof. Dr. René
External Expert / Reviewer for the PhD thesis entitled
Modellierung von Multiagenten-Systemen mit dynamis-
chen Geschäftsprozessen authored by Tobias Küster at
the Technical University Berlin, Germany, 2017
   1. At the HES-SO Valais
      Several courses on the Bachelor level in English
      and German.
      Supervised 12 Bachelor and one Master thesis,
      since 2013 written in English, French and Ger-
   2. At the Goethe University Frankfurt am
  1 Master   equivalent
  2 Master   equivalent

                                                         2 28
Research output list of the last                                  5. Alperen Bektas and René Schumann, Using Mo-
                                                                     bility Profiles for Synthetic Population Genera-
five years                                                           tion, The European Social Simulation Associa-
                                                                     tion (ESSA), Springer, 2019
For a full record of the applicant and the SILab research
group you can visit the following web pages:                      6. Michael Barry, Hubert Abgottspon and René
                                                                     Schumann, Solver Tuning and Model Configura-
    • For the applicant: http://publications.hevs.
                                                                     tion, in: Proceedings of the 41st German Confer-
                                                                     ence on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2018), Berlin,
    • For the SILab research group:     http://                      pages 141 – 154, Springer, 2018
                                                                  7. Schillinger, M., H. Weigt, M. Barry and R. Schu-
                                                                     mann (2017). Hydropower operation in a chang-
                                                                     ing environment. 14th International Conference
                                                                     on the European Energy Market (EEM 2017).
1     Peer-reviewed articles                                         Dresden, Germany, IEEE., 2017
Publications in international peer-                               8. Geovanny Poveda and René Schumann, An
                                                                     Ontology Driven approach for modeling a Multi
reviewed scientific journals                                         Agent Based Electricity Market, in: 14th Ger-
    1. Hubert     Abgottspon, René Schumann, Lucien                 man Conference on Multiagent System Technolo-
       Epiney    and Karl Werlen, Scaling: managing                  gies (MATES 2016), Klagenfurt, Austria, pages
       a large    number of distributed battery energy               27 – 40, Springer International Publishing, 2016
       storage   systems (2018), in: Energy Informatics,          9. Geovanny Poveda and René Schumann, An
       1:1(20)                                                       Ontology Driven Model approach for the creation
    2. Stefano Bromuri, Serban Puricel, René Schu-                  and evaluation of models in the electricity retail
       mann, Johannes Krampf, Juan Ruiz and                          market: A research in progress, Crans Montana,
       Michael Schumacher, An Expert Personal Health                 Switzerland, pages 1124 – 1129, IEEE, 2016
       System to Monitor Patients A↵ected by Ges-                10. Michael Barry and René Schumann, Auto-
       tational Diabetes Mellitus: A Feasibility Study               matic Configuration of Hybrid Mathematical
       (2016), in: in: Journal of Ambient Intelligence               Models, in: Proceedings of the 18th International
       and Smart Environments, Ios Press, 8:2(219-237)               Configuration Workshop within CP 2016 Confer-
    3. Jörg Dallmeyer, René Schumann, Andreas D.                   ence, Toulouse, France, pages 55 – 60, Ecole des
       Lattner and Ingo J. Timm, Don’t Go with the                   Mines d’Albi-Carmaux, 2016
       Ant Flow: Ant-inspired Traffic Routing in Ur-             11. Michael Barry, Moritz Schillinger, Hannes Weigt
       ban Environments (2015), in: Journal of Intel-                and René Schumann, Configuration of Hy-
       ligent Transportation Systems Technology, Plan-               dro Power Plant Mathematical Models, in: En-
       ning, and Operations (J-ITS)                                  ergy Informatics: Proceedings of the Energiein-
                                                                     formatik 2015, Springer, 2015
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
    1. Khoa Nguyen and René Schumann, An Ex-                2       Reviews
       ploratory Comparison of Behavioural Determi-
       nants in Mobility Modal Choices, Conference pa-            1. Energies Journal, MDPI,
       per, presented at ”the Social Simulation Confer-           2. Journal Technological Forecasting & Social
       ence (SSC)”, 2019                                             Change, Elsevier item Second International
    2. Alperen Bektas and René Schumann, How to Op-                 Workshop on Blockchain Technologies for Multi-
       timize Gower Distance Weights for the k-Medoids               Agent Systems (BCT4MAS 2019),
       Clustering Algorithm to Obtain Mobility Profiles           3. ATT 2018, International Workshop on Agents in
       of the Swiss Population, Swiss Alliance for Data-             Traffic and Transportation 2018
       Intensive Services, IEEE, 2019                             4. Journal KI, Springer 2018
    3. Khoa Nguyen and René Schumann, On Devel-                  5. First International Workshop on Blockchain
       oping A More Comprehensive Decision-Making                    Technologies    for  Multi-Agent  Systems
       Architecture for Empirical Social Research: Les-              (BCT4MAS 2018)
       son from Agent-Based Simulation of Mobility De-
                                                                  6. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier, 2017,
       mands in Switzerland, Conference paper, pre-
       sented at ”the 20th Multi-Agent-Based Simula-
       tion (MABS) workshop”, 2019                                7. Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier, 2017
    4. Michael Barry and René Schumann, Strate-                  8. 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsin-
       gies for Runtime Prediction and Mathematical                  formatik (WI 2017), St. Gallen, Switzerland
       Solvers Tuning, in: Proceedings of the 11th In-            9. Modeling & Simulation of Intelligent, Adap-
       ternational Conference on Agents and Artificial               tive & Autonomous System (MSIAAS 2017), co-
       Intelligence (ICAART 2019), 2019                              locate with WinterSim 2017, Las Vegas, USA

                                                            3 29
10. Workshop on AI for Internet of Things (AI4IoT       Contributions to books
        2017), in conjunction with International Joint
        Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI            1. Leo Thomas McCluskey, Apostolos Kotsialos,
        2017), Melbourne, Australia                                Jörg P. Müller, Franziska Klügel, Omer Rana and
                                                                   René Schumann, Autonomic Road Transport
    11. Transportation Research Part C, Elsevier, 2017             Support Systems: An Introduction, pages 1 – 11,
    12. 4th Swiss Conference on Data Science, Bern,                Springer International Publishing, 2016
        Switzerland, 2017                                       2. René Schumann, Performance maintenance of
                                                                   ARTS systems: Finding and managing perfor-
    13. 1st 2017 GLOBAL IoT SUMMIT, Geneva,
                                                                   mance deterioration by undesired adaptive be-
                                                                   haviors, pages 181-195, Springer International
    14. 8th International Conference on Ambient Sys-               Publishing, 2016
        tems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2017),
        Madeira, Portugal
                                                            4     Other          pertinent            publica-
    15. 24th European Conference on Information Sys-
        tems (ECIS 2016), Istanbul, Turkey                        tions
    16. 14. German Conference on Multiagent System          4.1     Technical Reports
        Technologies (MATES 2016), Klagenfurth, Aus-
        tria                                                    1. Research Report Barry, M., P. Baur, L. Gau-
                                                                   dard, G. Giuliani, W. Hediger, F. Romerio,
    17. 9th International Workshop on Agents in Traffic            M. Schillinger, L. Schlange, R. Schumann, G.
        and Transportation (ATT 2016), co-located to               Voegeli and H. Weigt (2017). The Future of Swiss
        International Joint Conference on Artificial In-           Hydropower: Is there money left somewhere?,
        telligence (IJCAI 2016), New York, USA                     2017
    18. Journal Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering,          2. Research Report Michael Barry, Patrick
        2016                                                       Bauer, Ludovic Gaudard, Gianluca Giuliani,
                                                                   Werner Hediger, Franco Romerio, Moritz
    19. 11th International Conference on Future Net-
                                                                   Schillinger, René Schumann, Guillaume
        works and Communications (FNC-16), Montreal,
                                                                   Voegeli and Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss
        Quebec, Canada
                                                                   Hydropower A Review on Drivers and Uncertain-
    20. 30th IEEE International Conference on Ad-                  ties, HES-SO, HTW Chur, University of Geneva,
        vanced Information Networking and Applications             University of Basel, 2015
        (AINA-2016), Crans Montana
    21. 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications &                 4.2    Posters
        Networking Conference (CCNC 2016), Las Vegas
                                                                3. Valentino Piana, Sylvain Weber, Alperen Bektas
    22. 14. International Conference on Autonomous                 and René Schumann, Electric vehicle customers
        Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2015),                in Switzerland, Poster presented at SCCER Mo-
        Istanbul                                                   bility Annual Conference., 2019
    23. 13. German Conference on Multiagent System              4. Khoa Nguyen and René Schumann, A Novel
        Technologies (MATES 2015), Cottbus, Germany                Agent Software Architecture Inspired by Psy-
                                                                   chology, Conference extended abstract and
    24. Special track on ”Agent Systems, Intelligent
                                                                   poster, presented at ”14th Annual Social Sim-
        Computing and Applications” at the 6th Interna-
                                                                   ulation Conference”, 2018
        tional Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks
        and Technologies (ANT-2015), London, UK.                5. Alperen Bektas, Khoa Nguyen and René Schu-
                                                                   mann, Can Agent-Based Computational Eco-
    25. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi              nomics Mimic Neoclassical Demand Curve?,
        Publishing, 2015                                           Conference poster and presentation, presented
    26. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computa-             at ”Fifth International Symposium in Computa-
        tion (IJBIC), Inderscience, 2015                           tional Economics and Finance”, 2018
                                                                6. Michael Barry, Patrick Bauer, Ludovic Gau-
    27. 10th International Conference on Future Net-
                                                                   dard, Gianluca Giuliani, Werner Hediger, Franco
        works and Communications, August 17-20, 2015,
                                                                   Romerio, Moritz Schillinger, René Schumann,
        Belfort, France
                                                                   Guillaume Voegeli and Hannes Weigt, The Fu-
                                                                   ture of Swiss Hydropower A Review on Drivers
                                                                   and Uncertainties, Conference poster and pre-
3      Monographs                                                  sentation, presented at the ‘SCCER-SoE Annual
                                                                   Conference 2015, 2015, Won the 3rd price in the
none                                                               poster competition

                                                           4 30
7. René Schumann, Franco Romerio, Werner                 Hediger and Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss
   Hediger and Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss          Hydropower: An integrated assessment of op-
   Hydropower, Conference poster and presenta-            eration, investment and sustainability, Confer-
   tion, presented at ’NRP 70 / NRP 71 Kick-o↵            ence poster, presented at ‘Sustainable Use of Re-
   Event’, April 24, Luzern, Switzerland, 2015            sources – from Evidence to Intervention’, 29 Jan-
8. René Schumann, Franco Romerio, Werner                 uary 2015, Basel, Switzerland, 2015

                                                   5 31
Jochen Waltenberger
Eidg. Dipl. Wirtschaftsinformatiker
Eidg. Dipl. Marketingleiter
Lindenhofstrasse 10A, 8624 Grüt
+41 (0)79 529 37 29
28. Februar 1971
Verheiratet, 2 Kinder

Digitalisierung im Zentrum meines Berufslebens
Seit knapp 30 Jahren digitalisiere ich erfolgreich Prozesse und
Organisationen. Den Auf- und Ausbau eines Geschäftsbereichs habe
ich sowohl für regionale wie auch für internationale Finanzinstitute
vollzogen. Die vergangenen 7 Jahre beinhalteten vor allem              „Werte kann man nicht
internationalen Ausschreibungen von Finanzdienstleistungen, welche     lehren, sondern nur
dank hoher Erfolgsquote zu etlichen Reisen um den Globus führten.      vorleben“
Ich schätze eine offene Kommunikationskultur und motiviere Teams       © Victor Frankl
mit hohem Einsatz als Vorbild und durch einen kooperativen

Ehrenamtlich leite ich seit Jahren eine Fachgruppe der Schweizer
Informatik Gesellschaft zu den Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf
Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. An der Hochschule Luzern bin ich
Konferenzleiter der Swiss Digital Finance Conference.

Periode                     Tätigkeit                                  Arbeitgeber

03.2020 – heute             IT- Digitalisierungs- und Webprojekte,     Multioffice, Schweizer
                            Spin-Off, Business Development             Informatik Gesellschaft
12.2014 – 02.2020           Cash Management Consultant                 Commerzbank AG
02.2013 – 11.2014           Head of Payments and Cash Management       HSBC London plc
07.2011 – 01.2013           Leiter Cash Management Services            Luzerner Kantonalbank
10.2010 – 06.2011           Product Manager UBS E-Dokumente            UBS AG
02.2007 – 09.2010           Cash Management Consultant                 UBS AG
04.2006 – 01.2007           Leiter Neue Medien                         Werbeagentur deFacto AG
02.2005 – 03.2006           Account Manager TOP Preferred Accounts     DELL Computer S.A.
11.2003 – 01.2005           Geschäftsführer                            Multioffice AG
09.2002 – 10.2003           Account Manager TOP Preferred Accounts     DELL Computer S.A.
12.1998 – 08.2002           Account Manager Electronic Banking         Aargauische Kantonalbank
12.1998 – 08.2002           Geschäftsführer                            Multioffice AG
12.1994 – 09.1997           Account Manager Electronic Banking         UBS AG
03.1993 – 11.1994           Account Manager Electronic Banking         Aargauische Kantonalbank
05.1990 – 02.1993           Junior-Kreditberater                       Neue Aargauer Bank
04.1987 – 04.1990           Banklehre                                  Schweizerische Kreditanstalt


 03.2020 – heute     Multioffice E-Services

                     - Beratung und Umsetzung von Web-Projekten
                     - Betreuung von Netzwerk-, Hard- und Softwareumgebungen

                     Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft

                     Business Developer
                     - Business Development im Rahmen eines Spin-Offs
                       zum Thema IT Security
                     - Konferenzleiter der Swiss Digital Finance Conference 2020
                     - Präsident der Fachgruppe E-Conomy
                     - Neu-Gründung der Fachgruppe IT und Cyber Security

 12.2014 – 02.2020   Commerzbank AG

                     Cash Management Consultant
                     - Beratung bei Lösungen im Bereich Cash Management für Large Caps
                       (> CHF 500 Mio. Umsatz)
                     - Projektverantwortung zur Implementierung von internationalen Cash Pools sowie
                       Anbindungen von ERP-Systemen an die Bank
                     - Ländervertretung bei internationalen Events (EuroFinance, Finanzsymposien)
                     - Produkt Management Schweiz Commerzbank Treasury Management System
                     - Verantwortlich für das Thema Cybercrime intern wie seitens Kunden

 02.2013 – 11.2014   HSBC London plc Zürich

                     Head of Payments and Cash Management (PCM)
                     - Entwicklung und Anpassung Produkte-Angebot
                     - Zielentwicklung und -gestaltung der Abteilung Payments & Cash Management
                     - Entwicklung von Verkaufsunterlagen
                     - Screenings von Kunden-Portfolios mit entsprechender Verkaufsplanung
                     - Kundenbesuche in allen Sprachregionen der Schweiz
                     - First- und Second Level Support für länderspezifische Problemstellungen
                     - Ausbildung Mitarbeiter in Form von Workshops
                     - Entwicklung von Messe-Auftritten
                     - Software Partner Management

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