Vicarious learning in the time of coronavirus - Behavioral ...

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Vicarious learning in the
time of coronavirus
Christopher G. Myers

                                                   abstract          *

                                                   Health professionals confronting the COVID-19 pandemic need to
                                                   learn vicariously—that is, learn the lessons of others’ experiences—if
                                                   they are to adopt and spread best practices for treatment, avoid costly
                                                   repetition of prior mistakes, and not waste time “reinventing the wheel.”
                                                   Digital communication tools and social media could be leveraged to
                                                   facilitate this vicarious learning in much the same way that they are being
                                                   used to support other types of interpersonal interactions amid social
                                                   distancing. Yet these tools are often not used to their full potential for
                                                   learning and knowledge sharing among health professionals fighting
                                                   COVID-19. Drawing on organizational and behavioral science research
                                                   into how individuals and organizations learn from others’ experiences,
                                                   I recommend guidelines, policies, and practices that can increase both
                                                   the use and the effectiveness of technological tools and social media to
                                                   enhance vicarious learning among the health professionals at the front
                                                   lines of pandemic care.

                                                   Myers, C. G. (2020). Vicarious learning in the time of coronavirus. Behavioral Science
                                                   & Policy 6(2), 153–161. Retrieved from

a publication of the behavioral science & policy association                                                                        153
        n the face of a pandemic, such as the current       Yet as the global spread of the disease continues,
        COVID-19 crisis, health professionals around        there is clearly room for improvement in learning
        the world struggle to acquire the informa-          from others’ experiences with COVID-19. Diffu-
      tion and skills needed to meet the challenge of       sion of knowledge about effective treatments
      providing high-quality care. These outbreaks          and policies for combating the disease remains
      disrupt existing routines and resources, testing      slow, with different countries unfortunately
      the abilities of individuals and organizations        “reinventing the wheel” in their approach to the
      to learn and be resilient as circumstances            disease rather than learning from the errors and
      change and difficulties escalate. In many ways,       successes of earlier efforts.13 The reasons for
      responding successfully to a pandemic depends         this suboptimal vicarious learning are varied, of
      on effective vicarious learning—learning that         course, but they include a tendency to rely on
      occurs through being exposed to and making            formal, static mechanisms for sharing experi-
      sense of others’ experiences1—and on applying         ences with the disease; inadequate opportunities
      the lessons of those experiences to the situa-        for health care providers to directly interact with
      tion at hand. As the disease spreads, learning        peers who are treating the disease in other coun-
      from others’ earlier successes and failures in        tries; and a lack of leadership in organizing and
      addressing it can help speed the deployment of        clearing away obstacles to engaging in those
      effective treatment practices while also helping      interactions. In the text that follows, I address
      to minimize the amount of time spent repeating        processes identified in organizational research
      prior mistakes.                                       that can facilitate more effective vicarious
                                                            learning and suggest actions that leaders can
      This need to learn vicariously from others’           take to increase such learning by health profes-
      pandemic experience to increase the effec-            sionals on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.
      tiveness of one’s own efforts is consistent with
      findings of a significant body of organizational
      and behavioral research. This research has            Processes That Facilitate
      explored the process of vicarious learning at         Vicarious Learning
      a variety of organizational levels—among, for         Moving Beyond Formal, One-Way
      example, individuals, teams, units, and firms—        Knowledge Dissemination
      and has documented how vicarious learning             Part of the challenge of engaging in vicarious
      can improve performance in a wide range of            learning about COVID-19 is that much of the
      industry settings, from information technology        knowledge about others’ experiences with
      and banking to pharmaceutical research and            the disease comes through high-level, static
      aerospace exploration. 2–7                            documentation rather than active discussion
                                                            or interaction. Stories of others’ experiences
      Like companies in these other industries, health      treating COVID-19 are often shared through
      care organizations devote significant effort to       outlets such as news articles or governmental
      enabling vicarious learning—for instance, by          reports that attempt to capture a dynamic
      forming quality improvement collaboratives to         experience and summarize it in a medium or
      share knowledge and learn from others’ innova-        document meant for independent consumption.
      tions.8 Efforts to foster such learning in the face   During this summarization process, much of the
      of COVID-19 have built on these existing prac-        nuance or contextualized understanding of the
      tices, providing valuable ways to incorporate         experience can be lost, either unintentionally
      lessons from others’ experiences with treating        or as a by-product of fitting the experience to a
      the disease. For instance, efforts to document        particular perspective, leaving readers less able
      and disseminate information on early patient          to draw useful insights for applying lessons to
      testing and treatment in Asia provided an oppor-      their own situations.
      tunity for health professionals in other countries
      to learn vicariously from these early experiences     Recent organizational research has pointed out
      with COVID-19 and thereby enhance their own           the inadequacy of relying solely on these arm’s
      treatment efforts.9–12                                length, one-way forms of vicarious learning,

154                                                   behavioral science & policy | volume 6 issue 2 2020
particularly in complex, dynamic environments         stories of other clinicians’ patient care experi-
like those in which health professionals work.1       ences and, in particular, from stories of these
Learning from others in these environments            colleagues’ exceptionally successful cases.18
often requires more significant interaction and
back-and-forth discussion between the people
who are conveying their experiences and the           Ways That Technology
recipients who are learning from them—a give-         Can Support Vicarious
and-take that allows for questioning, analyzing,      Learning About COVID-19
and refining one’s understanding of the               These findings suggest that frontline health
experiences in ways that enable better contex-        professionals can benefit greatly from meeting
tualization and adaptation.1,14                       to share and discuss stories with one another
                                                      about their successes and failures in treating
Engaging in Peer-to-Peer Vicarious                    COVID-19. Unfortunately, the global dispersion
Learning Interactions                                 of this pandemic and those treating it, alongside
Beyond being one-way, static communica-               the mandate to practice greater social distancing
tions, much of the documentation mentioned            to curb the disease’s spread, make it difficult
above targets a broad population of readers,          to enact policies to encourage interpersonal
which limits its value for helping frontline health   learning interactions. Yet more technolog-
professionals learn from their peers’ experi-         ical tools exist today to address these barriers
ences. The questions and knowledge needs of           than during any prior pandemic. And although
those engaged in on-the-ground patient care           technology for treating COVID-19 patients has
often differ from those of the general public         advanced considerably—for example, telemed-
or government officials. Health professionals         icine allows health care workers to conduct
are likely to learn more if they can communi-         some types of patient screening and treatment
cate directly with their peers (rather than having    while maintaining social distancing19—these
these communications mediated through                 same tools have yet to be fully adopted to
reports or media documents). Peer-to-peer             enable vicarious learning among the health
interactions allow health professionals to share      professionals providing the treatment.
more nuanced, tacit knowledge, because they
can rely on common terminology and norms              Technological tools such as videoconferencing
that make it easier to draw lessons from one          and social media allow for greater connec-
another’s stories and experiences.                    tion and collaboration across the globe and
                                                      have been increasingly playing a role in health
Organizational and behavioral research in health      professionals’ interactions and learning in
settings has repeatedly demonstrated the value        recent years. 20–22 A variety of different social
of peer-to-peer vicarious learning as a way for       media groups on platforms such as Face-
health professionals to gain knowledge and            book and Twitter have emerged as community
enhance patient care. For example, surgeons           forums for health professionals, often focusing
practicing in a group setting or engaging in          on a particular specialty or area of interest. For
comparatively more peer interactions have             instance, one closed-membership Facebook
been shown to perform better on recertification       group of robotic surgeons from around the
exams,15 consistent with evidence that formal         world (some of whom may be the only one
continuing medical education (CME) efforts are        in their geographical area performing robotic
more effective in changing behavior when they         procedures) has allowed members to connect
involve interaction or peer discussion. 16 Other      with one another and post questions, photos,
research has shown that cardiac surgeons’ post-       or surgical videos to share their techniques or
operative mortality rates are influenced not only     seek others’ advice. 23,24 Groups such as these
by the surgeons’ own past successes and fail-         provide opportunities for learning and rapid
ures but also by the experiences of their peers.17    dissemination of ideas and techniques and
Likewise, emergency department clinicians             can amplify the benefits of vicarious learning,
have been shown to be motivated to learn from         allowing for knowledge sharing by experts who

a publication of the behavioral science & policy association                                               155
may be geographically remote while also multi-        conduits for vicarious learning already being
      plying the number of potential learners who can       used by those fighting COVID-19. Existing social
      benefit from the information that is discussed.       media groups for health professionals represent
                                                            a valuable resource for sharing knowledge—
      Some efforts are already underway to make use         many have memberships numbering in the tens
      of these technology-mediated, virtual vicar-          of thousands,25 often with a core of highly active
      ious learning interactions in the fight against       users who engage meaningfully with posted
      COVID-19. News stories have documented                questions or information. 23 Although concerns
      the use of social media to rapidly spread clin-       about misinformation on these platforms are
      ical information and combat misinformation on         not unfounded, 25,28 developing policies and
      COVID-19 and increase interaction and collab-         providing resources to allow individuals to
      oration among physicians. 25 Other reports have       better engage with these existing platforms (as
      noted the use of teleconferencing by health           opposed to avoiding or ignoring them) can help
      professionals in Italy and the United States          to address the worries about misinformation.
      to learn from their counterparts treating the
      disease in China. 26,27 Yet these efforts are often   For instance, hospital leaders could identify
      too sporadic or isolated to have a systematic         individuals in their organizations who already
      impact on the pandemic. And there are multiple        engage frequently with these kinds of groups
      obstacles to their use, not least being that          and tap them to form a social-learning initia-
      many health professionals are uncomfortable           tive or committee. This committee could then
      with or lack knowledge of how to apply these          serve as the designated outlet for sharing accu-
      technologies for peer learning. Indeed, some          rate, real-time data from the hospital (such
      health care professionals have been hesitant          as up-to-date patient counts, documented
      to use these tools owing to concerns about            outcomes, revised protocols, or other approved
      privacy (both their own and their patients’), as      information) on these social media platforms;
      well as about their reputation, their potential       the committee could also be tasked with inter-
      malpractice liability, or simply the burden of        preting and incorporating the knowledge that
      trying to participate in or manage a worldwide        people from other institutions post to these
      community forum. 24,28 As a result, efforts to        groups. Creating this central contact point for
      engage these frontline health professionals in        knowledge flowing out of and into the hospital
      technology-enabled vicarious learning still face      via social media would enable the information
      significant challenges that limit its widespread      being shared to be better filtered for quality,
      adoption in combating COVID-19.                       allow for more systematic dissemination among
                                                            care teams within the hospital, and provide
                                                            a critical knowledge resource to COVID-19
      Policy Actions to Advance                             decisionmakers.
      Vicarious Learning in the
      Time of Coronavirus                                   At the same time, leaders and policymakers
      These challenges are nontrivial but not insur-        at the national level—for instance, leaders of
      mountable. As detailed in Table 1, leaders and        professional associations or advocacy groups—
      policymakers—both within particular health            could work in the short term to remove some
      institutions and outside of them (nationally and      of the barriers to engaging in virtual vicarious
      internationally)—can take a variety of actions        learning among health professionals. One key
      to enhance and extend technology-mediated             action would be advocating for legal protec-
      vicarious learning among health professionals.        tions for technology-mediated peer learning,
                                                            including working to incorporate this kind of
      Increase the Use & Value of Existing                  learning into existing frameworks that protect
      Vicarious Learning Technologies                       other peer-learning and quality-­improvement
      In the short term, hospital and practice leaders      tools (such as informal conversations or
      can more extensively engage with technological        morbidity and mortality conference discussions)

156                                                   behavioral science & policy | volume 6 issue 2 2020
Table 1. Strategies & actions for enhancing virtual
vicarious learning among health professionals
  Strategic goal
   (time frame)                             Action steps for leaders and policymakers
                     Organizational and institutional leaders can:
                     • identify employees who are active members of online health professional groups
                       or social media platforms and provide resources and support (such as time and
                       recognition) for bringing in outside knowledge via these platforms to improve the
                       organization’s practices.
                     • set up a working group or committee to organize knowledge shared and received
                       via these online learning communities and provide them with more frequent access
                       to pertinent data to share with others for learning and feedback (such as hospital-
                       level case data, equipment status, or clinical-protocol revisions, in consultation
Increasing the         with hospital legal personnel as needed to ensure compliance with regulations and
use and value          privacy guidelines).
of existing          • cultivate within-organization standards and norms for learning and sharing
vicarious learning     knowledge with others (not only outside the organization but also across different
technologies (in       internal care sites or units) and for incorporating this knowledge into decisionmaking.
the short term)
                     Professional associations and national policymakers can:
                     • use existing platforms and clout to advocate for appropriate legal protections for
                       online vicarious-learning activities among health professionals, conferring these
                       virtual tools with protections similar to in-person peer-learning activities (such as
                       morbidity and mortality conferences and quality-improvement efforts).
                     • develop a database of reputable health professional social media groups (including
                       associations’ own forums or discussion groups) and encourage engagement in online
                       vicarious learning among association members or other constituents to help further
                       reduce reputational barriers to engaging in peer-learning interactions.
                     Organizational and institutional leaders can:
                     • strengthen partnerships with neighboring organizations (such as regional associations
                       of hospitals or partner members of health system networks) by creating shared
                       practices and expectations for how vicarious learning (both in-person and virtual) will
                       be carried out to help connect health professionals at each organization.
                     • expand formal organizational connections (for example, institutional partnerships,
                       professional-exchange programs, or information-sharing collaboratives) with a broad
                       set of organizations around the globe to establish a network of learning relationships
                       that can be drawn on in a future crisis or pandemic.
Creating new
vicarious learning   Professional associations and national policymakers can:
opportunities        • engage health technology companies to establish secure, privacy-compliant
and technology         platforms for online discussion and interaction to provide association members and
platforms (in the      other constituents with a reliable tool for engaging in peer-to-peer vicarious learning.
long term)           • encourage the integration and cross-compatibility of online peer-learning platforms
                       with other systems and technologies, such as electronic medical record software,
                       to enable or potentially automate knowledge sharing (such as using analysis of
                       de-identified, privacy-compliant data to connect health professionals experiencing
                       similar patient challenges).
                     • incorporate in-person or online vicarious learning or both into standard expectations
                       and practices within professional communities (such as by including vicarious
                       learning in continuing education expectations and credentialing processes) to embed
                       these practices into professionals’ usual workflow before they are urgently needed in
                       a crisis or pandemic.

from undue legal challenges. 24 National associ-         Create New Vicarious Learning
ations could also take advantage of their existing       Opportunities & Technology Platforms
networks and social platforms to increase                In the longer term, leaders and policymakers
access to virtual vicarious learning, either by          across all levels of the health industry can work
providing their own forums for peer interac-             to build a more robust infrastructure for peer-
tion (such as a member discussion hub) or by             to-peer vicarious learning, helping to routinize
curating and promoting lists of reputable social         this method of sharing knowledge before the
media groups for health professionals.                   next global pandemic or crisis arises. At the

a publication of the behavioral science & policy association                                                      157
local level, hospital leaders can work to build       patient–physician engagement and telemed-
      stronger relationships with other organizations       icine,19 development of a similar platform for
      to better position their staffs to engage in vicar-   virtual knowledge sharing, advice seeking, and
      ious learning with these partners in the future,      interactive peer-to-peer discussion among
      including by setting up in-person knowledge-­         health professionals does not seem out of
      sharing conferences or personnel rotation             reach. Professional associations can take
      programs as well as virtual-learning oppor-           charge of these platforms, providing them as
      tunities. Having these relationships already          tools for their members to connect with and
      established can be useful for rapid vicarious         learn from one another and incorporating the
      learning in times of crisis, as vicarious learning    platforms into broader learning practices. For
      is often easier when parties share a preexisting      instance, although CME programs are increas-
      commonality or relationship. Indeed, organi-          ingly making use of technology platforms, they
      zational research has shown that having more          are often used to replicate formal, noninterac-
      deeply embedded ties or a common identity             tive continuing education modalities such as
      with a partner can help reduce the perceived          slides, readings, or recorded presentations, 31
      risks of sharing private information and facilitate   despite evidence of the value of interactivity
      knowledge transfer. 29,30                             for both in-person and online CME. 16,32 Profes-
                                                            sional associations and accrediting bodies can
      This benefit of closer ties can help explain          also expand the use of new technological tools
      why the vicarious learning that has occurred          to include more informal peer-to-peer learning
      so far in the fight against COVID-19 has often        interactions—and not only by providing the
      been driven by preexisting social relationships.      platforms for doing so. They can also find
      For instance, infectious disease specialists at       ways to incorporate these interactions into
      Johns Hopkins University held a videoconfer-          professional learning requirements (such as
      ence to learn from Chinese physicians treating        by including in-person or online peer learning
      COVID-19, an opportunity realized primarily           interactions in annual CME standards) and can
      because an office mate of one of the special-         advocate for integration of these platforms
      ists personally contacted several former medical      with other frequently used health technologies
      school classmates in China. 26 Yet even among         (such as electronic medical record systems).
      these personal contacts, some were hesitant to        Doing so would help to further embed vicar-
      share their specific experience in the absence        ious learning into the habits and routines of
      of national treatment guidelines in China (out        health professionals, allowing these interac-
      of worry over potentially spreading incorrect         tions to become a common learning practice,
      information), with one hospital’s leaders ulti-       both for regular times and in a pandemic.
      mately agreeing to participate at least partially
      because its physicians had already successfully       Enhanced coordination and support for using
      held similar meetings with hospitals in Europe        social media as a learning tool; appropriate
      (see note A). This experience points to the value     legal protections for virtual knowledge sharing;
      of hospitals forging more global partnerships         increased partnerships and learning relation-
      and ties, so these kinds of exchanges become          ships across organizations; and access to secure,
      more routine (rather than tied to idiosyncratic       privacy-compliant platforms for peer-to-peer
      personal connections) and thus can serve as           learning are challenging goals for health leaders
      reliable tools for future vicarious learning.         and policymakers to achieve, but they are
                                                            attainable. Adopting these interventions would
      Finally, leaders and policymakers can                 go a long way toward achieving more effective
      encourage health technology companies                 vicarious learning by the worldwide commu-
      to develop more secure and easy-to-use                nity of health professionals, thereby enabling
      peer-learning and knowledge-sharing plat-             more rapid dissemination of best practices and
      forms for health professionals. Given that            lessons learned in the fight against COVID-19
      existing technologies already allow for virtual       and future epidemics.

158                                                  behavioral science & policy | volume 6 issue 2 2020
author affiliation                                 Endnote
                                                   I thank Annie Antar and Weiwei Dai, as well as Shmuel
Myers: Johns Hopkins University. Author’s          Shoham, all at Johns Hopkins University, for their
e-mail:                            efforts to organize and publicize the virtual learning
                                                   opportunity that occurred between physicians at
                                                   Johns Hopkins University and physicians from the
                                                   Zhejiang University School of Medicine in China and
                                                   for providing me with details about the meeting’s
                                                   origin and structure.

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