Valeria Bianciotto Date of birth: 26/07/1965 Torino Nationality: Italian - Ipsp-Cnr

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Valeria Bianciotto

Date of birth: 26/07/1965 Torino
Nationality: Italian
     Istituto Protezione Piante CNR
     c/o Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale Università di Torino
     Viale Mattioli 25 10125 Torino Italy
     tel +39 011 6502927 ext 51 011 6705975
     fax + 39 011 6705962

Valeria Bianciotto is currently Senior Researcher Scientist at Plant Protection Institute (IPP) of the
Italian National Council of Research (CNR). Since January 2010 she is responsible of the IPP-CNR
Turin Research Unit. Her interest, in the past, has been focused on the study of the biology of the
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. She investigated the cell cycle of the AM fungi during her
Ph.D in "Fungal Biology and Biotechnology" at the University of Turin. Her researches, in the last
years, were focalized on the study of the biodiversity of AM fungi in natural and agricultural
ecosystems and of a population of intracellular bacteria (Candidatus Glomeribacter gigasporarum)
of AM fungi. Actually she is involved in metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses of AMF
communities in different environments and in the genome sequencing project of Candidatus G.
gigasporarum. She is involved in European and National projects (ENDURE, Tech4wine CIPE,
Biobits CIPE, Soilsink FISR, Agribiocam, Ecoflor, ECOFINDERS, PURE). She is in the Editorial
Board of the Journal ‘Applied and Environmental Microbiology’ of the American Society of
Microbiology and referee for several international Journals.
Since 1999 she is contract Professor of Plant Biology at Biotechnology School -Agricultural
Faculty -University of Torino and member of the Ph.D school "Biologia e Biotecnologia dei
Funghi" belonging to the School of Science and Technology (University of Turin). Tutor of
undergraduate, PhD students and trainees (Italian and foreign students).

1990 -1993 Ph.D. in Biology and Biotechnology of Fungi, University of Turin, Italy Ph.D. Thesis
title: “Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: morphogenesis and cellular cycle” A period of the PhD was
spent at the John Innes Institute Norwich, U.K. and Laboratoire de Phytoparasitologie de la Station
de Génétique et d'Amélioration des Plantes INRA – Dijon France
1990 Degree in Natural Sciences - University of Torino

Senior researcher at the Italian National Council of Research (CNR)

2010 Responsible of the IPP- CNR Group in Torino
1999-2010 Contract Professor of Plant Biology (Morphology) - Biotechnology School -Agricultural
Faculty -University of Torino
2001- now Permanent Researcher Scientist of the CNR (Italian National Council of Research) Group
of Soil Mycology - Istituto Protezione Piante –Torino (from 2006 position of Primo ricercatore -
Senior Research Scientist)
1996 -2000 Researcher Scientist of Centro di Studio sulla Micologia del Terreno di Torino del CNR
1993- 1996 Postdoc. Res. assistant, Dept. Plant Sciences,University of Turin, UK.

Biology of AM fungi
AM Fungal-bacterial interactions
Intracellular bacteria of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)
Biodiversity of AMF
Soil metagenomic and metatranscriptomic
Evaluation of AMF impact in natural and agricultural ecosystems
Biotechnological use of AMF inocula

Refereed articles and Book chapters : 40
Invited lectures 14
Meetings presentations: more than 70

Tutor of undergraduate, PhD students and trainees (Italian and foreign students).
M.Sc. students more than 20
Ph D students 2
Post doc 2

- Responsible for IPP Torino CNR in CIPE - BIOBITS (2009/2012).
- Responsible for IPP-CNR (Turin Unit) of the Project ECOFLOR (funded by Regione Piemonte) in
collaboration with Dip. Agroselviter della Facoltà di Agraria (2010/2012).
- Responsible since 2009 of the CNR project AG.P02.006: Biodiversità di ospiti, patogeni, vettori,
organismi nocivi e antagonisti, funghi simbionti della rizosfera
- Researcher responsible for IPP-CNR (Turin Unit) in EU Network of Excellence (NoE) titled
European Network for the DURable Exploitation of crop protection strategies (ENDURE) (2007-
- Responsible for IPP-CNR (Turin Unit) of the Project AGRIBIOCAM: Analysis of the
mycorrhization of Camelia plants (2008/2010) in collaboration with Dip. Agroselviter Facoltà di
-Researcher responsible of an International Joint Project with the Royal Society (UK) titled (2006-
2008): ‘Developing genetic markers to test for genetic exchanges in arbuscular mycorrhizae’
-Researcher responsible for IPP-CNR of a research activity in the project FISR “Cambiamenti
Climatici e Sistemi Produttivi Agricoli e Forestali: Impatto sulle Riserve di Carbonio e sulla Diversita’
Microbica del Suolo-acronimo SOILSINK (2006-2009)
- Responsible (sub-project leader) for IPP-CNR in the Italian Projects CEBIOVEM (2003-2006),
RAISA, COFIN 2000 and scientific program of IPP-CNR devoted to different aspects of mycorrhizal
fungi-intracellular bacteria-rhizosphere bacteria.
-Involved as researcher in the Regional CIPE Project (2007-2010) titled: Integrated tecnology platform
supporting the quality and safety of typical wines of Piedmont, Italy (TECK4WINE)
-Involved as Resercher in the EU TRACEAM Project (MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Host fellowships
for Early Stage Research Training (EST).
- Researcher responsible in the frame of European projects (local coordinator Paola Bonfante for
Torino) IMPACT I and IMPACT II (1993-1999) devoted to study the interaction between rhizosphere
bacteria and AM fungi (IMPACT I), the effects of GMOs on mycorrhizal and saprotrofic fungi
(IMPACT II) and GENOMYCA (2001-2004) devoted to the identification of useful genetic traits in
AM fungi and intracellular bacteria. Involved as researcher in the COST ACTION 821.

- Member of Institut Council of Istituto Protezione Piante IPP - (CNR) 2001-2008
- Member of the editorial board of ‘Applied and Environmental Microbiology’ Journal of the
American Society of Microbiology
- Referee for manuscripts submitted to the journals: New Phytologist, Mycological Research,
Mycorrhiza, Applied and environmental microbiology, Journal of Plant Interaction, FEMS
Microbiology Ecology, Plant Biosystem, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Annals of
Microbiology, Biology and Fertlity of soils, Plant and soil, Environmental microbiology
- Referee of an international project for Swiss National Science Foundation
- Invited speaker in international congresses of Mycology, Microbiology, Biotechnology and for a
Gordon Research Conference
- Invited to write review articles/book chapters since 2002

- Since 1999 contract Professor of Plant Biology at Biotechnology School -Agricultural Faculty -
University of Torino
- Member of the Ph.D school " Biologia e Biotecnologia dei Funghi" belonging to the School of
Science and Technology (University of Turin).
- Tutor of undergraduate, PhD students and trainees (Italian and foreign students)
- Member of Commissions for Degree in Plant Biotechnology and for PhD thesis evaluation
- Invited speaker for PhD school seminars


Lumini, E., Orgiazzi, A., Borriello, R., Bonfante, P. and Bianciotto, V. (2010) Disclosing
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal biodiversity in soil through a land-use gradient using a pyrosequencing
approach. Environmental Microbiology (Published Online: doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.02099.x)

Balestrini R, Magurno F, Walker C, Lumini E, Bianciotto V. (2010) Cohorts of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in Vitis vinifera, a typical Mediterranean fruit crop (2010) Environmental
Microbiology Reports Published Online: DOI: 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2010.00160.x

Salvioli A, Erica Lumini, Iulia A. Anca, V. Bianciotto, P. Bonfante (2009) Simultaneous detection
and quantification of the unculturable microbe Candidatus Glomeribacter gigasporarum inside its
fungal host Gigaspora margarita New Phytologist 180:248-257 IF:5,25

Iulia-Andra Anca, Erica Lumini, Stefano Ghignone, Alessandra Salvioli, Valeria Bianciotto,
 Paola Bonfante (2009) The ftsZ gene of the endocellular bacterium Ca. Glomeribacter
gigasporarum is preferentially expressed during the symbiotic phases of its host mycorrhizal fungus.
Molecular microbe plant Interaction in press IF 4,275

Alguacil M.M., E Lumini., A Roldan., J.R Salinas-Garcia., P Bonfante and V. Bianciotto.
(2008) The Impact of tillage practices on AM fungal diversity in crop fields under subtropical
conditions. Ecological Applications 18:527–536. IF: 3,7

Lumini E., Bianciotto V., Jargeat P., Novero M., Salvioli A., Faccio A., Becard G. and P.
Bonfante 2007 Presymbiotic growth and sporal morphology are affected in the arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita cured of its endobacteria Cellular microbiology 9, 7: 1716-
1729. (IF 6,333)
Ligrone R , Anna Carafa, Erica Lumini, Valeria Bianciotto, Paola Bonfante, And Jeffrey G.
Duckett (2007) Glomeromycotean Associations In Liverworts: A Molecular, Cellular And
Taxonomic Analysis. American Journal of Botany.

Lumini E., Bianciotto V., Jargeat P., Novero M., Salvioli A., Faccio A., Becard G. and P.
Bonfante 2007 Presymbiotic growth and sporal morphology are affected in the arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita cured of its endobacteria Cellular microbiology 9, 7: 1716-

Lumini E., S. Ghignone, V. Bianciotto, P. Bonfante. 2006. Endobacteria or bacterial
endosymbionts? To be or not to be. New Phytologist 170 (2):199-420

da Silva G. A, E. Lumini, L. Costa Maia P. Bonfante, V. Bianciotto. 2006. Phylogenetic analysis
of Glomeromycota by partial LSU rDNA sequences. Mycorrhiza.

Vallino, M., N. Massa, E, Lumini, G. Berta, V. Bianciotto, and P. Bonfante. 2006. Assessment
of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in roots of Solidago gigantea growing on a polluted soil in
northern Italy. Environm. Microbiol. 8(6):971-83.

Bianciotto V., Genre A., Jargeat P., Lumini E., Bécard G. and Bonfante P. (2004) Vertical
transmission of endobacteria in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita through
vegetative spore generations Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70, 6: 3600-3608.

Bianciotto V., Lumini E., Bonfante P. and Vandamme P. (2003). ‘Candidatus Glomeribacter
gigasporarum’ gen. nov., sp. nov., an endosymbiont of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Int. J. Syst.
Evol. Microbiol. 53: 121-124.

Bianciotto V. & Bonfante P. (2002) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: a specialized niche for
rhizospheric and endocellular bacteria. Antoine van Leeuwenhoek 81: 365-371

Minerdi D., Bianciotto V., Bonfante P. (2002) Endosymbiotic bacteria in mycorrhizal fungi: from
their morphology to genomic sequences Plant & Soil 244, 211-219

Bianciotto V., Andreotti S., Balestrini R., Bonfante P., & Perotto S. (2001) Extracellular
polysaccharides are involved in the attachment of Azospirillum brasilense and Rhizobium
leguminosarum to arbuscular mycorrhizal structures. European Journal of Histochemistry 45, 39-49.

Bianciotto V., Andreotti S., Balestrini R., Bonfante P. & Perotto S. (2001) Mucoid mutants of the
biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 show increased ability in biofilm formation on
mycorrhizal and non mycorrhizal carrot roots. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 14(2), 255-260.

Lanfranco L., Bianciotto V., Lumini E., Souza M., Morton J. B. & Bonfante P. (2001) A
combined Morphological and molecular approach to characterize isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi in Gigaspora (Glomales) New Phytologist 152, 169-179

Bianciotto V., Lumini E., Lanfranco L., Minerdi D., Bonfante P. & Perotto S., (2000). Detection
and identification of bacterial endosymbionts in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi belonging to family
Gigasporaceae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66(10), 4503-4509

Barea J.M., Andrade G., Bianciotto V., Dowling D., Lohrke S., Bonfante P., O’Gara F. &
Azcon-Aguilar C. (1998) Impact on arbuscular mycorrhiza formation of Pseudomonas strains used
as inoculants for biocontrol of soil-borne     fungal plant pathogens. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 64 (6), 2304-2307.

Bianciotto V., Bandi C., Minerdi D., Sironi M., Tichy H.V. & Bonfante P. (1996) An obligate
endosymbiotic mycorrhizal fungus itself harbours obligate endobacteria. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 62 (8), 3005-3010.

Bianciotto V., Minerdi D., Perotto S. & Bonfante P. (1996) Cellular interactions between
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizosphere bacteria. Protoplasma 193, 123-131.

Bianciotto V., Barbiero G. & Bonfante P. (1995) Analysis of Cell Cycle in an Arbuscular
Mycorrhizal Fungus by Flow Cytometry and Bromo-deoxyuridine Labelling. Protoplasma 188, 161-

Kannenberg E. L., Perotto S., Bianciotto V., Rathbun E. A. & Brewin N. J. (1994).
Lipopolysaccharide epitope expression by Rhizobium bacteroids as revealed by in situ
immunolabeling of pea root nodule sections. Journal of Bacteriolology, 176 (6): 2021-2032.

Bianciotto V. & Bonfante P. (1993). Evidence of DNA replication in an arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungus in the absence of the host plant. Protoplasma 176: 100-105.

Bianciotto V. & Bonfante P. (1992). Quantification of the nuclear DNA content of two arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi. Mycological Research 96: 1071-1076.

Balestrini R., Bianciotto V, Bonfante P (1992). Nuclear Architecture and DNA Location In Two
VAM Fungi. Mycorrhiza, 1:105-112.


Balestrini R., Bianciotto, V., Bonfante, P. (2010) (in press) Mycorrhizae. In: Handbook of Soil
Science (ed. P. Nanniperi), Taylor & Francis

Balestrini R., Bianciotto, V., Bonfante, P. (2010) Micorrize: come la biologia del XXI secolo studia
le antiche simbiosi tra piante e funghi. In: "Nuove frontiere in biologia delle piante e dei batteri. In
memoria di Assunta Baccarini". Editors: Paolo Pupillo, Bruno Andrea Melandri, Piero Baccarini;
Springer-Verlag, In press

Bianciotto V, Girlanda M, Lazzari A, Cappellazzo G, Perotto S, Bonfante P. (2005) Transgenic
rhizospheres of crop plants: their impact on indigenous soil fungi. in Microorganisms in soil: roles,
ingenesis and function, Chapter 13. (F. Buscot, A. Varma, eds) Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.

Bianciotto V., Perotto S., Ruiz-Lozano J.M. and Bonfante P. (2002) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
and soil bacteria:from cellular investigations to biotechnological perspectives. In: Mycorrhizal
technology in agriculture. From genes to bioproducts. Edited by S. Gianinazzi, H. Schuepp, J.M.
Barea and K. Haselwandter, Birkhauser Verlag, Switzerland, pp 19-31

Bonfante P., Bianciotto V., Ruiz Lozano J.M., Minerdi D., Lumini E. & Perotto S. (2001)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their endobacteria. Chapter of the book "Symbiosis". Joseph
Seckbach Editor of COLE book Series Kluwer Academic Publishers The Netherlands pp. 323-337
Bianciotto V. & Bonfante P. (1999). Presymbiotic versus symbiotic phase in arbuscular
endomycorrhizal fungi. Capitolo in: "Mycorrhiza: Function and Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology" (B. Hock and A. Varma, eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp.
229-251 Seconda edizione ampliata e aggiornata

Bonfante P. & Bianciotto V. (1994). Presymbiotic versus symbiotic phase in endomycorrhizal
fungi: Morphology and cytology. Capitolo in: "Mycorrhiza: Function and Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology" (B. Hock and A. Varma, eds). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 229-247.


Lumini E., Bianciotto V., Bonfante P. (2009) Suolo: una riserva inesplorata di biodiversità
microbica. Protecta -Ambiente, Tecnologia, Sviluppo sostenibile 11/12: 60-68.

E. Lumini, M.M Alguacil, M. Romani, P. Bonfante, and V. Bianciotto 2007 Arbuscular
mycorrhizal diversity associated with two wetland rice (Oryza sativa L.) agrosystems in northern
Italy Proceeding of 4th International temperate rice conference 25-28 June 2007.

Bonfante, P., Lumini, E., Bianciotto, V., Jargeat, P., Salvioli, A., Genre, A., Blal, B., Novero, M.,
Faccio, A., Batut, J., Bécard, G. (2006). Endocellular bacteria/Gigaspora margarita/ host plants:
experimental evidences of arbuscular mycorrhizas as tripartite interactions. In: Sánchez, F., Quinto,
C., Lopez-Lara, I. M., Geiger, O. (eds.), Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions, Volume 5:
Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Mérida,
Yucatán, México, December 14-19, 2005. International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe
Interactions, St. Paul, Minn. 552-558. ISBN: 9780965462549.

Romani M., Bonin I., Bianciotto V., Lumini E., Beltarre G., Bonfante P. (2005) Micorrize, un
sodalizio utile anche in risicoltura. Terra e vita (Edagricole) 21, 78-82.

Bianciotto V., Lumini E., Vallino M., Bonin I., Bonfante P. (2005) Funghi micorrizici arbuscolari
e loro endobatteri: analisi molecolare della biodiversità. Informatore Botanico Italiano 37 (1), 696-

Bonfante, P., Genre, A., Bianciotto, V. (2004). The colonisation strategies of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi: an overview of their cellular interactions with plants and bacteria. In: Frías-
Hernández, J. T., Olalde-Portugal, V., Ferrera-Cerrato, R. (eds.), Avance en el conocimiento de la
biología de las micorrizas. Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, México 19-28.

Genre, A., Bianciotto, V., Jargeat, P., Lumini, E., Uetake, Y., Becard, G., Bonfante, P. (2004).
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi harbor endocellular bacteria. In: Tikhonovich, I., Lugtenberg, B.,
Provorov, N. (eds.), Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 11th
International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St.-Petersburg, Russia, July 18-26,
2003. International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Paul, Minn. 445-447.
ISBN: 0965462536.

Bianciotto, V., Perotto, S., Ruiz-Lozano, J.M., Bonfante, P. (2002). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
and soil bacteria: from cellular investigations to biotechnological perspectives. In: Gianinazzi, S.,
Schüepp, H., Barea, J.M., Haselwandter, K. (eds.), Mycorrhizal Technology in Agriculture: From
Genes to Bioproducts. Birkhäuser, Basel 19-31. ISBN: 9783764364854.
Bonfante, P., Bianciotto, V., Ruiz-Lozano, J.M., Minerdi, D., Lumini, E., Perotto, S. (2002).
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their endobacteria. In: Seckbach, J. (ed.), Symbiosis: Mechanisms
and Model Systems. Kluwer, Dordrecht 323-337. ISBN: 9780306481734. [URL]

Bonfante P., Genre A. & Bianciotto V. (2000) The colonization strategies of arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi: an overview of their cellular interactions with plants and bacteria. Atti del
convegno: Iberoamerican Reunion and III National Symposium on Mycorrhizal Symbiosis,
Guanajuato, State of Guanajuato, Mexico September 27 - 29 of 2000

Bonfante P., Martino E., Bianciotto V. & Perotto S. Simbiosi micorriziche nelle biotecnologie
agrarie. (1996) Atti del convegno AAA Biotec, Ferrara Ottobre1996, 2: 15-22

Bonfante P., Bianciotto V., Lanfranco L. & Perotto S. (1996) Endomycorrhizae: a unifying
concept for cellular and genetic diversity.4th ESM Book of Proceedings "Mycorrhizas in Integrated
Systems. From Genes to Plant development". pp. 163-167

Guglielmino N., Bianciotto V., Martini I., Gribaudo I & Bonfante P. (1996) Spore germination
and hyphal growth of Gigaspora margarita in the presence of rooting leaf explants. 4th ESM Book
of Proceedings dal titolo: "Mycorrhizas in Integrated Systems. From Genes to Plant development"
pp. 330-333

Bianciotto V., Perotto S. & Bonfante P. (1996) Cellular interactions between arbuscular
mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting soil bacteria. 4th ESM Book of Proceedings
"Mycorrhizas in Integrated Systems. From Genes to Plant development”. pp. 623-626

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