Vademecum of the speakers - Fake news and Electoral Campaigns EIN seminar on - European Ideas Network

Page created by Clara Robertson
Vademecum of the speakers - Fake news and Electoral Campaigns EIN seminar on - European Ideas Network
EIN seminar on

      Fake news and
Electoral Campaigns
           6th March 2019

of the speakers
Vademecum of the speakers - Fake news and Electoral Campaigns EIN seminar on - European Ideas Network
Vademecum of the speakers - Fake news and Electoral Campaigns EIN seminar on - European Ideas Network
EIN seminar on:
Fake news and Electoral Campaigns
6th March 2019

Vademecum of the speakers

                    David ALANDETE
                    Executive level editor, Journalist and Writer

                    Executive level editor, journalist, and writer. Extensive experience in digital
                    disruption and research of disinformation and fake news. Responsible
                    for breaking the news of Russian meddling in the Catalan referendum in
                    Spain. More than 20 years working as a foreign correspondent in America
                    and the Middle East, as well as editing newspapers both in print and online.
                    Possesses a carefully curated rolodex of trusted international sources on
                    every continent in intelligence communities, governments, NGOs and
                    business sector. Besides his executive duties, as a managing editor Alandete
                    assembled and led an investigative team that covered the Russian meddling
                    campaign in the Catalan independence crisis and the Italian elections, among
                    other governance crises. He introduced tools to combine data mining, data
                    brokerage, and data analysis for strategic reporting on politics. He has
                    interviewed Syrian president Bashar al Assad, Israel’s president Shimon
                    Peres, Ukraine’s president Petró Poroshenko, writer David Grossman,
                    Greece’s minister Yanis Varoufakis, Vogue’s editor Anna Wintour and many
                    other world leaders and businesspeople. Alandete has served as the El País
                    liaison with the Leading European Newspaper Association, with regular
                    contacts and coordination with media such as Die Welt, La Repubblica,
                    Le Figaro and Gazeta Wyborcza. He has also been a frequent speaker in
                    conferences on misinformation organised by the European Parliament and
                    Commission; the European Values Think Tank, and the Atlantic Governance
                    Institute, among others. From 2006 to 2012, Alandete was one of the El País’s
                    US correspondents at their Washington bureau. He covered two presidential
                    campaigns and was an accredited journalist in the State Department, the
                    Pentagon and Congress. In 2011, he travelled to Kabul to report on the 10th
                    anniversary of the military operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
                    He also visited the detention camp in the Guantanamo Naval Base to cover
                    the detainees’ trials. As a Middle East Bureau Chief between 2013 and 2014,
                    Alandete did extensive fieldwork in Lebanon, Syria, Israel and the Palestinian
                    territories, Jordan and Egypt. He served as a war zone envoy and covered the
                    Syrian war and the Egyptian coup d’état in 2013. He graduated from George
                    Washington University in 2006 with a Masters in International Policy and
                    Practice, thanks to a Fulbright fellowship. Previously he had worked in radio
                    and television. In 2001, he graduated from the El País School of Journalism,
                    where he obtained his first Master’s degree, in journalism. In 2000, he
                    graduated cum laude in Media Studies from the University of Valencia after
                    receiving the Exceptional Career award.
Vademecum of the speakers - Fake news and Electoral Campaigns EIN seminar on - European Ideas Network
EIN seminar on:
Fake news and Electoral Campaigns
6th March 2019

Vademecum of the speakers

                    Adeline BRION
                    Programme Coordinator, Lie Detectors

                    Adeline Brion is Lie Detectors Belgium programme coordinator. Lie Detectors
                    is a non-profit that connects journalists, children and news literacy in the
                    fight against disinformation and for critical thinking. Adeline’s current work
                    includes the coordination and implementation of successful journalist
                    training workshops and classroom sessions in Belgium while keeping an eye
                    on developments in the field of media literacy at the national and European
                    level. She is passionate about empowering people to make choices on
                    reliable information end be actively aware of bias.

                    Paolo CESARINI
                    Head of Unit responsible for media convergence and social media,
                    DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology, EC

                    Paolo Cesarini is Head of the Unit responsible for media convergence and
                    social media within DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology at
                    the European Commission. He previously held other management positions
                    in the Commission, namely in DG Competition where he was responsible
                    for antitrust policy and enforcement in the media, consumer goods, basic
                    industries, agricultural and manufacturing sectors (from 2001 until 2010), and
                    for State aid policy in the areas of R&D&I, risk finance and environment (from
                    2011 until 2016). Previous assignments include work as a legal officer at the
                    Legal Service of the International Labour Organization in Geneva (Switzerland)
                    and as a researcher at the Institute for Public and International Law of Siena
                    University. He obtained a master degree in international law at the University
                    of Siena (Italy) and an LLM in EU law at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium).
                    During the last ten years, he has also been teaching EU competition law as
                    visiting professor at Siena University, and as lecturer at Montpellier University.
Vademecum of the speakers - Fake news and Electoral Campaigns EIN seminar on - European Ideas Network
EIN seminar on:
Fake news and Electoral Campaigns
6th March 2019

Vademecum of the speakers

                    Daniel FARACI
                    Director, Grassroots Political Consulting

                    From the onset of Daniels’ education and political career, he was able to
                    volunteer on many local, state, and federal campaigns across the United
                    States. Those opportunities spurred his successful educational background
                    at Baylor University, where he earned a BA in International Relations and
                    an MPPA in Public Policy and Administration. During his education, he was
                    actively involved in various community and civic organizations, employment
                    with a national Political Action Committee, travel twice with Baylor’s Turkey/
                    Greece international study programs and other significant political projects
                    as well. Daniel Faraci’s employment experience has been with consulting
                    and managing local, state, and federal campaigns, grassroots and coalitions-
                    based advocacy and lobbying on Capitol Hill and in California, Florida
                    and Arizona for a national small business trade association, and other
                    entrepreneurial and humanitarian-affiliated projects as well. His career
                    also included serving in the intelligence community in counterterrorism
                    operations and investigations with NCIS. Based upon these diverse
                    experiences, he continues to enhance his capabilities in management
                    and strategic consulting of U.S. House, Senate and Presidential political
                    campaigns across the United States, as well as in the Middle East region.
                    Simultaneously, he has spent a few years teaching Political Science, History,
                    and Criminal Justice/Homeland Security at the University level. In addition,
                    he has attained further expertise by transforming his career to successfully
                    federal and state-based lobbying in health care, tax, finance and economic
                    development issues representing both domestic and international clients for
                    over a decade. Daniel Faraci currently serves as the Director of Grassroots
                    Political Consulting LLC (, serves on the Board of
                    the European Centre for the Study of Extremism at Cambridge University
                    (UK) ( and is a part time Professor at BAU International
Vademecum of the speakers - Fake news and Electoral Campaigns EIN seminar on - European Ideas Network
EIN seminar on:
Fake news and Electoral Campaigns
6th March 2019

Vademecum of the speakers

                    Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ MEP
                    Secretary General of the European People’s Party (EPP)

                    Antonio López-Istúriz White is Secretary General of the European People’s
                    Party (EPP) and a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), representing
                    the Spanish centre-right People’s Party (Partido Popular). He is also Secretary
                    Treasurer of the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (WMCES) and
                    the Secretary-General of the Centrist Democrat International (IDC-CDI).
                    López-Istúriz White has been in Brussels since 1997, when he worked as
                    an assistant to the People’s Party delegation at the European Parliament.
                    He held this position until 1999, when he was called by then-President of
                    the Spanish Government José María Aznar to become his personal advisor
                    for almost four years. In 2002, he returned to Brussels upon his election as
                    Secretary General of the European People’s Party. Two years later, he was
                    elected on his party’s list as MEP, and he has held both offices since then.
                    In January 2008, López-Istúriz White was elected Secretary Treasurer of the
                    Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies.
                    He currently sits on the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market
                    and Consumer Protection and is a substitute on the European Parliament’s
                    Committee on Foreign Affairs and its Subcommittee on Security and Defence.
                    López-Istúriz White is also a Member of the Delegation for relations with the
                    United States, the Delegation for relations with Israel and the Delegation to
                    the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. Antonio
                    López-Istúriz White is also President of the European Union-United Arab
                    Emirates (UAE) Parliamentary Friendship Group.
                    López-Istúriz White is a recipient of the 2013 Parliamentarian Prize
                    Eurodiputado del Año (MEP of the Year) awarded by the Asociación
                    de Periodistas Parlamentarios (Spanish Parliamentarian Journalists
                    He holds a bachelor degree in Law and studies in Economics. In addition to
                    Spanish, he speaks English, French, Italian and Mallorquin. He is married
                    and has two daughters.
Vademecum of the speakers - Fake news and Electoral Campaigns EIN seminar on - European Ideas Network
EIN seminar on:
Fake news and Electoral Campaigns
6th March 2019

Vademecum of the speakers

                    Paulo RANGEL MEP
                    Vice-Chairman of the EPP party, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in
                    the European Parliament, EIN Chairman

                    Paulo Rangel is a Member of the European Parliament since 2009 and vice-chairman
                    of the EPP Group, responsible for the EPP’s think tank, European Ideas Network.
                    Since 2015, Mr. Rangel is also vice-chairman of the EPP. Member of the
                    Constitutional Affairs Committee and member of the Delegation to the
                    ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Rangel is as well Head of the
                    Portuguese PSD Delegation and Administrator of the Robert Schuman
                    Foundation, since 2009. Former Member of the Portuguese Parliament, on
                    the 10th legislature, Mr. Rangel was the Chairman of PSD parliamentary
                    group in 2008-2009. Prior to this, Paulo Rangel was Deputy Secretary of
                    State in the Ministry of Justice under the 16th constitutional government.
                    Law graduate, by the Catholic University of Oporto, Mr. Rangel has a attended
                    a master degree in juridical-political sciences, by the University of Coimbra, and
                    attended a Doctorate in Public Law, by the Law faculty of Nova University of Lisbon.
                    Lecturer in the Law Faculty of the Law Faculty of the Portuguese Catholic
                    University and lecturer of the MBA in the Porto Business School.
                    Mr Rangel is a member of the board of directors of the Porto Trade Association,
                    chairman of the General Assembly of RAR Group and regular commentator
                    in various branches of media. Mr. Rangel has made many speeches and
                    lectures, scholarly articles and books on legal, political and constitutional
                    issues, including Repensar o Poder Judical, Publicações Universidade Católica,
                    2001, O Estado do Estado, D. Quixote, 2009. Research work: with the DAAD in
                    Frankfurt, with the European Institute in Florence, the University of Osnabrück,
                    the University of Upsala, the University of Lausanne, the University of Bologna,
                    the University of Genoa and the University of Freiburg. Awarded the Grosse
                    Verdienstkreuz mit Stern by the Federal Republic of German (2009); the Council
                    of Europe’s René Cassin Prize (1989); the D. António Ferreira Gomes Prize (1986).
EIN seminar on:
Fake news and Electoral Campaigns
6th March 2019

Vademecum of the speakers

                    Wout van WIJK
                    Executive Director, News Media Europe

                    Wout van Wijk is Executive Director at News Media Europe, representing
                    over 2200 news brands throughout Europe. Prior to this, he worked with
                    the Brussels office of Huawei Technologies, leading their public outreach
                    on Cyber Security and Data Privacy. Wout also worked with the European
                    Commission on Trust and Security related policy and research. He started
                    his career with the trade association of Europe’s direct marketing industry,
                    Wout holds an Msc in Communication Studies from the Twente University,
                    The Netherlands and an MA in European Public Affairs from Maastricht
                    University, The Netherlands.
Network centre in the EPP Group secretariat
EIN team:

            Guillermo Martinez Casañ
            Network Director

            Tel.: +32 2 283 1456
            Fax: +32 2 283 1257


            Mafalda Castro de Sousa
            EIN Policy Coordinator

            Tel.: +32 2 283 0659


            Pascaline Raffegeau
            Publications coordinator

            Tel: +32 2 284 32 94


            Véronique De Jonghe
            Publications layout

            Tel: +32 2 284 22 99

Published by:   Publications Unit
                Directorate for Press and Communications
                EPP Group in the European Parliament
Editor:         Pedro López de Pablo
Coordination:   Mafalda CASTRO DE SOUSA
Layout:         Véronique De Jonghe
Address:        European Parliament
                60 rue Wiertz
                B - 1047 Brussels
Copyright:      EPP Group in the European Parliament
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