Covid-19 Update HAMILTON DIRECTORY OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - Guide to Addictions, Mental Health, Youth Programs, Newcomer Services

Page created by Miguel Daniels
Covid-19 Update HAMILTON DIRECTORY OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - Guide to Addictions, Mental Health, Youth Programs, Newcomer Services

Guide to Addictions, Mental Health, Youth Programs, Newcomer Services

Covid-19 Update

Community Service Organizations
The following is a list of the services offered for Addictions, Mental Health, Youth Programs, and Newcomer Services in the Hamilton
area. None of those listed below are emergency services. Crisis services are Underlined. If you are experiencing a mental health
emergency, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911 and advise them of your situation. Please note that many of the
following services offer concurrent disorders support as well. These agencies are noted using **

                                                modified assessment services by                available to those with Aboriginal
                                                telephone and are providing counselling        backgrounds. Services. The Centre is
                                                services to our current/active clients in      currently not open to the public. They are
                                                the same manner. Please call 905-527-          still providing support over the phone.
                                                4469 for services.                             They are still taking referrals for their
                                                                                               programs which include:
                                                Concurrent Disorders                           - Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Program
                                                Program(SJHH)**                                - Aboriginal Health and Wellness
                                                905-522-1155, ext. 39207                       - Cultural Resource Coordination
                                                The concurrent disorders (CD) program          - Language Program
                                                operates through St. Joseph’s                  - Urban Aboriginal Healthy Living
                                                Healthcare and is among the first major
                                                mental health programs to provide a            Men’s Addiction Service Hamilton
                                                competent approach to care for                 905-527-9264
                                                individuals that are experiencing mental       The MASH program provides a safe and
Alcohol, Drug and Gambling                      health and addiction issues. The               welcoming environment to assist men (16+),
Services**          905-546-3606                concurrent disorders program is a 20-          who are in crisis with substance use. The
Offers information to individuals, family       bed inpatient treatment setting for            withdrawal management program has had to
members, and friends about where to             individuals that are experiencing both         operationalize in-house services differently
find help. ADGS has stopped all groups          mental health and addiction issues.            due to space. However, there is a not a
and in-person work. We are offering             Currently there are no groups or drop-ins      significant change to services being offered.
phone counselling and accepting new             being scheduled but they are providing         In addition, they are still able to provide 24
referrals/self-referrals into phone             support over the phone or through OTN          hour a day phone support for past, present or
counselling. Individuals can call 905 546-      visits.
                                                                                               future clients and service providers. Self-help
3606, Option 3 for substance use and                                                           groups and programming for non-admitted
Option 4 for gambling, and speak with           Drug and Alcohol Helpline                      clients are not operating at this time.
our intake staff Belinda for further            1-800-565-8603
information or to complete registration         The Drug and Alcohol Helpline is a 1-800       Womankind Addiction Service
with our program. We also continue to           telephone line and website that provides       905-545-9100 – No changes at
provide consultation to families and            health professionals with a range of           this time
friends and professionals.                      suitable treatment options tailored to their   Offers a safe, caring and supportive
                                                individual clients. The Drug and Alcohol       place where women are welcomed and
Alternatives for Youth                          Helpline also links members of the
(ages 13-22)         905-527-4469
                                                                                               assisted by our specially trained team to
                                                general public with local assessment and       assess and define next steps regarding
Alternatives for Youth (AY) provides            referral, withdrawal management, and
substance use counselling services for                                                         their substance use and recovery.
                                                other treatment resources for themselves       Telephone Support and/or Crisis Support
children and youth ages 12 – 22 years,          or someone they know. In addition to
and those who care about them.                                                                 provides crisis and telephone support to
                                                this, they also offer support and              women and their families, 24 hours a
Alternatives for Youth is adjusting our         strategies to assist individuals with their
service delivery model. We are                                                                 day, 7 days a week. Withdrawal
                                                goals. Phone call, email, and chat             management provides a safe and
continuing to provide services however,         available 24/7.
we are temporarily moving away from                                                            supportive environment for women to
face-to-face appointments, shifting our                                                        withdraw from substance use and/or in a
                                                Hamilton Regional Indian Centre                preventative way a place for women to
service delivery model to one of offering       (905) 548-9593
telephone appointments and support. We                                                         come if they are at risk of relapsing.
                                                Aboriginal programming provides cultural       Women can attend a variety of
are offering all intake, screening and          access to a variety of services made           supportive, recreational, and peer-lead
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groups during their stay. Next step           New Choices offers a one-stop setting for         referrals are strongly encouraged. Physicians
planning is part of the treatment process     pregnant and parenting women, with                and counselling staff are providing telephone
and done with women individually to           substance use concerns, and their                 and virtual appointments at this time.
meet their specific needs.                    children ages 0-6. Services for women             Currently, the Wednesday walk-in clinic is on
Supportive Housing assists women who          include assessment, treatment and
                                                                                                Salvation Army             905-521-1660
have completed a treatment program to         referral and both individual and group
                                                                                                The Salvation Army gives hope and
secure a safe, suitable, and partially        counselling concerning substance use.
                                                                                                support to vulnerable people today and
subsidized home. Referrals can be made        Outreach services are also provided to
                                                                                                every day in 400 communities across
from friends/family members, services         mothers and children. Services for
                                                                                                Canada and in more than 125 countries
providers, or self.                           women also include prenatal and
                                                                                                around the world. The Salvation Army
                                              postnatal education, and general
                                                                                                office is currently closed but staff are
Wayside House (men)                           wellness. Parenting education and
                                                                                                working remotely. If you require family
905-528-8969                                  support is provided both individually and
                                                                                                assistance or food bank please call 905-
Wayside House is a long-term residential      in group format as well as through
                                                                                                540-1888 or if you require support you
addiction treatment program for men.          interactive play between mother and
                                                                                                can call the 24 hour men’s support line at
While adhering to best practices, they        child. Services for children include
                                                                                                905-527-1444 ext. 0
support the client from first contact         individualized therapeutic play programs
through their multi-phase program,            that promote physical, social, and
discharge, and aftercare. Currently           emotional development, developmental              MENTAL HEALTH
Wayside is still accepting referrals and is   screening and assessment, and speech              (ADULT)
providing support to all current and past     and language services. Children have
                                                                                                De Dwa Da Dehs Nye>S / Aboriginal
clients. The program is still operating       access to early identification,
                                                                                                Health Centre ** 905-544-4320
providing support to 37 units, while          assessment and intervention services.
                                                                                                Provides a number of programs and
adapting programming to increased             By locating a team of staff from a range
                                                                                                services. Currently are still seeing urgent
phone support as well as increased            of services at one site, a woman can
                                                                                                need clients. Are providing mental health
access to virtual supports for those          receive assessment of her own needs
                                                                                                support over the phone. Sending out other
receiving care. The Hep-C team is             and those of her children, and support in
                                                                                                resources upon request on an as needed
providing support through the Shelter         her parenting efforts. Bus tickets and
                                                                                                basis. If you need support, please call 905-
Health Network as well as phone and           food vouchers are available.
                                                                                                544-4320 ext. 399. Also are doing regular
virtual support for existing clients.                                                           wellness checks and phone calls and are
                                              Ontario Problem Gambling
                                              Helpline         1-800-230-3505
                                                                                                updating information on their Facebook
Suntrac Wellness and Addiction                                                                  site.
Treatment Program                             The Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline
                                              provides information about problem
                                                                                                Anxiety Treatment and Research
Suntrac offers an all- inclusive outpatient   gambling services in Ontario. Additional
                                                                                                Clinic (SJHH)
Addiction Treatment Program for males         services include support/strategies to            905-522-1155 ext. 35372
aged 19+. Currently programming i is          meet the individual’s needs, as well as
                                                                                                The Anxiety Treatment and Research
being offered to clients over the phone       setting up a first appointment with a
                                                                                                Clinic's (ATRC) mission is to provide
for those who are open to this format,        treatment provider. Funded by the
                                                                                                excellence and leadership in evidence
including those who have completed a          Government of Ontario. Service is live
                                                                                                based clinical service, education and
program and attend Aftercare. For those       answer 24/7, confidential, and free.
                                                                                                research for anxiety disorders. A team of
who prefer to wait for groups to start up                                                       experts offer comprehensive evaluations
                                              Rapid Access Addiction Medicine
again, names will be taken and check in                                                         and proven treatments for anxiety-related
                                              Clinic (RAAM) (SJHH)
via phone will be done on a regular                                                             conditions. Treatments at the ATRC
                                              905-522-1155 ext. 35800
basis.                                        The Rapid Access Addiction Medicine               include both medications and effective
Drop in groups are suspended – this           (RAAM) Clinic serves those with substance         psychological treatments.
includes Taking Steps for Men and             use issues, with a primary focus on opioids       Interdisciplinary staff are available to
Partners in Recovery. Phone support is        and alcohol. The purpose of the clinic is to      consult with your family doctor,
available for those who request it.           provide quick access to care for addiction        psychiatrist and other professionals who
                                              issues, including assessments, counselling        are involved in your care.
New Choices (expectant moms or                (for any substance use concern) and               A physician referral is required to access
moms with children 6 and under)               prescriptions for medications that may help       care at the ATRC. Please note that all
                                              with lessening cravings for alcohol and
905-522-5556 - if you require
                                              opiates. The clinic is still operating 8am-4pm,
                                                                                                groups and group appointments have
support please contact
                                              Monday to Friday. Referrals are accepted          been cancelled. If you received a notice
Womankind                                                                                       regarding cancellation of an appointment
                                              from all sources via fax or telephone. Self-

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rescheduling will happen when the                   issues. Kitchen is only open during meal            counselling to health and social services
pandemic is over                                    time hours. Also are asking that those              staff working on the frontlines of COVID-
                                                    staying at Barrett limit their access to the        19. Starting Monday April 6th, 2020, front-
                                                    community.                                          line workers can call (905) 521-0090 to
Bridge to Recovery Program (SJHH)                                                                       self-refer.
905-522-1155                                        Borderline Personality Disorder
The Bridge to Recovery program provides time        Services (SJHH)                                     COAST **         905-972-8338
limited care for people over the age of 17 with     Clients must have a diagnosis of Borderline         The Crisis Outreach and Support Team
current self-harm or suicidal behaviour or acute    Personality Disorder. An initial assessment will    (COAST) is a program of St. Joseph’s
                                                    determine a client’s treatment pathway within       Healthcare Hamilton in partnership with
emotion dysregulation; no specific diagnoses                                                            Hamilton Police Service. COAST is a free
                                                    the Borderline Personality Disorder Services.
are required for entry into the program. All        Clients screened into the program receive DBT-      crisis line available to all residence of the City
referrals receive an assessment to determine fit    based programming. This evidence-based              of Hamilton. COAST is a multidisciplinary
with the program and treatment goals of the         treatment is offered in various intensities, with   team consisting of nurses, occupational
client. Bridge to Recovery is still offering        group therapy being the primary delivery            therapists, social workers and specially
assessments preferably over the telephone           method. Currently BPDS is “paused” however          training police officers. Currently the team is
                                                    clinicians are currently supporting all patients    not providing non urgent, non uniform
phone/virtual interactions however the clinic is
                                                    within the program through phone contact,           outreach visit. However, the program is
still supporting face to face support when          virtual platforms and face to face when deemed      operating an extra crisis line available to help
deemed clinically needed. The Bridge program        clinical needed. External referrals are made        support an increased community need. If an
offers a combination of weekly individual           through CONNECT.                                    individual requires in home support, this will
therapy sessions and twice-weekly group                                                                 be done through the Mobile Crisis Rapid
therapy sessions, where clients learn Dialectical   Catholic Family Services                            Reponse Team (MCRRT). MCRRT is a
                                                    905-527-3823                                        division of COAST designed to respond to
Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills. Additional-
                                                    Catholic Family Services of Hamilton                urgent mental health related calls via 911
evidence based groups and programming may                                                               dispatch.
also be offered (see below) based on client         (CFS) is a nonprofit, multi-service agency
needs. The goal of the program is to assist
                                                    offering services to anyone in need
                                                                                                        General Psychiatry (SJHH)
                                                    regardless of faith, race, ethnicity,
clients to transition back into the community. In                                                       Clients with severe mental illness including
                                                    economic status, sexual orientation,                bipolar disorders, depression, anxiety
some cases, clients will be referred to other
                                                    gender, age, physical and/or intellectual           disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and
specialized outpatient treatment and services.
                                                    ability.                                            concurrent disorders who can benefit from
At this time, groups are “paused”; individual
                                                    Currently providing phone and/or video              time limited goal focused treatment which
therapy is ongoing. External referrals are made     support and clients can book a walk-in              may include therapeutic groups (i.e.,
through CONNECT. Following are the support          appointment as well.                                Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness,
service group streams offered through the                                                               Behavioural Activation, Emotion Regulation
Bridge program:                                     Cleghorn Early Intervention Clinic                  Skills, etc), individual sessions, and
- Peer Support Groups                               (SJHH)   905-522-1155 Ext. 36586                    psychopharmacology. The General Team is
                                                                                                        still providing individual treatment services;
- Wellness Recovery Action Planning                 The Cleghorn Early Intervention Clinic
                                                                                                        preferable preferably over the telephone,
- Therapeutic Recreation Groups                     works with people who are experiencing              however the clinic is still supporting face to
                                                    symptoms of psychosis for the first time.           face support when deemed clinically needed.
                                                    The Cleghorn Early Intervention Clinic              Therapy groups are currently on “pause.”
                                                    offers: A time-limited (2-3 yrs) service that       External referrals are made through
Barrett Centre ** 1-844-777-3571                    focuses on early psychosis intervention             CONNECT.
Our goal is to provide a safe place in the          (EPI). Staff at the Cleghorn Program are
community where individuals can receive             currently working remotely but every client         Good Shepherd **              905-528-9109
help in resolving a personal crisis. At the         is being supported by phone and video               Good Shepherd is this community’s
Barrett Centre, we strive to enhance the            support.                                            leading provider of human services to
quality of life for all those who seek our                                                              vulnerable men, women and children.
assistance and support.                             CMHA Hamilton ** 905-521-0090                       Please Note the Following: SAM (Adult
The Centre is still currently taking intakes        Canadian Mental Health Association                  Day Therapy Program): All programs are
although their bed numbers are down as to           (CMHA) Hamilton is continuing to support            suspended until further notice
increase social distancing. Screening for           clients remotely. Our general information           Emmanuel House Hospice: Closed to
Covid-19 is being done over the phone               line is still open for support and/or               visitors except loved ones
and in-person for those staying at the              questions. The CMHA Primary Health                  Daily Hot Meal: Packed meals will be
Centre. Still providing 24-hour phone               Care Clinic is supporting clients through           handed out at the Good Shepherd
support. PLEASE USE THE 1-844-777-                  phone and video/OTN. In response to                 Centre on Mary Street
3571 number do to phone congestion                  COVID-19, CMHA Hamilton is offering free            Venture Centre: We are reducing the
                                                    short-term phone and virtual supportive             number of clients visiting the Marketplace
                                                                     2|Pag e

each day and will eliminate clothing and      The Hamilton Program for Schizophrenia         supporting individuals and families to
housewares from the shop. We are              is a comprehensive community-based             develop the skills and assets necessary to
enforcing social distancing by having         treatment and rehabilitation program.          make positive and long lasting life
only one household member in the              They are dedicated to helping people           changes, enabling them to become fully
program at any given time.                    with schizophrenia through case                contributing members of the community.
Women’s Service Wellness Program:             management services, rehabilitation            Currently the John Howard Society has
Programming is suspended until further        programs and psychiatric care. Currently       suspended all in person support but is
notice                                        the program is providing medication            connecting with clients remotely.
Volunteer Program: All interviews and         management to clients and also
new placements are temporarily                supporting them through the                    Mental Health Rights Coalition
suspended                                     phone.*Referral through IntAc (see             905-545-2525 – Currently closed
Donations: We encourage online                below)                                         MHRC is a consumer/survivor initiative.
donations at                                                                                 Its functions are reflective of the needs of or give         Hamilton Mental Health Outreach                the membership. Members, staff and
to our Emergency Virtual Food Drive at        Program 905-528-0683                           volunteers all have lived experience with                        A community mental health organization         mental health and or addiction. Provides
Additionally:                                 that provides client-directed intensive        Peer Support (in person or on
                                              case management services for adults            telephone), Daily Activities,
A Good Shepherd response team is              who have a serious and persistent              Computer/Internet Access, Resource
meeting daily to monitor local                mental illness. Is currently still providing   Library, Peer Support Training. In
circumstances and to liaise with our          medication management and support via          addition to this the MHRC advocates for
internal and external health partners.        telephone for clients.                         systematic change based on collective
We are communicating with key                 *Referral through IntAc (see below)            complaints at various committee
stakeholders and community partners to                                                       meetings.
share resources and support coordinated
response efforts.                             IntAc     905-528-0683                         Sexual Assault Centre Hamilton
Existing pandemic and business                A Single Point of Access to Mental             Area – 24-hour support line
continuity plans are being reviewed and       Health Intensive Case Management               905-525-4162
updated at both the corporate and             Services Provided By:                          The 24 Hour Support Line offers
program/department level.                     Canadian Mental Health Association,            confidential and anonymous 24-hour
Resources to promote prevention and           Hamilton Branch (CMHA)                         non-judgmental telephone support. This
self-screening are being distributed to all   City of Hamilton Mental Health/Outreach        service is for adults, 16 years of age or
program sites.                                Team* (Community Mental Health                 older, who have experienced sexual
All volunteers and clients will be            Promotion Program - CMHPP)                     violence at any point in their lives and to
screened as they enter our programs.          Hamilton Program for Schizophrenia             those supporting survivors. The 24-hour
Out of an abundance of caution:               (HPS)                                          line is covered by an answering service
                                              Hamilton Mental Health Outreach                that will connect you with a SACHA
We have decided to cancel GLAMOUR             Program (HMHO)                                 volunteer.
IN THE HAMMER on April 17. All tickets        *Street Outreach Services are available
will be refunded.                             to individuals who are homeless (on the        Schizophrenia Society of Ontario
The EMMANUEL HOUSE HOSPICE                    street or in an Emergency Shelter).            905-523-7413
FUNDRAISING DINNER scheduled for              Referrals can be from self, a physician,       Staff at the SSO are working remotely
April 30 has been postponed to                or other professionals.                        and providing support through the phone.
September 3. Tickets already purchased        Referrals are being processed but not          Their Ask The Expert information
will be valid for the new date and if you     forwarded to the organizations until after     line/email is still operational. Our support
are unable to attend, your ticket will be     the pandemic,                                  line is staffed by a multidisciplinary team
refunded.                                                                                    of mental health counselors who provide
The VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION                    John Howard Society                            individualized supportive counseling,
DINNER scheduled for May 4 has been           905-522-4446                                   system navigation, and customized
cancelled.                                    John Howard Society of Hamilton,               information and education to caregivers,
                                              Burlington & Area is one of 19 affiliates in   individuals living with chronic mental
Hamilton Program for                          Ontario and over 50 across Canada. Our         illness, and our community as a whole.
                                              agency works with at risk individuals and is   We address challenges across the
Schizophrenia              905-525-
                                              committed to providing a continuum of          mental health spectrum and have
2832                                          evidence based and impact driven               increased capacity to support during this
                                              prevention and intervention services           time... Whether you’re dealing with
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increased stress and anxiety due to the       door and are asking for no visitors or         door of Living Rock. The building will not
pandemic, or experiencing challenges          guests at this time.                           be open but we can be reached by phone.
related to a mental health issue, we’re
here to help!                                 Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton             Breakfast meals and supports will be
Call us at 1-855-449-9949, or leave a         905-522-1121                                   Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 10:00am.
confidential message at                       Remains open, providing coordinated child      Evening Program meals and supports will              welfare services to children and families.     be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Offers support/educational groups for         Providing support to families and children     from 4:00 to 5:00pm.
families/friends, recovery support groups,    by telephone. Still responding to any and      Food Bank Hampers will be Tuesday and
immigration support and mental                all child protection concerns.                 Thursday from 1:00 to 4:00pm.
health/justice support.                                                                      Weekend Program will be Saturdays from
                                              Catholic Children’s Aid Society                1:00 to 4:00pm with hampers and meals.
YOUTH PROGRAMS                                905-525-2012                                   Youth can let us know their needs, such as
Alternatives for Youth                        Still open providing coordinated child         for clothing, baby supplies and hygiene
905-527-4469                                  welfare services to the Catholic community     products and we will do what we can to be
Alternatives for Youth (AY) provides          and beyond. Providing support to families      a support.
substance use counselling services for        and children by telephone. Still responding    Call us if you have questions and we are
children and youth ages 12 – 25 years,        to child protection concerns.                  opening up telephone support.
and those who care about them. We are                                                        We are active on Facebook, e-mail and
continuing to provide services however, we    Contact Hamilton Children’s                    Instagram.
are temporarily moving away from face-to-     Services             905-570-8888              We have created different hampers for
face appointments, shifting our service       Children’s Services is a program of            youth that have housing and for those that
delivery model to one of offering telephone   Contact Hamilton that helps children, youth    are on the streets.
appointments and support. We are offering     and their guardians find services for          Call us if you have donations and we can
all intake, screening and modified            children and youth that: Have social,          pick them up at the side door. Donations
assessment services by telephone and are      emotional, behavioural, psychiatric and/or     are still needed including soups, canned
providing counselling services to our         developmental concerns. Offices are            pasta sauce and pasta as well as granola
current/active clients in the same manner.    currently closed however support is being      bars and juice boxes.
Please call 905-527-4469 for services.        done by phone and through email. Please        Thanks for all your care and prayers, as
                                              leave a detailed message or email              we stand together to support each other in
Brennan House            905-577-1166                        this season.
Brennan House is a 15 bed, co-ed
transitional housing program for youth 16     Grace Haven                905-522-7336        Lynwood Charlton          905-389-1361
to 20 years of age. This long-term,           Grace Haven is a resource that provides        Lynwood Charlton Centre is a publicly
personal strength-based program supports      residential and community programs for         funded charitable organization in the City
young people in transition from               pregnant adolescents/women and young,          of Hamilton which provides a spectrum of
homelessness to independence.                 single parents (mothers & fathers) that are    innovative and evidence-based, mental
Residents are expected to establish their     21 years of age or younger. Currently still    health services, including residential, day
own personal goals with the aid of Youth      supporting in home clients and going to        treatment, treatment foster care and in-
Support Workers. Brennan House is still       extensive measures for sterilization and       home and community based services, to
open but are not taking any new referrals.    safety for Covid-19.                           children, youth, families and the
They are doing ongoing screening at the                                                      community. Lynnwood is currently open,
                                              Living Rock               905-528-7625         but reduced programming and do have
                                              Engage youth through open access               some youth on site they are continuing to
                                              programs; crisis support; youth food banks;    support. They are still accepting referrals;
                                              work to earn and learn opportunities;          however, they will not be processed until
                                              parenting and pre-natal groups, referrals to   after Covid-19.
                                              other agencies. Youth must be between
                                              the ages of 13-25. As of Monday March          McMaster Children’s Hospital 905-
                                              23, 2020, all services for youth (13 to 25)    521-2100
                                              and Alumni will be “take-out” from the side    One of Canada’s largest pediatric teaching
                                                                                             McMaster Mental Health Assessment Unit
                                                                                             currently available to high risk patients.
                                                                                             McMaster 3G unit is operating business as
                                                                                             usual. McMaster Rapid Assessment and
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Risk Management Team supporting high           cancelled. Support is being made available       social services to French-speaking
risk patients and previous clients.            via telephone                                    clients.
                                               Seniors Mental Health Clinic and                 The Centre is currently open Monday to
Ron Joyce Children’s Centre 905-               Outreach Services (SJHH)                         Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. but only
521-2100                                       905-522-1155 ext. 36396                          providing essential services. All non-
The Centre is home to a range of               We provide high quality and responsive           essential programming has been
outpatient services focused on child           seniors’ mental health care. The SJHH            cancelled.
rehabilitation and developmental health.       Seniors Mental Health Outpatient and
Currently closed but providing support,        Outreach Programs are designed to serve          Good Shepherd Family Centre
counselling and treatment virtually. Still     the complex mental health concerns of            905-528-9442
accepting new psychiatric consultations on     seniors. Our Hamilton-based program is           The Family Centre offers temporary
a case by case basis.                          primarily a clinic-based program located         emergency accommodation and
                                               out of the Margaret & Charles Juravinski         residential support to as many as 20
Notre Dame House           905-308-8090
                                               Centre for Integrated Healthcare (West           families who have become homeless.
Notre Dame House is a 24-hour                  5th Campus) and offers outreach (e.g.            Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a
emergency shelter and multi-agency             home visit) for persons as needed, within        week, the Family Centre endeavors to
resource centre for homeless and street-       our Hamilton catchment area. Currently           help families identify their unique barriers
involved youth 16 to 21 years of age. The      the clinic is not doing any face to face         to achieving safe, sustainable housing.
six-week program uses a unique team            consults all supports are being done over        Staff assists residents as they strive to
approach that pairs each young person          the phone.                                       develop effective short- and long-term
with a youth support worker who helps                                                           strategies for re-establishing housing and
them reach their personal goals using                                                           re-integrating into the community. The
strength based, client centered                NEWCOMER SERVICES                                Family Centre is currently closed for all
approaches. Still open but limiting intakes    Hamilton Urban Core                              non-essential services. If families are
at this time. Screenings done at front door.   905-522-3233                                     experiencing homelessness or are in
                                               Hamilton Urban Core is an inner city             danger of becoming homeless they can
Youth Wellness Centre (SJHH)
                                               health Centre with thousands of                  contact the centre for an assessment
905-522-1155 ext. 31725
                                               registered clients who routinely access          and support.
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton’s Youth       the Centre’s many programs and
Wellness Centre is a safe, accessible          services. Some services include                  YWCA Hamilton            905-522-9922
environment for young people age 17 to 25      therapeutic and supportive counselling,          New to Hamilton? YWCA Hamilton provides
to receive expert care for mental health                                                        programs and services for newcomers
                                               health and wellness programs, client
and addiction issues. We believe it is never                                                    (women and girls) to Canada. Services are
                                               education and support programs,                  free. Receive assistance in understanding
too early to #ReachOut. The Youth              personal and community development               workplace culture, learning about employer
Wellness Centre is located in downtown         programs, as well as parenting and               expectations, gain access to supportive
Hamilton. Staff of the Youth Wellness          family support. Hamilton Urban Core has          employment tools, and training/upgrading
Centre are not seeing anyone in person         cancelled all drop-ins and non-essential         opportunities and receive assistance in finding
they are providing all support through         appointments.                                    information about other community services.
telephone or zoom. The drop-in program is                                                       The YWCA also assists with childcare, health
available on Wed/Thurs 1-4 CALL-IN             Compass Community Health                         and wellness programs, developmental
ONLY.                                          Centre   905-523-6611 ext. 2000
                                                                                                services, transitional housing and has a
                                                                                                Senior Active Living Centre.
OL D E R A D U L T                             Open to immigrants and refugees. This
                                               program is beneficial for integration into the   Wesley                      905-528-5640
                                                                                                Wesley offers daily support, every step of
Alzheimer’s Society of Hamilton                Goal of Program: To assist refugees and
                                                                                                the way, to over 1250 children, youth,
905-529-7030                                   new immigrants. All non-essential
                                                                                                adults and seniors living in poverty in
Supports for people with Alzheimer's           programs have been cancelled as well as
                                                                                                Hamilton. Our essential supports for
disease and other dementias, and their         all groups.
                                                                                                vulnerable populations and people
                                                                                                experiencing homelessness, including
Seminars, workshops and training               Centre de Sante Communautaire                    the Wesley Day Centre, have remained
sessions * one-on-one care plan                905-528-0163                                     open throughout this crisis.
consultations with health professionals *      The Centre de Santé Communautaire                Donations of hygiene items, cleaning
advanced care planning for future health       Hamilton/Niagara is a Francophone                supplies and non-perishable food are
care needs.                                    Community Health Centre that is a multi-         needed! If you are able, please drop off
All in-person programming has been             service agency providing health and              donated items in Hamilton Food Share

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bins at your local grocery stores, such as   can help loved ones every step of the          provide access to individual supports that
Fortinos (50 Dundurn St S, Hamilton)         way by learning about the recovery             can be sustained in a manner that
and Metro at Fennell/Upper Gage (967         process and how they can support their         maintains physical distancing. Many group
Fennell Ave E. Hamilton). Please contact     loved one’s goals in a caring, informed,       activities are suspended at this time, and if you have a large           and compassionate way.                         virtual opportunities for community
donation.                                    All non-essential programming has been         connection are available. For more
Please note, all regular volunteer           suspended (including tax clinics and food      information about Indwell, please visit
opportunities have been cancelled until      demonstrations).                     
further notice. We are currently looking     The 196: Our youth program is cancelled
for skilled volunteers to help in the        until April 5.
                                                                                            Housing Help Centre 905-526-8100
isolation centres for the homeless.          Willow’s Place: Willow’s Place will remain
                                                                                            Provide help in finding housing,
Contact if you are       open with enhanced preventative
                                                                                            understanding tenant rights, preventing
a retired health care professional,          measures.
student (ex. medicine, nursing, physician    Emergency Food: The Good Food                  eviction and accessing subsidized housing.
assistants), foreign trained doctor or       Centre will continue as usual, with            Currently closed at 119 Main St. E but
have related professional experience.        enhanced preventative measures.                offering support through telephone or email
UPDATED March 16, 2020                       Please note that effective March 20,           at 905-526-8100.
On Monday March 16, City Housing             2020, the East Hamilton Food Centre will
Hamilton closed the 3rd floor of First       be closed until further notice. Read our
Place Seniors Residence. First Start         statement here.
Café and the Food Service Training           If you are in need of immediate food
Program will be closed until further         access and are experiencing symptoms
notice. You can still email                  of COVID-19, or have come in contact to inquire about   with someone with symptoms, please do
catering.                                    not visit the Good Food Centre. Instead,
The Shopping by Bus program is also          please ask a friend or family member to
cancelled until further notice.              do so for you. Please provide a letter of
UPDATED March 13, 2020                       permission and your I.D.
On March 12, 2020, the Government of         Men’s Shelter and Inasmuch House:
Ontario issued an order to close all         Based on recommendations from
publicly funded schools in Ontario for two   physicians at the Shelter Health
weeks following March break, in              Network, external access to our Men’s
response to the emergence of COVID-          Shelter and Inasmuch House is
19. This means that Ontario schools          restricted with the exception of essential
have been ordered to remain closed from      individuals (such as physicians). Social
Saturday, March 14 through to Sunday,        distancing practices are in place for
April 5, 2020.                               meal times and sleeping arrangements.
The City of Hamilton has given the           People seeking assistance will not be
direction to close all Early ON Child and    turned away.
Family Centres that are not in schools.
Wesley will also be closing the Child        HOUSING
Care Centre, 80 Queen St. N.
FAMILY/FRIEND/SELF                           Indwell 905-529-0454
RESOURCES                                    Indwell is a charitable organization that
                                             provides a range of supportive housing
Mission Services:                            options in the City of Hamilton.
Addictions: 905-528-0389
                                             Independent apartments are offered with
Good Food Centre: 905-528-4212
                                             deeply affordable rents and supports that
ext. 1101
                                             vary by building. These include access to
Inasmuch 24 Hour Crisis: 905-
                                             mental health nursing, addiction support,
Men’s Shelter: 905-528-7635                  social recreation, peer support, and
Willow’s Place: 905-528-5100 ext.            housing supports. Select programs offer
1200                                         food security assistance. Services are
Care and support from loved ones is vital    accessible on site. For the duration of the
to recovery. Family members and friends      COVID-19 situation, Indwell will continue to
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