Spectrum Holidays USA NATIONAL PARKS - 2020 Escorted Small Group Tour

Page created by Gloria Tyler
Spectrum Holidays USA NATIONAL PARKS - 2020 Escorted Small Group Tour
 Spectrum Holidays
2020 Escorted Small Group Tour

                                                    Spectrum Holidays Pty Ltd
                                                      Melbourne 03 8804 2420
                                                       Interstate 1300 130 840
                                        4A/329 Mitcham Rd Mitcham VIC 3132

                       ACN 122 284 119| ABN 92 045 858474 | IATA 02-3 5481 1
Spectrum Holidays USA NATIONAL PARKS - 2020 Escorted Small Group Tour
May 2019                                          Thu 4: Jackson Hole to Yellowstone -             Tue 9: Rapid City to Cheyenne - we                Mon 15: Moab to Mesa Verde National
Sun 31: Australia to Salt Lake City - depart      today’s journey promises gorgeous vistas as      journey 465km south back into Wyoming to          Park - today we journey 190km from Moab
Australia on flights through to Salt Lake City,   we travel 285km northeast through                Cheyenne. Originally a small Wild West            to the unique Mesa Verde National Park.
the capital of Utah. This city is bordered by     Wyoming to the Wild West town of Cody.           town, Cheyenne has kept true to its cowboy        Surrounded by wilderness, our lodging is
the buoyant waters of the Great Salt Lake         Founded by and named after iconic Wild           heritage, despite now being the state’s           right in the middle of park. Far View Lodge
and the snow-capped peaks of the Wasatch          West figure Buffalo Bill (William Frederick      capital! Plains Hotel (1 night)                   (3 nights)
Range. Downtown’s 10-acre Temple Square           Cody) in 1896. This classic American             Wed 10: Cheyenne to Snowmass via                  Tue 16: Mesa Verde National Park
(headquarters of the Mormon Church), is           cowboy town is full of historic memorabilia      Rocky Mountain National Park - this               Touring - we explore Mesa Verde, an
home to the 19th-century Salt Lake Temple         and is the gateway to the glorious               morning we depart Wyoming and travel              incredible archaeological site which is now a
and the neo-Gothic Assembly Hall. The             Yellowstone National Park. Comfort Inn (2        460km south into Colorado. We journey             UNESCO World Heritage Site. The park’s
acclaimed Mormon Tabernacle Choir                 nights)                                          through the spectacular Rocky Mountain            fascinating features are the 600 cliff
performs in the square’s domed Tabernacle.        Fri 5: Yellowstone National Park Touring         National Park to the town of Snowmass. The        dwellings, which were built into the canyon
Crystal Lake Inn (2 nights)                       - today we tour one of the marvels of the        village was settled by ranching families in the   walls and inhabited by Puebloan people.
June 2019                                         world, Yellowstone National Park. It houses      1890s. Snowmass is surrounded by mountain         These range from small houses to the 150-
                                                  over 10,000 hot springs and geysers,             peaks and lovely walking trails. Stonebridge      room Cliff Palace.
Mon 1: Salt Lake City Sightseeing Tour -          including Old Faithful, Mammoth Hot              Inn (2 nights)
our sightseeing tour of the city takes us to                                                                                                         Wed 17: Silverton and Durango Railway -
                                                  Springs and the rainbow coloured Grand           Thu 11: Aspen touring - today we have an
the magnificent six spired Salt Lake Mormon                                                                                                          this morning we head to the former mining
                                                  Prismatic Spring. Filled with deep canyons,      opportunity to explore the heart of Colorado
Temple, the Governor's Mansion, the Old                                                                                                              town of Silverton, where we board the
                                                  rocky peaks and alpine rivers, it’s also home    Rockies. In summer, the snow melts and a
Mormon Pioneer Trail, the Pony Express                                                                                                               famous 3ft narrow gauge ‘Silverton to
                                                  to a range of wildlife including bison, elk,     natural wonderland is revealed. Lush Aspen
Station, the Olympic Village and the                                                                                                                 Durango’ heritage railroad. Durango is a
                                                  wolf, moose and bear.                            trees soar toward the sky, providing a canopy
University of Utah.                                                                                                                                  charming historic model of life in the 1800s
                                                  Sat 6: Yellowstone to Rapid City - we            of green. Shadows dance between leaves,           with its saloons, historic mansions and old-
Tue 2: Salt Lake City to Jackson Hole -           continue our journey heading 600km east          while sunlight sparkles on the surface of the     time hotels.
we continue our tour by driving 440km             through Wyoming and into South Dakota.           Roaring Fork River.
                                                                                                                                                     Thu 18: Mesa Verde to Grand Canyon via
north through Utah, into Idaho and finishing      Rapid City is known as the Gateway to ‘The       Fri 12: Snowmass to Moab - we drive               Monument Valley - we depart Colorado
in Wyoming’s magnificent Grand Teton              Black Hills’ and ‘The City of Presidents’.       360km to Moab which is surrounded by              and drive 440km into Arizona, the home of
National Park. We spend two evenings in the       Before heading to Mt. Rushmore you might         some of the most stunning red rock                the Grand Canyon. Along the way we view
Wild West mountain resort town of Jackson         like to stroll down ‘Presidential Walk’ to see   landscapes on Earth. Moab has a unique            the famous and spectacular buttes and mesas
Hole, a valley between the Teton Mountain         full-size statues of the American Presidents.    combination of small town hospitality,            of Monument Valley, quite a sight! These
Range and the Gros Ventre Range. Quality          Hotel Alex Johnson (3 nights)                    beautiful scenery and the cool waters of the      ancient rocks have been the backdrop for
Inn and Suites (2 nights)                         Sun 7: Mt Rushmore Touring - into the            Colorado River. La Quinta (3 nights)              numerous movies and TV shows. Red
Wed 3: Grand Tetons Touring - from                Black Hills we go, where we visit the famous     Sat 13 to Sun 14: Moab - Canyonlands              Feather Lodge (2 nights)
Jackson Hole, we head out for a full day of       Mt. Rushmore National Monument, with its         and Arches - we will take day tours to            Fri 19: Grand Canyon Touring - enjoy a
adventure exploring the marvellous Grand          60ft granite presidential faces.                 Canyonlands and Arches National Parks.            day at leisure to explore one the world’s
Teton National Park. Established in 1929,         Mon 8: Blackhills and Custer State Park -        Millions of years ago, the Colorado and           most phenomenal natural wonders. The
the national park was named after the mighty      adventuring out of the city and back into the    Green Rivers cut winding paths deep into          Grand Canyon is 350km long and ranges in
Grand Teton, the tallest mountain in the          Black Hills, you’ll notice this area is a very   rock, creating a series of rocky canyons that     width from 6km to 29km. The mighty
range standing at 13,775 ft. The park is just     spiritual and sacred place for Native            form the heart of this stunning wilderness.       Colorado River runs along the canyon floor,
one mile north of Jackson Hole and is             Americans. We travel south through the           We take scenic drives through the parks,          at some points the canyon is over a mile
beautifully rich with wildlife, pristine lakes    Black Hills and into Custer State Park. Wide     where you’ll see natural stone arches and         deep!
and alpine terrain. You’ll find these             open plains surround us as well as bison         amazing rock formations, which appear as
mountains are truly magic and will inspire        herds, fishing lakes and huge rock               though they have been shaped by an artist’s
your imagination!                                 formations such as the Needle’s Eye.             hand.
Sat 20: Grand Canyon to Bryce Canyon             Thu 25: Las Vegas to San Francisco to In       Cost Per Person ($A twin share basis)          Group Size
via Antelope Slot Canyon - in the morning        Flight - in the afternoon we transfer to the   Land arrangements             $11,985          This group tour is designed to operate with a
we begin our 460km drive to Bryce Canyon.        airport and board our flights back to          Single room supplement        $ 3,850          minimum of 10 people through to maximum
On the way we visit Antelope Slot Canyon,        Australia.
                                                                                                International Flights                          of 20 people. The group tour will be led by
located on Navajo Land. An absolute feast        Fri 26: In Flight
                                                                                                Please contact us if you would like a quote    an experienced and knowledgeable local
for the eyes, this is one of the deepest and
                                                 Sat 27: In Flight to Australia                 for flights with Air New Zealand. If you       guide.
most photographed slot canyons in the
world. We venture back into Utah and travel                                                     would prefer to travel with an airline other   Gratuities
to Bryce Canyon National Park. BW Ruby’s         Tour Inclusions:                               than Air New Zealand, we can also assist       We have included the cost of gratuities for
Inn (2 nights)                                   ▲ Clean and comfortable accommodation          with reservations. You are also welcome to     coach drivers, local guides, baggage handling,
                                                 ▲ Gratuities for local guides, porters and     organise your own flights.                     transfers and sightseeing tours in the price of
Sun 21: Bryce Canyon - there is really no
place like this in the world. Today we set off     hotel staff                                                                                 the escorted group tours. You are
on our picturesque drive through Bryce                                                                                                         responsible for gratuities on meals and extra
                                                 ▲ Sightseeing tours and activities:
Canyon National Park. Despite its name, it’s                                                                                                   touring arrangements not included in the
                                                      • Salt Lake City                                                                         itinerary.
not actually a canyon; it’s a series of deep
amphitheatres and coloured rock formations            • Grand Tetons National Park
and hoodoos. These natural sculptures are             • Yellowstone National Park
the trademark of the park and will truly              • Mt Rushmore
amaze you!                                            • Blackhills and Custer State Park
Mon 22: Bryce Canyon to Zion National                 • Aspen
Park - today we head east through Utah                • Rocky Mountain National Park
travelling 135km into Zion National Park.             • Canyonlands National Park
You’ll notice the scenery changing from the           • Arches National Park
fairy chimneys and bright reds and oranges            • Mesa Verde National Park
of Bryce Canyon, to the scatterings of green
                                                      • Monument Valley
amongst the red and white peaks of Zion
National Park. Truly stunning. Bumbleberry            • Silverton and Durango Railway
Inn Zion (2 nights)                                   • Grand Canyon National Park
Tue 23: Zion National Park Touring -                  • Antelope Slot Canyon
Zion is often said to be the most beautiful           • Bryce Canyon
place in America. At the heart of this park is        • Zion National Park
Zion Canyon, which was carved by the
Virgin River, running through the canyon.
This spectacular corner of Utah is a
masterpiece of towering cliffs, deep red
canyons buttes and massive monoliths.
Wed 24: Zion Park to Las Vegas - on the
last leg of our tour we drive southeast into
the Nevada desert to Las Vegas. NASA has
named Las Vegas the brightest spot on
Earth, with lights so bright can be seen from
space! Gold Nugget Hotel (1 night)
 Spectrum Holidays
                                              2020 USA National Parks Group Tour Booking Form

                                                               Passenger 1                                            Passenger 2

Given names per passport
Preferred name
Street Address
State and Postcode
Email Address
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Emergency contact person
Emergency number
Travel insurance provider
Travel insurance policy number
Frequent Flyer Program
Frequent Flyer Number

Please return completed booking form along with copy of your passport. Deposit of $2,000 per      Please return to:
person is required to confirm your place on the tour. Payments can be made by cash, cheque,       Address - 4A/329 Rd, Mitcham, Victoria, 3132
MasterCard, Visa or Direct Deposit. Our banking details are Commonwealth Bank BSB: 063 146        Email - andrew@spectrumholidays.com.au
Account No: 1033 0308. If you are making direct deposit could please let us know when a payment
                                                                                                  Telephone - 03 8804 2420 or 1300 130 840
has been sent. Could you also include your surname as the “transaction reference There is a 1%
charge to cover merchant fees on payments made by credit card.                                    www.spectrumholidays.com.au
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